CINXE.COM Login Page
<html> <head> <title> Login Page</title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/pub/css/fonts.css' type='text/css' /> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/pub/css/login.css' type='text/css' /> <link rel='shortcut icon' href='/pub/favicon.png' /> </head> <body onLoad='document.forms[0].username.focus()'> <form action='/index.php' method='POST'> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='real_login' /> <input type='hidden' name='n' value='About/TeamMembersRoles' /> <center><table height='100%' border='0'><tr><td valign='middle' align='center'> <table class='login'> <tr class='logo'> <th colspan='3'><a href='/pub/../'><img src='/pub/images/login-logo.png' /></a></th> </tr> <tr class='welcome'> <th colspan='3'>Welcome to website</th> </tr> <tr class='inputs'> <td>Username<br /><input type='text' size='20' name='username' value='' /></td> <td>Password<br /><input type='password' size='20' name='password' /></td> <td valign='middle'><br /><input type='submit' value=' Login ' /></td> </tr> </table> <br /> If you've forgotten your password use <a href='/index.php?action=rstpass'>this form</a>. <!-- <br /> <br /> To request a new account fill in <a href='index.php?n=Access.Request'>this form</a>. --> </td></tr></table> </form> </body> </html>