Cengage Learning Permissions Request

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var yourRoleRow = document.getElementById("your_role_row"); var currentEnrollmentRow = document.getElementById("current_enrollment_row"); var proceedRow = document.getElementById("want_to_proceed_row"); var submitRow = document.getElementById("submit_row"); var standardReuseCccDiv = document.getElementById("standardReuseCccDiv"); //Added for RMSBLD-68 if(document.Step1Form.rqst_type_id.value != ""){'none';//Added for RMSBLD-68 if(document.Step1Form.rqst_type_id.value == "12"){''; if(document.Step1Form.accessibility_use_type.value != ""){''; if(document.Step1Form.current_enrollment.value == 'yes' || document.Step1Form.current_enrollment.value == 'no'){''; }else{'none'; } if(document.Step1Form.want_to_proceed.value == "yes" || document.Step1Form.want_to_proceed.value == "no"){''; }else{'none'; } } }else if(document.Step1Form.rqst_type_id.value == "11"){'';//Added for RMSBLD-68'none';'none';'none';'none'; } }else{ document.Step1Form.accessibility_use_type.value = ""; document.Step1Form.your_role.value = ""; 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Please complete this form to request permission to use Cengage textbooks and other learning materials (Materials) in standard reuse opportunities (both educational and commercial, including photocopies, republishing and customization). This form must also be completed for use by an institution's Disability Support Services Office for accessibility-related requests. </p> --> <p>Thank you for your interest in Cengage. Please complete this form to request permission to use Cengage textbooks and other learning materials (Materials) in standard reuse opportunities (both educational and commercial, including photocopies, republishing and customization).</p> <!-- Modified for RMSBLD-293 - Ends --> <p>All requests will be reviewed, and a response provided as soon as possible.</p> <p><em><span class="permission-form-red">*Indicates required information</span></em></p> <!-- <p>Note: all requests must now be submitted online.</p><!-- style="color: white;margin-left:45px</div> <div <div class="permission-form-blue-bar"> <div class="permission-form-container" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="permission-form-white-h3"> --> </div> <form name="Step1Form" method="post" action="/permissions/action/step1Form;jsessionid=qmyMnzQcvK9Jjyys8GWckyfTGn2mt2pL1mTf0RSZKNGMpgJL0D0n!1768411684"><input type="hidden" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN" value="086648fa1c24382b90130952d8ae70e9"> <input type="hidden" name="first_name" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="last_name" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="univ_comp" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="addr1" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="addr2" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="city" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="state" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="zip" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="country" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="phone" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="ext" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="email" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="step1Modified" value="false"> <div id="intended_use_row" class="clearfix"> <div class="col-sm-6 permission-form-margin-bottom-15 permission-form-padding-zero"> <label for="rqst_type_id" class="no-bold">Requested Use</label><span class="permission-form-red">*</span> <select name="rqst_type_id" onchange="intendedUseToggleDisplay(this);" class="permission-form" id="rqst_type_id"><option value="" selected="selected">None Selected</option> <option value="12">Accessibility</option> <option value="11">Standard Reuse</option></select> </div> </div> <!-- Added for RMSBLD-68 - Starts --> <div id="standardReuseCccDiv" class="clearfix"> <p><strong>Note</strong>: The fastest way to get permission to use Cengage copyrighted material is to use the <u><A href="" target="_blank">Copyright Clearance Center (CCC)&nbsp;(opens in new tab)</A></u>. This Cengage permission request form should only be used when a title is not available from the CCC.</p> <p>Requests will typically only be granted for less than ten percent of a title, and we are unable to provide files, images or content through this process.</p> <p>Requests for eBook access, whole titles, out of print titles, needs due to remote learning, and any other non-standard requests should be sent to the <u><A href="" target="_blank">Cengage support team&nbsp;(opens in new tab)</A></u> or to your <u><A href="" target="_blank">Learning Consultant&nbsp;(opens in new tab)</A></u>.</p> <p>Are you moving your courses online and need assistance with eTextbook access, set-up, or online professional development? <u><A href="" target="_blank">Help is here&nbsp;(opens in new tab).</A></u></p> <p> </div> <!-- Added for RMSBLD-68 - Ends --> <div id="accessibilityTypeUseDiv" class="clearfix"> <p>Cengage is a member of the <strong>AccessText Network (ATN)</strong>. Higher Educational ATN members in the U.S. and Canada can request e-files directly from the ATN. If e-files are not available on the ATN, please submit a support ticket via the ATN portal. If you require assistance or need more information on the ATN, they may be reached at <u><A href="">;(opens in new window)</A></u>.</p> <p>Cengage provides files to the <strong>National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) </strong>for use by U.S. K-12 institutions. Please visit <u><A href="" target="_blank">NIMAC&nbsp;(opens in new tab)</A></u> for information on how to receive files in .nimas format.</p> <p><strong>Note</strong>: Cengage does NOT have any audio, Braille, or large print Materials. If you require one of these formats, please complete the form and we will grant permission to convert our e-files into a format that is accessible to your student or instructor. For audio versions, we recommend first checking with <u><A href="" target="_blank">Learning Ally&nbsp;(opens in new tab)</A></u>. For Braille versions, please check with the <u><A href="" target="_blank">American Printing House for the Blind&nbsp;(opens in new tab)</A></u>. If you require alternative versions of Materials older than 2010, please submit a request and we will research your options. Please see <u><A href="" target="_blank">Cengage鈥檚 Accessibility Page&nbsp;(opens in new tab)</A></u> for more information on accessibility at Cengage.</p> <p>Cengage will provide digital files, if available, to an institution鈥檚 Disability Support Services Office for use by a qualified individual, within the United States or Canada, who has purchased access to Cengage Materials. Requests from countries outside of the United States and Canada are considered on a case by case basis.</p> <p><strong>This form supports the following Accessibility Use request types</strong></p> <p><strong>Alternate Format:</strong> Requests for alternative versions of Cengage Materials for use by an individual with a qualified disability.</p> <p><strong>Accessibility Documentation:</strong> Requests for accessibility conformance of Cengage Materials. Please note that Cengage Accessibility platform Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) can be downloaded directly from the <u><A href="" target="_blank">Cengage VPAT page&nbsp;(opens in new tab)</A></u>. Requests for platform VPATs will be directed to this page.</p> <p><strong>Accessibility Issue in a Product:</strong> Inquiries related to an accessibility issue causing a barrier for a student with a qualified disability.</p> <p> <div class="col-sm-6 permission-form-margin-bottom-15 permission-form-padding-zero" > <label for="accessibility_use_type" class="no-bold"> Accessibility Use Type</label><span class="permission-form-red">*</span> <!-- <fieldset id="accessibility_use_type" class="permission-form" required="true"> --> <select name="accessibility_use_type" onchange="accessibilityUseTypeToggleDisplay(this);" class="permission-form" id="accessibility_use_type"><option value="" selected="selected">None Selected</option> <option value="391">Alternate Format</option> <option value="392">Accessibility Documentation</option> <option value="393">Accessibility Issue in a Product</option></select> <!-- </fieldset> --> </div> </div> <div id="your_role_row" class="clearfix" > <div class="col-sm-6 permission-form-margin-bottom-15 permission-form-padding-zero"> <label for="your_role" class="no-bold">Your Role</label><span class="permission-form-red">*</span> <select name="your_role" onchange="yourRoleToggleDisplay(this);" class="permission-form" id="your_role"><option value="" selected="selected">None Selected</option> <option value="Student">Student</option> <option value="Instructor">Instructor</option> <option value="Disability Support Specialist">Disability Support Specialist</option></select> </div> </div> <div id="current_enrollment_row" class="clearfix"> <div class="col-sm-6 permission-form-margin-bottom-15 permission-form-padding-zero"> <label for="current_enrollment" class="no-bold">Are you currently enrolled at a college/university?</label><span class="permission-form-red">*</span> <select name="current_enrollment" onchange="currentEnrollmentToggleDisplay(this);" class="permission-form" id="current_enrollment"><option value="" selected="selected">None Selected</option> <option value="yes">Yes</option> <option value="no">No</option></select> </div> </div> <div id="want_to_proceed_row" class="clearfix"> <!-- Modified for RMSBLD-293 - Starts --> <!-- <p>Cengage asks that these requests be submitted by the Disability Support Services Office (DSSO) at your institution. Please note that if you proceed you may be asked to contact your DSSO before your request can be fulfilled.</p> --> <p>Cengage asks that the Disability Support Services Office (DSSO) at your institution is involved in any requests that include a student experiencing an accessibility barrier. Please note, you may be asked to contact your DSSO.</p> <!-- Modified for RMSBLD-293 - Ends --> <div class="col-sm-6 permission-form-margin-bottom-15 permission-form-padding-zero"> <label for="want_to_proceed" class="no-bold"> Do you want to proceed?</label><span class="permission-form-red">*</span> <select name="want_to_proceed" onchange="wantToProceedToggleDisplay(this);" class="permission-form" id="want_to_proceed"><option value="" selected="selected">None Selected</option> <option value="yes">Yes</option> <option value="no">No</option></select> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="col-sm-6 clr permission-form-margin-bottom-15 permission-form-padding-zero"> </div> </div> <div id="submit_row" class="clearfix"> <div class="col-sm-2 clr permission-form-margin-bottom-15 permission-form-padding-zero"> <input class="permission-form-sub-btn" type="submit" value="Continue" onclick = "onSubmit()"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 permission-form-margin-bottom-15 permission-form-padding-zero"> <input class="permission-form-clr-btn" type="reset" value="Clear Form" onclick = "onReset()"> </div> </div> </form> </div> <!-- new HTML code for Page1 ends --> </div> <br><br><br> </BODY> </html>

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