Privacy Policy - John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

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&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Donations: &nbsp;The Foundation uses a third party, Network For Good, to process online donations to the Foundation made electronically through the Website. &nbsp;Any Personal Information you submit through the &ldquo;Donations&rdquo; section of the Website (including your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, credit card number, and relationship to the Foundation) to make an online donation is provided directly by you to Network For Good and will be used by Network For Good to process your transaction and generate an email receipt. &nbsp;Information provided by you to Network For Good is subject to Network For Good&rsquo;s privacy policy, which you can access by following this link.</p> <p><a class="LinkMore" href=";q=152">To view Network For Good's privacy policy.</a></p> <p>We do not control Network For Good&rsquo;s privacy policy and practices. &nbsp;Network For Good will provide the Foundation with certain personal information about you (including your name, billing address, email address, telephone number, donation amount and relationship to the Foundation, but not your credit card number) when you choose to make an online donation to the Foundation through the Website (unless you request that your donation remain anonymous, in which case the Foundation will not receive your name and contact information). &nbsp;The Foundation will use this information to produce and send to you an acknowledgement letter.</p> <h4 class="title">WITH WHOM YOUR INFORMATION IS SHARED&nbsp;</h4> <p>The Foundation will not share your Personal Information with any other company or third party without your permission, except as set forth above. &nbsp;We may, however, provide Personal Information to third parties in response to a subpoena or when we are required to do so by law, for example, in response to a court order or other legal obligation; in response to a law enforcement agency&rsquo;s request; to protect the security or confidentiality of our records; or in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with our rights.</p> <h4 class="title">OPT OUT</h4> <p>If you have provided the Foundation with your email address to receive email newsletters, you will be given the opportunity to opt-out or change any editable aspects of your subscription with the Foundation by accessing the link provided in the email. &nbsp;We will make a reasonable effort to handle your request promptly and efficiently.</p> <h4 class="title">TRACKING AND COOKIES&nbsp;</h4> <p>The Foundation collects non-personal information (IP addresses, for example) from visitors to help us understand how our site is being used. &nbsp;Like most websites, the Website may place a &ldquo;cookie,&rdquo; or small file, in the browser of a visitor&rsquo;s computer. &nbsp;This cookie will assign a user a unique number that allows the Foundation to save information so that the information does not need to be re-entered. &nbsp;We may use cookies to provide you with a more customized browsing experience while you are on the Website. &nbsp;If you refuse to allow us to place a cookie on your hard drive, you may be restricted from some pages and services on the Website. &nbsp;Our site may contain links to other sites that may use cookie technology. &nbsp;We do not have access to, or control over, these cookies.</p> <p>We may also track IP addresses, navigation patterns and requests made to our server when we monitor Website traffic. &nbsp;We use this information to improve the structure, content and general usability of the Website.</p> <h4 class="title">SECURITY OF YOUR INFORMATION &nbsp;</h4> <p>The Foundation uses reasonable precautions to protect your Personal Information and to store it securely. &nbsp;Personal Information that is transmitted to us online is encrypted during transmission and is transmitted to us securely. &nbsp;In addition, access to your Personal Information is reasonably restricted to prevent unauthorized access. &nbsp;Only employees of the Foundation are granted access to Personal Information. &nbsp;Access is password protected, and employees are advised that the information to which they have access is confidential and must be protected. &nbsp;Finally, the servers on which we store Personal Information are kept in a reasonably secure environment.</p> <p>We retain Personal Information collected from the Website for only as long as reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes for which the information was collected. &nbsp;Once such information is no longer required, we take steps to ensure that the information is destroyed in a reasonably secure manner.</p> <h4 class="title">CORRECTING / UPDATING YOUR INFORMATION&nbsp;</h4> <p>You may access and correct any editable aspect of your subscriptions with the Foundation, or correspond with us about your subscriptions or our policies, by contacting us at:</p> <p>John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation<br/> 90 Park Avenue <br/> New York, NY 10016</p> <h4 class="title">CHANGES IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY</h4> <p>Our privacy policy may change in the future. &nbsp;We encourage you to review this page periodically to understand our policy regarding our collection and use of Personal Information. &nbsp;The Effective Date of this policy, as stated below, indicates the last time this policy was revised or materially changed. &nbsp;Checking the Effective Date below allows you to determine whether there have been changes since the last time you reviewed the policy.</p> <p><br/> <strong>Effective December 9, 2008.</strong></p> </div> <div class="ClearFix"><!-- do not remove --></div> </div> </div> <!-- END: main column --> <!-- BEGIN: right column --> <div id="RightColumn"> <div class="wysiwyg-output"> </div> </div> <!-- END: right column --> <div class="ClearFix"><!-- do not remove --></div> <!-- BEGIN: footer --> <div id="FooterWrapper"> <div id="PageFooter"> <p><a href="">Privacy Policy</a><span>|</span><a href="">Terms of Use</a><span>|</span><a href="">Sitemap</a><span>|</span><a href=";id=5039a73dec" onclick="return newsletter_popup(';id=5039a73dec')" target="_blank">Sign up for Updates</a><span>|</span><a href="">Contact Us</a></p> <p>Copyright &copy; 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