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Grand Prix™ weekend. No matter which event you choose to attend, F1® Experiences brings you the best tickets available, first-class hotels, seamless transfers and unparalleled access you can't get anywhere else!</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="about-us-outer-container"> <div class="max-width-container"> <div class="about-us-container"> <div class="about-us-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <h3>F1® Grand Prix™ Tickets</h3> <p>Each Official F1® Ticket Package comes with carefully selected seating locations perfectly immersed in the heart of the action. Choose from premium grandstand seats or access to exclusive trackside hospitality suites, each ensuring a prime vantage point to watch the on-track action.</p> </div> </div> <div class="about-us-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image image-top-20" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <h3>Unique Access to F1®</h3> <p>Experience F1® like never before with unmatched access at each and every circuit on the F1® calendar. From Pit Lane Walks, Guided Track Tours, and behind-the-scenes access to the exclusive F1® Paddock or F1® Team Garages, to appearances from some of your favourite F1® insiders and priority access to the post-race F1® Podium Celebration, F1® Experiences gets you closer to F1® than ever before.</p> </div> </div> <div class="about-us-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <h3>Full Service</h3> <p>F1® Experiences prides itself on being a one-stop shop for all your needs throughout a Grand Prix™ weekend. In one seamless checkout process, you can secure your seating at the track, comfortable hotel accommodation and convenient transfers to and from the F1® circuit each day. Plus, the dedicated guest services team will help you with any additional queries you have.</p> </div> </div> <div class="about-us-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <h3>Secure Purchasing</h3> <p>Official F1® Ticket Packages come directly from Formula 1®, ensuring access to the circuit with no risk of fraud. Each F1® Experiences Package is shipped to your preferred address with a signature required, arranged for pick-up at a secure location at or near the circuit or dropped at your hotel for reliable and convenient access during check-in.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .redesign-wrapper .guest-experience-wrapper .guest-experiences.glide { height: auto; padding: 0 32px; width: 100%; } .redesign-wrapper .guest-experience-wrapper .guest-experiences.glide .guest-experiences { padding: 0; } .redesign-wrapper .guest-experience-wrapper .guest-experiences.glide .glide__arrow { color: #15151E; font-family: Formula1; font-size: 45px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; line-height: normal; text-transform: uppercase; background: none; border: none; box-shadow: none; text-shadow: none; padding: 0; position: absolute; top: 50%; } .redesign-wrapper .guest-experience-wrapper .guest-experiences.glide .glide__arrow--left { left: 0; } .redesign-wrapper .guest-experience-wrapper .guest-experiences.glide .glide__arrow--right { right: 0; } </style> <div class="guest-experience-wrapper margin-top-50"> <div class="max-width-container"> <h3 class=" dark-text">Testimonials</h3> <hr class="thick-hr"> <div class="guest-experiences glide"> <div class="glide__track" data-glide-el="track"> <ul class="glide__slides guest-experiences"> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">This was a fabulous event (Inside F1). Have been raving about it. The guest speakers were captivating and a wealth of knowledge and seemed happy to be there.</p> <p class="name">Lydia</p> <p class="package dark-text">Trophy Package</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 ABU DHABI GRAND PRIX</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">An unforgettable experience, it was worth every penny.</p> <p class="name">Alexander</p> <p class="package dark-text">F1® Garage</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO D’ITALIA</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">The Champions Club was amazing, the F1 staff and the caterers could not be more helpful, everyone wanted us to have a great time and experience.</p> <p class="name">Miriam</p> <p class="package dark-text">Champions Club</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 UNITED STATES GRAND PRIX</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">I have shared our experience with F1 Experiences with many family and friends already. I would happily recommend them to anyone.</p> <p class="name">Callie</p> <p class="package dark-text">Hero Package</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO D’ITALIA</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">Over the top FUN! The food and service in the Paddock Club exceeded our expectations. Everything was amazing in the Paddock and felt like we were part of the Netflix series meeting and seeing what happens in F1 up close.</p> <p class="name">Amy</p> <p class="package dark-text">Legend Package</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 BRITISH GRAND PRIX</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">We had a brilliant experience at the Dutch GP. Everything was well organised. We really enjoyed the track tour and pit lane walk on Thursday.</p> <p class="name">Fiona</p> <p class="package dark-text">Starter Package</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 DUTCH GRAND PRIX</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">The hospitality was everything I hoped for and more. The staff was amazing. The atmosphere was great. It was well worth the money.</p> <p class="name">Georgina</p> <p class="package dark-text">Champions Club</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 ABU DHABI GRAND PRIX</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">I think you guys nailed it. My family and I enjoyed every minute of the 4-day weekend and look forward to doing it again.</p> <p class="name">Callie</p> <p class="package dark-text">Hero Package</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO D’ITALIA</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">The seats I had were unbelievable for F1, F2, F3 and W Series, and I got to see all the podiums and cars up close and see Pit Lane. It was incredible!</p> <p class="name">Perry</p> <p class="package dark-text">Hero Package</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 BRITISH GRAND PRIX</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">The whole thing was a delight. The Guided Paddock Tour was of course superb - we were like kids at Christmas. But honestly, the whole process has been excellent.</p> <p class="name">Victoria</p> <p class="package dark-text">Paddock Club</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO D’ITALIA</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">The entire weekend was incredible for us! Going to a F1 race was on my husband's bucket list so everything about the experience left us with memories to talk about for years.</p> <p class="name">Theresa</p> <p class="package dark-text">Starter Package</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 UNITED STATES GRAND PRIX</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">I always travel with F1 Experiences because of the smaller, more intimate and less mainstream group/package experience where there are too many people to feel valued.</p> <p class="name">Samuel</p> <p class="package dark-text">Turn 1 Suite by F1® Experiences</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 ABU DHABI GRAND PRIX</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">Overall, I thought the Trophy package provided a good experience. Enjoyed the Pit Lane Walk and Track Tour. The Saturday evening reception with guests was excellent.</p> <p class="name">John</p> <p class="package dark-text">Trophy Package</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO D’ITALIA</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="glide__slide guest-experience"> <div class="guest-experience"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="image" src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="dark-text">The grandstand for the Hero package was in an excellent place on the track. Well done!</p> <p class="name">Grayden</p> <p class="package dark-text">Hero Package</p> <p class="location dark-text">FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE LA CIUDAD DE MÉXICO</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="glide__arrows" data-glide-el="controls"> <button class="glide__arrow glide__arrow--left" data-glide-dir="&lt;">&lt;</button> <button class="glide__arrow glide__arrow--right" data-glide-dir="&gt;">&gt;</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="partners-wrapper margin-top-50"> <div class="max-width-container"> <h3 class=" dark-text">Partners</h3> <div class="partners"> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>The place to be and be seen on F1® Grand Prix™ weekends around the world, the F1 Paddock Club™ offers luxury hospitality featuring premium trackside views with specially-curated, international cuisine, free-flowing beverages, daily Pit Lane Walks, live entertainment and guest appearances from key F1® personnel.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>An F1® constructor since 2005, Oracle Red Bull Racing have been a leading team for more than a decade. The team has achieved six constructors’ championships, most recently in 2023, and seven drivers’ championships, incuding Sebastian Vettel's four consecutive titles from 2010-2013 and three straight for Max Verstappen from 2021-2023.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>Founded by New Zealander Bruce McLaren in 1963, McLaren Formula 1 Team are one of the oldest and most successful F1® constructors, enjoying their most successful period from the mid-1980s to late 1990s, McLaren have won a total of eight constructors’ championships and 12 drivers’ championships.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>Swiss motorsport company Sauber has been competing in Formula 1® since 1993, operating under various partnerships including BMW and most recently Alfa Romeo. For 2024 and 2025, Sauber will race under the name Stake F1® Team Kick Sauber before rebranding as German automaker Audi in 2026.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>The only American-based F1® constructor on the grid, MoneyGram Haas F1® Team made their Formula 1® debut in 2016 and scored a best finish of fifth in the 2018 World Championship. The team was founded by Gene Haas, who owns Haas Automation - a CNC machine tool manufacturer.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>The main rights holder for broadcasting Formula 1® in the UK and Ireland since 2012, Sky Sports F1 is a leading English-language Formula 1® channel with an experienced lineup of presenters and expert pundits, including several ex-World Champions. Tune in to watch F1® on Sky Sports.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>A leader in hospitality and event management for the Formula 1® Monaco Grand Prix™, Monaco Star Events offers prestige terraces overlooking the Starting Grid, while also specialising in bespoke events on the French Riviera such as the Monaco Historic Grand Prix™, Formula E, and the Monaco Yacht Show, as well as corporate events and private parties.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>The Automobile Club de Monaco has organised iconic motorsport events in Monaco since 1890, offering access to an exciting range of exclusive ticket and hospitality packages for the Monaco Grand Prix™, one of the most important and prestigious motor races in the world.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>Lusail International Circuit is a premier motorsport entertainment destination in Qatar that features a world-class racing circuit, bespoke hospitality lounges, and state-of-the-art facilities to support various action-packed international and local motorsport events.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partner"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <p>GoHammerhead delivers unparalleled, customized, reliable, and high-quality event guest transport services at some of the world's most prestigious sporting events.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div data-code="SG" id="country-code"></div></main><footer class="stripe-elements"><style> .black-friday-pacakge-banner { flex: 1 0 100%; display: flex; flex-direction:column; gap:10px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 20px; background: #019541; color: #FFF !important; font-family: "formula1", sans-serif; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s all ease-in-out; font-size: 20px; 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width: 100%; } .redesign-wrapper .secondary-filters .secondary-filter-wrapper { background: linear-gradient(180deg, #38383f 0%, #15151e 100%); display: flex; flex: 1 0 50%; font-size: 17px; justify-content: center; text-align: center; padding: 15px 0; } .redesign-wrapper .secondary-filters .secondary-filter-wrapper.hide { display: flex !important; } .redesign-wrapper .secondary-filters .secondary-filter-heading { color: #fff; width: fit-content; } /*Switch Transitions*/ .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .secondary-filters .dropdown-menu .switch input, .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .secondary-filters .dropdown-menu .switch .package-type-slider { opacity: 1; transition: 0.3s all ease-in-out; } .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .secondary-filters .dropdown-menu .switch input.disabled, .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .secondary-filters .dropdown-menu .switch .package-type-slider.disabled { cursor: not-allowed; opacity: .5; transition: 0.3s all ease-in-out; } 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height: 0; } .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .dropdown-menu li, .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .dropdown-menu li p, .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .dropdown-menu li label, .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .dropdown-menu li label input, .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .dropdown-menu li label span { height: auto; } .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .dropdown-menu li label { height: 34px; } .redesign-wrapper .dropdown-menu { margin-top: -1px; padding: 20px 10px; position: absolute; } .redesign-wrapper .secondary-filters .dropdown-toggle { align-items: baseline; display: flex; text-transform: uppercase; } .redesign-wrapper .secondary-filters .dropdown-icon { border-radius: 50%; color: #fff; font-family: 'nav_icons'; font-size: 10px; margin: 0 0 0 20px; } .redesign-wrapper .map-wrapper .filters .secondary-filters .dropdown .dropdown-menu li { color: #FFFFFF; display: flex; gap: 10px; margin: 0; align-self: center; align-content: center; } } 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20px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-right: 0; } .redesign-wrapper .hotel-wrapper .hotel-section .hotel-content-wrapper .hotel { flex: 1 0 100%; max-width: 100%; } } </style> <!-- ***** PACKAGE PRICING Stlying for redesign ***** --> <style type="text/css"> .parent-package .redesign-wrapper .purchasing-details { padding: 60px; position: relative; } .parent-package .redesign-wrapper .purchasing-details .max-width-container { position: relative; } .parent-package .redesign-wrapper .purchasing-details.details:before { content: ""; background: url(; position: absolute; top: 65%; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-size: 12px; width: 100%; height: 35%; } .parent-package .redesign-wrapper .purchasing-details .purchasing { margin: 0; border-radius: 30px; border: 2px solid #d0d0d2; background: #fff; padding: 60px; } .parent-package .redesign-wrapper .purchasing-details .purchasing h2.pricing_header { margin: 0 0 -15px 0; color: #15151e; font-family: "formula1", sans-serif; font-size: 32px; 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