Child Support Enforcement - CT Judicial Branch
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If you would like SES to review your case for a possible increase or decrease in your child support order, please complete and submit this <a href="">Request Form</a> by mail, fax, or email to SES. <hr>--><a href="../scripts/SesEmail.asp">Submit a question by E-mail</a><br> <a href="faq_eng.htm#3">Child Support Publications</a><br> <a href="">Civil/Family Case Look-up</a><br> <!--<a href="../external/news/extended_hrs_flyer.pdf">Extended Hours</a> - PDF<br>--> <!-- English QUICK LINKS box ends --> <a href="faq_eng.htm#12">How to Change Your Order</a></span></span><p><span class="SES_name">Who are we?</span><br> <span class="text"> <!--<img src="imgs/SESlogo3Faces_170px.gif" alt="SES logo" title="Put a smile on all their faces, SES, 1-800-228-5437" style="float:right; width:20%; padding:8px">--> Support Enforcement Services (SES) is part of the Judicial Branch, Court Operations Division. We work closely with state and federal agencies to operate the Connecticut Child Support Enforcement Program. Our primary job is to help parents enforce and modify their child support orders. SES is committed to providing accurate information and appropriate services in a prompt, courteous and professional manner.<br> </span><br> <span class="SES_name">Our Mission</span><br> <span class="text">Our mission is to assist parents in securing financial and medical support for their children by providing quality services and information to parents, the court and the community in a courteous, efficient and effective manner that is sensitive to the contributions both parents make to their children's development.</span> <br> <p class="SES_name" style="margin:1% 1% 1% 0%"><strong>How to Apply and Case Specific Questions</strong></p> <!--<p class="text" style="margin:0 1% 1% 0%">Effective March 30, 2020, and until further notice, the Judicial Branch�s Support Enforcement Services (SES) offices are closing statewide due to the COVID-19 crisis. The call center also will be closed effective March 30, 2020, until further notice.</p> <p class="text" style="margin:0 1% 1% 0%">Individuals can continue to pay child support by mailing a check or money order to the Connecticut State Disbursement Center at: Connecticut-CCSPC, P.O. Box 990031, Hartford, CT 06199-0031. Please make sure to include your file number and/or Social Security number on the check or money order.</p> <p class="text" style="margin:0 1% 1% 0%">During this time, SES is operating with reduced staffing and is providing limited services. If you have an important child support issue or question regarding your case, you may email SES at <a href="mailto:CSIPRU@JUD.CT.GOV">CSIPRU@JUD.CT.GOV</a></p> <p class="text" style="margin:0 1% 1% 0%">You may also continue to call the automated payment processing line for payment information on your case, at 1-888-233�7223.</p> <p class="text" style="margin:0 1% 1% 0%">Additional information and updates about Judicial Branch operations can be found at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p class="text" style="margin:0 1% 1% 0%">For information on the <strong>Economic Impact (Stimulus) Payments and the Treasury Offset Program</strong> for child support, please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) published by the Department of Social Services (DSS) at <a href=""></a>. You may contact DSS with any questions about the offset program. For specific questions about your child support balance or case please contact SES.</p> <p class="text" style="margin:0 1% 1% 0%">Effective July, 31, 2020 the Judicial Branch�s Support Enforcement Services (SES) offices and the statewide Child Support Call Center opened for services. However, due to the COVID-19 crisis, SES continues to operate with reduced staffing in the offices. At this time, SES is still not able to process cash payments in our offices. </p> <p class="text" style="margin:0 1% 1% 0%">Individuals can continue to pay child support by mailing a check or money order to the Connecticut State Disbursement Center at: Connecticut-CCSPC, P.O. Box 990031, Hartford, CT 06199-0031. Please make sure to include your file number and/or Social Security number on the check or money order.</p> --> <p class="text" style="margin:0 1% 1% 0%">If you want more information on how to apply for our services or have an issue or question regarding your child support case, you may email SES at <a href="mailto:CSIPRU@JUD.CT.GOV">CSIPRU@JUD.CT.GOV</a> or contact our Child Support Call Center at 1-800-228-KIDS (5437).</p> <hr style="clear:right"><br> <!-- Spanish QUICK LINKS box begins --> <div id="spanish"> <span id="QL0" style="width:30%"> <div style="background-color:#009865; font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size:1.15em; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; padding:4px; margin-bottom:4px">Quick Links </div> <span class="QL_links" style="line-height:175%"> <!--<strong>Reservistas de las fuerzas armadas:</strong> Los SES ofrecen servicios acelerados para revisar y ajustar sus órdenes de manutención de los hijos. <a href="faq_sp.htm#9.">Más información.</a> <hr>--> <a href="">Haga aquí su pregunta por correo electrónico</a><a href="faq_sp.htm#9."><br> ¿Cómo cambio o modifico una orden de manutención de los hijos?</a><a href=""><br> Consulta de Casos Civiles/de Familia</a><a href="faq_sp.htm#13."><br> Publicaciones </a><a href=""><br> Oficinas de Cumplimiento de la Manutención y sus números de teléfono</a><a href=""><br> <!--Ampliación de horario del Centro de Llamadas sobre Pensión Alimenticia de Connecticut</a></span>--> </span> <!-- Spanish QUICK LINKS box ends --> <br /><span class="H1" style="color:black"><a name="esp">Servicios</a> de Cumplimiento de la Manutención</span><br> <span class="SES_securing">Asegurar el apoyo a los niño</span><span class="text"><br> <a href="#eng">In English</a></span> <p><span class="SES_name">¿Quiénes somos?</span><span class="Header_red"><br></span> <span class="text">Los Servicios de Cumplimiento de la Manutención forman parte de la Dirección de Operaciones de los Tribunales del Poder Judicial. Trabajamos estrechamente con los organismos estatales y federales para administrar el Programa de Servicios de Cumplimiento de la Manutención del Estado de Connecticut. Nuestra labor primordial es ayudar a los padres en el cumplimiento y modificación de las órdenes de manutención. SES (por sus siglas en inglés) se compromete a proporcionar información exacta y servicios adecuados en una forma rápida, cortés y profesional.</span></p> <p><span class="SES_name">Nuestra misión</span><span class="Header_red"><br></span> <span class="text">Nuestra misión es ayudar a los padres a obtener ayuda económica y médica para sus hijos dándoles informaciones y servicios de calidad a los padres, al Tribunal y a la comunidad en una forma cortés, eficaz y competente teniendo presente las contribuciones de los padres al desarrollo de sus hijos.</span></p> <p class="text"><a href="#top">Top</a></p> </div> <!-- #EndEditable --> </div> </section> </article> </section> </section> </div> <footer id="JudMaster_Footer" class="MasterFooter" style="font-size:1em;"></footer> </form> <script src="/JudMaster/scripts/JudMaster.js?v2" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> <!-- #EndTemplate --> </html>