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Throughout his campaign for chancellor, he portrayed himself as a pragmatic ''new'' Social Democrat who would promote economic growth while strengthening Germany's generous social welfare system.&lt;ref>[[Edmund L. Andrews]] (20 October 1998), [ Choice for Economics Post Spurns Offer by Schroder] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> After the resignation of [[Oskar Lafontaine]] as [[Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany|Leader of the Social Democratic Party]] in March 1999, in protest at Schröder's adoption of a number of what Lafontaine considered "[[neo-liberal]]" policies, Schröder took over his rival's office as well. In April 1999, in Germany's first session in the restored Reichstag, to applause he quoted Albanian writer [[Ismail Kadare]], saying: "The Balkans is the yard of the European house, and in no house can peace prevail so long as people kill each other in its yard."&lt;ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=With Smoked Salmon and Beer, Berlin Greets Parliament|first=Roger|last=Cohen|newspaper=The New York Times|date=20 April 1999}}&lt;/ref> In a move meant to signal a deepening alliance between Schröder and Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]] of the United Kingdom,&lt;ref>Rachel Sylvester (29 May 1999), [ We say Third Way, you say die neue mitte] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The Independent]]''.&lt;/ref> the two leaders issued an eighteen-page manifesto for economic reform in June 1999. Titled "Europe: The Third Way",&lt;ref>[[Tony Blair]] and Gerhard Schröder, (19 August 1999) [ Europe: The Third Way/Die Neue Mitte]&lt;/ref> or {{langr|de|"Die Neue Mitte"}} in German, it called on Europe's centre-left governments to cut taxes, pursue labour and welfare reforms and encourage entrepreneurship. The joint paper said European governments needed to adopt a "supply-side agenda" to respond to globalisation, the demands of capital markets and technological change.&lt;ref>[[Edmund L. Andrews]] (20 October 1998), [ British-German Agenda Marks Break With Left : Manifesto Maps Out 'Third Way'] {{Webarchive|url=|date=5 October 2017}} ''[[International Herald Tribune]]''.&lt;/ref> Schröder's efforts backfired within his own party, where its left-wing rejected the Schröder–Blair call for cutbacks to the welfare state and pro-business policies. Instead, the paper took part of the blame for a succession of six German state election losses in 1999 for the Social Democratic Party. Only by 2000, Schröder managed to capitalise on the [[CDU donations scandal|donations scandal]] of his Christian Democratic opposition to push through a landmark tax reform bill and re-establish his dominance of the German political scene.&lt;ref>Tom Buerkle and John Schmid (22 July 2000), [ The Third Way: Schroeder Soars but Blair Stalls] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[International Herald Tribune]]''.&lt;/ref> Schröder's tenure oversaw [[Decision on the Capital of Germany|the seat of government move]] from [[Bonn]] to [[Berlin]]. In May 2001, Schröder moved to his new official residence, the [[Federal Chancellery (Berlin)|Federal Chancellery in Berlin]], almost two years after the city became the seat of the German Government.&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Bundeskanzleramt: Die ersten sind schon leise eingezogen|work=Tagesspiegel|access-date=1 April 2001}}&lt;/ref> He had previously been working out of the building in [[East Berlin|eastern Berlin]] used by the former leaders of [[East Germany]].&lt;ref>[ Schroeder gets new home] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[BBC News]]'', 2 May 2001.&lt;/ref> ====Second cabinet, 2002–2005==== {{Main|Second Schröder cabinet}} Throughout the build-up to the [[2002 German federal election|2002 German election]], the Social Democrats and the Green Party trailed the centre-right candidate [[Edmund Stoiber]] until the catastrophe caused by [[2002 European floods|rising floodwater in Germany]] led to an improvement in his polling numbers.&lt;ref>[ Schroeder buoyed by flood disaster] {{Webarchive|url= |date=8 January 2017 }} ''[[BBC News]]'', 23 August 2002.&lt;/ref> Furthermore, his popular opposition to a war in [[Iraq]] dominated campaigning in the run-up to the polls.&lt;ref>[ Schroeder wins second term] {{Webarchive|url= |date=23 March 2018 }} ''[[CNN]]'', 23 September 2002.&lt;/ref> At 22 September 2002 vote, he secured another four-year term, with a narrow nine-seat majority down from 21. In February 2004, Schröder resigned as chairman of the SPD amid growing criticism from across his own party of his reform agenda;&lt;ref>[ Schröder resigns SPD chairmanship] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The Daily Telegraph]]'', 6 February 2004.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ A resigning matter] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2 May 2017 }} ''[[The Economist]]'', 12 February 2004.&lt;/ref> [[Franz Müntefering]] succeeded him as chairman. On 22 May 2005, after the SPD lost to the [[Christian Democratic Union (Germany)|Christian Democrats]] (CDU) in [[North Rhine-Westphalia]], Gerhard Schröder announced he would call federal elections "as soon as possible". A [[motion of confidence]] was subsequently defeated in the [[Bundestag]] on 1 July 2005 by 151 to 296 (with 148 abstaining), after Schröder urged members not to vote for his government in order to trigger new elections. In response, a grouping of left-wing SPD dissidents and the [[Party of Democratic Socialism (Germany)|Party of Democratic Socialism]] agreed to run on a joint ticket in the general election, with Schröder's rival [[Oskar Lafontaine]] leading the new group.&lt;ref>Richard Milne (11 June 2005), [ New leftwing alliance to challenge SPD]{{Dead link|date=November 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} ''[[Financial Times]]''.&lt;/ref> [[File:Gerhard Schroeder MUC-20050910-01.jpg|thumb|"SPD – Trust in Germany": Schröder in [[Esslingen am Neckar|Esslingen]].]] The 2005 [[2005 German federal elections|German federal elections]] were held on 18 September. After the elections, neither Schröder's SPD-Green coalition nor the alliance between CDU/CSU and the FDP led by [[Angela Merkel]] achieved a majority in parliament, but the CDU/CSU had a stronger popular electoral lead by one percentage point. On election night, both Schröder and Merkel claimed victory and chancellorship, but after initially ruling out a [[grand coalition]] with Merkel, Schröder and Müntefering entered negotiations with her and the CSU's [[Edmund Stoiber]]. On 10 October, it was announced that the parties had agreed to form a grand coalition. Schröder agreed to cede the chancellorship to Merkel, but the SPD would hold the majority of government posts and retain considerable control of government policy.&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Merkel named as German chancellor|work=[[BBC News]]|access-date=29 April 2007|date=10 October 2005|archive-url=|archive-date=13 March 2007|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> Merkel was elected chancellor on 22 November. On 11 October 2005, Schröder announced that he would not take a post [[First Merkel cabinet|in the new cabinet]] and, in November, he confirmed that he would leave politics as soon as Merkel took office. On 23 November 2005, he resigned his [[Bundestag]] seat.&lt;ref>[ ''Schröder legt Bundestagsmandat nieder.''] In: ''[[Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung]]'', 22 November 2005.&lt;/ref> On 14 November 2005, at a SPD conference in [[Karlsruhe]], Schröder urged members of the SPD to support the proposed coalition, saying it "carries unmistakably, perhaps primarily, the imprint of the Social Democrats". Many SPD members had previously indicated that they supported the coalition, which would have continued the policies of Schröder's government, but had objected to [[Angela Merkel]] replacing him as chancellor. The conference voted overwhelmingly to approve the deal.&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|title=German parties back new coalition|work=BBC News|access-date=29 April 2007|date=14 November 2005|archive-url=|archive-date=11 January 2009|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> ===Domestic policies=== In his first term, Schröder's government decided to phase out [[nuclear power]], fund [[renewable energy|renewable energies]],&lt;ref>{{cite web |title= Abschied vom Atomstrom |url= |date=23 December 1998 |access-date=23 May 2022 |work=[[Spiegel Online]]}}&lt;/ref> institute [[Same-sex marriage in Germany|civil unions]] for same-sex partners, and liberalise the [[naturalization]] law.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title= Politik Schröder: Der Doppel-Paß ist nicht das Ziel der Reform |url= |date=23 December 1998 |access-date=22 May 2022 |work=[[Der Tagesspiegel]]}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news |title= Nur Kinder erhalten künftig einen Doppelpaß|url= |date=12 March 1999 |access-date=23 May 2022 |work=[[Die Welt]]}}&lt;/ref> During Schröder's time in office, economic growth slowed to only 0.2% in 2002 and Gross Domestic Product shrank in 2003, while German unemployment was over the 10% mark.&lt;ref>[ Schröder Urges Reform as SPD Celebrates 140th Anniversary] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[Deutsche Welle]]'', 23 May 2002.&lt;/ref> Most voters soon associated Schröder with the [[Agenda 2010]] reform program, which included cuts in the [[social welfare]] system ([[national health insurance]], [[unemployment insurance|unemployment payments]], pensions), lower taxes, and reformed regulations on employment and payment. He also eliminated capital gains tax on the sale of corporate stocks in an attempt to make the country more attractive to foreign investors.&lt;ref>Claus Christian Malzahn (14 October 2005), [ The Modern Chancellor: Taking Stock of Gerhard Schröder] {{Webarchive|url=|date=23 October 2012}} ''[[Spiegel Online]]''.&lt;/ref> After the 2002 election, the SPD steadily lost support in opinion polls. Many increasingly perceived Schröder's [[Third Way (centrism)|Third Way]] program to be a dismantling of the German [[welfare state]]. Moreover, Germany's high unemployment rate remained a serious problem for the government.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title= Was ist schiefgelaufen auf dem "Dritten Weg"? |url= |date= 21 June 2010 |access-date= 23 May 2022 |work= [[Heinrich Böll Foundation]] |archive-date= 25 June 2022 |archive-url= |url-status= dead }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title= Eine Reform mit Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen |url= |date=7 April 2013 |access-date=23 May 2022 |work=[[Tagesschau (German TV programme)|]]}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news |title= Alternativlose Sachzwangslogik? |url= |date=23 February 2021 |access-date=23 May 2022 |work=[[Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung|FAZ]] |last1= Weber |first1= Petra }}&lt;/ref> Schröder's tax policies were also unpopular; when the satirical radio show ''[[The Gerd Show]]'' released ''The Tax Song'' ({{lang|de|Der Steuersong}}), featuring Schröder's voice (by impressionist [[Elmar Brandt]]) lampooning Germany's [[indirect taxation]], it became Germany's 2002 Christmas #1 hit and sold over a million copies.&lt;ref>{{cite news |title=Der Schwachmaten-Kanzler |first=Reinhard |last=Mohr |date=2002-11-17 |work=[[Der Spiegel]] |url= |access-date=2024-03-08 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news |title=«Steuersong»: Hört der Bundeskanzler kein Radio? |first=Undine |last=Freyberg |date=2002-11-12 |work=[[Mitteldeutsche Zeitung]] |url= |access-date=2024-03-08}}&lt;/ref> The fact that Schröder served on the [[Volkswagen]] board (a position that came with his position as [[Minister-president#Germany|minister-president]] of Lower Saxony) and tended to prefer pro-car policies led to him being nicknamed the car chancellor ({{lang|de|Auto-Kanzler}}).&lt;ref>{{cite news |title= Der "Autokanzler" in seinem Element |url= |date= 9 June 2004 |access-date=23 May 2022 |work=[[Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung|FAZ]]}}&lt;/ref> ===European integration=== In 1997, Schröder joined the minister-presidents of two other German states, [[Kurt Biedenkopf]] and [[Edmund Stoiber]], in making the case for a five-year delay in Europe's currency union.&lt;ref>John Schmid (28 July 1997), [ Another German Premier Seeks Delay on the Euro] {{Webarchive|url= |date=1 September 2019 }} ''[[International Herald Tribune]]''.&lt;/ref> After taking office, he made his first official trip abroad to France for meetings with President [[Jacques Chirac]] and Prime Minister [[Lionel Jospin]] in October 1998.&lt;ref>Craig R. Whitney (1 October 1998), [ Germany's New Leader Gives France Reassurances About Ties] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> A 2001 meeting held by both leaders in [[Blaesheim]] later gave the name to a regular series of informal meetings between the French President, the German Chancellor, and their foreign ministers. The meetings were held alternately in France and Germany. At the fortieth anniversary of the [[Elysée Treaty]], both sides agreed that rather than summits being held twice a year, there would now be regular meetings of a council of French and German ministers overseen by their respective foreign affairs ministers.&lt;ref>[ France and Germany hand in hand] {{Webarchive|url= |date=7 March 2019 }} ''[[The Daily Telegraph]]'', 23 January 2003.&lt;/ref> In an unprecedented move, Chirac formally agreed to represent Schröder in his absence at a [[List of European Council meetings|European Council meeting]] in October 2003.&lt;ref>Luke Harding, Jon Henley and Ian Black (16 October 2003), [ Schröder and Chirac flaunt love affair at summit] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The Guardian]]''.&lt;/ref> In his first months in office, Schröder vigorously demanded that Germany's net annual contribution of about $12,000,000,000 to the [[budget of the European Union]] be cut, saying his country was paying most for European "waste."&lt;ref>[[Roger Cohen]] (27 March 1999), [ Statesmanlike Schroder Pulls Harmony From Europe's Hat] {{Webarchive|url= |date=15 September 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> He later moderated his views when his government held the rotating [[Presidency of the Council of the European Union]] in 1999.{{cn|date=July 2023}} In 2003, Schröder and Chirac agreed to share power in the [[institutions of the European Union]] between a [[President of the European Commission]], elected by the [[European Parliament]], and a full-time [[President of the European Council]], chosen by heads of state and government; their agreement later formed the basis of discussions at the [[Convention on the Future of Europe]] and became law with the entry into force of the [[Treaty of Lisbon]].&lt;ref>Dana Spinant (15 January 2003), [ Paris and Berlin cook up shock deal over EU presidency] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[European Voice]]''.&lt;/ref> Ahead of the [[2005 French European Constitution referendum|French referendum on a European Constitution]], Schröder joined Chirac in urging French voters to back the new treaty, which would have enshrined new rules for the expanded EU of 25 member states and widened the areas of collective action.&lt;ref>John Thornhill and Martin Arnold (26 April 2005), [ Schröder echoes Chirac call for French Yes vote]{{Dead link|date=November 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} ''[[Financial Times]]''.&lt;/ref> Also in 2003, both Schröder and Chirac forced a suspension of sanctions both faced for breaching the European Union's fiscal rules that underpin the [[euro]] – the [[Stability and Growth Pact]] – for three years in a row. Schröder later called for a revision of the [[Lisbon Strategy]] and thereby a retreat from Europe's goal of overtaking the United States as the world's most competitive economy by 2010. Instead, he urged the EU to reform the Pact to encourage growth, and to seek the reorientation of the €100,000,000,000 annual [[Budget of the European Union|EU budget]] towards research and innovation.&lt;ref>George Parker and Bertrand Benoit (3 November 2004), [ Schröder to urge economic rethink for Europe]{{Dead link|date=November 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} ''[[Financial Times]]''.&lt;/ref> By 2005, he had successfully pushed for an agreement on sweeping plans to rewrite the Pact, which now allowed EU members with deficits above the original 3% of GDP limit to cite the costs of "the reunification of Europe" as a mitigating factor.&lt;ref>George Parker and Bertrand Benoit (21 March 2005), [ Sweeping rewrite of EU stability pact agreed]{{Dead link|date=November 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} ''[[Financial Times]]''.&lt;/ref> Schröder was regarded a strong ally of Prime Minister [[Leszek Miller]] of [[Poland]]&lt;ref>Michal Jaranowski (5 May 2013), [ Leszek Miller: Schröder's role in Polish-German relations 'underestimated'] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2 October 2017 }} ''[[Deutsche Welle]]''.&lt;/ref> and supporter of the [[2004 enlargement of the European Union]].&lt;ref>Toby Helm (5 September 2000), [ Schröder seeks to limit damage over EU growth 'gaffe'] {{Webarchive|url= |date=4 October 2017 }} ''[[The Daily Telegraph]]''.&lt;/ref> On 1 August 2004, the sixtieth anniversary of the 1944 [[Warsaw Uprising]], he apologised to Poland for "the immeasurable suffering" of its people during the conflict; he was the first German Chancellor to be invited to an anniversary of the uprising. Both Schröder and Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer also supported the [[accession of Turkey to the European Union]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Rede von Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder beim Iftar-Essen am 12. Oktober 2005 in Istanbul |access-date=14 October 2021 |archive-date=21 October 2013 |archive-url= |url-status=bot: unknown }}&lt;/ref> ===Foreign policy=== [[File:Aleksander Kwasniewski i Gerhard Schröder.jpg|thumb|left|Gerhard Schröder with Polish President [[Aleksander Kwaśniewski]] on 6 December 2000]] Marking a clear break with the caution of German foreign policy since World War II, Schröder laid out in 1999 his vision of the country's international role, describing Germany as "a [[great power]] in Europe" that would not hesitate to pursue its national interests.&lt;ref>[[Roger Cohen]] (12 September 1999), [ A New German Assertiveness On Its Foreign Policy Stance] {{Webarchive|url= |date=16 August 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> Schröder also continued the established Social Democratic political tradition of [[Wandel durch Handel]].&lt;ref>{{cite news |last1=Bennhold |first1=Katrin |title=The Former Chancellor Who Became Putin's Man in Germany |url= |access-date=3 July 2022 |work=[[The New York Times]] |date=23 April 2022}}&lt;/ref> Schröder also began seeking a resolution ways to compensate Nazi-era slave labourers almost as soon as he was elected chancellor. Reversing the hard-line stance of his predecessor, [[Helmut Kohl]], he agreed to the government contributing alongside industry to a [[Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future"|fund]] that would compensate people forced to work in German factories by the Nazi regime and appointed [[Otto Graf Lambsdorff]] to represent German industry in the negotiations with survivors' organisations, American lawyers and the US government.&lt;ref>[[Edmund L. Andrews]] (9 December 1999), [ Schroder Dismisses Demands To Enlarge Fund for Nazi Slaves] {{Webarchive|url= |date=15 September 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> [[File:Bush and Schröder.jpg|thumb|Gerhard Schröder with US President [[George W. Bush]] in [[Washington, D.C.|Washington]] on 9 October 2001]] Schröder sent forces to [[Kosovo]] and to [[Afghanistan]] as part of [[NATO]] operations.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=German troops to join war effort|work=The Guardian|date=6 November 2001|access-date=25 May 2020|archive-date=1 August 2020|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> Until Schröder's chancellorship, German troops had not taken part in combat actions since [[World War II]]. At the beginning of the [[Iraq]] crisis, Schröder declared in March 2002 that Germany would not take part in the Iraq war without a UN mandate.&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|work=Der Spiegel|date=15 March 2002|access-date=14 October 2021|title=Schröders Klarstellung: Keine Beteiligung an Irak-Feldzug ohne Uno-Mandat}}&lt;/ref> In the summer of 2002, during the federal election campaign, he proclaimed the "German Way" as an alternative to the "American warmongering" in Iraq and presented Germany as a peace power.&lt;ref>{{citation|surname1=Daniel Friedrich Sturm|periodical=Welt Online|title=Schröders deutscher Weg|date=6 August 2002|language=German|url=|access-date=3 July 2016 }}&lt;/ref> In May 2019 at [[World.minds|WORLD.MINDS]] in Belgrade, 20 years to the day after the [[NATO bombing of Yugoslavia|bombing of Belgrade]] by [[NATO]] troops, Schröder stated unequivocally that in retrospect, if he had to make the decision again, he would authorize the [[NATO bombing of Yugoslavia|aerial bombardment of the former Yugoslavia]] again. Schröder said that "the easiest solution would be to first accept Serbia into the European Union and then within, as an integral part the EU, find a solution [to the Kosovo issue]."&lt;ref>{{cite web|last=Julia|first=Fritsche|date=4 June 2019|title=Brückenschlag zum Balkan|url=|accessdate=25 March 2021|website=BLICK|}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Citation|title=Geopolitics with Aleksandar Vučić and Gerhard Schröder (WORLD.MINDS Belgrade)| date=13 June 2019 |url=| archive-url=| archive-date=4 November 2021 | url-status=live|language=en|access-date=25 March 2021}}{{cbignore}}&lt;/ref> With Germany having a long experience with [[terrorism]] itself, Schröder declared solidarity with the United States after the [[September 11 attacks]] in 2001.&lt;ref>{{cite web|last=Doering|first=Kai|date=11 September 2021|title=Gerhard Schröder: "Uneingeschränkte Solidarität" war wohlüberlegt|url=|accessdate=14 October 2021|website=Vorwärts|publisher=vorwä}}&lt;/ref> When Schröder left office, Germany had 2,000 troops in Afghanistan,&lt;ref>{{cite web|date=11 September 2021|title=KSK troops withdraw from Afghanistan|url=|accessdate=14 October 2021|website=Deutsche Welle|}}&lt;/ref> the largest contingent from any nation other than the United States, UK, France, Canada and after two years Afghanistan. ====Relations with the Middle East==== During their time in government, both Schröder and his foreign minister [[Joschka Fischer]] were widely considered sincerely, if not uncritically, pro-Israel.&lt;ref>[[Steven Erlanger]] (7 April 2002), [ The World: The Jewish Question; Europe Knows Who's to Blame in the Middle East] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> Schröder represented the German government at the funeral service for [[List of kings of Jordan|King]] [[Hussein of Jordan]] in [[Amman]] on 9 February 1999.&lt;ref>John M. Broder (9 February 1999), [ Clinton Lauds King Hussein As Man of Vision and Spirit] {{Webarchive|url= |date=15 September 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> When British planes joined United States forces [[Bombing of Iraq (1998)|bombing]] [[Iraq]] without consulting the [[United Nations Security Council]] in December 1998, Schröder pledged "unlimited solidarity".&lt;ref>Craig R. Whitney (18 December 1998), [ Critics From Paris to Kuwait, but a Friend in London] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> But, along with French President [[Jacques Chirac]] and many other world leaders, Schröder later spoke out strongly against the [[2003 invasion of Iraq]] and refused any military assistance in that invasion. Schröder's stance caused political friction between the US and Germany, in particular because he used this topic for his 2002 election campaign. Schröder's stance set the stage for alleged anti-American statements by members of the SPD. The parliamentary leader of the SPD, [[Ludwig Stiegler]], compared US President [[George W. Bush]] to [[Julius Caesar]] while Schröder's Minister of Justice, [[Herta Däubler-Gmelin]], likened Bush's foreign policy to that of [[Adolf Hitler]]. Schröder's critics accused him of enhancing, and campaigning on, anti-American sentiments in Germany. After his 2002 re-election, Schröder and Bush rarely met and their animosity was seen as a widening political gap between the US and Europe. Bush stated in his memoirs that Schröder initially promised to support the Iraq war but changed his mind with the upcoming German elections and public opinion strongly against the invasion, to which Schröder responded saying that Bush was "not telling the truth".&lt;ref>{{cite web|last=Khan|first=Adnan R.|url=|title=The Schröder-Bush dust-up – World|work=Maclean's|date=24 November 2010|access-date=17 March 2013}}&lt;/ref> When asked in March 2003 if he was self-critical about his position on Iraq, Schröder replied, "I very much regret there were excessive statements" from himself and former members of his government (which capitalised on the war's unpopularity).&lt;ref>[[John Vinocur]] (5 March 2003), [ Schroeder is edging closer to Blair views] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> ====Relations with Russia==== [[File:Vladimir Putin in Germany 9-10 April 2002-1.jpg|thumb|Schröder with his friend Russian President [[Vladimir Putin]] at a dinner in Weimar, Germany, on 9 April 2002]] {{See also|Germany–Russia relations}} On his first official trip to Russia in late 1998, Schröder suggested that Germany was not likely to come up with more aid for the country. He also sought to detach himself from the close personal relationship that his predecessor, [[Helmut Kohl]], had with Russian President [[Boris Yeltsin]], saying that German-Russian relations should "develop independently of concrete political figures."&lt;ref>Celestine Bohlen (17 November 1998), [ Russia: German Aid Likely To End] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> Soon after, however, he cultivated close ties with Yeltsin's successor, President [[Vladimir Putin]], in an attempt to strengthen the "strategic partnership" between Berlin and Moscow,&lt;ref>[[Roger Cohen]] (17 June 2000), [ Putin Discovers A New Rapport With Germany] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> including the opening of a gas pipeline over the Baltic Sea exclusively between Russia and Germany (see [[#Gazprom|"Gazprom controversy"]] below). During his time in office, he visited the country five times. [[File:2018 inauguration of Vladimir Putin 06.jpg|thumb|left|Schröder at Putin's inauguration with [[Dmitry Medvedev]] and [[Patriarch Kirill of Moscow|Patriarch Kirill]] on 7 May 2018]] Schröder was criticised in the media, and subsequently by Angela Merkel, for calling Putin a "flawless democrat" on 22 November 2004, only days before Putin prematurely congratulated [[Viktor Yanukovich]] during the [[Orange Revolution]].&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=,1518,330461,00.html |title=Gerhard Schroeder's Dangerous Liaison |work=[[Der Spiegel]] |access-date=29 April 2007 }}{{dead link|date=January 2017 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}&lt;/ref> In 2005, Schröder suggested at the ceremonial introduction of the [[Airbus A380]] in Toulouse that there was still "room in the boat" of [[EADS]] for Russia.&lt;ref>Nicola Clark (14 September 2006), [ Airbus parent rebuffs Russia bid for influence] {{Webarchive|url= |date=1 July 2020 }} ''[[International Herald Tribune]]''.&lt;/ref> In his last days in office in 2005 he signed a deal between Germany and Russian state-owned [[Gazprom]] to build Nord Stream 1 before leaving office and almost immediately joining the pipeline company's board.&lt;ref> {{Bare URL inline|date=August 2024}}&lt;/ref> He rejected criticism of the move and announced legal action over reports he would be paid between €200,000 (£134,000) and €1m a year.&lt;ref>{{cite news | url= | title=Schröder faces growing scandal over job with Russian gas giant | newspaper=The Guardian | date=13 December 2005 | last1=Harding | first1=Luke }}&lt;/ref> In 2022 he was reportedly paid about $270,000 a year as chairman of the shareholder committee.&lt;ref>{{cite news | url= | title=The Former Chancellor Who Became Putin's Man in Germany | work=The New York Times | date=23 April 2022 | last1=Bennhold | first1=Katrin }}&lt;/ref> Only a few days after his chancellorship, Schröder joined the board of directors of the Nord Stream joint venture, thus bringing about new speculations about his prior objectivity. In his memoirs ''Decisions: My Life in Politics'', Schröder still defends his friend and political ally, and states that "it would be wrong to place excessive demands on Russia when it comes to the rate of domestic political reform and democratic development, or to judge it solely on the basis of the Chechnya conflict."&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=,1518,444944,00.html|title=It Would Be Wrong to Place Excessive Demands|work=[[Der Spiegel]]|access-date=29 April 2007|archive-url=,1518,444944,00.html|archive-date=4 August 2008|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> Schröder's continued close connection to Vladimir Putin and his government after his chancellorship has been widely criticized in Germany.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Innenministerium: Ein Gespräch, das die SPD in Erklärungsnot bringt |url= |access-date=10 February 2022 |website=MSN |language=de-DE}}&lt;/ref> ====Relations with China==== During his time in office, Schröder visited China six times.&lt;ref>[ Schröder in China to Promote Business] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[Deutsche Welle]]'', 1 December 2003.&lt;/ref> He was the first Western politician to travel to Beijing and apologise after NATO jets had [[United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade|mistakenly bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade]] in 1999.&lt;ref>Michael Laris (13 May 1999), [ Schroeder Apologizes to Chinese] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[Washington Post]]''.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Andreas Lorenz (6 November 2009), [ Hugging the Panda: Gerhard Schröder Opens Doors for German Companies in China] {{Webarchive|url= |date=13 March 2017 }} ''[[Spiegel Online]]''.&lt;/ref> In 2004, he and Chinese Prime Minister [[Wen Jiabao]] established a secure, direct telephone line.&lt;ref>[ Schröder Has Hotline to China] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 October 2017 }} ''[[Deutsche Welle]]'', 24 November 2004.&lt;/ref> He also pressed for the lifting of the EU [[arms embargo]] on China.&lt;ref>Andreas Lorenz (8 December 2004), [ Chinese Weapons Ban: Gerhard's Comrade] ''[[Der Spiegel]]''.&lt;/ref> </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"></div><p id="mw-returnto">Return to <a href="/wiki/Gerhard_Schr%C3%B6der" title="Gerhard Schröder">Gerhard Schröder</a>.</p> <!--esi <esi:include src="/esitest-fa8a495983347898/content" /> --><noscript><img src=";useformat=desktop" alt="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; 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