pbase Artist Mindy McNaugher
<html lang="en-US"><head> <title>pbase Artist Mindy McNaugher</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <link rel="alternate" href="" title="Mindy McNaugher's Gallery Updates" type="application/atom+xml" /> </head><body> <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"><tr> <td><A HREF="" target="_top" title="pbase photos"><IMG src="" border=0 alt="photo sharing and upload"></A></td> <td><A HREF="" target="_top" title="recent picture uploads"><IMG src="" border=0 alt="picture albums"></A></td> <td><A HREF="" target="_top" title="photography discussion forums"><IMG src="" border=0 alt="photo forums"></A></td> <td><A HREF="" target="_top" title="pbase photo search"><IMG src="" border=0 alt="search pictures"></A></td> <td width="100%"><A HREF="" target="_top" title="popular photos"><IMG src="" border=0 height="28" width="100%" alt="popular photos"></a></td> <td><A HREF="" target="_top" title="give me some help"><IMG src="" border=0 alt="photography help"></A></td> <td><A HREF="" target="_top" title="login to pbase"><IMG src="" border=0 alt="login"></A></td> </tr></table> <!-- END menu bar --> <table border=0 width="100%"> <tr> <td align=left > <b> Mindy McNaugher | profile | <a HREF="/mindymcn/guestbook" title="goto mindymcn's guestbook">guestbook</a> | <a href="/mindymcn" title="goto mindymcn's galleries">all galleries</a> | <a href="/mindymcn/root&view=recent" title="mindymcn's recent galleries" rel="nofollow">recent</a> </b> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <!-- begin box --> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 border=0 width="98%" align="center"> <TBODY> <TR><TD class="ma">Profile for Mindy McNaugher <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0 bgcolor="#ffffff"> <TBODY> <tr><td class="wb"> <TABLE border=0 width="100%"> <tr><td valign="top"> <TABLE border=0> <tr> <td class=mi>Name</td> <td class=wb>Mindy McNaugher <span class="small">(joined 14-Mar-2005) (<b>pbase supporter</b>) </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=mi>Username</td> <td class=wb>mindymcn</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=mi>Personal URL</td> <td class=wb><a href=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=mi>Location</td> <td class=wb>Pennsylvania</td> </tr> </table> </td> <td align=right valign=top> <A HREF="" class="thumbnail"><IMG class=thumbnail src="" WIDTH=160 HEIGHT=107 border=1 alt="" loading="lazy" ></A> </td> <td align=right valign=top class=wb> <a href="/world/united_states" alt="united_states"> <IMG class=thumbnail src="" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=53 border=2 alt="united_states" loading="lazy" > </a> <br> Pennsylvania </td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> </TBODY> </TABLE> </TD></TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> <!-- end box--> <!-- begin box --> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 border=0 width="98%" align="center"> <TBODY> <TR><TD class="mi">Statistics <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0 bgcolor="#ffffff"> <TBODY> <tr><td class="wb"> Refresh this page in a few minutes to see updated statistics.<br> <a href="/mindymcn">View Galleries</a> : Mindy McNaugher has 126 galleries and 7028 images online.<br> These pages have been viewed a total of <b>4177615</b> times. <br> <br> <a href="/mindymcn/guestbook">View Guestbook</a> : 198 messages. Most recent on 05-Jun-2014. <br><br> </td></tr> </TBODY> </TABLE> </TD></TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> <!-- end box--> <br> <!-- begin box --> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 border=0 width="98%" align="center"> <TBODY> <TR><TD class="mi">Message from Mindy McNaugher <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0 bgcolor="#ffffff"> <TBODY> <tr><td class="wb"> <B><BR>All images are available for sale as prints, note cards, and for editorial or stock use. Please contact me for pricing information at: <i></i><BR> <br>Photographic services I offer include Wedding, Portrait: Senior, Family and Baby, and Event photography. Booking weddings and senior portraits for 2014. Please feel free to visit my website at <a href="" target="_blank"><i>McNaugher Photography</i></a> for more information, or contact me via email.</B><br> <br> <br>A little bit about where my interest in photography began.... My love of photography began as a very young girl when my Dad taught me to shoot a 35mm camera. Photography was a hobby I adored throughout my growing up years. But it was my first darkroom course as a freshman at Carnegie Mellon University that took my breath away! I loved the entire process - the shooting, the developing and the printing! (A bit outdated now, but...!) I quickly changed my art major from painting to photography - a decision I have never regretted! <br> <br>I was fortunate to be able to work in my field, as Staff Photographer for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, for almost 25 years. It was there that I went "kicking and screaming" into the digital age!! I thought I would always be a die-hard film person, but I've grown to love digital photography! Though I do miss our old family slide shows!! <br> <br>Now freelancing full-time, I am thoroughly enjoying this new phase of my life and career! <br> <br>My favorite pastime has been exploring back roads, tucked away places and new travel destinations. All viewed through the lens of my camera. This passion still continues! <br> <br>~Mindy <br> <br>Updated: January 7, 2014 <br> <br>Please NO direct linking without permission! Thank you! </td></tr> </TBODY> </TABLE> </TD></TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> <!-- end box--> <!-- begin box --> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 border=0 width="98%" align="center"> <TBODY> <TR><TD class="mi">Random Mindy McNaugher pictures <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0 bgcolor="#ffffff"> <TBODY> <tr><td class="wb"> <table border=0><tr> <td><A HREF="" class="thumbnail"><IMG class=thumbnail src="" WIDTH=160 HEIGHT=120 border=0 alt="" loading="lazy" ></A></td> <td><A HREF="" class="thumbnail"><IMG class=thumbnail src="" WIDTH=108 HEIGHT=160 border=0 alt="" loading="lazy" ></A></td> <td><A HREF="" class="thumbnail"><IMG class=thumbnail src="" WIDTH=160 HEIGHT=107 border=0 alt="" loading="lazy" ></A></td> <td><A HREF="" class="thumbnail"><IMG class=thumbnail src="" WIDTH=113 HEIGHT=160 border=0 alt="" loading="lazy" ></A></td> </tr></table> </td></tr> </TBODY> </TABLE> </TD></TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> <!-- end box--> <br> </body> </html>