Specialized Workshop M2 - WRIB

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Challenges</li> <li> Novel Case Studies</li> <li> Emerging Approaches</li> <li> Regulatory Standards</li> </ul> <h5>3-DAY Main Workshop</h5> <ul> <li>No Overlap Parallel Sessions</li> <li>Flexibility to Choose Main Workshop DAYs</li> </ul> <h5> 7 full-day Specialized Workshops</h5> <ul> <li> Spread throughout the week</li> <li> Each with an in-depth Focus to maximize your learning process</li> </ul> <h5> Personalized Agenda </h5> <ul> <li> Choose your Main Workshop DAYs</li> <li> Then Combine with Specialized Workshops of your interest</li> </ul> <h5> Questions to Regulators </h5> <ul> <li> Ask them directly to regulators at WRIB</li> <li> Or Submit yours questions before WRIB if you want to be anonymous</li> </ul> <h5> Complete Speakers Slides </h5> <ul> <li> Distributed BEFORE meeting</li> </ul> <h5> Poster Awards </h5> <ul> <li> Free Registration for Next WRIB</li> <li> Interviewed by Bioanalysis Journal</li> <li> Appear in a speical feature report in the Bioanalysis Journal and on Bioanalysis Zone</li> </ul> <!-- <h5>Main Workshop</h5> <ul> <li>Regulators' Advice</li> <li>Regulators' Panel</li> <li>LBA, Flow, qPCR</li> <li>Mass Spectrometry</li> <li>Hybrid & HRMS</li> <li>Emerging Technologies</li> <li>Multiple Technologies App.</li> </ul> <h5>Specialized Workshops </h5> <ul> <li>Biomarkers Development</li> <li>Immunogenicity Harmonization</li> <li>Cell & Gene Therapy</li> <li>Vaccines</li> <li>BMV Guidances</li> <li>Mass Spec of Proteins</li> <li>Critical Reagents</li> <li>Innovation Cytometry</li> </ul> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-9 content-live"> <div class="main-workshop content"> <div class="allpge_subtitle txt_center mrgntop_10"><span class="theme-blue daytxt"><strong>Specialized Workshop M2</strong></span> - <strong>Monday April 07, 2025: 7am to 5:40pm</strong> - Discussion Topic List</div> <h3 class="mrgntop_2 theme-red lne_hgt">"Biomarkers Discovery, Development, Validation & Regulatory Approval - Latest Advances, Challenges and Solutions from Internationally Recognized Key Opinion Leaders"</h3> <div class="theme-blue center" align="center"><p>Advances in <strong>Translational Science</strong> from <strong>Discovery</strong>/<strong>Exploratory</strong> Biomarkers to <strong>Clinical</strong>/<strong>Confirmatory</strong> Biomarkers; Latest Case Studies to Identify & Validate Relevant Biomarkers by <strong>LBA</strong> & <strong>Mass Spec</strong> and Challenge with <strong>Assay Sensitivity</strong>; Recent Developments in <strong>Vaccine Biomarkers LBA</strong> Validation; Impact of <strong>New Regulations</strong> for Biomarker Testing: US <strong>CLIA</strong>, US <strong>LDT Proposed Rule</strong> and EU <strong>IVDR</strong>; <strong>CDx</strong> Assay Development for <strong>Gene Therapy Patient Selection</strong>/<strong>Stratification</strong> and <strong>Drug Response Monitoring</strong>; Cutting-Edge <strong>Multiplex</strong>/<strong>OMICs</strong>/<strong>High-Plex</strong> Technologies in Discovery Biomarkers and Challenges in <strong>Data Integration</strong>; Implementing <strong>Clinical Biomarkers</strong> as <strong>Primary Endpoints</strong>; Novel Data on Lesson Learned from Using <strong>New Platforms</strong> in Real-Life Situations; Current Best Practices on <strong>Complex</strong>/<strong>Tissue Biomarkers</strong>; And LASTLY, WRIB Traditional<strong> KOL Industry/Regulators</strong> Focused and Highly Interactive Panel Discussions on Biomarker Assays, BAV, IVD, CDx, LDT and Recent <strong>Controversial Issues</strong></p></div> <div class="work-days workshop_days_individual"> <h4 class="allpge_subtitle">Session 1: Latest Strategies for Biomarker Assays Bridging & Trending, Tissue Quantification and Range Definition </h4> <div class="greybg greybg_pdngt1 workshopdays_topics"> <ul> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 1:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Strategies for <strong>Bridging Biomarker Assays</strong> to support <strong>PD Assessments</strong> in Clinical Development: Requirements to demonstrate <strong>precision over time</strong>, with <strong>minimal assay drift</strong> even as <strong>new lots of critical reagents</strong> are introduced; Using Sandwich LBA to measure <strong>longitudinal changes</strong> in a Protein Biomarker; How can lot bridging <strong>acceptance criteria</strong> be defined to minimize assay drift over time? What are the appropriate actions if assay <strong>drift criteria are not met</strong>? </span> <br> <b>Dr. Sarah Bond</b>, Senior Director Bioanalytical Sciences, Alnylam </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue"><strong>Strategies for Trending Vaccine Biomarker Assay</strong>: Understanding&nbsp;<strong>strengths and limitations</strong> of&nbsp;trending methodologies to avoid missing trends or starting <strong>unnecessary investigations</strong>; Different trending methodologies are more sensitive to different patterns in data, which can result in <strong>differences in when trending alarms</strong> show up; Assessing whether a <strong>trend is real</strong>, when a trend shows up with one methodology and not with the other, more investigation is needed. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Jeroen Stoop</b>, Director Clinical Science , J&J Innovative Medicine </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 3:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Latest<strong> Bioanalytical Consideration </strong>for <strong>Tissue Biomarker Quantification</strong>: Pro and cons of <strong>non-liquid tissue structure proteins</strong> as PD/response biomarkers. Challenges of developing tissue structure proteins as biomarkers; How to generate <strong>appropriate reference material</strong> if target protein is an endogenous protein? How to demonstrate the <strong>assay signal specificity</strong> if no true negative control can be obtained? How to minimize <strong>matrix interference</strong> and demonstrate minimum matrix effect and good dilution linearity? </span> <br> <b>Dr. Xiaodong Fang</b>, Senior Director Bioanalysis & Bioassays, ASKBIO </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 4:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue"><strong>Defining Vaccine Biomarker Assay Range</strong>: Statistical implications with regards to limits definition and considerations on clinical trial analysis and reporting; Defining assay boundaries as one of the main missions of the assay characterization effort; <strong>LLOQ/ULOQ </strong>defined based on precision &amp; accuracy or dilutional linearity; <strong>Pros/cons of the different approaches</strong> considering the conditions in which each approach seems the most appropriate. </span> <br> <b>Mr. Francis Dessy</b>, Director & Senior Advisor Regulatory, GlaxoSmithKline </p> </li> </ul> </div> <h4 class="allpge_subtitle">Session 2: Impact of Minor/Major Changes on Biomarker Assays Performance: Automation, Singlicate Analysis, Formats </h4> <div class="greybg greybg_pdngt1 workshopdays_topics"> <ul> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 5:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">How to <strong>Control Impact of a Major Change in a Vaccine Biomarker Assay</strong>? Minor changes as new reagent lot qualification requesting simple <strong>bridging testing</strong> to <strong>ensure assay performance</strong> vs Major changes requesting specific control strategies based on a <strong>Risk Assessment</strong> as method transfer and <strong>Assay Automation</strong>; Risk assessment outcome, type of change made on the assay, <strong>intended use</strong> of the assay, justifying the change strategy proposed.&nbsp; </span> <br> <b>Mr. Karl Walravens</b>, Head of High Throughput Clinical Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 6:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Understanding the <strong>Pros &amp; Cons of Automating Biomarker Assays</strong>: Pros - improved data reproducibility, <strong>increased throughput through miniaturization</strong>, increased capacity per analyst, reduced physical injury to analysts; Cons - <strong>costs</strong> that need to be considered, including upfront capital investment, time needed for <strong>design/install/testing of system</strong>, equipment malfunction and maintenance, technically skilled analysts, and more; Evaluation for automation implemented in&nbsp;assays with great success vs less success. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Emily Gomme</b>, Senior Director Viral Immunoassays, Pfizer </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 7:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Strategies for <strong>Implementing Automation for Protein Biomarkers Assays </strong>and<strong> Vaccine Biomarker Assays</strong>: Method development, assay validation, and application of <strong>LBA</strong> <strong>Singlicate Analysis</strong>; Evaluation of different strategies for implementing automation; Workflow for singlicate analysis and key decision-making points; Assessment of Performance comparison between <strong>automated and manual assays</strong> and between <strong>singlicate and duplicate</strong> with focus on repeatability, intermediate precision, and sensitivities. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Liang Zhu</b>, Director Clinical Biomarker Laboratory , Moderna </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 8:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue"><strong>Impact of Assay Formats on Readouts of Biomarker Assays</strong>: How the result are impacted by the format may not be intrinsically obvious; Direct impact on readout of <strong>step titer vs continuous titer</strong> and whether a value is above or below a threshold; Impact on measured antibody concentrations by assays &nbsp;run on <strong>solid matrix vs a liquid matrix</strong>; killing assay vs an uptake assay, <strong>96-well vs 384-well format</strong>, and <strong>multiplexed assays</strong>. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Ingrid Scully</b>, Executive Director & Head of Clinical Immunology, Pfizer </p> </li> </ul> </div> <h4 class="allpge_subtitle">Session 3: Advancements in Autoantibody, Influenza, Neurofilament Biomarker Assays </h4> <div class="greybg greybg_pdngt1 workshopdays_topics"> <ul> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 9:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Advancements in <strong>Autoantibody Profiling</strong>, <strong>Emerging Technologies</strong> and their <strong>Clinical Impact</strong>: Critical role of autoantibodies as <strong>early biomarkers</strong> for cancer and autoimmune disorders; Evaluation <strong>of high-throughput profiling technologies</strong> and their capabilities/technical highlights; Technical challenges &nbsp;with <strong>single plex Autoantibody assay</strong> during assay development and validation; Diving deeper into &nbsp;technical aspects, addressing <strong>optimizing detection sensitivity</strong> and <strong>improving antigen stability</strong>; Approaches in identifying disease-specific autoantibodies and aiding in patient stratification. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Kai Wang</b>, Director Biomarker & Bioanalytical Platform, GlaxoSmithKline </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 10:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Novel <strong>Proteomics-based Biomarker Approaches</strong> for Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (<strong>CIDP</strong>): Value of using <strong>plasma proteomics</strong> and <strong>Autoantibodies Detection </strong>for identification of <strong>novel, quantifiable biomarkers</strong> in complex autoimmune disease; Development of a <strong>new tool for quantitative screening</strong> of CIDP-relevant autoantibody; Understanding <strong>Plasma cytokine </strong>and<strong> chemokine dynamics</strong> in patients with CIDP compared to healthy controls. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Alexander Braun</b>, Associate Director Biomarker Discovery & Bioanalytical Lead, Takeda </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 11:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Application of <strong>Singlicate Testing</strong> for <strong>New Emerging Influenza Biomarker Assay</strong>: &nbsp;Use of surrogate biomarkers of efficacy to allow accelerated approval of vaccines on new emerging strains &amp; technologies; Insights on <strong>HAI assay</strong> measuring antibody response to HA antigen and on <strong>Neuraminidase Inhibition Assay (NAI)</strong> measuring antibody responses to flu NA antigen; Employing singlicate testing with <strong>acceptable Precision &amp; Trending</strong> to provide actionable insights into <strong>clinical response</strong>. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Andrei Avanesov</b>, Associate Director Clinical Biomarkers, Moderna </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 12:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Recent Advancements in <strong>Fluid Biomarker Development Strategies</strong> <strong>Supporting Late-Stage Clinical Trials</strong>: Overcoming challenges in the implementation of <strong>Neurofilament Light Chain (NfL)</strong> <strong>Biomarkers Assay</strong> for patient enrollment; NfL <strong>Protein Biomarker</strong> used in neuromuscular diseases to help diagnose, monitor, and treat conditions; Highlighting the path <strong>from</strong> <strong>method development to implementation</strong> of neurofilament in <strong>clinical trials</strong>; Discussing the importance of <strong>early definition of COU </strong>for biomarkers to support clinical trials. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Carrie Rubel</b>, Director & Head of Fluid Biomarkers, Biogen </p> </li> </ul> </div> <h4 class="allpge_subtitle">Session 4: Latest Developments in Biomarkers/CDx, IVDs and LDTs Regulatory Framework </h4> <div class="greybg greybg_pdngt1 workshopdays_topics"> <ul> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 13:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Updated considerations on <strong>EU IVDR &amp; US FDA Final Rule</strong> and their significant impact on <strong>Patient Selection Biomarkers</strong>: IVDR in implementation since <strong>2022</strong>, but continues <strong>to be amended</strong>, under pressure of different stakeholders; <strong>Final Rule</strong> was published <strong>only in 2024</strong> but has already stirred a large reaction in the US impacting the use <strong>LDTs</strong> that could also have an effect on the conduct of <strong>clinical trials.</strong> </span> <br> <b>Dr. Gerard Sanderink</b>, Global Head Biomarkers & Clinical Bioanalyses, Sanofi </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 14:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Necessity for <strong>Biomarkers/CDx Assays to Detect Preexisting anti-AAV antibody</strong> based on Regulatory Agencies Requirements, Patient Selection Criteria, and the Assessment of Risks and Benefits: For anti-AAV antibody detection, there is <strong>no standard cut-off</strong> &nbsp;since it depends on &nbsp;<strong>CDx assay</strong>, clinical study, and drug product; Determining viable cut-off from <strong>in vitro transduction inhibition</strong>, in vivo animal studies as well as passive immunization in rodents.&nbsp; </span> <br> <b>Dr. Melis McHency</b>, Associate Director Precision Medicine, Regeneron </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 15:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">Evolution of <strong>Biomarkers/CDx Assay Development</strong> and where it might be going: Development for Biomarkers/CDx assay moving from <strong>Target-oriented</strong> design to<strong> Personal Medicine</strong>; How Biomarkers can help to shift medicine from reactionary to preventative; Use of Biomarkers/CDx assay <strong>outside oncology</strong>; Development of Biomarkers/CDx for&nbsp;<strong>Immunology, Neurology and Cardiovascular Clinical Trials</strong>; Strategies for&nbsp;<strong>Selection of Biomarkers/CDx</strong> to find the <strong>best candidates</strong> for the therapy; <strong>Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA)</strong> detection and analysis through blood test as a <strong>liquid biopsy</strong>; Current use of ctDNA in cancer drug development offering several significant advantages and opportunities. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Agnes Seyda</b>, Director Precision Medicine, Bristol Myers Squibb </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 2:</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>T-cell Engager (BiTE) Immunogenicity & Associated Cytokine Release</b>: Pasotuximab Lesson Learned and Cytokine Measurement Strategy</span> <br> <b>Dr. Andreas Wolf</b>, Global Head Bioanalytical Sciences, Amgen</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Topic 16:</i></p> <p class=""> <span class="theme-blue">The Most Currently Experience on how to deal with <strong>LDT/IVD/IVDR</strong>: Updated Recommendations for paving the path in this complex space; How <strong>CROs</strong> are dealing with <strong>US FDA Final Rule </strong>and <strong>EU IVDR</strong>; Using <strong>Novel Case Studies</strong> to share the聽unique <strong>perspective</strong> in this space; Understanding & further developing/updating the previous WRIB Recommendation on this topic: <strong>2023 & 2024 White Paper in Bioanalysis</strong>; What鈥檚 new? Forethought about how current industry experience might shape future thinking and practices. </span> <br> <b>Dr. Amanda Hays</b>, Executive Director & Scientific Officer, Bioagilytix </p> </li> </ul> </div> <h4 class="allpge_subtitle">Session 5: 2025 White Paper in Bioanalysis</h4> <div class="greybg greybg_pdngt1 workshopdays_topics"> <ul> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>2025 White Paper on Biomarkers Discovery, Development, Validation & Regulatory Approval - Latest Advances, Challenges and Solutions from Internationally Recognized Key Opinion Leaders</i></p> <p><span class="theme-blue"><b>Consensus & Conclusions on Biomarkers Discovery, Development, Validation & Regulatory Approval - Latest Advances, Challenges and Solutions from Internationally Recognized Key Opinion Leaders</b> for 2025 White Paper</span></p> </li> </ul> </div> <h4 class="allpge_subtitle">Session Finale: ASK THE REGULATORS! Interactive Panel Discussion with All the Regulators</h4> <div class="greybg greybg_pdngt1 workshopdays_topics"> <ul> <li> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><span class="theme-blue"><b>Regulatory Feedbacks on Submitted Studies and Inspection/Audit Outcomes on Biomarkers & CDx/BAV</b></span></p> <p class="mrgnbtm_0"><i>Regulatory Panelists:</i></p> <ul><li><strong>Mr. Abbas Bandukwala</strong> (US FDA)</li><li><strong>Ms. Leslie Wagner</strong> (US FDA)</li><li><strong>Dr. Binsheng Gong</strong> (US FDA)</li><li><strong>Dr. Wenming Xiao</strong> (US FDA)</li><li><strong>Dr. Alessandra Buoninfante</strong> (EU EMA)</li><li><strong>Dr. Olga Kholmanskikh</strong> (Belgium FAMHP / EU EMA)</li><li><strong>Dr. Anna Nowocin</strong> (UK MHRA)</li><li><strong>Dr. Bradley Scott</strong> (Health Canada)</li><li><strong>Dr. Chad Irwin</strong> (Health Canada)</li><li><strong>Dr. Sarah Wassmer</strong> (Health Canada)</li><li><strong>Mr. Joao Tavares Neto</strong> (Brazil ANVISA)</li></ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <br/><br/><br/><br/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="viewagenda_popuppos viewagenda_txtrotate"> <div class="viewagenda_popupdiv" data-toggle="modal" href="#agenda_glance_modal"> <span class="viewagenda_dsk">Agenda at a Glance</span> <span class="viewagenda_resp"><img src="images/agenda_calendar.png" alt="Agenda at a Glance"></span> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade " id="agenda_glance_modal" role="dialog" > <div class="modal-dialog" style="width:100%; max-width:1200px;"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button aria-hidden="true" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" type="button">&times;</button> <h4 class="modal-title">Agenda at a Glance</h4> <!-- <div style=" width: 100%; display: inline-block; ">(You can click on the picture to view enlarged version in a new browser page)</div> --> <div style=" width: 100%; display: inline-block; ">(You can click on any Main Workshop DAY or Specialized Workshop to see details)</div> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <!-- <div style="width:1200px;"> --> <!-- <div style="padding:15px;"> --> <!-- <img src="../images/agenda-glance.png" usemap="#Map" style="width:100%;"> <img src="file:///C|/Users/Eph/Desktop/images/agenda-glance.png" usemap="#Map" style="width:100%;"> <map name="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="2,36,105,355" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="105,38,208,356" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="327,36,423,353" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="871,36,970,355" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="1069,37,1169,354" href="" target="_top"> <area shape="rect" coords="976,36,1071,355" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="751,35,868,354" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="526,35,746,152" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="525,152,746,252" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="526,252,745,353" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="422,38,519,353" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="214,36,324,354" href=""> </map> --> <!-- </div> </div> --> <iframe src="agendaglance.php" style="width:100%;height:800px;border:0px;" ></iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="viewagenda_popuppos viewagenda_txtrotate"> --> <!--<div class="viewagenda_popupdiv" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="'images/agenda-glance.png', '_blank');">--> <!-- <a href="agenda-schedule.php"> <div class="viewagenda_popupdiv" style="cursor:pointer;"> <span class="viewagenda_dsk">Final Agenda</span> <span class="viewagenda_resp"><img src="images/agenda_calendar.png" alt="Agenda at a Glance"></span> </div> </a> </div> --> </div> </div> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer_menucontent_div clearfix"> <div class="newfooter_container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-3 pdngrgt_0 footerlft_resp_640"><div class="footerlogo"><img src="images/13th_footer_logo.png" border="0" alt="WRIB Where Regulators & Industry Convene" /></div></div> <div class="col-sm-9 footerrgt_resp_640"> <p class="footer-nav subfooterrgt_resp_640"> <span class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3"><a href="job-posting.php"><span class="footer_menu_span">Bioanalytical</span><span class="footer_menu_span footer_menu_spanpos">Job Posting</span></a></span> <span class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3"><a href="meeting-subscription.php"><span class="footer_menu_span">Subscribe for WRIB</span><span class="footer_menu_span footer_menu_spanpos">Meeting Updates</span></a></span> <span class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3 footer_pdngtop"><a href="privacy-policy.php">Privacy Policy</a></span> <span class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3 footer_pdngtop"><a href="contact-us.php">Contact Us</a></span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer_copyrgt_div"> <div class="newfooter_container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <p class="text-muted">&copy;2025 WRIB. 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