Submission Guidelines - CACML 2025
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Unbiased consideration is given to all manuscripts offered for inclusion in the CACML 2025 proceedings regardless of race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors. The following information is about how to submit different types of work through the submission system to our conference for consideration: </p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36"> </p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36"><span class="STYLE39"><strong>*Submitting A Full Paper (Publication & Presentation)</strong>:</span><br> Manuscripts can be submitted by one of the authors in PDF or Word format of <strong>at least 5 pages</strong> (<strong><u class="STYLE40"><u><u><a href="Word Template.docx" class="STYLE40">Word Template</a></u></u></u></strong> / <strong><u class="STYLE40"><u><u><a href="Latex" class="STYLE40">Latex Template</a></u></u></u></strong>) through either our <strong><a href="" class="STYLE40"><u>Online Submission System(投稿系统</u>)</a></strong> or email to <strong><a href="," class="STYLE40"></a></strong>, if publication is requested. If the paper exceeds<strong> 6 </strong>pages, then extra fees would be charged for the additional pages: 50USD/page. There is no maximum page limit, but we suggest the paper do not exceed 12 pages, or the registration fees would be costly. PLAGIARISM of any kind is prohibited, and similarity index should not be more than 25%.</p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36">Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors of the manuscript will not be accepted. The corresponding author takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer-review process. For any technical difficulties during paper submission, please write to: <em></em></a>.<br> At least one of the paper authors are requested to attend the conference to present the paper. Oral presentation or poster presentation can be chosen by the authors. </p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36"> </p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36"><strong>Terms and Conditions: </strong><br> 1. The authors should ensure that the submitted articles are not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration by another conference. <br> 2. The corresponding author takes the responsibility and ensures that the submitted article has been approved by all the co-authors. <br> 3. It is also the responsibility of the author to certify that the articles coming from a particular institution are submitted with necessary approval. <br> 4. All the correspondence will be sent to all the authors, not just the corresponding author. </p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36"> </p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36"><span class="STYLE39"><strong>*Manuscript Preparation Guidelines:</strong></span><br> <strong>Title and Author Information:</strong> It should include Paper Title, Names of all the Authors with their full institutional mailing addresses and email addresses.<br> <strong>Abstract:</strong> The manuscript must contain an abstract. The abstract should be citation-free and should not exceed 400 words.<br> <strong>Introduction:</strong> Introduction should be concise and must present sufficient introduction and motivation behind the topic under study.<br> <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> This section describes detail the procedures adopted in the study. This section may be divided into subsections for its better structuring, if there are more than one methods.<br> <strong>Results and Discussion:</strong> This section presents the outcome of the study and may be divided into subsections.<br> <strong>Conclusions:</strong> This section must concisely and clearly explain the main conclusions of the study highlighting its importance and relevance.<br> <strong>Acknowledgments:</strong> Acknowledgments (if any) can be included before the references and may include supporting grants, funding agencies, and so on.<br> <strong>References:</strong> It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that each cited references are complete and accurate. <br> <strong>Figures:</strong> All the figures must be prepared with high resolution and embedded within PDF/WORD file. Authors are supposed to embed all figures and tables in PDF/WORD file of the manuscript. However, authors may be asked to provide the source files of the figures, if needed.<br> Preparation of Tables: Tables should be created using Manuscript preparation software (e.g. MS-Word, LaTeX) and cited within text. Each table should have a Table number and descriptive title.<br> <strong>Copyright:</strong> The conference papers are copyrighted by the publishing house.<br> <strong>Disclosure Policy:</strong> Authors must disclose any possible conflict of interest in their manuscripts. If there is no conflict of interest exists, authors should state that “The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.”</p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36"> </p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36"><span class="STYLE39"><strong>Submitting An Abstract (Presentation Only):</strong></span><br> If oral presentation or poster presentation is requested without full paper publication, please submit the abstract only to us through the <strong><a href="" class="STYLE40"><u>Online Submission System(投稿系统</u>)</a></strong>. The abstract should be 200-400 words.</p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36"> </p> <p align="justify" class="STYLE36">If you have any enquiries about paper submission, or any question or problem rise in the process of submitting your manuscript, you are welcome to consult us at any time at: <strong><a href="" class="STYLE40"></a></strong></p> </div> <div class="clearfix"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- about bottom--> <div class="jarallax w3ls-about agile-section"></div> <!-- //about bottom --> <!-- //about --> <!-- admission form --> <!--start-date-piker--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-ui.css" /> <script src="js/jquery-ui.js"></script> <script> $(function() { $( "#datepicker,#datepicker1" ).datepicker(); }); </script> <!-- /End-date-piker --> <!-- //admission form --> <!-- Tooltip --> <div class="tooltip-content"> <div class="modal fade features-modal" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-md"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h2 class="modal-title">Scholar </h2> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <img src="images/a2.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="image"> <p>Fusce et congue nibh, ut ullamcorper magna. 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