Technorati Weblog: Microformats services updates
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Tags: <a href="" rel="tag" title="Technorati Weblog posts about: Technorati News">Technorati News</a></h4> <p><br/> If you're not familiar with <a href="">hCard</a> or <a href="">hCalendar</a>, they are simple ways to encode information about people and events in HTML pages. They are two of many microformats that are developed by a community at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Now, on to the improvements. For the last year, our service has been running <a href="">Brian Suda</a>'s <a href="">open source X2V</a> code on a single server with PHP 4. We've now upgraded to redundant servers and PHP 5.2.</p> <p>The redundancy will greatly increase our uptime. You can rely on this service being up all the time (barring general outages).</p> <p>This means that you can easily mark up your contact information with hcard (see <a href="">the hCard authoring page</a>) and add a link for people to download a vCard version, which can be imported into address book applications. There's no need for you to publish a separate vCard file (which you'd have to keep in sync with the HTML version), we'll build it for you on the fly.</p> <p>The switch from PHP 4 to PHP 5.2 also means a switch in XSLT libraries (which X2V relies on) from Sablotron to libxml2. This gives us about 1.5 orders of magnitude improvement in performance. For example, before the switch it would take about 35-40 seconds to fetch and convert Tantek's homepage. Now it takes around 0.7 seconds. Major gratitude to PHP and libxml developers for creating high performance software.</p> <p>Also, in this upgrade, we've moved <a href=""></a> to production hardware. In addition to the performance boost from switching to PHP 5.2, it now has improved uptime– you can count on it being up.</p> <p>If your service or tool publishes microformats, it would be very easy to add pinging whenever a piece of content is published or updated. And if you're interested in indexing microformats, we'll send the pings along to your service. See <a href="">pingerati's about page</a> for more information.</p> <div class="more"><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </div> </div> <div id="pages" class="box"> <a href="" title="Previous post">« The new Vlog has arrived, and it's called Buzz TV</a> <b class="cn tl"></b> <b class="cn tr"></b> <b class="cn br"></b> <b class="cn bl"></b> </div> </div> </div> <div id="extra"> <div id="blogarchives" class="section"> <form id="archivemonth" action="#"> <h2>View Archived Posts</h2> <p> <label for="montharchive">by month</label> <select name="select1" id="montharchive" onchange="surfto(this.form)"> <option selected="selected" value="/">Select Month</option> <option value="">December 2006</option> <option value="">November 2006</option> <option value="">October 2006</option> <option value="">September 2006</option> <option value="">August 2006</option> <option value="">July 2006</option> <option value="">May 2006</option> <option value="">April 2006</option> <option value="">February 2006</option> <option value="">January 2006</option> <option value="">December 2005</option> <option value="">November 2005</option> <option value="">October 2005</option> <option value="">September 2005</option> <option value="">August 2005</option> <option value="">July 2005</option> <option value="">June 2005</option> <option value="">May 2005</option> </select> </p> </form> <form id="archivetags" action="#"> <p> <label for="tagarchive">by category</label> <select id="tagarchive" name="select1" onchange="surfto(this.form)"> <option selected="selected" value="/">Select Tag</option> <option value="">Blogging</option> <option value="">Blogosphere</option> <option value="">Contests</option> <option value="">Events</option> <option value="">Favorites</option> <option value="">Pop Culture</option> <option value="">Technorati News</option> <option value="">World News</option> <option value="">widgets</option> </select> </p> </form> <!-- <form id="searchall" method="get" action=""> <p> <label for="wlsearchall">Search all blogs:</label> <input type="hidden" name="sub" value="searchlet" /> <input id="wlsearchall" size="15" type="text" name="url" maxlength="255" value="" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold;" /> </p> </form> --> <p><a href="/web/20070108082014/" class="feed" title="Subscribe to the Technorati Blog">Subscribe</a></p> <br/> <!-- begin ZEDO for channel: TECHNORATI.COM ROS , publisher: Technorati , Ad Dimension: Wide Skyscraper - 160 x 600 --> <div class="zedo"> <script type="text/javascript"> var zflag_nid="577"; var zflag_cid="32"; var zflag_sid="1"; var zflag_width="160"; var zflag_height="600"; var zflag_sz="7"; var zflag_kw=""; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <noscript> <p><a href=";c=32;s=1;x=1792;u=j;q=;z=1168244413"><img width="160" height="600" src=";c=32;s=1;x=1792;u=j;q=;z=1168244413" alt="Click here"/></a></p> </noscript> </div> <!-- end ZEDO for channel: TECHNORATI.COM ROS , publisher: Technorati , Ad Dimension: Wide Skyscraper - 160 x 600 --> </div> </div> </div></div> <div id="footer"><div class="b"> <ul class="nav navlinks"> <li class="first"><a href="/web/20070108082014/">Ping Us</a></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="">Mobile</a></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="/web/20070108082014/">Technorati Blog</a></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="/web/20070108082014/">Developer Center</a></li> <li>·</li> <li> <a href="/web/20070108082014/">Technorati Tools</a> </li> </ul> <ul id="footersub" class="nav navlinks"> <li class="first"><span id="copyright">© Technorati, Inc.</span></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="">Technorati Japan</a></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="" rel="license" title="Technorati is licensed under a Creative Commons License">CC License</a></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="/web/20070108082014/"><abbr title="Digital Millennium Copyright Act">DMCA</abbr></a></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="/web/20070108082014/">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="/web/20070108082014/">Terms of Service</a></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="/web/20070108082014/">Contact Us</a></li> <li>·</li> <li><a href="/web/20070108082014/">About Us</a></li> </ul> <!-- Begin pageImpression --> <script type="text/javascript"> var zzt=new Image(); zzt.src=""; </script> <noscript> <div><img width="1" height="1" alt="" src=""/></div> </noscript> <!-- End pageImpression --> <!-- Begin ZEDO --> <script type="text/javascript"> var zzp=new Image(); zzp.src=";c=577000000;x=3840;n=577;e=i;i=0;s=1;z="+Math.random();</script> <noscript> <p><img width="1" height="1" alt="" src=";g=0;c=577000000;x=3840;n=577;i=0;e=i;s=1;z=1168244413"/></p> </noscript> <!-- End ZEDO --> </div></div> <!-- elapsed render: 0.0012 --> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 08:20:14 Jan 08, 2007 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 05:20:34 Mar 04, 2025. 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