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<div style="border-top: 1px dotted #999;"></div> <h1 class="main">About Us</h1> <p>Photoxels is a free on-line resource that provides impartial news, reviews and specifications about the latest and best digital cameras. It includes a buyer's guide, easy-to-understand digital photography tutorials, a brief history of cameras and a glossary of digital photography terms.</p> <p>Photoxels was founded in 2002 by MyKhanh Wong (Owner, Publisher, Chief Editor) and Yin Wong (Contributing Editor), the editors behind Photoxels.</p> <p>The name <b><font color="#6699CC">PHOTOXELS</font></b> derives from <b><font color="#6699CC">PHOTO</font>graphy</b> and <b>digital pi<font color="#6699CC">XELS</font></b>.</p> <p><b>4 Easy Steps</b></p> <ol> <li>Read our QuickFact Sheets about the <a href="best-digital-cameras.html">best digital cameras</a> for a quick tour of what's available. We add new models as they are introduced so you are always up-to-date.</li> <li>Browse our <a href="reviews-matrix.html">Reviews Matrix</a> and read the <a href="digital-camera-reviews.html">best digital camera reviews</a> you can find on the Web. Get a second opinion, or even a third, before making your purchase decision.</li> <li>You don't have to buy from us (get the best deal you can, online or at a store, but be sure to shop only at a reputable dealer). If you do wish to <a href="shop.html">support this site</a>, we are affiliated with and (Dealtime) for some of the best deals (and guarantee) on the Internet. Your shopping clicks through a link on our site to or (by the way, any product, camera and otherwise, qualifies) generate a referral fee for us (without affecting the price you pay). Thanks in advance for your support!</li> <li>Finally, read our easy-to-understand <a href="articles.html">articles</a> and <a href="digital-photography-tutorials.html">digital photography tutorials</a> to make the most of your purchase. Unlike many tutorials that strive to be just &quot;technically correct,&quot; we focus on being technically correct in plain language. Many readers write that our tutorials are among the clearest and easiest-to-understand they have ever read, period.</li> </ol> <p><b>Positioning Statement</b></p> <p>The unique proposition behind Photoxels is to help you:, our readers, become better photographers: our concise fact sheets and helpful digital camera reviews provide you with the information you need to make an informed purchase decision; our buyer's guide helps you go through the process of figuring out the best digital camera for you based on your needs, wants, and available budget; our reliable e-tailer partners make it easy for you to make a purchase with confidence; and, our tutorials help you make the most of your purchase.</p> <p><b>Target Audience</b></p> <p>Our target audience is beginner and serious amateur photographers.</p> <p>We report only the news we believe are relevant to our target audience -- sparing them the chore of having to sift through mountain loads of chatter and static to find the good stuff.</p> <p>Our goal is to simply help you become better informed, better grounded in what's important; equip you to know what you like, which digital camera is right for you so you are not buffeted by doubts and constant need for reassurance about whether you made the right purchase decision; and, help you improve yourself in the art of digital photography. All the while having fun doing so!</p> <p><b>Disclaimers: Our Errors &amp; Making Your Own Decision</b></p> <p>Though we try to be very careful about the information we put on this site, errors may creep in and manufacturers may change specifications. Included accessories vary by country. Please verify with the manufacturer's site for the latest specifications before making your purchase.</p> <p>Readers often ask us for digital camera recommendations. We cannot recommend which digital camera is the best one for you because there are too many personal variables to consider. Our <a href="buyersGuide.html">digital camera buyer's guide</a> reflects our thinking on this matter, and our hands-on <a href="digital-camera-reviews.html">digital camera reviews</a> clearly identify the relevant strengths and weaknesses of each digital camera. Do not base your purchase decision on our personal opinions alone; by all means, get a second opinion. <i>You</i> are the best person to decide which digital camera is best for you.</p> <p>[Verify a reseller's reputation at <a href="" target="externalSite"></a>]</p> <p><b>Support</b></p> <p>We work long hours (in the wee hours of the night and on week-ends) to bring you this site, and we do need support from our readers. If you have found this site useful, we do ask you to consider showing your support in one or more of the following ways:</p> <ul> <li>Purchase from our advertisers. We earn a small commision for every purchase you make, which goes to pay for web hosting fees. You have to surf through the links on our site, and you are not limited to purchasing digital cameras only: CDs, DVDs, books, toys, apparel, even pots and pans -- <i>anything</i> on,,, and (and our other advertisers), including the proverbial kitchen sink, is game. 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Thank you for visiting and we hope you will tell your friends about us!</p> <p><strong>2007-12:</strong> Two new features for our readers:</p> <p><strong> Answers</strong> allow you to post your questions and receive answers from us and other readers.</p> <p><strong>Gallery</strong> gives you 10MB of free photo sharing and hosting space. Yes, absolutely <em>FREE!</em> It's our way of saying, '<em>Thanks for your support!</em>' Create as many public and private photo albums as you like (but do keep it all 'Family Friendly').</p> <p><i><b>MyKhanh &amp; Yin</b></i><br/> <i>editors</i></p> <hr height="1" noshade/> <p><b>Feedback from our readers:</b></p> <p>Looking for tips on <a href="">exposure</a> and how to correct blurr when using a long lens in low light. Your site has the most informative, easy-to-read-and-understand articles on ISO, exposure, etc. I was very happy to find your site. Thank You Well done.<br/> -- Brian E.</p> <p>Looking for Digital Cameras and found your article [<a href="fundamentals.html">Fundamentals</a>] extremely useful and full of simple explanations. Please keep up the good work.<br/> -- Ashley T.</p> <p><a href="tutorial_histogram.html">Understanding and using the histogram</a> on digital camera. I just purchased my first digital 3 weeks ago. Your article (I have read others) has given me the best and quickest understanding of how to use a histogram. Thank you.<br/> -- Pierre</p> <p>Looking for <a href="tutorial_histogram.html">histogram tutorial</a> -- this was the first out of several that explained it clearly to a novice. thanks,<br/> -- Mark</p> <p>Looking for <a href="tutorial_histogram.html">histogram</a> explanation. Thanks. I get it now!!!<br/> -- Sue</p> <p></p> <p>Just wanted to congratulate you on a terrific web site. I recently purchased a Nikon D100 and found some terminology hard to understand. After reading your <a href="digital-photography-tutorials.html">tutorials</a> they are becoming easier, you guys explain them so the amateur can understand. I still have a long way to go, years I expect, but now I have your web site it's much more enjoyable, hopefully I will be taking better photo's in the not to distant future. Regards<br/> -- Cathy T. (Sydney, Australia)</p> <p>Fantastic article [<a href="">Low-Light Exposure</a>]. Lot to digest, but you anticipated my questions, clarified concisely and simply enuf for a beginner such as myself- Thanks!!<br/> -- Jane</p> <p>I was looking for <a href="buyersGuide.html">reviews on digital cameras</a> and I found exactly what I was looking for! Thank You!<br/> -- Bita</p> <p>I am just starting to look for a digital camera that will capture distant wildlife images better than my current one. I needed to first learn what is the difference in <a href="article-optical-digital-zoom.html">optical &amp; digital zooms</a>. You gave me just what I was looking for on this beginning of my quest. Thanks much!<br/> -- Nancy</p> <p>Thank you! you might have saved a marriage and helped us capture great pictures of our grandkids!!!!!!<br/> -- Maria A. P.</p> <p><a href="article-optical-digital-zoom.html">Optical zoom cameras vs. digital zoom</a>. Yours is the best site I have come across. I have used a digital camera for the past 4 years, and have learned more from your tutorials in a few hours than during all that time using my camera. I plan to buy a new one with 10x optical zoom. Keep up the good work. I'm a Canadian also.<br/> -- Bill F.</p> <p>Clear <a href="tutorial_aperture.html">aperture</a> explanation. 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