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Word?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#105688">How to Add a Barcode Control Programmatically in Word VBA?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#102844">I Am Unable to Protect My Word Documents</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#102351">Microsoft Excel - Licensing During Open</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#111963">How Can I Setup ITF-14 via Excel VBA?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#109176">Printing Through Excel VBA: Barcode Is Not Updated</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#15437">Barcodes in Microsoft Access</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#103029">Truncated Barcodes in Microsoft Access</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#102352">Microsoft Access - Licensing with Autoexec Macro</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#108192">How Can I Generate a PDF417 in Access VBA?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#102834">How Can I Calculate a Mod-10 Check Digit in Access VBA?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#106711">Barcodes in Crystal Reports 8</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#102207">Why Should I Use TBarCode Instead of a Barcode Font?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#110638">How Can I Create an Optimal Bitmap for 203 DPI in VB6?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#104080">How Can I Create an Optimal Barcode Bitmap (1D Code) for 812.8 DPI in VB6?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#102544">How Can I Generate an Optimized PDF417 Bitmap Image?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#103584">How to Encode Hexadecimal Sequences As Binary Values?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#107069">How to Generate an EAN / GS1 DataMatrix?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#103396">How to Encode FNC1 in a GS1 Barcode?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#103051">How Can I Create a vCard Barcode?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#104134">QR Code® Character Set</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#105153">I Can't Encode Korean (or UTF-8) in a QR Code</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#102875">How Can I Adjust the Default Barcode Type?</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#15046">Distorted Barcode Output, Black Bar at the Top</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#15169">VB Runtime Error '429': ActiveX Component Can't Create Object</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#110475">Access Violation in MSVCR90.dll</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#15732">Barcode Settings Lost After Reopening Document</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#107032">VB Crashes When Reopening a Project with TBarCode OCX</a></li><li><a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-ocx/Default.aspx#102910">TBarCode V9 Word Plug-In Not Visible in Word 2007</a></li></ul></div></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_A"><a id="15731" name="15731"></a><h2 class="" style="">Human Readable Text Is Not Rotated with Barcode</h2> <p>This occurs if the currently selected font does not support rotation. Select a <kbd>TrueType</kbd> font to solve the problem (e. g. Arial).</p></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="15180" name="15180"></a><h2 class="" style="">Change HRT Font in Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual C++, VBScript, PHP</h2> <h4 class="" style="">Visual Basic</h4> <pre style="">Dim fnt As stdole.StdFont Set fnt = new stdole.StdFont fnt.Name = "Arial" Set TBC.Font = fnt</pre> <h4 class="" style="">Microsoft Visual C++</h4> <pre style="">COleFont cOF = m_TBarCode.GetFont(); tagCY cy = cOF.GetSize(); cOF.SetName("Arial"); // Font Family = Arial cy.int64 = cy.int64 * 1.5; // add 50% to original size cOF.SetSize(cy); m_TBarCode.SetFont((LPDISPATCH) cOF); cOF.ReleaseDispatch();</pre> <h4 class="" style="">VBScript<sup><span class="reg">®</span></sup> (ASP):</h4> <pre style="">Dim fnt set fnt = Server.CreateObject("StdFont") = "Arial" set TBC.Font = fnt</pre> <h4 class="" style="">PHP (Windows):</h4> <pre style="">$bcobj = new COM("TBarCode9.TBarCode9"); $fntobj = new COM("StdFont"); $fntobj-&gt;Name="Times"; $fntobj-&gt;Size=12; $bcobj-&gt;Font=$fntobj;</pre> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102142" name="102142"></a><h2 class="" style="">How to Change the HRT Font in Navision / Dynamics NAV</h2> <p>You need to generate an Automation Variable of type <var>OLE Automation.StdFont</var>. This font object is then assigned to the TBarCode COM object.</p> <pre style=""> Name Data type Subtype StdFont Automation 'OLE Automation'.StdFont</pre> <pre style=""> CLEAR(BC); BC.Refresh; IF ISCLEAR(StdFont) THEN CREATE(StdFont); StdFont.Size := 30; StdFont.Name := 'Arial'; BC.Font := StdFont; </pre></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="108216" name="108216"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Add Additional Text Lines to the Control?</h2> <p>This is possible by changing the active text index programmatically. Below is an example for Excel VBA. TBarCode111 is the name of the TBarCode instance on the sheet.</p> <pre style=""> ' first add a quiet zone for our text area TBarCode111.QuietZoneTop = 10 TBarCode111.QuietZoneUnit = eMUMM ' set barcode data (+ normal HRT) in text area #0 TBarCode111.ActiveTextIndex = 0 TBarCode111.BarCode = eBC_Code128 TBarCode111.Text = "1234567890" TBarCode111.DisplayText = "" Dim fontBarcode As New stdole.StdFont fontBarcode.Name = "Arial" fontBarcode.Size = 12 TBarCode111.font = fontBarcode ' change text index to (auxiliary) text area #1 TBarCode111.ActiveTextIndex = 1 ' now adjust all settings for text area #1 TBarCode111.DisplayText = "My Label Text" TBarCode111.TextPositionLeft = 0 TBarCode111.TextPositionTop = 0 TBarCode111.TextClipping = False TBarCode111.PrintDataText = True Dim fontLabel As New stdole.StdFont fontLabel.Name = "Arial" fontLabel.Size = 10 fontLabel.Weight = 800 TBarCode111.font = fontLabel ' reset text index back to barcode text TBarCode111.ActiveTextIndex = 0 </pre> <h3 class="">QR Code® with Text Label</h3> <p> Below is an example for creating a QR code using Excel VBA.</p> <pre style=""> Dim BarcodeImageWidth As Long Dim BarcodeImageHeight As Long Dim BarcodeImageDPI Dim ImageScaling BarcodeImageDPI = 300 ImageScaling = 3 With bcTBarCode111 .BarCode = eBC_QRCode .QRCode.ECLevel = eQREC_Medium .Quality = 100 .SuppressErrorMsg = False .ActiveTextIndex = 0 .Text = "SERIAL00001" .QuietZoneBottom = 6 .QuietZoneLeft = 2 .QuietZoneRight = 2 .QuietZoneUnit = eMUModules .Dpi = BarcodeImageDPI End With bcTBarCode111.GetOptimalBitmapSize ImageScaling, ImageScaling, BarcodeImageWidth, BarcodeImageHeight Dim fontBarcodeLabel As New stdole.StdFont fontBarcodeLabel.Name = "Arial" fontBarcodeLabel.Size = 8 fontBarcodeLabel.Weight = 800 Dim PixelPerModule Dim CountVerticalModules CountVerticalModules = bcTBarCode111.Get2DXRows() + bcTBarCode111.QuietZoneBottom PixelPerModule = BarcodeImageHeight / CountVerticalModules With bcTBarCode111 ' change text index to (auxiliary) text area #1 .ActiveTextIndex = 1 ' now adjust all settings for text area #1 .DisplayText = .Text .TextPositionLeft = BarcodeImageWidth / 2 .TextPositionTop = BarcodeImageHeight - (PixelPerModule * (.QuietZoneBottom - 1)) .TextAlignment = eAlCenter .TextClipping = False .PrintDataText = True .Font = fontBarcodeLabel ' reset text index back to barcode text .ActiveTextIndex = 0 End With bcTBarCode111.SaveImage sFileName:="C:\Temp\SERIAL 00001.png", eImageType:=eIMPng, _ nXSize:=BarcodeImageWidth, nYSize:=BarcodeImageHeight, _ dXRes:=BarcodeImageDPI, dYRes:=BarcodeImageDPI </pre> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102211" name="102211"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Create Mail Merge Documents with Barcodes in Word?</h2> <h4 class="" style="">TBarCode Office</h4> <p>Create a mail merge document with a data source. Insert a barcode into the document. Use the button "Insert Merge Field" to insert a mail merge field (placeholder) into the barcode data.</p> <h4 class="" style="">TBarCode OCX</h4> <p><u>Version 9:</u> For inserting multiple barcodes you can use the Serial Letter function in the <kbd>TBarCode Word Toolbar</kbd>. This function allows you to replace marked text with barcodes after the mail merge document was created. For more information about the TBarCode Toolbar and its functionality, please refer to the TBarCode OCX User Manual.</p> <p><u>Version 10 / 11:</u> If you encounter speed problems you may alternatively use the <kbd>Word Mail Merge Macro</kbd> which can be downloaded in the <a href="zh-cn/download/tbarcode/Download.aspx" title="TBarCode OCX Download">TBarCode Download Area</a>. The required steps for using the macro are explained in the enclosed text document.</p> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="105688" name="105688"></a><h2 class="" style="">How to Add a Barcode Control Programmatically in Word VBA?</h2> <p>Sample code:</p> <pre style=""> Dim barcodeShape As InlineShape ' switch to design mode (optional) ' ActiveDocument.ToggleFormsDesign ' Insert barcode object at actual position in document Set barcodeShape = Selection.InlineShapes.AddOLEControl(ClassType:="TBarCode10.TBarCode10.1") ' change size barcodeShape.Width = 200 barcodeShape.Height = 100 ' adjust barcode properties programmatically barcodeShape.OLEFormat.Object.Barcode = 20 ' 20 = Code-128 barcodeShape.OLEFormat.Object.Text = "Hello" </pre> <div class="div-note">The “AddOLEControl“ function accepts a second parameter which can be a Range object where to place the Barcode Control.</div></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102844" name="102844"></a> <h2 class="" style="">I Am Unable to Protect My Word Documents</h2> <p class="stat"><img src="images/quotebegin.png" /><i>Since I've added TBarCode to my Word 2003 document, I cannot protect it.</i><img src="images/quoteend.png" /></p> <p>Solution: You have to leave <var>design mode</var> to be able to protect the document. If you insert a Barcode Control, the document is switched to design mode. Through the <kbd>Control Toolbox</kbd> you can leave design mode, then you are able to protect the document. </p> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102351" name="102351"></a><h2 class="" style="">Microsoft Excel - Licensing During Open</h2> <p>Licensing happens during startup of the document which contains the ActiveX<sup><span class="reg">®</span></sup> Control.</p> <ul class=""> <li>Open the Microsoft VBA editor with <kbd>Alt+F11</kbd>.</li> <li>In the <kbd>Project Explorer</kbd> select <kbd>This Workbook</kbd>.</li> <li>Now enter the following code as for the <kbd>Workbook-Open Event</kbd> (sample for TBarCode OCX V11):</li> <pre style=""> Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim tbc As TBarCode11 Set tbc = CreateObject ("TBarCode11.TBarCode11") tbc.LicenseMe "Mem:Licensee", eLicKindDeveloper, 1, "Key", TBarCode11Lib.eLicProd1D Set tbc = Nothing End Sub</pre> </ul> <p>We recommend to password protect your VBA code in the project property window.</p></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="111963" name="111963"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Setup ITF-14 via Excel VBA?</h2> <p>With the following code you can adjust ITF-14 with a bearer bar and a quiet zone.</p> <pre style=""> Me.TBarCode111.BarCode = eBC_ITF14 Me.TBarCode111.QuietZoneUnit = eMUModules Me.TBarCode111.QuietZoneLeft = 10 Me.TBarCode111.QuietZoneRight = 10 Me.TBarCode111.BearerBarType = eBearerBar_TopAndBottom Me.TBarCode111.Text = "0123456789123" Or Me.TBarCode111.LinkedCell = "A1" </pre> <p>Get coordinates of cell:</p> <pre style=""> With Selection X = .Cells(1, 1).Left Y = .Cells(1, 1).Top MsgBox "X = " &lt; X &lt; vbNewLine &lt; "Y = " &lt; Y End With </pre> <p>Set the bar code position:</p> <pre style=""> Me.TBarCode111.Left = X Me.TBarCode111.Top = Y </pre></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="109176" name="109176"></a><h2 class="" style="">Printing Through Excel VBA: Barcode Is Not Updated</h2> <p>You change the content of linked cells or the barcode control, then print directly from within VBA. But you see that the barcode controls still contain old values. The reason is that Excel does not send a redraw command to the ActiveX Controls before printing (if done from within VBA). This is a bug in Excel.</p> <p>There is a workaround to force a redraw of the objects, you need to address each Barcode ActiveX Control programmatically in VBA and change its size before printing. Then it is redrawn by Excel.</p> <pre style=""> 'redraw a single barcode object by addressing it through its instance name Dim origValue origValue = TBarCode101.Width TBarCode101.Width = origValue + 1 TBarCode101.Width = origValue </pre> <pre style=""> ' redraw all ActiveX Controls on the current sheet Sub UpdateOLEControls() Dim myShape As shape Dim counter As Integer Dim origWidth As Single For counter = 1 To ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count Set myShape = ActiveSheet.Shapes(counter) If (myShape.Type = msoOLEControlObject) Then ' resize =&gt; force redraw origWidth = myShape.Width myShape.Width = origWidth + 1 myShape.Width = origWidth End If Next counter End Sub </pre></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="15437" name="15437"></a><h2 class="" style="">Barcodes in Microsoft Access</h2> <p>The common method to print barcodes from within Microsoft<sup><span class="reg">®</span></sup> Access<span class="tm">™</span> is by using a report. The TBarCode Object need only be inserted once at the report definition. Therefore you need a table (query) which servers as data source for the report and a data field, that specifies the content of the barcode.</p> <h4 class="" style="">How to insert TBarCode OCX (as ActiveX Control) in a report?</h4> <p>Open a new report in design view. If you need a barcode for each record, then insert the ActiveX<sup><span class="reg">®</span></sup> Control into the detail area and position it at the desired place.</p> <p>Thereto you choose <kbd>Insert - ActiveX Control</kbd> in the main menu. You will see a list of all available elements, from which you select <kbd>TBarCode</kbd>.</p> <p>The control will be inserted in the detail area. The detail area will be printed once for each record set in the table (or query).</p> <h4 class="" style="">How to control the content of the barcode in a report?</h4> <p>In design mode right-click the TBarCode - ActiveX<sup><span class="reg">®</span></sup> Control. You will see a menu where you select <kbd>Properties</kbd>.</p> <p>In the field <kbd>Control Source</kbd> located in the sub menu <kbd>data</kbd> you can define the content of the control. That means you can select the table or query field which is encoded as barcode.</p> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="103029" name="103029"></a><h2 class="" style="">Truncated Barcodes in Microsoft Access</h2> <p>Depending on the printer driver the first bar in the symbol may be truncated (when printing through Microsoft Access). Also the symbol may be shifted inside of the bounding box.</p> <p>If this occurs you can work around this problem by <u>specifying an additional quiet zone</u> around the barcode. This can be done in the property tab <kbd>Appearance - Quietzone - Adjust</kbd>.</p> <div class="div-note">If you have specified a module width, please make sure that the bounding box is large enough to display the barcode without clipping.</div></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102352" name="102352"></a><h2 class="" style="">Microsoft Access - Licensing with Autoexec Macro</h2> <p>Below we show you how to license at startup of the database (sample for TBarCode OCX V11). Create a new Module with the following function (in Microsoft VBA Editor):</p> <pre style=""> Public Function LicenseTBarCode() Dim TB As New TBarCode11 TB.LicenseMe "Mem:Licensee", eLicKindDeveloper, 1, "Key", TBarCode11Lib.eLicProd1D Set TB = Nothing End Function</pre> <p>Create a new Macro named "Autoexec" with the following settings:</p> <pre style="">Action = RunCode Function Name = LicenseTBarCode()</pre> <div class="div-note">Don't forget to include a reference to the type library of the ActiveX<sup><span class="reg">®</span></sup> Control in the menu <kbd>Tools</kbd> - <kbd>References</kbd> (otherwise enumerations cannot be used). We recommend to password protect your VBA code in the project property window.</div></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="108192" name="108192"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Generate a PDF417 in Access VBA?</h2> <p>Please use this code snippet as starting point:</p> <pre style=""> ' set barcode type = PDF417 Me.bc.Object.BarCode = 55 ' set size mode to CustomModuleWidth Me.bc.Object.SizeMode = 1 ' now adjust module width to 0.254 mms Me.bc.Object.ModuleWidth = "254" ' set number of data columns ' optional parameter, but required to get constant width Me.bc.Object.PDF417.Columns = 5 ' adjust row height to 3 times of the module width Me.bc.Object.PDF417.RowHeight = 254 * 3 Me.bc.Object.Text = "my data" </pre></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102834" name="102834"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Calculate a Mod-10 Check Digit in Access VBA?</h2> <p>Please use this code snippet as starting point:</p> <pre style=""> Public Function CalculateMod10(data As String) As String Dim tbc As TBarCode11Lib.TBarCode11 Set tbc = CreateObject("TBarCode11.TBarCode11") Dim cd As String cd = tbc.CalculateCheckdigits(eCDMod10, data) CalculateMod10 = Left(cd, 1) End Function </pre></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="106711" name="106711"></a><h2 class="" style="">Barcodes in Crystal Reports 8</h2> <p>It isn't possible to add TBarCode directly into a report, but you can create a barcode image “on the fly” and load it to a Picture Box. Follow the instructions below to see how embedding of TBarCode into Crystal Reports 8 works. </p> <p><u><b>Embedding via Picture Box (VB6 sample)</b></u></p> <p>In a form (named “Form1”) embed a TBarCode Control (named “tbc”) and a Picture Box (named “TmpPicture1”). Then add the function code below to the form. It creates a barcode image „on the fly“ and uses the PictureBox as drawing surface. </p> <pre style=""> Public Function BarcodeGenerate(Id As String, Width As Long, Height As Long) As PictureBox Dim nSizing, cm tbc.Text = Id cm = tbc.CountModules TmpPicture1.Cls TmpPicture1.ScaleMode = vbPixels Form1.ScaleMode = vbPixels Width = ScaleX(Width, vbTwips, vbPixels) Height = ScaleY(Height, vbTwips, vbPixels) nSizing = Int(Width / cm) If nSizing &lt; 1 Then nSizing = 1 TmpPicture1.Width = cm * nSizing TmpPicture1.Height = Height DoEvents tbc.BCDraw TmpPicture1.hDC, 0, 0, TmpPicture1.Width, TmpPicture1.Height Set BarcodeGenerate = TmpPicture1 End Function </pre> <p>In the Report event code (Format event) call the barcode generator function and assign the newly created barcode image to the Picture Box (named Picture1) in the report. </p> <pre style=""> Private Sub Section3_Format(ByVal pFormattingInfo As Object) 'create the barcode for each record set Dim data As String data = Field1.Value Set Me.Picture1.FormattedPicture = Form1.BarcodeGenerate(data, Me.Picture1.Width, Me.Picture1.Height).Image End Sub </pre> <p><u><b>Embedding via Bitmap File (VB6 sample)</b></u></p> <p>In a form (named “Form1”) embed a TBarCode Control (named “TBarCode”) and adjust the barcode type and all other settings as desired. This barcode object will be used during report runtime for barcode creation “on the fly”. </p> <p>In the Report event code (Format event) create a dynamic barcode image in a temp folder and load this image to the Picture Box (named pictBarCode) in the report. </p> <pre style=""> Private Sub Section3_Format(ByVal pFormattingInfo As Object) ' Simulate data binding ' by saving the barcode as bitmap with data from fldArticleID ' then reload it to a picture control On Error Resume Next Dim nWidth Dim path Dim fso ' here we use hard coded temp path (must exist!) path = "c:\temp\CR8_" &amp; Me.fldArticleID.Value &amp; ".bmp" ' reference the TBarCode Control in the Form1 Form1.TBarCode.Text = Me.fldArticleID.Value Form1.TBarCode.PrintDataText = False nWidth = Form1.TBarCode.CountModules * 3 'adapt width to number of graphical modules Form1.TBarCode.SaveImage path, eIMBmp, nWidth, 100, 96, 96 Me.pictBarcode.SetOleLocation (path) End Sub </pre> <p>If you don’t want to add a barcode control on the form you can create an instance of TBarCode also in memory and apply the settings programmatically. </p> <div class="div-note">In newer Crystal Reports versions you can load the barcode image from an URL. For this method, check out the barcode service (samples folder), which is installed with TBarCode SDK.</div></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102207" name="102207"></a><h2 class="" style="">Why Should I Use TBarCode Instead of a Barcode Font?</h2> <table class="datasheet"><tr><th class="header" width="30%">Adjustable Property</th><th class="header" width="25%" align="left">TBarCode</th><th class="header" width="40%" align="left">Barcode Font</th></tr><tr><td class="firstcol bl-prop">Module Width</td><td align="left">yes*</td><td align="left">no</td></tr><tr><td class="firstcol bl-prop">Print Ratio</td><td align="left">freely scalable</td><td>maintain a special height / width ratio</td></tr><tr><td class="firstcol bl-prop">Rotation 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°</td><td align="left">yes</td><td align="left">not always</td></tr></table> <p>* Fine tuning of the bar width gives you better barcode quality results</p></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="110638" name="110638"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Create an Optimal Bitmap for 203 DPI in VB6?</h2> <p>The sample code below uses a pre-set (custom) module width, sets the DPI and then calculates the total width of the symbol. The principle works for other printers, too. </p> <p>The OCX method BCWidthHdc2 can be used to calculate the width of the barcode. If a module width has been set, use a dummy value for the [in] nWidth. If you calculate the width in unit=mm, convert it to Pixels for the SaveImage function. If you create a 2D code, use the BCHeightHd2 function for the height.</p> <var>Sample Code:</var> <pre style="">Dim widthPx As Long Dim heightPx As Long Dim heightMM As Double TBarCode111.Dpi = 203 TBarCode111.SizeMode = eSizeMode_CustomModuleWidth ' =1 TBarCode111.ModuleWidth = "250" heightPx = 100 heightMM = heightPx * (25.4 / TBarCode111.Dpi) widthPx = TBarCode111.BCWidthHdc2(0, 1000, heightMM * 1000, eMUPixel) TBarCode111.SaveImage "c:\temp\test.bmp", eIMBmp, widthPx, heightPx, 203, 203</pre> <div class="div-note">A module width of 0.250 mm corresponds to 2 printer pixels at 203 dpi resulting in an optimal quality. Always use an integer multiple of 1 Pixel (0.12512 mm)</div></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="104080" name="104080"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Create an Optimal Barcode Bitmap (1D Code) for 812.8 DPI in VB6?</h2> <h4 class="" style="">Approach 1</h4> <p>The first approach uses a pre-set (custom) module width, sets the DPI and then calculates the total width of the symbol. The principle works for other printers, too. </p> <p>The OCX method BCWidthHdc2 can be used to calculate the width of the barcode. If a module width has been set, use a dummy value for the [in] nWidth. If you calculate the width in unit=mm, convert it to Pixels afterwards for the SaveImage function. There is a similar function for the height – but the height needs calculation only for 2D barcodes.</p> <p>Note: When you set a module width of exactly 0.3125mms or 0.0123 inches you are 100% in the printing raster of a 812.8 dpi machine. This is one of the recommended values. If you have enabled the opt resolution flag, the module width is changed to the next (lower) pixel boundaries in the printing raster and therefore “optimized”. Dpi must be set accordingly for this optimization.</p> <var>Sample Code:</var> <pre style="">Dim widthPx As Long Dim heightPx As Long Dim heightMM As Double TBarCode111.Dpi = 812.8 TBarCode111.SizeMode = eSizeMode_CustomModuleWidth TBarCode111.ModuleWidth = "312.5" heightPx = 500 heightMM = heightPx * (25.4 / TBarCode111.Dpi) widthPx = TBarCode111.BCWidthHdc2(0, 1000, heightMM * 1000, eMUPixel) TBarCode111.SaveImage "c:\temp\test2.tif", eIMTif, widthPx, heightPx, 812.8, 812.8</pre> <h4 class="" style="">Approach 2</h4> <p>With the second, more simple approach, the module width is not set explicitly. Instead the scaling factor passed on to the GetOptimalBitmapSize (OCX API) function controls the module width. <var>If you use it, don’t set a custom module width and/or optimal resolution in the API</var>. This function performs some additional scaling (based upon dpi), which should be turned off with DPI = 0 before calling the function.</p> <p>Because we know the DPI of the printer we also know the pixel (printer dot) dimension. We also know that one module should be always an integer multiple of one printer dot. We have to consider that typically one module should not be smaller than 0.190mms at all (but depends on barcode type). Then all you need to do is to pass on the ScaleX = ModuleWidth/PixelSize factor (= 8, 9, 10,…) to the GetOptimalBitmapSize function and use the returned values for SaveImage.</p> <p>Module width: The 0.0123 inch optimum are 10 Pixels at 812.8 dpi. So the scaling factor would be 10 for the GetOptimalBitmapSize function.</p> <var>Sample Code:</var> <pre style="">Dim width As Long Dim height As Long width = 1 height = 500 TBarCode111.Dpi = 0 'turn off additional dpi/96 scaling TBarCode111.GetOptimalBitmapSize 10, 10, width, height TBarCode111.SaveImage "c:\temp\test.tif", eIMTif, width, height, 812.8, 812.8</pre> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102544" name="102544"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Generate an Optimized PDF417 Bitmap Image?</h2> <p>Please use this code snippet as starting point:</p> <pre style=""> Barcode.Barcode = eBC_PDF417 Barcode.Text = "My Data... " ' the following settings produce a barcode 82,296 mm wide ' if your barcode should have a constant width, set the data columns ' as shown below (increase/decrease to make wider/smaller symbol) Barcode.PDF417.Columns = 15 Dim X, Y Dim Scaling Dim Dpi ' define ratio of module width (small bar width) to row height X = 1 Y = 1 ' keeps default ratio, which is 1:3 'Y = 3 / 2 ' creates 1:5 ratio Dpi = 300 ' 300 dpi printer Scaling = 3 ' 1 Module (smallest bar) = 3 Pixels = 0.254mm Dim Cols Dim Rows Cols = Barcode.Get2DXCols() Rows = Barcode.Get2DXRows() Dim XSize Dim YSize XSize = Int(X * Cols) YSize = Int(Y * Rows) ' scale with DPI enlarging factor XSize = XSize * Scaling YSize = YSize * Scaling ' Save barcode as bitmap Barcode.SaveImage "c:\temp\barcode.bmp", eIMBmp, XSize, YSize, Dpi, Dpi </pre></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="103584" name="103584"></a><h2 class="" style="">How to Encode Hexadecimal Sequences As Binary Values?</h2> <h4 class="" style="">TBarCode V8-V9</h4> <p>For encoding Hex values with TBarCode V9 you have to use "Escape Sequences" in the format "\xhh" (hh=Hex value). It is necessary to convert the hex sequence (e.g. from DP Premiumadress) into this format and turn on the TBarCode property "EscapeSequences". Below we provide VBA sample code for this conversion:</p> <pre style=""> ' CreateTBCHEXString(sHexValue) ' sHexValue .... Converted data stream ' sets "\x" before each byte Private Function CreateTBCHEXString(sHexValue) Dim sTBCText As String 'set the prefix needed by TBarCode "\xhh" sHexPrefix = "\x" 'bring the generated string into "\xhh" format For i = 1 To Len(sHexValue) Step 2 sTBCText = sTBCText &amp; sHexPrefix &amp; Mid$(sHexValue, i, 2) Next i CreateTBCHEXString = sTBCText End Function </pre> <h4 class="" style="">TBarCode V10+</h4> <p>Instead of using escape sequences you can use the encoding mode <var>Hexadecimal</var>.</p> <br /> <h2 class="" style="">How to Encode Binary Data (2D Codes)</h2> <p>Even if you use an escape sequence for binary data the encoder will use code page conversion (example: \x88 leads to a different value in Data Matrix as desired).</p> <p>Solution:</p> <ul class=""> <li>Switch off code page conversion (use encoding mode LowByte)</li> <li>Force binary encoding mode if available (see PDF417 encoding mode, Data Matrix EnforceBinaryEncoding) </li> </ul> <div class="div-note">Relevant for DP Premium Address and other applications where you encode binary data in a 2D symbol (Data Matrix etc).</div> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="107069" name="107069"></a><h2 class="" style="">How to Generate an EAN / GS1 DataMatrix?</h2> <ul class=""> <li>Adjust <a href="zh-cn/support/knowbase/symbologies/datamatrix/Default.aspx" title="Data Matrix">Data Matrix</a> as symbology. In newer TBarCode versions you can also select <kbd>GS1 Data Matrix</kbd> as separate bar code type.</li> <li>Set the Data Matrix format parameter to <var>EAN</var> ( enumeration eDMPr_UCCEAN). This inserts an FNC1 on the first position in the barcode and marks the barcode as GS1/EAN type. </li> <li>Enable Escape Sequences </li> <li>Use the sequence <var>\F</var> to encode an FNC1 separator character between variable length AIs. </li> </ul></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="103396" name="103396"></a><h2 class="" style="">How to Encode FNC1 in a GS1 Barcode?</h2> <p>To add the functional character FNC1 to your barcode data follow these steps:</p> <ol> <li>Enter the sequence <var>\F</var> to your bar code data where you need the FNC1.</li> <li>Make sure <kbd>Escape Sequences</kbd> are enabled in the barcode settings.</li> <li>FNC1 will be insert and the Application Identifier is recognized automatically in the HRT.</li> </ol> <h4 class="" style="">What's FNC1?</h4> <p><var>FNC1</var> is used as separator character for variable length data fields in the <a href="zh-cn/support/knowbase/gs1-application-identifier/Default.aspx" title="GS1 Application Identifiers">GS1 Application Identifier</a> standard. It can be encoded with <var>\F</var>. Sample: The data field for the batch / lot number varies in length (up to 20 characters) and needs a termination (FNC1).</p> <p>Please consider: <ul class=""> <li>To encode FNC1 <kbd>Escape-Sequences</kbd> must be enabled.</li> <li>Don't insert FNC1 after the last data field.</li> <li>Insert FNC1 even if the maximum field length is used.</li> </ul> </p> <h4 class="" style="">Example 1: FNC1 in TBarCode</h4> <p>In this example we generate a GS1-128 barcode with 2 Application Identifier. The batch or lot number (<var>AI =10</var>, variable length so it needs FNC1) and the best before date (<var>AI=15</var>).</p> <pre style=""> ' set the barcode type = GS1-128 (EAN/UCC 128) TBarCode11.BarCode = eBC_GS1_128 ' enable Translate Escape Sequences TBarCode11.EscapeSequences = True ' set the data to be encoded TBarCode11.Text = "<var>10</var>222333<var>\F</var><var>15</var>100701" </pre> <h4 class="" style="">Example 2: FNC1 in Barcode Studio</h4> <p>To add the functional character FNC1 to your barcode data follow these steps:</p> <ul class=""> <li>Enter the barcode data „10222333<span class="boldred" style="">\F</span>15100701“ .</li> <li>Switch to the tab "Settings" and check <kbd>Escape Sequences</kbd>.</li> <li>FNC1 will be insert and the Application Identifier (AI=15) is recognized automatically in the HRT.</li> <li>In Barcode Studio 11.5+ you can use the new Assistant for GS1 Application Identifiers.</li> </ul> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C" id="DIV_GLI"><a id="103051" name="103051"></a><a name="GLI"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Create a vCard Barcode?</h2> <p>vCard is a special file format, which can be used to store personal data in a bar code (e.g. into QR Code®). Note that vCard is not a bar code type, it denotes only the data structure. A detailed description of the vCard format can be found on <a href="" title="Wikipedia - vCard Specification">Wikipedia - vCard Specification</a>.</p> <p>Just bring your data into the given format and you'll be able to read the barcode with your mobile phone and recognize the data as contact information. </p> <h4 class="" style="">Create vCard Barcodes with Barcode Studio</h4> <p>In our <a href="" target="_blank" title="YouTube: Create 2D Barcodes for vCard Business Cards">vCard Video Tutorial </a> we show you how to create vCard bar codes the easy way. </p> <h4 class="" style="">Special Characters (Umlauts)</h4> <p>For special characters you need to set the code page to <var>UTF-8</var> and use <var>vCard format 3.0</var> (vCard 2.1 also supports special characters, but not all apps evaluate this older format correctly). </p> <p>Here is a sample vCard string:</p> <pre style=""> BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:Mustermann;Erika;;Dr.; FN:Dr. Erika Mustermann ORG:Wikimedia ROLE:Kommunikation TITLE:Redaktion &amp; Gestaltung PHOTO;JPEG: TEL;WORK;VOICE:(0221) 9999123 TEL;HOME;VOICE:(0221) 1234567 ADR;HOME:;;Heidestrasse 17;Koeln;;51147;Deutschland EMAIL;PREF; REV:20140301T221110Z END:VCARD </pre></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="104134" name="104134"></a><h2 class="" style="">QR Code® Character Set</h2> <p>QR Code was originally developed for Japanese barcode applications. The encodable character set consists of:</p> <ul class=""> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="JIS_X_0208">JIS_X_0208</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="JIS_X_0201">JIS_X_0201</a></li> </ul> <p>SHIFT JIS / CP932 contains both of these character sets and is the multibyte character set used by TBarCode for the older QR-Code implementation.</p> <div class="div-note">The later adopted QR Code standards changed the default encoding to Latin-1 - see next section.</div> <h4 class="" style="">QR-Code 2005 / QR-Code (ISO/IEC 18004:2015)</h4> <p>The newer ISO/IEC 18004:2006 and ISO/IEC 18004:2015 standards define ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) as default character set. So the “old” QR-Code uses Shift-JIS and the "new" QR-Code uses Latin-1 as default character set.</p> <h4 class="" style="">Encoding special Latin-1 characters</h4> <p>Encoding the full Latin-1 character set with QR-Code 1997/2000 can lead to problems – for details see <a href="" target="_blank" title="Barcode Reference">Barcode Reference</a> (section <i>Encoding Special Latin-1 Characters</i>).</p> <p>See also FAQ: <a href="zh-cn/support/faq/tbarcode/barcode-dll/Default.aspx#102248" target="_blank" title="Encoding Kanji Characters in QR Code Compaction Mode">Encoding Kanji Characters in QR Code Compaction Mode</a>. </p></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="105153" name="105153"></a><h2 class="" style="">I Can't Encode Korean (or UTF-8) in a QR Code</h2> <p>QR Code was developed in Japan by Denso (for Toyota) and uses ASCII + Japanese (Kanji) as default character set. Later this has been changed by ISO to Latin-1. So your barcode reader tries to decode data in a QR Code either with the JIS X 0208 / JIS X 0201 or with the Latin-1 character set. Unless it is a barcode reader app or a special software decoder it does not look for UTF-8 or other character sets (except you use the ECI protocol)!</p> <p>Possible solutions:</p> <ul class=""> <li>A keyboard wedge barcode reader may be configured to use UTF-8. Otherwise it will always use the default JIS or Latin-1 character set. The ECI protocol would allow different character sets but the reader must support this protocol.</li> <li>A serial barcode reader (attached to COM Port or Virtual COM Port driver through USB) transmits the data as sequence of Bytes. The data processing software can decode the data stream and decide how to decode it - as JIS, Latin-1, UTF-8 or as Korean MB character set.</li> <li>If your barcode reader supports Korean (or you use a serial barcode reader) you also can try to set the TBarCode code page property to Korean instead of UTF-8.</li> <li>Smartphone reader apps by default try to decode QR codes with UTF-8. So chances are high that it works with a smartphone reader and codepage=UTF-8 adjusted in TBarCode.</li> </ul></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102875" name="102875"></a><h2 class="" style="">How Can I Adjust the Default Barcode Type?</h2> <p>The default barcode type can be set through a file named <var>barcode.ini</var>.</p> <p>The <var>barcode.ini</var> file must be located in the installation path of TBarCode and has to contain the following lines:</p> <pre style=""> [DEFAULT_SETTINGS] BarcodeType=8 </pre> <p>The index (in this example 8) for the required barcode type can be found in the <a href="download/PDF/Barcode_Reference_EN.pdf" target="_blank" title="Barcode Reference">Barcode Reference</a>, chapter 6.</p></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="15046" name="15046"></a><h2 class="" style="">Distorted Barcode Output, Black Bar at the Top</h2> <p>If this occurs during printing, this effect is caused by the printer driver. Along other printer models this effect happens with <b>Toshiba TEC, Honeywell and DataMax printers</b>.</p> <p>If this occurs during bitmap generation, this effect is caused by the screen driver.</p> <p>The solution is to change the draw mode of TBarCode:</p> <div class="one-half"> <h4 class="" style="">TBarCode V8+</h4> <p>Set the ActiveX Property <var>DrawMode</var> to <var>Compatible</var>.</p> <img src="pics/FAQ/tbarcode/DrawModeCompatible.gif" alt="" vspace="7"></img> </div> <div class="one-half last"> <h4 class="" style="">TBarCode V7+</h4> <ol> <li>Create a file <var>barcode.ini</var> with the following content:</li> <pre style="">[DRAW_MODE] UseGDIRect=1</pre> <li>Copy the <var>barcode.ini</var> file to the installation directories of TBarCode (32-bit and 64-bit), where you can find the files tbarcode*.ocx or tbarcode*.dll. </li> <li>Restart the program.</li> </ol> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="15169" name="15169"></a><h2 class="" style="">VB Runtime Error '429': ActiveX Component Can't Create Object</h2> <p>You may get this runtime error if you didn't specify the full <var>Prog-ID</var> with <var>CreateObject</var>. Reference the <var>TBarCode Type Lib</var> in the project settings, and use the following commands to create a TBarCode object in VB (sample for TBarCode OCX V9):</p> <pre style=""> Dim objTB As TBarCode9 Set objTB = CreateObject("TBarCode9.TBarCode9") objTB.AboutBox </pre> <p>For further trouble shooting read Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 244264</p> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="110475" name="110475"></a><h2 class="" style="">Access Violation in MSVCR90.dll</h2> <p>The problem may occur with V10 on Windows 10 (version 1803 or later).</p> <p>The ActiveX Control in V10 is based upon Visual Studio 2008 SP1 ATL templates. Since Windows 10 version 1803 we have seen stability problems connected to Office applications - it seems there was a change regarding ActiveX handling and/or container events. Please note that the official support for the Visual Studio 2008 Runtime by Microsoft ended in April 10, 2018.</p> <h4 class="" style="">Suggested Solution</h4> <p>The stability problems do not occur in TBarCode SDK V11.8+, which is based upon the newer Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (Update 3) Runtime. We recommend to <b>update the ActiveX Control to V11</b>, which may require also a license update. Updates are free of charge if you own a priority support agreement.</p> <h4 class="" style="">Workaround</h4> <p>If you don't want to update to TBarCode SDK V11 for now (or you need a temporary solution) - you could try to run your application in a compatibility mode for a previous Windows version like shown <a href="" target="_blank" title="How to run a program in Windows compatibility mode">here</a>. We have seen that this helps in about 90% of the cases.</p> <div class="div-note">If you later want to remove the app from running in compatibility mode, you need to look for the corresponding registry key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers (and delete the key + restart the app).</div></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="15732" name="15732"></a><h2 class="" style="">Barcode Settings Lost After Reopening Document</h2> <p><font style="color: #C21428; font-weight:bold">Important note for Microsoft Office users</font>: After performing the Microsoft security update from June 9, 2010 barcode objects embedded in Word and Excel documents (TBarCode OCX) may lose their settings:</p> <p><b>Security Update for Microsoft Office Word 2003 (KB982134) + Word 2007 (KB982135)<br /> Security Update for Microsoft Office Word 2003 (KB2251399) + Word 2007 (KB2251419)</b></p> <p>TBarCode OCX loses barcode settings when opening or saving documents in Word 97-2003 format. Note: The problem does not appear with Word 2007 format (*.DOCX).</p> <p><b>Security Update for Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (KB982133) + Excel 2007 (KB982308)</b></p> <p>After opening or saving Excel files in Excel 97-2003 format, TBarCode OCX can no longer be edited or programmed. Note: The problem does not appear with Excel 2007 format (*.XLSX).</p> <p><b>Microsoft Access</b> is <u>not affected</u> by this problem, further Office 2003 or 2007 programs can be impaired (details see MS 10-036).</p> <h4 class="" style="">Workaround</h4> <p>As intermediate workaround (to gain time in production critical applications) you can uninstall the above listed security updates (see KB numbers) at your own risk.</p> <h4 class="" style="">Remedies:</h4> <ul class=""> <li>TBarCode V9 users should update to TBarCode SDK V9.3.7 immediately: Update free of charge - <a href="zh-cn/download/tbarcode/Download.aspx" title="Download TBarCode SDK 9.3.7">download here</a>. <i>After updating please verify your barcodes and save the document!</i></li> <li>Users of Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel) may want to update to TBarCode Office V10.1 (<a href="zh-cn/download/tbarcode-office/Download.aspx" title="Download TBarCode Office">download here</a>).</li> <li>Users of previous versions of TBarCode should update to TBarCode SDK V9.3.7 or alternatively to the upcoming version TBarCode SDK V10 (release in short, pre-release <a href="" title="Request pre-release of TBarCode SDK V10">on request</a>).</li> </ul> <p>In case of update questions or for technical information please <a href="" title="Contact Form...">contact us</a>.</p></div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="107032" name="107032"></a><h2 class="" style="">VB Crashes When Reopening a Project with TBarCode OCX</h2> <p>When reopening a project with an embedded TBarCode element (on a form), Visual Basic crashes or shows an error message. This problem is caused by a problem in the Active Template Library (<a href="" title="Microsoft VB FAQ Article">details here</a>). </p> <p> Use the following workaround (VB5, VB6) to solve this issue: </p> <ul class=""> <li>Insert the barcode control</li> <li>Deactivate the control by adjusting the property (“Enabled” = False)</li> <li>Save the project and open it – no crash</li> <li><p>During runtime in the Form Load event set the Enabled property to True (programmatically)</p> <pre style="">Private Sub Form_Load() TBarCode111.Enabled = True End Sub</pre> </li> </ul> </div><div class="ContentBlock post-big _none_C"><a id="102910" name="102910"></a><h2 class="" style="">TBarCode V9 Word Plug-In Not Visible in Word 2007</h2> <p>The following workaround can help to solve the problem with the disappearing toolbar (TBarCode V9!) in Word 2007:</p> <ul class=""> <li>Close Word 2007.</li> <li>Rename or delete the following file:</li> <pre style=""> File: "TBarCode" Path (Windows XP): C:\Documents and Settings\[YourUserName]\Local Settings\Application Data\TEC-IT\TBarCode9 <br /> Path (Windows Vista): C:\users\[YourUserName]\AppData\Local\TEC-IT\TBarCode9 </pre> <li>Start Word 2007.</li> </ul> <p>By doing so, a new .DOT file should be created and the plug-in should be visible again.</p> <div class="div-note">For exploring application data you may have to enable "Show hidden files and folders" in Windows Explorer folder options.</div></div></div></div></div> <footer class="clearfix"> <div class="footer block-full bg-color-footer"> <div class="eat-outer-margins"> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="block-3"> <div class="block-inner"> <!-- Footer Left Column --> <div id="ctl00_AboutCompany"><h3>TEC-IT 数据处理有限公司 </h3><p>奥地利的 TEC-IT 自 1996 年以来一直在开发用于 <a href="zh-cn/software/barcode-software/Default.aspx" title="条码软件">条形码</a>, <a href="zh-cn/software/label-printing/label-software/tformer/Default.aspx" title="标签和表格打印">打印</a>, <a href="zh-cn/software/label-printing/Default.aspx" title="标签软件">标签</a>, <a href="zh-cn/software/report-generator/Default.aspx" title="报告软件">报告</a> 和<a href="zh-cn/software/data-acquisition/twedge/keyboard-wedge/Default.aspx" title="数据采集软件">数据采集</a> 的软件。</p> <p>我们公司提供标准软件,例如 <a href="zh-cn/software/report-generator/Default.aspx" title="标签软件, 报表设计软件">TFORMer</a>, <a href="zh-cn/software/barcode-software/Default.aspx" title="条码生成软件" >TBarCode</a> 和 <a href="zh-cn/software/barcode-software/barcode-creator/barcode-studio/Default.aspx" title="条码制作软件">Barcode Studio</a>。 通用数据采集工具,例如 <a href="zh-cn/software/data-acquisition/twedge/keyboard-wedge/Default.aspx" title="数据采集软件">TWedge</a> 或 <a href="zh-cn/software/mobile-data-acquisition/scan-it-to-office/overview/Default.aspx" title="PC,Mac,Excel,Word,表格,数据库的远程数据收集和条形码扫描">Scan-IT to Office</a>, 一个用于 <a href="zh-cn/software/mobile-data-acquisition/Default.aspx" title="移动数据收集和条形码扫描应用">移动数据收集</a> 的 Android / iOS 应用, 完善我们的产品组合。我们可以 <a href="" title="网上查询表格">根据要求</a> 提供定制解决方案。</p> <p>如您正在寻找高质量的软件 — TEC-IT 成功提供了这种质量。</p> </div> <!-- /Footer Left Column --> </div> </div> <div class="block-3"> <div class="block-inner"> <!-- Footer Center Column --> <div id="ctl00_ShortNews"><h3>TEC-IT 消息</h3><div class="news-item"> <div class="news-item-text"> <div class="date">2024/11/19</div> <div><a class="title" href="/zh-cn/start/news/Default.aspx#112281" title="Online Barcode Generator ">Revenova Adds TEC-IT Barcode API to Salesforce TMS</a></div> </div> </div><div class="news-item"> <div class="news-item-text"> <div class="date">2024/9/10</div> <div><a class="title" href="/zh-cn/start/news/Default.aspx#112366" title="TFORMer V8.8.0">TFORMer 8.8 with SVG Support and Improved User Experience</a></div> </div> </div><div class="news-item"> <div class="news-item-text"> <div class="date">2024/8/20</div> <div><a class="title" href="/zh-cn/start/news/Default.aspx#112359" title="">Personnel Changes TEC-IT</a></div> </div> </div><div class="news-item"> <div class="news-item-text"> <div class="date">2024/7/31</div> <div><a class="title" href="/zh-cn/start/news/Default.aspx#112341" title="">Scan-IT to Office 3.17.0: Developer Mode and Fresh Features!</a></div> </div> </div><div class="news-item"> <div class="news-item-text"> <div class="date"></div> <div><a class="title" href="/zh-cn/start/news/Default.aspx" title="&#28857;&#20987;&#27492;&#22788;&#65292;&#26597;&#30475;&#26356;&#22810;&#26377;&#20851; 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