Employer Engagement | Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise | University of Southampton
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As expected of a top university we offer a range of services and activities to enable employers of all sizes to raise their profile, promote their recruitment opportunities and engage with our students and graduates. To view our employer engagement activities in more detail, take a look at the resources below. </p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="uos-tier uos-tier-secondary"> <div class="uos-tier-inner"> <h3> How your organisation can engage with our students: </h3> </div> <div class="uos-tier-inner uos-tier-inner-grid"> <div class="uos-grid uos-grid-4"> <article class="uos-box"> <div class="uos-box-image"> <img alt="Advertising Vacancies" src="/assets/imported/transforms/content-block/BoxGridWithImages_ImageBlock/12BC5E9872854C628B506BE86AD0E003/Equality%20and%20Diversity.jpg_SIA_JPG_fit_to_width_MEDIUM.jpg"/> </div> <div class="uos-box-copy"> <h2 class="uos-box-copy-title"> <a href="/careers/employers/"> Advertising Vacancies </a> </h2> <p class="uos-box-copy-excerpt"> We host a free jobs board where you can post opportunities and promote them to our students. </p> </div> <a class="uos-box-link" href="/careers/employers/" title="Advertising Vacancies"> </a> </article> </div> <div class="uos-grid 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href="/careers/employers/placements/"> Year in Employment Placements </a> </h2> <p class="uos-box-copy-excerpt"> An exciting opportunity to attract high-calibre students on placements between 9 and 12 months. </p> </div> <a class="uos-box-link" href="/careers/employers/placements/" title="Year in Employment Placements"> </a> </article> </div> <div class="uos-grid uos-grid-4"> <article class="uos-box"> <div class="uos-box-image"> <img alt="Student Innovation project presentation" src="/img/careers/communicare2.png"/> </div> <div class="uos-box-copy"> <h2 class="uos-box-copy-title"> <a href="/careers/employers/placements/"> Student Innovation Projects </a> </h2> <p class="uos-box-copy-excerpt"> Work with our talented students to gain innovative solutions to a business issue. </p> </div> <a class="uos-box-link" href="/careers/employers/placements/" title="Student Innovation Projects"> </a> </article> </div> <div class="uos-grid uos-grid-4"> <article class="uos-box"> <div 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class="uos-box-copy-excerpt"> Develop your professional skills whilst inspiring your mentee. </p> </div> <a class="uos-box-link" href="/careers/employers/" title="Career Mentoring Programme"> </a> </article> </div> <div class="uos-grid uos-grid-4"> <article class="uos-box"> <div class="uos-box-image"> <img alt="Post it notes on glass" src="/assets/imported/transforms/content-block/BoxGridWithImages_ImageBlock/C570327C26AC4DE483C598600FE686F9/iStock-525488514%20post-its.jpg_SIA_JPG_fit_to_width_MEDIUM.jpg"/> </div> <div class="uos-box-copy"> <h2 class="uos-box-copy-title"> <a href="/careers/employers/"> Volunteering </a> </h2> <p class="uos-box-copy-excerpt"> The opportunity for charities and non-profit organisations to promote volunteering roles. </p> </div> <a class="uos-box-link" href="/careers/employers/" title="Volunteering"> </a> </article> </div> </div> </div> <!--stop autoclose--> </div> <a class="optanon-show-settings"> Privacy Settings </a> <footer class="uos-chrome-footer"> 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