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This helps us to keep the site free of charge.</li> <li>With user consent, to market services to individuals&#39; users.</li> </ul> <p class="">There may be additional privacy policies that apply to certain services on</p><p class="">Please read these at the time you register or subscribe for these services on these sites.</p><p class="">Please follow the links below for further information.</p><h3 id="toc_1">Our principles</h3> <ul> <li><p class="">We do our utmost to protect user privacy through the appropriate use of the security technology. This means: 
- we ensure that we have appropriate physical and technological security measures to protect your information
- we ensure that when we outsource any processes that the service provider has appropriate security measures.</p></li> <li><p class="">We will respect your privacy. You should receive marketing emails only from DMG and, if you choose, from carefully chosen third parties.</p></li> <li><p class="">It will be made clear to you where you have these choices; for example, tick boxes will let you decide whether you wish to receive marketing.</p></li> <li><p class="">We may, however, email you occasionally with information or queries about your registration, your subscription account or postings, for example, with reminders, warnings or copyright requests.</p></li> <li><p class="">We will collect and use individual user details only where we have legitimate business reasons and are legally entitled to do so.</p></li> <li><p class="">We will be transparent in our dealings with you as to what information about you we will collect and how we will use your information.</p></li> <li><p class="">We will use personal data only for the purpose(s) for which they were originally collected and we will ensure personal data are securely disposed of.</p></li> <li><p class="">Our site is accessible via the Internet. This means that, wherever you choose to post your data on the site, they can be accessed from anywhere around the world.</p></li> </ul> <h2 id="toc_2">How we use your information</h2> <h3 id="toc_3">What information do we collect?</h3> <p class="">We collect information on our users through registration and use of the website, through cookies, where you choose to disclose data in postings, and when you enter sales promotions and competitions (&quot;sales promotions&quot;).</p><p class="">Certain services that we provide may involve the collection by us of additional information, such as your geographic location from time to time, to enable the service to be provided as designed. In particular, this may apply to certain Apps that you download, or which we provide.</p><h3 id="toc_4">Registration</h3> <p class="">The minimum information we need to register a user is an email address and a password. We will ask further questions for different services, including sales promotions. Unless stated, all registration questions are compulsory.</p><p class="">We may also ask some further, voluntary questions during registration for certain services (for example, Classifieds, or Registration for Events) so we can gain a clearer understanding of our users. This also enables us to personalise services for our users.</p><h3 id="toc_5">Logging in using social networking credentials</h3> <p class="">If you login to using a Facebook login as a means of authentication you grant permission to Facebook to share your user details. This will include your name, email address, date of birth and location which will then be used to form a Dawn USER, and you may use your picture from Facebook as part of your profile. Authenticating also permits the sharing of your gender, networks, user ID and any other information you choose to share according to your Facebook account settings. If you remove the Dawn app from your Facebook settings, our access to this additional information will cease.</p><p class="">If you login to using a twitter login as a means of authentication we receive your avatar and twitter username.</p><h3 id="toc_6">Use of children&#39;s data</h3> <p class="">Except for Young World, does not knowingly collect or store any personal information about children under the age of 16.</p><p class="">Young World online is a service for children, which requires parental consent to join, no personal information on children is displayed on the site, and all contributions are moderated prior to being published.</p><h3 id="toc_7">Who we share data with</h3> <p class="">We will not share your personal information with others for marketing purposes unless you have given us your permission. With your permission we will share your information only with carefully chosen third parties.</p><p class="">DMG may make available third party services; anyinformation, which is collected by DMG when you access a third party service, is processed under this Privacy Policy. Information collected by third party operators themselves is governed by their own privacy policies.</p><p class="">Please note that we reserve the right to access and disclose personal data to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests, to operate our systems properly and to protect both our users and ourselves.</p><p class="">Any third parties who access your data in the course of providing services on our behalf are subject to strict contractual restrictions to ensure that your data is protected, and in compliance with applicable data protection/privacy legislation. We may also independently audit these service providers to ensure that they meet our standards. We may use service providers to help us run these site or services available on the sites, some of which may be based outside of Pakistan.</p><p class="">Some DMG webpages use plugins from third party platforms (such as the &#39;Facebook Recommend&#39; function). These third arty providers may collect information about your visit to DMG websites on these pages. If you browse these pages whilst still also logged in to your account on the third party platform, information collected by the third party may be connected to your account on the third party platform. For more information on how these third parties use information, please read their privacy policies.</p><h3 id="toc_8">Use of Cookies</h3> <p class="">We use cookies for a number of reasons:</p><ul> <li><p class="">For statistical purposes to track how many individual unique users we have and how often they visit our websites. We collect data listing which of our pages are most frequently visited and by which types of users and from which countries.</p></li> <li><p class="">We use third parties to collect anonymous user information, sometimes through cookies and web beacons. Click here to learn more about how we use a third party service to collect and use information on</p></li> <li><p class="">DMG and third party advertisers will generate statistical cookies to track advertising impressions and conversions.</p></li> <li><p class="">Placing cookies on your computer means we can serve you adverts that you might be more interested in, and allows us to control the number of times you see them and measure how effective the ad campaign has been. This helps us to keep the site free of charge.</p></li> <li><p class="">Flash cookies may be used to store user preferences for media player functionality and without them some video content may not render correctly.

You can turn cookies off but if you do this you may not be able to use all services on our websites and you might see more pop-ups and other intrusive advertising, as we won&#39;t be able to limit what you see using cookies. You will, however, still be able to view editorial content.</p></li> </ul> <p class="">For more information about cookies and managing them, including how to turn them off, please visit our page on Cookies.</p><p class="">By using the sites you are agreeing to the use of cookies as described.</p><h3 id="toc_9">About our advertising</h3> <p class="">We use targeted advertising, which allows us to deliver visitors to our website directed to your interests.</p><p class="">As you browse, some of the cookies we place on your computer will be advertising cookies, so we can understand what sort of pages you are interested in.</p><p class="">This information we collect about behavior on your computer enables us to group it with computers that show similar behavior. 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Advertisers or affiliates never influence our articles, nor are they written for the purpose of promoting a product, except when clearly branded as a &#39;sponsored feature&#39; or &#39;advertisement feature&#39; or &#39;sponsor&#39;s content&#39;.</p><h3 id="toc_11">Legal information and how to contact us</h3> <p class="">For the purposes of data protection please contact</p><p class="">If you would like to obtain a copy of the personal data we hold on you, or have any queries regarding DMG use of personal data please contact the Data Protection Manager at the above address.</p><h3 id="toc_12">Changes to the privacy policy</h3> <p class="">Should we elect to change our privacy policy we will post the changes here. Where the changes are significant, we may also choose to email all our registered users with the new details. 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