Polpharma API - European CDMO and API Manufacutring

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16.2911C120.61 15.6098 120.42 15.1013 120.044 14.6912M90.074 8.92902L90.0469 8.91885C87.4539 8.94936 86.0371 9.59336 85.3524 11.2441L80.0274 26.0325C79.9969 26.1342 80.0139 26.2359 80.0647 26.3139C80.0918 26.3579 80.1257 26.3918 80.1766 26.4189C80.2783 26.48 80.3562 26.4833 80.4376 26.4901C80.7935 26.5376 81.6951 26.5545 82.695 26.1274C83.9932 25.5682 84.4982 24.4496 84.6236 24.1107L90.0808 8.95953C90.0808 8.95953 90.0808 8.93919 90.074 8.92902ZM152.472 13.8913C152.482 13.7964 152.478 13.6913 152.411 13.6066H146.316C143.239 13.6066 141.395 15.003 140.547 17.1317L137.341 26.0325C137.31 26.1342 137.327 26.2359 137.378 26.3139C137.405 26.3579 137.439 26.3918 137.49 26.4189C137.588 26.48 137.666 26.4833 137.748 26.4901C138.103 26.5376 139.008 26.5545 140.005 26.1274C141.307 25.5682 141.808 24.4496 141.937 24.1107L144.279 17.6164C144.415 17.2401 144.659 16.9452 144.947 16.7215C145.194 16.5249 145.625 16.3487 145.95 16.3487C146.032 16.3487 149.411 16.3487 149.411 16.3487C151.146 16.3487 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13.5931H112.774C112.492 13.5931 112.265 13.6439 112.265 13.6439L113.946 8.95962C113.946 8.95962 113.95 8.93928 113.943 8.92911C113.933 8.91894 113.916 8.91895 113.916 8.91895C111.323 8.94945 109.97 9.59345 109.282 11.2442L103.957 26.0326C103.927 26.1343 103.944 26.236 103.995 26.314C104.022 26.358 104.056 26.3919 104.107 26.419C104.205 26.48 104.283 26.4834 104.364 26.4902C104.72 26.5377 105.622 26.5546 106.622 26.1275C107.923 25.5683 108.425 24.4497 108.55 24.1108L110.892 17.6165C111.028 17.2402 111.272 16.9453 111.56 16.7216C111.808 16.525 112.238 16.3488 112.563 16.3488H114.495C115.397 16.3589 115.973 16.4267 116.329 16.7758C116.492 16.9555 116.553 17.186 116.546 17.4436C116.546 17.769 116.451 18.1689 116.265 18.6808L113.618 26.0326C113.587 26.1343 113.601 26.236 113.655 26.314C113.685 26.358 113.716 26.3919 113.767 26.419C113.868 26.48 113.943 26.4834 114.024 26.4902C114.38 26.5377 115.285 26.5546 116.285 26.1275C117.583 25.5683 117.956 24.4497 118.085 24.1108L120.18 18.2977C120.468 17.508 120.603 16.847 120.607 16.2912C120.61 15.6099 120.42 15.1014 120.044 14.6913M90.074 8.92911L90.0469 8.91895C87.4539 8.94945 86.0371 9.59345 85.3524 11.2442L80.0274 26.0326C79.9969 26.1343 80.0139 26.236 80.0647 26.314C80.0918 26.358 80.1257 26.3919 80.1766 26.419C80.2783 26.48 80.3562 26.4834 80.4376 26.4902C80.7935 26.5377 81.6951 26.5546 82.695 26.1275C83.9932 25.5683 84.4982 24.4497 84.6236 24.1108L90.0808 8.95962C90.0808 8.95962 90.0808 8.93928 90.074 8.92911ZM152.472 13.8914C152.482 13.7965 152.478 13.6914 152.411 13.6066H146.316C143.239 13.6066 141.395 15.0031 140.547 17.1317L137.341 26.0326C137.31 26.1343 137.327 26.236 137.378 26.314C137.405 26.358 137.439 26.3919 137.49 26.419C137.588 26.48 137.666 26.4834 137.748 26.4902C138.103 26.5377 139.008 26.5546 140.005 26.1275C141.307 25.5683 141.808 24.4497 141.937 24.1108L144.279 17.6165C144.415 17.2402 144.659 16.9453 144.947 16.7216C145.194 16.525 145.625 16.3488 145.95 16.3488C146.032 16.3488 149.411 16.3488 149.411 16.3488C151.146 16.3488 152.251 15.2777 152.472 13.8914ZM103.964 16.6708C103.835 16.0166 103.557 15.4065 103.13 14.9489C102.266 14.0168 100.883 13.6066 98.1716 13.6066H96.1548C93.0771 13.6066 91.2196 14.9997 90.3418 17.1284L85.2744 30.7271C85.2405 30.8288 85.2575 30.9305 85.3083 31.0118C85.3354 31.0525 85.3659 31.0864 85.4168 31.1169C85.5151 31.1745 85.5964 31.1779 85.6744 31.1915C86.0337 31.2389 86.9353 31.2559 87.9386 30.8288C89.2469 30.2729 89.7622 29.1544 89.8943 28.812L90.2604 27.8325C90.6638 26.9681 91.4366 26.4834 92.6805 26.5004L93.955 26.4936C96.5039 26.4936 98.3681 26.2157 100.436 24.5717C101.917 23.3854 102.873 21.955 103.49 20.2399C103.835 19.2807 104.039 18.3791 104.046 17.6097C104.046 17.2809 104.018 16.969 103.961 16.6775M100.158 18.7011C99.4257 22.1923 97.2496 23.8193 94.2634 23.8193H92.2094C91.9891 23.8193 91.8026 23.8566 91.8026 23.8566L94.0702 17.7758C94.4092 16.8572 95.2701 16.3047 96.2904 16.3047H97.2293C98.036 16.3047 100.687 16.1759 100.154 18.6977M172.687 14.6947C172.012 13.9659 170.701 13.5965 168.457 13.5999H158.244C155.163 13.5999 153.322 15.0031 152.475 17.1317L149.272 26.0326C149.241 26.1343 149.255 26.236 149.309 26.314C149.333 26.358 149.37 26.3919 149.418 26.419C149.516 26.48 149.597 26.4834 149.679 26.4902C150.035 26.5377 150.936 26.5546 151.936 26.1275C153.238 25.5683 153.739 24.4497 153.865 24.1108L156.207 17.6165C156.339 17.2402 156.587 16.9453 156.871 16.7216C157.122 16.525 157.553 16.3488 157.878 16.3488H161.159L157.678 26.0326C157.647 26.1343 157.664 26.236 157.715 26.314C157.742 26.358 157.776 26.3919 157.827 26.419C157.925 26.48 158.003 26.4834 158.085 26.4902C158.444 26.5377 159.346 26.5546 160.346 26.1275C161.644 25.5683 162.017 24.4497 162.145 24.1108L164.132 18.6197C164.654 17.1758 165.108 16.3488 166.542 16.3488H167.145C168.05 16.3589 168.626 16.4267 168.979 16.7758C169.145 16.9555 169.202 17.186 169.196 17.4436C169.196 17.769 169.101 18.1689 168.914 18.6808L166.267 26.0326C166.236 26.1343 166.253 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