CEQIP 2025

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>CEQIP 2025</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="keywords" content="quantum information procesing computing qubit gate unitary entanglement protocol cryptography"> <meta name="description" content="CEQIP Web Page"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ceqip.css"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <img src="imgs/logo.gif" alt="logo"> <h1>20th CEQIP workshop, June 30 - July 03 2025, Smolenice castle, Slovakia</h1> <table> <tr> <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=home">HOME</a></td> <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=program">PROGRAM</a></td> <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=venue">VENUE</a></td> <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=qcgame">QC GAME</a></td> <td class="menu"><a href="../history.html">HISTORY</a></td> </tr> </table> <!-- <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=foto">PHOTOS</a></td> <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=payment">PAYMENT</a></td> <td class="menu"><a target="_blank" href="">REGISTRATION</a></td> <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=submit">SUBMIT</a></td> <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=ceqip_contributions">PARTICIPANTS</a></td> <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=travel">TRAVEL INFO</a></td> <td class="menu"><a href="index.php?ceqip=accommodation">ACCOMMODATION</a></td> --> <p class="body"> <img src="imgs/smolenice2025.png" style="margin-left:10px;border:solid 1px;border-color:left;" align="right" height="200" title="to be given"> <b>NEWS</b> <br>14/01/2025: VENUE BOOKED - save the dates <!-- <br>30/10/2023: <a href="index.php?ceqip=program">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> SLIDES AVAILABLE (13/22) <br>09/09/2023: <a href="index.php?ceqip=foto">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> PHOTOS OF PARTICIPANTS <br>07/09/2023: <a href="#best_poster_performance">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> BEST POSTER PERFORMANCE PRICE AWARDED <br>06/09/2023: <a href="index.php?ceqip=qcgame">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> PUZZLE HUNT <br>05/09/2023: <a href="docs/ceqip2023boa.pdf">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> BOOK OF ABSTRACTS <br>27/06/2023: <a href="index.php?ceqip=payment">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> PAYMENT DETAILS available <br>27/06/2023: ACCEPTANCE AND WAITING LISTS created <br>26/06/2023: REGISTRATION CLOSED - 80 applications <br>17/06/2023: <a href="">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> REGISTRATION time matters ... <br>15/06/2023: <a href="index.php?ceqip=program">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> DECISIONS MADE - BIG THANKS to SC members ! <br>02/06/2023: SUBMISSION CLOSED - 60 talk submissions received <br>21/04/2023: <a href="" target="_blank">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> REGISTRATION OPEN (btw Earth Day tomorrow) <br>14/04/2023: <a href="" target="_blank">&Xi;&Xi;&Xi;</a> SUBMISSION OPEN (btw World Quantum Day today) --> <br><br> Number wizards consider this year to be perfect. Universe Nations designated this year to quantum science and technology. And exactly in the middle of this year (plus/minus the standard deviation) in a qute small@nice castle the event of the year will take place. Join us to open Earth's first quantum post-AI biochakra - a device-independent causally-inseparable completely positive entangled superposition of nothing and everything. <br><br> CEQIP workshops are traditionally focused on current challenges and paradigms of mathematical and computational aspects of emerging quantum technologies. One of its strengths is the traditionally strong social program creating very friendly and creative atmosphere. Except of a traditional wine tasting and a cipher game we plan to visit surrounding natural beauties. Yes, the nature is still out there. <br> <br><b>INVITED SPEAKERS:</b> (being contacted, waiting for positive replies ...) <br> <table style="text-align:center;"> <tr> <td><img src="imgs/armin_foto.png" height="80"></td> <td><img src="imgs/marco_foto.png" height="80"></td> <td><img src="imgs/q.png" height="80"></td> <td><img src="imgs/martin_foto.png" height="80"></td> <td><img src="imgs/q.png" height="80"></td> <td><img src="imgs/zoli_foto.png" height="80"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a target="_blank" href="">Armin Tavakoli</a> <br>(Lund)</td> <td><a target="_blank" href="">Marco Tulio Quintino</a> <br>(Paris)</td> <td><a target="_blank" href="">Cyro</a> <br>(C)</td> <td><a target="_blank" href="">Martin Pl谩vala</a> <br>(Hannover)</td> <td><a target="_blank" href="">Eva</a> <br>(E)</td> <td><a target="_blank" href="">Zolt谩n Zimbor谩s</a> <br>(Budapest)</td> </tr> </table> <br><br><b>SELECTION COMMITTEE:</b> (will be formed) <br>Leevi Lepp盲j盲rvi, ... <br><br> <b>CONFERENCE FEE</b> (pls do not pay before approval of acceptance) <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 600 &euro; double room (participation environment-friendly option) <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 840 &euro; single room <br>Fee includes all local expenses: conference bus from/to Vienna Airport, accommodation, all meals and social program activities. <br><br> <b>IMPORTANT DATES:</b> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&#9744;</b> 1.3.2025 submission and registration open <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&#9744;</b> 1.4.2025 submission deadline <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&#9744;</b> 30.4.2025 (at latest) abstract acceptance notification <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&#9744;</b> 14.5.2025 (at latest) registration deadline <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&#9744;</b> 21.5.2025 (at latest) participation acceptance notification <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&#9744;</b> 31.5.2025 payment deadline <br><br> The workshop is organized by Research Center for Quantum Infomrmation, Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava), (Bratislava) and Cyber Security Hub (Brno). <br><br><b>ORGs:</b> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;M谩rio Ziman, Mi拧o Sedl谩k, Daniel Reitzner, <a href="" title="Head of the team"><b>Leevi Leppajarvi</b></a>, Radka Hovorkov谩, Jan Bouda <br><br> The number of participants is limited by the capacity of the castle and therefore we recommend to register (and pay) as soon as possible. <br> <span style="font-size:8px;color:silver;">&copy;</a> </p> </body> </html>

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