Kohn-Erlanger-Wolff-Hopf-Tuchmann-Engelmann Families
<html><head><!-- Created on 01/12/96 at 23:37:05--> <title>Kohn-Erlanger-Wolff-Hopf-Tuchmann-Engelmann Families</title> <style type="text/css"> A {TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:visited {TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:hover {TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:active {TEXT-DECORATION: none} </style></head><body alink="#cf0d00" bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#4e0800" text="#002c04" vlink="#006a0f"> <basefont size="3"> <center> <img src="" align="bottom" height="13" hspace="0" width="500"> </center> <p> <center> <h1>GERMAN JEWISH FAMILIES <br>IN THE HOPS TRADE IN FRANCONIA</h1> <h2>WRITERS, MUSICIANS, SCIENTISTS, <br>LAWYERS, BANKERS, and DOCTORS</h2> <h3>Genetics and Genealogy: A Mystery Unfolding</h3> </center> <p> There are 505 surnames on this page, all of them found on old stammbaums (family trees) in my possession. Most of them are identifiably Ashkenazi Jewish names associated with my family from Franconia and Bavaria, Germany. Surnames listed in (parenthesis) were known to have been changed' during the course of a single person's life. Any surname that does not immediately say "Jewish" to you is likely the result of an assimmilationist name change or a post-Holocaust marriage to a non-Jew in America. Those who are direct maternal line descendants of Dorothea Dormitzer Fraenfeld and carry h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA are marked as such. <p> <H2> THE SURNAMES</h2> <p> <font size=-1><font face=arial> Abernheimer, Adler, Alkan, Alsberg, Altbaier, Altshuler, Andrews-(Aron), Ansbacher, Arany, Arnstein, Aron-(Andrews), <p> Bachmann, Bachrach, Baecker, Balla, Bamberger, Banucci, Baruch, Bauer, Bauernfreund, Baumgarten, Beck, Behringer, Benario, Bendit, Berges, Bergmann, Berlin, Bernert, Bethe, Beutel, Beyer, Biber, Bierer, Bing, Binswanger, Birgstein, Bloch, Blumenthal, Bomeisler, Borges, Borovich, Boskowitz, Brandl, Brauf, Brown, Bruckmann, Bruell, Brull, Buchman, Buchmann, Buchstein, Buckman, Buday, Burt, Busch, <p> Cahn, Carry, Carter, Chacona, Chance, Chens, Clausen, Collett, Comer, Coons, Cotton, Cukier, Czekau, <p> Davidson, Davies, Davis, de Cortes, Desperack, Dessauer, Dettelsbach, Diamand, Donath, Dreyfuss, Dunau, <p> Eberstadt, Eckstein, Einstein, Eisemann, Eisenberg, Elsberg, Engelmann, Engerer, Englaender, Epstein, Erdmann, Erlanger, Erlenbach, Ettlinger, <p> Falk, Feigl, Feis, Feistmann, Fels, Feust, Fernich, Field, Fleischmann, Flersheim, Flynn, Foertsch, Fortsch, Fraenkel, Frank, Frankel, Frankenau, Frauenfeld, Freudenberger, Freund, Freundlich, Fried, Friedericks, Friedmann, Frowenfield-(Frauenfeld), Frueh, Fuerst, Furst, Fuld, Funk, <p> Gage, Gans, Geertz, Geiger, Gerngross, Gernheim, Gerst, Geyari-(Loewenthal-Lowenthal), Gierschner, Gilman, Glover-(Goldstein-Glozer) Glozer-(Goldstein-Glover), Gmeiner, Gocidicka, Goetz-(Gotz), Goldberg, Goldmann, Goldschmidt, Goldsmith, Goldstein, Goodman, Grafe, Gugenheim, Guldmann, Gumpel, Gunzehauser, Gutherz, Gutmann, <p> Haas, Hachmann, Hahn, Hamburger, Hansens, Hampton, Hartmann, Hassdoerfer-(Hassdorfer), Hattlender, Hechinger, Heidenheimer-(Heiden-Heimer), Heinsheimer, Heller, Hellmann, Henshaw, Hermann, Herrnheiser, Hertzka, Herz, Heskel, Hess, Hessberg, Hesselberger, Hess, Hesslein, Hesz, Heymann, Hilb, Hirsch, Hirschberg, Hirschhorn, Hirschmann, Hochberger, Hoenigsberger, Hofmann, Hollerbusch, Hollmuth, Holmes, Holzinger, Homberg, Hopf, Hopf-(Mandelbaum), Hummel, Hunter, <p> Iglauer, <p> Jaffe, Jeremias, Jordan, Joseph, Josephthal, Jul, Jung, Junge, <p> Kahn, Kalen, Kann, Kapauner, Karasek, Kassel, Kaufmann, Keracek, Kern, Kidron-(Kornblum), Kiefer, Kimball, Kirchlein, Kirchner, Kirschner, Kitzler, Klauber, Klein, Kleinberg, Klenk, Klopfer, Knisely, Koch, Kocherthaler, Koenig, Kohn, Kohn, Konig, Konstein, Koondis, Kopf, Koreff, Kornblum-(Kidron), Krackenberger, Kraus, Krueger, Kruger, Kuehlken-Kuhlken, Kuln, Kulp, Keppermann, <p> Lachmann, Lang, Lange, Langermann, Laub, Laude, Lauinger, Lebmann, Lebrecht, Lehman, Lehmeier, Lekisch, Lemberger, Lessing, Levi, Levine, Levi-(Tuchmann), Levy, Liebhold, Lindner, Lion, Livingston, Lob, Lobl, Loeb, Loebl, Loewensberg, Loewenthal, Lowensberg, Lowenthal, Loewi, Lowi, Loewlerin, Lopes, Loth, Lublicki, Luftig, Luginbuehl, <p> Maas, Maienthau, Mailaender, Mandelbaum, Mandelbaum-(Hopf), Manfredi, Manfredi-(Yronwode), Marcus, Marks, Marx, Matthys, Maur, May, Mayer, Mayers, McCloud, Meiraw, Mendel, Menz, Metzger, Meyer, Meyerfeld, Michaelis, Militzer, Mohr, Moschkowitz, Moses, Mueller-Herring, Mueller, Muller, Munson, Myers, Myners, <p> Nathan, Naumburg, Naumueller, Neuman, Neumark, Neumeyer, Neustaetter-(Neustatter), Newgarden, Newman, Noe, Nordlinger, <p> Oberdorfer, Obermeyer, Oberndorfer, Oppenheim, Oppenheimmer, Orbach, Ortweiller, Ottensooser, Ottenstein, Ottinger, <p> Pabeschutz, Page, Pakusch, Paskin-(Pesachovich), Paskin-(Yronwode), Patscher, Pauceanu, Pesachovich-(Paskin), Peterson, Pettys, Phillip, Pickard, Porat, Prager, Pretzfeld, Purdy, Puvermacher, <p> Raffy, Rapaport, Raphael, Rau, Rawitsch, Regensteiner, Reichel, Reichenberger, Reinhardt, Reis, Reiser, Reitberger, Reitzenberger, Reizenstein, Remlein, Rice, Ries, Riexinger, Rink, Rinskopf, Rochkind, Roesel, Rosel, Rollmann, Rosenbaum, Rosenberg, Rosenblatt, Rosenfeld, Rosenstein, Rosenstock, Rosenthal, Rosenwald, Ruhl, Ruppel, Rupprecht, Ruprecht, <p> Sachs, Sahlmann, Salmonson, Salomon, Sandner, Sarfaty, Sauter, Scechy, Scheid, Scherer-(Adelsdorf), Scheyer, Schiff, Schleckt, Schlesinger, Schlossheimer, Schlossmann, Schluesselblum, Schneck, Schoen-Schon, Schopflocher, Schuler, Schuller, Schultz, Schumann, Schuster, Schwartz, Schweitzer, Seckendorf, Seelenberger, Seidlein, Seligman, Senger, Sgalitzer, Sherman, Shulz, Sichel, Siedentopf, Siegmann, Siesel, Silbermann, Silberschmidt, Silbiger, Simon, Simons, Sinaiberger, Sinauer, Smith, Spirs, Spitzer, Stahl, Stark, Stauffenberg, Stein, Steinacher, Steinberg, Steiner, Steinhardt, Stern, Sternheimer, Stockheim, Stover, Stransky, Strauss, Strautsky, Struntz, Strupp, Sturm, Sulzbach, Sundheimer, Superson, <p> Tauber, Tausig, Teutsch, Thannhauser, Thulborn, Thurnauer, Tolep, Travers, Tuchmann, Tuchmann-(Levi), Tuchmann-(Turner), Turner-(Tuchmann), <p> Ullmann, Ungar, Ury, <p> van Cleef, Vollrath, Von Seidlein, <p> Wallach, Walter, Warschawski, Weber, Wechner, Weil, Weinreb, Weiser, Weiss, Weissberger, Weldler, Werblonsky, Wertheimer, Werthheim, Westheimer, Wicker, Wiener, Willstatter, Wilmers, Wilmersdoerfer, Wimpfheimer, Winkler, Wirtz, Wohl, Wolf, Wolff, Wolfsohn, Wood, Worms, Wujnovich, Wurtzburger, <p> Yronwode-(Manfredi), Yronwode-(Paskin), Yu, <p> Zeilberger, Zeiller, Zempelburg, Zimmer, Zurer</font></font> <p> <H2> THE FAMILY</h2> <p> I am the daughter of Liselotte Erlanger (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA), a Holocaust survivor from Germany, with relatives living in Israel, England, and the Americas. I am not a devoutly observant Jew, by any means, as i will be the first to admit, but by Jewish law and by self-identification, I am a Jew, with a family tree extending back in Franconia, Germany to the 1700s. <p> This family seems to be genetically inclined to selecting occupations, careers, and even hobbies from a distinct set of options. The preponderant majority of those for whom i could locate an occupation or pre-occupation have been musicians, scientists (especially chemists), inventors, researchers, lawyers and judges, doctors, bankers, and, above all, writers and publishers. Our family is quite rich in writers, even among those with other ostensible professions. We have a predilection for toy trains and miniaturization in general, natural history, music appreciation, and art collecting. In earlier times there were rabbis and kabbalists and kings in the family, some of whom are still renowned. But, travelling back in time to Franconia during the age of industrialization, one career associated with the German wing of the family is banking and commodities trading -- specifically banking associated with the financial support network that grew up around the 18th century hops trade in Franconia. <p> There is a very nice web site by Susanne Rieger and Gerhard Jochem where you can find historical records and even pictures of some of the hundreds of my Jewish family ancestors and collateral relatives who were hops factors, hops salesmen, and hopyard bankers in Nurnberg (Nuremberg) before the Shoa. Here are some places to start: <p> Jewish Hops Trade in Nuremburg <p> <p> Jewish Topography of Nuremburg <p> <p> The names you will see in my family tree or stammbaum (and on a list of Jewish hops merchants at the above-mentioned site) include Hopf, Kohn, Erlanger, Engelmann, Bing, Lehmann, Bachmann, Ottenstein, Stern, Wolff, Reizenstein, Tuchmann, Mandelbaum, Frauenfeld, Oppenheim, Oppenheimer, Loeb, Levi, and so forth -- a veritable litany of the Askenazy Jewish professional, banking, and merchant class of the region around Nuremburg, Fuerth, Neustadt an der Aisch, Erlangen, Uhlfeld, Floss, and Markt Erlbach, going back to the time before the German government imposed surnames on Jews. <p> One of my earliest ancestors who had a German surname was Marum Josef Engelmann ("Angel-Man"), born in the mid 1700s in Franconia, but of all the surnames in my family tree, Hopf is my favourite, because it means "hops," and this is what so many of my ancestors traded in, right up until World War Two -- hops for beer-making. A picture of the Nuremberg hops market in the 1880s is at <p> <p> The name Hopf entered my family as a self-chosen surname. It was some time after the German government imposed surnames, instead of allowing Jews to use their traditional Jewish patronymics, before people settled on surnames that they actually liked and felt comfortable with. As a result, there was a lot of name-swapping going on back in the late 1700s and early 1800s, during the early years of German surnames. <p> My great-great-great-great-grandfather Mordechai Josef Levi (1774-1850) was, according to a family chronicle published during the 1920s, the illegitimate son of a man whose surname was Kohn. This is interesting, because his descendants married people with the Kohn surname -- probably their own unacknowledged cousins. In any case, Mordechai Josef Levi (Kohn) married Mirjam Engelmann (1780-1858), the daughter of Josef / Joseph Marum Engelmann and his wife Heindel / Huendl, who was known as Babette. <p> In 1813, Mordechai Josef Levi (Kohn) changed his name to Marx Tuchmann. In German, the name Tuchmann, literally "cloth-man," can mean "cloth-merchant" or, more derogatorily, it can mean "prayer-shawl man" in reference to the wearing of Jewish Tallit. However, as Marx Tuchmann later explained to his family, he chose the name Tuchmann because although he was a hops merchant, another Jewish hops merchant had already taken the name Hopf ("hops") in his home town and he was denied the use of the name in that town, so he decided on the name Tuchmann in reference to hop-sacking, the cloth from which the bags were made in which hops were stored; he dealt in hop-sacking as well as in hops, you see! <p> With this name-change, Mordechai's wife Mirjam / Miriam Engelmann Levi became Mariane Engelmann Tuchmann, and their ten-year-old daughter Gella Levi (1803-1880) became Karoline Tuchmann. <p> <a href=> <img src="" align="left"hspace="20" vspace="10" width="200"> </a> <p> In the 1820s Karoline Tuchmann married Loeb Mandelbaum (1794-1856) and became Karoline Mandelbaum. The surname Mandelbaum means "almond-tree," but like his father-in-law, Loeb was a hops-factor, not an almond orchardist, so in 1833, he changed the family name from Mandelbaum to Hopf ("hops"), and Karoline finished out her life as Karoline Hopf, the same surname she would have had, had her father been allowed the use of the Hopf surname in 1813. Gella was my great-great-great grandmother, and if you click on this picture of her, you will see what she looked like. <p> The Kohn family, like the Levi-Tuchmann (illegitimate Kohn) family and the Mandelbaum-Hopf family, was also associated with the hops trade, but being a bit more well-to-do, they operated an agricultural bank, lending money to hops-farmers, hops-factors, and hops-warehousemen. By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many men in the family were lawyers, a career path that remains notable in the family to the present time. Others in the family were musicians, and many writers, chemists, doctors, and academic folks also belong to this family. <p> Josef Kohn, my great-great-grandfather, is mentioned in the "Chronology of Nuremberg's Jewish history 1146 - 1945" at <p> <p> The entry reads as follows: <p> "1850: Josef Kohn from the neighboring village of Markt Erlbach is allowed by the municipal authorities to settle down in Nuremberg. He became the first Jewish citizen of Nuremberg after a period of 350 years." <p> These days, my family is a globe-spanning group of Kohns and Wolffs and Erlangers and Reizensteins -- and none of those who survived the Hitler-time live in Nuremberg or Neustadt an der Aisch or Fuerth or Uhlfeld or Markt Erlbach anymore, and none of them deal in hops. <p> <H2> THE POLITICAL PROGRESSIVES</H2> <p> Although my family includes many rabbis in the era before the Enlightenment, when one looks as far back as the late 1700s, it is apparent that the emphasis changed from a focus on religious adherence and spiritual instruction to a focus on the social lives of Jews and on political progressivism in general. In fact, i would say that a good part of my family, from the early 1800s onward, were financiers and philanthropists who were concerned with progressive political and educational goals, rather than religious issues. This continued into the 20th century with support for the civil rights movement in America and interest in experiments in kibbutz and commune living in Israel and the United States. <p> I show descendency from four men and one women who were identified as wealthy philanthropic benefactors of the Jewish community of Nurnberg -- that is, funders and social "machers" who kept the Jewish community secure, but not rabbis per se. <p> A) <b>Josef Kohn c. 1805 Markt Erlbach - c. 1865 Nurnberg.</b> [dates unknown as i am missing page 1 of the Kohn-Hirsch stammbaum] "The first Israelite citizen of the Bavarian city of Nuremburg was Joseph Kohn from Markt Erlbach, who was accepted on May 16, 1850, after controversial debates, with 9 against 8 votes" per Barbeck. He was a banker. Married to Sofie Frauenfeld 30 April 1816 Buechenbach - 7 July 1867 Nurnberg cited directly below. <p> B) <b>Sofie Frauenfeld 30 April 1816 Buechenbach - 7 July 1867 Nurnberg.</b> "Sophie Kohn donated 10,000 florins for the establishment of a polytechnic institute [in Nurnberg]," per Barbeck. Married to Josef Kohn c. 1805 Markt Erlbach - c. 1865 Nurnberg cited directly above. Sister of Betty Frauenfeld 9 August 1830 Buechenbach - 6 November 1880 Nurnberg cited below. Aunt of Pauline Hopf 12 December 1853 Nurnberg - 24 April 1922 Nurnberg cited below. <p> C) <b>Loeb Hopf born Loeb Mandelbaum 6 June 1794 Uhlfeld - 19 August 1866 Nurnberg</b>. "The first chariman of the religious community" [of Nurnberg, 1862] per Barbeck. He was a hops-factor and agricultural banker (that is, he loaned money on hops futures; perhaps we would call him a commodities trader in modern terms). Married to Gella / Karoline Levi / Tuchmann 25 August 1803 Uhlfeld - 6 July 1880 Nurnberg. Father-in-law of Betty Frauenfeld 9 August 1830 Buechenbach - 6 November 1880 Nurnberg cited below. Paternal grandfather of Pauline Hopf 12 December 1853 Nurnberg - 24 April 1922 Nurnberg cited below. <p> D) <b>Anton Kohn c. 1815 Markt Erlbach - c. 1875 Nurnberg.</b> [dates unknown as i am missing page 1 of the Kohn-Hirsch stammbaum] "3rd chairman of the religious community" [of Nurnberg] per Barbeck. He was a banker. Younger brother of Josef Kohn c. 1805 Markt Erlbach - c. 1865 Nurnberg cited above. Uncle of Max Kohn 2 April 1841 Markt Erlbach - 2 February 1898 Nurnberg cited below. Married to Kathie Arnstein 23 February 1820 - 20 February 1911. <p> E)<b> Max Kohn 2 April 1841 Markt Erlbach - 2 February 1898 Nurnberg.</b> He paid for the gilding of the synagogue roof in Nurnberg, fought the rabbinical leadership over the issue of women's rights and lost, and then paid for the gilding of the St. Elizabeth Kirche in revenge, due to what he perceived as the Catholic Church's fairer treatment of women. He was a banker. Son of Josef Kohn c. 1805 Markt Erlbach - c. 1865 Nurnberg cited above and Sofie Frauenfeld 30 April 1816 Buechenbach - 7 July 1867 Nurnberg cited above. Nephew of Anton Kohn c. 1815 Markt Erlbach - c. 1875 Nurnberg cited above. Married to Pauline Hopf 12 December 1853 Nurnberg - 24 April 1922 Nurnberg (Pauline was the daughter of Betty Frauenfeld 9 August 1830 Buechenbach - 6 November 1880 Nurnberg cited above, the niece of Sofie Frauenfeld 30 April 1816 Buechenbach - 7 July 1867 Nurnberg cited above, and the granddaughter of Loeb Hopf a.k.a. Loeb Mandelbaum 6 June 1794 Uhlfeld - 19 August 1866 Nurnberg cited above.) <p> <H2> THE ENDOMAGOUS TENDENCY</h2> <p> Ashkenazi Jews are known for marrying their close relatives. Cousins married cousins and brother-sister pairs cross-married sister-brother pairs. Some geneticists have speculated that most German Jews are fifth or sixth cousins to one another. <p> There were multiple cousin marriages in my family. The extended family remained close and it was the custom for all of the first and second cousins (who simply referred to one another as "cousins") to summer together in groups at the homes of alternating aunts and uncles. They would organize skiing trips together during the winter as well. <p> Here are some notable cross-marriages and inbreeding between the various branches of my family: <p> <b>Hopf-Frauenfeld-Kohn Endogamy</b> <blockquote> My great-great-grandfather Stefan Hopf (ne Mandelbaum) married my great-great-grandmother Betty Frauenfeld. (Betty was the daughter of my great-great-great grandmother Dorothea, last name unknown but possibly Dormitzer, born around 1819, who had married Jakob Frauenfeld; Dorothea Unknown / Dormitzer is the woman through whom i inherited my h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA haplogroup.) <p> Around the same time: <p> My great-great-grandfather Josef Kohn married my great-great-grandmother Sophie Frauenfeld, who was Betty Frauenfeld's sister (and another inheritor of Dorothea's h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA haplogroup). <p> I am descended from both of the Frauenfeld sisters, because <p> Josef Kohn and Sophie Frauenfeld Kohn's son Max Kohn (my great-grandfather) married his cousin, Pauline Hopf (my great-grandmother, h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA), who was the daughter of Stefan Hopf and Betty Frauenfeld Hopf (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA). <p> Their daughter, Ida Kohn, my maternal grandmother (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA), was the offspring of this first-cousin marriage. The Max Kohn / Pauline Hopf union produced 12 children. One died in infancy, one died young, and one was born mildly mentally retarded and diabetic, possibly with some form of Down's syndrome. This cheerful, small, diabetic "Aunt Emmy" (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA) was a companion of my mother during her childhood, as the various siblings took turns caring for her. </blockquote> <p> <b>Erlanger-Birgstein Endogamy</b> <blockquote> <pre>Dr. Theodor David Erlanger Born 2 Aug 1880 in Neustadt an der Aisch Married Ida Kohn (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA) 30 June 1912 in Nurnberg Died 10 October 1956 in London, England, Age 76, Heart Attack</pre> <p> After their marriage, Theodor ("Theo") and Ida lived in Munich, with a summer home in Bad Tolz. Theodor, my paternal grandfather, was a Freemason and an officer in the German Army in World War One. He served in France, where he was captured and kept as a prisoner of war until the end of the fighting. He was a copyright and patent lawyer and also the lawyer of several members of the deposed German royal family who were suing to regain their estates and possessions after the overthrow of the Kaiser. His interests were in folklore and folk-art, particularly the folk-art of Bavarian Catholic peasants, and he maintained a large and varied collection of Bavarian peasant antiquities at the summer home in Bad Tolz. When the Nazis came to power, he, Ida, and their two daughters separately made their way from Germany to England and then to the USA. (Side note: Theo's brother-in-law Bruno Kohn and his brother Arthur Erlanger also served as officers in the German Army during World War One. Bruno was wounded and sent to a P.O.W. camp in England; he married an English P.O.W. camp nurse, Nelly Buckman (sister of the painter Percy Buckman) and settled there permanently. Arthur moved to the USA on business after the war and travelled regularly between Germany and America on business. These two men -- Bruno Kohn and Arthur Erlanger -- were the conduits through which many members of the Erlanger, Kohn, and Lang families obtained work-visas and made it out of Germany before the onset of World War Two.) At the time of his death Theodor was a naturailized US citizen with his old summer home in Bad Tolz (he had successfully sued to regain it) and a winter home in Queens, NY. He died of a heart attack while visiting Edith Pauline Marie Lang Collett (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA), his niece. (Edith was the daughter of Theodor's sister-in-law Clara Kohn (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA) and her husband Hugo Lang; Edith had fled to England and married a Mr. Collett; her brother Friedel Max "Fred" Lang and their mother Clara Kohn Lang settled in Southern California.) <p> Theodor David Erlanger's Mother: <p> <pre><b>Pauline Birgstein</b> Born 28 December 1851 in Pahres Married Hirsh "Hermann" Erlanger Unknown Day and Month, 1872 in Pahres (Note: Pauline's husband was her first cousin) Died 2 July 1931 in Bad Tolz (that is, at the summer home of Theodor and Ida), Age 79, Cause Unknown</pre> <p> I have a photo of a portrait painting of her, but no other mementos. I also have a very nice 1990 memoir of a trip back to Germany taken by Raphael "Rolf" Elsberg and a group of Birgstein / Elsberg relatives in search of any visual remains of the Jewish cemetery and the houses that the Birsteins, Elsbergs, and Erlangers had once owned in Franconia. The Elsberg portion of the family now lives in Israel, and thereby hangs a tale my mother told me: <p> The Kohn family (Ida's family) was wealthier than the Erlanger family. The Kohns had become Reform-minded due to Max Kohn's having had eight daughters: (all h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA) and feeling that Orthodox Judaism was discriminatory against women. He led a movement in Nurnberg to allow women to be seated with men in the synagogue, but he was outvoted. Since he was a wealthy banker and had paid for the gilding of the roof of the synagogue and for many of its furnishings, he became very angry at this rebuff and he did two things in revenge: First, he paid for the gilding of the roof of the St. Elizabeth Kirche (a Catholic church!) across the street from the synagogue -- "because THEY at least let the women sit with the men"), and then he declared that he would divide his fortune equally among his sons and his daughters but ONLY if the daughters married men who allowed them to not keep kosher homes or abide by Orthodox rules concerning the cutting or covering of the hair of wives. Any daughter who married Orthodox was to get no money -- "Let her have the pleasure and comfort of her religion instead!" he said. So out of all his six marriageable daughters (one had died in infancy and one was born with Down's Syndrome), only two decided to stay Orthodox and marry Orthodox men -- and as a result of the Holocaust, they went to Israel. The other four daughters all married men who were either Reform-minded or who were poor and wanted a shot at the Kohn wealth. Ida's marriage to Theodor was a bit of both: He came from an Orthodox family but gave that up to become Reform-minded when he married Ida. Or so my mother told me. <p> Pauline Birgstein's Mother: <p> <pre><b>Fanny Froelichstein</b> Born 14 May 1820, Unknown Location Married Joel Birgstein 22 November 1891 in Neustadt an der Aisch Died 13 July 1882 in Neustadt An der Aisch, Age 62, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> I have a photo of a portrait painting of her and a delicate little porcelain pitcher she owned, which she had given to her daughter Pauline Birgstein and which Pauline brought with her when she moved into the home with Theo and Ida during her widowhood. The pitcher is twelve-panelled and is decorated all around with the astrological signs of the zodiac, as well as with tiny images of insects and flowers. It had become broken around 1914 or so (before my mother's birth), and it was carefully glued together by my grandmother Ida Erlanger, who liked to repair antiques and keep them. Pauline promised this pitcher to my mother Lilo, as a memento of Lilo's great-grandmother, whom she had never known, but everything was displaced by the war and my mother did not receive it then. However, after the war it, along with much other dinnerware and silverware that had been put aside, was distributed, and then my mother got it. In the early 1980s she gave it to me, because i am an astrologer, and i had it looked at by a china appraiser who said it was made around 1815-1820 (before Fanny's birth) and therefore might have belonged to Fanny's mother, and that it was also of interest because the maker's mark on the bottom had been carefully ground off, and that this grinding away of maker's marks was something that she, the appraiser, had encountered before among pieces that belonged to German Jews, but she did not know why it was done. She thought the little pitcher might be from the Meissen Porcelain Manufactory but was not sure. <p> Fanny Froelichstein's Mother: <p> <pre><b>Name Unknown</b> Born Unknown Date, Unknown Location Married Name Unknown, Unknown Date, Unknown Location Died Unknown Date, Unknown Location, Unknown Age, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> Fanny Froelightstein's Father: <p> <pre><b>David Froelichstein</b> Born Unknown Date, Unknown Location Married Name Unknown, Unknown Date, Unknown Location Died Unknown Date, Unknown Location, Unknown Age, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> Pauline Birgstein's Father: <p> <pre><b>Joel Birgstein</b> (brother to Lea Luise Birgstein, see below) Born14 February 1814 in Pahres Married Fanny Froelichstein 22 November 1891 in Neustadt an der Aisch Died 22 November 1891 in Neustadt an der Aisch, Age 77, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> I have a photo of a portrait painting of him. <p> Joel Birgstein's Mother: <p> <pre><b>Deila Surname Unknown</b> Born Unknown Day and Month 1784, Unknown Location Married Hirsh Birgstein Unknown Date and Location Died 9 October 1843 in Pahres, Unknown Age, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> Joel Birgstein's Father: <p> <pre><b>Hirsh Birgstein</b> Born Unknown Day and Month 1777, Unknown Location Married Deila Surname UnknownUnknown Date and Location Died 20 October 1836 in Pahres, Age 59, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> Theodor David Erlanger's Father: <p> <pre><b>Hirsh "Hermann" Erlanger</b> Born 14 October 1846 in Dottenheim Married Pauline Birgstein Unknown Day and Month, 1872 in Pahres (Note: Hirsh's wife was his first cousin) Died 1 February 1903 in Neustadt an der Aisch, Age 56, Heart Attack</pre> <p> Hirsh "Hermann" Erlanger's Mother: <p> <pre><b>Lea Luise Birgstein</b> (sister to Joel Birgstein, see above) Born 24 April 1820 in Pahres Married Isaac Abraham Erlanger 9 September 1845 in Dottenheim Died 4 June 1901 in Neustadt an der Aisch, Age 81, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> Lea Luise Birgstein's Mother: <p> <pre><b>Deila Surname Unknown</b> Born Unknown Day and Month 1784, Unknown Location Married Hirsh Birgstein Unknown Date and Location Died 9 October 1843 in Pahres, Unknown Age, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> Lea Luise Birgstein's Father: <p> <pre><b>Hirsh Birgstein</b> Born Unknown Day and Month 1777, Unknown Location Married Deila Surname Unknown Date and Location Unknown Died 20 October 1836 in Pahres, Age 59, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> Hirsh "Hermann" Erlanger's Father <p> <pre><b>Isaac Abraham Erlanger</b> Born 20 April 1813 in Dottenheim Married Lea Luise Birgstein 9 Septemeber 1845 in Dottenheim Died 1 December 1887 in Neustadt an der Aisch, Age 74, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> Isaac Abraham Erlanger's Mother: <p> <pre><b>Guidel Loewerlein</b> Born Unknown Date, Unknown Location Married Isaac Abraham Erlanger, Unknown Date, Unknown Location (probably Dottenheim) Died Unknown Date, Unknown Location (probably Dottenheim), Unknown Age, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> Isaac Abraham Erlanger's Father: <p> <pre><b>Abraham Jakob Erlanger</b> Born 17 July 1761 in Dottenheim Married Guidel Lowerlein, Unknown Date, Unknown Location (probably Dottenheim) Died 22 May 1837 in Dottenheim, Age 75, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> So not only was my maternal grandmother Ida Kohn the offspring of a first-cousin marriage, my maternal grandfather Theo was also the offspring of a first-cousin marriage. Heart disease ran in the male line of his family (the Erlangers) and upon autopsy, Theo was found to have been born with a rather severe heart defect, which apparently had never bothered him, or kept him from joining the German Army or becoming a hobby mountain climber. The nature of the heart defect is not known to me with certainty -- from the description given, it was probably an atrial valve defect. </blockquote><p> <p> <b>Erlanger-Stern-Wolff Endogamy</b> <blockquote> Here's another example of familial endogamy: <p> <pre><b>Isaac Abraham Erlanger</b> Born 20 April 1813 in Dottenheim Married Lea Luise Birgstein 9 Septemeber 1845 in Dottenheim Died 1 December 1887 in Neustadt an der Aisch, Age 74, Unknown Cause</pre> <p> These are the grandparents of my maternal grandfather Theodor Erlanger, noted above. In addition to their son, Hirsh "Hermann" Erlanger, Theo's father, Isaac Abraham Erlanger and Lea Louise Birgstein also had a daughter: <p> <b>Antonie Erlanger 29 July 1856 - 11 February 1928</b> <p> On 26 February 1876 she married <p> <b>Benjamin Stern 30 July 1851 - 7 October 1926</b> <p> From the marriage of Antonie Erlanger and Benjamin Stern there issued a whole passel of Stern children, including these daughters -- <p> <b>Rosel Stern 14 October 1881 - 2 June 1935</b> <p> and, six years later -- <p> <b>Meta Stern 6 August 1887 - 15 April 1964</b>. <p> On 7 May 1902, Rosel Stern married <p> <b> Willy Wolff 15 November 1871 - 30 October 1933</b>. <p> Willy Wolff had a brother who happened to share his birthdate, but was four years younger -- <p> <b>Leopold Wolff 15 November 1875 - 16 July 1961</b>. <p> On 24 January 1908, six years after the marriage of Willy Wolff to Rosel Sterm, Willy's younger brother Leopold Wolff married Rosel's younger sister Meta Stern. <p> Subsequently, Rosel and Willy had two children, the youngest of whom was -- <p> <b>Ernst "Ernie" Wolff 13 June 1916 - </b> <p> According to his naturalization papers, Ernie arrived in America on 3 March 1939 and was vouched for by a resident of Birmingham, England (a family member, no doubt). On 30 January 1942, Ernst married his second cousin, my aunt <p> <b>Renata "Rena" Erlanger 6 June 1913 Munich (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA)- </b> </blobkquote><P> And thereby hangs another tale: <p> In fact, Ernie Wolff first proposed to Renata's younger sister my mother -- <p> <b>Liselotte Franziska "Lilo" Erlanger 12 June 1915 Munich - 15 October 2005 Little River California (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA)</b> <p> -- but she turned him down because they were second cousins through the Erlanger-Wolff line, both being descendants of Abraham Jakob Erlanger, born in 1761. Her reasoning was that her father, Theo Erlanger, was already the result of a first cousin marriage on the Erlanger-Birgstein line and her mother Ida Kohn being the result of a first-cousin marriage on the Kohn-Hopf line (which had produced one mentally retarded offspring) it just made her "nervous" to think of all the cousin marriages, and she very heavily weighed the possibility of having children born with birth defects if she were to marry Ernie, who was also not only inbred himself, but also was a collateral relative of her own lime of inbred Erlangers. So very shortly thereafter, Ernie proposed to her older sister, Rena Erlanger (h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA), and they married. Ernie entered service in the United States Army during World War II and became a naturalized citizen on 19 May 1944. In due time, he and Rena, despite my mother's fears, had three healthy kids, my cousins Phyllis Wolff, Deila Wolff, and Teddy Wolff (all h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA). <p> All's well that ends well! But for DNA researchers, it is obvious that the Erlanger-Birgstein-Stern-Wolff connection is a pretty solid block, autosomal-DNA-wise. <p></blockquote> In reading the surname lists on this page, it is important to note that due to repeated intermarriages, especially the marriages of cousins, there are many surnames that appear on two or more of my stammbaums or family trees. Duplicated surnames like Rosenfeld, Hirsch, Stern, and Loewi are not simply cases of "unrelated people with the same last name;" they are the same people or their siblings, marrying into one large, interconnected Franconian Jewish family-community. <p> If you believe you may be related to me, please do drop me a line. In the interests of genetic genealogical research, i have had my DNA registered at Family Tree DNA -- and i encourage everyone to do so as well; it's a fun way to understand your genealogy by genetics. <p> <h2> THE STAMMBAUMS</h2> <p> I have many pages of typewritten family tree data, and have slowly been placing it online at -- assisted by the help of many other contributors. The documents are as follows: <p> 1) <b>"Stammbaum & Chronik der Familie Tuchmann aus Uhlfeld b/ Neustadt a/A. ferner Stammbaum u. Chroniken der Familien: Hopf, Winkler, Reitzenberger, Bing, Iglauer,"</b> 21 pages, typescript, containing the records of 276 marriages that produced offspring. It begins with Joseph Engelmann and Heindel (Babette) [Unknown], and their daughter Mirjam Engelmann. The earliest dated birth is that of Mordechai Josef Levi (later known as Marx Tuchman), born in 1774, who married Mirjam Engelman. The latest recorded birth date is 1927. The author is unknown, but may have been my grandmother, Ida Kohn Erlanger. The 195 Kohn-Tuchmann-Hopf Surnames include: <p><blockquote> <font face=arial><font size=-1>Abernheimer, Adler, Alsberg, Bachmann, Bachmann, Bachmann, Bachrach, Balla, Bamberger, Bamberger, Bamberger, Baruch, Bauernfreund, Beck, Behringer, Benario, Bendit, Bergmann, Bernert, Biber, Bierer, Bing, Binswanger, Bloch, Bloch, Blumenthal, Borges, Brauf, Bruckmann, Bruell-Brull, Buckman, Buday, Coons, Davidson, de Cortes, Dessauer, Eberstadt, Eckstein, Einstein, Eisenberg, Engelmann, Erlanger, Falk, Feistmann, Fels, Field, Fleischmann, Flersheim, Flersheim, Frank, Frauenfeld, Freudenberger, Fried, Friedmann, Frowenfield-(Frauenfeld), Fuld, Fuerst-Furst, Gans, Geiershoefer-Geiershofer, Gerngross, Gernheim, Gerst, Gierschner, Gocidicka, Goetz-Gotz, Goldmann, Goldschmidt, Goldstein, Goodman, Guldmann, Gunzehauser, Gutherz, Gutmann, Hachmann, Hassdoerfer-Hassdorfer, Hassdorfer, Hattlender, Hausmeister, Heidenheimer, Heiden-Heimer, Heller, Hellmann, Hermann, Heskel, Hess, Hesselberger, Hesslein, Hilb, Hirsch, Hirschberg, Hirschhorn, Hirschmann, Hofmann, Hollerbusch, Hollmuth, Hopf, Hopf-(Mandelbaum), Iglauer, Jordan, Joseph, Josephthal, Jul, Jung, Junge, Kann, Kirchlein, Kirchner-(Kirschner), Klein, Klenk, Klopfer, Kohn, Koondis, Kopf, Krackenberger, Kraus, Kuehlken-Kuhlken, Kuln, Kuppermann, Lachmann, Lang, Lauinger, Lebmann, Lebrecht, Lehman, Lehmeier, Lessing, Levi, Levine, Levi-(Tuchmann), Liebhold, Loebl-Lobl, Loeb-Lob, Loewensberg-Lowensberg, Loewenthal-Lowenthal, Loewi-Lowi, Loth, Maienthau, Mailaender, Mandelbaum-(Hopf), Marx, Mayer, Mayers, Mendel, Menz, Metzger, Meyer, Michaelis, Mueller-Muller, Myners, Nathan, Naumburg, Neumeyer, Neustaetter-Neustatter, Oberdorfer, Obermeyer, Oppenheim, Ortweiller, Ottensooser, Ottenstein, Ottinger, Patscher, Pauceanu, Phillip, Pickard, Pretsfeld, Puvermacher, Raffy, Rau, Reichel, Reichenberger, Reis, Reitzenberger, Reizenstein, Rice, Ries, Roesel-Rosel, Rosenbaum, Rosenblatt, Rosenfeld, Rosenstein, Rosenstock, Rosenwald, Ruppel, Rupprecht, Sahlmann, Salmonson, Sarfaty, Scherer-(Adelsdorf), Schiff, Schlossheimer, Schoen-Schon, Schuler, Schultz, Schweitzer, Seckendorf, Seidlein, Seligman, Shulz, Sichel, Siedentopf, Siegmann, Silbermann, Silbiger, Simon, Sinauer, Stahl, Stauffenberg, Stein, Steiner, Steinhardt, Stern, Stransky, Strauss, Strautsky, Sundheimer, Teutsch, Tuchmann, Tuchmann-(Levi), Tuchmann-(Turner), Turner-(Tuchmann), Ullmann, Ungar, Ury, Vollrath, Weber, Weil, Weiser, Wertheimer, Werthheim, Westheimer, Wicker, Wiener, Winkler, Wohl, Wolf, Wood, Wurtzburger, Zeiller, Zempelburg, Zimmer</font></font> <p></blockquote> This branch of my family is primarily from Franconia, with a few members born in Bavaria, Saxony, and other districts in Germany. There are a couple of outliers -- one born in Trieste, Italy, and another born in Mozambique, Africa (!), but both of those also ended up in Franconia. <P> In addition to the usual slight changes in spelling one commonly finds in German surnames, especially when some family members emigrate to Anglophone nations -- Rice / Ries / Reis, Roesel / Rosel, Wertheim / Werthheimer, Kirchner / Kirschner, Frauenfeld / Frowenfield, etcetera -- this branch of the family seems to have made many more complete surname changes than other branches. Occasionally first names were also changed: <p><blockquote> <b>Surname Changes: Levi to Tuchmann to Turner</b> <p> Mordechai Levi changed his name to Marx Tuchmann in 1813. His wife Mirjam Engelmann Levi became Mariane Tuchmann, and their ten-year-old daughter Gella Levi (born in 1803) became Karoline Tuchmann at that time. <p> Some members of Tuchmann family emigrated to London or the United States during the 19th century, and some of the emigrants who bore the Tuchmann surname adopted the Anglicized surname Turner. However, it should be noted that on the male lineage, all of these Turner and Tuchmann families originally had the surname Levi, and if DNA genealogy searches are made, the three surnames Levi, Tuchmann, and Turner should be considered equivalents in the Y-DNA line. <p> <b>Surname Changes: Mandelbaum to Hopf</b> <p> In the 1820s Gella Levi, whose name had been changed to Karoline Tuchmann when she was 10 years old, married Loeb Mandelbaum and became Karoline Mandelbaum. In 1833, Loeb changed the family surname from Mandelbaum (almond tree) to Hopf (hops), and Gella Levi / Karoline Tuchmann finished out her life as Karoline Hopf. <p> <b>Surnames with "Rose" in them:</b> <p> I collect vintage and heritage roses and i am a perfumer, so i also note that this stammbaum showcases the "Rosey" portion of my heritage, as it contains the surnames Roesel, Rosel, Rosenbaum, Rosenblatt, Rosenfeld, Rosenstein, Rosenstock, and Rosenwald. <p></blockquote> This family tree, for those interested in DNA, contains my maternal line, showing descent from the female Dormitzer / Frauenfeld lineage and contains many individuals with h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA. <p> <p> 2) <b>Stammbaum of the Kohn Family missing first page,</b> typescript, 13 pages remaining, containing the records of 191 marriages that produced offspring, but lacking marriages #1 through #8, which were on the first page. The birth dates remaining range from 1816 through 1935. <p> The author of this work is unknown to me. I acquired it through my grandmother, Ida Kohn Erlanger. <p> I have been able to partially reconstruct the missing first page of this family tree by tracing the line numbers of the people on pages 2 - 4 backwards and thereby deriving the names of the members of the first 8 sibling-groups of children who wed and reproduced, but their birth and death dates and their parents' names and data are currently lost. Since my copy of this stammbaum was photocopied from a typewritten carbon copy, i am hoping that a more complete version of it, including the pre-1816 marriage and birth records of the Kohn, Hirsh, Arnstein, Loewi, and Berlin families, is still in existence among other family members, and that they will share it with me. <p> Since i do not have the title of this stammbaum, i will call it "Stammbaum of the families Kohn, Arnstein, Tauber, Hirsch, and Loewi." The 129 Kohn-Hirsch-Arnstein-Tauber-Loewi Surnames include: <p><blockquote> <font face=arial><font size=-1> Arany, Arnstein, Baecker, Bauer, Bendit, Berlin, Beutel, Biber, Brandl, Bruell, Brull, Buday, Busch, Cahn, Davidson, Davies, Dettelsbach, Donath, Dreyfuss, Engerer, Epstein, Erdmann, Erlanger, Erlenbach, Ettlinger, Feigl, Feust, Foertsch-Fortsch, Frank, Frankenau, Friedericks, Frowenfield-(Frauenfeld), Funk, Geertz, Geiershoefer-Geiershofer, Gmeiner, Graefe, Gugenheim, Gutmann, Hahn, Hartmann, Hausmeister, Heinsheimer, Hermann, Herrnheiser, Hertzka, Herz, Hessberg, Hesselberger, Hess, Hesz, Hirsch, Hochberger, Holzinger, Hummel, Jaffe, Jeremias, Josephthal, Kann, Karasek, Kassel, Kaufmann, Keracek, Kiefer, Kitzler, Klein, Kleinberg, Kohn, Konig, Konstein, Koreff, Krackenberger, Lang, Lange, Lemberger, Loewi, Lowensberg, Lowenthal, Lublicki, Maas, Maur, Meier, Meier-Graefe, Metzger, Mohr, Moschkowitz, Nathan, Nordlinger, Obermeyer, Oberndorfer, Oppenheimmer, Orbach, Ottenstein, Pabeschutz, Prager, Rapaport, Regensteiner, Reinhardt, Reis, Reiser, Reizenstein, Remlein, Rinskopf-(Rink), Rink-(Rinskopf), Rosenfeld, Rosenthal, Ruhl, Ruprecht, Sandner, Scechy, Scheid, Scheyer, Schlesinger, Schopflocher, Schuller, Schuster, Sgalitzer, Silberschmidt, Simon, Sinaiberger, Spitzer, Steinberg, Sternheimer, Strauss, Tauber, Tausig, Tuchmann, Weissberger, Wiener, Willstatter, Wimpfheimer, Wolf, Wolfsohn</font></font> <p></blockquote> Unlike the Tuchmann family, which was centered in Franconia, this Kohn family lineage shows many marriages to "Eastern" Jewish people who originated in Austria, Galicia (note the surname Sgalitzer), and a few with Czech names, who may have come from Moravia. There are also more 19th and early 20th century (pre-Shoa) emigrations to the United States in this group than in the Tuchmann family tree, possibly due to troubled conditions in Eastern Europe at that time, when compared to the then more stable nation of Germany. <p> Again we see the genetic family mix of bankers such as the Kohns; lawyers and judges, some of them in Prague and Cologne; and writers, most notably Julius Meier-Graefe (June 10, 1867 - June 5, 1935), the art critic, magazine publisher, and novelist. <p> Note that due to cousin marriages, this family tree also shws descent from the female Dormitzer / Frauenfeld lineage and contains many individuals with h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA. <p> 3) <b>"Family Tree Kohn,"</b> 8 pages typsescript, containing the records of six generations of the Kohn family, compiled by my grandmother Ida Kohn Erlanger, my aunt Renata Erlanger Wolff, and my uncle Ernst Wolff. This is primarily an attempt to continue the previous two genealogical works into the post World War Two era, when the family dispersed widely around the world as a result of the Shoah. Because the Tuchmann and Kohn families were heavily intermarried with multiple cross-overs and cousin marriages, this Kohn family tree incorporates portions of both of the above two stammbaum records. It begins, as does the Tuchmann stammbaum, with Joseph Engelmann and Heindel (Babette) [Unknown], and the earliest birth date recorded is their son Mordechai Josef Levi (later known as Marx Tuchman), 1774. The latest birth date is 1971, my daughter's birth, and this family tree was given to me as a present around the time she was born. My copy has many hand-written additions. The 28 Kohn-Engelmann-Levi Surnames include: <p><blockquote> <font face=arial><font size=-1>Banucci, Buckman, Buday, Chance, Collett, Comer, Engelmann, Erlanger, Frauenfeld, Geyari-(Loewenthal-Lowenthal), Glozer-Goldstein-Glover), Hopf, Kohn, Lang, Lebrecht, Levi, Loewenthal-Lowenthal, Lowensberg-Loewensberg, Mandelbaum, Manfredi, Mueller-Herring, Oberndorfer, Reizenstein, Sachs, Travers, Tuchmann, Weil, Wolff, Yronwode-(Manfredi) <p> Again due to cousin marriages this family tree also shws descent from the female Dormitzer / Frauenfeld lineage and contains many individuals with h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA. </font></font> <p></blockquote> 4) <b>"Descendants of Abraham Jakob Erlanger,"</b> 2 pages, computer print-out. This was compiled by my uncle Ernst Wolff in 1993. My uncle Ernie and aunt Rena were cousins, so this brief family tree covers, in table-data form, both Ernie's ancestry and my mother's father's ancestry. The earliest birth date recorded is for Abraham Jakob Erlanger, 1761, and the latest birth date is 1976. The 45 Kohn-Erlanger Surnames include: <p><blockquote> <font face=arial><font size=-1>Adler, Aron-(Andrews), Banucci, Berges, Birgstein, Burt, Clausen, Comer, Cotton, Eisemann, Elsberg, Erlanger, Geiger, Gilman, Glozer-(Goldstein-Glover), Goldberg, Hampton, Henshaw, Hess, Hesz, Heymann, Hirsch, Kornblum-(Kidron), Krueger, Laub, Loewlerin, Luginbuehl, Manfredi, Matthys, Meiraw, Paskin-(Pesachovich-Yronwode), Pettys, Porat, Raphael, Rosenfeld, Rosenthal, Siesel, Simons, Stark, Stern, Stover, van Cleef, Warschawski, Wolff, Yu, Zurer</font></font> <p></blockquote> This family tree supplies no birth places, but the oldest portions are from Franconia. This branch of the family is unusual for its assimilationist and xenophilic qualities; not only are there marriages to Jews of Eastern European descent, but several members have converted to the Roman Catholic religion or are atheists, and many have married gentiles. <p> 5) <b>"SternMail</b>: This is a 117 page downloadable pdf of members of the Stern and Lobl families online, and many (but not all) of the people listed in my family stammbaums are also on the SternMail list. These folks are obviously kin. They are based in England. The URL is <p> <blockquote></blockquote> <p> The "SternMail" site is password protected and one must personally apply to be granted access. For this reason i have not felt is proper to copy the material here, although i personally feel that genealogical records should be open to the public. <p> This tree interlinks to other sites in which it is claimed, with a fair degree of certainty, that we have descent from some prominent rabbis of the past and thus from their Biblical ancestors. I don't want to get into all that here, okay? I mean, if you are related, you've heard it all before, and if you are not related, you either won't care or you won't believe it. But, suffice it to say, at the "SternMail" site, again due to cousin marriages, we again see descent from the female Dormitzer / Frauenfeld lineage that contains many individuals with h6a1a1a mitochondrial DNA. <p> 6) <b>"The Engelmanns of Floss"</b> <p> ===== <p> Using information supplied by Kitty Munson Cooper: <p><i> Nr. 32 "Das Marumhaus" <p> 1814 besass Marum Joseph (Engelmann) (1785/8 - 1857) ein ganzes Haus. Zu dem Wohnhaus mit Schupfe, Stall, und Hof erwarb er einen Garten und 1831 einen neue Stadel fuer 250 Gulden von Stephan Schieder. Sein Vater Joseph Marum (Engelmann (1744 - 1820) hat die Haefte des hauses, das er von seinem Vater Maron Eisig erhalten hat, vermutlich an seinen Bruder verkauft oder abgetretan, siehe Nr. 33. <p> Am 13.7.1855 uebergab Marum Joseph Engelmann sein Anwesen, zu dem er vier Felder erworben hatte, fuer 1,000 Gulden an seinen Sohn Jesias Engelmann (1819 - 1886), der es am 3.12.1885 an seine Tochter Lina Steinacher in Nuernberg weitervererbte. <p> Lina Steinacher verkaufte das Anwesen am 22.12.1885 fuer 10,000 M an Abraham Hirsch Bloch in Floss. Nach dem Tod des Abraham H. Bloch 1887 erbten seine fuenf kinder dieses Anwesen (siehe auch Nr. 12, 19), das am 30.11.1894 fuer 8,600 M an Michael Koller von Floss verausert wourde. <p> Nr. 33 "Beim Marum" <p> Vor 1736 erwarb Maron Eisig das haus des Hirschl Moyses fuer 500 Gulden. <p> 1738 erwarb er ein zweites Haus, ein buergerliches Haus von Johann Georg Niessler fuer 260 Gulden, das jedoch nur einen tatsaechlichen Wert von 130 Gulden hatte. <p> Namen der Flosse Juden <p> Josef Marum, Huendl: 1 m, 2 w, auslaend. Wolle, womit er meist die inlaend. Tuch- und Zeug macher versieht, gn. Konzession auf inlaend. Eisen handel <p></i> ===== <p> This is my free translation, arranged in chronological order, with additional notes from other sources, such as Geni and JewishGen: <p> Prior to 1736, Maron Eisig (Marum Isaac), born c. 1715 and then 21 years old, acquired the house of Hirschl Moyses for 500 guilders. <p> The name Marum (Marom) is Hebrew for "from the peak" and can signify "highly placed" or "highly valued." <p> In 1738, at the age of 23, Maron Eisig acquired a second house, a middle-class house, from Johann Georg Niesler for 260 guilders, which only had an actual value of 130 guilders. <p> At the time, Jews were not allowed to marry in Floss until they were 28 years old. In 1744, Maron Eisig was 29 years old when he and his wife [whose name is name unknown] had a son, Joseph Marum Engelmann. Maron was 39 years old when their second son Bumfit Benedikt Isaac Engelmann, was born in 1854. <p> Maron's death date is unknown, but he had to be alive at least until 1754 when his youngest son Bumfit / Benedikt Eisig / Isaac Engelmann (abt. 1754 - aft. 1813) was born. <p> Joseph Marum (Engelmann) (1744 - 1820), probably sold or sold off the second house, which he had received from his father Maron Eisig, to his brother, Benedikt, for the record seems to be telling us that one of Maron's two houses "probably" passed to the family of Benedikt Isaac or was "sold off" and the other house passed to the family of Joseph Marum Engelmann and thence to his son Marum Joseph Engelmann. <p> Joseph Marum (Engelmann) married Huendl (Heindel) "Babette" [surname unknown] Engelmann. They had one son and two daughters, <p> Joseph's occupations were listed as "Foreign. Wool, with which he usually also handles the domestic product. Cloth and stuff maker. gn. [??? - genossenshaft (commercial cooperative ???)] concession on domestic iron trade." <p> In 1814, Joseph Marum Engelmann's son Marum Joseph Engelmann (1785/8 - 1857), then 29 years old, owned an entire dwelling house with shed, stable, and yard. <p> Marum Joseph Engelmann was married to Edel Steinhardt Engelmann. <p> Marum Joseph Engelmann acquired an additional garden plot and in 1831, when he was 46 years old, a new barn from Stephan Schieder, for 250 guilders. <p> On July 13, 1855, Marum Joseph Engelmann, then 70 years old, handed over his estate, for which he had acquired four fields, for 1,000 guilders to his son Jesias (Josiah) Scheyer Engelmann (1819 - 1886),who was 36 years old at the time. <p> Jesias (Josiah) Scheyer Engelmann was married to Esther Jette Steinhardt Engelmann. <p> Jesias's wife Esther Jette Steinhardt was the neice of his mother, Edel Steinhardt: Edel was Esther's aunt (her father's sister); thus Jesaias and Esther were first cousins. <p> On December 3, 1885, Jesias Scheyer Engelmann, 69 years old, passed the estate on to his daughter Lina Englemann Steinacher (1857 - 1919) who lived in Nuremberg; she was 28 years old at the time. <p> 19 days later, on December 22, 1885, Lina Englemann Steinacher sold the property for 10,000 marks to Abraham Hirsch Bloch in Floss. The property had stayed in the family for about 150 years, through five generations -- c. 1735 - 1885. <p> After the death of Abraham H. Bloch in 1887, his five children inherited this estate (see also No. 12, 19), which was auctioned on November 30, 1894 for 8,600 marks to Michael Koller of Floss. <p> <p> ==== <p> 7) <b>"Steinhardts from Floss: The Descendants of Isaak Steinhardt,"</b> a digital descendency list. <p> The original of this list was posted by Jason Hallgarten (jhallgarten) on 19 Mar 2000 under the title "Steinhardts from Floss" at <p> <blockquote> </blockquote> <p> As i said, i do hope to get all of my typsecript data digitized and uploaded eventually, but in the meantime, here is a swath of my family tree that i found online. This document covers births from 1754 through 1989, with a few additional undated births probably occurring in the 1990s. A section of it corresponds exactly to a small part of the circa 1927 Tuchmann stammbaum that i have in my possession. In most cases i have birth and death place-names that this list lacks; in some cases this list has death dates that my records lack, or vice versa. The 177 Kohn-Steinhardt Surnames include: <p><blockquote> <font face=arial><font size=-1>Alkan, Altbaier , Altshuler, Ansbacher, Baumgartel, Bethe, Beyer, Bing, Bloch, Bomeisler, Borovich, Boskowitz, Brown, Bruell , Brull, Buchman, Buchmann, Buchstein, Carry, Carter, Chacona , Chens, Cukier, Czekau, Davis, Desperack, Diamand, Dunau, Eisemann, Engelmann, Englaender, Erlanger, Feis, Fernich , Fleischmann, Flynn, Fraenkel, Frank, Frankel, Freund, Freundlich, Friedmann, Frueh, Gage, Gans, Goldschmidt, Goldsmith, Goldstein, Guldmann, Gumpel, Haas, Hahn, Hamburger, Hansens, Hartmann, Hechinger, Hermann, Herz, Hirschhorn, Hoenigsberger, Holmes, Holzinger, Homberg, Hopf, Hunter, Kahn, Kalen, Kapauner, Kern, Kimball, Klauber, Knisely, Koch, Kocherthaler, Kohn, Krailsheimer, Krakenberger, Kulp, Lang, Langermann, Laude, Lauinger, Lekisch, Lessing, Levy, Lindner, Lion, Livingston, Lopes, Luftig, Mandelbaum, Marcus, Marks, Marx, May, Mayer, McCloud, Menz, Meyerfeld, Militzer, Moses, Munson, Myers, Naumueller, Neuman, Neumark, Neumeyer, Neustadter, Newgarden, Newman, Noe , Obermeyer, Oppenheimer, Page, Pakusch, Peterson, Purdy, Rawitsch, Reichenberger, Reitberger, Riexinger, Rochkind, Rollmann, Rosenbaum, Rosenberg, Rosenfeld, Rosenthal, Sachs, Salomon, Sauter, Schiff, Schleckt, Schlossmann, Schluesselblum, Schneck, Schumann, Schwartz, Seelenberger, Senger, Sherman, Sinauer, Smith, Spirs, Steinacher, Steinhardt, Stern, Stockheim, Struntz, Strupp, Sturm, Sulzbach, Superson, Thannhauser, Thulborn, Thurnauer, Tolep, Tuchmann, Von-Seidlein, Wallach, Walter, Wechner, Weil, Weinreb, Weiss, Weldler, Werblonsky, Wertheimer, Wiener, Wilmers, Wilmersdoerfer, Wirtz, Wohl, Wolfsohn, Wood, Worms, Wujnovich, Zeilberger, Zimmer</blockquote></font></font> <p> I have marked the section that duplicates a portion from my 21 page family tree titled "Stammbaum & Chronik der Familie Tuchmann" in <font color="red">RED</font> and i have added the data-numbers of marriages from my Tuchmann stammbaum in <font color="blue"> BLUE</font> for ease of correlation between the two family trees. <p> And so, here are ... <pre><b>The Descendants of Isaak Steinhardt</b> 1 Isaak Steinhardt 1754 - 1840 .... +Sara ........ 2 Jakob Steinhardt ........ 2 Gietel Steinhardt 1782 - 1879 .............. +Marum Aron Hoenigsberger 1778 - 1862 ................... 3 Semele Hoenigsberger 1811 - 1872 ......................... +Isaak Loeb Weiss 1801 - 1884 ............................. 4 Aron Arnold Weiss 1833 - ................................... +Marie Naumueller ........................................ 5 Hedwig Weiss ........................................ 5 Charlotte Weiss ........................................ 5 Elise Weiss ........................................ 5 Rosa Weiss 1865 - 1866 ........................................ 5 Klara Weiss 1867 - 1940 ............................. 4 Schoendel Weiss 1835 - ................................... +Fischel ............................. 4 Joseph Weiss 1837 - 1913 ............................. 4 Klara Weiss 1840 - 1904 ................................... +Elkan Holzinger ........................................ 5 Emil Holzinger ........................................ 5 Jakob Holzinger ........................................ 5 Otmar Holzinger ............................. 4 [73] Sabina Weiss 1842 - 1920 ................................... +[72] Essias Steinhardt 1840 - 1880 ........................................ 5 [74] August Steinhardt 1868 - 1936 .............................................. +[75] Bella Neumark .................................................. 6 [5] Simon Steinhardt ........................................................ +[4] Martha Eisemann 1902 - ........................................ 5 [76] Ignatz Steinhardt 1869 - 1933 .............................................. +[77] Henny Wertheimer 1882 - 1942 .................................................. 6 [78] Paula Steinhardt 1905 - .................................................. 6 [79] Dora Steinhardt 1912 - ........................................ 5 [80] Martin Steinhardt 1871 - 1928 .............................................. +[81] Bertha Schlossmann 1882 - .................................................. 6 [82] Sigbert Steinhardt 1909 - 1941 .................................................. 6 [83] Lise Steinhardt 1910 - .................................................. 6 [84] Nellie Steinhardt 1913 - 1985 ........................................ 5 [85] Frieda Steinhardt 1872 - 1873 ............................. 4 Emilie Weiss 1844 - 1929 ................................... +David Ansbacher 1845 - 1905 ........................................ 5 Martin Ansbacher 1871 - 1952 .............................................. +Gertrude Ansbacher 1878 - 1952 .................................................. 6 Julie Irene Ansbacher 1907 - 1986 ........................................................ +Roman Luftig .................................................. 6 Elisabeth Ansbacher 1912 - 1943 ........................................................ +Hugo Heymans - 1943 ........................................ 5 Julius Ansbacher 1873 - 1935 .............................................. +Fanny Frueh 1878 - 1963 .................................................. 6 Irene Ansbacher 1906 - ........................................................ +Gilbert Worms 1899 - ........................................ 5 Wilhelm Ansbacher 1874 - 1923 .............................................. +Hedwig Auguste Hartmann ........................................ 5 Max Ansbacher 1876 - 1942 .............................................. +Frieda Stern 1896 - 1942 .................................................. 6 Else Ansbacher 1921 - 1942 .................................................. 6 Lilly Ansbacher 1926 - 1942 ........................................ 5 Selma Ansbacher 1878 - 1910 .............................................. +Simon Bloch 1865 - 1911 .................................................. 6 Ruth Klara Bloch 1908 - 1909 .................................................. 6 Ludwig David Bloch 1910 - ........................................................ +Lily Disiu Chens 1916 - 1987 ............................................................. 7 Daniel Louis Bloch 1951 - ............................................................. 7 Dean Lewis Bloch 1955 - ........................................ 5 Ernst Ansbacher 1880 - 1942 .............................................. +Paula Kulp 1887 - 1942 .................................................. 6 Fritz David Ansbacher 1920 - ........................................................ +Evelyn Thulborn ............................................................. 7 Willi Ansbacher 1951 - ............................................................. 7 Ruth Ansbacher 1954 - ............................................................. 7 Judith Ansbacher 1957 - .................................................. 6 Willi Ansbacher 1925 - ........................................ 5 Ludwig Ansbacher 1884 - 1915 ............................. 4 Jakob Weiss 1846 - ............................. 4 Flora Weiss 1847 - ............................. 4 Albert Siegfried Weiss 1850 - ............................. 4 Moritz Heinrich Weiss 1854 - ................... 3 Feidel Hoenigsberger 1813 - ......................... +Adolph Mandelbaum Sulzbach ................... 3 Miriam Marie Hoenigsberger 1815 - 1885 ......................... +Abraham Hirsch Freund 1814 - 1890 ............................. 4 Sophie Freund 1842 - 1918 ................................... +Salomon Neuman 1839 - 1907 ........................................ 5 Paula Neuman .............................................. +Karl Wallach .................................................. 6 Robert Wallach .................................................. 6 Nora Wallach .................................................. 6 Helmeth Wallach ........................................ 5 Bertha Neuman 1868 - .............................................. +Samuel Bach .................................................. 6 Sonta Bach .................................................. 6 Julius Bach - 1923 ........................................ 5 Roesel Neuman 1870 - .............................................. +Erich Gumpel - 1931 .................................................. 6 Gertie Gumpel .................................................. 6 Hans Joachim Gumpel ........................................ 5 Emil Neuman 1873 - .............................................. +Ella Bach .................................................. 6 Walter Neuman .................................................. 6 Lotta Neuman .................................................. 6 Hilde Neuman ........................................ 5 Heinrich Neuman 1876 - .............................................. +Lilly Spirs .................................................. 6 Lottie Neuman .................................................. 6 Elizabeth Neuman ........................................ 5 Selma Neuman 1877 - .............................................. +Albert Strupp .................................................. 6 Ernst Strupp .................................................. 6 Oswald Strupp ........................................ 5 Clara Neuman 1879 - .............................................. +Herman Zippert .................................................. 6 Kurt Zippert .................................................. 6 Werner Zippert ........................................ 5 Willie Neuman 1881 - .............................................. +Lotte Marcus ........................................ 5 Karl Neuman 1884 - .............................................. +Lizzie Grunsbaum .................................................. 6 Ursula Neuman .................................................. 6 Karl Hans Neuman ........................................ 5 Rudolph Neuman 1886 - .............................................. +Edith Laude ............................. 4 Herman Freund 1844 - 1897 ................................... +Rachel De Sourdis 1853 - 1922 ........................................ 5 Julius Abraham Freund 1871 - .............................................. +Clementina Struntz ........................................ 5 Jacob De Sourdis Freund 1873 - .............................................. +Lilian Myers ........................................ 5 [3] Rosita Freund 1876 - .............................................. +[2] Henry Hoenigsberger 1866 - ........................................ 5 Ignatz Herman Freund 1876 - .............................................. +Lilly Baumgartel ........................................ 5 Sophie Freund 1878 - .............................................. +Edward Charles Schleckt ........................................ 5 Olinda Rodriquez Freund 1879 - .............................................. +Frank D. Purdy ........................................ 5 August Herman Freund 1880 - .............................................. +Jennette Altshuler ........................................ 5 Marie Constantine Freund 1882 - .............................................. +Gabriel L. Rosenberg ........................................ 5 Freund 1884 - ........................................ 5 Herbert Freund 1886 - 1886 ........................................ 5 Elenor Freund 1888 - .............................................. +Charles Klauber ........................................ 5 Cheri Sourdis Freund 1889 - .............................................. +Madeline Livingston ............................. 4 Adolph Freund 1847 - ................................... +Henrietta Neuman 1853 - 1911 ........................................ 5 Hugo Abraham Freund 1881 - .............................................. +Hortense Vivian Goldsmith 1885 - .................................................. 6 Mildred Lisette Freund .................................................. 6 Richard A. Freund .................................................. 6 Margaret Harriet Freund ............................. 4 Ernestina Freund 1849 - 1917 ................................... +Wilhelm May - 1910 ........................................ 5 Eugenia May 1869 - .............................................. +Alfred Schwartz ........................................ 5 Rosa May 1871 - .............................................. +Ben S. Meyerfeld ........................................ 5 Alfred May 1873 - .............................................. +Rosa Lekisch ........................................ 5 Julie May 1875 - .............................................. +Max Gage ........................................ 5 Carrie May 1877 - .............................................. +Oskah Pakusch ........................................ 5 Nellie May 1879 - .............................................. +Richard Kapauner ........................................ 5 Ida May 1883 - .............................................. +Wilhelm Senger ............................. 4 Ignatz A. Freund 1851 - 1913 ................................... +Katherine Kern ............................. 4 Joseph Freund 1852 - 1930 ................................... +Rosa Buchman 1862 - 1929 ........................................ 5 Hedwig Freund 1884 - .............................................. +Harry F. Herman 1882 - .................................................. 6 Lester Herman ........................................ 5 Meta Freund 1886 - .............................................. +Ernst Hamburger ........................................ 5 Ernst A. Freund 1892 - ............................. 4 Minna Freund 1854 - 1932 ................................... +Adolf Alkan 1850 - 1931 ........................................ 5 Reinhold Alkan 1878 - .............................................. +Hannah Loewenstein 1889 - .................................................. 6 Sonta Alkan .................................................. 6 Marianna Alkan ........................................ 5 Rosita Alkan 1882 - .............................................. +Albert Sachs 1876 - .................................................. 6 Hans Sachs .................................................. 6 Elsa Sachs ............................. 4 Cecilia Freund 1856 - 1858 ............................. 4 Rosa Freund 1859 - ................................... +Adolf Buchstein 1848 - 1920 ................... 3 Aron Hoenigsberger 1818 - ......................... +Lina Werthiemer 1833 - 1877 ............................. 4 Ignatz Hoenigsberger 1856 - 1856 ............................. 4 Max Hoenigsberger 1857 - ............................. 4 Heinrich Hoenigsberger 1859 - ................................... +Freida ........................................ 5 Henrietta Hoenigsberger 1834 - 1920 .............................................. +Leopold Loeb Lindner 1822 - 1901 .................................................. 6 Max Lindner 1861 - 1940 ........................................................ +Ida Pretzfelder 1873 - 1944 ............................................................. 7 Heinrich Henry Lindner 1894 - 1968 ................................................................... +Carola Hollaender 1904 - 1994 ........................................................................ 8 Lore Lindner .............................................................................. +Theodroe John Holmes .................................................................................. 9 Linda Carol Holmes ........................................................................................ +Michael Hemsley Wood ............................................................................................. 10 Andrew Hemsley Wood ............................................................................................. 10 Geoffrey Paul Wood .................................................................................. 9 David Michael Holmes ........................................................................................ +Florence Anne Hunter ............................................................................................. 10 Miriam Eleanor Holmes .................................................................................. 9 Susan Irene Holmes ........................................................................ 8 Margaret Lindner .............................................................................. +Harold Kahn .................................................................................. 9 Leslie Gail Kahn ........................................................................................ +Mitchell Tolep ............................................................................................. 10 Nicole Allison Tolep ............................................................................................. 10 Brian Scott Tolep .................................................................................. 9 Barbara Anne Kahn .................................................. 6 Rosa Lindner 1863 - 1942 .................................................. 6 Jenny Lindner 1864 - 1943 ........................................................ +Julius Haas 1852 - 1906 ............................................................. 7 Haas 1885 - 1885 ............................................................. 7 Martha Haas 1888 - 1943 ................................................................... +Albert Seelenberger 1882 - 1943 ........................................................................ 8 Margot Seelenberger .............................................................................. +Leo Rollmann - 1960 .................................................................................. 9 Son Rollmann ........................................................................ 8 Gustav Seelenberger ............................................................. 7 Grete Haas 1889 - 1920 ................................................................... +[1] Albert Walter 1888 - ............................................................. 7 Milly Haas 1898 - ................................................................... +[1] Albert Walter 1888 - ........................................................................ 8 Helga Walter 1928 - ............................................................. 7 Friedl Haas 1899 - 1943 ................................................................... +Theodor Salomon 1893 - 1943 ........................................................................ 8 Irene Salomon 1930 - 1943 .................................................. 6 Oskar Lindner 1866 - 1943 ........................................................ +Gertraud Feuchtwanger 1875 - 1929 ............................................................. 7 Herbert Lindner 1897 - 1989 ................................................................... +Mathilde Kocherthaler 1906 - 1997 ........................................................................ 8 Michael Lindner .............................................................................. +Miriam Stern .................................................................................. 9 Daniel Lindner .................................................................................. 9 Albert Lindner ........................................................................ 8 Meira Lindner .............................................................................. +John Carry ............................................................. 7 Leopold Lindner 1902 - 1940 ............................................................. 7 Berthold Lindner 1908 - 1977 ................................................................... +Tamar Weinreb ........................................................................ 8 Yael Lindner .............................................................................. +Israel Borovich .................................................................................. 9 Danna Borovich .................................................................................. 9 Borovich ........................................................................ 8 Nurit Lindner .............................................................................. +Asher Diamand .................................................. 6 Bertha Lindner 1867 - 1938 ........................................................ +Alfred Thurnauer 1857 - 1894 ............................................................. 7 Stefan Thurnauer 1890 - ............................................................. 7 Max Thurnauer 1892 - 1968 ................................................................... +Elfriede Schneck .................................................. 6 Hedwig Lindner 1869 - 1943 ........................................................ +Arnold Haas 1859 - 1931 ............................................................. 7 Leo Haas 1886 - ............................................................. 7 Irma Haas 1890 - 1977 ................................................................... +Solly Goldschmidt 1884 - 1974 ........................................................................ 8 Siegfried Goldschmidt .............................................................................. +Nadine Carter .................................................................................. 9 Robert Alan Smith ........................................................................................ +Karen Lynne Davis ............................................................................................. 10 Kenneth Alan Smith .................................................................................. 9 Anna Marie Smith ........................................................................................ +Kevin Joe Hansens ............................................................................................. 10 Rebecca Jo Hansens ............................................................................................. 10 Jessica Anne Hansens ............................................................. 7 Meta Haas 1892 - 1943 ................................................................... +Alfred Rawitsch 1887 - 1943 ........................................................................ 8 Joachim Rawitsch 1923 - 1928 ............................................................. 7 Justin Haas 1893 - 1971 ................................................................... +Babette Schumann 1904 - 1996 ........................................................................ 8 Ralph Haas .............................................................................. +Rita S. Marcus .................................................................................. 9 Jeffrey A. Haas .................................................................................. 9 Mark R. Haas .................................................................................. 9 Renee Haas .................................................. 6 Mathilde Lindner 1872 - 1945 ........................................................ +Jakob Riexinger - 1932 ............................................................. 7 Jenny Riexinger - 1900 ............................................................. 7 Frieda Riexinger ................................................................... +Phillip Lindner ........................................................................ 8 Heinz Lindner .............................................................................. +Lore .................................................. 6 Klara Lindner 1876 - 1957 ........................................................ +Louis Moses 1870 - 1949 ............................................................. 7 Greta Moses 1898 - ................................................................... +Josef Goldstein 1887 - 1938 ............................................................. 7 Martha Moses 1900 - 1992 ................................................................... +Hans Militzer ........................................................................ 8 Hannelore Militzer .............................................................................. +Marcel Noe 1923 - 1972 .................................................................................. 9 Michelle Leslie Noe ........................................................................................ +Jacek Superson .................................................................................. *2nd Husband of Michelle Leslie Noe: ........................................................................................ +Mitchell David Koch ............................................................................................. 10 Noah Marcel Koch ............................................................................................. 10 Sarah Martine Koch ............................................................. 7 Agnes Moses 1911 - ................................................................... +Werner Fraenkel 1910 - 1942 ............................. 4 Hoenigsberger 1862 - ............................. 4 Leo Hoenigsberger 1863 - 1889 ............................. 4 [2] Henry Hoenigsberger 1866 - ................................... +[3] Rosita Freund 1876 - ............................. 4 Sidonie Hoenigsberger 1867 - ............................. 4 Julie Hoenigsberger 1868 - ................................... +Mayer ............................. 4 Laura Hoenigsberger 1869 - ............................. 4 Ignatz Hoenigsberger 1870 - 1872 ............................. 4 Emil Hoenigsberger 1872 - 1890 ............................. 4 Max Hoenigsberger 1872 - 1954 ................................... +Else Goldstein ........................................ 5 Frank Holmes .............................................. +Thora McCloud .................................................. 6 Michael Holmes .................................................. 6 Brian Holmes .................................................. 6 Lesley Holmes ........................................ 5 Kurt Homberg 1914 - .............................................. +Ulla .................................................. 6 Ron Homberg .................................................. 6 Susan Homberg ................... 3 Bella Hoenigsberger 1821 - ......................... +Joseph Mandelbaum ................... 3 [30] Jette Hoenigsberger 1825 - 1866 ......................... +[29] Isaak Langermann 1821 - 1867 ............................. 4 [31] Rosalie Langermann 1857 - ................................... +[32] Neustadter ............................. 4 [33] August Langermann 1859 - ............................. 4 [34] Fritz Langermann 1861 - ............................. 4 [35] Marie Langermann 1863 - 1864 ............................. 4 [36] Rosette Langermann 1865 - ................................... +[37] Neustadter ............................. 4 [38] Jette Langermann 1867 - 1887 ................... 3 Isaak Hoenigsberger 1826 - ................... 3 Jakob Hoenigsberger 1829 - ............................. 4 Julius Hoenigsberger ............................. 4 Ludwig Hoenigsberger ............................. 4 Anton Hoenigsberger ............................. 4 Mathilde Hoenigsberger ............................. 4 Selma Hoenigsberger ................... 3 [55] Joseph Marum Hoenigsberger 1831 - 1912 ......................... +[54] Hannah Steinhardt 1834 - ............................. 4 [56] Julius Hoenigsberger 1858 - ............................. 4 [57] Sigmund Hoenigsberger 1859 - 1912 ............................. 4 [58] Isidor Hoenigsberger 1860 - 1936 ............................. 4 [59] Rosa Hoenigsberger 1861 - 1861 ............................. 4 [60] Ludwig Hoenigsberger 1862 - ............................. 4 [61] Mathilde Hoenigsberger 1863 - ................................... +[62] Simon Fleischmann ............................. 4 [63] Martin Hoenigsberger 1865 - 1866 ............................. 4 [64] Anton Hoenigsberger 1867 - ............................. 4 [65] Selma Hoenigsberger 1875 - 1939 ................................... +[66] Abraham Eisemann 1869 - 1939 ........................................ 5 [67] Ida Eisemann 1900 - .............................................. +[68] Krailsheimer .................................................. 6 [69] Ruth Krailsheimer 1925 - .................................................. 6 [70] Kurt Krailsheimer 1926 - ........................................ 5 [4] Martha Eisemann 1902 - .............................................. +[5] Simon Steinhardt ........................................ 5 [71] Lilly Eisemann 1906 - 1976 ........ 2 Gella Steinhardt 1783 - 1869 .............. +Moses Nathan Reichenberger 1768 - 1835 ................... 3 Fradel Reichenberger 1802 - 1876 ......................... +Hennoch Jacob Hoenigsberger 1798 - 1868 ............................. 4 Lea Hoenigsberger 1825 - ............................. 4 Jachet Hoenigsberger 1834 - ................................... +Fradel Reitberger ............................. 4 Semele Sophie Hoenigsberger 1835 - 1903 ............................. 4 Sara Hoenigsberger 1838 - 1917 ................................... +Baruch Wilmersdoerfer 1837 - 1905 ........................................ 5 Rosa Wilmersdoerfer 1862 - 1912 .................................................. 6 [13] Selma Wilmersdoerfer ........................................................ +[12] Max Zeilberger 1891 - ........................................ 5 Clementine Wilmersdoerfer 1863 - 1863 ........................................ 5 Samson Wilmersdoerfer 1865 - 1933 .............................................. +Frieda Bildstein 1867 - 1916 .................................................. 6 Hugo Siegfried Wilmersdoerfer 1893 - 1914 .................................................. 6 Rosa Wilmersdoerfer 1895 - 1947 ........................................................ +Max Hahn 1894 - 1942 ............................................................. 7 Kurt Hahn 1920 - ................................................................... +Elenore Altbaier ........................................................................ 8 Tara Hahn 1947 - .............................................................................. +Don Flynn .................................................................................. 9 Jon Flynn 1979 - ........................................................................ 8 Bonnie Hahn 1949 - .............................................................................. +John Sauter .................................................................................. 9 Daniel Sauter 1976 - ........................................................................ 8 Renee Hahn 1957 - .............................................................................. +Ted Sturm ............................................................. 7 Bruno Hahn 1922 - .................................................. 6 Josef Wilmersdoerfer 1899 - 1942 ........................................................ +Frances Bing 1903 - 1942 ............................................................. 7 Peter Wilmersdoerfer 1933 - 1942 .................................................. 6 Martin Wilmersdoerfer 1901 - 1983 ........................................................ +Paula Loewenthal 1902 - 1931 .................................................. *2nd Wife of Martin Wilmersdoerfer: ........................................................ +Ilse Loewenthal 1910 - 1983 ............................................................. 7 Steven Wilmersdoerfer 1935 - ................................................................... +Helen Wolfsohn 1938 - ........................................................................ 8 Alan Wilmersdoerfer 1959 - ........................................................................ 8 Kenneth Wilmersdoerfer 1960 - ........................................................................ 8 Lisa Wilmersdoerfer 1964 - .................................................. 6 Berta Wilmersdoerfer 1902 - 1943 ........................................................ +Moritz Fernich 1896 - 1943 ............................................................. 7 Marion Fernich 1931 - ................................................................... +Milton Newman 1930 - ........................................................................ 8 Mark Newman 1962 - ........................................................................ 8 Jeffrey Newman 1965 - ........................................................................ 8 Toby Newman 1968 - ........................................................................ 8 Eric Newman 1971 - ........................................ *2nd Wife of Samson Wilmersdoerfer: .............................................. +Betty Kleemann 1909 - 1942 ........................................ 5 Max Wilmersdoerfer 1867 - 1867 ........................................ 5 Betti Wilmersdoerfer 1868 - 1942 .............................................. +Hugo Kahn 1852 - 1913 ........................................ 5 Clothilde Wilmersdoerfer 1869 - 1971 .............................................. +David Frank - 1937 .................................................. 6 Hermann Frank 1903 - 1956 ........................................................ +Ruth Lion .................................................. 6 Irma Frank 1904 - 1968 ........................................................ +Goerge Tuzenew - 1976 ........................................ 5 Sophie Wilmersdoerfer 1870 - 1871 ........................................ 5 Hugo Wilmersdoerfer 1872 - 1942 .............................................. +Karoline Sichel 1887 - 1942 .................................................. 6 Sidonie Wilmersdoerfer 1923 - 1940 ........................................ 5 Josef Wilmersdoerfer 1873 - 1945 .............................................. +Lina Weglein 1879 - 1963 .................................................. 6 Robert Wilmers 1902 - 1972 ........................................................ +Ilse Boehm 1912 - .................................................. 6 Bert Wilmers 1903 - ........................................................ +Babette Spitz 1922 - .................................................. 6 Herbert Wilmers 1907 - 1945 ........................................................ +Betty Rosenbaum ............................................................. 7 Shirley Wilmers 1942 - ................................................................... +Mark Rochkind 1939 - ........................................................................ 8 William Rochkind 1965 - ........................................................................ 8 Tara Rochkind 1967 - ............................................................. 7 Herbert Wilmers 1946 - ................................................................... +Rita Desperack 1946 - ............................................................. *2nd Wife of Herbert Wilmers: ................................................................... +Lopes Angela 1947 - ........................................................................ 8 Randy Wilmers 1972 - ........................................................................ 8 Jessica Wilmers 1977 - .................................................. 6 Herta Wilmers 1915 - .................................................. 6 Ernest Wilmers 1918 - ........................................................ +Herta Freimann 1919 - ............................................................. 7 Carol Wilmers 1944 - ................................................................... +Donald Kalen 1942 - ........................................................................ 8 Jill Kalen 1967 - ........................................................................ 8 Lisa Kalen 1977 - ............................................................. 7 Norma Wilmers 1948 - ................................................................... +Chris Chacona 1948 - ........................................................................ 8 Jesse Chacona 1976 - ........................................................................ 8 Damien Chacona 1979 - ........................................ 5 Jacob Wilmersdoerfer 1874 - 1933 .............................................. +Emma Fleischmann 1883 - 1941 .................................................. 6 Erna Wilmersdoerfer 1914 - 1988 .................................................. 6 Gertrude Wilmersdoerfer 1915 - ........................................................ +Karl Heinz Cukier .................................................. 6 Hedwig Wilmersdoerfer 1916 - 1960 .................................................. 6 Richard Wilmersdoerfer 1919 - 1988 ........................................................ +Sylvia Gordon 1926 - 1955 ........................................ 5 Max Wilmersdoerfer 1876 - 1914 .............................................. +Selma Marx 1880 - .................................................. 6 Justin Wilmersdoerfer 1905 - .................................................. 6 Walter Wilmersdoerfer 1909 - ........................................ 5 Frieda Wilmersdoerfer 1877 - 1942 .............................................. +Marcus Rosenfeld 1878 - 1942 .................................................. 6 Selma Rosenfeld - 1942 ........................................................ +Max Zeilberger ........................................ 5 Alfred Wilmersdoerfer 1878 - 1939 .............................................. +Selma Kraemer 1886 - 1942 .................................................. 6 Ruth Wilmersdoerfer 1919 - ........................................................ +Everitt Sheldon 1915 - .................................................. *2nd Husband of Ruth Wilmersdoerfer: ........................................................ +Braun 1920 - ............................................................. 7 Eric Stephen Brown 1945 - ................................................................... +Karen Kaye Kimball 1947 - ........................................................................ 8 Allison Kimball Brown 1986 - ........................................................................ 8 Jillian Kimball Brown 1989 - ............................................................. 7 Sandra Rae Brown 1947 - 1948 ............................................................. 7 Rodney Alan Brown 1949 - ............................................................. 7 Craig Stuart Brown 1952 - ............................................................. 7 Victoria Mae Brown 1954 - ............................. 4 Moses Hirsch Hoenigsberger 1842 - 1943 ............................. 4 Joseph Hannoch Hoenigsberger 1845 - ................................... +Zerline Oppenheimer 1852 - ........................................ 5 Heinrich Hoenigsberger 1871 - ........................................ 5 Julie Hoenigsberger 1874 - <font color="red"> ................... 3 Jette Reichenberger 1807 - 1888 <font color="blue">[4]</font> ......................... +Salomon Tuchmann 1808 - 1875 <font color="blue">[2, 4] 3rd child of Marx Tuchman (born Mordechai Josef Levi), Bayersdorf, 1774 - Uhlfeld 1850 and Mirjam / Marianne Engelmann, Floss, 1780 - Uhlfeld, 1858; she being the daughter of Joseph Marum Englemann and Heindel Babette [Unknown]; i myself am a direct descendent of Salomon Tuchmann's older sister Gella Levi, also known as Gella Tuchmann, Karoline Tuchmann, Karoline Mandelbaum, and Karoline Hopf.</font> ............................. 4 Josef Tuchmann 1833 - 1892 <font color="blue">[4, 19]</font> ................................... +Fanny Dessauer 1840 - 1914 <font color="blue">[19]</font> ........................................ 5 Max Josef Tuchmann 1859 - .............................................. +Lina Rosenwald 1867 - .................................................. 6 Hans Siegmund Tuchmann 1889 - ........................................................ +Marie Anna Von Seidlein 1890 - ............................................................. 7 Anna Marie Tuchmann ............................................................. 7 Agnes Antoinie Tuchmann ............................................................. 7 Gotthelf Max Lorenz Tuchmann ............................................................. 7 Brigitte Wilhemine Tuchmann .................................................. 6 Rudolf Max Tuchmann 1891 - 1891 .................................................. 6 Alice Emmy Tuchmann 1893 - ........................................................ +Walter Hans Krakenberger 1886 - 1944 ............................................................. 7 Max Kurt Krakenberger ............................................................. 7 Franz Krakenberger ............................................................. 7 Willi Krakenberger ............................................................. 7 Fritz Krakenberger ............................................................. 7 Herbert Krakenberger ........................................ 5 Jenny Tuchmann 1860 - 1869 ........................................ 5 Oskar Tuchmann 1862 - 1869 ........................................ 5 Richard Tuchmann 1864 - .............................................. +Lina Heidenheimer 1869 - 1942 .................................................. 6 Else Tuchmann 1891 - 1939 ........................................................ +Martin Kohn 1877 - 1942 ............................................................. 7 Edith Kate Kohn .................................................. 6 Emmy Martha Tuchmann 1894 - ........................................................ +Paul Wohl 1887 - ............................................................. 7 Heinz Ignaz Wohl ........................................ 5 Clara Tuchmann 1872 - .............................................. +Friedrich Rosenfeld 1863 - 1921 .................................................. 6 Lilli Julie Rosenfeld 1892 - ........................................................ +Hans Lessing 1879 - ............................................................. 7 Erich Hans Lessing ............................................................. 7 Walter Benno Lessing ............................. 4 Fanny Tuchmann 1835 - 1836 <font color="blue">[4]</font> ............................. 4 Ernst Tuchmann 1836 - 1917 <font color="blue">[4, 20]</font> ................................... +Flora Kohn 1841 - ........................................ 5 Georg Max Tuchmann 1862 - ........................................ 5 Albert Tuchmann 1866 - 1903 ........................................ 5 Mathilde Tuchmann 1867 - 1868 ............................. 4 Maro Tuchmann 1838 - 1902 <font color="blue">[4, 21]]</font> ................................... +Olga Menz 1849 - 1900 ........................................ 5 Marion Tuchmann 1871 - .............................................. +Leopold Weil 1862 - ........................................ 5 Herbert Salomon Tuchmann 1877 - ........................................ 5 Alice Tuchmann 1877 - .............................................. +Arthur Schiff 1866 - .................................................. 6 Leonard Maro Schiff .................................................. 6 Monica Olga Schiff ............................. 4 Sara Tuchmann 1840 - 1841 <font color="blue">[4]</font> ............................. 4 Friedrich Tuchmann 1841 - 1916 <font color="blue">[4, 22]</font> ................................... +Karoline Obermeyer 1849 - 1903 ........................................ 5 Marie Tuchmann 1871 - 1942 .............................................. +Arthur Guldmann 1866 - .................................................. 6 Carl Sally Guldmann 1892 - .................................................. 6 Oskar Friedrich Guldmann 1896 - .................................................. 6 Edwin Ludwig Guldmann 1901 - 1941 ........................................ 5 [7] Paul Michael Tuchmann 1872 - 1917 .............................................. +[6] Emmy Sofie Hirschhorn 1875 - .................................................. 6 [8] Walter Tuchmann .................................................. 6 [9] Franz Tuchmann .................................................. 6 [10] Friedrich Tuchmann 1898 - 1899 .................................................. 6 [11] Erich Tuchmann 1899 - ........................................ 5 Otto Manfred Tuchmann 1873 - .............................................. +Grete Dessauer 1883 - .................................................. 6 Karoline Grete Tuchmann .................................................. 6 Ernst Sebastian Ludwig Tuchmann .................................................. 6 Anna Dora Tuchmann .................................................. 6 Friedrich Carl Tuchmann ........................................ 5 Siegfried Tuchmann 1876 - 1882 ........................................ 5 Betty Tuchmann 1880 - 1881 ........................................ 5 Eugen Tuchmann 1881 - .............................................. +Elisabeth Straub 1894 - .................................................. 6 Hella Tuchmann .................................................. 6 Herbert Paul Carl Tuchmann ............................. 4 Amalie Tuchmann 1843 - 1843 <font color="blue">[4]</font> ............................. 4 Helena Tuchmann 1844 - 1845 <font color="blue">[4]</font> ............................. 4 Martin Tuchmann 1846 - 1875 <font color="blue">[4]</font> ............................. 4 Heinrich Tuchmann 1846 - 1891 <font color="blue">[4, 23]</font> ................................... +Marie Hopf 1858 - 1911 ........................................ 5 Ella Tuchmann 1880 - .............................................. +Michael Feis 1870 - .................................................. 6 Hermann Feis ........................................ 5 Paula Sophie Tuchmann 1884 - .............................................. +Julius Sinauer 1881 - .................................................. 6 Eva Marie Sinauer .................................................. 6 Ernst Max Sinauer ........................................ 5 Gertrude Sofie Tuchmann 1885 - .............................................. +Bernhard Bing 1876 - .................................................. 6 Anna Bing .................................................. 6 Dora Marie Bing ........................................ 5 Martin Tuchmann 1888 - .............................................. +Anna Lauinger 1896 - .................................................. 6 Erika Tuchmann ............................. 4 Emil Tuchmann 1847 - 1889 <font color="blue">[4]</font> ............................. 4 Betty Tuchmann 1850 - 1912 <font color="blue">[4, 24]</font> ................................... +Friedrich Hermann Hirschhorn 1845 - 1908 ........................................ 5 Franz Carl Hirschhorn 1872 - 1942 .............................................. +Ilona Schweitzer 1874 - ........................................ 5 [6] Emmy Sofie Hirschhorn 1875 - .............................................. +[7] Paul Michael Tuchmann 1872 - 1917 .................................................. 6 [8] Walter Tuchmann .................................................. 6 [9] Franz Tuchmann .................................................. 6 [10] Friedrich Tuchmann 1898 - 1899 .................................................. 6 [11] Erich Tuchmann 1899 - ........................................ 5 Anna Luise Hirschhorn 1879 - 1941 .............................................. +Carl Neumeyer 1869 - .................................................. 6 Alfred Neumeyer .................................................. 6 Fritz Neumeyer ........................................ 5 Martin Hirschhorn 1881 - .............................................. +Frieda Gans 1889 - .................................................. 6 Harry Hirschhorn .................................................. 6 Fritz Hirschhorn </font> ................... 3 Nathan Reichenberger 1808 - 1885 ......................... +Zortel Ploch 1812 - ............................. 4 Franziska Reichenberger 1838 - 1892 ................................... +Hirsch Englaender ........................................ 5 Rosalie Englaender 1860 - ........................................ 5 Max Englaender 1861 - ........................................ 5 Chlothilde Englaender 1864 - ............................. 4 August Reichenberger 1840 - 1901 ................................... +Therese Freundlich 1849 - ........................................ 5 Eugen Reichenberger 1870 - ............................. 4 Emil Reichenberger 1841 - 1843 ............................. 4 Heinrich Reichenberger 1844 - 1845 ............................. 4 Sigmund Reichenberger 1845 - 1845 ............................. 4 Sabine Reichenberger 1847 - ................................... +Ignatz Lang ............................. 4 Emilie Reichenberger 1848 - ................................... +Max Buchmann ............................. 4 Mathilde Reichenberger 1850 - 1865 ............................. 4 Max Reichenberger 1851 - ............................. 4 Theodor Reichenberger 1853 - 1860 ................... 3 Therese Reichenberger 1810 - 1843 ................... 3 Bella Reichenberger 1811 - ......................... +Salomon Moses Wiener 1803 - 1867 ............................. 4 Nathan Wiener 1834 - ................................... +Julie Bruell ........................................ 5 Babette Wiener 1864 - ........................................ 5 Anna Wiener 1865 - ............................. 4 Henriette Wiener 1840 - ................................... +Heinrich Stockheim ............................. 4 Emilie Wiener 1844 - 1914 ................................... +Wilhelm Boskowitz 1839 - 1910 ........................................ 5 Karl Boskowitz 1864 - ........................................ 5 Leo Boskowitz 1866 - ........................................ 5 Otto Boskowitz 1870 - ............................. 4 Anton Wiener 1847 - ............................. 4 Simon Wiener 1848 - 1900 ............................. 4 Maximilian Wiener 1850 - ............................. 4 Marie Wiener 1852 - 1940 ................................... +Rechtsanwalt Buchmann ............................. 4 Richard Wiener 1853 - 1890 ................... 3 Abraham Reichenberger 1814 - ................... 3 Semele Reichenberger 1815 - 1888 ......................... +Isaak Moses Bloch 1814 - 1877 ............................. 4 Nathan Bloch 1843 - 1844 ............................. 4 Anton Bloch 1845 - ............................. 4 Jakob Oskar Bloch 1847 - ............................. 4 Moritz Edmund Bloch 1848 - ............................. 4 [15] Veronika Bloch 1850 - 1897 ................................... +[14] Aron Arnold Hoenigsberger 1843 - 1916 ........................................ 5 [16] Selma Hoenigsberger 1874 - ........................................ 5 [17] Freidrich Hoenigsberger 1875 - ........................................ 5 [18] Otto Hoenigsberger 1877 - .............................................. +[19] Esther Freudenberg 1883 - ........................................ 5 [20] Justin Hoenigsberger 1879 - ........................................ 5 [21] Hedwig Hoenigsberger 1880 - ........................................ 5 [22] Emma Hoenigsberger 1886 - ............................. 4 Bertha Bloch 1851 - ............................. 4 Betti Bloch 1854 - ................................... +Siegrfried Dinkelsbuehler 1843 - ............................. 4 Alphons Robert Bloch 1856 - 1856 ............................. 4 Jenny Bloch 1859 - ........ 2 Scheyer Isaak Steinhardt 1783 - 1849 .............. +Miriam Rosenstein 1789 - ................... 3 [40] Nathan Steinhardt 1815 - ......................... +[39] Guettel Karoline Steinhardt 1832 - 1916 ............................. 4 [41] Isidor Steinhardt 1851 - ............................. 4 [42] Sigmund Steinhardt 1854 - ............................. 4 [43] Sophie Steinhardt 1856 - ................................... +[44] Jakob Weldler ............................. 4 [45] Veronika Steinhardt 1857 - 1935 ................................... +[46] Zeilberger ........................................ 5 [12] Max Zeilberger 1891 - .............................................. +[13] Selma Wilmersdoerfer ............................. 4 [47] Jakob Steinhardt 1859 - 1935 ............................. 4 [48] Max Steinhardt 1861 - 1936 ................................... +[49] Betty Hermann 1875 - ........................................ 5 [50] Norbert Steinhardt 1901 - ........................................ 5 [51] Erna Steinhardt 1909 - 1971 ............................. 4 [52] Ignatz Steinhardt 1862 - 1863 ............................. 4 [53] Abraham Steinhardt 1865 - 1883 ................... 3 Bella Steinhardt 1816 - 1867 ......................... +Isaak Lazarus Boskowitz 1806 - 1864 ............................. 4 Nathan Boskowitz 1838 - ................................... +Hermina Meyer 1850 - ............................. 4 Abraham Boskowitz 1840 - ............................. 4 Feist Boskowitz 1842 - ............................. 4 Max Boskowitz 1844 - ................................... +Lina Gutmann ............................. 4 Moritz Boskowitz 1846 - ................... 3 Jakob Steinhardt 1820 - ................... 3 Rebekka Steinhardt 1822 - ................... 3 Fradel Steinhardt 1824 - ................... 3 Abraham Steinhardt 1829 - ................... 3 Raphael Steinhardt 1830 - ................... 3 [24] Esther Jetta Steinhardt 1832 - ......................... +[23] Jesaias Scheyer Engelmann 1819 - 1885 ............................. 4 [25] Lina Engelmann 1857 - 1919 ................................... +[26] Jakob Jacob Steinacher ........................................ 5 Fritz Steinacher 1878 - 1931 .......................................... +Selma Oberdorfer Steinacher 1880 - 1949 ............................................... 6 Hans Stenacher 1910 - 1964 ................................................. +Charlotte Hahn Steinacher c. 1910 - ........................................ 5 Justin Steinacher 1882 - 1945 .......................................... +Elsbeth Wilmersdoerffer Steinacher 1893 - 1943 ............................................... 6 Liselotte Steinacher Taussig 1920 - 2006 .......................................... +Mathilde (Tilly) Oppenheimer Steinacher 1888 - 1915 ............................................... 6 Otto Heinz (Henry) Steinacher 1911 - 1957 ............................. 4 [27] Maier Engelmann 1859 - ............................. 4 [28] Marie Engelmann 1860 - 1867 ................... 3 Guetl Steinhardt 1835 - - <font color="red"> ........ 2 Edel Steinhardt 1791 - 1873 .............. +Marum Joseph Engelmann 1785 - 1857 </font><font color="blue"> Here is another Steinhardt marriage to my ancestral line -- this time to Marum Josef Engelmann, my fifth great uncle, the younger brother of my fifth great-grandmother Miriam Marianne Engelmann Tuchmann, Floss, 1780 - Uhlfeld, 1858;</font><font color="red"> ................... 3 Salomon Engelmann 1812 - ................... 3 Miriam Engelmann 1814 - ......................... +Salomon Hoenigsberger 1800 - 1860 ............................. 4 Joseph Salomon Hoenigsberger 1836 - 1907 ................................... +Karolina Friedmann 1837 - 1873 ............................. 4 Ignatz Hoenigsberger 1839 - ............................. 4 [14] Aron Arnold Hoenigsberger 1843 - 1916 ................................... +[15] Veronika Bloch 1850 - 1897 ........................................ 5 [16] Selma Hoenigsberger 1874 - ........................................ 5 [17] Freidrich Hoenigsberger 1875 - ........................................ 5 [18] Otto Hoenigsberger 1877 - .............................................. +[19] Esther Freudenberg 1883 - ........................................ 5 [20] Justin Hoenigsberger 1879 - ........................................ 5 [21] Hedwig Hoenigsberger 1880 - ........................................ 5 [22] Emma Hoenigsberger 1886 - ................... 3 Lea Engelmann 1816 - ................... 3 [23] Jesaias Scheyer Engelmann 1819 - 1885 ......................... +[24] Esther Jetta Steinhardt 1832 - ............................. 4 [25] Lina Engelmann 1857 - ................................... +[26] Jakob Steinacher ............................. 4 [27] Maier Engelmann 1859 - ............................. 4 [28] Marie Engelmann 1860 - 1867 ................... 3 Joseph Engelmann 1820 - ................... 3 Fradel Engelmann 1822 - ................... 3 Lippmann Engelmann 1824 - ................... 3 Isaak Engelmann 1826 - ................... 3 Bella Engelmann 1828 - ................... 3 Gella Engelmann 1828 - </font> ........ 2 Semele Steinhardt 1791 - 1875 .............. +Liebmann Aron Hoenigsberger - 1814 ................... 3 Bella Hoenigsberger 1811 - ......................... +Aron Boskowitz 1803 - ............................. 4 Loeb Leopold Boskowitz 1832 - ............................. 4 Edel Boskowitz 1834 - ............................. 4 Joseph Boskowitz 1835 - ............................. 4 Isaak Boskowitz 1837 - ............................. 4 Bella Boskowitz 1839 - ............................. 4 Miriam Boskowitz 1841 - ............................. 4 Aron Boskowitz 1842 - ................... 3 Jakob Lippmann Hoenigsberger 1813 - 1863 ......................... +Bella Boskowitz 1816 - 1863 ............................. 4 Mathilde Hoenigsberger 1842 - 1846 ............................. 4 Charlotte Hoenigsberger 1844 - ............................. 4 Emma Hoenigsberger 1847 - ................................... +Otto Herz 1835 - ............................. 4 Louis Hoenigsberger 1850 - 1860 ............................. 4 Mathilde Hoenigsberger 1854 - 1923 ................................... +Adolph Schluesselblum ........................................ 5 Marie Schluesselblum .............................................. +Richard Rosenthal .................................................. 6 Fritz Rosenthal 1913 - ........................................ 5 Luise Schluesselblum ........................................ 5 Richard Schluesselblum ............................. 4 Alfred Hoenigsberger 1858 - 1942 ................................... +Therese Sternfeld 1866 - 1942 ........................................ 5 Ernst Hoenigsberger ........................................ 5 Beila Hoenigsberger .............................................. +Czekau .................................................. 6 Ingeborg Czekau ........ *2nd Husband of Semele Steinhardt: .............. +Loew Joel Langermann 1790 - 1875 ................... 3 Salomon Loew Langermann 1820 - 1877 ......................... +Auguste Guggenheimer 1822 - ............................. 4 Friederike Langermann 1850 - ................................... +Max Erlanger ............................. 4 Julius Langermann 1853 - ............................. 4 Bertha Langermann 1855 - 1872 ............................. 4 Emil Langermann 1857 - 1860 ............................. 4 Max Langermann 1859 - ............................. 4 Rosa Langermann 1861 - 1865 ............................. 4 Charlotte Langermann 1863 - 1933 ................................... +Josef Solomon Thannhauser 1856 - 1915 ........................................ 5 Siegfried Joseph Thannhauser 1885 - 1962 .............................................. +Franziska Reiner 1889 - 1960 .................................................. 6 Maria Anastasia Josepha Thannhauser 1919 - ........................................................ +Bernard Dunau 1920 - 1975 ............................................................. 7 Mark Dunau 1952 - ................................................................... +Lisa Wujnovich ........................................................................ 8 Bera Ben Dunau 1988 - ........................................................................ 8 Shane Nicole Dunau 1991 - ............................................................. 7 Frank Dunau 1955 - ................................................................... +Amy Robin Davis ........................................................................ 8 David Max Dunau 1995 - ........................................................................ 8 Lindsay Michelle Dunau 1997 - ............................................................. 7 Mitzi Dunau 1958 - ................................................................... +Norman Sherman ........................................................................ 8 Benjamin Joseph Sherman 1988 - ........................................................................ 8 Max Aaron Sherman 1991 - ........................................................................ 8 Sam Eli Sherman 1994 - ............................................................. 7 Andrew Dunau 1959 - ................................................................... +Robin Marks ........................................................................ 8 Peter Nicholas Dunau 1988 - ........................................................................ 8 Casey Samuel Dunau 1993 - .................................................. 6 Gertrude Theresa Thannhauser 1921 - ........................................................ +George Beyer 1919 - ............................................................. 7 Margaret Leidy Beyer 1948 - ................................................................... +Robert A. Knisely ........................................................................ 8 Lindsay Knisely 1977 - ........................................................................ 8 Laura Knisely 1980 - ............................................................. 7 Joseph Thannhauser Beyer 1951 - ................................................................... +Sylvia Page ............................................................. *2nd Wife of Joseph Thannhauser Beyer: ................................................................... +Georgia Wechner ........................................................................ 8 Jessica Thannhauser Beyer 1990 - ............................................................. 7 Lawrence Austin Beyer 1956 - ................................................................... +Kate M. Newgarden ........................................................................ 8 Ella Beyer 1989 - ........................................................................ 8 George Beyer 1992 - .................................................. 6 Margarethe Maria Charlotte Thannhauser 1924 - ........................................................ +Lawrence Shipley Munson 1920 - ............................................................. 7 Catherine Kitty Anne Munson 1950 - ................................................................... +Henry Bethe 1944 - ........................................................................ 8 Paul Munson Bethe 1978 - ............................................................. 7 Shipley John Munson 1958 - ................................................................... +Erika Peterson 1959 - ............................. 4 Karoline Langermann 1865 - 1942 ................................... +Albert Thannhauser 1861 - 1915 ........................................ 5 Josephine Thannhauser - 1943 ........................................ 5 Bella Thannhauser .............................................. +Frank Wirtz .................................................. 6 Lisolette Wirtz ........................................................ +Zvi Werblonsky ............................................................. 7 Naama Werblonsky ............................................................. 7 Noah Werblonsky ............................................................. 7 Jessica Werblonsky ............................................................. 7 Jonathan Werblonsky ............................. 4 Jakob Langermann 1866 - ............................. 4 Isidor Langermann 1868 - ................... 3 [29] Isaak Langermann 1821 - 1867 ......................... +[30] Jette Hoenigsberger 1825 - 1866 ............................. 4 [31] Rosalie Langermann 1857 - ................................... +[32] Neustadter ............................. 4 [33] August Langermann 1859 - ............................. 4 [34] Fritz Langermann 1861 - ............................. 4 [35] Marie Langermann 1863 - 1864 ............................. 4 [36] Rosette Langermann 1865 - ................................... +[37] Neustadter ............................. 4 [38] Jette Langermann 1867 - 1887 ................... 3 Wolf Langermann 1823 - ................... 3 Fradel Langermann 1824 - ................... 3 Moses Langermann 1830 - ................... 3 Rivka Langermann 1831 - 1891 ......................... +Aron Bomeisler 1822 - 1898 ............................. 4 Jalob Bomeisler 1855 - ............................. 4 Eugen Bomeisler 1856 - ............................. 4 Regine Bomeisler 1858 - ................................... +Moses Hechinger ........................................ 5 Julius Joseph Hechinger ........................................ 5 Alfred Hechinger ............................. 4 Emilie Bomeisler 1859 - ................................... +Zimmer ............................. 4 Moritz Bomeisler 1865 - 1868 ............................. 4 Bertha Bomeisler 1867 - ................................... +Anton Bloch 1866 - ........................................ 5 Adolf Bloch ........................................ 5 Minnie Bloch .............................................. +Theodore Oppenheimer ............................. 4 Karl Bomeisler 1872 - ........ 2 Abraham Isaak Steinhardt 1793 - 1863 .............. +Miriam Hoenigsberger 1801 - 1882 ................... 3 Semele Steinhardt 1820 - 1870 ......................... +Samuel Moses Bloch 1816 - 1890 ............................. 4 Moritz Bloch 1848 - 1848 ............................. 4 Salomon Bloch 1849 - ............................. 4 Sophie Bloch 1849 - ............................. 4 Jessias Bloch 1850 - ............................. 4 Jonas Bloch 1851 - ............................. 4 Rebekka Bloch 1853 - ............................. 4 Babette Bloch 1854 - ............................. 4 Therese Mathilde Bloch 1861 - 1862 ............................. 4 Jakob Bloch 1863 - ................... 3 Bella Steinhardt 1828 - ................... 3 [39] Guettel Karoline Steinhardt 1832 - 1916 ......................... +[40] Nathan Steinhardt 1815 - ............................. 4 [41] Isidor Steinhardt 1851 - ............................. 4 [42] Sigmund Steinhardt 1854 - ............................. 4 [43] Sophie Steinhardt 1856 - ................................... +[44] Jakob Weldler ............................. 4 [45] Veronika Steinhardt 1857 - 1935 ................................... +[46] Zeilberger ........................................ 5 [12] Max Zeilberger 1891 - .............................................. +[13] Selma Wilmersdoerfer ............................. 4 [47] Jakob Steinhardt 1859 - 1935 ............................. 4 [48] Max Steinhardt 1861 - 1936 ................................... +[49] Betty Hermann 1875 - ........................................ 5 [50] Norbert Steinhardt 1901 - ........................................ 5 [51] Erna Steinhardt 1909 - 1971 ............................. 4 [52] Ignatz Steinhardt 1862 - 1863 ............................. 4 [53] Abraham Steinhardt 1865 - 1883 ................... 3 Aron Steinhardt 1833 - 1861 ................... 3 [54] Hannah Steinhardt 1834 - ......................... +[55] Joseph Marum Hoenigsberger 1831 - 1912 ............................. 4 [56] Julius Hoenigsberger 1858 - ............................. 4 [57] Sigmund Hoenigsberger 1859 - 1912 ............................. 4 [58] Isidor Hoenigsberger 1860 - 1936 ............................. 4 [59] Rosa Hoenigsberger 1861 - 1861 ............................. 4 [60] Ludwig Hoenigsberger 1862 - ............................. 4 [61] Mathilde Hoenigsberger 1863 - ................................... +[62] Simon Fleischmann ............................. 4 [63] Martin Hoenigsberger 1865 - 1866 ............................. 4 [64] Anton Hoenigsberger 1867 - ............................. 4 [65] Selma Hoenigsberger 1875 - 1939 ................................... +[66] Abraham Eisemann 1869 - 1939 ........................................ 5 [67] Ida Eisemann 1900 - .............................................. +[68] Krailsheimer .................................................. 6 [69] Ruth Krailsheimer 1925 - .................................................. 6 [70] Kurt Krailsheimer 1926 - ........................................ 5 [4] Martha Eisemann 1902 - .............................................. +[5] Simon Steinhardt ........................................ 5 [71] Lilly Eisemann 1906 - 1976 ................... 3 Joseph Steinhardt 1835 - 1878 ......................... +Sophie Oppenheimer 1833 - ............................. 4 Adolph Steinhardt 1864 - ............................. 4 Max Steinhardt 1866 - 1923 ................................... +Emma Hermann 1876 - ........................................ 5 Joseph Steinhardt 1905 - ........................................ 5 Julia Steinhardt 1908 - ........................................ 5 Martha Steinhardt 1914 - ............................. 4 Julius Steinhardt 1868 - ............................. 4 Jette Steinhardt 1869 - 1918 ................................... +Henry Levy ............................. 4 Rosa Steinhardt 1871 - ................... 3 Isaak Steinhardt 1836 - 1913 ................... 3 Sara Steinhardt 1837 - ................... 3 [72] Essias Steinhardt 1840 - 1880 ......................... +[73] Sabina Weiss 1842 - 1920 ............................. 4 [74] August Steinhardt 1868 - 1936 ................................... +[75] Bella Neumark ........................................ 5 [5] Simon Steinhardt .............................................. +[4] Martha Eisemann 1902 - ............................. 4 [76] Ignatz Steinhardt 1869 - 1933 ................................... +[77] Henny Wertheimer 1882 - 1942 ........................................ 5 [78] Paula Steinhardt 1905 - ........................................ 5 [79] Dora Steinhardt 1912 - ............................. 4 [80] Martin Steinhardt 1871 - 1928 ................................... +[81] Bertha Schlossmann 1882 - ........................................ 5 [82] Sigbert Steinhardt 1909 - 1941 ........................................ 5 [83] Lise Steinhardt 1910 - ........................................ 5 [84] Nellie Steinhardt 1913 - 1985 ............................. 4 [85] Frieda Steinhardt 1872 - 1873 ................... 3 Jette Steinhardt 1842 - 1903 ................... 3 Raphael Rudolph Steinhardt 1845 - 1927 ......................... +Sophie Steinhardt ............................. 4 Alfred Steinhardt ............................. 4 Franz Steinhardt ............................. 4 Karl Steinhardt </pre> <!-- Bottom Links - Category: catherineyronwode --> <p> <center><img src="" align="bottom" height="13" hspace="0" vspace="0" width="500"></center> <p> <a href=""> <img src="" align="left" border="0" height="31" hspace="25" vspace="0" width="61"> </a> copyright (c) 1995-2009 catherine yronwode. All rights reserved. <br> Send your comments to: <a href=""><b>cat yronwode</b></a>. <p> <center><img src="" align="bottom" height="13" hspace="0" vspace="0" width="500"></center> <p> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="center"> <center> <a href=""> <img src="" border="0" height="70" width="70"></a> </center> <img src="" vspace="5"> </td> <td valign="top"> <b> <center> This is a personal web site for all members of the <a href=""><b> YRONWODE</b></a> family. However, most of my writing can be found at <a href=""><b>LUCKY MOJO</b></a>, <br>a large domain that is organized into a number of interlinked web sites, each with its own distinctive theme and look. <br> Here are some of the <a href=""><b>LUCKY MOJO</b></a> web sites you can visit:</center> </b> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> <b>OCCULTISM, MAGIC SPELLS, MYSTICISM, RELIGION, SYMBOLISM</b> <br><a href=""><b>Hoodoo in Theory and Practice</b></a> by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork <br><a href=""><b>Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic</b></a> by cat yronwode: a materia magica of African-American conjure <br><a href=""><b>Lucky W Amulet Archive</b></a> by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms <br><a href=""><b>Lucky Mojo Magic Spells Archive</b></a>: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more <br><a href=""><b>Sacred Sex</b></a>: essays and articles on tantra yoga, neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship <br><a href=""><b>Sacred Landscape</b></a>: essays and articles on archaeoastronomy and sacred geometry <br><a href=""><b>Freemasonry for Women</b></a> by cat yronwode: a history of mixed-gender Freemasonic lodges <br><a href=""><b>The Lucky Mojo Esoteric Archive</b></a>: captured internet text files on occult and spiritual topics <br><a href=""><b>Lucky Mojo Usenet FAQ Archive</b></a>: FAQs and REFs for occult and magical usenet newsgroups <br><a href=""><b>Aleister Crowley Text Archive</b></a>: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist <br><br><b>POPULAR CULTURE</b> <br><a href=""><b>Hoodoo and Blues Lyrics</b></a>: transcriptions of blues songs about African-American folk magic <br><a href=""><b>EaRhEaD!'S Syd Barrett Lyrics Site</b></a>: lyrics by the founder of the Pink Floyd Sound <br><a href=""><b>The Lesser Book of the Vishanti</b></a>: Dr. Strange Comics as a magical system, by cat yronwode <br><a href=""><b>The Spirit Checklist</b></a>: a 1940s newspaper comic book by Will Eisner, indexed by cat yronwode <br><a href=""><b>Fit to Print</b></a>: collected weekly columns about comics and pop culture by cat yronwode <br><a href=""><b>Eclipse Comics Index</b></a>: a list of all Eclipse comics, albums, and trading cards <br> <a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><b>Eclipse Comics Index</b></a>: a list of all Eclipse comics, albums, and trading cards <br><br> <b> ONLINE SHOPS </b> <br> <a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><b>The Lucky Mojo Curio Co.</b></a>: spiritual supplies for hoodoo, magick, witchcraft, and conjure <br> <a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><b>Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course</b></a> with cat yronwode: 52 weekly lessons by email <br> <a href=""><b>Herb Magic</b></a>: illustrated descriptions of magic herbs with free spells, recipes, and online shopping <br><br> <b> PERSONAL SITES </b> <br><a href=""><b>catherine yronwode</b></a>: the eclectic and eccentric author of many of the above web pages <br><a href=""><b>nagasiva yronwode</b></a>: tyaginator, nigris (333), nocTifer, lorax666, boboroshi, ! <br><a href=""><b>Liselotte Erlanger Glozer</b></a>: illustrated articles on collectible vintage postcards <br><a href=""><b>Jackie Payne: Shades of Blues</b></a>: a San Francisco Bay Area blues singer <br><br> <b> ADMINISTRATIVE </b> <br><a href=""><b>Lucky Mojo Site Map</b></a>: the home page for the whole Lucky Mojo electron-pile <br><a href=""><b>All the Pages</b></a>: descriptive named links to about 1,000 top-level Lucky Mojo web pages <br><a href=""><b>How to Contact Us</b></a>: we welcome feedback and suggestions regarding maintenance of this site </font><p> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"><font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> <b>OTHER SITES OF INTEREST</b> <br> <a href=""> <b>Arcane Archive</b></a>: thousands of archived Usenet posts on religion, magic, spell-casting, mysticism, and spirituality <br> <a href=""> <b>Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers</b></a>: psychic reading, conjure, and hoodoo root doctor services <br> <a href=""> <b>Candles and Curios</b></a>: essays and articles on traditional African American conjure and folk magic, plus shopping <br> <a href=""> <b>Garden of Joy Blues</b></a>: former 80 acre hippie commune near Birch Tree in the Missouri Ozarks <br> <a href=""> <b>Gospel of Satan</b></a>: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World <br> <a href=""> <b>Missionary Independent Spiritual Church</b></a>: spirit-led, inter-faith; prayer-light services; the Smallest Church in the World <br> <a href=""> <b>Mystic Tea Room</b></a>: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups <br> <a href=""> <b>Satan Service</b></a>: an archive presenting the theory, practice, and history of Satanism and Satanists <br> <a href=""> <b>Southern Spirits</b></a>: 19th and 20th century accounts of hoodoo, including ex-slave narratives & interviews <br> <a href=""> <b>Tiger Tiger</b></a>: prayer flags, singing bowls, beads, ritual religious statues, and altar tools from Thailand and Nepal <br> <a href=""> <b>Spiritual Spells</b></a>: lessons in folk magic and spell casting from an eclectic Wiccan perspective, plus shoppinng <br> <a href=""> <b>Yronwode Home</b></a>: personal pages of catherine yronwode and nagasiva yronwode, magical archivists <br> <a href=""> <b>Yronwode Instituion: the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology</b></a> </font></font><p> <center><font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> <img alt="pookline" src="" align="bottom" height="13" hspace="0" width="500"></font></center> <p> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1">For free magic spells and information about how to cast them, as well as recipes for making your own magick oils, potions, and incenses, go to the Lucky Mojo Free Magic Spells Archive. The URL is <a href=""><b></b></a> and you will find hundreds of magic spells there, sorted by category, such as </font><ul> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"><font face="arial,helvetica"> <li><a href=""><b>FREE LOVE SPELLS</b></a> <br> <font size="-1">Love spells, attraction spells, sex magick, and lust spells</font> </li><li><a href=""><b>FREE MONEY SPELLS AND PROSPERITY SPELLS</b></a> <br> <font size="-1">Money spells, prosperity spells, and wealth spells</font> </li><li><a href=""><b>FREE PROTECTION SPELLS</b></a> <br> <font size="-1">Protection spells and spells against witchcraft and hexes</font> </li></font></font></ul> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1">-- plus many more magick spells -- and there is also a fast, easy-to-use search engine at the site. </font><p> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> </font><center><center><font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> <img src="" align="bottom" height="13" hspace="0" width="500"></font></center><font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> </font></center> </body></html>