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and Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Oncology and Immunology"></div> <a href="" class="dbt" title="Future Prospects of Small Molecule and Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Oncology and Immunology">Future Prospects of Small Molecule and Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Oncology and Immunology</a> <span class="sj"><span class="news-author" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 10px">Krebs Qin</span></span> <br> <span style="display: inline-block"> October 18, 2024</span> <div class="news_lb2_div"> Specifically, there is a balance between small molecules and monoclonal antibody drugs (mAbs) in the realm of oncology super blockbuster drugs, while immunology appears dominated by monoclonal antibodies and protein-based treatments. </div> </li> <li style="width: 50%" > <div class="img_d imgk"><img src="!345" alt="What Sparks Will Come from the Collaboration Between CSPC and AstraZeneca?"></div> <a href="" class="dbt" title="What Sparks Will Come from the Collaboration Between CSPC and AstraZeneca?">What Sparks Will Come from the Collaboration Between CSPC and AstraZeneca?</a> <span class="sj"><span class="news-author" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 10px">wan</span></span> <br> <span style="display: inline-block"> October 18, 2024</span> <div class="news_lb2_div"> On October 7, 2024, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd entered into a significant collaboration agreement with AstraZeneca, creating quite a stir in the pharmaceutical industry. </div> </li> </ul> <div style="height: 65px;clear: both;padding: 10px 0;background-color: #F0F1F2;"> <div class="ud"><a href="">Pharma Experts <span>>></span></a></div> </div> <ul> <li class="px_o"> <div class="img_d imgk"><img src="!345" alt="Formulation Changes and Bridging During Formulation Development – Part 2"></div> <a href="" class="dbt" title="Formulation Changes and Bridging During Formulation Development – Part 2">Formulation Changes and Bridging During Formulation Development – Part 2</a> <span class="sj"><span class="news-author" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 10px">Deepak Hegde</span></span> <br> <span style="display: inline-block"> November 22, 2024</span> <div class="news_lb2_div"> It focus on the real-life examples of bridging studies due to formulation changes from clinical study to commercialization of drug and real-life examples of bridging studies due to Reformulation (formulation changes) post commercialization of drug. </div> </li> </ul> <div style="height: 65px;clear: both;padding: 10px 0;background-color: #F0F1F2;"> <div class="ud"><a href="">Market News <span>>></span></a></div> </div> <ul> <li class="mn_t" > <div class="img_d imgk"><img src="!345" alt="AI in Pharmacovigilance: Predicting & Preventing Drug Risks"></div> <a href="" class="dbt" title="AI in Pharmacovigilance: Predicting & Preventing Drug Risks">AI in Pharmacovigilance: Predicting & Preventing Drug Risks</a> <span class="sj"><span class="news-author" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 10px">Nurah Ekhlaque</span></span> <br> <span style="display: inline-block"> November 19, 2024</span> </li> <li class="mn_t" > <div class="img_d imgk"><img src="!345" alt="Thrombolytic Science Announces FDA’s IND Clearance of Mutant Prourokinase for the Treatment of Thrombotic Diseases"></div> <a href="" class="dbt" title="Thrombolytic Science Announces FDA’s IND Clearance of Mutant Prourokinase for the Treatment of Thrombotic Diseases">Thrombolytic Science Announces FDA’s IND Clearance of Mutant Prourokinase for the Treatment of Thrombotic Diseases</a> <span class="sj"><span class="news-author" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 10px">PharmaSources</span></span> <br> <span style="display: inline-block"> October 15, 2024</span> </li> <li class="mn_o" > <div class="img_d imgk"><img src="!345" alt="Eleva Appoints Dr. Elisabeth Lackner to its Supervisory Board Adding Broad Biopharmaceutical Industry Expertise to the Organization"></div> <a href="" class="dbt" title="Eleva Appoints Dr. Elisabeth Lackner to its Supervisory Board Adding Broad Biopharmaceutical Industry Expertise to the Organization">Eleva Appoints Dr. Elisabeth Lackner to its Supervisory Board Adding Broad Biopharmaceutical Industry Expertise to the Organization</a> <span class="sj"><span class="news-author" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 10px">PharmaSources</span></span> <br> <span style="display: inline-block"> October 15, 2024</span> <div class="news_lb2_div"> Eleva, a pioneer in unlocking difficult-to-produce biologics based on a breakthrough manufacturing platform, announced today the appointment of Dr. Elisabeth Lackner to its Supervisory Board. </div> </li> </ul> <div style="height: 65px;clear: both;padding: 10px 0;background-color: #F0F1F2;"> <div class="ud"><a href="">Products Guide <span>>></span></a></div> </div> <ul> <li class="pg_o" > <div class="img_d imgk"><img src="!345" alt="Research and Application of Artemisia Argyi"></div> <a href="" class="dbt" title="Research and Application of Artemisia Argyi">Research and Application of Artemisia Argyi</a> <span class="sj"><span class="news-author" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 10px">Xiaonisha</span></span> <br> <span style="display: inline-block"> August 12, 2024</span> <div class="news_lb2_div"> Mugwort, also known as fragrant mugwort or Artemisia argyi, is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Compositae family. </div> </li> <li class="pg_t" > <div class="img_d imgk"><img src="!345" alt="Research Progress on the Application of Biologics in Pediatric Asthma"></div> <a href="" class="dbt" title="Research Progress on the Application of Biologics in Pediatric Asthma">Research Progress on the Application of Biologics in Pediatric Asthma</a> <span class="sj"><span class="news-author" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 10px">Xiaomichong</span></span> <br> <span style="display: inline-block"> July 19, 2024</span> </li> <li class="pg_t" > <div class="img_d 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class="sj"><span class="news-author" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 10px">ChatGTP/PharmaSources</span></span> <br> <span style="display: inline-block"> November 08, 2023</span> <div class="news_lb2_div"> Several pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in China are actively involved in the research and development of Central Nervous System (CNS) drugs. </div> </li> </ul> </div> <!--分页--> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="pharmacy_client"> <ul> <li class="pharmacy_client1"> <text class="pharmacy_client1_1">Advertising</text> <text class="pharmacy_client1_2">Email to:</text> </li> <br/> <li class="pharmacy_client1"> <text class="pharmacy_client1_1">Media Cooperation</text> <text class="pharmacy_client1_2">Email to:</text> </li> <li class="pharmacy_client_subs" style="float: right"> <p>Get alerted on the PharmaSources <span class="yellow">E-Newsletter</span> and <span class="yellow">Pharma Sources Insight</span> E-Compilation!</p> <div class="pharmacy_client_sub1"> 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