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2.688zm14.426-2.237c-1.688 0-3.438.75-4.163 2.387l2.075.863c.438-.863 1.262-1.15 2.125-1.15 1.2 0 2.438.724 2.45 2.012v.163c-.425-.238-1.325-.6-2.438-.6-2.237 0-4.5 1.224-4.5 3.512 0 2.087 1.826 3.438 3.875 3.438 1.563 0 2.438-.7 2.975-1.525h.076v1.212h2.25v-5.988c.012-2.774-2.063-4.324-4.725-4.324zm-.288 8.562c-.762 0-1.825-.388-1.825-1.325 0-1.2 1.325-1.663 2.475-1.663 1.025 0 1.513.225 2.125.526-.175 1.437-1.425 2.462-2.775 2.462zm13.225-8.225L152 34.275h-.075L149.15 27.5h-2.513l4.163 9.475-2.375 5.262h2.438l6.412-14.737h-2.6zm-21 10h2.337V21.875h-2.337V37.5z" fill="#FFF" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M1.8.675c-.363.387-.575.988-.575 1.75v27.65c0 .775.212 1.375.575 1.75l.087.088 15.488-15.476v-.375L1.887.588 1.8.676z" fill="url(#a)" transform="translate(11.25 8.75)"></path> <path d="M22.538 21.6l-5.163-5.163v-.375l5.163- 6.113 3.475c1.75.987 1.75 2.612 0 3.612l-6.113 3.475-.112.075z" fill="url(#b)" transform="translate(11.25 8.75)"></path> <path d="M22.65 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Our providers are here to help you 24/7 with convenient, online visits.", "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "url": "", "price": "Free", "priceCurrency": "USD" }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "4.7", "ratingCount": "1400" }, "author": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Baptist Health South Florida", "url": "" }, "softwareVersion": "1.0", "datePublished": "2024-10-09", "applicationSubCategory": "Telehealth" } </script></div> <main id="main"> <section class="section simple-cta-image bg-white "> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Images/LP/Pineapp/CTA/lp-pineapp-Give-your-health-a-hand-595x446.png" alt="When and where you need it."> <button class="js-modal-btn simple-cta-image__video" data-video-id="731118513" data-video-channel="vimeo" type="button" name="Watch Video" title="Watch Video">Play Video</button> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3">When and where you need it.</h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <p>With the PineApp you can manage your Baptist Health appointments, have an online urgent care visit, access your medical records, track your symptoms, view your medications and set reminders, and much more.</p> <p> <a class="button button--primary" href="">Create an Account</a></p> <p><a class="button button--secondary" href="">Sign In</a></p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-image__footer simple-cta-secondary-image__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta-image section--deep-blue simple-cta-image--image-right"> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Images/LP/CTA/pineapp-two-women-on-couch-hugging-cta-595x446.jpg" alt=""> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3"></h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Latest Feature</span></h5> <h3 style="text-align: center;">Easily manage your family's health</h3> <p style="text-align: center;">With PineApp, you can keep track of your family鈥檚 appointments, medications and test results - all in one place. Seamlessly switch between your personal account and those of your loved ones so you can keep track of everyone鈥檚 healthcare needs.</p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-image__footer simple-cta-secondary-image__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta-image bg-white simple-cta-image--image-right"> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Images/LP/Pineapp/CTA/PineApp-Illustration-v3.png" alt="Urgent Care Online, available 24/7"> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3">Urgent Care Online, available 24/7</h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <p>With the PineApp, we bring our doctors to you so you can see them within minutes from the comfort and safety of home or anywhere really, when you need it most for minor illnesses and injuries. If medication is required for treatment, we’ve got you covered for that as well. Our doctors will send your prescription to your nearest pharmacy for pick up.</p> <div class="app-promo__downloads"> <a class="app-promo__download" href=" " target="'_blank'" data-uw-rm-brl="exc"> <span class="element-invisible">Download on the App Store</span> <svg width="168" height="50" viewbox="0 0 168 50" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M10.788 49.997c-.434 0-.858-.005-1.289-.014a19.662 19.662 0 0 1-2.663-.213 8.917 8.917 0 0 1-2.36-.716 7.71 7.71 0 0 1-1.99-1.329 7.056 7.056 0 0 1-2.228-3.992c-.146-.81-.226-1.629-.237-2.45C.01 41.007 0 40.089 0 40.089V9.894s.013-.904.02-1.17c.012-.82.09-1.637.237-2.446a7.097 7.097 0 0 1 2.22-4A7.937 7.937 0 0 1 4.475.94a8.827 8.827 0 0 1 2.356-.71A19.505 19.505 0 0 1 9.503.015L10.788 0h146.417l1.3.017c.888.01 1.773.08 2.648.212.828.13 1.63.37 2.38.716 1.48.7 2.683 1.805 3.441 3.163.372.68.629 1.406.763 1.64.248 2.467. 1.427v27.356c0 .475 0 .939-.011 1.406 0 .425 0 .814-.006 1.215a15.308 15.308 0 0 1-.243 2.423 7.073 7.073 0 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46.554688 22.730469 L 51.074219 22.730469 C 52.902344 22.730469 54.394531 24.222656 54.394531 26.054688 Z M 54.394531 67.441406 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 27.054688 60.332031 L 47.949219 60.332031 C 48.636719 60.332031 49.195312 60.890625 49.195312 61.582031 C 49.195312 62.269531 48.636719 62.828125 47.949219 62.828125 L 27.054688 62.828125 C 26.367188 62.828125 25.808594 62.269531 25.808594 61.582031 C 25.808594 60.890625 26.367188 60.332031 27.054688 60.332031 Z M 27.054688 60.332031 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 27.054688 53.101562 L 47.949219 53.101562 C 48.636719 53.101562 49.195312 53.660156 49.195312 54.347656 C 49.195312 55.039062 48.636719 55.597656 47.949219 55.597656 L 27.054688 55.597656 C 26.367188 55.597656 25.808594 55.039062 25.808594 54.347656 C 25.808594 53.660156 26.367188 53.101562 27.054688 53.101562 Z M 27.054688 53.101562 "/> <path 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29.097656 33.960938 L 29.097656 31.230469 C 29.097656 30.921875 29.351562 30.667969 29.660156 30.667969 L 32.558594 30.667969 C 32.867188 30.667969 33.121094 30.921875 33.121094 31.230469 L 33.121094 33.960938 L 35.851562 33.960938 C 36.160156 33.960938 36.414062 34.21875 36.414062 34.523438 Z M 36.414062 34.523438 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading"></h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc"> Easily review and share your Lab Results and Medical Records </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> <div class="snippet-cta__item"> <div class="snippet-cta__icon"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 75 37.5 L 75 52.5 C 75 73.199219 58.207031 90 37.5 90 C 16.792969 90 0 73.199219 0 52.5 L 0 37.5 C 0 16.777344 16.792969 0 37.5 0 C 47.859375 0 57.234375 4.183594 64.011719 10.972656 C 70.800781 17.765625 75 27.140625 75 37.5 Z M 75 37.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 43.402344 42.632812 C 42.578125 41.824219 41.496094 41.375 40.359375 41.371094 L 40.34375 41.371094 C 39.191406 41.375 38.109375 41.824219 37.296875 42.636719 L 31.65625 48.28125 C 30.839844 49.09375 30.390625 50.179688 30.390625 51.328125 C 30.390625 52.5 30.839844 53.589844 31.660156 54.390625 C 32.484375 55.203125 33.5625 55.648438 34.703125 55.652344 L 34.714844 55.652344 C 35.867188 55.648438 36.949219 55.199219 37.761719 54.386719 L 43.40625 48.746094 C 44.222656 47.929688 44.671875 46.847656 44.671875 45.699219 C 44.671875 44.523438 44.222656 43.433594 43.402344 42.632812 Z M 42.203125 47.558594 L 40 49.761719 L 36.28125 46.042969 L 38.484375 43.839844 C 38.984375 43.339844 39.644531 43.066406 40.34375 43.066406 C 41.046875 43.066406 41.707031 43.339844 42.203125 43.839844 C 42.699219 44.332031 42.96875 44.992188 42.96875 45.699219 C 42.96875 46.402344 42.699219 47.0625 42.203125 47.558594 Z M 42.203125 47.558594 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 57.265625 48.363281 C 57.265625 37.617188 48.515625 28.878906 37.785156 28.878906 C 27.050781 28.878906 18.300781 37.617188 18.300781 48.363281 C 18.300781 55.378906 22.03125 61.550781 27.621094 64.988281 L 24.902344 67.707031 C 24.179688 68.425781 24.195312 69.621094 24.929688 70.355469 C 25.304688 70.730469 25.804688 70.921875 26.289062 70.921875 C 26.761719 70.921875 27.230469 70.742188 27.589844 70.382812 L 31.253906 66.722656 C 33.304688 67.441406 35.496094 67.84375 37.785156 67.84375 C 39.917969 67.84375 41.972656 67.5 43.882812 66.859375 L 47.40625 70.382812 C 47.765625 70.742188 48.238281 70.921875 48.710938 70.921875 C 49.195312 70.921875 49.695312 70.730469 50.070312 70.355469 C 50.804688 69.621094 50.816406 68.425781 50.097656 67.707031 L 47.585938 65.195312 C 53.371094 61.8125 57.265625 55.53125 57.265625 48.363281 Z M 37.785156 64.335938 C 28.964844 64.335938 21.808594 57.167969 21.808594 48.363281 C 21.808594 39.558594 28.964844 32.386719 37.785156 32.386719 C 46.601562 32.386719 53.757812 39.558594 53.757812 48.363281 C 53.757812 57.167969 46.589844 64.335938 37.785156 64.335938 Z M 37.785156 64.335938 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5625 59.578125 C 37.03125 59.578125 36.621094 60 36.621094 60.53125 L 36.621094 61.59375 C 36.621094 62.121094 37.042969 62.546875 37.5625 62.546875 C 38.078125 62.546875 38.503906 62.121094 38.503906 61.59375 L 38.503906 60.53125 C 38.503906 60 38.078125 59.578125 37.5625 59.578125 Z M 37.5625 59.578125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 32.113281 58.117188 C 31.886719 57.984375 31.636719 57.960938 31.398438 58.027344 C 31.160156 58.09375 30.945312 58.25 30.816406 58.476562 L 30.285156 59.40625 C 30.019531 59.855469 30.179688 60.4375 30.628906 60.703125 C 30.773438 60.796875 30.945312 60.835938 31.105469 60.835938 C 31.4375 60.835938 31.742188 60.664062 31.929688 60.359375 L 32.457031 59.429688 C 32.589844 59.207031 32.617188 58.953125 32.550781 58.703125 C 32.484375 58.464844 32.328125 58.25 32.113281 58.132812 Z M 32.113281 58.117188 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.824219 53.785156 L 25.894531 54.3125 C 25.445312 54.578125 25.285156 55.164062 25.550781 55.613281 C 25.722656 55.917969 26.042969 56.089844 26.359375 56.089844 C 26.519531 56.089844 26.691406 56.050781 26.851562 55.957031 L 27.777344 55.425781 C 28.226562 55.160156 28.386719 54.578125 28.121094 54.128906 C 27.855469 53.664062 27.289062 53.519531 26.824219 53.785156 Z M 26.824219 53.785156 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.664062 48.679688 C 26.664062 48.148438 26.242188 47.738281 25.710938 47.738281 L 24.648438 47.738281 C 24.121094 47.738281 23.695312 48.164062 23.695312 48.679688 C 23.695312 49.195312 24.121094 49.621094 24.648438 49.621094 L 25.710938 49.621094 C 26.242188 49.621094 26.664062 49.195312 26.664062 48.679688 Z M 26.664062 48.679688 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 27.765625 41.933594 L 26.835938 41.402344 C 26.386719 41.136719 25.804688 41.296875 25.539062 41.746094 C 25.40625 41.972656 25.378906 42.222656 25.445312 42.460938 C 25.511719 42.703125 25.671875 42.914062 25.894531 43.046875 L 26.824219 43.578125 C 26.96875 43.667969 27.140625 43.710938 27.300781 43.710938 C 27.632812 43.710938 27.949219 43.535156 28.121094 43.230469 C 28.253906 43.007812 28.28125 42.753906 28.214844 42.515625 C 28.148438 42.277344 27.992188 42.066406 27.765625 41.933594 Z M 27.765625 41.933594 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 31.914062 37.015625 C 31.648438 36.5625 31.078125 36.402344 30.613281 36.667969 C 30.164062 36.933594 30.003906 37.503906 30.269531 37.96875 L 30.800781 38.894531 C 30.933594 39.121094 31.132812 39.265625 31.382812 39.332031 C 31.464844 39.359375 31.554688 39.371094 31.636719 39.371094 C 31.792969 39.371094 31.953125 39.332031 32.101562 39.253906 C 32.324219 39.121094 32.472656 38.921875 32.539062 38.683594 C 32.601562 38.445312 32.5625 38.179688 32.445312 37.953125 L 31.914062 37.027344 L 31.914062 37.011719 Z M 31.914062 37.015625 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5625 34.800781 C 37.03125 34.800781 36.621094 35.226562 36.621094 35.753906 L 36.621094 36.816406 C 36.621094 37.347656 37.042969 37.769531 37.5625 37.769531 C 38.078125 37.769531 38.503906 37.347656 38.503906 36.816406 L 38.503906 35.753906 C 38.503906 35.226562 38.078125 34.800781 37.5625 34.800781 Z M 37.5625 34.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 43.261719 39.242188 C 43.40625 39.320312 43.582031 39.375 43.738281 39.375 C 43.820312 39.375 43.898438 39.375 43.976562 39.347656 C 44.214844 39.28125 44.429688 39.121094 44.5625 38.898438 L 45.089844 37.96875 C 45.355469 37.519531 45.195312 36.933594 44.746094 36.671875 C 44.28125 36.40625 43.710938 36.566406 43.449219 37.015625 L 42.917969 37.941406 C 42.785156 38.167969 42.757812 38.421875 42.824219 38.660156 C 42.890625 38.898438 43.050781 39.109375 43.261719 39.230469 Z M 43.261719 39.242188 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 48.0625 43.695312 C 48.21875 43.695312 48.390625 43.65625 48.539062 43.5625 L 49.464844 43.03125 C 49.917969 42.765625 50.074219 42.183594 49.808594 41.734375 C 49.546875 41.269531 48.976562 41.125 48.511719 41.390625 L 47.582031 41.917969 C 47.132812 42.183594 46.972656 42.765625 47.238281 43.21875 C 47.410156 43.523438 47.730469 43.695312 48.046875 43.695312 Z M 48.0625 43.695312 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 50.726562 47.726562 L 49.664062 47.726562 C 49.132812 47.726562 48.710938 48.148438 48.710938 48.667969 C 48.710938 49.183594 49.132812 49.609375 49.664062 49.609375 L 50.726562 49.609375 C 51.253906 49.609375 51.679688 49.183594 51.679688 48.667969 C 51.679688 48.148438 51.253906 47.726562 50.726562 47.726562 Z M 50.726562 47.726562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.464844 54.3125 L 48.539062 53.785156 C 48.085938 53.519531 47.503906 53.679688 47.238281 54.128906 C 47.105469 54.355469 47.082031 54.605469 47.148438 54.84375 C 47.210938 55.082031 47.371094 55.296875 47.597656 55.429688 L 48.523438 55.957031 C 48.671875 56.050781 48.84375 56.089844 49.003906 56.089844 C 49.332031 56.089844 49.652344 55.917969 49.824219 55.613281 C 49.957031 55.390625 49.984375 55.136719 49.917969 54.898438 C 49.851562 54.660156 49.691406 54.449219 49.464844 54.316406 Z M 49.464844 54.3125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.5625 58.464844 C 44.429688 58.238281 44.230469 58.09375 43.976562 58.027344 C 43.726562 57.960938 43.472656 58 43.261719 58.117188 C 42.796875 58.382812 42.652344 58.953125 42.917969 59.417969 L 43.449219 60.347656 C 43.621094 60.652344 43.953125 60.824219 44.269531 60.824219 C 44.429688 60.824219 44.585938 60.78125 44.734375 60.703125 C 45.183594 60.4375 45.34375 59.867188 45.078125 59.40625 L 44.546875 58.476562 Z M 44.5625 58.464844 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 57.570312 37.003906 C 57.195312 37.546875 56.40625 37.617188 55.933594 37.144531 L 47.171875 28.394531 C 46.699219 27.921875 46.769531 27.132812 47.308594 26.746094 C 48.003906 26.257812 48.765625 25.898438 49.542969 25.691406 C 48.003906 23.515625 45.453125 22.085938 42.59375 22.085938 L 31.15625 22.085938 C 28.175781 22.085938 25.539062 23.625 24.015625 25.953125 C 25.316406 26.039062 26.578125 26.480469 27.6875 27.257812 C 28.230469 27.648438 28.300781 28.4375 27.828125 28.90625 L 19.0625 37.65625 C 18.59375 38.128906 17.816406 38.058594 17.429688 37.519531 C 15.402344 34.648438 15.667969 30.640625 18.246094 28.074219 C 18.855469 27.464844 19.550781 26.980469 20.296875 26.632812 C 21.933594 22.222656 26.175781 19.078125 31.140625 19.078125 L 42.582031 19.078125 C 47.128906 19.078125 51.066406 21.722656 52.941406 25.550781 L 52.953125 25.550781 C 54.355469 25.816406 55.683594 26.480469 56.765625 27.5625 C 59.332031 30.128906 59.597656 34.136719 57.570312 37.003906 Z M 57.570312 37.003906 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading"></h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc"> Set Medication Reminders so you never miss a dose </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </div> </figure> </div> <div> 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51.148438 24.605469 L 51.148438 26.464844 L 55.152344 26.464844 C 56.78125 26.464844 58.101562 27.84375 58.101562 29.539062 L 58.101562 37.097656 L 16.898438 37.097656 L 16.898438 29.539062 C 16.898438 27.84375 18.214844 26.464844 19.84375 26.464844 L 23.015625 26.464844 L 23.015625 24.605469 L 18.945312 24.605469 C 16.769531 24.605469 15.007812 26.382812 15.007812 28.578125 L 15.007812 65.777344 C 15.007812 67.96875 16.769531 69.753906 18.945312 69.753906 L 56.054688 69.753906 C 58.230469 69.753906 59.992188 67.96875 59.992188 65.777344 L 59.992188 28.578125 C 59.992188 26.382812 58.230469 24.605469 56.054688 24.605469 Z M 24.125 63.574219 C 22.785156 63.574219 21.695312 62.484375 21.695312 61.144531 C 21.695312 59.800781 22.785156 58.714844 24.125 58.714844 C 25.476562 58.714844 26.5625 59.800781 26.5625 61.144531 C 26.5625 62.484375 25.476562 63.574219 24.125 63.574219 Z M 24.125 55.730469 C 22.785156 55.730469 21.695312 54.640625 21.695312 53.296875 C 21.695312 51.957031 22.785156 50.867188 24.125 50.867188 C 25.476562 50.867188 26.5625 51.957031 26.5625 53.296875 C 26.5625 54.640625 25.476562 55.730469 24.125 55.730469 Z M 33.042969 63.574219 C 31.703125 63.574219 30.605469 62.484375 30.605469 61.144531 C 30.605469 59.800781 31.703125 58.714844 33.042969 58.714844 C 34.386719 58.714844 35.472656 59.800781 35.472656 61.144531 C 35.472656 62.484375 34.386719 63.574219 33.042969 63.574219 Z M 33.042969 55.730469 C 31.703125 55.730469 30.605469 54.640625 30.605469 53.296875 C 30.605469 51.957031 31.703125 50.867188 33.042969 50.867188 C 34.386719 50.867188 35.472656 51.957031 35.472656 53.296875 C 35.472656 54.640625 34.386719 55.730469 33.042969 55.730469 Z M 33.042969 47.890625 C 31.703125 47.890625 30.605469 46.796875 30.605469 45.453125 C 30.605469 44.109375 31.703125 43.023438 33.042969 43.023438 C 34.386719 43.023438 35.472656 44.109375 35.472656 45.453125 C 35.472656 46.796875 34.386719 47.890625 33.042969 47.890625 Z M 41.953125 63.574219 C 40.613281 63.574219 39.523438 62.484375 39.523438 61.144531 C 39.523438 59.800781 40.613281 58.714844 41.953125 58.714844 C 43.296875 58.714844 44.390625 59.800781 44.390625 61.144531 C 44.390625 62.484375 43.296875 63.574219 41.953125 63.574219 Z M 41.953125 55.730469 C 40.613281 55.730469 39.523438 54.640625 39.523438 53.296875 C 39.523438 51.957031 40.613281 50.867188 41.953125 50.867188 C 43.296875 50.867188 44.390625 51.957031 44.390625 53.296875 C 44.390625 54.640625 43.296875 55.730469 41.953125 55.730469 Z M 41.953125 47.890625 C 40.613281 47.890625 39.523438 46.796875 39.523438 45.453125 C 39.523438 44.109375 40.613281 43.023438 41.953125 43.023438 C 43.296875 43.023438 44.390625 44.109375 44.390625 45.453125 C 44.390625 46.796875 43.296875 47.890625 41.953125 47.890625 Z M 50.871094 63.574219 C 49.527344 63.574219 48.433594 62.484375 48.433594 61.144531 C 48.433594 59.800781 49.527344 58.714844 50.871094 58.714844 C 52.214844 58.714844 53.300781 59.800781 53.300781 61.144531 C 53.300781 62.484375 52.214844 63.574219 50.871094 63.574219 Z M 50.871094 55.730469 C 49.527344 55.730469 48.433594 54.640625 48.433594 53.296875 C 48.433594 51.957031 49.527344 50.867188 50.871094 50.867188 C 52.214844 50.867188 53.300781 51.957031 53.300781 53.296875 C 53.300781 54.640625 52.214844 55.730469 50.871094 55.730469 Z M 50.871094 47.890625 C 49.527344 47.890625 48.433594 46.796875 48.433594 45.453125 C 48.433594 44.109375 49.527344 43.023438 50.871094 43.023438 C 52.214844 43.023438 53.300781 44.109375 53.300781 45.453125 C 53.300781 46.796875 52.214844 47.890625 50.871094 47.890625 Z M 50.871094 47.890625 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.5625 61.144531 C 26.5625 62.484375 25.476562 63.574219 24.125 63.574219 C 22.785156 63.574219 21.695312 62.484375 21.695312 61.144531 C 21.695312 59.800781 22.785156 58.714844 24.125 58.714844 C 25.476562 58.714844 26.5625 59.800781 26.5625 61.144531 Z M 26.5625 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.5625 53.296875 C 26.5625 54.640625 25.476562 55.730469 24.125 55.730469 C 22.785156 55.730469 21.695312 54.640625 21.695312 53.296875 C 21.695312 51.957031 22.785156 50.867188 24.125 50.867188 C 25.476562 50.867188 26.5625 51.957031 26.5625 53.296875 Z M 26.5625 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.472656 61.144531 C 35.472656 62.484375 34.386719 63.574219 33.042969 63.574219 C 31.703125 63.574219 30.605469 62.484375 30.605469 61.144531 C 30.605469 59.800781 31.703125 58.714844 33.042969 58.714844 C 34.386719 58.714844 35.472656 59.800781 35.472656 61.144531 Z M 35.472656 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.472656 53.296875 C 35.472656 54.640625 34.386719 55.730469 33.042969 55.730469 C 31.703125 55.730469 30.605469 54.640625 30.605469 53.296875 C 30.605469 51.957031 31.703125 50.867188 33.042969 50.867188 C 34.386719 50.867188 35.472656 51.957031 35.472656 53.296875 Z M 35.472656 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.472656 45.453125 C 35.472656 46.796875 34.386719 47.890625 33.042969 47.890625 C 31.703125 47.890625 30.605469 46.796875 30.605469 45.453125 C 30.605469 44.109375 31.703125 43.023438 33.042969 43.023438 C 34.386719 43.023438 35.472656 44.109375 35.472656 45.453125 Z M 35.472656 45.453125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.390625 61.144531 C 44.390625 62.484375 43.296875 63.574219 41.953125 63.574219 C 40.613281 63.574219 39.523438 62.484375 39.523438 61.144531 C 39.523438 59.800781 40.613281 58.714844 41.953125 58.714844 C 43.296875 58.714844 44.390625 59.800781 44.390625 61.144531 Z M 44.390625 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.390625 53.296875 C 44.390625 54.640625 43.296875 55.730469 41.953125 55.730469 C 40.613281 55.730469 39.523438 54.640625 39.523438 53.296875 C 39.523438 51.957031 40.613281 50.867188 41.953125 50.867188 C 43.296875 50.867188 44.390625 51.957031 44.390625 53.296875 Z M 44.390625 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.390625 45.453125 C 44.390625 46.796875 43.296875 47.890625 41.953125 47.890625 C 40.613281 47.890625 39.523438 46.796875 39.523438 45.453125 C 39.523438 44.109375 40.613281 43.023438 41.953125 43.023438 C 43.296875 43.023438 44.390625 44.109375 44.390625 45.453125 Z M 44.390625 45.453125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 53.300781 61.144531 C 53.300781 62.484375 52.214844 63.574219 50.871094 63.574219 C 49.53125 63.574219 48.433594 62.484375 48.433594 61.144531 C 48.433594 59.800781 49.53125 58.714844 50.871094 58.714844 C 52.214844 58.714844 53.300781 59.800781 53.300781 61.144531 Z M 53.300781 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 53.300781 53.296875 C 53.300781 54.640625 52.214844 55.730469 50.871094 55.730469 C 49.53125 55.730469 48.433594 54.640625 48.433594 53.296875 C 48.433594 51.957031 49.53125 50.867188 50.871094 50.867188 C 52.214844 50.867188 53.300781 51.957031 53.300781 53.296875 Z M 53.300781 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 48.433594 45.453125 C 48.433594 44.109375 49.527344 43.023438 50.871094 43.023438 C 52.214844 43.023438 53.300781 44.109375 53.300781 45.453125 C 53.300781 46.796875 52.214844 47.890625 50.871094 47.890625 C 49.527344 47.890625 48.433594 46.796875 48.433594 45.453125 Z M 48.433594 45.453125 "/> <path style=" 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stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 53.300781 45.453125 C 53.300781 46.796875 52.214844 47.890625 50.871094 47.890625 C 49.53125 47.890625 48.433594 46.796875 48.433594 45.453125 C 48.433594 44.109375 49.53125 43.023438 50.871094 43.023438 C 52.214844 43.023438 53.300781 44.109375 53.300781 45.453125 Z M 53.300781 45.453125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.5625 53.296875 C 26.5625 54.640625 25.476562 55.730469 24.125 55.730469 C 22.785156 55.730469 21.695312 54.640625 21.695312 53.296875 C 21.695312 51.957031 22.785156 50.867188 24.125 50.867188 C 25.476562 50.867188 26.5625 51.957031 26.5625 53.296875 Z M 26.5625 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.472656 53.296875 C 35.472656 54.640625 34.386719 55.730469 33.042969 55.730469 C 31.703125 55.730469 30.605469 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Health’s PineApp lets you handle your healthcare needs, all in one place, from anywhere. With an emphasis on convenience, the PineApp offers specific features to make healthcare easy and accessible.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How is the PineApp different from other Baptist Health apps?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The PineApp integrates the functions of multiple Baptist Health apps to make it a single source for all your healthcare needs. </p> <p>Baptist Health’s PineApp allows you to:</p> <ul> <li>Conveniently book appointments</li> <li>View, cancel or reschedule upcoming appointments</li> <li>Browse all Baptist Health locations</li> <li>Get notified of and view lab results</li> <li>Upload and store insurance information</li> <li>Schedule medication reminders</li> <li>Track symptoms over time with your Health Journal</li> <li>Access urgent care online 24/7</li> <li>Check in to your urgent care visit</li> <li>Pay your bill </li> </ul> <p>With more features added regularly.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How can I download the PineApp?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>You can download the PineApp by visiting the app store on your mobile device and search “PineApp.”</p> <p>To download the PineApp from the App Store, <a href=''>click here</a>.<br /> To download the PineApp on Google Play, <a href=''>click here</a>.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is the PineApp free?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Yes, the PineApp is free. It is available on the App Store and Google Play. </p> <p>To download the PineApp from the App Store, <a href=''>click here</a>.<br /> To download the PineApp on Google Play, <a href=''>click here</a>.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How can I get support for my Baptist Health Account?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>If you have questions regarding your Baptist Health Account, <a href='/patient-resources/my-baptist-health-account/baptist-health-account-help'>click here</a>.</p>" } } ] } </script> <section class="section accordion-section "> <div class="container "> <div class="container--inner"> <header class="section-header "> <h2 class="section-header__heading">Frequently Asked Questions</h2> </header> <div class="accordion"> <ul class="accordion__items"> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--0"> <button aria-controls="accordion--0" class="accordion__button ">What is the Baptist Health PineApp?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--0" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Baptist Health’s PineApp lets you handle your healthcare needs, all in one place, from anywhere. With an emphasis on convenience, the PineApp offers specific features to make healthcare easy and accessible.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--1"> <button aria-controls="accordion--1" class="accordion__button ">How is the PineApp different from other Baptist Health apps?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--1" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>The PineApp integrates the functions of multiple Baptist Health apps to make it a single source for all your healthcare needs. </p> <p>Baptist Health’s PineApp allows you to:</p> <ul> <li>Conveniently book appointments</li> <li>View, cancel or reschedule upcoming appointments</li> <li>Browse all Baptist Health locations</li> <li>Get notified of and view lab results</li> <li>Upload and store insurance information</li> <li>Schedule medication reminders</li> <li>Track symptoms over time with your Health Journal</li> <li>Access urgent care online 24/7</li> <li>Check in to your urgent care visit</li> <li>Pay your bill </li> </ul> <p>With more features added regularly.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--2"> <button aria-controls="accordion--2" class="accordion__button ">How can I download the PineApp?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--2" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>You can download the PineApp by visiting the app store on your mobile device and search “PineApp.”</p> <p>To download the PineApp from the App Store, <a href="">click here</a>.<br /> To download the PineApp on Google Play, <a href="">click here</a>.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--3"> <button aria-controls="accordion--3" class="accordion__button ">Is the PineApp free?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--3" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Yes, the PineApp is free. It is available on the App Store and Google Play. </p> <p>To download the PineApp from the App Store, <a href="">click here</a>.<br /> To download the PineApp on Google Play, <a href="">click here</a>.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--4"> <button aria-controls="accordion--4" class="accordion__button ">How can I get support for my Baptist Health Account?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--4" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>If you have questions regarding your Baptist Health Account, <a href="/patient-resources/my-baptist-health-account/baptist-health-account-help">click here</a>.</p></p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <script src="/content/assets/js/accordioncomponent.js?v=20241120044044"></script> <div><div class="mobile"> <section class="page-header page-header--image-full page-header--no-site-header "> <div class="page-header__image-full"> <img 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