Freight Planning - Planning - FHWA
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</div> <div id="breadcrumb"> <a href="/">FHWA</a> <span class="bcarrow">→</span> <a href="/planning/">Planning</a> </div> <a id="fhwacontent"></a><a id="top"></a> <a id="content"></a> <div id="pagecontents"> <h1>Freight Planning</h1> <p>The Freight Planning web site has been jointly developed by the FHWA Offices of Planning and <a href="">Freight Management & Operations</a>. Freight planning is an important component of statewide and metropolitan transportation planning processes. Input from a variety of public and private stakeholders—State DOTs, MPOs, freight modes, general public—must be considered to successfully integrate freight planning into these existing transportation planning processes. It is the goal of the FHWA Office of Planning and Office of Freight Management and Operations to provide you with a variety of resources to enable you to make informed decisions regarding freight planning in your state.</p> <h2>Featured Topics</h2> <ul> <li> <p><a href="/planning/freight_planning/publications/national-freight-resiliency-peer-exchange-summary.pdf">National Peer Exchange on Freight Resiliency for Climate-Related Disruptions Executive Summary Report (October 2023)</a> <br> This report summarizes the key takeaways from the National Peer Exchange on Freight Resiliency for Climate-Related Disruptions. The Peer Exchange convened State departments of transportation (State DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and local agencies to discuss how to approach freight resiliency and learn about current practices in freight resiliency across the country. This event was sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).</p> <p><a href="guidebook/index.cfm">A Guidebook for Engaging the Private Sector in Freight Transportation Planning</a> (or <a href="guidebook/guidebook.pdf">PDF</a>, 5.8MB)<br> This guidebook is intended for usage primarily by state transportation agencies (State DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in their efforts to obtain input from private sector and other freight stakeholders in the development of statewide and metropolitan long range transportation plans (SLRTP/MTP), transportation improvement programs (TIPs), and other freight-related initiatives.</p> </li> <li><p><a href="">Quick Response Freight Manual II</a><br> Quick Response Freight Manual II is an update to the first edition developed for FHWA in 1996. Like its predecessor, the new edition provides background information on the freight transportation system and factors affecting freight demand, helps planners locate available data and freight-related forecasts compiled by others, shows how to apply this information in developing forecasts for specific facilities, and provides simple techniques and transferable parameters that can be used to develop freight vehicle trip tables.</p></li> <li><p><a href="/exit.cfm?link=">FPMweb Freight Performance Measures web tool</a> <br> Freight Performance Measures web tool allows users to access freight performance data through the internet. By utilizing the FPMweb tool, users can quickly assess the current state of freight mobility within their jurisdiction and conduct ongoing trend analyses over several months or years. A user must have an account to log into FPMweb. Users can request an account by clicking on the "Request an Account" button</p></li> <li><p><a href="talking_freight/index.cfm">Talking Freight Net-Conference Seminars</a> <sup>Closed Captioning Available</sup><br> These monthly FHWA-sponsored net-conference seminars provide a convenient and no-cost way for transportation practitioners to broaden their freight knowledge base and develop new skills to help them do their jobs better. Recorded sessions of previous seminars are also available on the Talking Freight link. An one-time, easily downloadable plug-in is required for first-time users, and is available at time of registration.</p></li> <li><p><a href="/exit.cfm?link=">Freight Planning Peer Exchange LISTSERV</a><br> The FHWA Freight Planning Listserv is a public listserv created for practitioners in the arena of freight planning and those interested in the topic, and is intended to disseminate information on innovative or best-case practices for meeting metropolitan and statewide freight transportation planning needs.</p></li> <li><p><a href="/exit.cfm?link="> Transportation Clubs International</a><br> Transportation Clubs International ("TCI") is a professional association consisting of transportation clubs, companies and individuals in the United States, Canada and Mexico. TCI member clubs consist of recognized experts in transportation, logistics and supply chain management involving freight and people. The purpose of TCI is to create, stimulate and perpetuate discussion of topics relating to local and national transportation issues. Find a "traffic club" in your State, and get involved with the freight sector!</p></li> <li><p><a href="">Smartway Transport Partnership, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency</a><br> The SmartWaySM Transport Partnership is a voluntary collaboration between U.S. EPA and the freight industry designed to increase energy efficiency while significantly reducing greenhouse gases and air pollution. SmartWay Transport Partners lead the way towards a cleaner, more efficient transportation future by adopting fuel-saving strategies that increase profits and reduce emissions -- a "win-win" opportunity for all.</p></li> <li> <p><a href="">State of the Practice Scan: Freight Resilience Planning in the Face of Climate-Related Disruption</a> (June 2022) <br> The purpose of this research is to summarize the state of the practice for freight resiliency planning. Freight planning by public sector agencies is still a relatively new discipline. Given that climate change is causing more frequent and more severe extreme weather events and that these events are increasingly disrupting the movement of goods and services across the United States, this research provides a summary of current practices, methods, and gaps in freight resiliency planning to inform the development and improvement of freight resiliency planning to address climate change and extreme weather risks.</p> </li> <li><p><a href="/planning/tpea/">Transportation Planning Excellence Awards</a><br> The open nomination period begins in December of the year that precedes the biennial award year. Freight planning is a separate award category, under which focused considerations are given to planning practices that:</p> <ul> <li>Ensures efficient, seamless, and secure freight flow within and across U.S. borders; </li> <li>Effectively considers rail, commercial motor vehicle, waterway, and aviation facilities elements and connections throughout the transportation planning process; </li> <li>Incorporates freight analysis (e.g. size/weight dynamics), inter-modal coordination, technology into transportation planning; or </li> <li>Provides ongoing coordination with public and private freight companies throughout transportation planning.</li> </ul></li></ul> </div></div> <div id="hepfoot"> <div id="updated">Updated: 1/31/2024</div> <a class="home" href="/hep/">HEP Home</a> <a href="/planning/">Planning</a> <a href="/environment/">Environment</a> <a href="/real_estate/">Real Estate</a></div> <!-- start fhwa footer --> <div id="fhwafooter"> <div class="fhwacontainer"> <div class="fhwasign" title="U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration"></div> <div class="noprint"><a href="/privacy.cfm">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="/foia/">Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)</a> | <a href="">Accessibility</a> | <a href="/webpolicies/publishschedule.cfm">Web Policies & Notices</a> | <a href="">No Fear Act</a> | <a href="">Report Waste, Fraud and Abuse</a> <br /> <a href="">U.S. DOT Home</a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a><br /><br /></div> <div> <a href="/">Federal Highway Administration</a> | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000 </div> </div> </div> <!-- end fhwa footer --> </body> </html>