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The bulk of his fortune is tied up in Christian Dior stock, through which Arnault holds a controlling interest in LVMH. He also has billions of dollars of stock in LVMH directly, in supermarket chain Carrefour and in Hermes. An arts patron and collector, he is the visionary behind the $135 million Frank Gehry-designed Foundation Louis Vuitton museum in Paris' Bois de Boulogne, which opened in October 2014. LVMH is now working with the City of Paris to create another major new cultural institution that will be dedicated to artists and live performances.</span> </div> <div class="more-less more"> <span>More</span><i class="fs-icon fs-icon-chevron-down"></i> </div> </div> <!-- End: .featured-text --> <div class="featured-ad"> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var that = this, ad_params, expiration, render_timeout, getCookie = function(name) { var re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)"), value = re.exec(document.cookie); return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null; }; try { ad_params = JSON.parse(getCookie('global_ad_params')) || {}; //Only do this if they had adblock on and have turned it off. 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class="stats"> <h3>Stats</h3> <ul> <li> <div class="name">Age</div> <div class="value">68</div> </li> <li> <div class="name">Source Of Wealth</div> <div class="value">LVMH</div> </li> <li> <div class="name">Residence</div> <div class="value">Paris, France</div> </li> <li> <div class="name">Citizenship</div> <div class="value">France</div> </li> <li> <div class="name">Marital Status</div> <div class="value">Married</div> </li> <li> <div class="name">Children</div> <div class="value">5</div> </li> <li class="education"> <div class="name">Education</div> <div class="value">Bachelor of Arts / Science, Ecole Polytechnique de Paris</div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="lists"> <h3>On Forbes Lists</h3> <ul> <li> <div class="rank">#11</div> <div class="year-and-name"> <div class="name"><a href="/web/20170905084308/">Billionaires</a></div> <div class="year">2017</div> </div> <div class="sublist"> <div class="subrank">#1</div> <a href="/web/20170905084308/"> France </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="rank">#66</div> <div class="year-and-name"> <div class="name"><a href="/web/20170905084308/">Powerful People</a></div> <div class="year">2015</div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="net-worth-chart"> <h3>Net Worth Over Time</h3> <div class="numbers"> <dd class="historical"> <ul class="bar-chart"> <li class="active"> <div class="tooltip"> <div class="tooltip-container"> <div class="worth"> <span class="small">$</span>41.5<span class="small">B</span> </div> <div class="line"></div> <div class="name"> <a href="/web/20170905084308/">Billionaires</a> </div> <div class="date">March 2017</div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tooltip"> <div class="tooltip-container hidden"> <div class="worth"> <span class="small">$</span>34<span class="small">B</span> </div> <div class="line"></div> <div class="name"> <a href="/web/20170905084308/">Billionaires</a> </div> <div class="date">March 2016</div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tooltip"> <div class="tooltip-container 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<a href="/web/20170905084308/">Billionaires</a> </div> <div class="date">March 2010</div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tooltip"> <div class="tooltip-container hidden"> <div class="worth"> <span class="small">$</span>16.5<span class="small">B</span> </div> <div class="line"></div> <div class="name"> <a href="/web/20170905084308/">Billionaires</a> </div> <div class="date">March 2009</div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <span class="height-padding" data-max="41.5" data-values="[41.5,34,37.2,33.5,29,41,41,41,27.5,16.5]"></span> </dd> </div> <!-- End: .numbers --> <div class="bottom-border"></div> </div> <!-- End: .net_worth_chart --> <div class="connections"> <h3>Connections</h3> <div class="connections-slider"> <ul class="slides" style="width:1200%"> <li class="connection"> <a href="/web/20170905084308/"><img src="//"></a> <div class="name"><a href="/web/20170905084308/">Liliane Bettencourt & family</a></div> <div class="relationship">Related by residence country: France</div> </li> <li class="connection"> <a href="/web/20170905084308/"><img src="//"></a> <div class="name"><a href="/web/20170905084308/">Christian Dior</a></div> <div class="relationship">Holds stake in Christian Dior</div> </li> <li class="connection"> <a href="/web/20170905084308/"><img src="//"></a> <div class="name"><a href="/web/20170905084308/">France</a></div> <div class="relationship">Citizen of France</div> </li> <li class="connection"> <a href="/web/20170905084308/"><img src="//"></a> <div class="name"><a href="/web/20170905084308/">Francois Hollande</a></div> <div class="relationship">Related by residence country: France</div> </li> <li class="connection"> <a href="/web/20170905084308/"><img src="//"></a> <div class="name"><a href="/web/20170905084308/">Louis Vuitton</a></div> <div class="relationship">Holds stake in Louis Vuitton</div> </li> <li class="connection"> <a href="/web/20170905084308/"><img src="//"></a> <div class="name"><a href="/web/20170905084308/">Serge Dassault & family</a></div> <div class="relationship">Related by residence country: France</div> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- End: .connections-slider --> </div> <!-- End: .connections --> <div class="stream-container"> <div class="newsworthy"> <h3>NEWSWORTHY</h3> <ul class="stream_content"> <li class="stream_item"> <div class="item_wrapper"> <article class="clearfix"> <div class="img_pull"> <a href="//"> <img src="//"> </a> </div> <h2><a href="//"> World's Largest Restaurant Companies, 2017: McDonald's Slips While Darden Makes Gains </a></h2> <p>The restaurant industry did not have an easy 2016. Between uncertainty about the presidential election that pervaded consumer sentiment, lower food costs at grocery stores and diners’ rekindled desire to eat at home, same-store sales across the sector decelerated and declined throughout the year. Wage inflation added pressure to this <a href="//">read »</a></p> </article> </div> </li> <li class="stream_item"> <div class="item_wrapper"> <article class="clearfix"> <div class="img_pull"> <a href="//"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <h2><a href="//"> Tycoon Carlos Slim's Wireless Market Share Decrease, Good But Not Enough, Says New OECD Report </a></h2> <p>Mexico’s 2013 telecom reform has successfully brought new players into the market, but the biggest companies continue to be dominant in the TV and phone markets, a new OECD report says. <a href="//">read »</a></p> </article> </div> </li> <li class="stream_item"> <div class="item_wrapper"> <article class="clearfix"> <div class="img_pull"> <a href="//"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <h2><a href="//"> Macau Casino Recovery Storms Ahead Despite Typhoons, Gathering Clouds </a></h2> <p>High rollers swell surging comeback, but sustainability concerns remain <a href="//">read »</a></p> </article> </div> </li> <li class="stream_item"> <div class="item_wrapper"> <article class="clearfix"> <div class="img_pull"> <a href="//"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <h2><a href="//"> Berkshire Hathaway's Buffett Odds On Favourite To Win 'Million-Dollar' S&P; 500 Bet </a></h2> <p>With Warren Buffett, ‘The Sage of Omaha’, celebrating his 87th birthday this past week, a betting firm opened a ‘prop’ bet for punters on the bet of the last decade, whereby Buffett contended in 2007 that a Vanguard S&P 500 index fund would beat five hedge funds selected by Protégé Partners. <a href="//">read »</a></p> </article> </div> </li> <li class="stream_item"> <div class="item_wrapper"> <article class="clearfix"> <div class="img_pull"> <a href="//"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <h2><a href="//"> Texas Billionaire Michael Dell Pledges $36 Million to Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund </a></h2> <p>Tech billionaire and Houston native Michael Dell pledges $36 million to Hurricane Harvey recovery and launches philanthropic project called Rebuild Texas Fund. <a href="//">read »</a></p> </article> </div> </li> <div id="moreon" class=""> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var that = this, ad_params, expiration, render_timeout, getCookie = function(name) { var re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)"), value = re.exec(document.cookie); return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null; }; try { ad_params = JSON.parse(getCookie('global_ad_params')) || {}; //Only do this if they had adblock on and have turned it off. 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Some in the industry refer to us as the JD Power of higher education, and I can see why that analogy works. <a href="//">read »</a></p> </article> </div> </li> <li class="stream_item"> <div class="item_wrapper"> <article class="clearfix"> <div class="img_pull"> <a href="//"> <img src="//"> </a> </div> <h2><a href="//"> Celtics' Kyrie Irving Is Bringing Competition Back To The NBA </a></h2> <p>It’s a done deal.</p> <p>The Cleveland Cavaliers and Boston Celtics have completed the trade to send Kyrie Irving to Boston–and with it, igniting competition in the NBA. <a href="//">read »</a></p> </article> </div> </li> <li class="stream_item"> <div class="item_wrapper"> <article class="clearfix"> <div class="img_pull"> <a href="//"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <h2><a href="//"> This Spanish Billionaire Keeps Losing His Spot As World's Richest Person </a></h2> <p>Wednesday’s ascent marked the fourth time he had reigned as world’s richest. 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But when U.S. markets closed, Gates was back in the No. 1 spot. <a href="//">read »</a></p> </article> </div> </li> <li class="stream_item"> <div class="item_wrapper"> <article class="clearfix"> <div class="img_pull"> <a href="//"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <h2><a href="//"> Roger Federer Heads The World's Highest-Paid Tennis Players Of 2017 </a></h2> <p>Roger Federer is the top-earning tennis player for the 12th straight year with earnings of $64 million thanks to the richest endorsement portfolio of any athlete in the world. <a href="//">read »</a></p> </article> </div> </li> </ul> <!-- End: .stream_content --> </div> <div class="ad-rail"> <div class="block-ad"> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var that = this, ad_params, expiration, render_timeout, getCookie = function(name) { var re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)"), value = re.exec(document.cookie); return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null; }; try { ad_params = JSON.parse(getCookie('global_ad_params')) || {}; //Only do this if they had adblock on and have turned it off. 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