News & Events - Université de Technologie Européenne
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class="colonne_deco"><div class="paragraphe--0"><div class="paragraphe__contenu--0 toolbox"> <ul class="objets actualites style--9001"> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/8t7a3782_1738058965582-JPG);"> <img src="/medias/photo/8t7a3782_1738058965582-JPG" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ week concludes in Cartagena, with new developments in training and entrepreneurship </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 27, 2025 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The European University of Technology (EUt+) has taken advantage of the third week of work held at the UPCT, in which around 140 members of the nine polytechnics have participated, to launch two new initiatives: a mentoring programme in entrepreneurship for students and another training programme in teaching innovation for teachers. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/banner-zoom-wo-footer_1737734754221-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/banner-zoom-wo-footer_1737734754221-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Join the 4th EELISA Roundtable for the IDWGS: From plans to impact, advancing gender equality in STEAM education </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 22, 2025 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The gender gap in STEAM education is an enduring issue that extends into the professional world, leading to significant social challenges. This gap limits innovation, slows scientific progress, and has economic consequences by underutilizing the full potential of all individuals. Closing this gap is crucial for promoting equality and maximizing contributions to both scientific and societal advancements. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cartagena_1737393590052-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cartagena_1737393590052-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> International experiences accessible to all students, new pedagogies and entrepreneurship, objectives of EUt+ week in Cartagena </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 20, 2025 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The rector of the UPCT highlights the advantages for students and the productive sector of international mobility of students and professors. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cut-2060-eut-incubation-program-1080x566px-version-2_1736413500726-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cut-2060-eut-incubation-program-1080x566px-version-2_1736413500726-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ Incubation program: empowering the next wave of entrepreneurs </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 8, 2025 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The EUt+ Incubation Program is a transformative initiative designed to nurture creativity, entrepreneurial skills, and innovation. This program offers a structured platform for participants to bring their ideas to life through expert guidance, hands-on learning, and collaboration across the EUt+ network. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/unitar-2nd-international-research-conference-image_1736244812744-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/unitar-2nd-international-research-conference-image_1736244812744-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> UNITAR’s 2nd International Research Conference Highlights EUt+ Academic Partnership, Brussels 3–4 Dec 2024 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 6, 2025 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) successfully hosted the 2nd International Research Conference on Climate Security at the UN House in Brussels. The two-day event brought together policymakers, academics, practitioners, and civil society leaders to address the growing intersection of climate change, peace, and security. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-cassino-week_1734450194295-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-cassino-week_1734450194295-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Fruitful First Annual Review of the Second Phase of the European University of Technology </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 17, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The first-year review of the second phase of the European University of Technology (EUt+) concluded successfully on Thursday, November 28th 2024. The event, held in Cassino, gathered over 130 participants, including members of the Students Board, leaders of the 11 Work Packages, Task Managers, Principal Representatives from the nine EUt+ Member universities and the Secretariat General. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/1732522839756_1732553139640-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/1732522839756_1732553139640-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Actors and Actions to ACCELERATE EUT+ Annual Review @UNICAS November 25-29, 2024 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 22, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> One year after the start of Phase II, the time has come for a review of the path undertaken by the nine members of the European University of Technology (EUT+); a meticulous plan to monitor the status of the Accelerate project which, as you will recall, had obtained the highest rating from the European Commission among those presented by the 64 Alliances definitively selected to build real European Universities. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/caliper-charter-slider-img_1730979007571-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/caliper-charter-slider-img_1730979007571-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> All partners of EUT+ endorse the Caliper Charter to foster inclusiveness and gender equality in R&I </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 6, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The Rectors of all nine partners of EUT+ have endorsed the Caliper Charter at an organisational level in a joint commitment to foster inclusiveness and gender equality in research and innovation. Building on the European Union's active promotion of gender equality in research since 2012, the Caliper Charter represents a transformative initiative designed to create lasting change in organisations and ecosystems. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/463975210-1061387602658397-3758541028504069008-n_1730821113737-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/463975210-1061387602658397-3758541028504069008-n_1730821113737-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ Week in Cluj-Napoca: an event with an impact on the evolution of the European University of Technology </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 5, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> More than 150 teachers, researchers, and students attended the meeting of representatives of the nine-member universities of the European University of Technology (European University of Technology - EUT+), hosted by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN), from October 14 to 18. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/bip-sofia_1728569073174-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/bip-sofia_1728569073174-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Communicating Science and Culture: EUT+ Fosters Cross-Cultural Learning </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 10, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> As part of the European University of Technology (EUT+) alliance, the Technical University of Sofia is hosting the second edition of the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) titled "Communicating Science and Culture." This initiative, running from October 7-11, 2024, aims to foster cross-cultural exchange and communication skills through a hybrid learning format. Participants, including students and staff from EUT+ partner institutions like the University of Cassino and the Riga Technical University, will engage in both online and on-site activities to develop teamwork, presentation, and intercultural skills in a multidisciplinary context. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/clujweek10-24_1728569552063-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/clujweek10-24_1728569552063-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Representatives of the European University of Technology EUT+ meet again in Cluj </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 10, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> From October 14 to 18, 2024, the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) will host one of the most important academic events of the year: the meeting of the representatives of the 9 partner universities in the European alliance European University of Technology /European University of Technology EUt+. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/immersion-cluj_1728389235818-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/immersion-cluj_1728389235818-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=KQ017X33&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Mobility EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ students embrace entrepreneurial and cultural immersion at the 2024 Cluj-Napoca BootCamp </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 8, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> In July 2024, students from across the European University of Technology (EUT+) alliance gathered in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, for an exciting and transformative experience at the annual BootCamp hosted by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. This week-long event brought together young minds from different cultural backgrounds to immerse themselves in entrepreneurship, innovation, and the unique heritage of Romania. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/24-08-weinmann-eut-esa-bild-3_1728371377803-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/24-08-weinmann-eut-esa-bild-3_1728371377803-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> A small step for a rover - AI experts from h_da and UTT will support ESA’s future Moon missions </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 4, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> When ESA launches its next uncrewed space mission to the Moon, the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) will be “on board”. The universities already cooperate closely in the European University of Technology and are about to begin their first joint research project with the European Space Agency (ESA). Based on the latest methods from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, a team of researchers from the h_da and the UTT will develop AI procedures to help land space probes safely on the Moon. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/banico2_1725979023053-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/banico2_1725979023053-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> European universities alliances present at the EAIE conference 2024: pioneering journey to transform higher education </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 10, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Over 20 Alliances, representing more than 200 higher education institutions, will converge in Toulouse for the first time around the European Commission’s booth within the European Association of International Education’s Conference from 17- 20 September, 2024. A total of 18 sessions offered by European Alliances within the programme, along with a dedicated side event, will provide a comprehensive opportunity to delve into the reality of this pioneering initiative. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/24-07-bip-logistik-header_1721917214072-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/24-07-bip-logistik-header_1721917214072-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> From beer to broccoli - Supply chains with less CO2 – Students from across Europe learn about sustainable logistics </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 25, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> How can we make supply chains more sustainable? This is what 30 students from Italy, France, Bulgaria and Darmstadt have tackled in a Blended Intensive Programme as part of the European University Initiative EUT+. Under the guidance of two h_da logistics professors, the participants first worked together online for a semester and have now reached the finals at the end of an intensive week in Darmstadt. They have not only made progress in logistics but also enhanced their English language skills. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="“a-boost-for-joint-research”-the-european-university-of-technology-is-intensifying-collaboration-in-nanotechnology" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/24-06-us-so-eut-eutinn-nanotechnologie-final-en_1721216972195-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/24-06-us-so-eut-eutinn-nanotechnologie-final-en_1721216972195-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="“a-boost-for-joint-research”-the-european-university-of-technology-is-intensifying-collaboration-in-nanotechnology"> “A boost for joint research” - The European University of Technology is intensifying collaboration in nanotechnology </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 17, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> 30 nanotechnologists came together at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences in May to create a new basis for collaboration within the “European University of Technology” (EUT+): researchers from seven of the nine EUT+ partner universities participated in the two-day workshop. The aim is to establish a joint “European Research Institute”. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/riga-week_1720537839663-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/riga-week_1720537839663-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ Riga Week 2024 Focuses on Education and the European Degree </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 9, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The annual Riga Week of the European University of Technology (EUT+) consortium took place at the RTU Campus in Ķīpsala from 8th until 12th of July, gathering more than 120 participants from all 9 EUT+ partner universities. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/bip-news_1720538307477-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/bip-news_1720538307477-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=KQ017X33&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Mobility EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Blended Intensive Program (BIP) on Material Modelling - Testing and Parameter Identification", Spring semester 2024 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 9, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The Department of Mechanical Engineering within the Faculty of Road Vehicles, Mechatronics and Mechanics of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN), organized from July 1-7, 2024, a week of intensive studies within the "Blended Intensive Program (BIP) on Material Modelling - Testing and Parameter Identification", Spring semester 2024. The program, now in its second edition, is carried out in partnership with the member universities of the European University of Technology, EUT+ alliance. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/unicas-at-darmstadt_1720456905978-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/unicas-at-darmstadt_1720456905978-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=KQ017X33&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Mobility EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Blended Intensive Program on Sustainable Supply Chain Management at Darmstadt </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 8, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The "Blended Intensive Program on Sustainable Supply Chain Management" at Darmstadt School of Applied Science has come to an end. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/header-data-science-cartagena_1718199284189-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/header-data-science-cartagena_1718199284189-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Data Science Workshop at Cartagena </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 12, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Last week (30 – 31 May) 15 EUT+ data scientists from Spain, Ireland, Italy and Germany met at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena for the second 'Statistical Data Science' workshop. The two-day meeting, organized by Alberto Gila and Marcos Egea Gutierrez-Cortines (both UPCT), focused on topics related to data science and society, statistics, bioinformatics and machine learning. The workshop offered doctoral students in particular the opportunity to present their research as a 'work in progress'. The participants also discussed various networking opportunities in research and teaching in order to intensify cooperation within the framework of EUT+. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/darmstadt-week_1717417563424-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/darmstadt-week_1717417563424-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> In Darmstadt the European University of Technology (EUT+) lays the foundations for further cooperation in research </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 3, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> More than 200 representatives of the nine EUT+-partner universities met at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) last week (21 to 23 May 2024) to intensify their cooperation and take joint projects forward at European level. The meeting focused on the topics of research and sustainability. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-inauguration_1717162122026-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-inauguration_1717162122026-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Inauguration of the new premises of EUT+ Secretariat General by S. Retailleau, French Minister of Higher Education and Research </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 28, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> On May 24th, Sylvie Retailleau, French Minister of Higher Education and Research came to Troyes to inaugurate the new premises of EUT+ Secretariat general and visited UTT. These premises are provided by the Conseil Départemental de l'Aube, which was already the main supporter of UTT at its creation. The Minister was received by Christophe Collet, President of UTT, and Timothee Toury, Secretariat General of EUT+. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/openart-image-q67j6k3k-1713960750919-raw_1714028264085-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/openart-image-q67j6k3k-1713960750919-raw_1714028264085-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Third EUt+ Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 24, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Call for abstracts from March 1st. The third EUt+ Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies will be held at Hochschule Darmstadt (Germany) on May 21st and May 22nd 2024. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/esslab-seminar-2024_1713449198841-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/esslab-seminar-2024_1713449198841-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> ESSLab+ SEMINAR 2024 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 18, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The ESSLab+ SEMINAR 2024 with the theme "Sustainability science: what's in a name?" will take place from 21–23 May 2024, at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (Dieburg campus), Germany. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/schellhase-gruppe_1713358473180-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/schellhase-gruppe_1713358473180-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Fancy a rail adventure across Europe? Come on board! </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 16, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> In a “Blended Intensive Programme” (BIP) at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, 40 students from six European partner universities spent a week developing a marketing campaign for Interrail, the European rail pass. Part of their creative collaboration in this practice-oriented project, in which the EUT+ University Alliance took part with students from Cyprus and Latvia, was about crossing frontiers. The results were convincing: at the end of the programme, many of the budding advertising gurus could imagine travelling by Interrail themselves. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/dublin_1712586734151-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/dublin_1712586734151-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> TU DUBLIN hosts european university of technology work week advancing EUT+ accelerate project </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 8, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Monday, 08 April 2024: TU Dublin, a member of the European University of Technology (EUT+) is hosting over 100 colleagues from the eight European members of the alliance this week, with events taking place across the University's campus in Grangegorman. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/whatsapp-image-2024-04-04-at-9-38-50-am_1712302644013-jpeg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/whatsapp-image-2024-04-04-at-9-38-50-am_1712302644013-jpeg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The Rectors of EUT+ @ UNICAS </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 5, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> On April 3rd and 4th, 2024, the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (UNICAS) hosted delegations from the other eight European University of Technology (EUT+) member universities. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/gamejamtud_1712215571992-JPG);"> <img src="/medias/photo/gamejamtud_1712215571992-JPG" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> TU Dublin and RTU join forces for Game Jam event </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 4, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> In the final week of February, students from TU Dublin and Riga TU joined forces during a week-long ‘Game Jam’ event. Their mission? To design an innovative language learning game. This diverse group of students, each with their unique backgrounds and specialisms, united around a common goal: the creation of educational games. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/styx_1712073490525-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/styx_1712073490525-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> STYX Project final event </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 2, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> On 26 March took place the final event to present the conclusions of the project STYX (EUT+ STatus and STructure eXperience), an european policy experimentation project in the field of higher education to explore the feasibility of a possible European legal status for alliances of higher education institutions. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/poster-sofia-week_1709889487311-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/poster-sofia-week_1709889487311-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ Forge Strategic Research Roadmap for European Collaboration </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 8, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Over 120 participants from the nine members of the EUT+ gathered at the Technical University of Sofia from 26 February to 1 March 2024 to discuss and design the strategic roadmap for joint European research and the convergence towards a European quality assurance system under the guidance of the Technological University of Sofia. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/bancart1_1709300103962-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/bancart1_1709300103962-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ Staff Mobility: an enriching week at UPCT Cartagena for UTT Team </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 29, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> From January 29th to February 2nd, the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena - UPCT welcomed two colleagues, Sarah and Saad, from the communication team of the Université de technologie de Troyes – UTT. This experience offered an opportunity for mutual learning, allowing the teams to explore the operational methods of the communication departments. Additionally, it facilitated active involvement of the French visitors in various local university activities. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/sofia-week_1708967707077-jpeg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/sofia-week_1708967707077-jpeg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ Sofia Week: Forging the Future of European Higher Education in Research-driven Excellence </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 26, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> From February 26th to March 1st, 2024, the Technical University of Sofia will be hosting a working meeting for representatives from the nine member institutions of the European Technological University (EUT+). </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/4th-ect-lab-conference_1716985923139-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/4th-ect-lab-conference_1716985923139-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The 4th European Culture and Technology Lab+ Annual Conference </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 20, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Transdisciplinary perspectives on AI: Alternative Histories, Current Practices and Possible Futures - October 18th - 19th 2024 - Cluj Innovation Park </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/visuel-troyes-week-ent_1706868671809-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/visuel-troyes-week-ent_1706868671809-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ Troyes Week 2024 : Towards a joint european degree model </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 2, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> From 22 to 26 January 2024, the European University of Technology (EUT+) has hosted in Troyes (France) more than 130 participants for a physical meeting centred around our European curricula towards a joint european degree model, for which EUT+ aims to be a flagship initiative. The Université de technologie de Troyes (UTT) has thus hosted the launch of the new capacity building policy of EUT+ through the prism of a common reflection on Education in Europe. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/home-news-dacadu_1706712308532-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/home-news-dacadu_1706712308532-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The intercultural DaCaDu project at h_da aims to improve the German language skills of EUt+ students – and overcomes many prejudices about Germany in the process </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 30, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Behind the EUt+ alliance is the idea of an integrated European university that empowers technology. Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and eight partner universities want to utilise Europe’s potential, multiculturality and plurilingualism to achieve this. DaCaDu, which was initiated by h_da’s Language Centre together with colleagues from Ireland and Spain and entered a second round in 2023 with students from France and Cyprus, is a project that enables participants to experience this EUt+ idea in practice. The aim is for language learners to upgrade their German language skills and intercultural competence. During the on-site visits in Darmstadt, the one or other prejudice about Germany in general and the city in particular are also put right. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/visuel-troyes-week-ent_1705942527990-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/visuel-troyes-week-ent_1705942527990-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Engineering students' education at the heart of the upcoming EUt+ week in Troyes </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 22, 2024 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The partners of the European University of Technology, EUt+ will gather at the University of Technology of Troyes, UTT from 23rd to 26th January 2024. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/7v9a1455_1703244401738-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/7v9a1455_1703244401738-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Merging New Trends and Consolidating Good Practices in Languages for Specific Purposes </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 22, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> 2nd EUt+ International Conference on Languages (EUtLC2024) - Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain) - (June 26-28, 2024) </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/christmas-portrait-eut-hr_1703087940014-gif);"> <img src="/medias/photo/christmas-portrait-eut-hr_1703087940014-gif" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The EUt+ family wishes you a very happy festive season! </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 20, 2023 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/23-10-eut-delegation-zypern-2-home_1703085608798-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/23-10-eut-delegation-zypern-2-home_1703085608798-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> How electrical engineering students from Cyprus expanded their knowledge in an EUt+ project at h_da </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 20, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> In an EUt+ project, 19 students from Cyprus University of Technology were able to expand their knowledge through practical lab classes at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da). One of the highlights was test drives with the campus’s own e-cars. But the German love of schnitzel also went down well! There is already an idea of turning the event into a permanent course offer. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/round-table-berlin-discussion-photo-simone-m-neumann_1703086130762-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/round-table-berlin-discussion-photo-simone-m-neumann_1703086130762-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> On the way to the European University: high-level panel discussion in Berlin highlights opportunities </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 15, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The h_da is a unique German pioneer with its objective of becoming a European university. The long-term aim is to merge completely with its eight partners in the European University of Technology (EUt+). The question of how such a transnational university could be constituted was the focal point of a high-level panel discussion held in the Hessian State Representation in Berlin. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-accelerate_1699955261732-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-accelerate_1699955261732-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Accelerate: A Milestone Week in Paphos </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 14, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The European University of Technology (EUt+) is thrilled to announce the unfolding of the "EUt+ Week" in Paphos, Cyprus, taking place from November 13 to 17, 2023. This marks the third iteration of the event in Cyprus, notable for its premiere in the enchanting city of Paphos. Serving as the official commencement of the second phase, EUt+ Accelerate, the initiative secures a substantial €14.4 million in funding until 2027 through the Erasmus+ program's "European Universities." </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-accelerate_1699630793272-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-accelerate_1699630793272-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Accelerate Launches on November 1st </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 10, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The European University of Technology (EUt+) is transitioning into the deployment phase of the 'European Universities' initiative from November 1st, 2023. Now, more than ever, it is time to bring our plans to fruition and create a truly unified educational institution in Europe. As the EUt+ community eagerly anticipates this next phase, the rectors of the 9 partners and the General Secretary have shared their enthusiasm and insights about the upcoming developments in this video. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/conference-poster-08_1699449876843-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/conference-poster-08_1699449876843-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> 3rd European Culture and Technology Lab+ Annual Conference </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 8, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The 3rd European Culture and Technology Lab+ Annual Conference will take place in the Media Arts & Design Research Lab (MADLab), Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus, on the 17th and 18th of November 2023. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/csm-23-10-eut-delegation-zypern-1-72fc60a11e_1699455898983-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/csm-23-10-eut-delegation-zypern-1-72fc60a11e_1699455898983-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Empowering European Exchange: Cyprus Students Dive into Hands-on Learning in Darmstadt </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 8, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Nineteen students from the Cyprus University of Technology are taking a leap into practical laboratory units at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da), as part of the EUt+ project, solidifying their knowledge in electrical engineering. This experience presents not only a golden opportunity to enhance their skills but also a chance to explore Europe. One standout moment was the test drive of electric vehicles on the campus – an eye-opener for these budding engineers. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-in-progress_1632150569324-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-in-progress_1632150569324-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EpiCo - Epistemology and Ecology in Technological Education </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 8, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The Epico project aims to explore alternative epistemological perspectives that emphasize the intersection of art, culture, science, and technology. Its goal is to foster a deeper understanding of cultural, social, and ecological dimensions in the development of sustainable technologies, essential for addressing present and future challenges. EpiCo operates within interdisciplinary pedagogical contexts, directing students' skills and competencies toward a technology approach that transcends anthropocentric viewpoints. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/interrail-pass-cover-2019-original-adaptive-767-1555334958356_1699456307719-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/interrail-pass-cover-2019-original-adaptive-767-1555334958356_1699456307719-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> UTT Alumni's Green Initiative: Supporting UTT Students in EUt+ Programs with Interrail Passes </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 8, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> In the world of student mobility, striking a balance between environmental sustainability and international travel can be challenging. UTT Alumni, in collaboration with the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) Carbon Footprint Assessment Group, is on a mission to reduce the carbon footprint of UTT students pursuing EUt+ programs abroad by offering Interrail Passes. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/research-night-celebration-2_1696236126740-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/research-night-celebration-2_1696236126740-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ campuses joined the European Researchers Night celebration </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 2, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> European Researchers Night across our EUt+ campuses </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cartagena-week_1695992119501-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cartagena-week_1695992119501-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The European University of Technology completes the first phase of its roadmap with EUt+ Accelerate project in mind </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 29, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The representatives of the 9 universities that have participated in this working week have been able to know in detail the main objectives and indicators achieved, among which stands out the remarkable increase of students who have participated in the mobility maps designed in the universities of the alliance. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cartagena-visual_1695370295106-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cartagena-visual_1695370295106-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Technical University of Cartagena to host from 26th to 28th of september the final review of the first phase of EUt+ project </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 22, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> More than 120 representatives of the 9 universities participating in the European University of Technology (EUt+) alliance will meet at the CIM Campus of the Technical University of Cartagena last week of September in order to assess the achievements obtained in the different work packages of the first funded project. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/img-0153_1695046856869-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/img-0153_1695046856869-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Successful Conclusion of EUt+ Satellite Projects in Sofia Forum </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 18, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> "A remarkable Culture, Education, and Science Forum, marking the successful culmination of the EthiCo and EXTRAS projects under the European University of Technology, EUt+" </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/23-06-26-bip-eut-1-gruppenfoto-komplett-modifie_1693815634386-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/23-06-26-bip-eut-1-gruppenfoto-komplett-modifie_1693815634386-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Alliance's Inaugural "Blended Intensive Programme": Fostering International Learning and Innovation </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 4, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Young Students from Latvia, Romania, and France Unite for a Unique Learning Experience </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/map-9th-partner_1693814448502-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/map-9th-partner_1693814448502-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The European University of Technology welcomes a ninth member: UNICAS joins the EUt+ alliance </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 1, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (UNICAS), strategically located in Italy between Rome and Naples, will officially join the European University of Technology (EUt+) alliance on 1 November 2023, marking the start of the 4-year EUt+ deployment phase. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eutweek2troyes_1688994201169-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eutweek2troyes_1688994201169-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Week in Troyes focuses on European research </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 10, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The EUt+ Troyes Week focusing on European research will take place from Tuesday 11 July to Thursday 13 July 2023 on the UTT campus. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/phase2-accelerate-banniere_1688478047741-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/phase2-accelerate-banniere_1688478047741-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Accelerates with second EU Commission Funding Announcement </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 4, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> "With a very high score of 96/100, the European Commission's evaluation highlighted the collaborative work already carried out in the fields of education, research, innovation, and the high level of ambition for this second four-year phase of deployment." </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/portrait-maria-victoria-soule_1687333920682-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/portrait-maria-victoria-soule_1687333920682-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Women Wednesday: María Victoria Soulé </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 21, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> "She also contributes to the design of workshops aiming to support innovative student-centred pedagogies" </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/portrait-marlen-vasquez_1686734284124-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/portrait-marlen-vasquez_1686734284124-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Women Wednesday: Marlen I. VASQUEZ </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 14, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> “At this stage, it is a great opportunity to expand your group of collaborators for improving the learning experience of EUT+ students”. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/ban2_1686667217493-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/ban2_1686667217493-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Third Data Science Workshop on July 12th 2023 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 13, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The workshop will be in hybrid form, both in person and online. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/portrait-ronja-schneider_1686125173573-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/portrait-ronja-schneider_1686125173573-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Women Wednesday: Ronja SCHNEIDER </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 7, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> "She believes in the values the EUt+ alliance stands for and which are fundamental for a peaceful life together in Europe". </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/portrait-maria-g-antoniou_1685519777914-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/portrait-maria-g-antoniou_1685519777914-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Women Wednesday: Dr. Maria G. ANTONIOU </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 31, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> "She is a firm believer that mobilities can significantly help strengthen the collaboration among participating institutes and elevate the research activities performed" </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/duomo-libre-droits-2_1685113121551-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/duomo-libre-droits-2_1685113121551-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The EUt+ attended the "Research Management in European Alliances" event held on 25 May 2023 at the Bocconi University, Milan </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 26, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The event took place at the Bocconi University (Milan). </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/poster-ss-elara-2023-1_1685110794222-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/poster-ss-elara-2023-1_1685110794222-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=KQ017X33&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Mobility EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> ELaRA to Host Third Annual Summer School on TU Sofia’s Sozopol Campus – HYBRID </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 25, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The event is open to a wide circle of students, academics and researchers. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/portrait-elis-constantinu_1684919975800-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/portrait-elis-constantinu_1684919975800-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Women Wednesday: Elis Kakoulli CONSTANTINOU </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 24, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> She is a passionate supporter of lifelong learning. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/visuel-bonjour-eut-_1685110862923-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/visuel-bonjour-eut-_1685110862923-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ becoming multilingual </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 23, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Staff across the alliance want to work together in a multilingual environment. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-darmsdtat-week_1685693532381-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-darmsdtat-week_1685693532381-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Darmstadt Week focuses on research topics </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 12, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> "Representatives from all the EUt+ universities were attending the “Darmstadt Week” to take their joint research projects forward" </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/women-wednesday-lr_1683709803407-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/women-wednesday-lr_1683709803407-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Women Wednesday: Laetitia ROGGERO </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 10, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> "She is deeply convinced that students, staff members and local territories will benefit greatly from the EUt+ initiative." </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/9-mai-journee-de-leurope_1683636439746-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/9-mai-journee-de-leurope_1683636439746-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Today is Europe Day: Study with EUt+! </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 9, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> 9 May: Europe Day, choose your campus in EUt+! </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/tudublin-april_1683298098691-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/tudublin-april_1683298098691-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> TU Dublin hosts over 130 EUT+ colleagues for a key summit in Dublin </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 5, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Friday, 28 April 2023: The Dublin Campus of the European University of Technology (EUt+) hosted over 130 colleagues from seven European countries this week. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/publication-melita-meleanou_1683118619925-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/publication-melita-meleanou_1683118619925-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Women Wednesday: Melita MENELAOU </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 3, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Melita Menelaou is our EUt+ Women Wednesday of the week! </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/maria-pop-tucn_1681897571421-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/maria-pop-tucn_1681897571421-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Women Wednesday - Maria POP </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 19, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> "She believes in EUt+ potential to combine and match the future generation of the students, staff members, and stakeholders. A journey together is the way to make a dream come true." </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-toolbox_1681915036789-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-toolbox_1681915036789-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The Inno-EUt+ toolbox is now available! </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 18, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> "Inno-EUt+ is pleased to announce the availability of the Inno-EUt+ toolbox, an online platform that provides best practices of entrepreneurial curricula for higher education institutions (HEIs) across Europe." </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/csm-team-diso-aa025850b7_1676883696827-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/csm-team-diso-aa025850b7_1676883696827-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Workshop on Statistical Data Science </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 6, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> To foster collaboration within the EUt+ data science community, the Darmstadt Institute of Statistics and Operations Research (DISO) is going to host the first Workshop on Statistical Data Science. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="“women-talk-about-science-science-talks-about-women”" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/tus-0006_1680593897074-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/tus-0006_1680593897074-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="“women-talk-about-science-science-talks-about-women”"> International workshop “Women Talk about Science - Science Talks about Women” </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 30, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> TU Sofia and TU Dublin have organised March 30th an International workshop “Women Talk about Science - Science Talks about Women” focusing on the achievements of women scientists and the transdisciplinarity approach when teaching and learning in Higher education. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cluj-mars-2023_1678723588960-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cluj-mars-2023_1678723588960-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Representatives of the European University of Technology EUt+ met again in Cluj </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 13, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> More than 120 representatives of the 8 universities members have worked on the activities and the workpackage meetings during this week </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/visuel-eut-_1678720075318-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/visuel-eut-_1678720075318-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=632S8PX2&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Innovation EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Successful launch of EUt+ staff development course on universal design for teaching and learning marks UN Zero Discrimination Day on 1st March. </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 1, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Today EUt+ launched its inaugural staff development course on universal design for teaching and learning (UDL). </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-10-_1676803852691-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-10-_1676803852691-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Language Pool marking UNESCO International Mother Language Day highlighting early successes in 2023 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 19, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> In recognition of UNESCO’s International Mother Language Day on 21st February, the EUt+ Language Pool can already reflect on a number of successful initiatives so far for 2023. Multilingualism and plurilingualism is strongly encouraged in EUt+. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-8-_1675699373540-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-8-_1675699373540-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Remarkable Women in Science Showcase </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 6, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> To mark the 8th UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science we will showcase the research of EUt+’s remarkable women in science from across Europe. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="–-experimenting-european-policies-in-higher-education" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-7-_1675181064555-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-7-_1675181064555-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="–-experimenting-european-policies-in-higher-education"> New Erasmus+ projects for EUt+ – Experimenting European policies in Higher Education </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 31, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> In the next period, the European Commission will support pilot projects for two new instruments in the field of higher education: the common European diploma and the European legal status of European university alliances. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="–-a-presentation" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/entrance-to-grangegorman-from-luas-800px_1674479221512-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/entrance-to-grangegorman-from-luas-800px_1674479221512-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="–-a-presentation"> EUt+ Academic Press – a presentation </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 23, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The EUt+ Open Access Academic Press provides a publishing platform for the staff and students of the eight member universities. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/326299827-1047768306611723-6684687318409140857-n_1674479906124-JPEG);"> <img src="/medias/photo/326299827-1047768306611723-6684687318409140857-n_1674479906124-JPEG" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel visited the European University of Technology (EUt+) in Sofia </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 23, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> On 19 January 2023, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel visited the Technical University of Sofia during the EUt+ Sofia Week. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="– innovative-language-teaching-practices-in-higher-education-in-a-post-covid-era" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/75360-1featured_1674203673697-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/75360-1featured_1674203673697-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="– innovative-language-teaching-practices-in-higher-education-in-a-post-covid-era"> Call for Book Chapter abstracts – Innovative language teaching practices in higher education in a post-COVID era </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 20, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> CUT invites EUt+ partners to submit book chapter abstracts on the topic: Innovative language teaching practices in higher education in a post-COVID era. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-6-_1674666211048-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-6-_1674666211048-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Sofia Week at the Technical University of Sofia (16-20TH JANUARY) </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 17, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> From 16/01/2023 to 20/01/2023, more than 80 participants from the 8 partner universities of the European University of Technology (EUt+) will meet for the EUt+ Sofia Week, which is hosted by the Technical University of Sofia. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-5-_1673595816666-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-5-_1673595816666-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ statement on Afghanistan </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 12, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> EUt+ supports the people of Afghanistan. We strongly condemn the ban on women's access to university (and girls older than 12 years old to high school) decreed in Afghanistan.The members of the EUt+ community express their support for the people of Afghanistan, and particularly its women and girls. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/capture-d-e-cran-2023-01-09-a-14-54-00_1673274054633-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/capture-d-e-cran-2023-01-09-a-14-54-00_1673274054633-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ partners take part in the 19th Nordic-Baltic conference on biomedical engineering and medical physics (12/06-14/06) </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 9, 2023 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> EUt+ partners are invited to take part in the 19th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, NBC 2023 held in Liepaja from June 12th to 14th 2023, by the Latvian Medical Engineering and Physics Society and the organising committee. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="–-utt-utcn-and-upct-–-take-part-in-the-1st-test-sessions-of-the-eut-eportfolio" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-3-_1671109349139-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-3-_1671109349139-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="–-utt-utcn-and-upct-–-take-part-in-the-1st-test-sessions-of-the-eut-eportfolio"> Students from 3 EUt+ partners – UTT, UTCN and UPCT – take part in the 1st test sessions of the EUt+ ePortfolio. </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 15, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> In December 2022, students from 3 EUt+ partners took part in the first test sessions of the EUt+ ePortfolio model in the context of the Ambassador Programme. Telecommunications and Networks students from UPCT, UTT and UTCN on mobility at UTT and RTU were accompanied by members of task 5.3. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-2-_1670514523276-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-2-_1670514523276-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=8DCJRSIU&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Partner EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Partners at EUt+ celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 8, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website_1670238245675-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website_1670238245675-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> New clusters agreed on for "EUt+ engineering programmes" </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 5, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> During the Darmstadt Week (21-25/11/2022), the partners of the EUt+ Alliance have defined a trajectory of convergence toward new common training programmes across Europe to build European degrees in engineering at Bachelor and Master levels. These are meant to join the first 6 clusters composing EUt+ engineering programmes. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/twitch-banner_1669966557257-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/twitch-banner_1669966557257-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ sets course for the future of the initiative in Darmstadt </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 2, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) and its partners of the "European University of Technology", EUt+ for short, look back on a productive EUt+ conference at the h_da central campus in Darmstadt. From 21-25 November, more than 100 participants from the eight universities set the course for the future of the initiative. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/hero-unite-campaign_1669646235205-jpeg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/hero-unite-campaign_1669646235205-jpeg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=8DCJRSIU&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Partner EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ supports UNiTE campaign for the Elimination of Violence against Women </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 28, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The United Nation’s UNiTE campaign (Nov 25- Dec 10) for the Elimination of Violence Against Women will mark the launch of 16 days of activism, concluding on the day that commemorates the International Human Rights Day (10 December). For the campaign, the colour orange is used to represent a brighter future, free from violence against women and girls. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website_1670250352170-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website_1670250352170-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Darmstadt Week: Europe, a guest in h_da (21-25th November) </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 21, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Next year the EU Commission will decide which of the consortia it will continue to fund within the framework of the ‘European Universities Initiative‘. As a result from 21 to 25 November, over 100 participants from the eight Eut+ partner insitutions are expected at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) for series of meetings, workshops and panels. The focus of the week will be to take stock of the progress made to date and to complete an application for the second phase of funding which is due in January 2023. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/sans-titre_1668668279799-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/sans-titre_1668668279799-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> UNITAR/EUt+ collaboration – Call for Papers on Education for Sustainable Development with UNITAR </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 17, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The Irish Journal of Academic Practice (IJAP) from TU Dublin ( is collaborating with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR, and calling for papers on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="– applications-are-open" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/untitled_1668669530172-jpeg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/untitled_1668669530172-jpeg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="– applications-are-open"> European Student Assembly – Applications are open! </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 17, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The European Universities Community is launching the second edition of the European Student Assembly [#ESA23]. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="“technologies-and-techniques-to-support-sustainable-education-in-the-academic-sphere”" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/conference-elara-sofia-2022_1668667787532-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/conference-elara-sofia-2022_1668667787532-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="“technologies-and-techniques-to-support-sustainable-education-in-the-academic-sphere”"> 1st EUt+ ELaRA Conference “Technologies and Techniques to Support Sustainable Education in the Academic Sphere” </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 16, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The conference “Technologies and Techniques to Support Sustainable Education in the Academic Sphere” is a pedagogical forum held within the framework of the European Laboratory for Pedagogical Action-Research and Student-Centered Learning – ELaRa (WP3, Task 3.4), dedicated to discussing a wide range of contemporary methods, methodologies and teaching practices in higher education, the related information and communication technologies, as well as the pedagogical techniques employed by academics in higher education. The event is open to all educators from technical and humanities higher education institutions who are willing to share their scholarly work and experience arising out of the applied and theoretical research in the field of higher education pedagogy. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="– a-presentation-on-“research-and-innovation-in-eut-alliance-opportunities-and challenges”" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/prize-awarded_1667202058307-JPG);"> <img src="/medias/photo/prize-awarded_1667202058307-JPG" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=632S8PX2&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Innovation EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="– a-presentation-on-“research-and-innovation-in-eut-alliance-opportunities-and challenges”"> UTCN organises International Fair of Scientific Research, Innovation and Invention PRO INVENT – A presentation on “Research and Innovation in EUt+ Alliance. Opportunities and Challenges”. </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 31, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Between October 26 and 28, technical University of Cluj-Napoca organised The International Fair of Scientific Research, Innovation and Invention PRO INVENT, a meeting place for inventors and entrepreneurs interested in putting into practice the results of their research, innovation and creativity. This year, PRO INVENT has been the opportunity for UTCN to give a presentation on “Research and Innovation in EUt+ Alliance. Opportunities and Challenges”. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/56638844-_1666878007892-jpeg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/56638844-_1666878007892-jpeg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=8DCJRSIU&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Partner EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Partner CUT Announces Equality Plan for 2022-2024 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 27, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> During the 'Limassol week' of the European University of Technology, Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) held the 'Inclusive Future for all' event, where they presented their Equality Plan for 2022-2024. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="– inter-multiculturalism-in-a-post-colonial-era-languages-and-european-values" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-1-_1670250906805-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-banner-website-1-_1670250906805-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=8DCJRSIU&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Partner EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="– inter-multiculturalism-in-a-post-colonial-era-languages-and-european-values"> 1st EUt+ Conference on Languages – Inter/Multiculturalism in a Post Colonial Era: Languages and European Values </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 25, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Language has the ability to impact and transform while itself being impacted and transformed. It is a core part of the EUt+, and the conference will seek to create dialogue, generate new knowledge and understanding, research, and awareness on language and various themes related to languages. A special focus has been put on topics such as intercultural communication, multiculturalism, European values and post colonialism. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/ect-lab-ac-main_1666010406726-jpeg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/ect-lab-ac-main_1666010406726-jpeg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> 2nd European Culture and Technology Lab+ Annual Conference (ECT Lab+) </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 17, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The 2nd annual Conference hosted by the European University of Technology and organised by the European Culture and Technology Laboratory ‘ECT Lab+’ aims to bring together experts from the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Technology and other fields proposing ways of moving beyond the Anthropocene by negating the tendency which has led to its development. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cyprus-week-invitation_1665575099469-jpeg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cyprus-week-invitation_1665575099469-jpeg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=632S8PX2&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Innovation EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ Limassol Week at Cyprus University of Technology (10-14 October 2022) </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 12, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Delegates from across Europe travelled to Limassol for the European University of Technology (EUt+) and various workshops are taking place in Cyprus University of Technology during this week, from 10th to 14th of October 2022. Over 100 attendees from the eight EUt+ partner Universities have gathered under the banner of EUt+ on CUT campus to share their progress so far and to discuss EUt+ priorities for the future. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="“improving-teaching-and-learning-in-stem-fields-a-research-and-development-approach”-seminar-on-monday-october-3-2022-1" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/slider_1665138220850-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/slider_1665138220850-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="“improving-teaching-and-learning-in-stem-fields-a-research-and-development-approach”-seminar-on-monday-october-3-2022-1"> CUT organises “Improving teaching and learning in STEM fields: a Research and Development approach” seminar on Monday, October 3, 2022 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 7, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> We are very happy to inform you that The Learning Development Network ( of the Cyprus University of Technology is organizing a seminar titled “Improving teaching and learning in STEM fields: a Research and Development approach” on Monday, October 3, 2022. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/visuel-troyes-week-web_1664272338420-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/visuel-troyes-week-web_1664272338420-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Troyes Week EUt+ : European partners' working week at the University of Technology of Troyes from 26 to 30 September 2022 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 26, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/rise-2022_1663925779330-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/rise-2022_1663925779330-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ rise 2022 conference hosted by technical university of sofia </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 23, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/christophe-collet_1663927211886-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/christophe-collet_1663927211886-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Christophe Collet has become Director of the Université de Technologie de Troyes member of EUt+ and succeeds Pierre Koch </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 23, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/12_1663664271549-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/12_1663664271549-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Webinar October 20, Take action for the climate in your organisation </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 20, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-start-village_1662969508777-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-start-village_1662969508777-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ supports the Startup Villages Initiative of the European Comission </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 12, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/ws-eut-second-v02_1662477549871-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/ws-eut-second-v02_1662477549871-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Second Data Science Institute Workshop (Hybrid form) </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 2, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Thursday 29th – Friday 30th September at UTT, Troyes </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/img-14605dsc08257-2_1658842962786-jfif);"> <img src="/medias/photo/img-14605dsc08257-2_1658842962786-jfif" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=8DCJRSIU&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Partner EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Universities from Nepal and Bhutan train at UPCT, member of EUt+, in new teaching methodologies </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 26, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Pokhara University of Nepal signs an agreement with UPCT,member of EUt+, to exchange engineering students </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/vessela-big_1658322783781-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/vessela-big_1658322783781-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUT+ WOMEN WEDNESDAYS - Vessela Frengova </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 20, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/h-da-and-eut-present-their-research-at-top-class-conference-curious-2022-_1658158815396-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/h-da-and-eut-present-their-research-at-top-class-conference-curious-2022-_1658158815396-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> h_da and EUt+ present their research at top-class conference "curious 2022" </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 18, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> From July 12th -14th , some of the leading scientists worldwide gathered in Darmstadt for the „curious 2022“ conference, organized by Merck. Its speakers include several Nobel price laureates. Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) as a member of the European University of Technology (EUt+) used this opportunity to present their competences in research and transfer activities. Interested participants could approach the partners via an on-site booth as well as via a digital presence. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eleni-women_1657717460773-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eleni-women_1657717460773-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Eleni Pashia </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 13, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/intercultural-workshop-hda-15-july-2022_1658397494881-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/intercultural-workshop-hda-15-july-2022_1658397494881-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Intercultural and linguistic journey of discovery through the EUt+ at h_da </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 8, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Online Intercultural Workshop for hda-employees on 7th July 2022: kick-off event for exchange and networking between EUt+ employees </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/riga-event_1657184790595-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/riga-event_1657184790595-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=KQ017X33&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Mobility EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> A face-to-face meeting of the EUt+ Consortium took place in Riga </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 7, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> From 28th of June to 1st of July 2021 Riga Technical University (RTU), one of the 8 members of the European University of Technology (EUt+), hosted a face-to-face meeting of the alliance for the first time since the work on its creation (November 2020). </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/suzanna-women_1657111316536-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/suzanna-women_1657111316536-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Susanna Nocchi </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 6, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/the-entrep-summer-camp_1657183747135-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/the-entrep-summer-camp_1657183747135-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The Entrep-BootCamp has begun in Cluj Napoca </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 6, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/the-european-university-of-technology-eut-attended-the-campus-of-european-universities-at-the-palais-des-congres-of-versailles-on-the-30th-of-june-2022_1656925065817-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/the-european-university-of-technology-eut-attended-the-campus-of-european-universities-at-the-palais-des-congres-of-versailles-on-the-30th-of-june-2022_1656925065817-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The European University of Technology (EUt+) attended the Campus of European Universities at the Palais des Congrès of Versailles on the 30th of June 2022 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 1, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/students-from-the-civil-engineering-faculty-of-the-technical-university-of-cluj-napoca-member-of-eut-won-the-1st-prize-at-the-the-19th-annual-undergraduate-seismic-design-competition-held-in-salt-lake-city-usa_1656930997806-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/students-from-the-civil-engineering-faculty-of-the-technical-university-of-cluj-napoca-member-of-eut-won-the-1st-prize-at-the-the-19th-annual-undergraduate-seismic-design-competition-held-in-salt-lake-city-usa_1656930997806-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Students from the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, member of EUt+, won the 1st prize at the the 19th Annual Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition, held in Salt Lake City, USA </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 1, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eva-women_1656579257778-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eva-women_1656579257778-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Eva Martínez García </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 29, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/students-and-staff-of-the-innoeut-project-are-attending-the-riga-s-week-and-the-160th-anniversary-of-riga-technical-university_1656580234079-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/students-and-staff-of-the-innoeut-project-are-attending-the-riga-s-week-and-the-160th-anniversary-of-riga-technical-university_1656580234079-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ZOJR9WT1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Eut+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Students and staff of the InnoEUt+ project are attending the Riga’s week and the 160th anniversary of Riga Technical University </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 28, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/meeting-of-european-university-of-technology-for-the-first-time-to-take-place-at-rtu_1656429552815-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/meeting-of-european-university-of-technology-for-the-first-time-to-take-place-at-rtu_1656429552815-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=KQ017X33&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Mobility EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Meeting of european university of technology for the first time to take place at RTU </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 28, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> In the week of the 160th anniversary of Riga Technical University (RTU), the partners of the emerging European University of Technology (EUt +) will meet for the first time in Riga - eight universities have joined forces to create a completely new internationally competitive technical university in Europe. During the meeting, the partner universities will discuss issues related to student mobility, curriculum development, university cooperation with industry, as well as a panel discussion on ethics in innovation creation. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/the-european-university-of-technology-was-presented-at-the-tenth-anniversary-of-the-european-forum-of-social-and-solidarity-economy-in-plovdiv_1656407938247-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/the-european-university-of-technology-was-presented-at-the-tenth-anniversary-of-the-european-forum-of-social-and-solidarity-economy-in-plovdiv_1656407938247-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The European University of Technology was presented at the Tenth anniversary of the European Forum of social and solidarity Economy in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 24, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="–-eut-sozopol-week-june-2022" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/a-week-of-workshops-for-the-eight-partner-universities-of-eut-in-the-oldest-town-on-the-bulgarian-black-sea-coast_1655976792170-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/a-week-of-workshops-for-the-eight-partner-universities-of-eut-in-the-oldest-town-on-the-bulgarian-black-sea-coast_1655976792170-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="–-eut-sozopol-week-june-2022"> A week of workshops for the Eight Partner Universities of EUt+ in the Oldest Town on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast – EUt+ Sozopol Week, June 2022 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 23, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/sonia-women_1655886947851-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/sonia-women_1655886947851-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Sonia Munteanu </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 22, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/dacadu-blog_1655823546204-JPG);"> <img src="/medias/photo/dacadu-blog_1655823546204-JPG" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Da-Ca-Du Blog </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 21, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The Da-CA-Du Project : a blog created by staff and students from Hochschule Darmstadt, UPCT Cartagena and TU Dublin members of the EUt+ alliance. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/photo-lou-eut-_1656583871388-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/photo-lou-eut-_1656583871388-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ students take part to the future of Europe through the European University Community - EUC </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 20, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Taking part of the EUC, 16 students from 10 different alliances and 10 Countries contributed to the writing of a Manifesto expressing a common view on the Future of Universities in Europe. The EUC is a grass roots project initiated by students from European Universities to be the voice of European students in the Conference for the Future of Europe. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/mariya-gabriel-and-the-8-rectors-and-presidents-of-our-universities-met-to-discuss-achievements-and-challenges-reached-within-eut-_1655372908265-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/mariya-gabriel-and-the-8-rectors-and-presidents-of-our-universities-met-to-discuss-achievements-and-challenges-reached-within-eut-_1655372908265-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Mariya Gabriel and the 8 rectors and presidents of our universities met to discuss achievements and challenges reached within Eut+ </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 16, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/anna-sedova-women_1655281358997-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/anna-sedova-women_1655281358997-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Anna Sedova </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 15, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/lou-wenesday_1655123570438-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/lou-wenesday_1655123570438-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Lou Grimal </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 8, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/first-agreement-signed-in-cartagena-between-eut-and-ukrainian-university_1654259338182-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/first-agreement-signed-in-cartagena-between-eut-and-ukrainian-university_1654259338182-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> First agreement signed in Cartagena between EUt+ and Ukrainian university </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 2, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The rector of the UPCT, Beatriz Miguel, and the rector of the Podillia State University, Volodymyr Ivanyshyn, have signed today the first cooperation agreement between a Ukrainian university and the European University of Technology (EUt+). </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/fengel_1654177960136-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/fengel_1654177960136-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Janina FENGEL </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 1, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/news-report-dublin_1653470282474-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/news-report-dublin_1653470282474-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> A week reviewing the building bricks of the European University of Technology, EUt+ </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 25, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Delegates from across Europe travelled to Dublin for the European University of Technology (EUt+) General Task Review workshops taking place in TU Dublin this week. Over 100 attendees from the eight EUt+ partner Universities have gathered under the banner of EUt+ on TU Dublin's campus to share their progress so far and to discuss EUT+ priorities for the future. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/camille-taboulot_1653475085190-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/camille-taboulot_1653475085190-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Camille Taboulot </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 25, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/gh1_1653402419753-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/gh1_1653402419753-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The "Women in Tech" initiative was launched within INNOWAVE Summit 2022 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 24, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/dublin-news_1653404762663-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/dublin-news_1653404762663-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=632S8PX2&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Innovation EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> European university of technology launches open access academic press </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 19, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/dublin_1653404795066-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/dublin_1653404795066-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> European university of technology partners gather in dublin for a milestone event </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 18, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/nicoleta-women_1652275805238-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/nicoleta-women_1652275805238-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Nicoleta Maria Ilies </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 11, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/vincent-guerend-french-ambassador-to-ireland-opening-the-workshop-on-6th-may_1656406116483-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/vincent-guerend-french-ambassador-to-ireland-opening-the-workshop-on-6th-may_1656406116483-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> French and Irish higher education institutions work together to build and transform the European education area </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 6, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/antonia-women_1651670081067-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/antonia-women_1651670081067-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Antonia Christou </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> May 4, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/darmstadt-news_1652170954532-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/darmstadt-news_1652170954532-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, EUt+ and ESA intensify cooperation </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 25, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Darmstadt – Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) as part of the European University of Technology (EUt+) and the European Space Agency ESA are intensifying their cooperation. Prof. Dr. Arnd Steinmetz, h_da President, and Dr. Rolf Densing, Director of Operations at ESA, today signed the corresponding agreement. The "Memorandum of Collaboration" defines the framework for joint lecture series or master theses, starting with main topics like artificial intelligence, cyber security and life cycle analysis. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/news-darmstadt_1650873882347-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/news-darmstadt_1650873882347-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Closer cooperation between EUt+, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, and GSI/FAIR </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 21, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) – German member of the European University of Technology (EUt+) –, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research) and the FAIR accelerator centre have yesterday signed a contract aimed at deepening their cooperation. Over the longer term, the “GET_INvolved” Programme will offer students and researchers the possibility to complete internships and research visits at GSI/FAIR. It is open to all students and researchers – above all doctoral candidates – from EUt+ universities.The contract was signed at h_da by Professor Paolo Giubellino, Scientific Managing Director of GSI and FAIR, Joerg Blaurock, Technical Managing Director of GSI and FAIR, and Professor Arnd Steinmetz, President of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/camelia-negrutiu-recadr_1649852792115-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/camelia-negrutiu-recadr_1649852792115-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Camelia Negrutiu </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 13, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/miss-p-recadr_1649852130932-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/miss-p-recadr_1649852130932-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Philippa Murray </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 13, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/nicole-recadr_1649245570847-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/nicole-recadr_1649245570847-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Nicole Saenger </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 6, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/tu-sofia-sozopol-black-sea-campus_1648744376720-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/tu-sofia-sozopol-black-sea-campus_1648744376720-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Re-Imagining Higher Education through Equity, Inclusion, and Sustainability - RISE 2022 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 1, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Higher education today is going through a period of transformative change. To explore the challenges of our times, EUt+ partner, Technical University of Sofia, is hosting Re-Imagining Higher Education through Equity, Inclusion, and Sustainability from 1-3 Sep 2022. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cristina-campian-recadr_1648626705460-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cristina-campian-recadr_1648626705460-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Cristina Mihaela Campian </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 30, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/karine-lan-recadr_1648626918124-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/karine-lan-recadr_1648626918124-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Karine Lan </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 30, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cluj_1648561041223-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cluj_1648561041223-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Representatives of The European University of Technology met in Cluj </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 29, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> A hundred representatives from the 8 partners of EUt+ were join and met in the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, from the 21st of March to the 25th of March. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/ukraine_1648563036032-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/ukraine_1648563036032-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ statement on Ukraine </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 29, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/lidia-galabova_1647614432968-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/lidia-galabova_1647614432968-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Lidia Galabova </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 23, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/myriam-maumy_1647452795234-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/myriam-maumy_1647452795234-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Myriam Maumy </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 16, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/beatriz-miguel_1647452780195-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/beatriz-miguel_1647452780195-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Beatriz Miguel Hernández </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 16, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/news_1646759984385-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/news_1646759984385-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Eut+ Women Wednesdays </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 9, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/women_1646757567453-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/women_1646757567453-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=ETWUAPPW&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ Women </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=SA9OGHU4&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> EUt+ People </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ celebrates International Women’s Day 2022 with campaign aimed at raising awareness against bias </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 8, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/transversal-worksho-eut-p_1646411972912-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/transversal-worksho-eut-p_1646411972912-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Transversal workshop at UTT from March 1st to March 3rd, 2022 - Accompanying the first pioneer students in September 2022 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 4, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> A transversal workshop is being held at UTT from March 1st to March 3rd, 2022. The main purpose is to define all the actions to be implemented to accompany the experience of the first pioneer students enrolled in September in the EUt+ curricula, prefiguration of the European EUt+ programs. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/greenworal-project_1646411608146-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/greenworal-project_1646411608146-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ promotes a European project to empower rural women in green entrepreneurship </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> March 4, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The European University of Technology (EUt+) promotes empowerment of society and citizens. Thanks to this new Erasmus+ project, rural women in the new post-COVID scenario. Researchers from Cyprus, Spain, Ireland and Lithuania will train adult women in the field of green entrepreneurship. They will promote entrepreneurial and innovative activities that are beneficial to the environment and financially profitable. The project, led by the UPCT (Polytechnic University of Cartagena), within EUt+, starts this month and ends in September 2024. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/capture-d-e-cran-2022-02-22-a-18-10-14_1645604622837-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/capture-d-e-cran-2022-02-22-a-18-10-14_1645604622837-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> First Workshop of the EUt+ European Telecommunications and Networks Institute </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 22, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The first workshop of the EUt+ European Telecommunications and Networks Institute will take place between March, 14th and March, 15th 2022. It will be available both online and onsite in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/photo-recherche_1645457624566-jpeg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/photo-recherche_1645457624566-jpeg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=PWZUUFO0&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=KUL828GC&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> PhD's Winter Seminar 2022 14th-15th March "Sustainability, Adaptability and Ethics" </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 21, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/irish-minister-rogne_1645459609129-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/irish-minister-rogne_1645459609129-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=8DCJRSIU&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Partner EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=WL1AHWBU&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> International </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=U3JOELUC&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Europe </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=F4VKMRW3&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Economy </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Irish Minister Harris welcomes €3.1 million funding for Irish Higher Education Institutions participating in European University alliances </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 18, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/dublin-logo-rogne_1645459691092-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/dublin-logo-rogne_1645459691092-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=U3JOELUC&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Europe </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=8DCJRSIU&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Partner EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> New Handbook developed on Inclusive Entrepreneurship by EUt+ partners </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 17, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> A new educator handbook on inclusive entrepreneurship has been developed to support better access and participation in entrepreneurship courses across EUt+ partners. The handbook was presented at the TU Dublin EDI Research Practice showcase on Friday 25th January 2022. It forms part of a suite of tools and training that will support entrepreneurship educators in higher education institutions develop more inclusive courses and will be published as an open source document. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/batiment-rogne_1645459539304-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/batiment-rogne_1645459539304-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=PWZUUFO0&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ students connect to explore European identity </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 17, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Students from Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) and Riga Technical University (RTU) joined an interactive classroom discussion today with students of the Creative Digital Media course in TU Dublin. The students talked about their shared European identity and their hopes for connecting with their student colleagues in EUt+ partners across Europe. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/steinmetz_1644417858599-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/steinmetz_1644417858599-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Prof. Dr. Arnd Steinmetz elected as new President of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, our german partner in EUt+ </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 9, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Prof. Dr. Arnd Steinmetz (55) is the new president of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da). On the 8th of ferbruary, election meeting of the h_da Senate, 18 of 34 eligible voters voted for the current Vice President for Digitization and Internationalization in the first ballot. He prevailed against the external candidate. The term of office of Prof. Dr. Arnd Steinmetz begins on 01.04.2022 and is six years. He succeeds Prof. Dr. Ralph Stengler (65), who has led the university since 2010 and is retiring after twelve years in office. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eut-cartagena-news_1643991417306-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eut-cartagena-news_1643991417306-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Outcomes of Cartagean week : 3 new agreements to promote research and joint studies </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 4, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> EUt+ prepares three new common degrees in Architecture, Industrial Engineering and Food Science and Technology and creates research support offices. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/nano_1637674368704-JPG);"> <img src="/medias/photo/nano_1637674368704-JPG" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Second EUt+ Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 1, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Call for abstracts from 15th of November.The second EUt+ Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies will be held in a hybrid mode both at UPCT (Cartagena, Spain) and online on January 31st, February 1st and February 2nd 2022. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cartagena_1643387373496-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cartagena_1643387373496-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> THE EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY MEETS AT THE UPCT TO AGREE ON MORE JOINT STUDIES AND RESEARCH </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 28, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> A hundred representatives from the 8 partners of EUt+ will join and meet in the Universidad Polytechnica of Cartagena from the 1st of February to the 4th of February. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/bachelor-master-curricula-2-_1639673235585-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/bachelor-master-curricula-2-_1639673235585-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Data Science organises its first workshop </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 17, 2022 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Data Science is a fast-growing research field covers many scientific domains where data are at the core of developing cutting-edge technologies, at both pure academic and applicative industrial and societal levels. Exchanging complementary know-how in this domain between Eut+ research teams will certainly contribute to build an outstanding scientific ambitious project, in a competitive European landscape. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="«-post-pandemic-pedagogies-»-a-retrospective" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/microsoftteams-image_1639671106445-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/microsoftteams-image_1639671106445-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="«-post-pandemic-pedagogies-»-a-retrospective"> ELaRA’s Autumn Symposium on « Post Pandemic Pedagogies » : a retrospective </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 16, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> On November 22nd and 23rd, ELaRA (European Laboratory for Pedagogical Action-Research and Student-Centered Learning) held its first event : an Autumn Symposium on the theme « Post-Pandemic Pedagogies ». Due to the pandemic context, this event was held online and was followed by over a 100 participants throughout the consortium (teachers, researchers, students and academic staff). </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/tu-dublin-grangegorman-rathdown-house-springtime_1638373028639-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/tu-dublin-grangegorman-rathdown-house-springtime_1638373028639-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Can technology save us, or does it signal our end? </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 1, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> On 9 and 10 December 2021, Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) will host the First Annual Conference of the European Culture and Technology Lab+ (ECT Lab+), bringing together some of the world’s leading technologists and philosophers. The conference will examine how to re-invent technology to meet the climate change challenges recently highlighted by COP26 and move beyond the current geological era, characterised by artificial environmental disasters. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/human-and-robot-hands-giving-high-high-on-blue-bac-2021-08-30-02-19-15-utc-1-_1637588805899-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/human-and-robot-hands-giving-high-high-on-blue-bac-2021-08-30-02-19-15-utc-1-_1637588805899-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> ECT Lab+ and UTCN offer a webinar entitled "Think Human First". </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 22, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The seminar series “Think Human First” is offered by the European Culture and Technology Laboratory (ECT Lab+), the European University of Technology (EUt+) and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. A first session will be held on November 26, 2021, 15:00 CET (16:00, Bucharest). The conference is open to all partners of Initiative EUt+. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="“lessons-learnt”-by-andria-zafirakou-winner-of-the-global-teacher-prize" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/andria-zafirakou_1636989423044-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/andria-zafirakou_1636989423044-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="“lessons-learnt”-by-andria-zafirakou-winner-of-the-global-teacher-prize"> “Lessons learnt” by Andria Zafirakou, winner of the Global Teacher Prize </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 15, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The Learning Development Network of the Cyprus University of Technology and the European Laboratory For Pedagogical Action - Research And Student-Centred Learning (ELaRA) of EUT+, invite you to the seminar titled “Lessons learnt”, delivered by Andria Zafirakou, on November 26, 2021, 17:00 – 18:00 CET. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/banner-presentation-autumn-symposium-1-_1636549602490-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/banner-presentation-autumn-symposium-1-_1636549602490-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> ELaRa presents an online symposium: post-pandemic pedagogies </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 10, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The European Laboratory For Pedagogical Action Research And Student-Centred Learning (ELaRA) presents an online event on November 22 and 23 dedicated to the new pedagogies after the pandemic. Lectures, round tables presentation and workshops involving all partners of the Alliance are going to take place. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/211106-eut-darmstadt-ii-meeting-0982_1637049268235-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/211106-eut-darmstadt-ii-meeting-0982_1637049268235-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ partner universities give starting signal for four European research institutes </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 8, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The partners of the Initiave will conduct significantly more research with its partner universities in other European countries: On Saturday, November 6, the presidents of the "European University of Technology" initiative laid the foundation stone for this in Darmstadt. In a "Memorandum of Agreement", they decided to establish four joint research institutes and a graduate school. The new institutions will create synergies in research and expand scientific capabilities through the joint use of personnel, laboratories and infrastructure. The number of research institutes is to be expanded in the medium term. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/rectorate-building-utcn-copie_1636115864616-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/rectorate-building-utcn-copie_1636115864616-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=CFF4G5WD&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Events EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The Online International Winter School TUCN 2021 </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 4, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca opened the registration period for the courses that will be taught during the "The Online International Winter School TUCN 2021"! The winter school will take place online, between December 6th-17th, 2021. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/darmstadt-eut-meeting_1634547313545-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/darmstadt-eut-meeting_1634547313545-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Go-ahead for deeper collaboration in research and teaching </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 18, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The initiative "European University of Technology", EUt+ for short, has taken further steps towards joint research and teaching. Around 80 representatives of the 8 participating universities met for this purpose on the campus of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) from October 11-15. A delegation of EUt+ also met the Hessian Minister for Sciences and Arts Angela Dorn on Friday. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/darmstadt-meeting-1_1633961786914-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/darmstadt-meeting-1_1633961786914-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ MEETING ABOUT RESEARCH AND EDUCATION </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 11, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> From October 11 to 15, 80 European partners involved in the research and in the academic work of the EUt+ project are meeting in Darmstadt, hosted by the German partner of the Alliance, hochschule Darmstadt (h_da). The main objectives of this meeting are to officially launch the SwafS project “Science With and For Society” (linked with the experimental EUt EXTRAS), and to deepen the first achievements in the academic and European research fields. The working groups involved in “information systems synergies” will also meet. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/european-lecture2_1633593291014-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/european-lecture2_1633593291014-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> An online course: "European Identities" </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 6, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Hochschule Darmstadt will start a lectures cycle about “European Identities”. It is a course with contributions from numerous colleagues from the EUt+ partners. The course is open for all students and partners of the Alliance. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/openaire-map_1633015423566-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/openaire-map_1633015423566-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> EUt+ alliance and OpenAIRE join forces for open science </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 30, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The OpenAIRE-Nexus consortium and the European University of Technology (EUt+), have announced a new cooperation agreement to improve the integration and discoverability of research results, to showcase the synergies and connections and aggregate the work from all partners across this pan-European network of Universities. All, using open science in the core. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/img-20210925-wa0040_1633334886146-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/img-20210925-wa0040_1633334886146-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> A student voice for EUt+ </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 24, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> During the EUt+ Limassol week, students’ representatives have decided to form a Student Board to operate together and structure their contribution to the initiative.According to the spirit and vision of EUt+, the Student Board will advocate for student interests and create an inclusive and diverse network where all students from all universities can feel welcome. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="“eut-engineering-programmes”" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/img-3517_1632498831632-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/img-3517_1632498831632-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href="“eut-engineering-programmes”"> Three clusters for “EUt+ engineering programmes” </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 23, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> During the Limassol Week, the partners of the EUt+ Alliance have defined a trajectory of convergence towards common training programmes across Europe to build European degrees in engineering at Bachelor and Master levels. They are called EUt+ engineering programmes. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/rectors-signatures_1633336034708-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/rectors-signatures_1633336034708-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> More european students will soon feel at home on EUt+ campuses </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 22, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Two important agreements have been signed during the Limassol week concerning the acceleration of the mobility of students among the EUt+ European University of Technology.The first students experiencing the “intra-EUt+” mobilities will be fully involved into the process of building this new kind of university and be EUt+ pioneers. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/img-20210920-090955_1632496583027-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/img-20210920-090955_1632496583027-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=NPR5UCA1&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Students EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> European University of Technology reaches important milestones in Limassol </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 21, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> 4 signed agreements, more than 50 workshops, 2 public debates, a common intranet-like tool and the launch of the new website: the conference of the initiative, European University of Technology“ (EUt+) brought important milestones in the common vision of the eight institutions of higher education. More than 100 participants met in Limassol, Cyprus, hosted by EUt+ partner, Cyprus University of Technology. Among the speakers there were the Director–General of the European Commission for Education, Youth, Sports and Culture, Mrs Themis Christophidou and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Cyprus, Ms. Annita Dimitriou. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/bandeau-recherche-2_1630499677618-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/bandeau-recherche-2_1630499677618-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=AKK41MER&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Research EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Official start for EUt+ EXTRAS </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 1, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> September 1st marks the official start of the project EUt+ EXTRAS. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eit_1627648943214-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eit_1627648943214-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <ul class="poster__tags"> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=632S8PX2&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Innovation EUt+ </a> </li> <li> <a href="/search?l=1&&tags=FIBTAN9Z&limit=10&RH=1632232927117" class="tag lien_interne"> Projects EUt+ </a> </li> </ul> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Inno-EUt+: A new EIT-funded project for boosting innovation and entrepreneurship led by Cyprus University of Technology </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 27, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> We are happy to announce that the Inno-EUt+ project was selected by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/bando-exp-economie-circulaire_1626766314362-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/bando-exp-economie-circulaire_1626766314362-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> First Annual Conference of the European Culture and Technology Lab+ </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 20, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The First Annual Conference of the European Culture and Technology Lab+ will be held the 9th and 10th Dec 2021. Call for papers until the 20th Sept 2021. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/sust_1622124576077-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/sust_1622124576077-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> First Workshop of the EUt+ Sustainability Lab </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 14, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Call for abstract open as of 17th May. The first Workshop of the EUt+ Sustainability Lab will be held online on 14. - 15. June 2021. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/polytechnic-summit_1615475389415-JPG);"> <img src="/medias/photo/polytechnic-summit_1615475389415-JPG" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> TUDublin Polytechnic Summit </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 2, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Abstracts may be submitted up until Friday 22nd January 2021. Each year the Polytechnic Summit assembles leaders, influencers and contributors who shape the future of polytechnic education. The Polytechnic Summit provides a forum to enable opportunities for collaboration and partnerships and for participants to focus on innovation in curriculum and pedagogy, to share best practices in active and applied learning, and discuss practice-based research to enhance student learning. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/eutinn-3_1615548826215-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/eutinn-3_1615548826215-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> First EUt+ Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 28, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Call for abstract from 15th of March. The first EUt+ Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies will be held online on the 28th and 29th of April 2021. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cluj-nap_1618233801441-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cluj-nap_1618233801441-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 12, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Call for papers until June 30, 2021. The 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, will be held on October 28 - 30, 2021 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/bannermps_1613053878564-jfif);"> <img src="/medias/photo/bannermps_1613053878564-jfif" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> International Online Conference on Modern Power Systems </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 11, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The 9th International Conference on Modern Power Systems will be held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in the period 15th - 17th of June 2021. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/vp_1613060134206-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/vp_1613060134206-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Vox Pop EUt+ by UTTroyes students </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 5, 2021 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> During the Vox-Pop - Let's Talk Europe, Let's Talk EUt+ event held last December, the students of UTTroyes demonstrated their creativity in understanding the essence of the European University of Technology. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/cluj_1604416903944-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/cluj_1604416903944-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Online international week 2020 - UTCN </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 9, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) organizes international conferences and free online workshops from 9 to 12 of november 2020. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/official-start_1604308261224-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/official-start_1604308261224-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Official start: November 1st </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 1, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The official starting date for the European University of Technology initiative, EUt+ is November 1st, 2020.Funded by the European Commission, the project will last 36 months and is destined to become permanent by creating strong links and positive synergies between the eight partners of the alliance. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/rtu-conference-poster_1601302092120-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/rtu-conference-poster_1601302092120-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> RTU 61st International Scientific Conference </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> September 28, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> International Cooperation and Foreign Students Department of Riga Technical University invites you to the International Education / European University Initiative Section of the 61st RTU International Scientific Conference taking place on 16th of October at 10:00 (Riga time), online platform ZOOM. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/fb-actu_1594306809690-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/fb-actu_1594306809690-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> The EUt+ initiative selected by the European Commission! </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> July 9, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> Towards a European University of Technology.The "European University of Technology - EUt+" Alliance is one of the 24 winners of the second call for proposals for pilot initiatives to create European Universities of the future. This successful bid will support the eight-member transnational alliance to establish a pioneering collaborative model that will revolutionise the quality and competitiveness of technologically-focused higher education in Europe. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/bd-esc_1591351444971-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/bd-esc_1591351444971-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> A European student card with the common reverse side for EUt+ students. </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> June 5, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> The eight partners of the European University of Technology, EUt+, have agreed on a common reverse side which will be visible on the European student cards of each campus. The implementation of this card will start at the beginning of the academic year in September 2020. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/bando-eut-covid-19_1588253454174-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/bando-eut-covid-19_1588253454174-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> International Lecture Series: "The Social Effects of the Corona Crisis" </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> April 17, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> After some weeks of spreading, politicians and specialists from medicine and especially virologists try to decelerate the epidemic disease Covid-19 by shut downs. While the various measures succeed in flattening the curves showing the numbers of new infections, the discussion about the social effects of these measures starts to gain momentum. Unemployment, recession, overload of the health system, social isolation, domestic violence, are some of the topics in the general discussion in the media. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/erasmus_1584719537062-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/erasmus_1584719537062-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Submission of the file </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 26, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> FILE DEPOSIT : On 26 February, for the second consecutive year, the eight European partners at the initiative of the European University of Technology, EUt+, submitted their project following the call launched by the European Commission. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/0205-signature-mou-etudiants_1584719651080-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/0205-signature-mou-etudiants_1584719651080-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Student report on the EUt+ initiative </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 5, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> PEDAGOGY: On their own initiative, a delegation of students submit a report on their willingness to develop technology training and their vision of EUt+.PILOTING : Students launch a comparative study of student representation and their contribution to decisions within member institutions. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/ect-lab_1584719335938-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/ect-lab_1584719335938-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> First step towards ECT Lab+ </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 4, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> RESEARCH: A Memorandum of Understanding on the creation and development of a laboratory on "European Culture and Technology" 'ECT Lab+' is signed. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/0204-signature-recteurs_1584719618206-JPG);"> <img src="/medias/photo/0204-signature-recteurs_1584719618206-JPG" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Signature of the EUt+ Memorandum of Understanding by the eight Rectors </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> February 4, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> STRATEGY: The eight Rectors and Presidents sign the General Memorandum of Understanding formally launching the "European University of Technology" initiative. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/drapeau-ue_1584719300656-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/drapeau-ue_1584719300656-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Drawing up the EUt+ general convergence timetable </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 14, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> STRATEGY: The timetable for the general convergence of the eight establishments is drawn up. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/competences-2_1584719271821-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/competences-2_1584719271821-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Finalisation of the engineer general competences of future EUt+ students </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> January 13, 2020 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> PEDAGOGY: The general competences of an EUt+ master-engineer graduate student are finalised. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/sgpi-2_1584720083021-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/sgpi-2_1584720083021-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Financial support from the French government for the EUt+ initiative </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 13, 2019 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> SUPPORT: The French government through the SGPI (Secrétariat Général pour l'Investissement) has decided to financially support the EUt+ initiative. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/axes_1584719727470-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/axes_1584719727470-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Definition of the main lines of EUt+. </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> December 4, 2019 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> STRATEGY: The main lines of construction of the European University of Technology Alliance and the general balance are set. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/lignes_1584719784360-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/lignes_1584719784360-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Definition of the general lines of joint work for the EUt+ consortium </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> November 14, 2019 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> STRATEGY: The general lines of the consortium and the concept of the European University of Technology initiative are launched </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/map-eut_1584719113052-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/map-eut_1584719113052-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> First reflection on the emergence of a pan-European laboratory around technology in European culture </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 30, 2019 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> RESEARCH: Academics from UTTroyes and TUDublin agree on the principle of a pan-European laboratory about humanities and technology. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/breton-barnier_1584719029712-png);"> <img src="/medias/photo/breton-barnier_1584719029712-png" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> Strong political support </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 14, 2019 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> SUPPORT: Thierry Breton and Michel Barnier support EUt+. </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="poster"> <a href="" class="poster__image lien_interne" style="background-image: url(/medias/photo/atos-2_1584719074318-jpg);"> <img src="/medias/photo/atos-2_1584719074318-jpg" alt="" class="sr-only"> </a> <div class="poster__details"> <a class="poster__title lien_interne" href=""> ATOS supports EUt+ </a> <div class="poster__dates"> <div class="poster__date poster__date--debut"> October 14, 2019 </div> </div> <div class="resume"> INFRASTRUCTURE: ATOS agrees in principle to study the interoperability of university information systems and the exchange of academic data on this scale. </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div><!-- .paragraphe__contenu--0 .toolbox --> </div><!-- paragraphe--0 --></div><!-- colonne_deco --> </div><!-- .colonne_1 --></div><!-- .ligne_1 --> <div id="redacteur-date-impression"> <div class="date-maj">Date of update 21 septembre 2021</div> </div><!-- #redacteur-date-impression --> </div> <!-- .contenu --> </div><!-- #contenu-encadres --> </div><!-- #page_deco --> </main> <!-- #page --> <div class="rebonds"> <div class="rebonds-wrapper"> </div> </div> <footer class="footer" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="footer__colonnes container"> <div class="row"> <div class="column column--24 column--large-5 footer__colonne footer__colonne--pliable"> <div class="footer__colonne__inner"> <div class="footer__colonne__titre" 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