RCQI Bratislava

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Why? The most probably answer is here <a target="_blank" href="">[answer]</a>. We are happy to contribute to celebration and spread the quantum truth among all open minds. <table> <tr> <td align="center"><a title="idea/creativity competition for 2005+" target="_blank" href=""><img width="96" src=""><br>Kvantohranie<br>2025</a></td> <td align="center"><a title="art/creativity competition for 2010+" target="_blank" href=""><img width="96" src=""></a><br>Q'ART 2025</td> <td align="center"><a title="world quantum day, Bratislava" target="_blank" href=""><img width="96" src=""><br>K谩ce膷ko<br>14.4.2025</a></td> <td align="center"><a title="popular material about quantum universe, in preparation" target="_blank" href=""><img width="96" src="img/news/news2025quniverse.png"><br>quniverse</a></td> <td align="center"><a title="virtual quantum class for teenagers, in preparation" target="_blank" href=""><img width="96" src="img/news/news2025kvanta.png"><br>KVANTA</a></td> </tr> </table> May Quantum be with you! </tr> </td> <!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --> <!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --> <tr><td class="news"> <img src="img/news/news2025pub_quantum_maxwell_demon.png" alt="&nbsp;" class="news_pub"> <u>07.02.2025</u> Publication &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="">[author's view]</a></span> <br><b> Universal validity of the second law of information thermodynamics </b><div class="abstract"> Adiabatic measurements, followed by feedback and erasure protocols, have often been considered as a model to embody Maxwell鈥檚 Demon paradox and to study the interplay between thermodynamics and information processing. Such studies have led to the conclusion, now widely accepted in the community, that Maxwell鈥檚 Demon and the second law of thermodynamics can peacefully coexist because any gain provided by the demon must be offset by the cost of performing the measurement and resetting the demon鈥檚 memory to its initial state. Statements of this kind are collectively referred to as second laws of information thermodynamics and have recently been extended to include quantum theoretical scenarios. However, previous studies in this direction have made several assumptions, particularly about the feedback process and the demon鈥檚 memory readout, and thus arrived at statements that are not universally applicable and whose range of validity is not clear. In this work, we 铿乴l this gap by precisely characterizing the full range of quantum feedback control and erasure protocols that are overall consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. This leads us to conclude that the second law of information thermodynamics is indeed universal: it must hold for any quantum feedback control and erasure protocol, regardless of the measurement process involved, as long as the protocol is overall compatible with thermodynamics. Our comprehensive analysis not only encompasses new scenarios but also retrieves previous ones, doing so with fewer assumptions. This simpli铿乧ation contributes to a clearer understanding of the theory. </div> by <i> Shintaro Minagawa, M. Hamed Mohammady, Kenta Sakai, Kohtaro Kato, Francesco Buscemi </i><br> npj Quantum Information 11, 18 (2025) |<a target="_blank" href=""> +++ </a>| <br><span style="font-size:8px;"> IMPULZ project No. IM-2023-79 (OPQUT), VEGA 2/0183/21 (DESCOM), APVV-22-0570 (DeQHOST) </span></td></tr> <!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --> <!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --> <tr><td class="news"> <img src="img/news/news2025phdcall.png" alt="&nbsp;" class="news_pub"> <u>05.02.2025</u> Job opening <br><b>Become PhD student in quantum technologies and foundations</b> <br> Want to understand quantum foundations, run quantum computers, build quantum systems, use quantum networks, or encrypt quantum messages? Interested to join our research team for four years of you life? It is the time it takes to do the research and become expert (with PhD title) in quantum simulations, or optical quantum communication networks, or quantum security, or foundations of quantum phenomena. All of these fields are waiting for your contribution. Currently, we have open several PhD positions at our Institute. We are open for your email ideally before 10/03/2025. As for the first step please get in contact with a potential PhD advisor (send him your cv, motivation letter and contacts to potential references), discuss the subject and follow his/her instructions. Do not wait until the submission deadline and do this as soon as possible. If you are uncertain who to contact, just choose any of us. We are all happy to help. <a href="index.php?x=phd_thesis">\&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> </tr> </td> <!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --> <!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --> <tr><td class="news"> <img src="img/news/news2025project_gemos.png" alt="&nbsp;" class="news_pub"> <u>03.02.2025</u> Job opening <br><b>A post-doc in spin-based quantum computing theory</b> <a target="_blank" href="">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> <br> A post-doc in spin-based quantum computing theory with semiconducting devices made from group-IV elements (Ge and Si). The position is partially funded by the EU QuantERA project GeMOS (see The postdoc is expected to work on some of the topics related to the GeMOS project, which include: <br>1. K-dot-p theory based models of spin qubits in lateral gated quantum dots. Investigations of principles of qubit operations, noise effects on qubit fidelities, and designs of improved and robust qubits. The topic will require knowledge of semiconductor physics, group representation theory, simple perturbation theory, and similar analytical tools. <br>2. Molecular dynamics of semiconductor-oxide interface. Numerical simulations of the oxide condensation process based on force-field data. The topic will require numerical simulations and collaboration with colleagues working with DFT tools. <br>3. Numerical 3D simulations of complex nano-devices using commercial or in-house software. The goal is to obtain realistic profiles of strain and electrostatic confinement within the active volume of the device and, based on them, interpret the qubit performance observed in experiments. The topic will require discussions with experimentalists and will include analysis of measured data. <a href="">Apply here</a> </tr> </td> <!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --> <!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <b class="topic">S E M I N A R S</b> | <a href="index.php?x=seminars" title="plan of seminar">more</a> | <div class="topic"> 17/06 11:00 <br><b><b>Alessandro Bisio</b> (Pavia) </b><br> Quantum simulation of scattering processes <br> </div> </td> <td colspan="2"> <b class="topic">V I S I T O R S</b> | <a href="index.php?x=hostia_old" title="previous visitors">history</a> | <div class="topic"> <br><img src="img/flags/taiwan.gif" width="20"> 26.06-26.07 <b>Che-Pin Hsu</b> (Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan), *mobiQUTE <br><img src="img/flags/taiwan.gif" width="20"> 26.06-26.07 <b>Wun-Hao Kang</b> (Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan), *mobiQUTE <br><img src="img/flags/brasil.gif" width="20"> 03.07-12.07 <b>Jo茫o Victor Ferreira Alves</b> (Universidade de S茫o Paulo, Brazil) <br><img src="img/flags/ukraine.gif" width="20"> 08.07-22.07 <b>Vadym Shvydkyi</b> (student) <br><img src="img/flags/taiwan.gif" width="20"> 19.08-13.09 <b>Manuel Schneider</b> (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan) , *mobiQUTE <br><br> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td class="right"><div class="menu"> <div class="action"> <a href="index.php?x=main">HOME</a> <a href="index.php?x=people">PEOPLE</a> <a href="index.php?x=info">FOR STUDENTS</a> <a href="index.php?x=for_visitors">FOR VISITORS</a> <!-- <a href="index.php?x=location">LOCATION</a> --> <!-- <a href="index.php?x=inpress">IN PRESS</a> --> <a href="index.php?x=popular">POPULAR</a> <!-- <a href="index.php?x=research">RESEARCH</a> --> <a href="index.php?x=projects">PROJECTS</a> <!-- <a href="index.php?x=conf">CONFERENCES</a> --> <a href="index.php?x=pub">PUBLICATIONS</a> <a href="index.php?x=seminars">SEMINARS</a> </div> </div> <div style="vertical-align:bottom;width:100%;background-color:#dce0e3;border-bottom:5px solid #415363;border-top:5px solid #415363;text-align:center;padding-top:3px;"> </div> <center> <br> <a target="_blank" title="" href=""><img border="0" src="img/links/qutesk_logo.png" width="140"></a> <hr> <a target="_blank" title="Central European Quantum Information Processing workshop" href=""> <img border="0" src="img/news/ceqip_logo.png" width="140"> </a> <hr> <a href="" title="Institute of Physics"><img src="img/links/fusav.png" height="25" width="25" border="1"></a> <a href="" title="Slovak Academy of Sciences"><img src="img/links/sav.png" height="25" width="25" border="1"></a> <a href="" title="Los Alamos e-print arXiv"><img src="img/links/lanl.gif" height="25" width="25" border="1"></a> <a href="" title="Quantum Flagship"><img src="img/links/qflagship.png" height="25" width="25" border="1"></a> <a href="" title="Quantiki Portal"><img src="img/links/quantiki_logo.png" height="25" width="25" border="1"></a> <hr> <a target="_blank" title="T.Heinosaari and M.Ziman: The Mathematical Language of Quantum Theory" href=""> <img border="1" src="img/news/qbook_cover.jpg" width="140"> </a> <br><br> </center> </td> </tr> </table> Today is 04.03.2025, You are visitor number 5523</html>

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