Media - Astranis
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Astranis has commitments for more than $1 billion of satellite services across 12 MicroGEO satellites, and operates five satellites on orbit today.<br/><br/>With contracts in place with Space Force, NASA, and other government partners, Astranis works across MEO and GEO to support government science, PNT, and communications missions.<br/><br/>Astranis has raised more than $750 million from top global investors and employs a team of over 400 engineers and builders, headquartered at Historic Pier 70 in San Francisco, California.</div></div></div></div><div class="side-col"><div class="section-label">MEDIA INQUIRIES</div><div>For any media inquiries:<br/></div><a href="" target="_blank" class="link-block-13 w-inline-block"><div class="text-block-33"></div></a><div class="spacer _30"></div><a id="press-kit" href="" target="_blank" class="button inline-green w-inline-block"><div>Download Press Kit</div><div class="arrow-icon-real w-embed"><svg width="17" height="18" viewBox="0 0 17 18" 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class="blog-card-content"><div class="blog-title">ASTRANIS LOGO / EARTH BLUE</div><a id="logo-blu" href="" target="_blank" class="button inline-green media w-inline-block"><div>Download</div><div class="arrow-icon-real w-embed"><svg width="17" height="18" viewBox="0 0 17 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7.56301 14.09C7.56301 14.09 7.58301 14.1 7.59301 14.12C7.66301 14.19 7.74301 14.25 7.82301 14.3C7.85301 14.32 7.88301 14.35 7.92301 14.36C8.04301 14.42 8.18301 14.45 8.33301 14.45C8.48301 14.45 8.61301 14.42 8.74301 14.36C8.78301 14.34 8.80301 14.32 8.84301 14.3C8.93301 14.25 9.01301 14.19 9.07301 14.12C9.07301 14.11 9.09301 14.11 9.10301 14.09L14.103 8.09001C14.453 7.67001 14.403 7.04001 13.973 6.68001C13.543 6.33001 12.923 6.38001 12.563 6.81001L9.33301 10.69V1.95001C9.33301 1.40001 8.88301 0.950012 8.33301 0.950012C7.78301 0.950012 7.33301 1.40001 7.33301 1.95001V10.69L4.10301 6.81001C3.75301 6.39001 3.12301 6.33001 2.69301 6.68001C2.27301 7.03001 2.21301 7.66001 2.56301 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