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class="container"> <div class="row"> <!-- Breadcrumb --> <div id="breadCrumb" class="col breadcrumb-container"><a href="/" class="home-icon pr-2" title="Home"></a> FAQs</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq-container container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="faq-summary" id="faq-summary"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <h1 class="faq-page-title">FAQ</h1> <h2 class="faq-group-name" id="group-name-0"> ACCOUNT INFORMATION </h2> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-0"> <div class="faq-question"> Do I need to register? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> If you are a first-time visitor to the store you, will need to register with us. Registering will allow access to purchasing on the store and will make your subsequent visits quicker. Any information you provide is held with the utmost care and security. To read more about this, see our <b><a href='/PrivacyPolicy'>Privacy Policy</a></b>. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-1"> <div class="faq-question"> What if I forget my password? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> If you forget your password, you can request that it be sent to your email address from the Sign In page. Click the "Forgot your password?" link. Customer Support cannot give passwords out over the phone, nor can we email them to a different email address than the one used to register the account. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-2"> <div class="faq-question"> Can I view a list of my past orders online? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Yes, you can view all past order details by signing in to your account. Once you have signed in, hover over your name and click <b><a href='/User/History'>Order History</a></b>. <br><br>If you have a question about a previous order that cannot be answered by viewing your order history, please contact <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b>. </div> </div> <h2 class="faq-group-name" id="group-name-1"> FINDING PRODUCTS AND PLACING ORDERS </h2> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-3"> <div class="faq-question"> How do I find the items I am looking for? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> You can browse through the site or use the search bar. The search bar is located at the top of every page of the online catalog. When you find an item that interests you, click the name of the item to see its detail page. You can also browse through our categories found on the top of all pages and use the filters to narrow down your selection. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-4"> <div class="faq-question"> How do I place an order? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Placing an order with us is fast and easy! Once you have found the item(s) you would like to purchase, simply click on the Add to Cart button. Proceed to your shopping cart and click the Checkout button. Next, follow the general instructions presented on each page during the checkout process. After completing the checkout process, you will receive an order confirmation email shortly to confirm your order. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-5"> <div class="faq-question"> How do I order merchandise with personalization or a different logo? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Made-to-Order items may be offered with personalization or multiple logo options. Please see the product page to see if additional logo options are offered on the item. <br><br> Contact your dedicated Client Success Executive, via the <b><a href='/CustomQuoteRequest'>Custom Quote Request</a></b> form to order merchandise with a logo other than the logos offered. <br><br>Note: These items do not qualify for the following shipping methods; Mail Innovations, SurePost or Worldwide Economy. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-6"> <div class="faq-question"> What if I have a problem placing an order? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Although most online orders go very smoothly, occasionally you may experience an issue. If you are not sure about what to do next to complete your order, please contact <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b>. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-7"> <div class="faq-question"> How do I place a rush order? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> If there is a specific in-hand date for your order or you need it to be expedited to you as soon as possible, please contact <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b>. <br><br>Rush production charges and/or expedited shipping charges may apply. Some products are not eligible for expedited shipping. These items are identified on the individual product pages. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-8"> <div class="faq-question"> What if I want an item, but it is on backorder? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> We strive to maintain adequate stock levels, however, we may run out of or run low on a particular item. Inventory quantities and expected stock arrival dates for each item are shown on the detailed product page. If you find an item that does not have adequate inventory on hand, you have the following options: <ul><li>Reduce your quantity to the remaining amount available on hand; <li>Check out the other related items in this category; <li>Add your email to the Stock Notice and we'll notify you when more inventory becomes available; <li>Request a custom quote/order (supplier minimums apply) <b><a href='/CustomQuoteRequest'>here</a></b>. </ul><br>Taking advantage of the Stock Notice feature does not commit you to purchase. Should you decide you still have a need for the item when it arrives in stock, you will then have the opportunity to purchase the item. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-9"> <div class="faq-question"> What if I need to cancel my order? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> For orders that have already been produced and/or shipped, please see the return or exchange policy. For items that have not been produced and/or shipped, please contact <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b>. <br><br>For made-to-order items, a representative from our team will contact the manufacturer to find out if the order is eligible to be canceled. If the order can be canceled, cancellation and restock charges may apply. Any remaining funds for the canceled order will be credited to the credit card used at the time of purchase. For security, the credit card information is not kept on file. A member of our Customer Support Team will contact you to get the information to process the credit. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-10"> <div class="faq-question"> There is an item I want that you don鈥檛 have listed here. Where can I find it? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> We are constantly working to make more items available for purchase. If there is an item, you鈥檙e interested in that is not available here, please contact <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b> with your suggestion. </div> </div> <h2 class="faq-group-name" id="group-name-2"> BILLING INFORMATION </h2> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-11"> <div class="faq-question"> What forms of payment do you accept? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> We currently accept these methods of payment: <br> <ul><li> Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express) <li> Debit Cards <li> Gift Certificates </ul><br>All orders are payable in U.S. Dollars. <br>We are unable to accept checks, cash, or bank transfers. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-12"> <div class="faq-question"> When will my credit card be charged? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> For all credit card orders, your credit card will be processed immediately upon checkout. You will receive an order confirmation email with the complete order summary and the total amount charged to your card, including shipping/handling and tax (if applicable). <br><br>If funds are not available and your card declines, your order will not process and no confirmation email will be sent, but you will be prompted to supply an additional form of payment to complete the transaction. If you choose to supply an additional card that authorizes the funds, your transaction will then be completed, and you will receive an order confirmation email at that time. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-13"> <div class="faq-question"> Why am I being asked to re-enter my credit card information? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> As part of our continuing efforts to protect your sensitive payment information, we follow various industry-standard guidelines. As part of these guidelines, the system will require you to periodically re-enter your credit card number to maintain the highest levels of end-to-end protection for your transactions. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-14"> <div class="faq-question"> Will I be charged sales tax? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> In states where our commerce service provider and fulfillment partners have operations, we are required to charge sales tax on product purchases as well as shipping and handling. Sales taxes will not be shown until a Ship To address has been provided. Sales taxes are applied to your order in accordance with individual state regulations. <br><br>Please click <b><a href='/tax'>here</a></b> to see a current list of states requiring sales tax. <br><br>If your organization is tax exempt, please continue to register on our site and the email your seller鈥檚 permit to <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b>. Once your permit has been validated, your account will be updated to exempt status. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-15"> <div class="faq-question"> What if the item I order is discontinued by the manufacturer after I place my order? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> In rare instances, the manufacturer may discontinue an item and Summit may have to cancel your order. If your order is canceled, funds for the canceled order will be credited to the credit card used at the time of purchase. For security, the credit card information is not kept on file. A member of our Customer Support Team will contact you to get the information to process the credit. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-16"> <div class="faq-question"> What is your price adjustment/sale price policy? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Promotions are only valid during the timeframe stated, such as a sale with a promo code. Promotions/sales are not valid on previous orders. We are not able to match any of our previous prices/orders. If an item is exchanged for a like item, the customer will be charged the original price for the exchanged item. No price adjustments will be given for sale merchandise. Clearance items are not available for exchange or return. </div> </div> <h2 class="faq-group-name" id="group-name-3"> GIFT CERTIFICATES </h2> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-17"> <div class="faq-question"> Gift Certificate General Information </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Gift Certificates must be purchased with a credit card. Gift Certificates are only valid on the site it was purchased from. Gift certificates can be used more than once, provided there is a balance remaining. Multiple (up to 20) gift certificate codes can be redeemed on one transaction. To check the balance of a gift certificate, sign into your account. Once you have signed in, hover over your name and click Vouchers | Gift Certificates from the drop-down. </div> </div> <h2 class="faq-group-name" id="group-name-4"> SHIPPING & DELIVERY </h2> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-18"> <div class="faq-question"> When and how does my order ship? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Our goal is 100% accuracy on quantity and timeliness for all shipments. We process orders Monday-Friday. All orders for in-stock merchandise are shipped within 48 hours. Overnight and expedited orders are shipped the same day provided they are transmitted before 12:00 p.m. CT. We do not offer Saturday or Sunday delivery. <br><br>Made-to-Order items will require an estimated 3-5 weeks to allow for production and delivery. Please reference the standard production time noted on the product detail page. <br><br>The delivery date of your order is subject to stock availability and production time, where applicable. <br><br>The estimated transit time is approximately 5-7 days (Monday-Friday) in the continental US from the time your order is placed and is subject to change based on order volume and carrier status. <br><br>We offer a variety of shipping options. All available shipping methods will appear in your shopping cart at the time of checkout. To view the applicable shipping charges, enter the shipping address zip or postal code in the Estimated Shipping box provided. Final shipping charges are shown during checkout. <br><br>Note: UPS does not deliver to PO boxes. If a PO box address is entered, the order will ship via USPS which does not supply tracking. Summit Group is not responsible for lost or damaged shipments. <br><br> </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-19"> <div class="faq-question"> What if I need to ship to an APO, FPO, or DPO address? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> All orders being shipped to APOs, FPOs, DPOs or Rural Routes cannot be shipped with any service other than 4-5 days or ground delivery via USPS Certified mail, with a signed return receipt. UPS cannot deliver to a post office box. <br><br>Please remember that UPS will not accept a Post Office box as a shipping destination. If you have entered a PO box, we will have to contact you about additional shipping charges caused by having to use the United States Post Office before processing your order. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-20"> <div class="faq-question"> What if I need to ship to an international address? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Many products are available for delivery outside the United States. If an item cannot be shipped outside the United States, "This item cannot be exported" will be noted on the product detail page. <br><br>All duties and taxes will be the responsibility of the purchaser. A handling charge of $25.00 will be included for commercial invoice paperwork. <br><br> Please allow additional delivery time for orders with international shipping locations. Please contact <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b> for any international shipping inquiries. <br><br>Duties and taxes are non-refundable. Unfortunately, we cannot refund original duties and taxes unless an error occurred on our part when shipping your order. If an item was damaged or sent in error, the duties and taxes will be credited back to your original form of payment. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-21"> <div class="faq-question"> How are shipping charges calculated? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Shipping charges are calculated based on the weights and dimensions of your shipment in association with the zip code of the final destination and selected shipping method. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-22"> <div class="faq-question"> How do I track my orders? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Tracking is available for every package that we ship with UPS or FedEx via the individual carrier鈥檚 website. <br><br>APO, FPO and DPO packages are sent via the United States Postal Service (USPS) via Standard Mail/Parcel Post mail service. The expected delivery date of the parcel is between 30-45 days from the date of mailing. No expedited services are available, and tracking is not currently available for APO, FPO and DPO parcels. <br><br>As long as you provide us with a valid email at the time of your order, you will receive an order confirmation by email. You will also receive a shipping confirmation by email at the time of the shipment. The shipping notification will contain your tracking number for the associated shipment. You can track the status and delivery of your package with ease using online tracking. If you need help tracking your package, please contact <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b>. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-23"> <div class="faq-question"> What is the Custom Quote Request feature? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> By clicking "Custom Quote Request" you will be prompted to complete a form with as much information as you can about your item/project of interest. A Client Success Executive will get back to you promptly with pricing and product information. That same representative will also be able to coordinate the shipment so that it meets your requests. </div> </div> <h2 class="faq-group-name" id="group-name-5"> RETURNS & EXCHANGES </h2> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-24"> <div class="faq-question"> What is your return policy? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> If you wish to return or exchange an item, contact <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b> within 30 days of receipt of the product to initiate such a return or exchange. No returns or exchanges may be made after 30 days. Please note that returns and exchanges are not permitted for discontinued, on sale or made-to-order (custom decorated) merchandise unless damaged or defective. <br><br>Unauthorized returns or exchanges without a return authorization number (RA #) will not be accepted and are not eligible for credit. All returned products must be complete and include all components of the item being returned, such as cables, adapters, etc. We are not responsible for lost returns. Please make sure to keep a copy of your tracking information to ensure the delivery of your return. Your refund will be processed once we receive and verify the returned merchandise, which can take up to 14 business days from the time we receive your return shipment. <br><br>Please note that all returns and exchanges for product(s) that are not damaged or defective may be subject to a 15% restocking fee. Worn apparel items and any customized product shipped directly from the manufacturer are not eligible for return. Any approved returns will be credited to the credit card used at the time of purchase. For security, the credit card information is not kept on file. A member of our Customer Support Team will contact you to get the information to process the credit. <br><br>If you choose to refuse a shipment for any other reason than shipping damage, you will be responsible for all associated shipping charges and a 15% restocking fee may be deducted from any credit issued. </div> </div> <div class="faq-qa-block" id="question-25"> <div class="faq-question"> What if the product I ordered is defective or incorrect? </div> <div class="faq-answer"> Replacements for defective or incorrect product(s) will be generated if such product(s) are reported to <b><a href='/caserequest/contactus'>Customer Support</a></b> within 30 days of receipt. <br><br>For products shipped from our warehouse that are being returned within 30 days of receipt, Customer Support will provide a return authorization number (RA#) and have UPS issue a pre-paid call tag for return to our distribution facility. Return the product within 10 business days of receipt of the call tag and include all product components and item(s) in their original packaging. Be sure to include the return authorization number (RA#) on the outside of the return packaging. A replacement unit will be shipped at no expense to you once the defective or incorrect product has been received and inspected at the warehouse. For products shipped directly from a supplier's facility, Customer Support will coordinate with the supplier to have the unit in question picked up from you. Once the supplier has received and inspected the returned product, a replacement unit will be shipped at no expense to you directly from the supplier. All components of the product must be returned in their original packaging. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function () { var faqData = JSON.parse('[{"GroupName":" ACCOUNT INFORMATION","members":[{"Question":"Do I need to register?","Answer":""},{"Question":"What if I forget my password?","Answer":""},{"Question":"Can I view a list of my past orders online?","Answer":""}]},{"GroupName":" FINDING PRODUCTS AND PLACING ORDERS","members":[{"Question":"How do I find the items I am looking for?","Answer":""},{"Question":"How do I place an order?","Answer":""},{"Question":"How do I order merchandise with personalization or a different logo?","Answer":""},{"Question":"What if I have a problem placing an order?","Answer":""},{"Question":"How do I place a rush order?","Answer":""},{"Question":"What if I want an item, but it is on backorder?","Answer":""},{"Question":"What if I need to cancel my order?","Answer":""},{"Question":"There is an item I want that you don鈥檛 have listed here. Where can I find it? ","Answer":""}]},{"GroupName":" BILLING INFORMATION","members":[{"Question":"What forms of payment do you accept?","Answer":""},{"Question":"When will my credit card be charged?","Answer":""},{"Question":"Why am I being asked to re-enter my credit card information? ","Answer":""},{"Question":"Will I be charged sales tax?","Answer":""},{"Question":"What if the item I order is discontinued by the manufacturer after I place my order?","Answer":""},{"Question":"What is your price adjustment/sale price policy? ","Answer":""}]},{"GroupName":" GIFT CERTIFICATES","members":[{"Question":"Gift Certificate General Information","Answer":""}]},{"GroupName":" SHIPPING \u0026 DELIVERY","members":[{"Question":"When and how does my order ship?","Answer":""},{"Question":"What if I need to ship to an APO, FPO, or DPO address?","Answer":""},{"Question":"What if I need to ship to an international address? 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