Ziff Davis

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28.622l14.383 7.191C34.083 431.903 83.421 480 144 480h24c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V280c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-24c-31.342 0-59.671 12.879-80 33.627V288c0-105.869 86.131-192 192-192s192 86.131 192 192v1.627C427.671 268.879 399.342 256 368 256h-24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v176c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h24c60.579 0 109.917-48.098 111.928-108.187l14.382-7.191A32 32 0 0 0 512 336v-48c0-141.479-114.496-256-256-256z"></path></svg> LISTEN TO WEBCAST</a> </div></div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide black " style="background-image:url('');"> <div class="wrap"> <h1><a href="">Ziff Davis Issues 2023 ESG Report</a></h1> <p>Ziff Davis issued its annual Environmental, Social &amp; Governance (ESG) Report for 2023. The ESG Report details important steps Ziff Davis has taken to reduce its environmental footprint, contribute to the communities in which it operates, and enhance its data privacy and security, and corporate governance practices.</p> <div class="slide-cta"><a href="" class="cta">Read Release</a> <a href="" class="cta yellow"> Read the Report</a> </div></div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide white " style="background-image:url('');"> <div class="wrap"> <h1><a href="">Ziff Davis Issues 2023 DEI Report</a></h1> <p>Ziff Davis issued its annual Diversity, Equity &amp; Inclusion (DEI) Report for 2023, containing the latest update on employee demographics and detailing the company's ongoing efforts to ensure it remains broadly representative and inclusive.</p> <div class="slide-cta"><a href="" class="cta">Read Release</a> <a href="" class="cta yellow"> Read the Report</a> </div></div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide white " style="background-image:url('');"> <div class="wrap"> <h1><a href="">A Look Inside Ziff Davis</a></h1> <p>Today, Ziff Davis is a multi-billion dollar digital media and internet company that’s home to 40+ leading tech, shopping, gaming and entertainment, connectivity, health and wellness, cybersecurity, and martech brands, serving millions of customers worldwide—here’s a look inside our business.</p> <div class="slide-cta"><a href="" class="cta">Watch Video</a> </div></div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide black " style="background-image:url('');"> <div class="wrap"> <h1><a href="">M&amp;A Program</a></h1> <p>With over &#036;3 billion of capital deployed on M&amp;A, Ziff Davis’ M&amp;A success stems from our rigorous and analytical approach leveraging our deep industry knowledge, technological expertise and investment acumen.</p> <div class="slide-cta"><a href="" class="cta">Our Approach</a> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-pagination white"></div> <div class="swiper-button-prev white"></div> <div class="swiper-button-next white"></div> </div> <section id="bottomlinks"> <div> <h2><a href="/about/acquisitions">M&amp;A Program</a></h2> <a href="/about/acquisitions"><img src="/s/zd/bottom_acquisitions.jpg" alt="Merger & Acquisitions"></a> <p>At Ziff Davis, we employ a systematic and repeatable acquisition program designed for speed, conviction, and consistency in results.</p> <a class="readmore" href="/about/acquisitions">Our Approach</a> </div> <div> <h2><a href="/careers/jobs">Careers</a></h2> <a href="/careers/jobs"><img src="/s/zd/bottom_careers.jpg" alt="Careers"></a> <p>We hire people who embody what we value most: leadership, collaboration, innovation and passion. Come grow with us.</p> <a class="readmore" href="/careers/jobs">Search Jobs</a> </div> <div> <h2><a href="">Investors</a></h2> <a href=""><img src="/s/zd/bottom_investors.jpg" alt="Investors"></a> <p>Ziff Davis (NASDAQ: ZD) is a vertically focused digital media and internet company.</p> <a class="readmore" href="">Investor Relations</a> </div> </section> <div class="separator"></div> <section id="ourbrands"> <h2>Our Brands</h2> <div class="bnav" id="tabbed-brands"> <a href="/brands/technology" data-filter="category-technology" class="active">Technology</a> <a href="/brands/shopping" data-filter="category-shopping">Shopping</a> <a href="/brands/entertainment" data-filter="category-entertainment">Gaming & Entmt</a> <a href="/brands/health" data-filter="category-health">Health & Wellness</a> <a href="/brands/connectivity" data-filter="category-connectivity" class="active">Connectivity</a> <a href="/brands/security" data-filter="category-security">Cybersecurity</a> <a 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class="swiper-wrapper"></div> </div> <div id="multicarousel-swiper-button-prev" class="swiper-button-prev"></div> <div id="multicarousel-swiper-button-next" class="swiper-button-next"></div> <a href="/brands/technology" class="readmore learnmore" id="brandcarousel-learnmore">Learn more about our technology brands</a> </section> <section id="recentnews"> <div class="wrap"> <h3 class="title">Recent News</h3> <div class="grid category-news"> <article id="post-6751" class="el news post-tag-everyday-health-group post-6751 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-everyday-health-group tag-theskimm" href=""> <h3><a href="">Exclusive: Ziff Davis&#8217; Everyday Health Group acquires TheSkimm</a></h4><div class="source">Axios&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>3/19/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">Ziff Davis, one of the largest publicly-traded digital media companies, has acquired TheSkimm, executives told Axios. The women-focused newsletter company will sit within Everyday Health Group, Ziff Davis' health content arm. "It's about their audience and their credibility as a brand," said Everyday Health Group president Dan Stone. "It's fundamentally a news and lifestyle brand that reaches over 5 million millennial and Gen X women, and that is a core audience for us."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Exclusive: Ziff Davis&amp;#8217; Everyday Health Group acquires TheSkimm" aria-label="Read Article: Exclusive: Ziff Davis&amp;#8217; Everyday Health Group acquires TheSkimm">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="everyday-health-group logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6748" class="el news post-tag-everyday-health-group post-6748 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-everyday-health-group tag-theskimm" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">Everyday Health Group Acquires Leading Digital Media Property theSkimm</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>3/19/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">"The creation of theSkimm marked a watershed moment in getting vital information to a highly engaged audience of female readers in an incredibly compelling format. Today, it is a multifaceted suite of products and services uniquely designed to help her solve issues and better thrive across her work, life and family goals while simultaneously connecting her to a savvy, supportive and optimistic community," said Nan Forte, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Everyday Health Consumer. "We’re excited to serve and further satiate the voracious appetite of theSkimm audience for trusted tips and insider information at this fast-growing intersection of women’s wellness-based content, community and commerce.”</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Everyday Health Group Acquires Leading Digital Media Property theSkimm" aria-label="Read Article: Everyday Health Group Acquires Leading Digital Media Property theSkimm">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="everyday-health-group logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6723" class="el news post-tag-retailmenot post-6723 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-retailmenot" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">RetailMeNot&#8217;s Spring Savecation Is Back: Score Unbeatable Travel Deals &amp; Cash Back from Top Brands for Your Next Getaway, March 6-10</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>3/6/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">"This year, travelers are getting a head start like never before, with 54% planning to research and book their trips by the end of March," says Stephanie Carls, Retail Insights Expert at RetailMeNot. "With rising prices, they're looking for smarter ways to save. That's why we're thrilled to bring back Spring Savecation—helping travelers unlock the best deals, stack their savings, and earn cash back, so dream trips can become reality without the financial stress."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: RetailMeNot&amp;#8217;s Spring Savecation Is Back: Score Unbeatable Travel Deals &amp;amp; Cash Back from Top Brands for Your Next Getaway, March 6-10" aria-label="Read Article: RetailMeNot&amp;#8217;s Spring Savecation Is Back: Score Unbeatable Travel Deals &amp;amp; Cash Back from Top Brands for Your Next Getaway, March 6-10">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="retailmenot logo" class="newslogo"> </article> </div> <a href="/about/news" class="readmore learnmore">View More News</a> </div> </section> </div><!-- #content --> <footer> <div class="wrapper"> <a href="/" id="footerlogo" aria-label="Ziff Davis Logo" title="Ziff Davis Logo"> <svg id="zdlogofooter" data-name="Ziff Davis Logo" aria-label="Ziff Davis Logo" role="img" xmlns="" 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