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We don’t judge, coach or tell people how to live their lives. However big or small, modest or grand, we empower people and businesses to realise their own vision for a better future. <br /> <br />We know people don’t need banks, they need banking. Our promise is to make banking frictionless, removing barriers to progress and giving people the confidence in their ability to make decisions and to move forward. This promise frees them from the constraints that stand between them and their passions and encourages them to do more of the things that give their life meaning. <br /> <br />Our purpose guides us in everything we do. It’s founded on our belief that ING’s role is to support and promote economic, social and environmental progress, and at the same time generate healthy returns for shareholders. </p> <h2 > do your thing </h2> <p >‘do your thing’ is ING’s first global tagline. It is how we articulate our purpose and promise to make banking frictionless to the world. ‘do your thing’ is about people being free to live the life they want to live, knowing that they will make their world a little better for it. </p> <figure class=" "> <img src="/upload_mm/2/1/d/3b832b84-6058-41a2-a641-22ae5579598f_We-promise-customers_1200x675_1182x664_500x280.png" data-medium-src="/upload_mm/e/5/1/3b832b84-6058-41a2-a641-22ae5579598f_We-promise-customers_1200x675_1182x664_734x412.png" data-medium-hd-src="/upload/3b832b84-6058-41a2-a641-22ae5579598f_We-promise-customers_1200x675_1182x664.png" data-large-src="/upload/3b832b84-6058-41a2-a641-22ae5579598f_We-promise-customers_1200x675_1182x664.png" alt="We promise customers" /> </figure> <h2 > Values </h2> <h3 > Integrity above all </h3> <p >ING's operations touch many lives: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and society at large. Each individual within these groups can, and should expect us, to act with integrity. <br /> <br />Balancing the rights and interests of everyone is crucial to our ongoing viability. To act in ways that can stand the test of time, to live up to the values we hold as true. <br /> <br />For us, success will only be achieved if we act with integrity. We will not ignore, tolerate or excuse behaviour that breaches our values. To do so, would break the trust of society and the trust of the thousands of colleagues who do the right thing. </p> <h2 > Global code of conduct </h2> <p >Everyone working at ING is expected to live up to <a href="" class="normal" title="ING Global Code of conduct.pdf" data-wm-linkcode="C02"><strong>our global code of conduct (PDF 0,4 MB)</strong></a>. It builds on our Orange Code – the values and behaviours that underpin our way of working – and is based on the policies and guidelines we follow in our daily business. </p> <h2 > Our Orange Code </h2> <p >Our Orange Code is comprised of:<br /><br /><strong>ING Values - the non-negotiable promises we make to the world. </strong> | The principles we stick to, no matter what.<br /><br />- We are honest.<br />- We are prudent.<br />- We are responsible.<br /><br /><strong>ING Behaviours - our way of being that makes us different from the rest.</strong> | The commitments we make to each other and the standards by which we will measure each other’s performance.<br /><br />- You take it on and make it happen.<br />- You help others to be successful.<br />- You are always a step ahead.</p> <h2 > 10 code of conduct principles </h2> <p >We stick to 10 principles for conduct to help us to keep our bank safe, secure and compliant, and ultimately safeguard customers, society and the financial system. </p> <p >&nbsp;1.&nbsp; &nbsp;Putting sustainability at the heart<br />&nbsp;2.&nbsp; &nbsp;Customer centricity<br />&nbsp;3.&nbsp; &nbsp;Unfair competition and market abuse<br />&nbsp;4.&nbsp; &nbsp;Know your customer<br />&nbsp;5.&nbsp; &nbsp;A safe environment<br />&nbsp;6.&nbsp; &nbsp;Speaking up<br />&nbsp;7.&nbsp; &nbsp;Innovation, technology and data<br />&nbsp;8.&nbsp; &nbsp;Beware of what you share<br />&nbsp;9.&nbsp; &nbsp;Conflicts of interest<br />10.&nbsp; Anti-bribery & corruption</p> <figure class=" figure-left"> <img src="/upload_mm/f/d/d/5515e385-796c-4d13-996a-66f21a9b088b_10-conduct-of-conduct-principles_500x247.png" data-medium-src="/upload_mm/4/2/8/5515e385-796c-4d13-996a-66f21a9b088b_10-conduct-of-conduct-principles_734x362.png" data-medium-hd-src="/upload/5515e385-796c-4d13-996a-66f21a9b088b_10-conduct-of-conduct-principles.png" data-large-src="/upload_mm/6/d/4/5515e385-796c-4d13-996a-66f21a9b088b_10-conduct-of-conduct-principles_1182x584.png" alt="ING's 10 code of conduct principles" /> </figure></div> <div class="content-cards"> <div><div class="card-row"> <div class="stock-info card-item full-width"> <section class="generic-section"> <h3 > Related links </h3> <ul class=" arrow-link-list" > <li class=""><a href="" class="" ><i class="icon icon-arrow-right"></i>ING at a glance</a> </li> <li class=""><a href="" class="" ><i class="icon icon-arrow-right"></i>Strategy</a> </li> <li class=""><a href="" class="" ><i class="icon icon-arrow-right"></i>Customer value</a> </li> <li class=""><a href="" class="" ><i class="icon icon-arrow-right"></i>Diversity, inclusion and belonging</a> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div></div> </div> <!-- indexer: off --> <div class="social-sharing"> <h2>Share</h2> <div class="sharethis"> <a href="" class="share-link"><span class="icon icon-facebook"></span><span class="label"></span></a> <a href="" class="share-link"><span class="icon icon-twitter"></span><span class="label">Twitter</span></a> <a href="" class="share-link"><span class="icon icon-linkedin"></span><span class="label">LinkedIn</span></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Purpose%20and%20values&" class="share-link"><span class="icon icon-email"></span><span class="label">E-mail</span></a> <a href="whatsapp://send?" class="share-link default-behaviour"><span class="icon icon-whatsapp"></span><span class="label">Whatsapp</span></a> </div> </div> <!-- indexer: on --> </div> <div class="content-article"> <div></div> </div> </div> </article> </section> <!-- indexer: off --> <footer class="global-footer" role="contentinfo"> <section class="column first"> <h1 class="footer-title">Go to</h1> <div> <section class="generic-section"> <ul class=" simple-list" > <li class=""><a href="" class="normal" title="Do you have a question? 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