Nordisk familjebok / 1800-talsutg氓van. 19. Supplement. A - B枚ttiger

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Det h盲r bandet utgavs 1896 och inneh氓ller b枚rjan av supplementet, fr氓n A till B枚ttiger. <p>F枚r en allm盲n introduktion till verket, se Projekt Runebergs inledning till <a href="/nf/" >Nordisk familjebok</a>. <br clear=all><hr noshade> The above contents can be inspected in scanned images: <a href="0001.html" >Titelsida</a>, <a href="0002.html" >Titelbladets baksida</a> <br clear=all> <hr noshade> <a href="/wiki/Korrstapel" >Korrstapel</a> / <a href="/wiki/Proof_bar" >Proof bar</a> for this volume <br> <a href="/nfas/gotopage" ><img src="/img/proofbar/nfas" ISMAP alt="" height=20 border=0></a> <h2>Inneh氓ll / Table of Contents</h2> <br><a href="0001.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Titel och inneh氓ll</a> - <a href="0001.html" >Titelsida</a>, <a href="0002.html" >Titelbladets baksida</a> <br><a href="0653.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">I detta band f枚rekomma signerade artiklar af nedan n盲mnde f枚rfattare</a> - <a href="0653.html" >i</a>, <a href="0654.html" >ii</a> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<h2>Supplement: A</h2> <br><a href="0003.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">A 盲r den f枚rsta bokstafven</a> - <a href="0003.html" >1-2</a>, <a href="0004.html" >3-4</a> <br><a href="0004.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">A, musikt.</a> - <a href="0004.html" >3-4</a> <br><a href="0004.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*A, ensamt eller s氓som begynnelsebokstaf, i f枚rkortningar</a> - <a href="0004.html" >3-4</a> <br><a href="0004.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aabj枚ra. Se Tisleia</a> - <a href="0004.html" >3-4</a> <br><a href="0004.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aachen. 1. Regeringsomr氓det</a> - <a href="0004.html" >3-4</a> <br><a href="0004.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aachen. 2. Hufvudstad i n盲mnda regeringsomr氓de</a> - <a href="0004.html" >3-4</a> <br><a href="0004.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aachen, Hans von</a> - <a href="0004.html" >3-4</a>, <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aafjord 盲r pastorat, ej stad</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aagaard, K. F., dansk m氓lare. Se 脜g氓rd</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aagesen, Andreas</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aahausen, oriktig form f枚r Ahausen l. Auhausen (se d. o. Suppl.)</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aakirkeby, stad (ej k枚ping), hade 967 innev. 1890</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aalberg, Ida Emilia</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aalborg, stad</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aalborgs amt</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aalesund, stad i Norge</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*3. Aall, H. J. K.</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aaltokas. Se Alue</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aarburg</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aarbustadtind. Se Andorg. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aarestrup, K. L. E.</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a> <br><a href="0005.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aarflot, norsk bondesl盲gt</a> - <a href="0005.html" >5-6</a>, <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aargau</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aarhus</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aarhus amt</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aarifi pasja</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aarsleff, Carl Vilhelm Olaf Peter</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aar枚 (Ar枚) tillh枚r preussiska prov. Schleswig-Holstein</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aas, landtbruksskola</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Aas, Ingeborg, norsk s氓ngerska. Se Oselio, Gina</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aasi. Se El Asi</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aates. Se 脰de</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Aavasksa. Se R盲ttelser. bd 18.</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abadeh. Se 盲fven Hamitiska spr氓k</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abach. Se Abbach</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Ab actis, Lat. Se Officium</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abacus. Se R盲kneb盲nk</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abadie, Paul</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abaditer (riktigare Abbadider)</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abai, det i Abessinien brukliga namnet p氓 Bahr el-asrak l. Bl氓 Nilen</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abajour. Se Abat-jour</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abaka-kan, mongolisk herskare. Se Mongolerna, sp. 242</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abakan-tatarer. Se Tatarer, sp. 1424</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abaliget-grottan ligger i ungerska komitatet Bar谩nya, n. v. om F眉nfkirchen</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abandon, jur., sj枚v.</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abaptiston (af Grek. nekande a och baptizein, neds盲nkta). Se Trepanation</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abat-jour betyder 盲fven lampsk盲rm</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abat-sons. Se Abat-vent</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abauj-Torna, ett 1881 af komitaten Abauj och Torna bildadt komitat i Ungern</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abazzia. Se Abbazia. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbagamban. Se Hornfoglarna</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abbas I den store. Se vidare Persien, sp. 1097-98</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbasi. Se Abasi</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abbasider. 1. Se vidare Kalif</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a> <br><a href="0006.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbas pasja</a> - <a href="0006.html" >7-8</a>, <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abbatini, A. M.</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbazia, kurort i Istrien</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbe, Cleveland</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbek氓s. Se Abek氓s</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbema, Wilhelm von</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abbeokuta, hufvudstad i det lilla Egba-riket</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abbeville, stad (numera ej f盲stning), vid Paris-Boulogne-Calaisjernv盲gen</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abborrnate, bot. Se Potamogeton</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbot, Lemuel Francis</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbotgrefve. Se Abbot</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abbotsford ligger i skotska grefskapet Roxburgh</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abbott, J. S. C., dog 1877</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abbott, Jacob</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">A-B-C-code, Eng., handelst. Se Chiffer. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abchaserna</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abchasien (Abasien, ej Abassien)</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abdallah, kalifer. Se Kalif, sp. 55 och 57</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abd-ar-rahman 1) var kalifen Hisjams (ej Jesids) st氓th氓llare i Spanien</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abd-ar-rahman, emir af Afganistan</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abd-el-kader afled i Damaskus d. 25 Maj 1883</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abd-el-Malik, kailf. Se Kalif, sp. 54</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abdominal-tyfus. Se Tyfus</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">*Abdu-l-asis, turkisk sultan</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abdul-l-asis, emir. Se Vahhabiterna</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br><a href="0007.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Abdu-l-hamid II, turkisk sultan</a> - <a href="0007.html" >9-10</a> <br>Abdu-l-kerim ... - <a href="0008.html" >11-12</a>, <a href="0009.html" >13-14</a> <br>Abietinsyra ... - <a href="0010.html" >15-16</a>, <a href="0011.html" >17-18</a>, <a href="0012.html" >19-20</a>, <a href="0013.html" >21-22</a>, <a href="0014.html" >23-24</a> <br>Accent ... - <a href="0015.html" >25-26</a>, <a href="0016.html" >27-28</a>, <a href="0017.html" >29-30</a>, <a href="0018.html" >31-32</a>, <a href="0019.html" >33-34</a> <br>Ackusativ ... - <a href="0020.html" >35-36</a>, <a href="0021.html" >37-38</a>, <a href="0022.html" >39-40</a>, <a href="0023.html" >41-42</a>, <a href="0024.html" >43-44</a> <br>脌 deux usances ... - <a href="0025.html" >45-46</a>, <a href="0026.html" >47-48</a>, <a href="0027.html" >49-50</a>, <a href="0028.html" >51-52</a>, <a href="0029.html" >53-54</a> <br>Afdelning ... - 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<a href="0479.html" >945-946</a>, <a href="0480.html" >947-948</a>, <a href="0481.html" >949-950</a>, <a href="0482.html" >951-952</a>, <a href="0483.html" >953-954</a> <br>Bodega ... - <a href="0484.html" >955-956</a>, <a href="0485.html" >957-958</a>, <a href="0486.html" >959-960</a>, <a href="0487.html" >961-962</a>, <a href="0488.html" >963-964</a> <br>Bogdanovitj ... - <a href="0489.html" >965-966</a>, <a href="0490.html" >967-968</a>, <a href="0491.html" >969-970</a>, <a href="0492.html" >971-972</a>, <a href="0493.html" >973-974</a> <br>Bojarskaja duma ... - <a href="0494.html" >975-976</a>, <a href="0495.html" >977-978</a>, <a href="0496.html" >979-980</a>, <a href="0497.html" >981-982</a>, <a href="0498.html" >983-984</a> <br>Bologna ... - <a href="0499.html" >985-986</a>, <a href="0500.html" >987-988</a>, <a href="0501.html" >989-990</a>, <a href="0502.html" >991-992</a>, <a href="0503.html" >993-994</a> <br>Bonapartister ... - <a href="0504.html" >995-996</a>, <a href="0505.html" >997-998</a>, <a href="0506.html" >999-1000</a>, <a href="0507.html" >1001-1002</a>, <a href="0508.html" >1003-1004</a> <br>Bonne bouche ... - <a href="0509.html" >1005-1006</a>, <a href="0510.html" >1007-1008</a>, <a href="0511.html" >1009-1010</a>, <a href="0512.html" >1011-1012</a>, <a href="0513.html" >1013-1014</a> <br>Borelius ... - <a href="0514.html" >1015-1016</a>, <a href="0515.html" >1017-1018</a>, <a href="0516.html" >1019-1020</a>, <a href="0517.html" >1021-1022</a>, <a href="0518.html" >1023-1024</a> <br>Bornholm ... - <a href="0519.html" >1025-1026</a>, <a href="0520.html" >1027-1028</a>, <a href="0521.html" >1029-1030</a>, <a href="0522.html" >1031-1032</a>, <a href="0523.html" >1033-1034</a> <br>Bosquet ... - <a href="0524.html" >1035-1036</a>, <a href="0525.html" >1037-1038</a>, <a href="0526.html" >1039-1040</a>, <a href="0527.html" >1041-1042</a>, <a href="0528.html" >1043-1044</a> <br>Botkin ... - <a href="0529.html" >1045-1046</a>, <a href="0530.html" >1047-1048</a>, <a href="0531.html" >1049-1050</a>, <a href="0532.html" >1051-1052</a>, <a href="0533.html" >1053-1054</a> <br>Boulogne-skogen ... - <a href="0534.html" >1055-1056</a>, <a href="0535.html" >1057-1058</a>, <a href="0536.html" >1059-1060</a>, <a href="0537.html" >1061-1062</a>, <a href="0538.html" >1063-1064</a> <br>Boxholm ... - <a href="0539.html" >1065-1066</a>, <a href="0540.html" >1067-1068</a>, <a href="0541.html" >1069-1070</a>, <a href="0542.html" >1071-1072</a>, <a href="0543.html" >1073-1074</a> <br>Brake ... - <a href="0544.html" >1075-1076</a>, <a href="0545.html" >1077-1078</a>, <a href="0546.html" >1079-1080</a>, <a href="0547.html" >1081-1082</a>, <a href="0548.html" >1083-1084</a> <br>Brandt ... - <a href="0549.html" >1085-1086</a>, <a href="0550.html" >1087-1088</a>, <a href="0551.html" >1089-1090</a>, <a href="0552.html" >1091-1092</a>, <a href="0553.html" >1093-1094</a> <br>Brasiliens f枚renta stater ... - <a href="0554.html" >1095-1096</a>, <a href="0555.html" >1097-1098</a>, <a href="0556.html" >1099-1100</a>, <a href="0557.html" >1101-1102</a>, <a href="0558.html" >1103-1104</a> <br>Brazzaville ... - <a href="0559.html" >1105-1106</a>, <a href="0560.html" >1107-1108</a>, <a href="0561.html" >1109-1110</a>, <a href="0562.html" >1111-1112</a>, <a href="0563.html" >1113-1114</a> <br>Breiziz ... - <a href="0564.html" >1115-1116</a>, <a href="0565.html" >1117-1118</a>, <a href="0566.html" >1119-1120</a>, <a href="0567.html" >1121-1122</a>, <a href="0568.html" >1123-1124</a> <br>Brianchons teorem ... - <a href="0569.html" >1125-1126</a>, <a href="0570.html" >1127-1128</a>, <a href="0571.html" >1129-1130</a>, <a href="0572.html" >1131-1132</a>, <a href="0573.html" >1133-1134</a> <br>Brisson ... - <a href="0574.html" >1135-1136</a>, <a href="0575.html" >1137-1138</a>, <a href="0576.html" >1139-1140</a>, <a href="0577.html" >1141-1142</a>, <a href="0578.html" >1143-1144</a> <br>Britiska 脰st-Afrika ... - <a href="0579.html" >1145-1146</a>, <a href="0580.html" >1147-1148</a>, <a href="0581.html" >1149-1150</a>, <a href="0582.html" >1151-1152</a>, <a href="0583.html" >1153-1154</a> <br>Broek ... - <a href="0584.html" >1155-1156</a>, <a href="0585.html" >1157-1158</a>, <a href="0586.html" >1159-1160</a>, <a href="0587.html" >1161-1162</a>, <a href="0588.html" >1163-1164</a> <br>Broughton-枚arna ... - <a href="0589.html" >1165-1166</a>, <a href="0590.html" >1167-1168</a>, <a href="0591.html" >1169-1170</a>, <a href="0592.html" >1171-1172</a>, <a href="0593.html" >1173-1174</a> <br>Brugmansia arborea ... - <a href="0594.html" >1175-1176</a>, <a href="0595.html" >1177-1178</a>, <a href="0596.html" >1179-1180</a>, <a href="0597.html" >1181-1182</a>, <a href="0598.html" >1183-1184</a> <br>Bruun ... - <a href="0599.html" >1185-1186</a>, <a href="0600.html" >1187-1188</a>, <a href="0601.html" >1189-1190</a>, <a href="0602.html" >1191-1192</a>, <a href="0603.html" >1193-1194</a> <br>Br盲nvinsbr盲nning ... - <a href="0604.html" >1195-1196</a>, <a href="0605.html" >1197-1198</a>, <a href="0606.html" >1199-1200</a>, <a href="0607.html" >1201-1202</a>, <a href="0608.html" >1203-1204</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Br枚stsocker. Se Kandisocker.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Br枚st-species. Se Te, sp. 1461 (盲fven i Suppl.)</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Br枚st-tobak</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Br枚st-ton</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Br枚tlingar</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bubalus. Se Buffel.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bubatos</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bubi. Se Booby. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bubonpest. Se Pest.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bubulcus</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucaramanga, stad i Columbia.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Beccellati, Antonio, abb茅.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buccina -- 2. Jfr Trumpetsn盲ckan.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buccinariska 枚arna</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buccinid忙</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buccleuch, Anna B. -- Hertig Walter B.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucconid忙</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucephala. Se Djelapur. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a> <br><a href="0609.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buchan, Alexander, skotsk meterolog.</a> - <a href="0609.html" >1205-1206</a>, <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buchanan, J., president</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucher, A. L.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucher, A. B.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buchheim, Rudolf, tysk farmakolog och medicinhistoriker</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buchholz</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buchhorn, fordom riksstad. Se Friedrichshafen.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buchner, Max, tysk Afrikaresande och l盲kare</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buchta, Richard, tysk Afrikaresande</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucina. Se Buccina.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucinariska 枚arna. Se Buccinariska 枚arna (盲fven i Suppl.)</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buckau, stadsdel i Magdeburg (se d. o.).</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buckhurst, lord. Se Dorset 1.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucking, Arnold. Se Pannartz, A.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buckingham. 1. Grefskap.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buckingham palace</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buckland, Francis B., regementsl盲kare och laxfiskeintendent.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucklandit. Se Ortit.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buckle, H. T. engelsk f枚rfattare.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buckoblad. Se Bucco-blad.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a> <br><a href="0610.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buckow, stad 枚ster om Berlin.</a> - <a href="0610.html" >1207-1208</a>, <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a> <br><a href="0611.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buck van Raa och Buck van See. Se Bukken.</a> - <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a> <br><a href="0611.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucolica, dikter af Virgilius (Se denne, sp. 1163)</a> - <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a> <br><a href="0611.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bucorax abbyssinicus, hornkorpen. Se Hornfoglarna.</a> - <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a> <br><a href="0611.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budal, Hans, norsk bildhuggare.</a> - <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a> <br><a href="0611.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budalen, fj盲llbygd i S. Trondhjem.</a> - <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a> <br><a href="0611.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budapest</a> - <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a> <br><a href="0611.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budaun</a> - <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a> <br><a href="0611.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budb盲raren</a> - <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a> <br><a href="0611.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budde, J枚ns, "Finlands 盲ldste literat枚r".</a> - <a href="0611.html" >1209-1210</a>, <a href="0612.html" >1211-1212</a> <br><a href="0612.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budde, Leopold, dansk f枚rfattare.</a> - <a href="0612.html" >1211-1212</a> <br><a href="0612.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buddeus, Johann Franz, tysk teolog.</a> - <a href="0612.html" >1211-1212</a> <br><a href="0612.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buddha</a> - <a href="0612.html" >1211-1212</a> <br><a href="0612.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buddha-La. Se Lha-sa, sp. 1194.</a> - <a href="0612.html" >1211-1212</a> <br><a href="0612.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budena. Se Vodena.</a> - <a href="0612.html" >1211-1212</a> <br><a href="0612.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budenbergs metallmanometer. Se Manometer.</a> - <a href="0612.html" >1211-1212</a> <br><a href="0612.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budenz, Josef, tysk spr氓kforskare.</a> - <a href="0612.html" >1211-1212</a>, <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a> <br><a href="0613.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budge, L. J., afled 1888.</a> - <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a> <br><a href="0613.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budjak</a> - <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a> <br><a href="0613.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budmani, Peter, serbisk-kroatisk filolog.</a> - <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a> <br><a href="0613.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budocas</a> - <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a> <br><a href="0613.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budorden. Se Tio Guds bud.</a> - <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a> <br><a href="0613.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Budweis</a> - <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a> <br><a href="0613.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bueckeleer, Joachim, flamsk m氓lare.</a> - <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a> <br><a href="0613.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bueno, chilensk flod</a> - <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a> <br><a href="0613.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buenos Aires</a> - <a href="0613.html" >1213-1214</a>, <a href="0614.html" >1215-1216</a> <br><a href="0614.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bufalini, Maurizio, italiensk l盲kare.</a> - <a href="0614.html" >1215-1216</a> <br><a href="0614.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bufarik</a> - <a href="0614.html" >1215-1216</a> <br><a href="0614.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buffalmacco, italiensk m氓lare. Egentligen Buonamico di Cristofano.</a> - <a href="0614.html" >1215-1216</a>, <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buffalo</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buffalo bill. Se Cody. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buffer-stat</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buffet, L. J.</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buffi猫re, Pierre. Se Mirabeau.</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bufonid忙. Se Paddorna.</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">1. Bugge, P. O., f枚ddes 1764 (enl. Halvorsen).</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">2. Bugge, S. B., kyrkoherde</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">4. Bugge, Fredrik Vilhelm Klumpp, norsk teolog.</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a> <br><a href="0615.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bugge, E. S., spr氓kforskare</a> - <a href="0615.html" >1217-1218</a>, <a href="0616.html" >1219-1220</a> <br><a href="0616.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buglardini, Giuliano, italiensk m氓lare. Signatur Julianus Florentinus.</a> - <a href="0616.html" >1219-1220</a> <br><a href="0616.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buglehorn. Se Bygelhorn</a> - <a href="0616.html" >1219-1220</a> <br><a href="0616.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bugres, indianstam. Se Se Botokuder (盲fven i Suppl.).</a> - <a href="0616.html" >1219-1220</a> <br><a href="0616.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bugulma</a> - <a href="0616.html" >1219-1220</a> <br><a href="0616.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buguruslan</a> - <a href="0616.html" >1219-1220</a> <br><a href="0616.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buhl, Franz Amand, tysk politiker.</a> - <a href="0616.html" >1219-1220</a>, <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buhl, Franz Peter William, dansk teolog</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buhl-arbete (oriktigt f枚r boulle- l. boule-arbete). Se Boule.</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buijs Ballot, K. H. D.</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Building societies</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buisson, Ferdinand Edouard, fransk pedagog</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buitenszorg</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bujiderna, herskardynasti i Persien (se d. o. sp. 1095)</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukanier. Se Boucanier.</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukarest</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukejevska horden. Se Kirgiser, sp. 746.</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukfenor. Jfr ock Fena</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukhinne-infalmmation. Se Maginflammation.</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukindo. Se Ukereve.</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukm盲rg. Se Leddjur.</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukolisk. Om bukolisk cesur se Hexameter.</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a> <br><a href="0617.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukovina</a> - <a href="0617.html" >1221-1222</a>, <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukref, ett gammalt namn p氓 kolik (se d. o.)</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bukspottk枚rtel</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buksvampar, se Gastromycetes.</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buks枚m</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulacan, provinshufvudstad i Filippinerna</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bula茂r, turkisk by</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulak, f枚rstad till Kairo.</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulala, folkgrupp i Vadai (se d. o.)</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulawayo, stad i Syd-Afrika</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulavin, Konrad, hetman f枚r donska kosakerna.</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buibilli</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulbus 1. l枚k (se d. o.)</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulbus 2. 枚gonglob, 枚gonklot. Se 脰ga, sp. 598.</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulbus olfactorius. Se Luktnerver.</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulbus scill忙. Se Scilla.</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bule</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulebane</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulevterion</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulgakov, Michail. Se Makarij</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a> <br><a href="0618.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulgarien</a> - <a href="0618.html" >1223-1224</a>, <a href="0619.html" >1225-1226</a>, <a href="0620.html" >1227-1228</a>, <a href="0621.html" >1229-1230</a> <br><a href="0619.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulgarien. Materiel kultur</a> - <a href="0619.html" >1225-1226</a> <br><a href="0619.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulgarien. F枚rfattning och f枚rvaltning</a> - <a href="0619.html" >1225-1226</a>, <a href="0620.html" >1227-1228</a> <br><a href="0620.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulgarien. F枚rsvarsv盲sendet</a> - <a href="0620.html" >1227-1228</a> <br><a href="0620.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulgarien. Flottan</a> - <a href="0620.html" >1227-1228</a> <br><a href="0620.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulgarien. Vapnet</a> - <a href="0620.html" >1227-1228</a> <br><a href="0620.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulgarien. Historia</a> - <a href="0620.html" >1227-1228</a> <br><a href="0621.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulgaris, D. f枚ddes 1802 (ej 1796) p氓 Hydra.</a> - <a href="0621.html" >1229-1230</a> <br><a href="0621.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulimus</a> - <a href="0621.html" >1229-1230</a>, <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buljong</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bull, Ole</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bull, Ole Bornemann, norsk l盲kare. Specialist i 枚ron- och 枚gonsjukdomar.</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bull, Edvard Isak Hambro, norsk l盲kare, praktiserande i Kristiania</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulla. Se Vesikel.</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bullaren, h盲rad</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bullatus</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bullerljud. Se Spr氓kljud.</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bullialdus</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bully-tr盲det. Se Balata</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulmerineq, August von, statsr盲ttsl盲rare</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buloz, Fran莽ois, fransk tidskriftsutgifvare</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulthaupt, Heinrich Alfred, tysk f枚rfattare</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulu, folkstam. Se Gabun.</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buluwayo. Se Bulawayo. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bulvan</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0622.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bumerang</a> - <a href="0622.html" >1231-1232</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bumorah</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunarbasji</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunarot</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundafolken. Se Kafferspr氓ken och Kaffrer.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundefjorden. Se Kristianiafjorden.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundehesh. Se Pehlevi.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundelah. Se Bandela. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundelkund</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundern. Se Makakerna</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundesakte, Deutsche. Se Tyskland sp. 1172.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundesfestungen, f枚rbundsf盲stningar (se d. o.).</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundesgericht</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundeskanzler</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundespr盲sident</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundespr盲sidialgesandt. Se Tyskland sp. 1173.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundespr盲sidium</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundesrath. 1. Se Tyskland sp. 1150--51.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundesrath. 2. Se Schweiz sp. 752</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundestag</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundesversammlung</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bundi</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bungalow</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bungarum-Pamah. Se Bungarus.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunge, socken.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunge. 1. Friedrich Georg von B.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunge. 2. A. von B.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunge. 3. Alexander B., rysk resande</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunge, Nikolaj Christjanovitj, rysk nationalekonom</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a> <br><a href="0623.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunge, Rudolf, tysk vitterhetsidkare f. 1836.</a> - <a href="0623.html" >1233-1234</a>, <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunge, Gustaf, tysk fysiolog</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunguran, den st枚rsta af Natuna-枚arna (se d. o.)</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunkeflo, socken</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunkershill</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunkeroftelund. Se Brunktoftelund (盲fven i Suppl.).</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunkst氓l</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunrot. Se B枚nrot. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunsen, R. W.</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buntzen,T. K. dansk f枚rfattarina. Se Ehrensv盲rd-Gyllembourg.</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buntzen, Heinrich, 1803--1892, dansk landskapsm氓lare.</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunya-Bunya. Se Araucaria.</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bunzlau</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buochs, schweizisk by</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buoncompagno, Ugo. Se Gregorius XIII.</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buonconsiglio, Giovanni. Kallad Marescalco, italiensk m氓lare.</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buonfigli, Benedetto, italiensk m氓lare.</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a> <br><a href="0624.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buinsignori, Francesco,italiensk m氓lare</a> - <a href="0624.html" >1235-1236</a>, <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buonvicino. Se Bonvicino.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buphaga</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buphtalmum</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bupleurum</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burattino, Ital., marionett (se d. o.).</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burbage, Richard, engelsk sk氓despelare. Shakesperes v盲n.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burbura, Sanskr. Se Bablah.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burchard, Franz Emil Emauel von, tysk statsman.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burchard af Qverfurt. Se Mansfeld, tysk sl盲kt.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burchells tigerh盲st. Se Dauwen.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burckhard, Max Eugen, direkt枚r vid Wiens Burgteater (se d. o.).</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burckhardt, J.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burda, tv盲nne ber枚mda arabiska dikter.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burdeau</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burdett. Sir Francis B:s Dotter Angela Georgina, f. 1814.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burdigala, romarnas namn p氓 Bordeaux (se d. o.)</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burdinus, Mauritius. Se Gregorius VIII.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bur茅, bergslandskap i Sengambien.</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a> <br><a href="0625.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bure, Fale. Jfr L. Bygd茅n: "Om ursprunget till den historiska mythen om Fale Bure."</a> - <a href="0625.html" >1237-1238</a>, <a href="0626.html" >1239-1240</a> <br><a href="0626.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">1. Bure, O. Kusin till biskopen i Str盲ngn盲s, vars sonson adlades Burensk枚ld.</a> - <a href="0626.html" >1239-1240</a> <br><a href="0626.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">2. Bure, J., Stadslag.</a> - <a href="0626.html" >1239-1240</a> <br><a href="0626.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">3. Bure, Anders (Andreas Bureus), grundl盲ggare af svenska landtm盲teriet</a> - <a href="0626.html" >1239-1240</a> <br><a href="0626.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bureau des longitudes, vetenskapligt samfund i Paris</a> - <a href="0626.html" >1239-1240</a> <br><a href="0626.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bureau Veritas. Se Veritas.</a> - <a href="0626.html" >1239-1240</a> <br><a href="0626.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">1. Bur茅n, Karl Otto Vilhelm, 盲mbetsman fr氓n Ekeby, 脰sterg枚tland.</a> - <a href="0626.html" >1239-1240</a> <br><a href="0626.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">2. Bur茅n, Axel Otto Gotthard, direkt枚r f枚r k. operan.</a> - <a href="0626.html" >1239-1240</a>, <a href="0627.html" >1241-1242</a> <br><a href="0627.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burenski枚ld, Jakob, friherre, krigare och sonson till biskop Zebracynthus.</a> - <a href="0627.html" >1241-1242</a> <br><a href="0627.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burenski枚ldska fideikommisset. Se Borkhult. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0627.html" >1241-1242</a> <br><a href="0627.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burenstam, Karl Johan Reinhold, diplomat och historisk samlare.</a> - <a href="0627.html" >1241-1242</a> <br><a href="0627.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bureter.</a> - <a href="0627.html" >1241-1242</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bureus, Johan(Johannes Thom忙)</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bureus, Olof, Jonas, Anders. Se Bure (盲fven i Suppl.)</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bureus, Bothniensis. Se Bj枚rnram 3.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burford, stad i engelska grefskapet Oxford.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burg. 1. 19,400 innev. (1895).</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burg, A. friherre.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgas, i 脰st-Rumilien.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgau, i Schwaben.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burger, Ludwig, tysk tecknare och m氓lare, f枚dd i Krakow.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgess, James, skotsk arkeolog.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burghausen, stad i Oberbayern.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burghers. Se Seceders.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burghersh, John Fane, lord, engelsk diplomat. Se Westmorland.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burghley, William Cecil, lord, engelsk statsman. Se Cecil.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgi, J. Se B眉rgi. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgmein, J., pseudonym f枚r italienske komposit枚ren Tito Ricordi (se under G. Ricordi).</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgm眉ller. Friedrich och Norbert B. voro br枚der.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgos. 1. Provins</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgos. 2. Hufvudstad</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgos, F. J. de, inrikesminister.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgst盲dt, stad i Sachsen.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgsvik. Bursvik (se d. o.)</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burg-teatern (Hofburgteatern), urspr. Teater an der Burg, i Wien.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgu, landskap i Afrika. Se Borgu.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgund. Se R盲ttelser. bd 18, sp.825</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgund-beck. Se Terpentin, sp. 61.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgundisk hjelm. Se Dr盲gt, sp. 1492.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burgw盲lle, T. Se P氓lbyggnader, sp. 498.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0628.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burhampore. Se Berhampur, 盲fven i Suppl.</a> - <a href="0628.html" >1243-1244</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burins, folkstam i Frankrike</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burislev. Se R盲ttelser, bd 18,sp. 825.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burj盲ter. Se Bureter.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burke, E. Se R盲ttelser, bd 18, sp. 825.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burke, W., f. 1792 och afr盲ttades 1829.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burke, Sir John Bernard, engelsk genealog och heraldiker af irl盲ndsk h盲rkomst.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burkesland. Se Burke, R. O H.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burkism. Se Metalloterapi.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burk煤. Arab. Se Habara.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burlington. 2. 7,264 innev. (1890)</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burlington. 4. Stad i Iowa.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burlington house, New.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burlos, lagunsj枚 i Nildeltat.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burl枚f, socken i Bara h盲rad.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burman, Johan Jakob, krigare f枚dd i Perno, Finland.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burman, Johan Fredrik Konstantin (Conny), tecknare.</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a> <br><a href="0629.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burman, Erik Olof, universitetsl盲rare och filosofisk skriftst盲llare fr氓n Yttertafle by, Ume氓 landsf枚rsamling</a> - <a href="0629.html" >1245-1246</a>, <a href="0630.html" >1247-1248</a> <br><a href="0630.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burmann (Burman), Johannes, brevv盲n med Linn茅.</a> - <a href="0630.html" >1247-1248</a> <br><a href="0630.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burmannlace忙, en liten v盲xtfamilj i tropiska Asien och Amerika.</a> - <a href="0630.html" >1247-1248</a> <br><a href="0630.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burmeister, H., afled i Buenos Aires 1892.</a> - <a href="0630.html" >1247-1248</a> <br><a href="0630.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burmeister & Wain, mekanisk verkstad och skeppsbyggeri i K枚penhamn.</a> - <a href="0630.html" >1247-1248</a> <br><a href="0630.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burne-Jones, Sir Edward, engelsk m氓lare.</a> - <a href="0630.html" >1247-1248</a> <br><a href="0630.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burnell, Arthur Coke, engelsk 盲mbetsman, indolog.</a> - <a href="0630.html" >1247-1248</a> <br><a href="0630.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burnes, Alex., af samma sl盲gt som Robert B.</a> - <a href="0630.html" >1247-1248</a> <br><a href="0630.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burnett, Frances, engelsk-amerikansk f枚rfattarinna. F枚dd Hodgson.</a> - <a href="0630.html" >1247-1248</a>, <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a> <br><a href="0631.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burnham, Sherman Wesley, amerikansk astronom.</a> - <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a> <br><a href="0631.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burnley, grefskap</a> - <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a> <br><a href="0631.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">2. Burnouf, Emile Louis, fransk filolog</a> - <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a> <br><a href="0631.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burns, R., f枚ddes d. 25 Jan. 1759.</a> - <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a> <br><a href="0631.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burns, John, engelsk folkledare.</a> - <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a> <br><a href="0631.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burnside, A. E.</a> - <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a> <br><a href="0631.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buro, 枚.</a> - <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a> <br><a href="0631.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burr. Se Bourre.</a> - <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a> <br><a href="0631.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burr, Aaron, vice president i Amerikas f枚renta stater.</a> - <a href="0631.html" >1249-1250</a>, <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burreus l. Burrey. Se Beurreus.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burrhus. Italiensk alkemist. Se Borri, G. F.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burriana, spansk stad.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burritt, E.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burroughs, John, nord-amerikansk f枚rfattare.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burs, socken.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bursa, binamn p氓 hertig Roger I af Apulien.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bursae muc枚s忙. Se Slems盲ckar.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bursa Fabricii, en f枚r f氓glarna egendomlig k枚rtel.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burschensprache, T. Se Argot. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burschentag. Se Burschenschaft.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burschikos</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burser, J.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burseryd, socken.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bursian, K., afled 1883.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burskap</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burslem hade 30,862 innev. 1891.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burspr氓k, Jfr Erker och Karnap.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bursvik, heter numera officiellt Burgsvik.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burtenbach, S. von. Se Scherlin.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burton, John Hill, skotsk historieskrifvare.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burton, R. F., f. i England, d. i Trieste. -- Hans maka lady Isabel B. f枚dd Arundel.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burtr盲sk. 1. Tingslag i Vesterbotten.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burtr盲sk. 2. Socken</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burstscheid hade 15,856 innev. 1895.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0632.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buru, 枚. Se Buro.</a> - <a href="0632.html" >1251-1252</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buru, Kap B. Se Romania.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burud. Se Brod.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burudsjird, persisk stad.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burwood, stad i britiska kolonien Nya Syd-Wales.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bury. 1. Sir Robert Peels f枚delsestad.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bury. 2. B. S:t Edmunds.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Burzenland, lanskap i ungerska Kronstadt (se d. o. 2).</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bu-Sada,stad i Algeriet.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busbecq, A. G. de, spr氓kforskare i krimgotiska.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busca, stad.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busca茂no-Campo, Alberto, italiensk skriftst盲llare och filolog.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busch, Emil, tysk optiker</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busch, Julius Hermann Moritz, tysk skriftst盲llare.</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busch, Wilhelm, tysk karrikaturtecknare f. 1832</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a> <br><a href="0633.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busch, Klemens August, tysk diplomat</a> - <a href="0633.html" >1253-1254</a>, <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busche, Hermann von dem (Lat. Buschius) kallad Pasiphilus, tysk humanist.</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busche, Hermann vom, psedvdonym f枚r tyske f枚rfattaren A. Baumstark (se d. o. Suppl.).</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buschius, H., Se H. von dem Busche, tysk humanist.</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buschmann, J. K. E. afled i Berlin 1880.</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buschmeistern. Se Lachesis 2.</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buschm盲n, skogsm盲nniskor</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buseo, stad. Se Buzeu.</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bushel, m氓tt</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bushrangers</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bushy park. Se Teddington.</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busi, liten 枚 utanf枚r Dalmatien.</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Business</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busiri, arabisk skald. Se Arabisk litteratur sp. 947.</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a> <br><a href="0634.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buskerud. 2. Fogderi</a> - <a href="0634.html" >1255-1256</a>, <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buskk枚rsb盲r. Se K枚rsb盲r.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buskovius, D.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buskr氓ttsl盲gtet. Se Octodon.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busksparfsl盲gtet. Se Emberiza.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buskstam. Se Stam, sp. 347.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buslajev, Feodor Ivanovitj, rysk filolog</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busolt, Georg, tysk historiker</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busoni, FerruccioBenveuto, italiensk pianist</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buss, Ernst, schweiziskmissionsfr盲mjare</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buss忙us, Andreas, dansk skriftst盲llare. Se Buss (sp. 1370).</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bussang, rike i Afrika. Se Borgu. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busson, Charles, fransk m氓lare.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bussone, Francesco. Se Carmagnola.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Busuluk, rysk stad.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buta. Se Bhuta.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butan, gr盲nsande till britiska Indien.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bute. 1. Grefskap</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buteniev, A. P., 1780--1868 i Paris.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buthus afer. Se Insektbett.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butler, James, hertig af Ormonde (se d. o.).</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butker, Joseph, engelsk teolog och t盲nkare.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a> <br><a href="0635.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butler, B. F. demokratisk politiker och guven枚r i Massachusetts.</a> - <a href="0635.html" >1257-1258</a>, <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butler, Frances Ann. Se Kemble 5.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butler, Josephine, engelsk f枚rk盲mpe f枚r qvinnosaken.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butsch, staduti Indien. Se Bhutsch.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butt, Isaak, irl盲ndsk politiker</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buttes Chaumont, ber枚md park i Paris. Se Paris sp. 771.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buttle, socken</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butubtum, det latinska namnet p氓 Bitonto. (se d. o.).</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butylkloralhydrat</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butyrometer, detsamma som galaktometer (se d. o.).</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Butyrum. Se Antimon, sp. 854.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buviksfjorden. Se Gulosen.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buxar</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buxentum, romersk koloni. Se Policastro.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buxin. Se Buxus. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buxtehude. Preussisk stad iStade.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buxton, stad.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buxton, Th. F., Se R盲ttelser bd 18 sp. 825.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buxus, buxbom</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buys-Ballot, C. H. D. Se Buijs-Ballot</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buzeu (Busau, Buseo), stad i Rumanien.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buzias, ungersk badort i Temes.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Buzot flydde 1793 till Normandie,</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a> <br><a href="0636.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉cheler, Franz, tysk universitetsl盲rare, filolog och spr氓kvetenskapsman.</a> - <a href="0636.html" >1259-1260</a>, <a href="0637.html" >1261-1262</a> <br><a href="0637.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉chmann, Georg, tysk skriftst盲llare</a> - <a href="0637.html" >1261-1262</a> <br><a href="0637.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉chner, Georg, F. K. K. Ludwig och Alexander B. voro br枚der. Luise B. f枚ddes 1821.</a> - <a href="0637.html" >1261-1262</a> <br><a href="0637.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉derich, 枚. Se Wesel.</a> - <a href="0637.html" >1261-1262</a> <br><a href="0637.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉hler, Johann Georg,tysk indisk filolog och epigrafiker.</a> - <a href="0637.html" >1261-1262</a>, <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉low, H. G. von, hofkapellm盲stare</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉rck, Marie, sk氓despelerska. Se Bayer-B眉rck. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉rgi (Burgi, Byrgi), Joost, schweizisk matematiker.</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉rstenbinder, Elisabeth, peuvdonym f枚r den tyska romaf枚rfattarinnan E. Werner (se denna).</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B眉tschli, Otto, tysk zoolog</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">By, jfr Torp.</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">By. 1. Socken i Koppabergs l盲n.</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">2. By. Socken i V盲rmlands l盲n.</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byarum, socken</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bydgosc, polska namnet p氓 Bromberg (se d. o.)</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bygdem氓l. Se Landsm氓l.</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bygd茅n, Anders Leonard, biblioteksman och skriftst盲llare</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bygde氓. 1. Socken med Robertsfors bruksf枚rsamling.</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bygde氓. 2. Tingslag i Vesterbottens Mellersta domsaga.</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a> <br><a href="0638.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byggnadskonsten</a> - <a href="0638.html" >1263-1264</a>, <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byggnadsordning</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byggnadsstadga</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byggnadsstatik</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byggningss盲d l. byggningstunna</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byggningstunna. Se Byggningss盲d. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byggver, guden Greys tjenare.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byhistoria. Se Novell.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bylandt-Rheidt, Arthur Maximilian Adrian, grefve.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byliner, ryska hjeltes氓nger</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bylk. Jfr Wachtmeister 6.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byng, John, son till George Byng</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byr, Robert, psevdonym f枚r 枚sterrikiske romanf枚rfattaren Karl Robert Emmerich von Bayer.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byrd, f枚rekommande form av William Birds namn.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byrding l. b枚rding</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byrgi, Joost. Se B眉rgi. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byron, G. N. G., sonson af John Byron.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byron, Henry James, engelsk lustspelsf枚rfattare.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byrrhus. Se Hagelbagge.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byrsa, en del af staden Kartago (se d. o. 1).</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byr氓chef</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byr氓ingeni枚r</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byr氓-system. Se Styrelsesystem.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0639.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bysantiska 忙ran. Se Verldens skapelse.</a> - <a href="0639.html" >1265-1266</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byske, socken i Vesterbottens l盲n.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byske elf,betydande vattendrag i Norrbottens och Vesterbottens l盲n.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byskupsrud, fordom namn p氓 Buskerud.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bysta (Bystad), fr盲lses盲teri i Askers socken, 脰rebro l盲n.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bystr枚m, J. N.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bystr枚m, Oskar Fredrik Bernadotte, musiker</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bys盲ttning. Jfr G盲ldstuga.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Bytesgods</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byvalla--L氓ngshytte jernv盲g</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byxor. Se vidare art. Dr盲gt.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">Byzans. Se Bysantium.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓ge. Se Galvanisk ljusb氓ge.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓gf盲lt. Se vidare Tympanum 2.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓gh盲ngverk. Se Bro.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓glampa, b氓gljus. Se Elektrisk belysning. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓gskott. Se Kulbana, sp. 214.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓gsp盲nnverk. Se Bro.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓g枚. Se Baag枚.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0640.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓kafgift. Se Fyr- och b氓kafgift.</a> - <a href="0640.html" >1267-1268</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓l. Se Kn盲 2.</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓lastuga. Se Rygg氓sstuga.</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓llhus. Jfr E. Jacobsson. "Om Bollhusen i Stockholm samt teater- och balettanordningar vid svenska hofvet under 1600-talet".</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓lltistel. Se Echinops.</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓lv盲xter</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓nghammar--Klotens jernv盲g</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓r (sjukb氓r). Se Transportmedeli f盲lt.</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓raryd, socken</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓rlag, b氓rpatrull. Se sjukv氓rdsmanskap.</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓rr盲tten, en gudsdom. Se Ordalier.</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓rsl枚f, socken</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓stad, socken i Kristianstads l盲n, Bj盲re h盲rad.</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓stad, k枚ping</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓tn盲bbar, b氓tn盲bbssl盲gtet. Se H盲grar.</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓tsignal. Se Signal.</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓tmansh氓llet</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓tstjerten. Se Icterid忙</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a> <br><a href="0641.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">1. B氓氓th, Albert Ulrik, skald</a> - <a href="0641.html" >1269-1270</a>, <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B氓氓th-Holmberg, Cecilia Ulrika Laura Lovisa, f枚rfattarina</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ck, socken</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ck, J. J., dog i Vasa d. 23 Jan. 1879.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲cka, nedlagt jernbruk i Orsa socken</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ckaby, socken</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲cke, socken (B盲ckefors).</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ckebo, socken.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲cklilja. Se Iris.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲cklund, A. V., docent i astronomi och geometri.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ckman, V. O. A., kommisarie</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ckseda, socken.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ckstr枚m. 1. P. O., amiralitetskammarr氓d</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ckstr枚m. 2. P. J. E. Redakt枚r f枚r Post- och inrikes tidningar.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ck枚ring. Se Laxsl盲gtet, sp. 930.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ddbjelke. Se Landf盲ste.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ddning. 1. Se vidare Kanonb盲ddning.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲fve, socken</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲garekorall. Se Cyathophyllum.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲garesvamp. Se Peziza.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲gge Sicilierna, konungarike. Se Sicilierna.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲hr, Otto, tysk r盲ttsl盲rd.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲l, socken</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲laryd, socken</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲lg. Se Galjon.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲linge. 1. H盲rad i Upsala l盲ns Mellersta domsaga.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲linge. 2. Socken i Upsala l盲n.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲linge. 3. Socken i S枚dermanlands l盲n.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲linge. 4. Socken i Elfsborgs l盲n.</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ljon</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a> <br><a href="0642.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ltessp盲nnare</a> - <a href="0642.html" >1271-1272</a>, <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲nda segel. Se Sl氓 under segel.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ndling. Se Zostera.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ngel. Se Tryckpress, sp. 836.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲nsel. Om 脰gonb盲nsel, se d. o.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲ra Maj i by, en folklek.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲rande tr盲d.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲rbo, socken</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲reberg, socken</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲rensprung (Baerensprung), Friedrich Wilhelm Felix von, tysk l盲kare.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲rfj盲der. Se Fj盲der (mek.).</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲rlager, (mek). Se Lager 3.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲rtapp, (mek). Se Lager 3.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲rwalde, preussisk stad.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲rvin.Se Vin, sp. 1076.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B盲sj-f盲rgad. Se Beige. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚 (B枚e), F. D., afled i Bergen d. 13 Nov. 1891.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚ckers te</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚ckh. 3. R. B.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a> <br><a href="0643.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚cklin, Arnold, schweizisk m氓lare.</a> - <a href="0643.html" >1273-1274</a>, <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚ckling. Se Sillr枚kning.</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚da, socken</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚deli. Se Interlaken.</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚diker, Tonio, tysk 盲mbetsman.</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">1. B枚gh, E. blef 1881 censor vid k. teatern.</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">2. B枚gh, K. H. dog d. 19 Okt. 1893.</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hm, Ttheobald, tysk tr盲bl氓sinstrument-makare</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hm, Joseph, 枚sterrikisk violinist.</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hm, Sir Joseph Edgar, engelsk bildhuggare.</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hm, Rudolf, tysk farmakolog.</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hm-Bawerk, Eugen von. Se B枚hm von Bawerk. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a> <br><a href="0644.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmen</a> - <a href="0644.html" >1275-1276</a>, <a href="0645.html" >1277-1278</a>, <a href="0646.html" >1279-1280</a> <br><a href="0646.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmer, Eduard, tysk filolog</a> - <a href="0646.html" >1279-1280</a> <br><a href="0646.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmert, K. V., professor i nationalekonomi.</a> - <a href="0646.html" >1279-1280</a> <br><a href="0646.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmfl枚jt</a> - <a href="0646.html" >1279-1280</a> <br><a href="0646.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmisch-Brod, slagf盲lt</a> - <a href="0646.html" >1279-1280</a> <br><a href="0646.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmisch-Kamnitz, stad i B枚hmen</a> - <a href="0646.html" >1279-1280</a> <br><a href="0646.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmiska f枚rlikningen</a> - <a href="0646.html" >1279-1280</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmiska (och m盲hriska) br枚der. Se Chelczie. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmiska Schweiz</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hmisk kupa. Se Hvalf, sp. 135.</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hm von Bawerk, Eugen. 脰sterrikisk nationalekonom.</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚hringer, Georg Friedrich, tysk-schweizisk kyrkohistoriker</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚htlingk, O., medf枚rfattare till "Sanskrit-w枚rtebuch".</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚htlingk. 1. Arthur B., historiker</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚ilefos. Se Nidelfven 1.</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚lja, socken</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚jlig sandsten. Se Itakolumit.</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚j眉k-dere. Se Bujukdereh.</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚la, en af Fr枚s tjenare.</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚l-apa. Se Vr氓laporna.</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚ldpest. Se Pest</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚lte, A. Ch. E. M., afled 1891.</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a> <br><a href="0647.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚mmeln (B枚mmel枚n)</a> - <a href="0647.html" >1281-1282</a>, <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚ne, socken</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚nedag. Se vidare Kyrko氓r, sp. 366</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚nes枚ndag. Se vidare Rogate.</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚neveckan. Se Rogate.</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚nrot</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚rding. Se Byrding. Suppl.</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚rdk枚pt jord. Se Arfvejord.</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚rdl枚st jord. Se Arfvejord.</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚rdsr盲tt.</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚rgen, Karl Nicolaus Jensen, tysk astronom.</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚rje, socken</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a> <br><a href="0648.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚rjeson, Johan (John) Laurentius Helenius, bildhuggare.</a> - <a href="0648.html" >1283-1284</a>, <a href="0649.html" >1285-1286</a> <br><a href="0649.html" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">B枚rk, I. 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