COVID-19 Testing | COVID-19 Updates | Baptist Health South Florida

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Patients who visit an urgent care or ER are prioritized by severity of their symptoms. Anyone who walks into an urgent care or ER is required to be assessed by a doctor or nurse practitioner who will perform a medical evaluation and determine if a COVID test is needed. Community testing sites provide COVID-19 tests at no cost, however, there are healthcare charges associated with visiting an urgent care and ER. For these reasons, if you are not sick and are looking to test for work, travel or gathering clearances, you should go to a local community testing site. Please use links below to find a community testing site near you.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <main id="main"> <div class="container"> <div class="container--inner"> <div><p></p></div> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "How do I get tested for COVID-19?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>In addition to community testing sites, retail pharmacies, labs and at-home test kits, Baptist Health is offering COVID-19 testing including rapid antigen, PCR and antibody tests at all of our Urgent Care and Urgent Care Express locations. A medical evaluation is required and a provider will discuss the best testing options with you. Tests are fully covered by most insurance plans; however, additional charges related to the visit may apply. Results can be returned as soon as same day. </p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Who is Baptist Health testing?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>At the beginning of this outbreak, we were originally only able to test those who were at highest-risk due to limited lab capacity and resources. As testing procedures have improved, however, we have been able to expand our testing services to the general public.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do I need to see a doctor in order to get the test?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>All patients who enter a Baptist Health Urgent Care or Urgent Care Express center will be first evaluated by an on-site medical provider to determine the best course of action according to the latest testing guidelines. Unlike private labs or pharmacies, we do not accept outside prescriptions. As an urgent care provider, we must perform our own medical exam.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do I need a prescription from a doctor to get tested?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>No, at Baptist Health Urgent Care and Urgent Care Express locations, no advance prescription is required. Our onsite providers will evaluate you and order the most appropriate test for your situation.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do Baptist Health Urgent Care Centers offer Rapid COVID-19 testing?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Yes, all Baptist Health Urgent Care and Urgent Care Express locations offer rapid antigen tests for COVID-19, as well as PCR tests and antibody tests. A medical evaluation is required and a provider will discuss the best testing options with you, if necessary. Tests are fully covered by most insurance plans; however, additional charges related to the visit may apply.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Are appointments for COVID-19 testing necessary?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>No, appointments are not necessary for COVID-19 testing. You can walk in to any Urgent Care or Urgent Care Express location.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "When should I get tested?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Timing matters: the average incubation period of COVID-19 is 2-5 days and up to 14 days after exposure, so testing too early (within just the very first few days directly after travel or an exposure) may not accurately reveal a possible infection. It is ideal to seek testing between 4-14 days after potential exposure. Keep in mind that a negative COVID-19 test result does not mean that you will be negative tomorrow and does not override a state-mandated 14-day quarantine where these measures are in place.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Should I get the rapid COVID-19 Antigen test if I do not have symptoms (asymptomatic)?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The rapid antigen test is most sensitive when used on patients within 5 days of experiencing active symptoms. The rapid antigen test may not be as effective in detecting the virus in patients who are not actively experiencing symptoms.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "If I do not have symptoms and my rapid COVID-19 Antigen test is negative, can I also have the PCR test?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Yes, if you are asymptomatic and would like to have the most accurate test, we recommend the PCR test.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Where can I get tested for work and travel clearances?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Baptist Health Urgent Care and Urgent Care Express locations offer testing for work and travel clearances. However, a medical evaluation is required and a provider will discuss the best testing option, if a test is needed. Tests are fully covered by most insurance plans; however, additional charges related to the visit may apply.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Which test is best for travel and work-related clearances?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Please check with your employer or airline and travel destination for the most up to date requirements. The PCR test is the test most often required for travel related clearances. A clearance note can be provided upon request when test results are available." } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How has Baptist Health made it safe to get tested?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>When you visit a Baptist Health Urgent Care or Urgent Care Express location your safety is our priority. All our staff members wear protective gear including masks and gloves. We have routine cleaning and sanitation standards that exceed CDC guidelines.</p> <p>Additionally, you will notice we have made changes to our waiting room to accommodate more space to ensure appropriate social distancing practices to minimize contact with others.</p> <p>Lastly, while you are in the exam room being tested, you will observe that our providers wear protective clothes, masks and face shields when they collect samples. </p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How much does the COVID-19 test cost?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p><span style='color: #56595b;'>Baptist Health South Florida is adhering to cost-sharing guidelines set forth by the federal government and administered by our patients&rsquo; insurance companies. As of October 1, 2020, our billed charge for COVID-19 testing is $150 for a PCR test and $100 for an antigen/antibody test. These prices exclude the cost of any medical evaluation or related services. Recent legislation requires insurance companies to provide coverage for COVID-19 testing and the related visit to perform the test at no cost to the patient for services beginning on March 18, 2020. Insurance companies may apply standard cost sharing for COVID-19 testing services prior to March 18, 2020, and also for services that did not include a COVID-19 test and for COVID-19 treatment. COVID testing for routine surveillance, employee return to work, and travel screening purposes may be excluded from coverage depending on your plan benefits. Please contact your insurance company for additional details.</span><br style='color: #56595b;' /> <br style='color: #56595b;' /> <span style='color: #56595b;'>Uninsured patients who receive COVID-19 testing and care at our facilities may qualify for federal coverage for COVID-19 related services or Baptist Health&rsquo;s financial assistance program. For any patient without coverage for COVID-19 testing pursuant to the exclusions listed above, the cost for COVID-19 testing and the related medical evaluation at our Urgent Care or Urgent Care Express locations is $199 for 1 test or $279 for any 2 tests on the same visit.</span></p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is Baptist Health considered a free community testing site", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>No, Baptist Health does not operate as a COVID-19 community testing site. We are required to provide a medical evaluation to any seeking care at any of our facilities to provide the best treatment options. To find a free community testing site near you, click the appropriate link below.</p> <ul> <li><a href=''>Miami-Dade</a></li> <li><a href=''>Broward</a></li> <li><a href=''>Palm Beach</a></li> <li><a href=''>Monroe</a></li> </ul>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Where can I get free COVID-19 testing?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>If you are looking for a no-cost COVID-19 testing option, you can contact the Florida Department of Health directly by calling the Coronavirus Hotline at <a href='tel:18667796121'>1-866-779-6121</a> or emailing <a href=''></a>.</p> <p>To research more about the COVID-19 Testing, please visit the <a href=''>CDC website</a>.</p>" } } ] } </script> <section class="section accordion-section "> <div class="container "> <div class="container--inner"> <header class="section-header "> </header> <div class="accordion"> <ul class="accordion__items"> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--0"> <button aria-controls="accordion--0" class="accordion__button ">How do I get tested for COVID-19?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--0" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>In addition to community testing sites, retail pharmacies, labs and at-home test kits, Baptist Health is offering COVID-19 testing including rapid antigen, PCR and antibody tests at all of our Urgent Care and Urgent Care Express locations. A medical evaluation is required and a provider will discuss the best testing options with you. Tests are fully covered by most insurance plans; however, additional charges related to the visit may apply. Results can be returned as soon as same day. </p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--1"> <button aria-controls="accordion--1" class="accordion__button ">Who is Baptist Health testing?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--1" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>At the beginning of this outbreak, we were originally only able to test those who were at highest-risk due to limited lab capacity and resources. As testing procedures have improved, however, we have been able to expand our testing services to the general public.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--2"> <button aria-controls="accordion--2" class="accordion__button ">Do I need to see a doctor in order to get the test?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--2" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>All patients who enter a Baptist Health Urgent Care or Urgent Care Express center will be first evaluated by an on-site medical provider to determine the best course of action according to the latest testing guidelines. Unlike private labs or pharmacies, we do not accept outside prescriptions. As an urgent care provider, we must perform our own medical exam.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--3"> <button aria-controls="accordion--3" class="accordion__button ">Do I need a prescription from a doctor to get tested?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--3" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>No, at Baptist Health Urgent Care and Urgent Care Express locations, no advance prescription is required. Our onsite providers will evaluate you and order the most appropriate test for your situation.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--4"> <button aria-controls="accordion--4" class="accordion__button ">Do Baptist Health Urgent Care Centers offer Rapid COVID-19 testing?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--4" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Yes, all Baptist Health Urgent Care and Urgent Care Express locations offer rapid antigen tests for COVID-19, as well as PCR tests and antibody tests. A medical evaluation is required and a provider will discuss the best testing options with you, if necessary. Tests are fully covered by most insurance plans; however, additional charges related to the visit may apply.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--5"> <button aria-controls="accordion--5" class="accordion__button ">Are appointments for COVID-19 testing necessary?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--5" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>No, appointments are not necessary for COVID-19 testing. You can walk in to any Urgent Care or Urgent Care Express location.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--6"> <button aria-controls="accordion--6" class="accordion__button ">When should I get tested?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--6" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Timing matters: the average incubation period of COVID-19 is 2-5 days and up to 14 days after exposure, so testing too early (within just the very first few days directly after travel or an exposure) may not accurately reveal a possible infection. It is ideal to seek testing between 4-14 days after potential exposure. Keep in mind that a negative COVID-19 test result does not mean that you will be negative tomorrow and does not override a state-mandated 14-day quarantine where these measures are in place.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--7"> <button aria-controls="accordion--7" class="accordion__button ">Should I get the rapid COVID-19 Antigen test if I do not have symptoms (asymptomatic)?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--7" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>The rapid antigen test is most sensitive when used on patients within 5 days of experiencing active symptoms. The rapid antigen test may not be as effective in detecting the virus in patients who are not actively experiencing symptoms.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--8"> <button aria-controls="accordion--8" class="accordion__button ">If I do not have symptoms and my rapid COVID-19 Antigen test is negative, can I also have the PCR test?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--8" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Yes, if you are asymptomatic and would like to have the most accurate test, we recommend the PCR test.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--9"> <button aria-controls="accordion--9" class="accordion__button ">Where can I get tested for work and travel clearances?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--9" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Baptist Health Urgent Care and Urgent Care Express locations offer testing for work and travel clearances. However, a medical evaluation is required and a provider will discuss the best testing option, if a test is needed. Tests are fully covered by most insurance plans; however, additional charges related to the visit may apply.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--10"> <button aria-controls="accordion--10" class="accordion__button ">Which test is best for travel and work-related clearances?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--10" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p>Please check with your employer or airline and travel destination for the most up to date requirements. The PCR test is the test most often required for travel related clearances. A clearance note can be provided upon request when test results are available.</p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--11"> <button aria-controls="accordion--11" class="accordion__button ">How has Baptist Health made it safe to get tested?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--11" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>When you visit a Baptist Health Urgent Care or Urgent Care Express location your safety is our priority. All our staff members wear protective gear including masks and gloves. We have routine cleaning and sanitation standards that exceed CDC guidelines.</p> <p>Additionally, you will notice we have made changes to our waiting room to accommodate more space to ensure appropriate social distancing practices to minimize contact with others.</p> <p>Lastly, while you are in the exam room being tested, you will observe that our providers wear protective clothes, masks and face shields when they collect samples. </p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--12"> <button aria-controls="accordion--12" class="accordion__button ">How much does the COVID-19 test cost?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--12" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p><span style="color: #56595b;">Baptist Health South Florida is adhering to cost-sharing guidelines set forth by the federal government and administered by our patients&rsquo; insurance companies. As of October 1, 2020, our billed charge for COVID-19 testing is $150 for a PCR test and $100 for an antigen/antibody test. These prices exclude the cost of any medical evaluation or related services. Recent legislation requires insurance companies to provide coverage for COVID-19 testing and the related visit to perform the test at no cost to the patient for services beginning on March 18, 2020. Insurance companies may apply standard cost sharing for COVID-19 testing services prior to March 18, 2020, and also for services that did not include a COVID-19 test and for COVID-19 treatment. COVID testing for routine surveillance, employee return to work, and travel screening purposes may be excluded from coverage depending on your plan benefits. Please contact your insurance company for additional details.</span><br style="color: #56595b;" /> <br style="color: #56595b;" /> <span style="color: #56595b;">Uninsured patients who receive COVID-19 testing and care at our facilities may qualify for federal coverage for COVID-19 related services or Baptist Health&rsquo;s financial assistance program. For any patient without coverage for COVID-19 testing pursuant to the exclusions listed above, the cost for COVID-19 testing and the related medical evaluation at our Urgent Care or Urgent Care Express locations is $199 for 1 test or $279 for any 2 tests on the same visit.</span></p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--13"> <button aria-controls="accordion--13" class="accordion__button ">Is Baptist Health considered a free community testing site</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--13" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>No, Baptist Health does not operate as a COVID-19 community testing site. We are required to provide a medical evaluation to any seeking care at any of our facilities to provide the best treatment options. To find a free community testing site near you, click the appropriate link below.</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Miami-Dade</a></li> <li><a href="">Broward</a></li> <li><a href="">Palm Beach</a></li> <li><a href="">Monroe</a></li> </ul></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--14"> <button aria-controls="accordion--14" class="accordion__button ">Where can I get free COVID-19 testing?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--14" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>If you are looking for a no-cost COVID-19 testing option, you can contact the Florida Department of Health directly by calling the Coronavirus Hotline at <a href="tel:18667796121">1-866-779-6121</a> or emailing <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>To research more about the COVID-19 Testing, please visit the <a href="">CDC website</a>.</p></p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <script src="/content/assets/js/accordioncomponent.js?v=20241120044044"></script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "Rapid Antigen Test", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The Rapid Antigen Test is also known as the 'Rapid Test'</p> <h4>What is it?</h4> <p>A diagnostic test that can detect active infection quickly by identifying viral proteins.</p> <h4>Who should be tested?</h4> <p><strong>Symptomatic Patients</strong></p> <p>Accurate for most Individuals who are currently experiencing coronavirus symptoms.</p> <p>For most accurate results, patients should be experiencing coronavirus symptoms within the first 5 days of disease.&nbsp;</p> <h4>What kind of sample is taken?</h4> <p>Nasopharyngeal swab is the specimen of choice.</p> <h4>How soon do patients get results?</h4> <p>Results are usually available on the same or next day.&nbsp;</p> <h4>How accurate is it?</h4> <p><strong>Very Accurate for Symptomatic Patients</strong></p> <p>Positive results are highly accurate, but negative results may need confirmation from a PCR test</p> <h4>Is the test FDA approved through the Emergency Use Authorization designation?</h4> <p>Yes.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "PCR Test", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The PCR Test is also known as the 'Molecular test', 'RNA test', or 'Diagnostic test.'</p> <h4>What is it?</h4> <p>A diagnostic test that can detect active infection by identifying the genetic material of the virus.</p> <h4>Who should be tested?</h4> <p><strong>Symptomatic or Asymptomatic Patients</strong></p> <p>Individuals who are currently experiencing coronavirus symptoms (and some who are asymptomatic as prioritized by the CDC (e.g. surgery patients).</p> <p>For most accurate results, patients should be experiencing coronavirus symptoms within the first 5 days of disease.</p> <h4>What kind of sample is taken?</h4> <p>Nasopharyngeal swab is the specimen of choice.</p> <h4>How soon do patients get results?</h4> <p>Typically within 2-3 days of testing (May vary based on volumes).</p> <h4>How accurate is it?</h4> <p><strong>Most Accurate</strong></p> <p>Considered the gold standard of COVID-19 testing. The PCR is highly accurate, usually does not need to be repeated except to test for continued infection.</p> <h4>Is the test FDA approved through the Emergency Use Authorization designation?</h4> <p>Yes.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Antibody Test", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The Antibody Test is also known as the 'blood test' or 'serological test.'</p> <h4>What is it?</h4> <p>A test that detects antibodies the immune system created in response to past infection.</p> <h4>Who should be tested?</h4> <p><strong>Asymptomatic Patients</strong></p> <p>Individuals who think they may have had COVID-19 or think they have been exposed but don&rsquo;t have symptoms now, or individuals who were confirmed Covid positive and are looking to donate their plasma to help a patient with Covid-19 infection.</p> <p>For the most accurate results it is best to wait approximately 14 days from COVID exposure/symptoms before having the antibody test.</p> <h4>What kind of sample is taken?</h4> <p>Blood draw.</p> <h4>How soon do patients get results?</h4> <p>Results in 1-3 days. </p> <h4>How accurate is it?</h4> <p><strong>Very Accurate</strong></p> <p>Occasionally, a second antibody test may be recommended.</p> <h4>Is the test FDA approved through the Emergency Use Authorization designation?</h4> <p>Yes.</p>" } } ] } </script> <section class="section accordion-section "> <div class="container "> <div class="container--inner"> <header class="section-header "> <h2 class="section-header__heading">What is the difference between the various COVID-19 tests offered?</h2> <div class="section-header__lede">There are three kinds of COVID-19 testing you may be hearing about: a rapid Antigen test, a diagnostic PCR test and an Antibody blood test. Here鈥檚 some basic information about each one. </div> </header> <div class="accordion"> <ul class="accordion__items"> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--0"> <button aria-controls="accordion--0" class="accordion__button ">Rapid Antigen Test</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--0" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>The Rapid Antigen Test is also known as the "Rapid Test"</p> <h4>What is it?</h4> <p>A diagnostic test that can detect active infection quickly by identifying viral proteins.</p> <h4>Who should be tested?</h4> <p><strong>Symptomatic Patients</strong></p> <p>Accurate for most Individuals who are currently experiencing coronavirus symptoms.</p> <p>For most accurate results, patients should be experiencing coronavirus symptoms within the first 5 days of disease.&nbsp;</p> <h4>What kind of sample is taken?</h4> <p>Nasopharyngeal swab is the specimen of choice.</p> <h4>How soon do patients get results?</h4> <p>Results are usually available on the same or next day.&nbsp;</p> <h4>How accurate is it?</h4> <p><strong>Very Accurate for Symptomatic Patients</strong></p> <p>Positive results are highly accurate, but negative results may need confirmation from a PCR test</p> <h4>Is the test FDA approved through the Emergency Use Authorization designation?</h4> <p>Yes.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--1"> <button aria-controls="accordion--1" class="accordion__button ">PCR Test</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--1" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>The PCR Test is also known as the "Molecular test", "RNA test", or "Diagnostic test."</p> <h4>What is it?</h4> <p>A diagnostic test that can detect active infection by identifying the genetic material of the virus.</p> <h4>Who should be tested?</h4> <p><strong>Symptomatic or Asymptomatic Patients</strong></p> <p>Individuals who are currently experiencing coronavirus symptoms (and some who are asymptomatic as prioritized by the CDC (e.g. surgery patients).</p> <p>For most accurate results, patients should be experiencing coronavirus symptoms within the first 5 days of disease.</p> <h4>What kind of sample is taken?</h4> <p>Nasopharyngeal swab is the specimen of choice.</p> <h4>How soon do patients get results?</h4> <p>Typically within 2-3 days of testing (May vary based on volumes).</p> <h4>How accurate is it?</h4> <p><strong>Most Accurate</strong></p> <p>Considered the gold standard of COVID-19 testing. The PCR is highly accurate, usually does not need to be repeated except to test for continued infection.</p> <h4>Is the test FDA approved through the Emergency Use Authorization designation?</h4> <p>Yes.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--2"> <button aria-controls="accordion--2" class="accordion__button ">Antibody Test</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--2" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>The Antibody Test is also known as the "blood test" or "serological test."</p> <h4>What is it?</h4> <p>A test that detects antibodies the immune system created in response to past infection.</p> <h4>Who should be tested?</h4> <p><strong>Asymptomatic Patients</strong></p> <p>Individuals who think they may have had COVID-19 or think they have been exposed but don&rsquo;t have symptoms now, or individuals who were confirmed Covid positive and are looking to donate their plasma to help a patient with Covid-19 infection.</p> <p>For the most accurate results it is best to wait approximately 14 days from COVID exposure/symptoms before having the antibody test.</p> <h4>What kind of sample is taken?</h4> <p>Blood draw.</p> <h4>How soon do patients get results?</h4> <p>Results in 1-3 days. </p> <h4>How accurate is it?</h4> <p><strong>Very Accurate</strong></p> <p>Occasionally, a second antibody test may be recommended.</p> <h4>Is the test FDA approved through the Emergency Use Authorization designation?</h4> <p>Yes.</p></p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <script src="/content/assets/js/accordioncomponent.js?v=20241120044044"></script> <section class="section snippet-cta snippet-cta--with-icons snippet-cta--center-text "> <div class="container "> <div class="snippet-cta__items"> <div class="snippet-cta__item"> <div class="snippet-cta__icon"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g 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43.035156 27.59375 46.664062 23.953125 C 47.527344 23.101562 48.921875 23.101562 49.785156 23.953125 C 50.648438 24.816406 50.648438 26.210938 49.785156 27.082031 C 47.226562 29.632812 46.972656 32.25 47.128906 35.371094 C 50.25 35.527344 52.867188 35.273438 55.425781 32.714844 C 56.289062 31.851562 57.683594 31.851562 58.539062 32.714844 C 59.40625 33.570312 59.40625 34.972656 58.539062 35.835938 Z M 58.539062 35.835938 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 30.007812 64.058594 C 29.542969 64.726562 28.988281 65.390625 28.335938 66.039062 C 27.90625 66.472656 27.335938 66.691406 26.773438 66.691406 C 26.210938 66.691406 25.640625 66.472656 25.214844 66.039062 C 24.351562 65.175781 24.351562 63.78125 25.214844 62.925781 C 25.589844 62.550781 25.914062 62.175781 26.191406 61.800781 C 27.839844 59.59375 28.011719 57.300781 27.871094 54.628906 C 28.492188 54.660156 29.121094 54.703125 29.78125 54.75 C 30.609375 54.808594 31.441406 54.871094 32.300781 54.898438 C 32.40625 57.871094 32.113281 61.019531 30.007812 64.058594 Z M 30.007812 64.058594 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 58.539062 32.714844 C 57.683594 31.851562 56.289062 31.851562 55.425781 32.714844 C 52.867188 35.273438 50.25 35.527344 47.128906 35.371094 C 46.972656 32.25 47.226562 29.632812 49.785156 27.082031 C 50.648438 26.210938 50.648438 24.816406 49.785156 23.953125 C 48.921875 23.101562 47.527344 23.101562 46.664062 23.953125 C 43.035156 27.59375 42.570312 31.46875 42.699219 35.09375 C 39.074219 34.964844 35.199219 35.429688 31.558594 39.058594 C 27.921875 42.699219 27.472656 46.582031 27.601562 50.199219 C 24.644531 50.101562 21.515625 50.378906 18.488281 52.460938 C 17.804688 52.933594 17.128906 53.496094 16.460938 54.164062 C 15.59375 55.027344 15.59375 56.421875 16.460938 57.285156 C 16.890625 57.710938 17.453125 57.929688 18.023438 57.929688 C 18.585938 57.929688 19.148438 57.710938 19.574219 57.285156 C 19.957031 56.910156 20.339844 56.574219 20.722656 56.296875 C 22.921875 54.660156 25.214844 54.488281 27.871094 54.628906 C 28.492188 54.660156 29.121094 54.703125 29.78125 54.75 C 30.609375 54.808594 31.441406 54.871094 32.300781 54.898438 C 35.925781 55.027344 39.800781 54.570312 43.441406 50.933594 C 47.070312 47.300781 47.527344 43.425781 47.398438 39.800781 C 51.03125 39.929688 54.90625 39.464844 58.539062 35.835938 C 59.40625 34.972656 59.40625 33.570312 58.539062 32.714844 Z M 40.320312 47.8125 C 37.761719 50.371094 35.144531 50.632812 32.023438 50.476562 C 31.867188 47.355469 32.121094 44.738281 34.679688 42.179688 C 37.238281 39.621094 39.855469 39.367188 42.976562 39.523438 C 43.132812 42.644531 42.878906 45.261719 40.320312 47.8125 Z M 40.320312 47.8125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 40.320312 47.8125 C 37.761719 50.371094 35.144531 50.632812 32.023438 50.476562 C 31.867188 47.355469 32.121094 44.738281 34.679688 42.179688 C 37.238281 39.621094 39.855469 39.367188 42.976562 39.523438 C 43.132812 42.644531 42.878906 45.261719 40.320312 47.8125 Z M 40.320312 47.8125 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading heading--h4">Rapid Antigen Test</h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc "> A quick and easy diagnostic test with same-day results indicating whether you currently have COVID-19. Only for the symptomatic. </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> <div class="snippet-cta__item"> <div class="snippet-cta__icon"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 0 C 16.785156 0 0 16.785156 0 37.5 L 0 52.5 C 0 73.207031 16.785156 90 37.5 90 C 47.851562 90 57.226562 85.800781 64.011719 79.011719 C 70.800781 72.226562 75 62.851562 75 52.5 L 75 37.5 C 75 16.785156 58.207031 0 37.5 0 Z M 72 52.5 C 72 71.519531 56.519531 87 37.5 87 C 18.480469 87 3 71.519531 3 52.5 L 3 37.5 C 3 18.472656 18.472656 3 37.5 3 C 56.527344 3 72 18.472656 72 37.5 Z M 72 52.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 3 C 18.472656 3 3 18.472656 3 37.5 L 3 52.5 C 3 71.519531 18.472656 87 37.5 87 C 56.527344 87 72 71.519531 72 52.5 L 72 37.5 C 72 18.472656 56.519531 3 37.5 3 Z M 27.609375 31.140625 C 28.15625 29.03125 29.484375 27.261719 31.359375 26.160156 C 33.234375 25.058594 35.421875 24.75 37.53125 25.296875 C 39.628906 25.835938 41.398438 27.171875 42.503906 29.046875 C 43.605469 30.921875 43.914062 33.113281 43.363281 35.210938 C 42.816406 37.320312 41.488281 39.089844 39.613281 40.191406 C 38.347656 40.933594 36.9375 41.316406 35.496094 41.316406 C 34.816406 41.316406 34.125 41.226562 33.449219 41.054688 C 31.34375 40.507812 29.578125 39.179688 28.46875 37.304688 C 27.367188 35.429688 27.058594 33.238281 27.609375 31.140625 Z M 34.597656 63.433594 C 32.8125 64.449219 30.824219 64.964844 28.808594 64.964844 C 27.839844 64.964844 26.871094 64.851562 25.914062 64.613281 C 22.949219 63.871094 20.46875 62.070312 18.914062 59.535156 C 15.710938 54.292969 17.527344 47.527344 22.972656 44.4375 C 25.613281 42.945312 28.695312 42.53125 31.65625 43.265625 C 34.621094 44.003906 37.101562 45.808594 38.65625 48.34375 C 41.859375 53.585938 40.035156 60.351562 34.597656 63.433594 Z M 55.246094 55.597656 C 53.8125 56.445312 52.214844 56.871094 50.59375 56.871094 C 49.824219 56.871094 49.042969 56.773438 48.277344 56.578125 C 45.898438 55.964844 43.90625 54.457031 42.660156 52.34375 C 40.09375 47.976562 41.550781 42.328125 45.914062 39.765625 C 48.03125 38.519531 50.503906 38.167969 52.882812 38.78125 C 55.261719 39.398438 57.253906 40.90625 58.5 43.019531 C 61.074219 47.386719 59.609375 53.03125 55.246094 55.597656 Z M 55.246094 55.597656 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 58.5 43.019531 C 57.253906 40.90625 55.261719 39.398438 52.882812 38.78125 C 50.503906 38.167969 48.03125 38.519531 45.914062 39.765625 C 41.550781 42.328125 40.09375 47.976562 42.660156 52.34375 C 43.90625 54.457031 45.898438 55.964844 48.277344 56.578125 C 49.042969 56.773438 49.824219 56.871094 50.59375 56.871094 C 52.214844 56.871094 53.8125 56.445312 55.246094 55.597656 C 59.609375 53.03125 61.074219 47.386719 58.5 43.019531 Z M 53.199219 52.117188 C 52.003906 52.824219 50.625 53.015625 49.289062 52.671875 C 47.953125 52.328125 46.835938 51.480469 46.140625 50.296875 C 44.699219 47.851562 45.515625 44.683594 47.96875 43.246094 C 48.773438 42.773438 49.664062 42.523438 50.574219 42.523438 C 51.007812 42.523438 51.441406 42.585938 51.871094 42.691406 C 53.203125 43.035156 54.324219 43.882812 55.019531 45.066406 C 55.5 45.886719 55.734375 46.785156 55.734375 47.671875 C 55.734375 49.441406 54.824219 51.15625 53.199219 52.117188 Z M 53.199219 52.117188 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 55.734375 47.671875 C 55.734375 49.441406 54.824219 51.15625 53.199219 52.117188 C 52.003906 52.824219 50.625 53.015625 49.289062 52.671875 C 47.953125 52.328125 46.835938 51.480469 46.140625 50.296875 C 44.699219 47.851562 45.515625 44.683594 47.96875 43.246094 C 48.773438 42.773438 49.664062 42.523438 50.574219 42.523438 C 51.007812 42.523438 51.441406 42.585938 51.871094 42.691406 C 53.203125 43.035156 54.324219 43.882812 55.019531 45.066406 C 55.5 45.886719 55.734375 46.785156 55.734375 47.671875 Z M 55.734375 47.671875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 38.65625 48.34375 C 37.101562 45.808594 34.621094 44.003906 31.65625 43.265625 C 28.695312 42.53125 25.613281 42.945312 22.972656 44.4375 C 17.527344 47.527344 15.710938 54.292969 18.914062 59.535156 C 20.46875 62.070312 22.949219 63.871094 25.914062 64.613281 C 26.871094 64.851562 27.839844 64.964844 28.808594 64.964844 C 30.824219 64.964844 32.8125 64.449219 34.597656 63.433594 C 40.035156 60.351562 41.859375 53.585938 38.65625 48.34375 Z M 32.039062 59.265625 C 30.5625 60.105469 28.835938 60.335938 27.171875 59.925781 C 25.515625 59.503906 24.121094 58.5 23.25 57.074219 C 21.449219 54.136719 22.476562 50.339844 25.53125 48.613281 C 26.527344 48.046875 27.644531 47.753906 28.777344 47.753906 C 29.316406 47.753906 29.859375 47.820312 30.398438 47.953125 C 32.054688 48.367188 33.449219 49.378906 34.320312 50.804688 C 34.921875 51.789062 35.203125 52.859375 35.203125 53.925781 C 35.203125 56.039062 34.074219 58.109375 32.039062 59.265625 Z M 32.039062 59.265625 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.203125 53.925781 C 35.203125 56.039062 34.074219 58.109375 32.039062 59.265625 C 30.5625 60.105469 28.835938 60.335938 27.171875 59.925781 C 25.515625 59.503906 24.121094 58.5 23.25 57.074219 C 21.449219 54.136719 22.476562 50.339844 25.53125 48.613281 C 26.527344 48.046875 27.644531 47.753906 28.777344 47.753906 C 29.316406 47.753906 29.859375 47.820312 30.398438 47.953125 C 32.054688 48.367188 33.449219 49.378906 34.320312 50.804688 C 34.921875 51.789062 35.203125 52.859375 35.203125 53.925781 Z M 35.203125 53.925781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 42.503906 29.046875 C 41.398438 27.171875 39.628906 25.835938 37.53125 25.296875 C 35.421875 24.75 33.234375 25.058594 31.359375 26.160156 C 29.484375 27.261719 28.15625 29.03125 27.609375 31.140625 C 27.058594 33.238281 27.367188 35.429688 28.46875 37.304688 C 29.578125 39.179688 31.34375 40.507812 33.449219 41.054688 C 34.125 41.226562 34.816406 41.316406 35.496094 41.316406 C 36.9375 41.316406 38.347656 40.933594 39.613281 40.191406 C 41.488281 39.089844 42.816406 37.320312 43.363281 35.210938 C 43.914062 33.113281 43.605469 30.921875 42.503906 29.046875 Z M 39.457031 34.199219 C 39.179688 35.265625 38.511719 36.15625 37.566406 36.710938 C 36.621094 37.265625 35.519531 37.417969 34.460938 37.148438 C 33.398438 36.871094 32.503906 36.203125 31.949219 35.257812 C 31.394531 34.3125 31.246094 33.210938 31.515625 32.144531 C 31.792969 31.085938 32.460938 30.195312 33.40625 29.640625 C 34.042969 29.265625 34.753906 29.070312 35.484375 29.070312 C 35.828125 29.070312 36.171875 29.113281 36.515625 29.203125 C 37.574219 29.484375 38.46875 30.148438 39.023438 31.09375 C 39.578125 32.039062 39.734375 33.140625 39.457031 34.199219 Z M 39.457031 34.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 39.457031 34.199219 C 39.179688 35.265625 38.511719 36.15625 37.566406 36.710938 C 36.621094 37.265625 35.519531 37.417969 34.460938 37.148438 C 33.398438 36.871094 32.503906 36.203125 31.949219 35.257812 C 31.394531 34.3125 31.246094 33.210938 31.515625 32.144531 C 31.792969 31.085938 32.460938 30.195312 33.40625 29.640625 C 34.042969 29.265625 34.753906 29.070312 35.484375 29.070312 C 35.828125 29.070312 36.171875 29.113281 36.515625 29.203125 C 37.574219 29.484375 38.46875 30.148438 39.023438 31.09375 C 39.578125 32.039062 39.734375 33.140625 39.457031 34.199219 Z M 39.457031 34.199219 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading heading--h4">PCR Test</h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc "> A diagnostic test via a deep nasal swab which is most accurate in detecting coronavirus infection and typically takes 2-3 days to get results (May vary based on volumes). </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> <div class="snippet-cta__item"> <div class="snippet-cta__icon"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 0 C 16.785156 0 0 16.785156 0 37.5 L 0 52.5 C 0 73.207031 16.785156 90 37.5 90 C 47.851562 90 57.226562 85.800781 64.011719 79.011719 C 70.800781 72.226562 75 62.851562 75 52.5 L 75 37.5 C 75 16.785156 58.207031 0 37.5 0 Z M 72 52.5 C 72 71.519531 56.519531 87 37.5 87 C 18.480469 87 3 71.519531 3 52.5 L 3 37.5 C 3 18.472656 18.472656 3 37.5 3 C 56.527344 3 72 18.472656 72 37.5 Z M 72 52.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 3 C 18.472656 3 3 18.472656 3 37.5 L 3 52.5 C 3 71.519531 18.472656 87 37.5 87 C 56.527344 87 72 71.519531 72 52.5 L 72 37.5 C 72 18.472656 56.519531 3 37.5 3 Z M 17.714844 49.027344 C 16.777344 48.421875 16.507812 47.175781 17.109375 46.238281 L 22.265625 38.191406 L 21.007812 32.40625 C 20.773438 31.3125 21.464844 30.246094 22.550781 30.007812 C 23.640625 29.765625 24.710938 30.457031 24.953125 31.546875 L 25.964844 36.179688 L 30.59375 35.167969 C 31.6875 34.933594 32.761719 35.625 32.992188 36.710938 C 33.234375 37.800781 32.542969 38.871094 31.453125 39.113281 L 25.664062 40.378906 L 20.503906 48.414062 C 20.121094 49.011719 19.46875 49.34375 18.808594 49.34375 C 18.433594 49.34375 18.050781 49.238281 17.714844 49.027344 Z M 34.273438 58.492188 L 28.351562 58.164062 L 24.5625 61.453125 L 22.792969 63 C 22.410156 63.328125 21.9375 63.503906 21.464844 63.503906 C 20.902344 63.503906 20.339844 63.261719 19.941406 62.804688 C 19.214844 61.957031 19.304688 60.691406 20.136719 59.953125 L 21.570312 58.710938 L 25.671875 55.140625 L 25.996094 49.246094 C 26.054688 48.136719 27.007812 47.28125 28.117188 47.339844 C 29.234375 47.398438 30.089844 48.351562 30.03125 49.46875 L 29.765625 54.203125 L 34.5 54.457031 C 35.617188 54.515625 36.464844 55.476562 36.40625 56.585938 C 36.34375 57.699219 35.390625 58.550781 34.273438 58.492188 Z M 36.398438 41.453125 L 34.726562 32.046875 L 29.871094 28.65625 C 28.957031 28.019531 28.734375 26.761719 29.371094 25.84375 C 30.007812 24.929688 31.265625 24.710938 32.183594 25.34375 L 36.066406 28.058594 L 38.78125 24.171875 C 39.421875 23.257812 40.679688 23.03125 41.59375 23.675781 C 42.511719 24.316406 42.726562 25.574219 42.089844 26.484375 L 38.699219 31.34375 L 40.371094 40.746094 C 40.558594 41.851562 39.832031 42.890625 38.730469 43.085938 C 38.617188 43.109375 38.496094 43.125 38.378906 43.125 C 37.417969 43.125 36.5625 42.433594 36.398438 41.453125 Z M 52.15625 56.894531 L 46.328125 57.960938 L 41.011719 65.648438 L 40.898438 65.820312 C 40.5 66.382812 39.871094 66.691406 39.234375 66.691406 C 38.835938 66.691406 38.4375 66.570312 38.085938 66.328125 C 37.90625 66.203125 37.746094 66.050781 37.628906 65.886719 C 37.109375 65.210938 37.066406 64.261719 37.566406 63.523438 L 43.003906 55.664062 L 41.949219 49.835938 C 41.746094 48.734375 42.472656 47.683594 43.566406 47.484375 C 44.671875 47.289062 45.71875 48.015625 45.914062 49.109375 L 46.761719 53.773438 L 51.425781 52.925781 C 52.53125 52.726562 53.578125 53.453125 53.773438 54.546875 C 53.976562 55.640625 53.25 56.691406 52.15625 56.894531 Z M 57.367188 50.308594 C 57.007812 50.566406 56.59375 50.683594 56.199219 50.683594 C 55.558594 50.683594 54.945312 50.386719 54.546875 49.835938 L 48.996094 42.058594 L 43.15625 41.085938 C 42.058594 40.90625 41.308594 39.863281 41.496094 38.761719 C 41.675781 37.664062 42.710938 36.921875 43.824219 37.109375 L 48.496094 37.890625 L 49.273438 33.210938 C 49.453125 32.109375 50.496094 31.363281 51.601562 31.550781 C 52.695312 31.734375 53.4375 32.773438 53.257812 33.871094 L 52.28125 39.71875 L 57.839844 47.488281 C 58.484375 48.398438 58.273438 49.65625 57.367188 50.308594 Z M 57.367188 50.308594 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 31.453125 39.113281 L 25.664062 40.378906 L 20.503906 48.414062 C 20.121094 49.011719 19.46875 49.34375 18.808594 49.34375 C 18.433594 49.34375 18.050781 49.238281 17.714844 49.027344 C 16.777344 48.421875 16.507812 47.175781 17.109375 46.238281 L 22.265625 38.191406 L 21.007812 32.40625 C 20.773438 31.3125 21.464844 30.246094 22.550781 30.007812 C 23.640625 29.765625 24.710938 30.457031 24.953125 31.546875 L 25.964844 36.179688 L 30.59375 35.167969 C 31.6875 34.933594 32.761719 35.625 32.992188 36.710938 C 33.234375 37.800781 32.542969 38.871094 31.453125 39.113281 Z M 31.453125 39.113281 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 57.367188 50.308594 C 57.007812 50.566406 56.59375 50.683594 56.199219 50.683594 C 55.558594 50.683594 54.945312 50.386719 54.546875 49.835938 L 48.996094 42.058594 L 43.15625 41.085938 C 42.058594 40.90625 41.308594 39.863281 41.496094 38.761719 C 41.675781 37.664062 42.710938 36.921875 43.824219 37.109375 L 48.496094 37.890625 L 49.273438 33.210938 C 49.453125 32.109375 50.496094 31.363281 51.601562 31.550781 C 52.695312 31.734375 53.4375 32.773438 53.257812 33.871094 L 52.28125 39.71875 L 57.839844 47.488281 C 58.484375 48.398438 58.273438 49.65625 57.367188 50.308594 Z M 57.367188 50.308594 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 42.089844 26.484375 L 38.699219 31.34375 L 40.371094 40.746094 C 40.558594 41.851562 39.832031 42.890625 38.730469 43.085938 C 38.617188 43.109375 38.496094 43.125 38.378906 43.125 C 37.417969 43.125 36.5625 42.433594 36.398438 41.453125 L 34.726562 32.046875 L 29.871094 28.65625 C 28.957031 28.019531 28.734375 26.761719 29.371094 25.84375 C 30.007812 24.929688 31.265625 24.710938 32.183594 25.34375 L 36.066406 28.058594 L 38.78125 24.171875 C 39.421875 23.257812 40.679688 23.03125 41.59375 23.675781 C 42.511719 24.316406 42.726562 25.574219 42.089844 26.484375 Z M 42.089844 26.484375 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 36.40625 56.585938 C 36.34375 57.699219 35.390625 58.550781 34.273438 58.492188 L 28.351562 58.164062 L 24.5625 61.453125 L 22.792969 63 C 22.410156 63.328125 21.9375 63.503906 21.464844 63.503906 C 20.902344 63.503906 20.339844 63.261719 19.941406 62.804688 C 19.214844 61.957031 19.304688 60.691406 20.136719 59.953125 L 21.570312 58.710938 L 25.671875 55.140625 L 25.996094 49.246094 C 26.054688 48.136719 27.007812 47.28125 28.117188 47.339844 C 29.234375 47.398438 30.089844 48.351562 30.03125 49.46875 L 29.765625 54.203125 L 34.5 54.457031 C 35.617188 54.515625 36.464844 55.476562 36.40625 56.585938 Z M 36.40625 56.585938 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 41.011719 65.648438 L 40.898438 65.820312 C 40.5 66.382812 39.871094 66.691406 39.234375 66.691406 C 38.835938 66.691406 38.4375 66.570312 38.085938 66.328125 C 37.90625 66.203125 37.746094 66.050781 37.628906 65.886719 C 38.761719 65.902344 39.890625 65.820312 41.011719 65.648438 Z M 41.011719 65.648438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 52.15625 56.894531 L 46.328125 57.960938 L 41.011719 65.648438 C 39.890625 65.820312 38.761719 65.902344 37.628906 65.886719 C 37.109375 65.210938 37.066406 64.261719 37.566406 63.523438 L 43.003906 55.664062 L 41.949219 49.835938 C 41.746094 48.734375 42.472656 47.683594 43.566406 47.484375 C 44.671875 47.289062 45.71875 48.015625 45.914062 49.109375 L 46.761719 53.773438 L 51.425781 52.925781 C 52.53125 52.726562 53.578125 53.453125 53.773438 54.546875 C 53.976562 55.640625 53.25 56.691406 52.15625 56.894531 Z M 52.15625 56.894531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 41.011719 65.648438 L 40.898438 65.820312 C 40.5 66.382812 39.871094 66.691406 39.234375 66.691406 C 38.835938 66.691406 38.4375 66.570312 38.085938 66.328125 C 37.90625 66.203125 37.746094 66.050781 37.628906 65.886719 C 38.761719 65.902344 39.890625 65.820312 41.011719 65.648438 Z M 41.011719 65.648438 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading heading--h4">Antibody Test</h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc "> A blood test which shows whether you contracted COVID-19 in the past (and may have some level of immunity) </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta simple-cta--inverted-colors"> <div class="container "> <div class="simple-cta__wrap"> <div class="simple-cta__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta__heading heading--h3">Baptist Health Testing Sites</h2> <div class="simple-cta__desc typeset"> <p>Visit any Baptist Health Urgent Care or Urgent Care Express location to get tested for COVID-19.</p> </div> </div> <footer class="simple-cta__footer"> <a class="button button--secondary" href="/services/urgent-care/about-us/locations" >Find your nearest location</a> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "How will I get my results?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p> If you were tested for COVID-19 at a Baptist Health location, you will be contacted by text message or phone when your results are available. You will need to validate certain patient demographics to receive your results via text. </p> <p>Many patients will be able to view their results in their patient portal as soon as those results are available. You may access the patient portal in the links below. Please note, to protect the privacy of minors ages 12-17, portal access is not available for patients in that age group. You may request medical records online for patients ages 12-17 by visiting the <a href=''>medical records page</a>. At this time, results are not available in the patient portal for Bethesda Hospital East or Bethesda Hospital West.</p> <p>Patient Portal Links:</p> <p style='text-align: center;'><a class='button button--secondary' href=''>Boca Raton Regional Hospital</a>&nbsp; <a class='button button--secondary' href=''>All other Baptist Health Locations</a></p> <p>Patients may also request their medical records, which include their COVID-19 test results, online by visiting the <a href=''>medical records page</a>. </p> <p>If you have other questions about testing or accessing your results, call <a href='tel:8336922784'>833-692-2784</a>.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How long will it take to get my results?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Most of the Antigen test results are available same day. The PCR and Antibody samples are sent to private labs for testing. Results for those may take up to 3 days to process. In the meantime, continue to follow the guidance of our medical professionals and stay home. If your symptoms worsen, contact your primary care physician or use the Baptist Health Care On Demand telehealth app." } } ] } </script> <section class="section accordion-section "> <div class="container "> <div class="container--inner"> <header class="section-header "> <h2 class="section-header__heading">COVID-19 Test Results</h2> </header> <div class="accordion"> <ul class="accordion__items"> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--0"> <button aria-controls="accordion--0" class="accordion__button ">How will I get my results?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--0" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p> If you were tested for COVID-19 at a Baptist Health location, you will be contacted by text message or phone when your results are available. You will need to validate certain patient demographics to receive your results via text. </p> <p>Many patients will be able to view their results in their patient portal as soon as those results are available. You may access the patient portal in the links below. Please note, to protect the privacy of minors ages 12-17, portal access is not available for patients in that age group. You may request medical records online for patients ages 12-17 by visiting the <a href="">medical records page</a>. At this time, results are not available in the patient portal for Bethesda Hospital East or Bethesda Hospital West.</p> <p>Patient Portal Links:</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a class="button button--secondary" href="">Boca Raton Regional Hospital</a>&nbsp; <a class="button button--secondary" href="">All other Baptist Health Locations</a></p> <p>Patients may also request their medical records, which include their COVID-19 test results, online by visiting the <a href="">medical records page</a>. </p> <p>If you have other questions about testing or accessing your results, call <a href="tel:8336922784">833-692-2784</a>.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--1"> <button aria-controls="accordion--1" class="accordion__button ">How long will it take to get my results?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--1" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p>Most of the Antigen test results are available same day. The PCR and Antibody samples are sent to private labs for testing. Results for those may take up to 3 days to process. In the meantime, continue to follow the guidance of our medical professionals and stay home. If your symptoms worsen, contact your primary care physician or use the Baptist Health Care On Demand telehealth app.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <script src="/content/assets/js/accordioncomponent.js?v=20241120044044"></script><div class="container"> <div class="container--inner"> <div><p>It is highly recommended that you talk to your doctor, who can determine if you meet the criteria established by the <a href="">Florida Department of Health</a> for testing. If you do not have a doctor, or he or she is unavailable, Baptist Health offers online doctor visits on our <a href="/lp/pineapp">Baptist Health PineApp</a>. Or, you can contact the Florida Department of Health directly by calling the Coronavirus Hotline at <a href="tel:18667796121">1-866-779-6121</a> or emailing <a href=""></a>.</p> <br /></div> </div> </div> <div><section class="section promo-stats-with-message "> <div class="message message--error" role="alert" style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: 18px;">If you develop <strong>emergency warning signs</strong> for COVID-19 get <strong>medical attention immediately</strong>.</span> </div> <div class="container promo-stats-with-message__wrapper"> <div class="promo-stats-with-message__message"> <h3 class="promo-stats-with-message__title">Emergency Warning Signs</h3> <div class="promo-stats-with-message__teaser">Emergency warning signs include the following. <br /> This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.</div> </div> <div class="promo-stats-with-message__stats-wrapper"> <div class="promo-stats-with-message__stats-item"> <span class="promo-stats-with-message__stats-item__copy"> Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath </span></div> <div class="promo-stats-with-message__stats-item"> <span class="promo-stats-with-message__stats-item__copy"> Persistent pain or pressure in the chest </span></div> <div class="promo-stats-with-message__stats-item"> <span class="promo-stats-with-message__stats-item__copy"> New confusion or inability to arouse </span></div> <div class="promo-stats-with-message__stats-item"> <span class="promo-stats-with-message__stats-item__copy"> Bluish lips or face </span></div> </div> </div> </section></div> <div class="container"> <div class="container--inner"> <div><br/> <h2>High-Risk Individuals</h2> <p><strong>Older adults</strong> and <strong>people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions</strong> like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.</p> <p>People at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider early, even if their illness is mild.</p></div> </div> </div> <div><section class="section disclaimer-block "> <div class="container"> <div class="disclaimer-block__wrap"> <div class="disclaimer__content typeset">&nbsp;<strong>In-House Testing</strong> <p>Baptist Health uses a combination of external and in-house testing. Some tests may be conducted by the Molecular Diagnostic Lab at Baptist Hospital, which received approval from the FDA for an in-house test developed by the lab. <a href="-/media/bc800068dff34e88a3c552f9d4ace1fa.ashx">Click here</a>&nbsp;for information about this new test.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> </main> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $(".header__brand-link:not(.blog)").attr("href", currentLangCode === 'en' ? '/' : '/' + currentLangCode); }); </script> <footer class="site-footer "> <div class="container--outer"> <div class="site-footer__top"> <a class="site-footer__logo" href="/" title="Baptist Health South Florida"> <svg width="270" height="47" viewBox="0 0 270 47" xmlns=""><g fill="#FFF" fill-rule="nonzero"> <path d="M56.142 36.565v-.963c2.598-.11 3.276-.41 3.276-3.04V15.347c0-2.637-.678-2.929-3.276-3.04v-.962h10.689c5.842 0 9.544 2.155 9.544 6.236 0 3.19-2.424 5.265-5.376 5.786v.071c3.134.632 6.663 2.298 6.663 6.158 0 4.081-3.063 6.978-9.473 6.978H56.142v-.008Zm8.123-13.578c5.203 0 7.27-1.705 7.27-5.344 0-2.747-1.783-4.823-5.343-4.823-1.248 0-1.927.481-1.927 1.705v8.462Zm0 10.5c0 1.002.498 1.594 2.527 1.594 3.773 0 5.841-2.708 5.873-5.494.031-3.52-2.882-5.234-8.407-5.123v9.023h.007ZM94.144 33.747c0 .482.182.813.569.813.355 0 .82-.37 1.065-.592l.569.671c-.853 1.445-2.424 2.376-4.129 2.376-2.068 0-2.352-1.334-2.352-2.597-1.713 1.484-3.347 2.597-5.77 2.597-2.495 0-4.485-1.113-4.485-4.523 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2.494-1.634l.71.742c-1.318 1.926-2.565 3.86-5.201 3.86-2.566 0-3.56-1.555-3.56-4.342V20.99h-2.14v-1.263c2.597-.41 4.594-2.526 5.273-6.457h1.137v5.857h3.915v1.855h.008ZM178.31 24.772v7.79c0 2.638.68 2.93 2.993 3.04v.963h-10.831v-.963c2.313-.11 2.992-.41 2.992-3.04V15.347c0-2.637-.68-2.929-2.992-3.04v-.962h10.83v.963c-2.312.11-2.991.41-2.991 3.039v7.35h10.617v-7.35c0-2.637-.679-2.929-2.992-3.04v-.962h10.831v.963c-2.313.11-2.992.41-2.992 3.039v17.217c0 2.637.679 2.929 2.992 3.04v.962h-10.83v-.963c2.312-.11 2.991-.41 2.991-3.04v-7.79h-10.617ZM202.032 26.627c0 4.523 1.642 7.12 4.808 7.12 2.1 0 3.56-1.074 4.918-2.968l.679.631c-1.208 2.637-3.174 5.605-7.231 5.605-4.595 0-7.444-3.931-7.444-8.573 0-5.826 3.134-9.757 7.412-9.757 4.342 0 6.694 3.56 6.907 7.942h-10.049Zm5.77-1.484c0-2.116-.496-4.753-2.88-4.753-2.456 0-2.882 2.637-2.882 4.753h5.763ZM227.822 33.747c0 .482.182.813.568.813.356 0 .821-.37 1.066-.592l.569.671c-.853 1.445-2.424 2.376-4.129 2.376-2.068 0-2.352-1.334-2.352-2.597-1.713 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