Resources for Entrepreneurs in Denver & Boulder
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2.037 9.314 6.987 9.314 10.224 0 7.138-7.136 11.055-14.283 11.055-6.987.005-13.981-4.204-14.125-11.72z" transform="translate(130.653 -11.308)" class="cls-1"></path><path data-v-4da1053d="" d="M43.793 27.537h-8.718v8.6l6.314 10.847s.618 1.164 1.6.829.8-1.561.8-1.561z" transform="translate(-33.72 -10.986)" class="cls-1"></path></g><g data-v-4da1053d="" transform="translate(6.712 17.162)"><circle data-v-4da1053d="" cx="18.154" cy="18.154" r="18.154" fill="#168afa"></circle><g data-v-4da1053d="" transform="translate(.001 9.457)"><path data-v-4da1053d="" d="M13.63 58.046a4.584 4.584 0 0 1 .618-2.3L20.3 45.307v-4.173a13.493 13.493 0 0 0-13.584-13.4V51a11.7 11.7 0 0 0 11.241 11.607 4.576 4.576 0 0 1-4.327-4.561z" transform="translate(-6.713 -19.037)" class="cls-2"></path><path data-v-4da1053d="" d="M56.408 59.379L36.464 24.958a4.592 4.592 0 0 0-7.945 0L14.624 48.939v17.326h37.811a4.587 4.587 0 0 0 3.973-6.886z" transform="translate(-1.04 -22.669)" class="cls-1"></path><path data-v-4da1053d="" fill="#fe9979" d="M11.359 48.408a4.571 4.571 0 0 0 3.709 6.86c.177.009.352.026.532.026h1.808V37.968z" transform="translate(-3.824 -11.698)"></path></g></g></g></svg></a></div><div data-v-e4933624="" class="nav-container"><nav data-v-6109eb97="" data-v-e4933624="" class="app-nav-container"><div data-v-6109eb97="" class="page-main-nav-container"><div data-v-1b9b8f3e="" data-v-6109eb97="" class="main-nav-container"><div data-v-1b9b8f3e="" class="nav-toggle"><div data-v-1b9b8f3e=""></div><div data-v-1b9b8f3e=""></div><div data-v-1b9b8f3e=""></div></div><!----></div></div></nav></div></div></div></header><div data-v-4b558a15="" role="main" class="page-content"><div data-v-9db0d44e="" data-v-4b558a15="" class="page-content-loading-mask" style="display: none;"><div data-v-67f71345="" data-v-9db0d44e="" class="loading-spinner"><div data-v-67f71345="" class="loading-spinner-mask"></div><div data-v-67f71345="" class="loading-spinner-container"><div data-v-67f71345="" class="spinner"><div data-v-67f71345="" class="dot primary"></div><div data-v-67f71345="" class="dot secondary"></div></div></div></div></div><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-detail-page-content-container"><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-detail-page-background"></div><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-detail-page-content"><!----><div data-v-3d1173e0="" data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-category-links"><span data-v-3d1173e0="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-link active"> Business & Strategy </span></div><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-content-section section"><h1 data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-title">Resources for Entrepreneurs in Denver & Boulder</h1><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-relative-date"> 1 year ago </div><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="share-blog-container"><div data-v-1ad59ce6="" data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-share"><div data-v-1ad59ce6="" class="share-icon-container"><svg data-v-56e25a4b="" data-v-1ad59ce6="" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 22.82 25.522" class="share-icon"><g data-v-56e25a4b="" id="ico_share_dark" transform="translate(-80.999 -600.586)"><g data-v-56e25a4b="" id="Group_2098" transform="translate(81.999 602)"><g data-v-56e25a4b="" id="Rectangle_3396" transform="translate(1.391 4.444)"><path data-v-56e25a4b="" id="Path_3372" d="M159.77 141.42a3.239 3.239 0 0 1 3.238 3.238v12.187a3.239 3.239 0 0 1-3.238 3.238h-12.953a3.238 3.238 0 0 1-3.238-3.238v-2.416a3.238 3.238 0 0 1 3.238-3.238" transform="translate(-143.579 -141.42)" class="cls-1"></path></g><path data-v-56e25a4b="" id="Path_3373" d="M153.138 151.121v-1.839a7.3 7.3 0 0 0-7.3-7.3l-2.011-.452" transform="translate(-142.032 -136.905)" class="cls-1"></path><path data-v-56e25a4b="" id="Path_3374" d="M147.349 147.933l-4.629-4.633 4.629-4.629" transform="translate(-142.72 -138.675)" class="cls-1"></path></g></g></svg></div><div data-v-1ad59ce6="" class="overview-container"> Colorado has been ranked #4 in “America’s Top States For Business,” according to CNBC. This distinction is in large part due to the significant amount of resources available state-wide. Competitive states like Colorado encourage new ideas and have the resources to support entrepreneurship. We’ve compiled the ultimate list of resources for Colorado entrepreneurs that you can leverage to improve your business success. Namely: Legal Resources for Entrepreneurs: Denver and Boulder entrepreneurs can receive advice on numerous corporate law topics. Financial Resources for Entrepreneurs: Confidently tackle financial questions with the help of mentors and workshops geared toward Colorado entrepreneurs. Networking Opportunities for Entrepreneurs: Festivals, community coalitions, and groups on the Front Range offer the chance to connect, collaborate, and grow. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re in the midst of your business journey, these resources will provide excellent value for every stage of entrepreneurship. Legal Resources for Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial Law Clinic The Entrepreneurial Law Clinic (ELC) at the University of Colorado Boulder aims to help law students gain real-world experience. One of the ways they do so is by providing free legal counsel to entrepreneurs. Students provide legal advice under the guidance of professors and attorneys. Denver-based entrepreneurs can receive advice on numerous corporate law topics, such as: Commercial contracts Handling intellectual property rights Drawing up shareholder agreements Entrepreneurs need to apply to work with the ELC, and finalists are chosen based on several criteria. Once an application is approved, the entrepreneurs interview with the ELC to determine if a mutual benefit exists. An accepted applicant must sign an engagement letter to ensure commitment. UpCounsel If you have a need that can’t wait for the ELC selection process to run its course, consider checking out UpCounsel. In addition to having a free online repository of articles and forms, thousands of lawyers nationwide are willing to make bids on proposals. You can search for counsel by state, legal area, or topic of interest. CooleyGO In any location, CooleyGO can help you to identify and create all the essential legal documents you need to get started. Whether you want to incorporate your business or protect your intellectual property with a non-disclosure agreement, you’ll find their free, easy-to-use document generator indispensable. They also curate outstanding content on topics ranging from creating a board of directors to selling your company. Financial Resources for Entrepreneurs SCORE Denver Another organization that offers free counsel is SCORE Denver. SCORE assists local entrepreneurs in confidently tackling financial questions. SCORE does everything from pairing you with a mentor in the business world to helping you enroll in workshops on various topics to providing free financial resources. SCORE relies on a dedicated group of local business people who volunteer their time and experience to help those just getting started. Mentoring is free and entirely confidential. SCORE also hosts workshops focused on small businesses and entrepreneurs. Although many workshops are free, some include a small fee. Prefer to do your own business research? SCORE includes an online library dedicated to documents and information about owning a small business. You can find information on a variety of topics from how to finance your company to government statutes that affect your industry. B:Side Fund B:Side Fund (formerly Colorado Lending Source) has a range of loan products and a referral program of partners offering additional lending options. Their blog provides various resources catering to finance and entrepreneurship. Networking Resources for Entrepreneurs Startup Weeks Both Denver and Boulder host a “Startup Week,” a week-long festival in which hundreds of events are held to showcase—and further build—the culture of innovation in the region. Startup Week is a wonderful free event offering networking opportunities, vast resources, and global culture. Always a sought-after festival, it’s the largest of its kind in North America. Denver Startup Week is the pinnacle of entrepreneurial energy, innovation, and connection. Denver Startup Week: September 18-22, 2023 Boulder Startup Week: May 15-18, 2023 Community The Minority & Women’s Chamber Coalition (MWCC) was formed to give a voice to Colorado minorities and women-owned businesses. MWCC created a leading nonprofit organization, the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce (CWCC), to advance women’s leadership in an inclusive space. CWCC provides invaluable business connections, resources, and transformative education. While we’re at it, feel free to review these other phenomenal women-led resources: Women Who Code SheSays Ladies Get Coffee Women Who Startup Coaching & Mentorship For those who desire a deeper dive into business coaching, the Denver and Boulder community offers abundant resources. The Founders Network provides mentorship through everything from cohort programs to conferences to private coaching. Techstars, a now global organization founded in Boulder, offers accelerator programs and bootcamps. Similarly, Boomtown’s Boulder Tech Accelerator aims to specifically help tech startups through their intensives. Meetups Plenty of meetups along the Front Range bring together founders of startups and small businesses. Most meet monthly and focus on curating speakers who can provide insights and resources for entrepreneurs. Denver Founders Network and Boulder Startup Meetup are some of the largest and most popular in the area. Digital Networking Lately, there has been a significant shift from in-person to digital networking. Numerous top-notch networking opportunities are available with the convenience of logging in anywhere, anytime. Denver Devs: A Denver-based Discord community for developers, engineers, and designers Women Who Startup: A leading platform for female entrepreneurs and innovators offering online engaging events Startup Colorado: Exciting event programming and business opportunities for the Colorado rural entrepreneur Tech Friends: A fun networking group for entrepreneurs building a website or mobile application Colorado Technology Association (CTA): Meaningful connections through a diverse and inclusive pipeline with a network of 18,000 thought leaders and entrepreneurs Other Resources Not To Overlook Part of the Office of Economic Development & International Trade, Choose Colorado has advice specific to entrepreneurs getting set up within the state. They have up-to-date guidelines on business regulations and legislation by industry. Furthermore, you can find Colorado-specific resources for entrepreneurs, including the Small Business Resource Guide, which takes you through the process of entrepreneurship in Colorado. Choose Colorado also offers numerous lectures and courses for entrepreneurs and business people. Courses range from “Introduction to QuickBooks Online” to “Marketing Basics” to “Instagram for Business: Basics & Beyond.” Additionally, you’ll find resources for: Filing for occupational licenses Getting proper funding Finding the best free consulting by business area Similarly, Denver Economic Development & Opportunity provides many resources and ideas to help startups and small businesses. You can even meet with business development representatives (with offices at the Commons) for a personalized consultation. Final Thoughts for Boulder & Denver Entrepreneurs Shared collaboration is the key to creating immersive and transformative solutions at InspiringApps. Founded in the Boulder foothills, we know first-hand that Colorado is a booming entrepreneurial hub with incredible resources for entrepreneurs and innovators. We encourage you to use these resources as a starting point to immerse yourself in knowledge and connect with techies like us. </div></div></div><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-main-image-container"><img data-v-32d6a206="" alt="Resources for Entrepreneurs in Denver & Boulder Image" class="main-image" data-src="" src="" lazy="loading"></div><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-content"><p>Colorado has been ranked #4 in “America’s Top States For Business,” according to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CNBC</a>. This distinction is in large part due to the significant amount of resources available state-wide. Competitive states like Colorado encourage new ideas and have the resources to support entrepreneurship.</p> <p>We’ve compiled the ultimate list of resources for Colorado entrepreneurs that you can leverage to improve your business success. Namely:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Legal Resources for Entrepreneurs</strong>: Denver and Boulder entrepreneurs can receive advice on numerous corporate law topics.</li> <li><strong>Financial Resources for Entrepreneurs</strong>: Confidently tackle financial questions with the help of mentors and workshops geared toward Colorado entrepreneurs.</li> <li><strong>Networking Opportunities for Entrepreneurs</strong>: Festivals, community coalitions, and groups on the Front Range offer the chance to connect, collaborate, and grow.</li> </ol> <p>Whether you’re just starting out or you’re in the midst of your business journey, these resources will provide excellent value for every stage of entrepreneurship.</p> <h2>Legal Resources for Entrepreneurs</h2> <h3>Entrepreneurial Law Clinic</h3> <p>The <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Entrepreneurial Law Clinic (ELC)</a> at the University of Colorado Boulder aims to help law students gain real-world experience. One of the ways they do so is by providing free legal counsel to entrepreneurs.</p> <p>Students provide legal advice under the guidance of professors and attorneys. Denver-based entrepreneurs can receive advice on numerous corporate law topics, such as:</p> <ul> <li>Commercial contracts</li> <li>Handling intellectual property rights</li> <li>Drawing up shareholder agreements</li> </ul> <p>Entrepreneurs need to apply to work with the ELC, and finalists are chosen based on several criteria. Once an application is approved, the entrepreneurs interview with the ELC to determine if a mutual benefit exists. An accepted applicant must sign an engagement letter to ensure commitment.</p> <h3>UpCounsel</h3> <p>If you have a need that can’t wait for the ELC selection process to run its course, consider checking out <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">UpCounsel</a>. In addition to having a free online repository of articles and forms, thousands of lawyers nationwide are willing to make bids on proposals. You can search for counsel by state, legal area, or topic of interest.</p> <h3>CooleyGO</h3> <p>In any location, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CooleyGO</a> can help you to identify and create all the essential legal documents you need to get started. Whether you want to incorporate your business or protect your intellectual property with a non-disclosure agreement, you’ll find their free, easy-to-use document generator indispensable. They also curate outstanding content on topics ranging from creating a board of directors to selling your company.</p> <h2>Financial Resources for Entrepreneurs</h2> <h3>SCORE Denver</h3> <p>Another organization that offers free counsel is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">SCORE Denver</a>. SCORE assists local entrepreneurs in confidently tackling financial questions. SCORE does everything from pairing you with a mentor in the business world to helping you enroll in workshops on various topics to providing free financial resources.</p> <p>SCORE relies on a dedicated group of local business people who volunteer their time and experience to help those just getting started. Mentoring is free and entirely confidential. SCORE also hosts workshops focused on small businesses and entrepreneurs. Although many workshops are free, some include a small fee.</p> <p>Prefer to do your own business research? SCORE includes an online library dedicated to documents and information about owning a small business. You can find information on a variety of topics from how to finance your company to government statutes that affect your industry.</p> <h3>B:Side Fund</h3> <p><a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">B:Side Fund (formerly Colorado Lending Source)</a> has a range of loan products and a referral program of partners offering additional lending options. Their blog provides various resources catering to finance and entrepreneurship.</p> <h2>Networking Resources for Entrepreneurs </h2> <h3>Startup Weeks</h3> <p>Both Denver and Boulder host a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">“Startup Week,”</a> a week-long festival in which hundreds of events are held to showcase—and further build—the culture of innovation in the region. Startup Week is a wonderful free event offering networking opportunities, vast resources, and global culture. Always a sought-after festival, it’s the largest of its kind in North America. Denver Startup Week is the pinnacle of entrepreneurial energy, innovation, and connection.</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Denver Startup Week</a>: September 18-22, 2023 </li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Boulder Startup Week</a>: May 15-18, 2023 </li> </ul> <h3>Community</h3> <p>The <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Minority & Women’s Chamber Coalition (MWCC)</a> was formed to give a voice to Colorado minorities and women-owned businesses. MWCC created a leading nonprofit organization, the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce (CWCC)</a>, to advance women’s leadership in an inclusive space. CWCC provides invaluable business connections, resources, and transformative education.</p> <p>While we’re at it, feel free to review these other phenomenal women-led resources:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Women Who Code</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">SheSays</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ladies Get Coffee</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Women Who Startup</a></li> </ul> <h3>Coaching & Mentorship</h3> <p>For those who desire a deeper dive into business coaching, the Denver and Boulder community offers abundant resources. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Founders Network</a> provides mentorship through everything from cohort programs to conferences to private coaching. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Techstars</a>, a now global organization founded in Boulder, offers accelerator programs and bootcamps. Similarly, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Boomtown’s</a> Boulder Tech Accelerator aims to specifically help tech startups through their intensives. </p> <h3>Meetups</h3> <p>Plenty of meetups along the Front Range bring together founders of startups and small businesses. Most meet monthly and focus on curating speakers who can provide insights and resources for entrepreneurs. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Denver Founders Network</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Boulder Startup Meetup</a> are some of the largest and most popular in the area. </p> <h3>Digital Networking</h3> <p>Lately, there has been a significant shift from in-person to digital networking. Numerous top-notch networking opportunities are available with the convenience of logging in anywhere, anytime. </p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Denver Devs</a>: A Denver-based Discord community for developers, engineers, and designers</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Women Who Startup</a>: A leading platform for female entrepreneurs and innovators offering online engaging events</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Startup Colorado</a>: Exciting event programming and business opportunities for the Colorado rural entrepreneur</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Tech Friends</a>: A fun networking group for entrepreneurs building a website or mobile application</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Colorado Technology Association (CTA)</a>: Meaningful connections through a diverse and inclusive pipeline with a network of 18,000 thought leaders and entrepreneurs</li> </ul> <h2>Other Resources Not To Overlook</h2> <p>Part of the Office of Economic Development & International Trade, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Choose Colorado</a> has advice specific to entrepreneurs getting set up within the state. They have up-to-date guidelines on business regulations and legislation by industry. Furthermore, you can find Colorado-specific resources for entrepreneurs, including the Small Business Resource Guide, which takes you through the process of entrepreneurship in Colorado. </p> <p>Choose Colorado also offers numerous lectures and courses for entrepreneurs and business people. Courses range from “Introduction to QuickBooks Online” to “Marketing Basics” to “Instagram for Business: Basics & Beyond.”</p> <p>Additionally, you’ll find resources for:</p> <ul> <li>Filing for occupational licenses</li> <li>Getting proper funding</li> <li>Finding the best free consulting by business area</li> </ul> <p>Similarly, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Denver Economic Development & Opportunity</a> provides many resources and ideas to help startups and small businesses. You can even meet with business development representatives (with offices at the Commons) for a personalized consultation.</p> <h2>Final Thoughts for Boulder & Denver Entrepreneurs</h2> <p><img src="" alt="Inspiring Apps Boulder Colorado" width="900" height="600"></p> <p><span>Shared collaboration is the key to creating immersive and transformative solutions at InspiringApps. Founded in the Boulder foothills, we know first-hand that Colorado is a booming entrepreneurial hub with incredible resources for entrepreneurs and innovators. We encourage you to use these resources as a starting point to immerse yourself in knowledge and connect with techies like us. </span></p></div></div></div><section data-v-02207ca3="" data-v-032f33bc="" data-v-32d6a206="" class="section-container call-to-action-section secondary-bg-color"><div data-v-7a69795e="" data-v-02207ca3="" class="section-content"><div data-v-032f33bc="" data-v-7a69795e="" class="call-to-action-content-container"><div data-v-032f33bc="" data-v-7a69795e="" class="call-to-action-content"><div data-v-2ee40a2a="" data-v-032f33bc="" class="text-content-container align-center secondary" data-v-7a69795e=""><!----><div data-v-2ee40a2a="" class="title-container"><!----><h2 data-v-2ee40a2a="" class="title dark-mode"> Get expert insight sent straight to your inbox </h2><!----></div><div data-v-2ee40a2a="" class="text-content dark-mode">Design and build better apps with practical and inspirational tips! Join the InspiringApps Community to get knowledge, people, and news emails geared to help you succeed in digital product development.</div></div><div data-v-032f33bc="" data-v-7a69795e="" class="buttons-container"><a data-v-c5a22f4c="" data-v-032f33bc="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="Join the InspiringApps Community" class="external-link link inverted button dark-mode primary-button" data-v-7a69795e="">Join the InspiringApps Community</a></div></div></div></div></section><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-detail-page-content"><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="recent-posts-section section"><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-categories-header small-header"> Recent Posts </div><div data-v-2653def9="" data-v-32d6a206="" data-nosnippet="true" class="blog-card-list"><div data-v-2653def9="" class="blog-card-list-container"><div data-v-2653def9="" class="blog-card-container"><a data-v-1b664c75="" data-v-2653def9="" href="/blog/228/digital-transformation-success-strategies" class=""><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="blog-card dark"><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="background-image-container" data-src="" lazy="loading" style="background-image: url(""); filter: contrast(110%) brightness(120%) grayscale(100%); opacity: 1;"></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="background-color-wrapper" data-src="" lazy="loading" style="background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(22, 138, 250, 0.5), rgb(22, 138, 250) 60%); filter: brightness(100%);"></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="content-container"><p data-v-1b664c75="" class="category">Business & Strategy</p><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="title-container"><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="small-header">Going Digital: The Subtle Moves That Achieve Real Transformation</div></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="body-preview-container"><p data-v-1b664c75="" class="body-preview">A decade back, going digital promised everything: smarter systems, streamlined work, freedom to focus on what matters. Today those promises echo in AI pitches, but the first wave left a different legacy—bloated organizations, impenetrable tech stacks, revolving consultants, and offshore initiatives that cut costs but often quality too. The numbers tell the story: productivity dropped for five straight quarters through May, a first since 1948. Yet in this landscape of unfulfilled digital promises, some companies are actually transforming. They’re not chasing wholesale change or betting everything on AI. Instead, they’re finding specific opportunities where markets contract, moving precisely, proving what we learned during the pandemic—rapid change is possible when the target is clear. Where Markets Reveal Opportunity Market shifts expose where digital solutions matter most. Housing slowdowns reveal gaps in lending and closing processes. Security breaches point to teams needing better tools. Travel industry price wars show the limits of dated booking systems. Climate pressures push power grids toward smarter solutions. The pandemic proved organizations can change rapidly when they have to. That capability didn’t disappear; we just need to channel it deliberately. Elements That Work Some companies build better digital products by starting with two questions: What exactly needs fixing? What tools already exist in the marketplace? Infrastructure That Scales Modern platforms need to handle multiple brands and integrate with existing systems. But complexity doesn’t have to mean confusion. The best solutions grow naturally with your business. Data That Shapes Decisions Raw numbers rarely tell the full story. Context transforms data into insight. Successful companies identify which metrics actually influence customer behavior and business outcomes, then act on those patterns. Customer Experience That Fits Good digital tools match existing workflows. Great ones remove friction while preserving what works. Understanding how users actually spend their days—their routines, shortcuts, and pain points—reveals where technology can help most. Real Results in Action FNF: Clearing the Path in Real Estate FNF began with a question: What slows property deals? Their inHere platform answered by: Reaching 76% adoption in 18 months Boosting team capacity Unifying multiple brands Giving customers more control Yoürs: Making Home Ownership Accessible While FNF streamlined existing processes, Yoürs spotted a gap: young professionals watching home ownership drift out of reach. Their platform will connect potential co-owners. Their recent acceptance into TechVenture Accelerator Boulder suggests they’ve found an underserved market. Common Threads in Successful Projects Our work with hundreds of companies reveals patterns in successful digital projects. Five elements stand out: 1. Platform Clarity Technical choices flow from strategy. Successful platforms connect methodically across brands and grow incrementally. Simple interfaces outlast complex ones. 2. Security by Design For companies like FNF, security transforms the business model itself. When protection and verification weave through every interaction, trust becomes measurable. FNF achieved 80% fraud reduction, which opened new possibilities for the entire industry. 3. Design Through Understanding Multiple perspectives build better products. Direct observation shows what users do. Interviews reveal why they do it. Usage data confirms patterns. Regular feedback catches gaps. Both FNF and Yoürs prove that deep user understanding leads to rapid adoption. 4. Teams That Talk Problems surface faster in open conversations. Cross-department collaboration speeds solutions. Progress needs measurement, but not micromanagement. 5. Partnership That Grow The right partners multiply capabilities. Skills complement. Knowledge flows both ways. Time strengthens these bonds. Start Where You Are Digital transformation doesn’t require massive budgets or complete overhauls. Start with one clear problem. Test solutions quickly. Listen to users. Let your team adapt. Find partners who understand your goals. At InspiringApps, we help companies take these first focused steps. Want to explore what makes sense for your business? Let’s talk.</p></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="relative-time-container"><p data-v-1b664c75="">7 days ago</p></div></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" hidden="hidden" aria-hidden="true" class="hidden-body"><p>A decade back, going digital promised everything: smarter systems, streamlined work, freedom to focus on what matters. Today those promises echo in AI pitches, but the first wave left a different legacy—bloated organizations, impenetrable tech stacks, revolving consultants, and offshore initiatives that cut costs but often quality too.</p> <p>The numbers tell the story: productivity dropped for five straight quarters through May, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a first since 1948</a>. Yet in this landscape of unfulfilled digital promises, some companies are actually transforming. They’re not chasing wholesale change or betting everything on AI. Instead, they’re finding specific opportunities where markets contract, moving precisely, proving what we learned during the pandemic—rapid change is possible when the target is clear.</p> <h2>Where Markets Reveal Opportunity</h2> <p>Market shifts expose where digital solutions matter most. Housing slowdowns reveal gaps in lending and closing processes. Security breaches point to teams needing better tools. Travel industry price wars show the limits of dated booking systems. Climate pressures push power grids toward smarter solutions.</p> <p>The pandemic proved organizations can change rapidly when they have to. That capability didn’t disappear; we just need to channel it deliberately.</p> <h2>Elements That Work</h2> <p>Some companies build better digital products by starting with two questions: What exactly needs fixing? What tools already exist in the marketplace?</p> <h3>Infrastructure That Scales</h3> <p>Modern platforms need to handle multiple brands and integrate with existing systems. But complexity doesn’t have to mean confusion. The best solutions grow naturally with your business.</p> <h3>Data That Shapes Decisions</h3> <p>Raw numbers rarely tell the full story. Context transforms data into insight. Successful companies identify which metrics actually influence customer behavior and business outcomes, then act on those patterns.</p> <h3>Customer Experience That Fits</h3> <p>Good digital tools match existing workflows. Great ones remove friction while preserving what works. Understanding how users actually spend their days—their routines, shortcuts, and pain points—reveals where technology can help most.</p> <h2>Real Results in Action</h2> <h3>FNF: Clearing the Path in Real Estate</h3> <p>FNF began with a question: What slows property deals? Their inHere platform answered by:</p> <ul> <li>Reaching 76% adoption in 18 months</li> <li>Boosting team capacity</li> <li>Unifying multiple brands</li> <li>Giving customers more control</li> </ul> <h3>Yoürs: Making Home Ownership Accessible</h3> <p>While FNF streamlined existing processes, Yoürs spotted a gap: young professionals watching home ownership drift out of reach. Their platform will connect potential co-owners. Their recent acceptance into TechVenture Accelerator Boulder suggests they’ve found an underserved market.</p> <h2>Common Threads in Successful Projects</h2> <p>Our work with hundreds of companies reveals patterns in successful digital projects. Five elements stand out:</p> <h3>1. Platform Clarity</h3> <p>Technical choices flow from strategy. Successful platforms connect methodically across brands and grow incrementally. Simple interfaces outlast complex ones.</p> <h3>2. Security by Design</h3> <p>For companies like FNF, security transforms the business model itself. When protection and verification weave through every interaction, trust becomes measurable. FNF achieved 80% fraud reduction, which opened new possibilities for the entire industry.</p> <h3>3. Design Through Understanding</h3> <p>Multiple perspectives build better products. Direct observation shows what users do. Interviews reveal why they do it. Usage data confirms patterns. Regular feedback catches gaps. Both FNF and Yoürs prove that deep user understanding leads to rapid adoption.</p> <h3>4. Teams That Talk</h3> <p>Problems surface faster in open conversations. Cross-department collaboration speeds solutions. Progress needs measurement, but not micromanagement.</p> <h3>5. Partnership That Grow</h3> <p>The right partners multiply capabilities. Skills complement. Knowledge flows both ways. Time strengthens these bonds.</p> <h2>Start Where You Are</h2> <p>Digital transformation doesn’t require massive budgets or complete overhauls. Start with one clear problem. Test solutions quickly. Listen to users. Let your team adapt. Find partners who understand your goals.</p> <p>At InspiringApps, we help companies take these first focused steps. Want to explore what makes sense for your business? Let’s talk.</p></div></div></a></div><div data-v-2653def9="" class="blog-card-container"><a data-v-1b664c75="" data-v-2653def9="" href="/blog/226/custom-application-solutions-b2b-guide" class=""><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="blog-card dark"><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="background-image-container" data-src="" lazy="loading" style="background-image: url(""); filter: contrast(110%) brightness(110%) grayscale(100%); opacity: 1;"></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="background-color-wrapper" data-src="" lazy="loading" style="background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(234, 59, 133, 0.5), rgb(234, 59, 133) 70%); filter: brightness(120%);"></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="content-container"><p data-v-1b664c75="" class="category">Business & Strategy</p><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="title-container"><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="small-header">Custom Application Solutions Decoded: The B2B Decision-Maker’s Guide</div></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="body-preview-container"><p data-v-1b664c75="" class="body-preview">Is your off-the-shelf B2B software holding you back? Growing companies may find themselves at a crossroads, realizing their tools are not the launchpad they truly need. But while the stakes are high, the choice doesn’t have to be. Your B2B business processes are unique, and your software should reflect that. Here’s how. Understanding Custom Solutions in B2B Products Let’s break it down: custom application solutions are tailor-made software designed to solve specific business challenges. Unlike off-the-shelf products, which are built to cover general needs, custom solutions are designed with your unique workflows, systems, and goals in mind. There are two main types of custom solutions: Full Custom Applications: Built from scratch, these applications are crafted specifically for your business, often designed to solve a single, complex problem or to address multiple needs in one tool. Customized Off-the-Shelf Applications: Sometimes, a base application can be modified to better fit your needs, adding custom features to enhance its functionality. Many B2B companies find themselves at a crossroads when their annual revenue hits the $5-10 million mark or when they’re experiencing 20%+ year-over-year growth. At this stage, the limitations of off-the-shelf solutions become glaringly apparent, and the need for custom applications becomes critical for continued scalability and efficiency. Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf: Making the Right Choice Sticking with ill-fitting off-the-shelf solutions can have serious consequences. Companies risk losing market share to more agile competitors, experiencing data silos that hinder decision-making, and facing increased operational costs due to inefficiencies. By contrast, companies using custom software solutions can increase employee productivity compared to those relying solely on off-the-shelf options. Flexibility Custom Solutions: Offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing for modifications as your business evolves. You can design them to adapt to your unique processes rather than forcing you to adapt to the software. Off-the-Shelf: Typically has a fixed set of features with limited customization options. While updates may occur, they’re based on general market needs, not your specific requirements. Integration Custom Solutions: Can be custom-built to integrate seamlessly with your existing tech stack, ensuring smooth data flow and process continuity across your organization. Off-the-Shelf: May offer integration options, but these are often limited and may require additional middleware or compromises in your workflow. Cost Custom Solutions: While initial development costs are higher, custom solutions can offer lower long-term costs due to reduced licensing fees, better efficiency, and lower training and support needs. Off-the-Shelf: Lower upfront costs, but ongoing licensing fees, the potential need for multiple solutions to meet all requirements, and costs associated with adapting processes can add up over time. Speed Custom Solutions: Development time can be longer, but the solution is ready to use immediately upon completion without adaptations. Off-the-Shelf: Quicker to implement initially, but time spent on workarounds, training, and adapting processes can extend the effective implementation time. Capabilities Custom Solutions: Provide a unique tool tailored to your competitive strategy, potentially offering capabilities your competitors don’t have. Off-the-Shelf: While they can improve efficiency, they don’t offer a distinct competitive advantage as they’re available to all. Maintenance Custom Solutions: Require a dedicated support team, in-house or from your development partner. This team will have deep knowledge of your specific solution. Off-the-Shelf: Offer standardized support, which can be extensive but may not always address your specific needs or use cases. Where Custom Application Solutions Shine Sometimes, the features you need just don’t exist in off-the-shelf products. Building something tailored ensures you get exactly what your business requires. Wondering if it’s time to make the leap? If you find yourself bending over backward to make existing tools work, a custom solution might save you time (and sanity). When off-the-shelf solutions just don’t cut it, it’s time to go custom. Here are the scenarios where custom applications really shine. Complex, Industry-Specific Workflows Consider a B2B logistics company with a proprietary routing algorithm or a SaaS provider with a unique customer onboarding process. Generic software often can’t adequately support these distinctive workflows. Custom solutions can embed these unique processes directly into the software, turning them from operational challenges into competitive advantages. High-Security Environments When you’re dealing with sensitive information or high-value transactions, security isn’t just a feature—it’s a necessity. Custom applications allow you to build the exact security measures you need, ensuring that your data—and your client’s—stays safe. Custom solutions let you sleep easy at night in environments where trust is everything. Rapid Scaling & Frequent Pivots Fast-growing businesses don’t have time to wait for off-the-shelf software to catch up. Whether you’re scaling from startup to enterprise or pivoting to meet a market shift, custom solutions grow with you. Instead of wrestling with rigid tools, you’ll have a system designed to adapt as you expand so you can focus on the big picture. Integration-Heavy Tech Stacks Businesses relying on a wide array of tools need their systems to work together seamlessly. Custom applications make integrating with legacy systems, third-party tools, or other mission-critical software easy. The result? A fully connected, optimized tech stack that improves efficiency across the board. Innovation-Driven Business Models If innovation is at the core of your business, you need a custom solution that lets you stand out. Whether you’re digitizing a customer experience or introducing other industry-disrupting products, custom applications give you the flexibility to experiment and push boundaries—because the last thing an innovative company needs is software holding them back. Case Study in Custom Applications: A B2B SaaS Scalability Dilemma Imagine you’re the product owner at a hypothetical B2B SaaS company experiencing rapid growth. Your current off-the-shelf CRM and project management tools were great initially, but now they’re struggling to keep up. Here’s how custom software could help in this scenario: Workflow Integration: Operations require seamless data flow between departments. With custom solutions, workflows can be streamlined, boosting team productivity. Scalability: As the company scales, so can its software. There will be no more clunky workarounds or limitations—just a system that grows with the company. Security: Custom security measures help prevent vulnerabilities, reducing risks during expansion into new markets. Don’t wait until your tools become bottlenecks. If you’re starting to feel the pinch as you grow, it’s time to think custom. Practical Thinking Take a moment to assess your current software setup. Are you struggling with limitations, inefficiencies, or security concerns? If so, it might be time to consider a custom solution. It may be helpful to list the specific pain points you’re experiencing and how a tailored application could solve them. Best Practices for Managing Custom Application Projects to the Finish Line Ensuring smooth sailing through a custom project requires the right methodologies and communication. Here’s how to keep things on track: 1. Agile Methodologies Agile methodologies are perfect for custom applications because they allow for iteration and flexibility. By breaking the project into smaller sprints, you can adjust based on stakeholder feedback and user testing, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with your goals. 2. Effective Communication Between Product & Development Teams Communication is everything in custom application delivery. Regular check-ins between product owners and development teams can help mitigate misunderstandings and ensure the product timeline stays on track. Tools like collaborative platforms help bridge gaps and keep everyone informed. The more open the communication, the fewer surprises down the road. 3. Risk Management & Mitigation Strategies No project is without risk, but anticipating challenges early can save you a lot of pain later. From budget overruns to missed deadlines, having a clear risk management plan will allow you to tackle problems before they derail the entire project. Concluding Thoughts: Custom Applications as Strategic Assets In the “sassy” world of B2B SaaS, standing out from the competition is no easy feat. Off-the-shelf solutions might get you started, but they don’t always carry you to the finish line. Custom applications reflect unique B2B processes and drive long-term success. How? By tailoring workflows to your specific needs, seamlessly integrating with your existing tech stack, scaling alongside your business growth, and embedding your proprietary processes directly into your software. Think about where your business is headed in 2025. What challenges will you face, and what tools will you need to overcome them? If your tech setup can’t answer those questions, it may be time to explore custom application solutions. The companies that win aren’t just the ones with the best ideas—they’re the ones with the right tools to make those ideas a reality.</p></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" class="relative-time-container"><p data-v-1b664c75="">3 months ago</p></div></div><div data-v-1b664c75="" hidden="hidden" aria-hidden="true" class="hidden-body"><p>Is your off-the-shelf B2B software holding you back? Growing companies may find themselves at a crossroads, realizing their tools are not the launchpad they truly need. But while the stakes are high, the choice doesn’t have to be. </p> <p>Your B2B business processes are unique, and your software should reflect that. Here’s how.</p> <h2>Understanding Custom Solutions in B2B Products</h2> <p>Let’s break it down: <strong>custom application solutions</strong> are tailor-made software designed to solve specific business challenges. Unlike off-the-shelf products, which are built to cover general needs, custom solutions are designed with your unique workflows, systems, and goals in mind.</p> <p>There are two main types of custom solutions:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Full Custom Applications</strong>: Built from scratch, these applications are crafted specifically for your business, often designed to solve a single, complex problem or to address multiple needs in one tool.</li> <li><strong>Customized Off-the-Shelf Applications</strong>: Sometimes, a base application can be modified to better fit your needs, adding custom features to enhance its functionality.</li> </ol> <p>Many B2B companies find themselves at a crossroads when their annual revenue hits the $5-10 million mark or when they’re experiencing 20%+ year-over-year growth. At this stage, the limitations of off-the-shelf solutions become glaringly apparent, and the need for custom applications becomes critical for continued scalability and efficiency.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Woman presenting to colleagues in bright office, pointing at colorful sticky notes on wall. Team seated at table with laptops, engaged in brainstorming session" width="1200" height="800"></p> <h2>Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf: Making the Right Choice</h2> <p>Sticking with ill-fitting off-the-shelf solutions can have serious consequences. Companies risk losing market share to more agile competitors, experiencing data silos that hinder decision-making, and facing increased operational costs due to inefficiencies. By contrast, companies using custom software solutions can increase employee productivity compared to those relying solely on off-the-shelf options.</p> <h4><strong>Flexibility</strong></h4> <ul> <li><strong>Custom Solutions</strong>: Offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing for modifications as your business evolves. You can design them to adapt to your unique processes rather than forcing you to adapt to the software.</li> <li><strong>Off-the-Shelf</strong>: Typically has a fixed set of features with limited customization options. While updates may occur, they’re based on general market needs, not your specific requirements.</li> </ul> <h4><strong>Integration</strong></h4> <ul> <li><strong>Custom Solutions</strong>: Can be custom-built to integrate seamlessly with your existing tech stack, ensuring smooth data flow and process continuity across your organization.</li> <li><strong>Off-the-Shelf</strong>: May offer integration options, but these are often limited and may require additional middleware or compromises in your workflow.</li> </ul> <h4><strong>Cost</strong></h4> <ul> <li><strong>Custom Solutions</strong>: While initial development costs are higher, custom solutions can offer lower long-term costs due to reduced licensing fees, better efficiency, and lower training and support needs.</li> <li><strong>Off-the-Shelf</strong>: Lower upfront costs, but ongoing licensing fees, the potential need for multiple solutions to meet all requirements, and costs associated with adapting processes can add up over time.</li> </ul> <h4><strong>Speed</strong></h4> <ul> <li><strong>Custom Solutions</strong>: Development time can be longer, but the solution is ready to use immediately upon completion without adaptations.</li> <li><strong>Off-the-Shelf</strong>: Quicker to implement initially, but time spent on workarounds, training, and adapting processes can extend the effective implementation time.</li> </ul> <h4><strong>Capabilities</strong></h4> <ul> <li><strong>Custom Solutions</strong>: Provide a unique tool tailored to your competitive strategy, potentially offering capabilities your competitors don’t have.</li> <li><strong>Off-the-Shelf</strong>: While they can improve efficiency, they don’t offer a distinct competitive advantage as they’re available to all.</li> </ul> <h4><strong>Maintenance</strong></h4> <ul> <li><strong>Custom Solutions</strong>: Require a dedicated support team, in-house or from your development partner. This team will have deep knowledge of your specific solution.</li> <li><strong>Off-the-Shelf</strong>: Offer standardized support, which can be extensive but may not always address your specific needs or use cases.</li> </ul> <p><img src="" alt="Woman working on laptop and smartphone at table near large windows, urban view of glass buildings visible outside, coffee cup on table" width="1800" height="1202"></p> <h2>Where Custom Application Solutions Shine</h2> <p>Sometimes, the features you need just don’t exist in off-the-shelf products. Building something tailored ensures you get exactly what your business requires.</p> <blockquote> <p>Wondering if it’s time to make the leap? If you find yourself bending over backward to make existing tools work, a custom solution might save you time (and sanity). </p> </blockquote> <p>When off-the-shelf solutions just don’t cut it, it’s time to go custom. Here are the scenarios where custom applications really shine.</p> <h3>Complex, Industry-Specific Workflows</h3> <p>Consider a B2B logistics company with a proprietary routing algorithm or a SaaS provider with a unique customer onboarding process. Generic software often can’t adequately support these distinctive workflows. Custom solutions can embed these unique processes directly into the software, turning them from operational challenges into competitive advantages.</p> <h3>High-Security Environments</h3> <p>When you’re dealing with sensitive information or high-value transactions, security isn’t just a feature—it’s a necessity. Custom applications allow you to build the exact security measures you need, ensuring that your data—and your client’s—stays safe. Custom solutions let you sleep easy at night in environments where trust is everything.</p> <h3>Rapid Scaling & Frequent Pivots</h3> <p>Fast-growing businesses don’t have time to wait for off-the-shelf software to catch up. Whether you’re scaling from startup to enterprise or pivoting to meet a market shift, custom solutions grow with you. Instead of wrestling with rigid tools, you’ll have a system designed to adapt as you expand so you can focus on the big picture.</p> <h3>Integration-Heavy Tech Stacks</h3> <p>Businesses relying on a wide array of tools need their systems to work together seamlessly. Custom applications make integrating with legacy systems, third-party tools, or other mission-critical software easy. The result? A fully connected, optimized tech stack that improves efficiency across the board. </p> <h3>Innovation-Driven Business Models</h3> <p>If innovation is at the core of your business, you need a custom solution that lets you stand out. Whether you’re digitizing a customer experience or introducing other industry-disrupting products, custom applications give you the flexibility to experiment and push boundaries—because the last thing an innovative company needs is software holding them back.</p> <h2>Case Study in Custom Applications: A B2B SaaS Scalability Dilemma</h2> <p>Imagine you’re the product owner at a hypothetical B2B SaaS company experiencing rapid growth. Your current off-the-shelf CRM and project management tools were great initially, but now they’re struggling to keep up. Here’s how custom software could help in this scenario:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Workflow Integration</strong>: Operations require seamless data flow between departments. With custom solutions, workflows can be streamlined, boosting team productivity.</li> <li><strong>Scalability</strong>: As the company scales, so can its software. There will be no more clunky workarounds or limitations—just a system that grows with the company.</li> <li><strong>Security</strong>: Custom security measures help prevent vulnerabilities, reducing risks during expansion into new markets.</li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>Don’t wait until your tools become bottlenecks. If you’re starting to feel the pinch as you grow, it’s time to think custom.</p> </blockquote> <h4><strong>Practical Thinking</strong></h4> <p>Take a moment to assess your current software setup. Are you struggling with limitations, inefficiencies, or security concerns? If so, it might be time to consider a custom solution. It may be helpful to list the specific pain points you’re experiencing and how a tailored application could solve them.</p> <p><img src="" alt=" 'Finish line, every time and every project' on light background, surrounded by colorful squares in navy, pink, peach, and blue at corners" width="600" height="600"></p> <h2>Best Practices for Managing Custom Application Projects to the Finish Line</h2> <p>Ensuring smooth sailing through a custom project requires the right methodologies and communication. Here’s how to keep things on track:</p> <h3><strong>1. Agile Methodologies</strong></h3> <p>Agile methodologies are perfect for custom applications because they allow for iteration and flexibility. By breaking the project into smaller sprints, you can adjust based on stakeholder feedback and user testing, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with your goals.</p> <h3><strong>2. Effective Communication Between Product & Development Teams</strong></h3> <p>Communication is everything in custom application delivery. Regular check-ins between product owners and development teams can help mitigate misunderstandings and ensure the product timeline stays on track. Tools like collaborative platforms help bridge gaps and keep everyone informed.</p> <blockquote> <p>The more open the communication, the fewer surprises down the road.</p> </blockquote> <h3><strong>3. Risk Management & Mitigation Strategies</strong></h3> <p>No project is without risk, but anticipating challenges early can save you a lot of pain later. From budget overruns to missed deadlines, having a clear risk management plan will allow you to tackle problems before they derail the entire project.</p> <h2>Concluding Thoughts: Custom Applications as Strategic Assets</h2> <p>In the “sassy” world of B2B SaaS, standing out from the competition is no easy feat. Off-the-shelf solutions might get you started, but they don’t always carry you to the finish line. Custom applications reflect unique B2B processes and drive long-term success. How? By tailoring workflows to your specific needs, seamlessly integrating with your existing tech stack, scaling alongside your business growth, and embedding your proprietary processes directly into your software. </p> <p>Think about where your business is headed in 2025. What challenges will you face, and what tools will you need to overcome them? If your tech setup can’t answer those questions, it may be time to explore custom application solutions. The companies that win aren’t just the ones with the best ideas—they’re the ones with the right tools to make those ideas a reality.</p></div></div></a></div></div></div></div><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-categories-section section"><div data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-categories-header small-header"> Blog Categories </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" data-v-32d6a206="" class="blog-category-pill-list"><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> App Marketing </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Business & Strategy </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Client Projects </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Culture & Innovation </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Custom Solutions </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Digital Product Design </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Digital Product Development </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Digital Products </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Events </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> InspiringApps News </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Mobile Industry </div><div data-v-7e5435f5="" tabindex="0" class="blog-category-pill"> Webinars </div></div></div></div></div></div><footer data-v-62d8926c="" data-v-4b558a15="" class="app-footer dark-mode"><div data-v-62d8926c="" class="footer-content"><div data-v-62d8926c="" class="grid-content"><div data-v-62d8926c="" class="logo-description-container"><div data-v-62d8926c="" class="logo-container"><a data-v-ab3f217c="" data-v-62d8926c="" href="/" class="logo-link router-link-active" aria-label="Logo link to Home"><svg data-v-502a78f6="" data-v-ab3f217c="" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 219.33 208.21" class="ia-icon-drk-mode"><g data-v-502a78f6="" id="Layer_2" data-name="Layer 2"><g data-v-502a78f6="" id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1"><path data-v-502a78f6="" d="M216.6,177.45l-76-131.14a19.9,19.9,0,0,0-2.44-3.38A72.16,72.16,0,0,0,.08, 69.17H0v91.66C0,185.59,19.21, 206,44,207.94c.55.07,1.1.14,1.65.17h.16c.26,0, .52,0,.78,0s.82.06,1.22.06h9.9v0H198.86a20.5,20.5,0,0,0,17.74-30.72ZM6, 160.83V75.26c25.5,1.53,45.77,22.47,45.77,48v15.09L29.12,177.45A20.43,20.43,0,0,0,29, 197.67,41.15,41.15,0,0,1,6,160.83Zm45.75,41.38h-3.9c-.25,0-.51,0-.77,0s-.73,0-1.09-.06v-.05c-.36, 0-.72-.05-1.08-.07a14.38,14.38,0,0,1-10.6-21.53l17.46-30.15Zm147.11,0H57.75l0-62.22,52.55-90.69A14.52, 14.52,0,0,1,130.11,44a14.16,14.16,0,0,1,3,2.32l.06.13.05,0c.,14.2,0,0,1,2,2.65l76, 131.15a14.49,14.49,0,0,1-12.54,21.72Z" class="cls-1"></path></g></g></svg></a></div><div data-v-62d8926c="" class="description-container"><p data-v-62d8926c=""> Inspired where we are. 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