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Walter Scott helped popularise this genre in the early 19th-century, with works such as Rob Roy and Ivanhoe. Literary fiction historical romances continue to be published, and a notable recent example is Wolf Hall (2009), a multi-award winning novel by English historical novelist Hilary Mantel. It is also a genre of mass-market fiction, which is related to the broader romantic love genre.<br/><br/>The terms "romance novel" and "historical romance" are ambiguous, becau</span> <span id="freeText9611223575128943026" style="display:none">Historical romance (also historical novel) is a broad category of fiction in which the plot takes place in a setting located in the past. Walter Scott helped popularise this genre in the early 19th-century, with works such as Rob Roy and Ivanhoe. Literary fiction historical romances continue to be published, and a notable recent example is Wolf Hall (2009), a multi-award winning novel by English historical novelist Hilary Mantel. It is also a genre of mass-market fiction, which is related to the broader romantic love genre.<br /><br />The terms "romance novel" and "historical romance" are ambiguous, because the word "romance", and the associated word "romantic", have a number of different meanings. In particular, on the one hand there is the mass-market genre of "fiction dealing with love", harlequin romance, and on the other hand, "a romance" can also be defined as "a fictitious narrative in prose or verse; the interest of which turns upon marvellous and uncommon incidents". However, many romances, including the historical romances of Walter Scott, are also frequently called novels, and Scott describes romance as a "kindred term". To add to the confusion literary fiction romances, for example Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights, often have a strong love story interest. Other European languages do not distinguish between romance and novel: "a novel is le roman, der Roman, il romanzo."<br /><br /></span> <a data-text-id="9611223575128943026" href="#" onclick="swapContent($(this));; return false;">...more</a> </div> <br/> <div class="coverBigBox clearFloats bigBox" show_header="true"><div class="h2Container gradientHeaderContainer"><h2 class="brownBackground"><a href="/genres/new_releases/historical-romance">New Releases Tagged "Historical Romance"</a></h2></div><div class="bigBoxBody"><div class="bigBoxContent containerWithHeaderContent"> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_208539323"> <a href="/book/show/208539323-puck-and-prejudice"><img alt="Puck and Prejudice" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> //<![CDATA[ function submitShelfLink(unique_id, book_id, shelf_id, shelf_name, submit_form, exclusive) { var checkbox_id = 'shelf_name_' + unique_id + '_' + shelf_id; var element = document.getElementById(checkbox_id) var checked = element.checked if (checked && exclusive) { // can't uncheck a radio by clicking it! return } if(document.getElementById("savingMessage")){'savingMessage') } var element_id = 'shelfInDropdownName_' + unique_id + '_' + shelf_id; Element.update(element_id, "saving..."); if (submit_form) { Element.hide('shelfDropdown_' + unique_id) var form = document.getElementById('addBookForm' + book_id) if (form) { form.shelf.value = shelf_name form.onsubmit() } } else { var action = checked ? 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So he decides to visit his sister in England. But an accidental plunge into an icy pond thrusts him back to 1812 where he comes face to face with a captivating blue-eyed woman who regards him as if he’s grown two heads.\n\nLizzy Wooddash dreams of a life surrounded by books, engaging conversation, the presence of literary icons like Jane Austen, and... nary a husband in sight. But in Regency England, only widows like her cousin Georgie enjoy freedom and solitary pursuits, unencumbered by expectations. The only way to quickly become a widow is by marrying a dying man or killing a perfectly healthy one, neither of which Lizzy desires.\n\nA visitor from the future might just be the husband of her dreams. Once married, they can figure out how to return Tucker to his proper time, and his absence—aka death—will make Lizzy the widow she always dreamed of becoming. Yet as sparks ignite, they soon realize that matters of the heart rarely adhere to carefully laid plans. Can their love stand the test of time, or will Lizzy get exactly what she well as a broken heart?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"17243706175484027451\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_208539323').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_208539323').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_208539323').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_208539323').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_204906169"> <a href="/book/show/204906169-the-lies-we-leave-behind"><img alt="The Lies We Leave Behind" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_204906169'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Lies We Leave Behind<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/18424925.Noelle_Salazar\">Noelle Salazar<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.41 avg rating — 646 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer6398561311677182955\">For fans of Kate Quinn and Beatriz Williams, this sweeping story follows a fearless nurse who must leave love behind when duty calls her back to the front.\n\nSomewhere in the Pacific, 1943. Kate Campbell is a nurse who bravely flies back and forth from the front to rescue wounded soldiers, amid long <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText6398561311677182955\" style=\"display:none\">For fans of Kate Quinn and Beatriz Williams, this sweeping story follows a fearless nurse who must leave love behind when duty calls her back to the front.\n\nSomewhere in the Pacific, 1943. Kate Campbell is a nurse who bravely flies back and forth from the front to rescue wounded soldiers, amid long days, harsh conditions and often dangerous weather. Driven by a deep personal need to help in the war effort, she is conflicted when an injury results in her reassignment to the relative comfort of the English countryside.\n\nLove has never been part of her plan, but despite herself, she falls for an officer with three bullet wounds, startling blue eyes and a wicked sense of humor. For the first time, Kate sees a future far from the horrors of war and hate. But before she can pursue it, a secret from her past calls her to duty, and she\'ll have to travel back into danger one more time to rescue a part of herself she\'d left behind. But will she make it back? And will that future still be waiting for her if she does?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"6398561311677182955\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_204906169').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_204906169').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_204906169').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_204906169').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_199531640"> <a href="/book/show/199531640-christmas-with-the-queen"><img alt="Christmas with the Queen" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_199531640'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Christmas with the Queen<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/5774172.Hazel_Gaynor\">Hazel Gaynor<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.12 avg rating — 1,607 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer13598474203136292961\">’Tis the season! The Crown meets When Harry Met Sally and Bridget Jones’s Diary, in the latest heartwarming historical novel from Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb, bestselling authors of Meet Me in Monaco and Three Words for Goodbye.\n\nDecember 1952. While the young Queen Elizabeth II finds her feet as <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText13598474203136292961\" style=\"display:none\">’Tis the season! The Crown meets When Harry Met Sally and Bridget Jones’s Diary, in the latest heartwarming historical novel from Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb, bestselling authors of Meet Me in Monaco and Three Words for Goodbye.\n\nDecember 1952. While the young Queen Elizabeth II finds her feet as the new monarch, she must also find the right words to continue in the tradition of her late father and grandfather’s beloved Christmas Day radio broadcast. But even traditions must move with the times, and the Queen faces a postwar Britain hungry for change. \n\nAs preparations begin for the royal Christmas at Sandringham House in Norfolk, two old friends—Jack Devereux and Olive Carter—find themselves reunited for the festivities. A single mother, typist at the BBC, and aspiring reporter, Olive leaps at the opportunity to cover the holiday celebration, despite self-doubts. When a chance encounter with the Queen presents an exciting opportunity, Olive begins to believe her luck might change. \n\nJack, a grief-stricken widowed chef originally from New Orleans, accepts a last-minute chance to cook in the royal kitchens at Sandringham. When he bumps into a long-lost friend, an old spark is reignited.\n\nDespite personal and professional heartache, Jack and Olive’s paths continue to cross over the following five Christmas seasons and they find themselves growing ever closer. Yet Olive carries the burden of a heavy secret. \n\nChristmas Day, December 1957. As the nation eagerly awaits the Queen’s first televised Christmas speech, Olive decides to reveal the shocking truth of her secret, which threatens to tear her and Jack apart forever. Unless Christmas has one last gift to deliver… <\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"13598474203136292961\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_199531640').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_199531640').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_199531640').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_199531640').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_209455848"> <a href="/book/show/209455848-her-knight-at-the-museum"><img alt="Her Knight at the Museum" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_209455848'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Her Knight at the Museum<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/3253021.Bryn_Donovan\">Bryn Donovan<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.66 avg rating — 518 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer17123609268845180693\">A centuries-long curse is no match for rom-com shenanigans when a medieval knight is brought to life in modern-day Chicago.\n\nForgotten by time and abandoned by hope, Sir Griffin de Beauford’s existence stretches out before him. Cursed by a ruthless enchanter to see, hear, and think, but never to mov<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText17123609268845180693\" style=\"display:none\">A centuries-long curse is no match for rom-com shenanigans when a medieval knight is brought to life in modern-day Chicago.\n\nForgotten by time and abandoned by hope, Sir Griffin de Beauford’s existence stretches out before him. Cursed by a ruthless enchanter to see, hear, and think, but never to move or speak, Griffin suffers the long, lonely centuries trapped in stone…until an unexpected kiss from a fair maiden breathes new life into his soul—and his body.\n\nEmily Porter, a recently divorced conservator at the Art Institute of Chicago, is charged with the restoration of a statue of a medieval English knight. Breaking curses was not part of the job description. And yet, here he is, the man of her dreams come to life, resplendent in shining armor as he joyously barrels into priceless antiquities...and goes on to dismantle her defenses, wreak havoc on her senses, and tempt her to believe once more in happy-ever-afters.\n\nBut the modern age tries Griffin’s patience and pride, and Emily is a prime suspect in the investigation of the missing sculpture. In a complicated world, can they find their way to a fairy-tale ending?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"17123609268845180693\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_209455848').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_209455848').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_209455848').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_209455848').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_174610825"> <a href="/book/show/174610825-more-than-this"><img alt="More Than This (The Davenports, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_174610825'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">More Than This (The Davenports, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/21630775.Krystal_Marquis\">Krystal Marquis<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.86 avg rating — 394 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer3368349419208534869\">The anticipated sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller featuring escapist romance and a wealthy Black family in 1910s Chicago\n\nLike the blazing Chicago sun, the drama is heating up for the Davenports and their social set. Before the summer of 1910 drops its last petal, the lives—and loves—o<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText3368349419208534869\" style=\"display:none\">The anticipated sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller featuring escapist romance and a wealthy Black family in 1910s Chicago\n\nLike the blazing Chicago sun, the drama is heating up for the Davenports and their social set. Before the summer of 1910 drops its last petal, the lives—and loves—of these four young women will change in ways they never could have imagined:\n\nNewly engaged Ruby Tremaine is eagerly planning her wedding to the love of her life when a nasty rumor threatens her reputation and her marriage. Olivia Davenport has committed to the social justice cause and secretly hopes she’ll be reunited with dashing lawyer Washington DeWight—until her parents decide she’s to marry someone else. Amy-Rose Shepherd is making her lifelong wish of owning a salon come true, but when an incident forces her to return to Freeport Manor, she’s back in the path of John Davenport, who still holds her heart. Helen Davenport is determined to get over her own heartbreak and bring the Davenport Carriage Company into the new century, even if it means teaming up with a thrill-seeking racecar driver who just loves to get under her skin.\n\nInspired by the real-life story of the Patterson family, More Than This is the second book in critically adored Davenports series, following four empowered and passionate young Black women as they navigate a rapidly changing society and discover the courage to steer their own paths in life—and love.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"3368349419208534869\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_174610825').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_174610825').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_174610825').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_174610825').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_205307699"> <a href="/book/show/205307699-a-queen-s-game"><img alt="A Queen's Game" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_205307699'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">A Queen's Game<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/13499819.Katharine_McGee\">Katharine McGee<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.80 avg rating — 739 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer3234805793745941911\">The New York Times bestselling author of the American Royals series invites you to visit 19th-century Europe amid the glamour and intrigue of the Victorian era. In this historical romance inspired by true events, three princesses struggle to find love—and end up vying for the hearts of two future ki<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText3234805793745941911\" style=\"display:none\">The New York Times bestselling author of the American Royals series invites you to visit 19th-century Europe amid the glamour and intrigue of the Victorian era. In this historical romance inspired by true events, three princesses struggle to find love—and end up vying for the hearts of two future kings.\n\nIn the last glittering decade of European empires, courts, and kings, three young women are on a collision course with history—and with each other. \n\nAlix of Hesse is Queen Victoria’s favorite granddaughter, so she can expect to end up with a prince . . . except that the prince she’s falling for is not the one she’s supposed to marry.\n\nHélène d’Orléans, daughter of the exiled King of France, doesn’t mind being a former princess; it gives her more opportunity to break the rules. Like running around with the handsome, charming, and very much off-limits heir to the British throne, Prince Eddy.\n\nThen there’s May of Teck. After spending her entire life on the fringes of the royal world, May is determined to marry a prince—and not just any prince, but the future king.\n\nIn a story that sweeps from the glittering ballrooms of Saint Petersburg to the wilds of Scotland, A Queen’s Game recounts a pivotal moment in real history as only Katharine McGee can tell it: through the eyes of the young women whose lives, and loves, changed it forever.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"3234805793745941911\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_205307699').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_205307699').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_205307699').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_205307699').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_208894878"> <a href="/book/show/208894878-the-muse-of-maiden-lane"><img alt="The Muse of Maiden Lane (Belles of London, #4)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_208894878'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Muse of Maiden Lane (Belles of London, #4)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/16948224.Mimi_Matthews\">Mimi Matthews<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.19 avg rating — 998 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer11476335385816347979\">A silver-haired equestrienne and a charismatic artist turn a scandalous bargain into a vibrant portrait of love.\n\nStella Hobhouse is a brilliant rider, stalwart friend, skilled sketch artist—and completely overlooked. Her outmodish gray hair makes her invisible to London society. Combined with her b<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText11476335385816347979\" style=\"display:none\">A silver-haired equestrienne and a charismatic artist turn a scandalous bargain into a vibrant portrait of love.\n\nStella Hobhouse is a brilliant rider, stalwart friend, skilled sketch artist—and completely overlooked. Her outmodish gray hair makes her invisible to London society. Combined with her brother’s pious restrictions and her dwindling inheritance, Stella is on the verge of a lifetime marooned in Derbyshire as a spinster. Unless she does something drastic…like posing for a daring new style of portrait by the only man who’s ever really seen her.\n\nAspiring painter Edward “Teddy” Hayes knows true beauty when he sees it. He would never ask Stella to risk her reputation as an artist’s model but in the five years since a virulent bout of scarlet fever left him partially paralyzed, Teddy has learned to heed good fortune when he finds it. He’ll do anything to persuade his muse to pose for him, even if he must offer her a marriage of convenience. \n\nAfter all, though Teddy has yearned to trace Stella’s luminous beauty on canvas since their chance meeting, her heart is what he truly aches to capture….<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"11476335385816347979\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_208894878').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_208894878').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_208894878').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_208894878').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_210296786"> <a href="/book/show/210296786-the-liberty-scarf"><img alt="The Liberty Scarf" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_210296786'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Liberty Scarf<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/11883099.Aimie_K_Runyan\">Aimie K. Runyan<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.01 avg rating — 230 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9049146775457377978\">In the midst of a seemingly endless war, a scarf connects three women in the cold winter of 1917 . . . As an ambitious scarf maker, Iris Braxton spends her days surrounded by color and luxury not often seen during the dark days of war that promised to be over by Christmas. That promise has come and <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9049146775457377978\" style=\"display:none\">In the midst of a seemingly endless war, a scarf connects three women in the cold winter of 1917 . . . As an ambitious scarf maker, Iris Braxton spends her days surrounded by color and luxury not often seen during the dark days of war that promised to be over by Christmas. That promise has come and gone for three years with still no end in sight and her days continue in a monotony of rations and threads while she spins a dream of becoming Liberty\'s first female pattern designer. She hasn\'t the time or interest in rakish soldiers, but the temporarily-on-leave Captain Conrad Jones is persistent--and before long his charm wins her over. But war is cruel and all too soon Conrad leaves once more for the Front, but not before vowing to meet again in Strasbourg, France, the most magical of Christmas cities. Iris begins stitching small messages into each of the scarves she makes in hopes that one will find a way into Conrad\'s hands to let him know she\'s thinking of him. And when she receives word that he\'s wounded in Strasbourg, she rushes to his side. Along the way, she passes a woman wearing one of her scarves . . . Geneviève Tremblay, a French-Canadian immigrant, is a telephone operator living in Lewiston, Maine. Her beau is a member of a prominent family who has helped to Americanize her in a community often unfriendly to Canadians. As part of this effort, she enlists in the US Army Signal Corps to serve as a bi-lingual operator. Along the way, she meets a French officer who makes her question whether losing her identity is too heavy a price for acceptance.The Clara Janssens, a Flemish Nurse, and Roman Allaire, an Alsatian violinist, are chosen to play for an orchestra providing morale on the front lines. This is a world they\'ve never known, far beyond their routine provincial and countryside lives--and the expectations in those towns. Their love of music creates a spark between them, but the destruction of battle and the fulfillment of a promise threaten their romance. Still, the appearance of a kind stranger and the unexpected gift of a treasured scarf bind them long beyond their stolen moments and offer them a future beyond what they could have even hoped.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9049146775457377978\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_210296786').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_210296786').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_210296786').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_210296786').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_199635065"> <a href="/book/show/199635065-in-want-of-a-suspect"><img alt="In Want of a Suspect (A Lizzie & Darcy Mystery, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_199635065'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">In Want of a Suspect (A Lizzie & Darcy Mystery, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/19982385.Tirzah_Price\">Tirzah Price<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.96 avg rating — 237 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9574527385073304081\">It is a truth universally acknowledged, that London’s first female solicitor in possession of the details of a deadly crime, must be in want of a suspect.\n \nThe tenacious Lizzie Bennet has earned her place at Longbourn, her father’s law firm. Her work keeps her busy, but luckily she often has help f<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9574527385073304081\" style=\"display:none\">It is a truth universally acknowledged, that London’s first female solicitor in possession of the details of a deadly crime, must be in want of a suspect.\n \nThe tenacious Lizzie Bennet has earned her place at Longbourn, her father’s law firm. Her work keeps her busy, but luckily she often has help from (and steals occasional kisses with) Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, a stern but secretly soft-hearted solicitor at Pemberley.\n \nLizzie is hired to investigate a deadly warehouse fire, and to find the mysterious woman who was spotted at the scene moments before the flames took hold. But when the case leads her to the sitting room of a woman Darcy once proposed marriage to, the delicate balance between personal and professional in their relationship is threatened.\n \nQuestions of the future are cast aside when the prime suspect is murdered and Lizzie’s own life is threatened. As the body count rises, and their suspicions about what was really going on in the warehouse grow, the pressure is on for Lizzie and Darcy to uncover the truth.\n \nLizzie and Darcy are back for more suspense, danger, and romance in this first in a duology spinoff of the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries!<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9574527385073304081\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_199635065').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_199635065').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_199635065').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_199635065').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_209351104"> <a href="/book/show/209351104-across-the-ages"><img alt="Across the Ages (Timeless, #4)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_209351104'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Across the Ages (Timeless, #4)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/8558025.Gabrielle_Meyer\">Gabrielle Meyer<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><\/span> 4.67 avg rating — 975 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9881079079857009222\">Caroline holds a deep secret. Existing in 1727 and 1927 simultaneously, each night she goes to sleep in one life and wakes up in the other. Searching for answers to her unique existence, Caroline stumbles upon a letter from her mother that hints at her own experiences as a time-crosser, sending Caro<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9881079079857009222\" style=\"display:none\">Caroline holds a deep secret. Existing in 1727 and 1927 simultaneously, each night she goes to sleep in one life and wakes up in the other. Searching for answers to her unique existence, Caroline stumbles upon a letter from her mother that hints at her own experiences as a time-crosser, sending Caroline on a quest to uncover the truth. In 1727, chasing the mysteries of her mother\'s past, Caroline disguises herself as a cabin boy and joins a ship sailing for the Bahamas, her mother\'s last known location. Amid treacherous waters, she crosses paths with Marcus Zale, a ruthless but handsome pirate, and finds herself caught in a web of secrets, deception, and unexpected alliances. Meanwhile, in 1927 St. Paul, Minnesota, Caroline grapples with her other life as the daughter of a renowned preacher. Her two older brothers have strayed from their upbringing into the corruption rampant during Prohibition, and Caroline struggles to protect her parents from the truth that could shatter her father\'s career. As her search for answers about her time-crossing leads her to the dangerous speakeasies of St. Paul, Caroline enlists the help of police officer Lewis Cager, a childhood friend. But when her family\'s future is put at risk and loyalties are tested, Caroline is faced with a life-altering decision that could reshape her destiny.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9881079079857009222\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_209351104').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_209351104').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_209351104').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_209351104').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_209456104"> <a href="/book/show/209456104-duchess-material"><img alt="Duchess Material" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_209456104'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Duchess Material<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/20530321.Emily_Sullivan\">Emily Sullivan<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.12 avg rating — 243 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer11891517258422348783\">Fans of Netflix's Bridgerton series will love this captivating first book in a dazzling new Victorian historical romance series, perfect for fans of Evie Dunmore, Amalie Howard, and Martha Waters! Ever since unexpectedly inheriting a dukedom over a decade ago, William Margrave, the Duke of Ellis ha<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText11891517258422348783\" style=\"display:none\">Fans of Netflix\'s Bridgerton series will love this captivating first book in a dazzling new Victorian historical romance series, perfect for fans of Evie Dunmore, Amalie Howard, and Martha Waters! Ever since unexpectedly inheriting a dukedom over a decade ago, William Margrave, the Duke of Ellis has strived to silence his critics and please his disapproving relatives by being the perfect aristocrat —even though that meant leaving behind the progressive ideals he once held. Now the time has come for Will to wed and he intends to find his duchess using the same relentlessly clinical approach that has led to his success thus far. The only problem? His old friend’s unconventional younger sister keeps interrupting his carefully controlled life. And to make matters worse, Will discovers he rather likes it. \n\n The Atkinson sisters are known for two their father’s self-made fortune and their disinterest in playing by society’s rules. Middle sister Phoebe Atkinson revels in her role as the outspoken bluestocking Bohemian, much to the exasperation of her older sister Alexandra, the budding economist, and the amusement of her younger sister Winifred, the endlessly charming social butterfly. Though her parents would love to see her married to an upstanding member of the ton, Phoebe traded the ballroom for the schoolroom years ago and now spends her days teaching working class girls. But when her most promising student goes missing, Phoebe reluctantly turns to the most powerful man she knows, the Duke of Ellis. He was once the object of her girlhood affections until he ascended to the dukedom and left his old life behind. But as they search across London, she discovers that perhaps Will hasn’t changed as much as she thought—and neither have her feelings. <\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"11891517258422348783\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_209456104').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_209456104').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_209456104').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_209456104').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_201291411"> <a href="/book/show/201291411-all-the-painted-stars"><img alt="All the Painted Stars" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_201291411'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">All the Painted Stars<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/22343292.Emma_Denny\">Emma Denny<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.01 avg rating — 386 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer3674100354897070466\">Oxfordshire 1362\n\nWhen Lily Barden discovers her best friend Johanna’s hand in marriage is being awarded as the main prize at a tournament, she is determined to stop it. Disguised as a knight, she infiltrates the contest, preparing to fight for Jo’s hand. But her conduct ruffles feathers, and when a<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText3674100354897070466\" style=\"display:none\">Oxfordshire 1362\n\nWhen Lily Barden discovers her best friend Johanna’s hand in marriage is being awarded as the main prize at a tournament, she is determined to stop it. Disguised as a knight, she infiltrates the contest, preparing to fight for Jo’s hand. But her conduct ruffles feathers, and when a dangerous incident escalates out of Lily’s control, Jo must help her escape.\n\nFinding safety with a local brewster, Lily and Jo soon settle into their new freedom, and amongst blackberry bushes and lakeside walks an unexpected relationship blossoms. But when Jo’s past catches up with her and Lily’s reckless behaviour threatens their newfound happiness, both women realise that choices must always come at a cost. The question they need to ask is if the cost is worth the price of love…<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"3674100354897070466\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_201291411').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_201291411').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_201291411').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_201291411').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_209351079"> <a href="/book/show/209351079-the-queen-s-cook"><img alt="The Queen's Cook (Queen Esther's Court, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_209351079'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Queen's Cook (Queen Esther's Court, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/3501390.Tessa_Afshar\">Tessa Afshar<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><\/span> 4.63 avg rating — 267 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer8017502878586566917\">In the heart of ancient Persia, the empire's Jewish citizens face an ominous edict that threatens their very existence. Roxannah, the daughter of a once-privileged but now impoverished Persian lord, is devastated by the news. Her father sees this edict as a stroke of good fortune, an opportunity to <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText8017502878586566917\" style=\"display:none\">In the heart of ancient Persia, the empire\'s Jewish citizens face an ominous edict that threatens their very existence. Roxannah, the daughter of a once-privileged but now impoverished Persian lord, is devastated by the news. Her father sees this edict as a stroke of good fortune, an opportunity to settle his mounting debts by killing the Jewish physician, Adin, and seizing his belongings, but instead he meets his own untimely end, leaving Roxannah destitute and adrift. Desperate and determined to support her mother while settling the debt, Roxannah approaches Adin--the man whose kind eyes still haunt her--to help her find employment in Queen Esther\'s kitchens.\n\nIn the opulent palace of Susa, Roxannah strives to overcome prejudice and adversity as she ascends through the ranks in the royal kitchen. Her culinary talent earns her the trust and mentorship of Queen Esther herself, a woman of grace and wisdom, who is navigating treacherous palace politics and whispers of her inability to produce an heir after six years of marriage. Amid this unfolding connection, Roxannah and Adin uncover a sinister plot against Amestris, the king\'s most powerful wife and Esther\'s archenemy. As secrets unravel and alliances are tested, the fate of Amestris and Esther\'s reign hang in the balance.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"8017502878586566917\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_209351079').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_209351079').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_209351079').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_209351079').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_209351074"> <a href="/book/show/209351074-an-honorable-deception"><img alt="An Honorable Deception (The Imposters, #3)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_209351074'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">An Honorable Deception (The Imposters, #3)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/4488054.Roseanna_M_White\">Roseanna M. White<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><\/span> 4.65 avg rating — 271 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer671412826649811504\">As the leader of elite private investigative firm the Imposters, Lord Yates Fairfax has made an art of concealing his identity. But when his newest client, the beautiful Lady Alethia Barremore, is shot while leaving their meeting, he throws caution to the wind and rushes to her aid. Though Lady Alet<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText671412826649811504\" style=\"display:none\">As the leader of elite private investigative firm the Imposters, Lord Yates Fairfax has made an art of concealing his identity. But when his newest client, the beautiful Lady Alethia Barremore, is shot while leaving their meeting, he throws caution to the wind and rushes to her aid. Though Lady Alethia thought she was only looking for her missing former nanny, she has clearly stumbled upon dangerous secrets.\n\nLady Lavinia Hemming suspects there\'s more to her oldest friends than they\'re willing to admit, and when she stumbles upon the truth that they\'re the Imposters, she recruits herself into the firm. Happy as she is for the distraction of an investigation, Lavinia\'s own family secrets continue to haunt her. And the one thing to bring laughter back into her life--her friendship with Yates--lands her squarely on the bad side of her best friend, his sister.\n\nTormented by a past that she doesn\'t dare to voice aloud, Lady Alethia does what she can to help her handsome host, her new friends, and the investigators. But as clues lead them deeper into the darkest of society\'s secrets, Alethia, Yates, and Lavinia soon learn anew that the gentry isn\'t always noble . . . and truth isn\'t always honorable.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"671412826649811504\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_209351074').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_209351074').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_209351074').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_209351074').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover236646_209351072"> <a href="/book/show/209351072-a-truth-revealed"><img alt="A Truth Revealed (The Heart of Cheyenne, #3)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover236646_209351072'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">A Truth Revealed (The Heart of Cheyenne, #3)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/27788.Tracie_Peterson\">Tracie Peterson<\/a>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.34 avg rating — 156 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer15103878116595710729\">Laura Evans, a spirited young woman with a deep-rooted faith in God, returns home from boarding school to her father--unaware of his dark secrets. Determined to live by her faith while respecting her father's contrasting views, Laura's world shifts when she crosses paths with a devoted preacher. Wil<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText15103878116595710729\" style=\"display:none\">Laura Evans, a spirited young woman with a deep-rooted faith in God, returns home from boarding school to her father--unaware of his dark secrets. Determined to live by her faith while respecting her father\'s contrasting views, Laura\'s world shifts when she crosses paths with a devoted preacher. Wilson Porter is driven by a calling to work with the Shoshone people but faces constant delays from government officials. Then tragedy strikes, shaking his faith and causing him to question everything he once believed. As Will and Laura\'s tentative friendship grows into something more, it becomes ensnared in a web of dark secrets and injustices. Together, they\'re confronted with a daunting Can love withstand the trials of deception and tragedy--or will their shattered lives leave them with an uncertain path forward?"A master of historical fiction" (The Stand), Tracie Peterson wraps up her frontier romance series with a tale of love, loss, and forgiveness.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"15103878116595710729\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover236646_209351072').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover236646_209351072').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover236646_209351072').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover236646_209351072').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="moreLink"> <a class="actionLink" href="/genres/new_releases/historical-romance">More new releases tagged "historical romance"...</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div></div></div><div class="bigBoxBottom"></div></div> <div class="coverBigBox clearFloats bigBox" show_header="true"><div class="h2Container gradientHeaderContainer"><h2 class="brownBackground"><a href="/genres/most_read/historical-romance">Most Read This Week</a></h2></div><div class="bigBoxBody"><div class="bigBoxContent containerWithHeaderContent"> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_199223201"> <a href="/book/show/199223201-husbands-lovers"><img alt="Husbands & Lovers" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_199223201'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Husbands & Lovers<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/4927506.Beatriz_Williams\">Beatriz Williams<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.14 avg rating — 41,108 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer437528748672903944\">Two women—separated by decades and continents, and united by a mysterious family heirloom—discover second chances at love in this sweeping novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Summer Wives.\n\nNew England, 2022. Three years ago, single mother Mallory Dunne received the telephone cal<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText437528748672903944\" style=\"display:none\">Two women—separated by decades and continents, and united by a mysterious family heirloom—discover second chances at love in this sweeping novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Summer Wives.\n\nNew England, 2022. Three years ago, single mother Mallory Dunne received the telephone call every parent dreads—her ten-year-old son, Sam, had been airlifted from summer camp with acute poisoning from a toxic death cap mushroom, leaving him fighting for his life. Now, searching for the donor kidney that will give her son a chance for a normal life, Mallory’s forced to confront two harrowing secrets from her past: her mother’s adoption from an infamous Irish orphanage in 1952, and her own all-consuming summer romance fourteen years earlier with her childhood best friend, Monk Adams— one of the world’s most beloved singer-songwriters—a fairy tale cut short by a devastating betrayal.\n\nCairo, 1951. After suffering tragedy beyond comprehension in the war, Hungarian refugee Hannah Ainsworth has forged a respectable new life for herself—marriage to a wealthy British diplomat with a coveted posting in glamorous Cairo. But a fateful encounter with the enigmatic manager of a hotel bristling with spies leads to a passionate affair that will reawaken Hannah’s longing for everything she once lost. As revolution simmers in the Egyptian streets, a pregnant Hannah finds herself snared in a game of intrigue between two men . . . and an act of sacrifice that will echo down the generations.\n\nTimeless and bittersweet, Husbands & Lovers takes readers on an unforgettable journey of heartbreak and redemption, from the revolutionary fires of midcentury Egypt to the moneyed beaches of contemporary New England. Acclaimed author Beatriz Williams has written a poignant and beautifully voiced novel of deeply human characters entangled by morally complex issues—of privilege, class, and the female experience—inside worlds brought shimmeringly to life.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"437528748672903944\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_199223201').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_199223201').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_199223201').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_199223201').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_203578814"> <a href="/book/show/203578814-where-the-library-hides"><img alt="Where the Library Hides (Secrets of the Nile, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_203578814'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Where the Library Hides (Secrets of the Nile, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/17052517.Isabel_Iba_ez\">Isabel Ibañez<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.04 avg rating — 7,992 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer1456170377968721274\">The stunning conclusion to the story that started in What the River Knows. A lush immersive historical fantasy set in Egypt filled with adventure, and a rivals-to-lovers romance like no other!\n\n1885, Egypt\n\nInez Olivera is left reeling from her cousin Elvira’s murder, and her mother’s betrayal, and <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText1456170377968721274\" style=\"display:none\">The stunning conclusion to the story that started in What the River Knows. A lush immersive historical fantasy set in Egypt filled with adventure, and a rivals-to-lovers romance like no other!\n\n1885, Egypt\n\nInez Olivera is left reeling from her cousin Elvira’s murder, and her mother’s betrayal, and when Tío Ricardo issues an ultimatum about her inheritance, she’s left with only one option to consider.\n\nMarriage to Whitford Hayes.\n\nFormer British soldier, her uncle’s aide de camp, and one time nemesis, Whit has his own mysterious reasons for staying in Egypt. With her heart on the line, Inez might have to bind her fate to the one person whose secret plans could ruin her.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"1456170377968721274\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_203578814').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_203578814').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_203578814').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_203578814').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_199531640"> <a href="/book/show/199531640-christmas-with-the-queen"><img alt="Christmas with the Queen" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_199531640'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Christmas with the Queen<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/5774172.Hazel_Gaynor\">Hazel Gaynor<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.12 avg rating — 1,607 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer11538284277809990439\">’Tis the season! The Crown meets When Harry Met Sally and Bridget Jones’s Diary, in the latest heartwarming historical novel from Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb, bestselling authors of Meet Me in Monaco and Three Words for Goodbye.\n\nDecember 1952. While the young Queen Elizabeth II finds her feet as <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText11538284277809990439\" style=\"display:none\">’Tis the season! The Crown meets When Harry Met Sally and Bridget Jones’s Diary, in the latest heartwarming historical novel from Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb, bestselling authors of Meet Me in Monaco and Three Words for Goodbye.\n\nDecember 1952. While the young Queen Elizabeth II finds her feet as the new monarch, she must also find the right words to continue in the tradition of her late father and grandfather’s beloved Christmas Day radio broadcast. But even traditions must move with the times, and the Queen faces a postwar Britain hungry for change. \n\nAs preparations begin for the royal Christmas at Sandringham House in Norfolk, two old friends—Jack Devereux and Olive Carter—find themselves reunited for the festivities. A single mother, typist at the BBC, and aspiring reporter, Olive leaps at the opportunity to cover the holiday celebration, despite self-doubts. When a chance encounter with the Queen presents an exciting opportunity, Olive begins to believe her luck might change. \n\nJack, a grief-stricken widowed chef originally from New Orleans, accepts a last-minute chance to cook in the royal kitchens at Sandringham. When he bumps into a long-lost friend, an old spark is reignited.\n\nDespite personal and professional heartache, Jack and Olive’s paths continue to cross over the following five Christmas seasons and they find themselves growing ever closer. Yet Olive carries the burden of a heavy secret. \n\nChristmas Day, December 1957. As the nation eagerly awaits the Queen’s first televised Christmas speech, Olive decides to reveal the shocking truth of her secret, which threatens to tear her and Jack apart forever. Unless Christmas has one last gift to deliver… <\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"11538284277809990439\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_199531640').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_199531640').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_199531640').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_199531640').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_203579107"> <a href="/book/show/203579107-the-love-elixir-of-augusta-stern"><img alt="The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_203579107'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/14056202.Lynda_Cohen_Loigman\">Lynda Cohen Loigman<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.13 avg rating — 9,053 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer5550532989875853419\">It's never too late for new beginnings.\n\nOn the cusp of turning eighty, newly retired pharmacist Augusta Stern is adrift. When she relocates to Rallentando Springs—an active senior community in southern Florida—she unexpectedly crosses paths with Irving Rivkin, the delivery boy from her father’s old<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText5550532989875853419\" style=\"display:none\">It\'s never too late for new beginnings.\n\nOn the cusp of turning eighty, newly retired pharmacist Augusta Stern is adrift. When she relocates to Rallentando Springs—an active senior community in southern Florida—she unexpectedly crosses paths with Irving Rivkin, the delivery boy from her father’s old pharmacy—and the man who broke her heart sixty years earlier.\n\nAs a teenager growing up in 1920’s Brooklyn, Augusta’s role model was her father, Solomon Stern, the trusted owner of the local pharmacy and the neighborhood expert on every ailment. But when Augusta’s mother dies and Great Aunt Esther moves in, Augusta can’t help but be drawn to Esther’s curious methods. As a healer herself, Esther offers Solomon’s customers her own advice—unconventional remedies ranging from homemade chicken soup to a mysterious array of powders and potions.\n\nAs Augusta prepares for pharmacy college, she is torn between loyalty to her father and fascination with her great aunt, all while navigating a budding but complicated relationship with Irving. Desperate for clarity, she impulsively uses Esther’s most potent elixir with disastrous consequences. Disillusioned and alone, Augusta vows to reject Esther’s enchantments forever.\n\nSixty years later, confronted with Irving, Augusta is still haunted by the mistakes of her past. What happened all those years ago and how did her plan go so spectacularly wrong? Did Irving ever truly love her or was he simply playing a part? And can Augusta reclaim the magic of her youth before it’s too late?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"5550532989875853419\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_203579107').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_203579107').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_203579107').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_203579107').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_201793870"> <a href="/book/show/201793870-an-echo-in-time"><img alt="An Echo in Time" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_201793870'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">An Echo in Time<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/5322167.Boo_Walker\">Boo Walker<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.34 avg rating — 3,974 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer5275734376097708970\">A woman delves into a centuries-old murder to find the truth behind her self-destructive behavior in a powerful novel about love, loss, and healing by the bestselling author of An Unfinished Story and The Stars Don’t Lie.\n\nUnable to catch a break in life or love as she approaches thirty, Charli Thur<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText5275734376097708970\" style=\"display:none\">A woman delves into a centuries-old murder to find the truth behind her self-destructive behavior in a powerful novel about love, loss, and healing by the bestselling author of An Unfinished Story and The Stars Don’t Lie.\n\nUnable to catch a break in life or love as she approaches thirty, Charli Thurman sees red lights at every crossroads. And given the Thurman family’s tumultuous history, she knows things will only get worse, unless she can break the cycle and figure out where—and when—it all went wrong.\n\nCharli is skeptical when her best friend introduces her to a “soul reader” who specializes in generational trauma. But during family constellation therapy with the guru, Charli experiences an inexplicable memory of terrible violence. Whatever happened in the past, it created an imbalance that’s still in the Thurman blood.\n\nWhen Charli’s research leads her to Winchester, England, she meets a charming pub owner named Noah, whose own family history is similarly twisted. As the mystery deepens around a damaged inheritance and a tragic death, Charli is resolved to find the truth—and create the fresh start she has been hoping for her whole life.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"5275734376097708970\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_201793870').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_201793870').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_201793870').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_201793870').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_199346768"> <a href="/book/show/199346768-under-the-oak-tree-vol-1"><img alt="Under the Oak Tree, Vol. 1" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_199346768'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Under the Oak Tree, Vol. 1<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/20230920.Suji_Kim\">Suji Kim<\/a>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.78 avg rating — 1,389 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer14598232132809898507\">Most fairytales end with a wedding and a happily-ever-after—but this is no fairytale. The updated and official translation of Under the Oak Tree, the #1 webnovel on MANTA. \n \nLady Maximilian is the daughter of the powerful Duke Croyso, but she is rarely allowed outside her family’s sprawling castle <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText14598232132809898507\" style=\"display:none\">Most fairytales end with a wedding and a happily-ever-after—but this is no fairytale. The updated and official translation of Under the Oak Tree, the #1 webnovel on MANTA. \n \nLady Maximilian is the daughter of the powerful Duke Croyso, but she is rarely allowed outside her family’s sprawling castle for fear that her stutter will tarnish their noble name. When she is forced to marry Sir Riftan, a lowborn knight caught in one of her father’s schemes, Maxi doesn’t dare hope for happiness, let alone love. Her stumbling communication and his gruff manner sour their relationship before it can begin, and Riftan leaves without a word the morning after their vows are exchanged.\n \nNow, three years after their disastrous wedding night, Riftan has returned as a war hero. To Maxi’s surprise, despite rumors that he was offered marriage to Princess Agnes, a beautiful and renowned sorceress, Riftan still wants Maxi for his wife. And when he comes to claim her, his longing becomes a desire that bewilders Maxi, even as she is overcome by the scorching heat that Riftan’s presence ignites within her. As she learns to navigate the intricacies of her new life, Maxi will find herself and her courage, and discover that she is anything but powerless.\n \nThis volume collects chapters 1-76 of the original webnovel by Suji Kim.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"14598232132809898507\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_199346768').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_199346768').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_199346768').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_199346768').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_218149428"> <a href="/book/show/218149428-sunday-morning"><img alt="Sunday Morning (Sunday Morning, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_218149428'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Sunday Morning (Sunday Morning, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/7505427.Jewel_E_Ann\">Jewel E. Ann<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.31 avg rating — 4,371 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer15240795324573890660\">Her boyfriend’s older brother should be off-limits, but he’s a sinful temptation.\n\nSarah is a preacher’s daughter and a people pleaser. She’s also on the verge of graduating high school and following her dream of singing in Nashville. The only thing standing in her way is that the entire town of Dev<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText15240795324573890660\" style=\"display:none\">Her boyfriend’s older brother should be off-limits, but he’s a sinful temptation.\n\nSarah is a preacher’s daughter and a people pleaser. She’s also on the verge of graduating high school and following her dream of singing in Nashville. The only thing standing in her way is that the entire town of Devil’s Head, Missouri, thinks she will marry Matt, the son of the town’s richest rancher.\n\nBut Sarah’s not sure he’s her future husband, especially when his older brother, Isaac, returns home after serving six years in the Army. He has tattoos on his arms and bad habits that are not “father-approved.”\n\nWhen he’s not working on the ranch or roping at the rodeo, Isaac hangs out in the barn, playing his guitar. He’s trouble, but Sarah\'s music-loving heart gravitates toward him.\n\nIsaac loves consuming Sarah’s mind, crawling under her skin, backing her into corners, and whispering inappropriate things in her innocent ears.\n\nAfter weeks of playful banter and guitar lessons blurring the line between right and wrong, Issac makes Sarah a proposition she can’t refuse.\n\nBut when the unthinkable happens, and everything she knows is destroyed, will Sarah make the right choice?\n\n\nA small-town, forbidden, standalone, new adult romance with Footloose meets A Star is Born vibes from USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Jewel E. Ann<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"15240795324573890660\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_218149428').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_218149428').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_218149428').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_218149428').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_220483691"> <a href="/book/show/220483691-the-duke-who-despised-christmas"><img alt="The Duke Who Despised Christmas (Christmas Dukes Book 1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_220483691'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Duke Who Despised Christmas (Christmas Dukes Book 1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/4443176.Scarlett_Scott\">Scarlett Scott<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.36 avg rating — 609 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer724453470992448335\">\n From \nUSA Today\n bestselling author Scarlett Scott comes a new holiday romance about a brooding, scarred duke hiding from the pain of the past and the unexpected woman who heals his heart...\nQuint, the Duke of Sedgewick, is a recluse by choice. Ever since the fire that claimed his wife’s life a<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText724453470992448335\" style=\"display:none\">\n From \nUSA Today\n bestselling author Scarlett Scott comes a new holiday romance about a brooding, scarred duke hiding from the pain of the past and the unexpected woman who heals his heart...\nQuint, the Duke of Sedgewick, is a recluse by choice. Ever since the fire that claimed his wife’s life and left much of his body brutally scarred, he has retreated from polite society. He’s content to keep to his country estate with no one for company, save a handful of servants, everyone else be damned. But when a new housekeeper arrives at Blackwell Abbey before Christmas, his self-imposed solitude is disrupted by a raven-haired menace who turns his world upside down with holly boughs, fir trees, and sinful temptation.Joceline Yorke has spent the last few years of her life in service, sending her earnings home to her mother and siblings. When she accepts an unusually high-paying position as a housekeeper, she finds herself journeying north to a duke who dismisses her upon sight. But Sedgewick is no match for her sunny determination to earn the veritable fortune she stands to collect if she can convince him to keep her on as his housekeeper. She begins a campaign to melt his ice with Yuletide decorations, bright smiles, and Christmas cheer.To his dismay, Quint finds himself increasingly drawn to the spirited Joceline, despite the guilt and bitterness that are never far. And the more time she spends in the surly duke’s maddening presence, the more Joceline realizes there’s tenderness hiding beneath his stern facade. But a duke doesn’t marry his housekeeper, and when Sedgewick’s mother arrives with a prospective bride in tow, the impossibility of their situation has never been clearer…unless they follow their hearts on Christmas Eve.\n Heat Scorching hot! Don\'t say you weren\'t warned\n<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"724453470992448335\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_220483691').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_220483691').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_220483691').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_220483691').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_202260557"> <a href="/book/show/202260557-behind-every-good-man"><img alt="Behind Every Good Man" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_202260557'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Behind Every Good Man<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/19349357.Sara_Goodman_Confino\">Sara Goodman Confino<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.35 avg rating — 12,256 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer462728814446479646\">A wronged wife goes toe to toe with her cheating husband at the polls in this hilarious and heart-lifting novel by the bestselling author of Don’t Forget to Write.\n\nIt’s a doozy of a bad day for Beverly Diamond when she catches her husband, Larry, in a compromising position with his secretary. What’<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText462728814446479646\" style=\"display:none\">A wronged wife goes toe to toe with her cheating husband at the polls in this hilarious and heart-lifting novel by the bestselling author of Don’t Forget to Write.\n\nIt’s a doozy of a bad day for Beverly Diamond when she catches her husband, Larry, in a compromising position with his secretary. What’s a DC suburban wife to do with a soon-to-be ex, two young kids, and no degree or financial support in 1962? Beat the louse at his own game, that’s what.\n\nLarry runs the Maryland senatorial campaign for the incumbent candidate projected to win against his younger underdog opponent, Michael Landau. But Beverly has the pluck, political savvy, and sheer drive to push Landau’s campaign in a successful new direction, even if he already has a campaign manager who is less than pleased she has inserted herself into the race.\n\nNow it’s rival against rival. She and Michael do make a great team…maybe in more ways than one. But with the election heating up, she needs to focus on one thing at a time. If Bev can convince Michael to go modern, pay attention to women’s issues, and learn how to dress himself properly, maybe she can show Larry exactly how much he has underestimated her their entire marriage—and make her own dreams come true in the process.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"462728814446479646\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_202260557').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_202260557').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_202260557').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_202260557').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_209142012"> <a href="/book/show/209142012-the-hidden-girl"><img alt="The Hidden Girl" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_209142012'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Hidden Girl<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/4512899.Lucinda_Riley\">Lucinda Riley<\/a>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.20 avg rating — 3,470 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer16613452973631816877\">Sweeping across two generations, from the ghettos of Europe during the Second World War to the enclaves of New York's Fifth Avenue, The Hidden Girl traces the life of Leah Thompson, who rises from humble beginnings in rural Yorkshire to take the modelling world by storm.But her fateful association w<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText16613452973631816877\" style=\"display:none\">Sweeping across two generations, from the ghettos of Europe during the Second World War to the enclaves of New York\'s Fifth Avenue, The Hidden Girl traces the life of Leah Thompson, who rises from humble beginnings in rural Yorkshire to take the modelling world by storm.But her fateful association with the Delancey family dominates her life. The secrets they hide from one another start to explode into nightmares of thwarted ambition, forbidden love, revenge and murder . . . culminating in a fatal, forgotten prophecy from the past.This title was previously published as Hidden Beauty by Lucinda Edmonds, and has been rewritten and reimagined by her son, Harry Whittaker, for Lucinda Riley fans the world over. <\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"16613452973631816877\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_209142012').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_209142012').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_209142012').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_209142012').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_156709251"> <a href="/book/show/156709251-almost-like-being-in-love"><img alt="Almost Like Being in Love" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_156709251'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Almost Like Being in Love<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/6471623.Sariah_Wilson\">Sariah Wilson<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.75 avg rating — 3,232 ratings<\/span> — published 2023\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer17586149152370390007\">A modern-day Ohio woman and a seventeenth-century Scottish laird fall in love at first sight in a magical holiday romance by Sariah Wilson, the bestselling author of The Chemistry of Love.\n\nMaren Kelly and her friend Penny may be lost in the Scottish Highlands, yes. They may be caught in the blizzar<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText17586149152370390007\" style=\"display:none\">A modern-day Ohio woman and a seventeenth-century Scottish laird fall in love at first sight in a magical holiday romance by Sariah Wilson, the bestselling author of The Chemistry of Love.\n\nMaren Kelly and her friend Penny may be lost in the Scottish Highlands, yes. They may be caught in the blizzard of the century, sure. But despite their dire straits, Maren is going to honor her ailing mother’s wish for them to experience all the magic, mystery, and whimsy Scotland has to offer, even if she freezes to death trying. When they’re rescued by the dashing Duncan Campbell, who seems like he walked straight out of the seventeenth century, Maren is more than a wee bit bewildered.\n\nTheir shelter is Duncan’s castle in Highglen, a captivating village that feels somehow familiar…as does the laird himself. Brimming with holiday cheer and friendly, boisterous family members, Highglen is a safe haven in the frigid winter storm. Maybe it’s the carolers and the warm hearth—or Duncan’s comforting brogue and stolen kisses—but Maren feels as though she’s come home. And in Duncan, she may have found her long-awaited soulmate.\n\nBut is this a miracle that could last a lifetime?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"17586149152370390007\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_156709251').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_156709251').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_156709251').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_156709251').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_43521785"> <a href="/book/show/43521785-bringing-down-the-duke"><img alt="Bringing Down the Duke (A League of Extraordinary Women, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_43521785'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Bringing Down the Duke (A League of Extraordinary Women, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/18775709.Evie_Dunmore\">Evie Dunmore<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.94 avg rating — 87,181 ratings<\/span> — published 2019\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9829717686191655814\">England, 1879. Annabelle Archer, the brilliant but destitute daughter of a country vicar, has earned herself a place among the first cohort of female students at the renowned University of Oxford. In return for her scholarship, she must support the rising women's suffrage movement. Her charge: recru<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9829717686191655814\" style=\"display:none\">England, 1879. Annabelle Archer, the brilliant but destitute daughter of a country vicar, has earned herself a place among the first cohort of female students at the renowned University of Oxford. In return for her scholarship, she must support the rising women\'s suffrage movement. Her charge: recruit men of influence to champion their cause. Her target: Sebastian Devereux, the cold and calculating Duke of Montgomery who steers Britain\'s politics at the Queen\'s command. Her challenge: not to give in to the powerful attraction she can\'t deny for the man who opposes everything she stands for. \n\nSebastian is appalled to find a suffragist squad has infiltrated his ducal home, but the real threat is his impossible feelings for green-eyed beauty Annabelle. He is looking for a wife of equal standing to secure the legacy he has worked so hard to rebuild, not an outspoken commoner who could never be his duchess. But he wouldn\'t be the greatest strategist of the Kingdom if he couldn\'t claim this alluring bluestocking without the promise of a ring... or could he? \n\nLocked in a battle with rising passion and a will matching her own, Annabelle will learn just what it takes to topple a duke....\n\nA stunning debut for author Evie Dunmore and her Oxford suffragists in which a fiercely independent vicar\'s daughter takes on a powerful duke in a fiery love story that threatens to upend the British social order.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9829717686191655814\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_43521785').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_43521785').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_43521785').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_43521785').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_208894878"> <a href="/book/show/208894878-the-muse-of-maiden-lane"><img alt="The Muse of Maiden Lane (Belles of London, #4)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_208894878'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Muse of Maiden Lane (Belles of London, #4)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/16948224.Mimi_Matthews\">Mimi Matthews<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.19 avg rating — 998 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9613052759019889311\">A silver-haired equestrienne and a charismatic artist turn a scandalous bargain into a vibrant portrait of love.\n\nStella Hobhouse is a brilliant rider, stalwart friend, skilled sketch artist—and completely overlooked. Her outmodish gray hair makes her invisible to London society. Combined with her b<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9613052759019889311\" style=\"display:none\">A silver-haired equestrienne and a charismatic artist turn a scandalous bargain into a vibrant portrait of love.\n\nStella Hobhouse is a brilliant rider, stalwart friend, skilled sketch artist—and completely overlooked. Her outmodish gray hair makes her invisible to London society. Combined with her brother’s pious restrictions and her dwindling inheritance, Stella is on the verge of a lifetime marooned in Derbyshire as a spinster. Unless she does something drastic…like posing for a daring new style of portrait by the only man who’s ever really seen her.\n\nAspiring painter Edward “Teddy” Hayes knows true beauty when he sees it. He would never ask Stella to risk her reputation as an artist’s model but in the five years since a virulent bout of scarlet fever left him partially paralyzed, Teddy has learned to heed good fortune when he finds it. He’ll do anything to persuade his muse to pose for him, even if he must offer her a marriage of convenience. \n\nAfter all, though Teddy has yearned to trace Stella’s luminous beauty on canvas since their chance meeting, her heart is what he truly aches to capture….<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9613052759019889311\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_208894878').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_208894878').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_208894878').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_208894878').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_200555182"> <a href="/book/show/200555182-the-ornithologist-s-field-guide-to-love"><img alt="The Ornithologist's Field Guide to Love (Love's Academic, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_200555182'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Ornithologist's Field Guide to Love (Love's Academic, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/20761613.India_Holton\">India Holton<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.95 avg rating — 6,660 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer10786013947288346574\">Rival ornithologists hunt through England for a rare magical bird in this historical-fantasy rom-com reminiscent of Indiana Jones but with manners, tea, and helicopter parasols.\n\nBeth Pickering is on the verge of finally capturing the rare deathwhistler bird when Professor Devon Lockley swoops in, c<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText10786013947288346574\" style=\"display:none\">Rival ornithologists hunt through England for a rare magical bird in this historical-fantasy rom-com reminiscent of Indiana Jones but with manners, tea, and helicopter parasols.\n\nBeth Pickering is on the verge of finally capturing the rare deathwhistler bird when Professor Devon Lockley swoops in, capturing both her bird and her imagination like a villain. Albeit a handsome and charming villain, but that\'s beside the point. As someone highly educated in the ruthless discipline of ornithology, Beth knows trouble when she sees it, and she is determined to keep her distance from Devon. \n\nFor his part, Devon has never been more smitten than when he first set eyes on Professor Beth Pickering. She\'s so pretty, so polite, so capable of bringing down a fiery, deadly bird using only her wits. In other words, an angel. Devon understands he must not get close to her, however, since they\'re professional rivals. \n\nWhen a competition to become Birder of the Year by capturing an endangered caladrius bird is announced, Beth and Devon are forced to team up to have any chance of winning. Now keeping their distance becomes a question of one bed or two. But they must take the risk, because fowl play is afoot, and they can\'t trust anyone else—for all may be fair in love and war, but this is ornithology.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"10786013947288346574\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_200555182').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_200555182').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_200555182').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_200555182').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover870527_213287713"> <a href="/book/show/213287713-schemes-scandals"><img alt="Schemes & Scandals (A Rip Through Time, #3.5)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover870527_213287713'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Schemes & Scandals (A Rip Through Time, #3.5)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/7581.Kelley_Armstrong\">Kelley Armstrong<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.37 avg rating — 403 ratings<\/span> — published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer7651534429625929298\">It’s Mallory Atkinson’s first Christmas in Scotland. Victorian Scotland, that is. Also, as the twenty-first-century detective learns, Christmas really isn’t a thing in Victorian Scotland. It’s all about Hogmanay. But her boss, Dr. Duncan Gray, treats her to an early gift of tickets to the event of t<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText7651534429625929298\" style=\"display:none\">It’s Mallory Atkinson’s first Christmas in Scotland. Victorian Scotland, that is. Also, as the twenty-first-century detective learns, Christmas really isn’t a thing in Victorian Scotland. It’s all about Hogmanay. But her boss, Dr. Duncan Gray, treats her to an early gift of tickets to the event of the season: a Charles Dickens reading. There, they bump into Lady Inglis—the lovely widow who has sent Gray sexy letters trying to entice him back to her bed.\n\nLady Inglis introduces Mallory to Dickens—the meeting of a lifetime—but in return she wants their help. She’s being blackmailed. Someone stole letters she wrote to another lover and is threatening to publish them.\n\nMallory isn’t sure what to make of Lady Inglis, but no woman deserves that, so she insists on taking the case with or without Gray’s help. Growing tension between them soon tells Mallory that Gray is hiding a secret of his own. She has until Hogmanay to uncover the blackmailer…and, hopefully, to put things right with Gray so they can enjoy the holiday together.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"7651534429625929298\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover870527_213287713').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover870527_213287713').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover870527_213287713').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover870527_213287713').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="moreLink"> <a class="actionLink" href="/genres/most_read/historical-romance">More most read this week...</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div></div></div><div class="bigBoxBottom"></div></div> <div class=" clearFloats bigBox"><div class="h2Container gradientHeaderContainer"><h2 class="brownBackground"><a href="/list/show_tag/historical-romance">Lists</a></h2></div><div class="bigBoxBody"><div class="bigBoxContent containerWithHeaderContent"> <div class="listRowsFull"> <div class="row" id="topRow"> <div class="cell"> <div class="listImgs"> <a href="/list/show/151001.March_2021_Most_Anticipated_Romance_Releases"><img alt="Anarchy by Tate James" title="Anarchy by Tate James" src="" /></a><a href="/list/show/151001.March_2021_Most_Anticipated_Romance_Releases"><img alt="The Death Club by Caroline Peckham" title="The Death Club by Caroline Peckham" src="" /></a><a href="/list/show/151001.March_2021_Most_Anticipated_Romance_Releases"><img alt="Reborn by Jaymin Eve" title="Reborn by Jaymin Eve" src="" /></a><a href="/list/show/151001.March_2021_Most_Anticipated_Romance_Releases"><img alt="The Ruthless by J. 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From their earliest days, children of aristocrats learn how to address an earl and curtsey before a prince—while other<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText17059307315016648485\" style=\"display:none\">Librarian note: See alternate cover editions here and here.\n\nThe Duke and I is a romance set in the Regency era.\n\nIn the ballrooms and drawing rooms of Regency London, rules abound. From their earliest days, children of aristocrats learn how to address an earl and curtsey before a prince—while other dictates of the ton are unspoken yet universally understood. A proper duke should be imperious and aloof. A young, marriageable lady should be amiable… but not too amiable.\n\nDaphne Bridgerton has always failed at the latter. The fourth of eight siblings in her close-knit family, she has formed friendships with the most eligible young men in London. Everyone likes Daphne for her kindness and wit. But no one truly desires her. She is simply too deuced honest for that, too unwilling to play the romantic games that captivate gentlemen.\n\nAmiability is not a characteristic shared by Simon Basset, Duke of Hastings. Recently returned to England from abroad, he intends to shun both marriage and society—just as his callous father shunned Simon throughout his painful childhood. Yet an encounter with his best friend’s sister offers another option. If Daphne agrees to a fake courtship, Simon can deter the mamas who parade their daughters before him. Daphne, meanwhile, will see her prospects and her reputation soar.\n\nThe plan works like a charm—at first. But amid the glittering, gossipy, cut-throat world of London’s elite, there is only one certainty: love ignores every rule...<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"17059307315016648485\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_110391').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_110391').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_110391').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_110391').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_861326"> <a href="/book/show/861326.The_Viscount_Who_Loved_Me"><img alt="The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_861326'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/63898.Julia_Quinn\">Julia Quinn<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\" title=\"really liked it\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\">really liked it<\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 4.00 avg rating — 434,992 ratings<\/span> — published 2000\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9790560184754985538\">1814 promises to be another eventful season, but not, this author believes, for Anthony Bridgerton, London's most elusive bachelor, who has shown no indication that he plans to marry.\nAnd in truth, why should he? When it comes to playing the consummate rake, nobody does it better...\n—Lady Whistledow<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9790560184754985538\" style=\"display:none\">1814 promises to be another eventful season, but not, this author believes, for Anthony Bridgerton, London\'s most elusive bachelor, who has shown no indication that he plans to marry.\nAnd in truth, why should he? When it comes to playing the consummate rake, nobody does it better...\n—Lady Whistledown\'s Society Papers, April 1814\n\nBut this time, the gossip columnists have it wrong. Anthony Bridgerton hasn\'t just decided to marry—he\'s even chosen a wife! The only obstacle is his intended\'s older sister, Kate Sheffield—the most meddlesome woman ever to grace a London ballroom. The spirited schemer is driving Anthony mad with her determination to stop the betrothal, but when he closes his eyes at night, Kate is the woman haunting his increasingly erotic dreams...\n\nContrary to popular belief, Kate is quite sure that reformed rakes do not make the best husbands—and Anthony Bridgerton is the most wicked rogue of them all. Kate is determined to protect her sister—but she fears her own heart is vulnerable. And when Anthony\'s lips touch hers, she\'s suddenly afraid she might not be able to resist the reprehensible rake herself...<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9790560184754985538\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_861326').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_861326').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_861326').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_861326').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_114166"> <a href="/book/show/114166.Devil_in_Winter"><img alt="Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_114166'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/27847.Lisa_Kleypas\">Lisa Kleypas<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.21 avg rating — 92,722 ratings<\/span> — published 2006\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer1936626895213737598\">\n A devil's bargain.\n\n\nDesperate to escape her scheming relatives, Evangeline Jenner has sought the help of the most infamous scoundrel in London. A marriage of convenience is the only solution.\n\nNo one would have ever paired the shy, stammering wallflower with the sinfully handsome viscount. It qu<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText1936626895213737598\" style=\"display:none\">\n A devil\'s bargain.\n\n\nDesperate to escape her scheming relatives, Evangeline Jenner has sought the help of the most infamous scoundrel in London. A marriage of convenience is the only solution.\n\nNo one would have ever paired the shy, stammering wallflower with the sinfully handsome viscount. It quickly becomes clear, however, that Evie is a woman of hidden strength—and Sebastian desires her more than any woman he\'s ever known.\n\nDetermined to win her husband\'s elusive heart, Evie dares to strike a bargain with the devil: if Sebastian can stay celibate for three months, she will allow him into her bed. When Evie is threatened by a vengeful enemy from the past, Sebastian vows to do whatever it takes to protect his wife . . . even at the expense of his own life.\n\nTogether they will defy their perilous fate, for the sake of all-consuming love.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"1936626895213737598\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_114166').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_114166').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_114166').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_114166').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_110384"> <a href="/book/show/110384.Romancing_Mister_Bridgerton"><img alt="Romancing Mister Bridgerton (Bridgertons, #4)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_110384'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Romancing Mister Bridgerton (Bridgertons, #4)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/63898.Julia_Quinn\">Julia Quinn<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.88 avg rating — 384,571 ratings<\/span> — published 2002\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer7653511910975161594\">Everyone knows that Colin Bridgerton is the most charming man in London. Penelope Featherington has secretly adored her best friend's brother for...well, it feels like forever. After half a lifetime of watching Colin Bridgerton from afar, she thinks she knows everything about him, until she stumbles<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText7653511910975161594\" style=\"display:none\">Everyone knows that Colin Bridgerton is the most charming man in London. Penelope Featherington has secretly adored her best friend\'s brother for...well, it feels like forever. After half a lifetime of watching Colin Bridgerton from afar, she thinks she knows everything about him, until she stumbles across his deepest secret...and fears she doesn\'t know him at all.\n\nColin Bridgerton is tired of being thought nothing but an empty-headed charmer, tired of everyone\'s preoccupation with the notorious gossip columnist Lady Whistledown, who can\'t seem to publish an edition without mentioning him in the first paragraph. But when Colin returns to London from a trip abroad he discovers nothing in his life is quite the same - especially Penelope Featherington! The girl haunting his dreams. But when he discovers that Penelope has secrets of her own, this elusive bachelor must she his biggest threat - or his promise of a happy ending?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"7653511910975161594\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_110384').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_110384').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_110384').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_110384').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_9408584"> <a href="/book/show/9408584-an-offer-from-a-gentleman"><img alt="An Offer From a Gentleman (Bridgertons, #3)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_9408584'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">An Offer From a Gentleman (Bridgertons, #3)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/63898.Julia_Quinn\">Julia Quinn<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.94 avg rating — 356,460 ratings<\/span> — published 2001\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9866141873772399606\">Will she accept his offer before the clock strikes midnight?\n\nSophie Beckett never dreamed she'd be able to sneak into Lady Bridgerton's famed masquerade ball—or that "Prince Charming" would be waiting there for her! Though the daughter of an earl, Sophie has been relegated to the role of servant by<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9866141873772399606\" style=\"display:none\">Will she accept his offer before the clock strikes midnight?\n\nSophie Beckett never dreamed she\'d be able to sneak into Lady Bridgerton\'s famed masquerade ball—or that "Prince Charming" would be waiting there for her! Though the daughter of an earl, Sophie has been relegated to the role of servant by her disdainful stepmother. But now, spinning in the strong arms of the debonair and devastatingly handsome Benedict Bridgerton, she feels like royalty. Alas, she knows all enchantments must end when the clock strikes midnight.\n\nWho was that extraordinary woman? Ever since that magical night, a radiant vision in silver has blinded Benedict to the attractions of any other—except, perhaps this alluring and oddly familiar beauty dressed in housemaid\'s garb whom he feels compelled to rescue from a most disagreeable situation. He has sworn to find and wed his mystery miss, but this breathtaking maid makes him weak with wanting her. Yet, if he offers his heart, will Benedict sacrifice his only chance for a fairy tale love?\n\nAlternate cover for ISBN 0380815583 / 9780380815586<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9866141873772399606\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_9408584').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_9408584').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_9408584').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_9408584').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_114162"> <a href="/book/show/114162.Secrets_of_a_Summer_Night"><img alt="Secrets of a Summer Night (Wallflowers, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_114162'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Secrets of a Summer Night (Wallflowers, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/27847.Lisa_Kleypas\">Lisa Kleypas<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.01 avg rating — 81,926 ratings<\/span> — published 2004\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer13307305099951227954\">\n Four young ladies at the side of the ballroom make a pact to help each other find husbands . . . no matter what it takes.\n\n\nProud and beautiful Annabelle Peyton could have her pick of suitors—if only she had a dowry. Her family is on the brink of disaster, and the only way Annabelle can save them<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText13307305099951227954\" style=\"display:none\">\n Four young ladies at the side of the ballroom make a pact to help each other find husbands . . . no matter what it takes.\n\n\nProud and beautiful Annabelle Peyton could have her pick of suitors—if only she had a dowry. Her family is on the brink of disaster, and the only way Annabelle can save them is to marry a wealthy man. Unfortunately her most persistent admirer is the brash Simon Hunt, a handsome and ambitious entrepreneur who wants her as his mistress.\n\nAnnabelle is determined to resist Simon\'s wicked propositions, but she can\'t deny her attraction to the boldly seductive rogue, any more than he can resist the challenge she presents. As they try to outmaneuver each other, they find themselves surrendering to a love more powerful than they could have ever imagined. But fate may have other plans—and it will take all of Annabelle\'s courage to face a peril that could destroy everything she holds dear.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"13307305099951227954\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_114162').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_114162').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_114162').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_114162').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_693016"> <a href="/book/show/693016.Mine_Till_Midnight"><img alt="Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_693016'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/27847.Lisa_Kleypas\">Lisa Kleypas<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.06 avg rating — 77,935 ratings<\/span> — published 2007\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer12203153237345221951\">\n Two hearts steeped in scandal . . .\n\n\nWhen an unexpected inheritance elevates her family to the ranks of the aristocracy, Amelia Hathaway discovers that tending to her younger sisters and wayward brother was easy compared to navigating the intricacies of the ton. Even more challenging: the attrac<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText12203153237345221951\" style=\"display:none\">\n Two hearts steeped in scandal . . .\n\n\nWhen an unexpected inheritance elevates her family to the ranks of the aristocracy, Amelia Hathaway discovers that tending to her younger sisters and wayward brother was easy compared to navigating the intricacies of the ton. Even more challenging: the attraction she feels for the tall, dark, and dangerously handsome Cam Rohan.\n \nWealthy beyond most men’s dreams, Cam has tired of society’s petty restrictions and longs to return to his “uncivilized” Gypsy roots. When the delectable Amelia appeals to him for help, he intends to offer only friendship—but intentions are no match for the desire that blindsides them both. But can a man who spurns tradition be tempted into that most time-honored arrangement: marriage? Life in London society is about to get a whole lot hotter . . .<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"12203153237345221951\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_693016').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_693016').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_693016').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_693016').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_827412"> <a href="/book/show/827412.It_Happened_One_Autumn"><img alt="It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_827412'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/27847.Lisa_Kleypas\">Lisa Kleypas<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.10 avg rating — 68,622 ratings<\/span> — published 2005\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer67463646200875490\">\n It happened at the ball.\n\n\nWhere beautiful but bold Lillian Bowman quickly learned that her independent American ways weren't entirely "the thing." And the most disapproving of all was insufferable, snobbish, and impossible Marcus, Lord Westcliff, London's most eligible aristocrat.\n\n\n It happene<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText67463646200875490\" style=\"display:none\">\n It happened at the ball.\n\n\nWhere beautiful but bold Lillian Bowman quickly learned that her independent American ways weren\'t entirely "the thing." And the most disapproving of all was insufferable, snobbish, and impossible Marcus, Lord Westcliff, London\'s most eligible aristocrat.\n\n\n It happened in the garden.\n\n\nWhen Marcus shockingly—and dangerously—swept her into his arms. Lillian was overcome with a consuming passion for a man she didn\'t even like. Time stood still; it was as if no one else existed—thank goodness they weren\'t caught in the act!\n\n\n It happened one autumn.\n\n\nMarcus was a man in charge of his own emotions, a bedrock of stability. But with Lillian, every touch was exquisite torture, every kiss an enticement for more. Yet how could he consider taking a woman so blatantly unsuitable . . . as his bride?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"67463646200875490\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_827412').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_827412').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_827412').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_827412').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_110386"> <a href="/book/show/110386.To_Sir_Phillip_With_Love"><img alt="To Sir Phillip, With Love (Bridgertons, #5)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_110386'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">To Sir Phillip, With Love (Bridgertons, #5)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/63898.Julia_Quinn\">Julia Quinn<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.69 avg rating — 262,164 ratings<\/span> — published 2003\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer10608876513494138713\">Sir Phillip knew from his correspondence with his dead wife's distant cousin that Eloise Bridgerton was a spinster, and so he'd proposed, figuring that she'd be homely and unassuming, and more than a little desperate for an offer of marriage. Except . . . she wasn't. The beautiful woman on his doors<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText10608876513494138713\" style=\"display:none\">Sir Phillip knew from his correspondence with his dead wife\'s distant cousin that Eloise Bridgerton was a spinster, and so he\'d proposed, figuring that she\'d be homely and unassuming, and more than a little desperate for an offer of marriage. Except . . . she wasn\'t. The beautiful woman on his doorstep was anything but quiet, and when she stopped talking long enough to close her mouth, all he wanted to do was kiss her...\n\nEloise Bridgerton couldn\'t marry a man she had never met! But then she started thinking... and wondering... and before she knew it, she was in a hired carriage in the middle of the night, on her way to meet the man she hoped might be her perfect match. Except... he wasn\'t. Her perfect husband wouldn\'t be so moody and ill-mannered. And he certainly should have mentioned that he had two young - and decidedly unruly - children, as much in need of a mother as Phillip is in need of a wife.\n\nan alternate cover edition can be found here<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"10608876513494138713\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_110386').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_110386').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_110386').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_110386').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_110396"> <a href="/book/show/110396.When_He_Was_Wicked"><img alt="When He Was Wicked (Bridgertons, #6)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_110396'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">When He Was Wicked (Bridgertons, #6)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/63898.Julia_Quinn\">Julia Quinn<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.99 avg rating — 227,755 ratings<\/span> — published 2004\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer11179375513564756387\">Everything was so much simpler... when he was wicked.\n\nIn every life there is a turning point. A moment so tremendous, so sharp and breathtaking, that one knows one's life will never be the same. For Michael Stirling, London's most infamous rake, that moment came the first time he laid eyes on Franc<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText11179375513564756387\" style=\"display:none\">Everything was so much simpler... when he was wicked.\n\nIn every life there is a turning point. A moment so tremendous, so sharp and breathtaking, that one knows one\'s life will never be the same. For Michael Stirling, London\'s most infamous rake, that moment came the first time he laid eyes on Francesca Bridgerton. \n\nAfter a lifetime of chasing women, of smiling slyly as they chased him, of allowing himself to be caught but never permitting his heart to become engaged, he took one look at Francesca Bridgerton and fell so fast and hard into love it was a wonder he managed to remain standing. Unfortunately for Michael, however, Francesca\'s surname was to remain Bridgerton for only a mere thirty-six hours longer—the occasion of their meeting was, lamentably, a supper celebrating her imminent wedding to his cousin. \n\nBut that was then... Now Michael is the earl and Francesca is free, but still she thinks of him as nothing other than her dear friend and confidant. Michael dares not speak to her of his love... until one dangerous night, when she steps innocently into his arms, and passion proves stronger than even the most wicked of secrets...<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"11179375513564756387\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_110396').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_110396').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_110396').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_110396').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_33259027"> <a href="/book/show/33259027-the-duchess-deal"><img alt="The Duchess Deal (Girl Meets Duke, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_33259027'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">The Duchess Deal (Girl Meets Duke, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/2752928.Tessa_Dare\">Tessa Dare<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.99 avg rating — 63,138 ratings<\/span> — published 2017\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer7578971621184175944\">\n When girl meets Duke, their marriage breaks all the rules…\n\n\nSince his return from war, the Duke of Ashbury’s to-do list has been short and anything but sweet: brooding, glowering, menacing London ne’er-do-wells by night. Now there’s a new item on the list. He needs an heir—which means he needs a<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText7578971621184175944\" style=\"display:none\">\n When girl meets Duke, their marriage breaks all the rules…\n\n\nSince his return from war, the Duke of Ashbury’s to-do list has been short and anything but sweet: brooding, glowering, menacing London ne’er-do-wells by night. Now there’s a new item on the list. He needs an heir—which means he needs a wife. When Emma Gladstone, a vicar’s daughter turned seamstress, appears in his library wearing a wedding gown, he decides on the spot that she’ll do.\n\nHis terms are simple:\n- They will be husband and wife by night only.\n- No lights, no kissing. \n- No questions about his battle scars.\n- Last, and most importantly… Once she’s pregnant with his heir, they need never share a bed again.\n\nBut Emma is no pushover. She has a few rules of her own:\n- They will have dinner together every evening.\n- With conversation.\n- And unlimited teasing.\n- Last, and most importantly… Once she’s seen the man beneath the scars, he can’t stop her from falling in love…<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"7578971621184175944\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_33259027').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_33259027').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_33259027').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_33259027').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_6584134"> <a href="/book/show/6584134-nine-rules-to-break-when-romancing-a-rake"><img alt="Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake (Love By Numbers, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_6584134'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake (Love By Numbers, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/1598076.Sarah_MacLean\">Sarah MacLean<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.08 avg rating — 57,374 ratings<\/span> — published 2010\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer11905341889911248668\">A lady does not smoke cheroot. She does not ride astride. She does not fence or attend duels. She does not fire a pistol, and she never gambles at a gentlemen's club.\n\nLady Calpurnia Hartwell has always followed the rules, rules that have left her unmarried—and more than a little unsatisfied. And so<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText11905341889911248668\" style=\"display:none\">A lady does not smoke cheroot. She does not ride astride. She does not fence or attend duels. She does not fire a pistol, and she never gambles at a gentlemen\'s club.\n\nLady Calpurnia Hartwell has always followed the rules, rules that have left her unmarried—and more than a little unsatisfied. And so she\'s vowed to break the rules and live the life of pleasure she\'s been missing.\n\nBut to dance every dance, to steal a midnight kiss—to do those things, Callie will need a willing partner. Someone who knows everything about rule-breaking. Someone like Gabriel St. John, the Marquess of Ralston—charming and devastatingly handsome, his wicked reputation matched only by his sinful smile.\n\nIf she\'s not careful, she\'ll break the most important rule of all—the one that says that pleasure-seekers should never fall hopelessly, desperately in love.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"11905341889911248668\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_6584134').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_6584134').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_6584134').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_6584134').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_105574"> <a href="/book/show/105574.Scandal_in_Spring"><img alt="Scandal in Spring (Wallflowers, #4)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_105574'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Scandal in Spring (Wallflowers, #4)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/27847.Lisa_Kleypas\">Lisa Kleypas<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.02 avg rating — 57,475 ratings<\/span> — published 2006\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer7238394736260891944\">\n An unexpected desire.\n\n\nQuirky and fun-loving American heiress Daisy Bowman is the last unmarried Wallflower. Her exasperated father has informed her that if she can’t find a husband by the end of her third London season, she will be forced to marry a man she hates—the ruthless entrepreneur Matth<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText7238394736260891944\" style=\"display:none\">\n An unexpected desire.\n\n\nQuirky and fun-loving American heiress Daisy Bowman is the last unmarried Wallflower. Her exasperated father has informed her that if she can’t find a husband by the end of her third London season, she will be forced to marry a man she hates—the ruthless entrepreneur Matthew Swift.\n\nDaisy is horrified. A Bowman never admits defeat, so she decides to do whatever it takes to marry someone . . . anyone . . . other than Matthew. What she doesn’t count on, however, is Matthew’s unexpected charm, or the blazing sensuality that soon flares beyond both their control. And Daisy discovers that the man she has always hated just might turn out to be the man of her dreams.\n\nBut when a scandalous secret is uncovered, it could destroy both Matthew and a love more passionate and irresistible than Daisy’s wildest fantasies.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"7238394736260891944\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_105574').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_105574').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_105574').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_105574').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_7491418"> <a href="/book/show/7491418-love-in-the-afternoon"><img alt="Love in the Afternoon (The Hathaways, #5)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_7491418'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Love in the Afternoon (The Hathaways, #5)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/27847.Lisa_Kleypas\">Lisa Kleypas<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.20 avg rating — 51,093 ratings<\/span> — published 2010\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9677880809770626756\">\n She harbors a secret yearning.\n\n\nAs a lover of animals and nature, Beatrix Hathaway has always been more comfortable outdoors than in the ballroom. Even though she participated in the London season in the past, the classic beauty and free-spirited Beatrix has never been swept away or seriously co<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9677880809770626756\" style=\"display:none\">\n She harbors a secret yearning.\n\n\nAs a lover of animals and nature, Beatrix Hathaway has always been more comfortable outdoors than in the ballroom. Even though she participated in the London season in the past, the classic beauty and free-spirited Beatrix has never been swept away or seriously courted . . . and she has resigned herself to the fate of never finding love. Has the time come for the most unconventional of the Hathaway sisters to settle for an ordinary man—just to avoid spinsterhood? \n\n\n He\'s a world-weary cynic.\n\n\nCaptain Christopher Phelan is a handsome, daring soldier who plans to marry Beatrix\'s friend, the vivacious flirt Prudence Mercer, when he returns from fighting abroad. But, as he explains in his letters to Pru, life on the battlefield has darkened his soul—and it\'s becoming clear that Christopher won\'t come back as the same man. When Beatrix learns of Pru\'s disappointment, she decides to help by concocting Pru\'s letters to Christopher for her. Soon the correspondence between Beatrix and Christopher develops into something fulfilling and deep . . . and when Christopher comes home, he\'s determined to claim the woman he loves. \n\nWhat began as Beatrix\'s innocent deception has resulted in the agony of unfulfilled love—and a passion that can\'t be denied.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9677880809770626756\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover128997_7491418').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover128997_7491418').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover128997_7491418').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover128997_7491418').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover128997_18052985"> <a href="/book/show/18052985-romancing-the-duke"><img alt="Romancing the Duke (Castles Ever After, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover128997_18052985'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\"\">Romancing the Duke (Castles Ever After, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/2752928.Tessa_Dare\">Tessa Dare<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.88 avg rating — 49,546 ratings<\/span> — published 2014\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer4150921508794014785\">In the first in Tessa Dare's captivating Castles Ever After series, a mysterious fortress is the setting for an unlikely love . . .\n\nAs the daughter of a famed author, Isolde Ophelia Goodnight grew up on tales of brave knights and fair maidens. She never doubted romance would be in her future, too. <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText4150921508794014785\" style=\"display:none\">In the first in Tessa Dare\'s captivating Castles Ever After series, a mysterious fortress is the setting for an unlikely love . . .\n\nAs the daughter of a famed author, Isolde Ophelia Goodnight grew up on tales of brave knights and fair maidens. She never doubted romance would be in her future, too. The storybooks offered endless possibilities.\n\nAnd as she grew older, Izzy crossed them off. One by one by one.\n\n Ugly duckling turned swan?\n Abducted by handsome highwayman?\n Rescued from drudgery by charming prince?\n\nNo, no, and… Heh.\n\nNow Izzy’s given up yearning for romance. She’ll settle for a roof over her head. 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