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Initial load was not disabled. Added page level targeting and page level KVPs. 07/10/2022 Adopstar: Some pos changes and fixes to skyscraper - Adopstar. 04/10/2022 Adopstar: Ad stack rebuilt by Kieran Colley - Adopstar. 01/07/2022 Adopstar: Commenting out Teads ad slot for testing re-add slot 11 when ready 07/06/2022 ICN: Added Slick Slider. 10/05/2022 ICN: Set Chartbeat section to top level section e.g. Sport. 01/03/2022 Keiran Colley: Longer refresh for MPU1, MPU2 and LB1 09/02/2022 ICN: Longer refresh for MPU1, MPU2 and LB1 31/01/2022 ICN: createRefresh(): Fix disable refresh on skin. (changed if(longerRefresh ... to else if(longerRefresh ... ) 11/01/2022 Adopstar: Removed and Disable Refresh on Skin, SeedTag and TEADS code as at 11 Jan 2022 16/01/2023 Adopstar: Elliott added Oracle/Grapeshot script for keyvalues. 30/01/2023 Adopstar: Elliott replaced ad code script with logic for staging vs live script swap. --> <!-- Quantcast Choice. 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title=\"WATCH: Moment when Rose Conway-Walsh (SF) gets reelected to the Dáil\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">WATCH: Moment when Rose Conway-Walsh (SF) gets reelected to the D谩il<\/a><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/li><li class=\"local-elections sezione_3154 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Local Elections<\/span>\n<p class=\"vc_menu_description\">Mayo Local Elections<\/p><\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"general-election sezione_3155 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>General Election<\/span>\n<p class=\"vc_menu_description\">Mayo General Election<\/p><\/a>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"living sezione_2882 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Living<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<ul class=\"menu_2\">\n<li class=\"cont_menu_li\"><div id=\"contid_9f6dadd7-069f-4ec0-9b50-c531832fd366\" class=\"contenuti_menu sezione_2882\"><div class=\"group_menu\"><div class=\"hori_group_menu\"><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos1\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"BEAUTY: How healthy is your hair?\" title=\"BEAUTY: How healthy is your hair?\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">BEAUTY: How healthy is your hair?<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos2\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"FOOD: Warm up with roasted veg\" title=\"FOOD: Warm up with roasted veg\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">FOOD: Warm up with roasted veg<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos3\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"news/arts---entertainment/1668043/kneecap-wins-discrimination-case-against-uk-government-over-block-to-funding-award.html\"><img alt=\"Kneecap wins discrimination case against UK Government over block to funding award\" title=\"Kneecap wins discrimination case against UK Government over block to funding award\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"news/arts---entertainment/1668043/kneecap-wins-discrimination-case-against-uk-government-over-block-to-funding-award.html\">Kneecap wins discrimination case against UK Government over block to funding award<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos4\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"DAD DIARY: The playlist – a parent’s godsend\" title=\"DAD DIARY: The playlist – a parent’s godsend\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">DAD DIARY: The playlist \u2013 a parent\u2019s godsend<\/a><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/li><li class=\"nurturing sezione_2973 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Nurturing<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"styling sezione_2974 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Styling<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"tasting sezione_2975 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Tasting<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"outdoor-living sezione_2976 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Outdoor Living<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li 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CAST STONE: Fitting fundraiser in memory of one of Mayo’s finest\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">THE CAST STONE: Fitting fundraiser in memory of one of Mayo\u2019s finest<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos4\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"OPINION: With costs crushing small retailers, it's vital we shop local this Christmas\" title=\"OPINION: With costs crushing small retailers, it's vital we shop local this Christmas\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">OPINION: With costs crushing small retailers, it's vital we shop local this Christmas<\/a><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/li><li class=\"an-cailin-rua sezione_2978 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>An Cailin Rua<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"de-facto sezione_2979 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>De Facto<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"townland-tales sezione_2980 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Townland Tales<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"the-cast-stone sezione_2981 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>The Cast Stone<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"notes-from-the-western-periphery sezione_2982 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Notes from the Western Periphery<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"second-reading sezione_2983 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Second Reading<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"pictures---videos sezione_2883 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Pictures & Videos<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<ul class=\"menu_2\">\n<li class=\"cont_menu_li\"><div id=\"contid_a3d3f710-262e-4f6f-914d-1f03389b0359\" class=\"contenuti_menu sezione_2883\"><div class=\"group_menu\"><div class=\"hori_group_menu\"><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos1\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"WATCH: Conway-Walsh says 'I don't believe in exclusion politics'\" title=\"WATCH: Conway-Walsh says 'I don't believe in exclusion politics'\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">WATCH: Conway-Walsh says 'I don't believe in exclusion politics'<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos2\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"WATCH: Moment when Rose Conway-Walsh (SF) gets reelected to the Dáil\" title=\"WATCH: Moment when Rose Conway-Walsh (SF) gets reelected to the Dáil\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">WATCH: Moment when Rose Conway-Walsh (SF) gets reelected to the D谩il<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos3\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"WHERE WE ARE NOW: Big analysis after Mayo votes tallied\" title=\"WHERE WE ARE NOW: Big analysis after Mayo votes tallied\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">WHERE WE ARE NOW: Big analysis after Mayo votes tallied<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos4\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"VIDEO: Preparations for the first count \" title=\"VIDEO: Preparations for the first count \" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">VIDEO: Preparations for the first count<\/a><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/li><\/ul>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"deaths sezione_2887 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Deaths<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<ul class=\"menu_2\">\n<li class=\"cont_menu_li\"><div id=\"contid_cc847407-4873-444f-aba1-b3152348524f\" class=\"contenuti_menu sezione_2887\"><div class=\"group_menu\"><div class=\"hori_group_menu\"><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos1\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"Galway and Mayo join in outpouring of sadness after death of Geraldine Feerick\" title=\"Galway and Mayo join in outpouring of sadness after death of Geraldine Feerick\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">Galway and Mayo join in outpouring of sadness after death of Geraldine Feerick<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos2\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"'A remarkable woman' - Tributes pour in for Jean Cross following her passing\" title=\"'A remarkable woman' - Tributes pour in for Jean Cross following her passing\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">'A remarkable woman' - Tributes pour in for Jean Cross following her passing<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos3\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"Profound sadness in Mayo at death of young mother\" title=\"Profound sadness in Mayo at death of young mother\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">Profound sadness in Mayo at death of young mother<\/a><\/p><\/div><div class=\"cont_contenuto_menu pos4\"><div class=\"cont_img\"><a href=\"\"><img alt=\"Tributes paid following sad death of Mayo woman who 'always worked hard to make everyone happy'\" title=\"Tributes paid following sad death of Mayo woman who 'always worked hard to make everyone happy'\" src=\"\" /><\/a><\/div><p class=\"titolo\"><a href=\"\">Tributes paid following sad death of Mayo woman who 'always worked hard to make everyone happy'<\/a><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/li><li class=\"recent-deaths sezione_2911 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Recent Deaths<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<li class=\"helpful-information sezione_2912 sezione\">\n<a href=\"\" >\n<span>Helpful Information<\/span>\n<\/a>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\r\n \r\n <script>\r\n var bannerbox_fd62412269f54fb5ad959c36db240a19 = undefined;\r\n \r\n $('#box_e48f9e6c-bdca-4519-bd5a-9a0409f9b7ae ul:first').superfish({\r\n autoArrows: false,\r\n onShow: function() { \r\n if (typeof bannerbox_fd62412269f54fb5ad959c36db240a19 !== 'undefined') {\r\n $('#box_e48f9e6c-bdca-4519-bd5a-9a0409f9b7ae .vc_banner_placeholder').empty();\r\n $(this).find('.vc_banner_placeholder').append(bannerbox_fd62412269f54fb5ad959c36db240a19.code);\r\n incrementAdvImpression(;\r\n storeAdvImpression();\r\n }else {\r\n $(this).find('.vc_banner_placeholder').remove();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n <\/script>\r\n <\/div>\r\n \r\n\r\n "}; 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