{"title":"Electronic Voting System using Mobile Terminal","authors":"Keonwoo Kim, Dowon Hong","volume":8,"journal":"International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering","pagesStart":1117,"pagesEnd":1122,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/14194","abstract":"Electronic voting (E-voting) using an internet has been\r\nrecently performed in some nations and regions. There is no spatial\r\nrestriction which a voter directly has to visit the polling place, but an\r\ne-voting using an internet has to go together the computer in which the\r\ninternet connection is possible. Also, this voting requires an access\r\ncode for the e-voting through the beforehand report of a voter. To\r\nminimize these disadvantages, we propose a method in which a voter,\r\nwho has the wireless certificate issued in advance, uses its own cellular\r\nphone for an e-voting without the special registration for a vote. Our\r\nproposal allows a voter to cast his vote in a simple and convenient way\r\nwithout the limit of time and location, thereby increasing the voting\r\nrate, and also ensuring confidentiality and anonymity.","references":"[1] X. Y. Cerone and P. Y. Zhang, \"Secure Electronic Voting for Mobile\r\nCommunications,\" Vehicular Technology Conference, 2006. VTC\r\n2006-Spring. IEEE 63rd, Vol. 2, 2006, Page(s):836 - 840.\r\n[2] J. D. Cohen and M. J. Fisher, \"A robust and verifiable cryptographically\r\nsecure election system,\" In Proc. 26th IEEE Symp. On Foundations of\r\nComp. Science, pp 372-382, Portland, 1985.\r\n[3] A. C. Yao, \"How to generate and exchange secrets,\" In Proc. of 27th IEEE\r\nSymp. On Foundations of Comp. Science, pp 162-167, Toronto, 1986.\r\n[4] KR Patent, Application Number: 2005-0088243, \"Electronic voting\r\nsystem using internet\", Korea, 2005.\r\n[5] http:\/\/\r\n[6] C. S. Park, K. Itoh, and K. Kurosawa, \"Efficient anonymous channel and\r\nall\/nothing election scheme,\" EROCRYPT 93, pp 248-259,\r\nSpringer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 765, 1994.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 8, 2007"}