Table of Contents - China Statistics Census
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Administrative Areas and Natural Resources </a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=18><a href="general_survey.html">2. General Survey </a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=18><a href="national_accounts.html">3. National Accounts</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=18><a href="population.html">4. Population</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=18><a href="employment_and_wages.html">5. Employment and Wages</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=18><a href="investment_in_fixed_assets.html">6. Investment in Fixed Assets</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=18><a href="energy.html">7. Energy</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=18><a href="government_finance.html">8. Government Finance</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=18><a href="price_indices.html">9. Price Indices</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="people_livelihood.html">10. People Livelihood</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="general_survey_of_cities.html">11. General Survey of Cities </a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="environment_protection.html">12. Environment Protection </a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="agriculture.html">13. Agriculture</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="industry.html">14. Industry</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="construction.html">15. Construction</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="transport_post_and_telecommunication_services.html">16. Transport, Post and Telecommunication Services</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="domestic_trade.html">17. Domestic Trade</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="foreign_trade_and_economic_cooperation.html">18. Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="tourism.html">19. Tourism</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="financial_intermediation.html">20. Financial Intermediation</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="education_science_and_technology.html">21. Education , Science and Technology</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="culture_sports_and_public_health.html">22. Culture, Sports and Public Health</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="other_social_activities.html">23. Other Social Activities</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="main_social_and_economic_indicators_of_hong_kong_special_administrative_region.html">24. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10><a href="main_social_and_economic_indicators_of_macao_special_administrative_region.html">25. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Macao Special Administrative Region</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10>APPENDIX I. <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=34><a href="main_social_and_economic_indicators_of_taiwan_province.html">Main Social and Economic Indicators of Taiwan Province</a> <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=10>APPENDIX II. <br> <img src="pixel.gif" height=1 width=34><a href="comparison_of_china_and_other_countries.html">Comparison of Indicators of China and Other Countries</a> <font color="#333333"> <BR class="desktop"><BR class="desktop"> <BR><BR> <a href="" target="_blank">Xian Tours</a>: China Xian tour operator offers Xian city tour packages to Provincial History Museum, City Wall, Terracotta Warriors and Horse Museum. A La Carte meal is offered with best service. <BR><BR> </font> <font color="#333333"> <BR class="desktop"> <BR class="desktop"> <BR class="desktop"> <BR class="desktop"> <center> <BR><BR> These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China. <BR><BR> Copyright © 2022 <a href="">Photius Coutsoukis</a> and <a href="">Information Technology Associates</a>, all rights reserved. <BR><BR> <BR><BR> <BR><BR> <BR><BR> </center> </font> </tr> </table> </center> </td> </tr> </table> <!--MAIN END--> <script> var str = window.location.href; var facebook = "" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href); var twitter = "" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href); var linkedin = "" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) + "&title=&summary=&source="; document.getElementById("facebook_link").href = facebook; document.getElementById("twitter_link").href = twitter; document.getElementById("linkedin_link").href = linkedin; document.getElementById("facebook_link_des").href = facebook; document.getElementById("twitter_link_des").href = twitter; document.getElementById("linkedin_link_des").href = linkedin; </script> </table><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!--35402--> <div style="position:absolute;left:-12653px;width:1000px;">Q7 Pokies - <a href="">Q7CC</a> Casino Australia.</div><!--35402--></body> </html>