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That number may be zero.</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">Is the Penny *Finally* Dead?</a> CGP Grey on minting coins and hacking checks and balances. <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/10482" target="_self">otherchaz</a> at 11:22 AM - <a href="/207694/The-pennys-days-are-numbered-That-number-may-be-zero" target="_self" class="more">2 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207693/Winter-has-frozen-us-Let-love-take-hold-of-us" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Winter has frozen us/Let love take hold of us</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">Punxsutawney Phil</a> predicted six more weeks of winter for us in the United States and by golly he was right! At least in my little corner of the world, he was: we woke up yesterday to 2.5 inches of surprise snow. What's your favorite snowy activity? Making a <a href="">snow fort</a>? <a href="">Sculpting</a> masterpieces out of snow and ice? Maybe you prefer to stay indoors and make <a href="">snow ice cream</a>, or decadent <a href="">hot chocolate</a>, or a <a href="">hot toddy</a>? It's our weekly free thread! Let's talk about cold weather activities or whatever else you want to drop in; just no politics. <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/57855" target="_self">cooker girl</a> at 7:44 AM - <a href="/207693/Winter-has-frozen-us-Let-love-take-hold-of-us" target="_self" class="more">49 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <div id="inline-ad"></div> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207692/Tom-Vu" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Tom Vu</a></h2> <div class="copy post">You didn't go to the <a href="">Tom Vu</a> seminar and you're still not a millionaire. <a href="">Maybe you should have listened to him?</a> <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207692/Tom-Vu" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/342988" target="_self">Lemkin</a> at 6:35 AM - <a href="/207692/Tom-Vu" target="_self" class="more">14 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207691/The-Dynasty-How-the-Orbn-familys-economic-empire-was-born" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">The Dynasty - How the Orbán family’s economic empire was born</a></h2> <div class="copy post">By the 15th year of Viktor Orbán’s rule, his son-in-law had become one of the richest men in Hungary. István Tiborcz had built an empire of luxury properties, financial and logistics companies. As his businesses grew, he also climbed the Forbes list of the country's 50 wealthiest people. His wife, Ráhel Orbán, the Prime Minister's eldest child, is also involved in the management of some elements of the group. Tiborcz and his wife claim to have achieved all this on their own. But the reality is different. In fact, the business activities of the Prime Minister's family were linked to Viktor Orbán's political career as early as the 1990s, and this has reached a new level with the construction of Tiborcz’s empire. <a href="">The story of this is told in this film</a>, produced by the investigative reporting center Direkt36 in collaboration with independent filmmakers. (SLYT, English subtitles) <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/242909" target="_self">kmt</a> at 4:07 AM - <a href="/207691/The-Dynasty-How-the-Orbn-familys-economic-empire-was-born" target="_self" class="more">1 comment</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207690/The-fight-for-Europe-is-on" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">The fight for Europe is on</a></h2> <div class="copy post">At a time of intensifying great power competition, <a href="">the EU has to choose</a> between becoming a vassal of the U.S. or breaking free to steer its own course — and it must decide quickly. Two keynotes at the influential <a href="">Munich Security Conference</a> made that clear: one illiberal by U.S. Vice President JD Vance, the other classically liberal by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207690/The-fight-for-Europe-is-on" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/115736" target="_self">Violet Blue</a> at 1:08 AM - <a href="/207690/The-fight-for-Europe-is-on" target="_self" class="more">78 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207689/Apocalypse-is-coming-then-just-not-yet" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Apocalypse is coming, then; just not yet.</a></h2> <div class="copy post">It’s here, in a queasy and uncanny way, that difference and similitude converge. For in a scene in which the properly political content of what is called “politics” has become so vitiated, even as the scope of impending consequence has expanded to such dizzyingly existential heights, what could be less mystifying than blunted apprehension? Where the scale of ruin so outpaces available modes of redress, where the enormous machinery of dispersal and containment is so well-greased and so murderously high-functioning—where there is nothing remotely commensurate to do with whatever the unmystified facts of the matter may be—what could make plainer sense, a more human sense, than the translation of what you “know” into something that is not quite “knowledge,” that sits beside knowing but eludes its terrible grasp? from <a href="">Apocalypse Later</a> by <a href="">Peter Coviello</a> [Parapraxis] <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/96486" target="_self">chavenet</a> at 12:58 AM - <a href="/207689/Apocalypse-is-coming-then-just-not-yet" target="_self" class="more">14 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207688/Cockatoos-prefer-their-noodles-dunked-in-blueberry-yogurt" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Cockatoos prefer their noodles dunked in blueberry yogurt</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Cockatoos prefer their noodles dunked in blueberry yogurt: First evidence of non-primate food flavouring behaviour. <a href="">Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna are reporting that Goffin's cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana) engage in food flavouring behaviour by dunking food into soy yogurt. Experimentally controlled tests have confirmed that the birds selectively dipped food in flavoured yogurt rather than neutral alternatives, ruling out alternative explanations such as soaking or cleaning</a>. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207688/Cockatoos-prefer-their-noodles-dunked-in-blueberry-yogurt" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/324939" target="_self">chariot pulled by cassowaries</a> at 12:50 AM - <a href="/207688/Cockatoos-prefer-their-noodles-dunked-in-blueberry-yogurt" target="_self" class="more">5 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2>February 16</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207687/Oddly-satisfying-videos-of-cows-being-cared-for" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Oddly satisfying videos of cows being cared for</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">Cows getting pedicures</a> Inspired by the <em>chariot pulled by cassowarie</em> post on modern milking machines making cows happier and more productive, I give you a couple guys showing their messy, but satisfying, jobs trimming cow hooves. Thirty years ago, a cow with a foot problem would have to be wrassled around and either tied down, put in stocks, or drugged to have feet cared for. It was dangerous to both the handler and animal, and regular hoof care was nearly nonexistent. With the advent of trap stocks that allow easy handling of cattle, we're now in an era that allows farmers to have their cattle trimmed to prevent problems and to treat problems that occur. Additional bonus is we have videos of good-looking guys with yummy accents to entertain us. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207687/Oddly-satisfying-videos-of-cows-being-cared-for" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/117511" target="_self">BlueHorse</a> at 6:45 PM - <a href="/207687/Oddly-satisfying-videos-of-cows-being-cared-for" target="_self" class="more">10 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207686/The-Library-of-Congress-unique-copy-of-James-Joyces-Ulysses" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">The Library of Congress' unique copy of James Joyce's "Ulysses"</a></h2> <div class="copy post">The first edition of <i>Ulysses</i> was 1,000 copies. The first 100 were printed on Holland paper and signed by the author. The next 150 were printed on vergé d'Arches paper. But <a href="">Copy #361 is special</a>. <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/342988" target="_self">Lemkin</a> at 2:02 PM - <a href="/207686/The-Library-of-Congress-unique-copy-of-James-Joyces-Ulysses" target="_self" class="more">24 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207685/1-1-Not-as-easy-at-it-looks" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">1 + 1: Not as easy at it looks</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><blockquote><tt>(10<sup>100</sup>) + 1 - (10<sup>100</sup>) = 0</tt><br></blockquote> "That picture above is from iOS calculator. Notice anything? It's wrong. (10^100) + 1 − (10^100) is 1, not 0. [...] The purpose of a calculator app is to give you correct answers. Floating point numbers are imprecise - they cannot represent 0.3 or 10^100. This means a calculator built on floating point numbers is like a house built on sand. [...] A calculator should show you the result of the mathematical expression you entered. That's much, much harder than it sounds. What I'm about to tell you is <a href="">the greatest calculator app development story ever told."</a> <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/62135" target="_self">Rhaomi</a> at 1:04 PM - <a href="/207685/1-1-Not-as-easy-at-it-looks" target="_self" class="more">37 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207684/Pesto-the-penguin-seen-canoodling-with-a-friend" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Pesto the penguin seen canoodling with a friend</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Pesto the penguin seen canoodling with a friend. <a href="">Pesto, the viral sensation and globally famous penguin, is being observed cosying up to penguin-friend Pudding. Could it be love?</a> <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/324939" target="_self">chariot pulled by cassowaries</a> at 12:52 PM - <a href="/207684/Pesto-the-penguin-seen-canoodling-with-a-friend" target="_self" class="more">2 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207683/How-soon-is-now" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">How soon is now?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Many of those lured into supporting the far right have often correctly perceived that something has gone badly awry within their societies. The tragedy is that, through lies and distraction, they end up blaming the wrong people for the real issues they face. Perhaps that’s part of what makes listening to Meat Is Murder today so compelling, even with the full knowledge of the politics Morrissey holds. The album, at its best, reveals its lyricist at his most humane and gracious, a man alert to the suffering of others, but, 40 years on, we know he has badly lost his way somewhere along the line. It’s like a morality tale for the country as a whole. from <a href="">The Seductive Paradox of Morrissey: The Smiths’ Meat Is Murder At 40</a> [Paste] <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207683/How-soon-is-now" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/96486" target="_self">chavenet</a> at 12:48 PM - <a href="/207683/How-soon-is-now" target="_self" class="more">34 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207682/No-downloads-for-u" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">No downloads for u</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">PSA: Amazon ending downloads of kindle books</a> On 26 February, Amazon will stop allowing you to download a copy of your ebooks. This has been a primary way to import and strip the drm from ebooks using calibre. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207682/No-downloads-for-u" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/265011" target="_self">GCU Sweet and Full of Grace</a> at 7:12 AM - <a href="/207682/No-downloads-for-u" target="_self" class="more">98 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207680/All-of-which-is-to-say-it-was-a-gross-time" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">All of which is to say: it was a gross time</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Once upon a time, in the dark days of the early 2000s, we were beset on all sides by horny profiles. This was a replicable genre, wherein a writer—usually, but not always a man, met a subject—usually, but not always, a woman, often a model or an actress—and spent the entire time with his tongue unrolling like a Tex Avery cartoon wolf, his eyes bugging out of his head, and his lust so unrestrained that he began to compulsively mix his metaphors, purple his prose and expand his word count beyond all bounds of taste or readability. These profiles were badly written, they needed a cold shower, and there were so many of them. from <a href="">What Was the Horny Profile?</a> by <a href="">Anna Merlan</a> [Flaming Hydra] <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/96486" target="_self">chavenet</a> at 1:36 AM - <a href="/207680/All-of-which-is-to-say-it-was-a-gross-time" target="_self" class="more">15 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207679/Crocodiles-struggle-to-hunt-survive-in-warmer-northern-waters" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Crocodiles struggle to hunt, survive in warmer northern waters</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Crocodiles struggle to hunt, survive in warmer northern waters. <a href="">Scientists and tour guides say crocodiles in Queensland's north are hiding from the heat as temperatures warm, potentially disrupting their ability to hunt and travel</a>. (Australia) <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/324939" target="_self">chariot pulled by cassowaries</a> at 12:50 AM - <a href="/207679/Crocodiles-struggle-to-hunt-survive-in-warmer-northern-waters" target="_self" class="more">5 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2>February 15</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207678/Albert-King" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Albert King</a></h2> <div class="copy post">"<a href="">Albert King</a> would stand on the stage, sweat pouring from his face like a monsoon, and wring out of Lucy—a rocket-shaped 1959 Flying V—a voice as insistent as barbed wire and as electrified as a jet engine. ... he bent notes like nobody else—pulling the strings downward on Lucy’s neck to shift their tones far out of their usual place—which created a sound alternately longing and playful." <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207678/Albert-King" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/342988" target="_self">Lemkin</a> at 7:30 PM - <a href="/207678/Albert-King" target="_self" class="more">20 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207677/Ive-got-a-little-list" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">"I've got a little list"</a></h2> <div class="copy post">"List, catalogue, enumeration, inventory, schedule, register, tripos, tally, syllabus, almanac, table, atlas, index, calendar, rota, ledger, scroll, manifest, invoice, prospectus, program, menu, census, directory, gazetteer, dictionary, lexicon, gradus." <br> <a href="">Why Literature Loves Lists.</a> From Rabelais to Didion, an Incomplete List of Listmakers.' By Brian Dillon <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/6915" target="_self">clavdivs</a> at 5:18 PM - <a href="/207677/Ive-got-a-little-list" target="_self" class="more">8 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207676/Is-homework-out-of-touch-Or-are-the-children-wrong" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Is homework out of touch? Or are the children wrong?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">In the time of ChatGPT, "<a href="">is there some way for adults to force teens to still do homework? Or to convince them they should want to?</a>" The search for an answer, or at least some clarity, touches on the history of the five-paragraph essay, past letter writing culture, whether it's OK to use AI to write your wife a birthday card, and talks with John Warner, an author and long-time writing teacher who recently published <em><a href="">More Than Words: How to Think About Writing in the Age of AI</a></em>. Also featured are researchers at Harvard's <a href="">Center for Digital Thriving</a>, on what they're learning from talking with Gen Z about tech and LLMs. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207676/Is-homework-out-of-touch-Or-are-the-children-wrong" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/309422" target="_self">coffeecat</a> at 4:33 PM - <a href="/207676/Is-homework-out-of-touch-Or-are-the-children-wrong" target="_self" class="more">69 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207675/Just-another-perfectly-normal-president-rug-pulling-his-own-country" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Just another perfectly normal president rug pulling his own country</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">Argentinian president Javier Milei promotes memecoin that then crashes 95% in apparent $100 million+ rug pull.</a> <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207675/Just-another-perfectly-normal-president-rug-pulling-his-own-country" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/11806" target="_self">signal</a> at 4:07 PM - <a href="/207675/Just-another-perfectly-normal-president-rug-pulling-his-own-country" target="_self" class="more">30 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207674/Colorless-Green-Ideas-Sleep-Furiously" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Colorless Green Ideas | Sleep Furiously</a></h2> <div class="copy post">What is<a href=""> Vegetative Electron Microscopy</a>? It isn’t anything at all, unless you’re publishing AI-generated fake scientific papers generated from OCR text that doesn’t understand two-column layout. <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/45762" target="_self">Horace Rumpole</a> at 2:32 PM - <a href="/207674/Colorless-Green-Ideas-Sleep-Furiously" target="_self" class="more">16 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207673/Calm-cows-and-a-sleep-in-for-dairy-farmers" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Calm cows and a sleep in for dairy farmers</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Calm cows and a sleep in for dairy farmers who couldn't ask for anything better. <a href="">Voluntary milking systems — or robots — are not new to the industry, but it's hoped a significant uptake of the technology will entice the next generation of producers to stay in the industry</a>. <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/324939" target="_self">chariot pulled by cassowaries</a> at 12:39 PM - <a href="/207673/Calm-cows-and-a-sleep-in-for-dairy-farmers" target="_self" class="more">21 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207672/brought-to-you-by-the-letter-T" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">brought to you by the letter T</a></h2> <div class="copy post">"In this fight, in this movement, it was also trans people, especially trans women of color, like <a href="">Marsha P Johnson</a>, <a href="">Sylvia Rivera</a> [womenshistory<sup>2</sup>], <a href="">Miss Major Griffin-Gracy</a> [insta], black and brown trans women that stood at the forefront of this movement," said Angelica Christina, the Board Director of the Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative, in an interview with <a href="">ABC News</a>. "We would not have pride as we know it today without trans people, without trans women." <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207672/brought-to-you-by-the-letter-T" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/337430" target="_self">HearHere</a> at 11:05 AM - <a href="/207672/brought-to-you-by-the-letter-T" target="_self" class="more">13 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207671/Andrew-Hill" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Andrew Hill</a></h2> <div class="copy post">"At the age of 26, <a href="">Andrew Hill altered jazz history</a>, recording five visionary albums for Blue Note in just eight months in 1963 and 1964. In the pace and uniqueness of his achievements, he rivaled more famous labelmates such as Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter. Among his collaborators were Eric Dolphy, Kenny Dorham, Bobby Hutcherson, Freddie Hubbard, Joe Henderson, Richard Davis, Roy Haynes, Elvin Jones and Tony Williams. ... He left New York in 1970 and recorded sporadically for other labels over the next two decades, becoming, in Gary Giddins’ words, an 'outlying cult figure'. Anthony Braxton, in the liner notes to his <i>Nine Compositions (Hill) 2000</i>, wrote: 'This is a private musical universe that is not always appreciated by the greater jazz business complex'." <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207671/Andrew-Hill" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/342988" target="_self">Lemkin</a> at 8:27 AM - <a href="/207671/Andrew-Hill" target="_self" class="more">4 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207670/The-Canadian-Flag-turns-60" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">The Canadian Flag turns 60</a></h2> <div class="copy post">"May the land over which this new <a href="">flag</a> flies remain united in freedom and justice … sensitive, tolerant and compassionate towards all." - <a href="">Lester B. Pearson</a> <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207670/The-Canadian-Flag-turns-60" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/194449" target="_self">mrjohnmuller</a> at 7:39 AM - <a href="/207670/The-Canadian-Flag-turns-60" target="_self" class="more">29 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207669/Five-years-of-titillating-mundanity" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Five years of titillating mundanity</a></h2> <div class="copy post">One thing that, of course, will never change, in Midtown or any other setting, is that, more often than not, a person who is less qualified or adept at the job will be hired if they have that “positive, can-do attitude” that employers love prattling on about so much. Me, I just wanna do the goddamn work without all this pomp and circumstance/requisite ass-kissing under the guise of “enthusiasm.” But no, that’s not how the game is played, and I’m further failing at it by publicly announcing this. from <a href="">Anonymous Office Workers of the World Unite!: An Interview</a> - The Opiate’s <a href="">Anton Bonnici</a> poses a few questions to <a href="">Genna Rivieccio</a> about her latest book, <a href="">Diary of an Anonymous Midtown Office Worker in the 2010s.</a> <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/96486" target="_self">chavenet</a> at 2:22 AM - <a href="/207669/Five-years-of-titillating-mundanity" target="_self" class="more">19 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2>February 14</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207668/Shy-forest-marsupials-no-match-for-all-seeing-drones" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Shy forest marsupials no match for all-seeing drones</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Shy forest marsupials no match for all-seeing drones. <a href="">Researchers in Far North Queensland have found surprising success using thermal drones to spot warm, marsupial bodies in tropical rainforest canopies - elusive tree kangaroos</a>. (Australia) <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/324939" target="_self">chariot pulled by cassowaries</a> at 10:49 PM - <a href="/207668/Shy-forest-marsupials-no-match-for-all-seeing-drones" target="_self" class="more">2 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207667/10000-To-Choose-From" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">10,000 To Choose From!</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">Ars staffers pick their favorite Saturday Night Live sketches</a> 50 seasons with ~20 episodes each with ~10 sketches each is a vast sea of comedy to distill into the very purest pool of the best of the best of SNL, and this is but one small attempt to do so. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207667/10000-To-Choose-From" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/19153" target="_self">fairmettle</a> at 10:40 PM - <a href="/207667/10000-To-Choose-From" target="_self" class="more">64 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207666/Hasbro-Asmodee-Corporation-Building-better-worlds" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Hasbro-Asmodee Corporation: Building better worlds</a></h2> <div class="copy post">'<a href="">Light Brite turned sci-fi console on the cheap'</a> "Generally, the projects featured on Hackaday actually do something. We won’t go as far as to say they are practical creations, but they usually have some kind of function other than to sit there and blink." <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/6915" target="_self">clavdivs</a> at 7:43 PM - <a href="/207666/Hasbro-Asmodee-Corporation-Building-better-worlds" target="_self" class="more">6 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207665/Comrades-A-Revolutionary-RPG" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Comrades: A Revolutionary RPG</a></h2> <div class="copy post">"<a href="">Comrades: A Revolutionary RPG</a> is about participating in a fictional revolution. Influenced by real-world events, past and present, players are members of a fledgling underground movement that aims to rise up against a corrupt government, forced to plan, work, and fight from the shadows. Can they do what is necessary when the cause requires it to free the people? Like the past’s real-world revolutions, none are clearly defined, bloodless, or victimless, and neither is Comrades: A Revolutionary RPG." <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207665/Comrades-A-Revolutionary-RPG" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/342988" target="_self">Lemkin</a> at 6:02 PM - <a href="/207665/Comrades-A-Revolutionary-RPG" target="_self" class="more">6 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207664/Valentines-for-All" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Valentines for All</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">"When Esther Howland first saw the fancy valentine her father brought home from England, most Americans thought Valentine's Day was a waste of time."</a> I thought I'd have a roundup post of Valentine love of the not-necessarily-romantic variety. Including this book about the origins of cards. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207664/Valentines-for-All" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/37122" target="_self">jenfullmoon</a> at 2:08 PM - <a href="/207664/Valentines-for-All" target="_self" class="more">8 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207663/The-hardest-working-font-in-Manhattan" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">The hardest working font in Manhattan</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><i>In 2007, on my first trip to New York City, I grabbed a brand-new DSLR camera and photographed all the fonts I was supposed to love. I admired American Typewriter in all of the I <3 NYC logos, watched Akzidenz Grotesk and Helvetica fighting over the subway signs, and even caught an occasional appearance of the flawlessly-named Gotham, still a year before it skyrocketed in popularity via Barack Obama’s first campaign.</i> <a title="Gorton" href="">But there was one font I didn’t even notice, even though it was everywhere around me.</a> <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/17619" target="_self">Wolfdog</a> at 1:57 PM - <a href="/207663/The-hardest-working-font-in-Manhattan" target="_self" class="more">35 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207662/It-is-caught-in-the-uncanny-valley-between-fork-and-comb" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">"It is caught in the uncanny valley between fork and comb."</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Joining the list of threats to modern masculinity: forks with an insufficient number of tines. Enter the Man Fork! Margaret Eby of <i>Food&Wine</i> asks, <a href="">"Why?" and "What?" and "Are you OK, guys?"</a>. <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/148218" target="_self">jackbishop</a> at 1:36 PM - <a href="/207662/It-is-caught-in-the-uncanny-valley-between-fork-and-comb" target="_self" class="more">57 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207661/Valentines-Day-Massacre" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Valentine's Day Massacre</a></h2> <div class="copy post">In what might go down as our own <a href="">Saturday Night Massacre</a>, today's Valentines Day Massacre our own woefully corrupt Republican president is trying to find anyone who will...<a href="">help him use prosecutorial power to pressure a mayor of a major US city in order to hold up the administrations end of a bribe made right out in the open by a corrupt Democratic Mayor of New York City</a>...If you are wondering what the hell is going on you should know the following: It involves <a href="">Turkey</a>, <a href="">Acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove</a>, <a href="">A cell phone with a changed password</a>, a <a href="">shockingly</a> large amount of corruption done right out in the open, that has lead to a <a href="">bunch</a> of <a href="">very</a> <a href="">conservative</a> prosecutors <a href="">resigning</a>, <a href="">ongoing</a> <a href="">illegal activity</a> right on TV. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207661/Valentines-Day-Massacre" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/28065" target="_self">stilgar</a> at 1:31 PM - <a href="/207661/Valentines-Day-Massacre" target="_self" class="more">27 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207660/Why-Gen-Z-Will-Never-Leave-Home" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Why Gen Z Will Never Leave Home</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">The proper course of action, the one instilled in me, my friends and many of the parents I interviewed for this story, was this: you graduate high school. You get some education. And you get out.</a> (slMacLean's) <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207660/Why-Gen-Z-Will-Never-Leave-Home" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/112463" target="_self">Kitteh</a> at 11:36 AM - <a href="/207660/Why-Gen-Z-Will-Never-Leave-Home" target="_self" class="more">65 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207659/Opossum-eats-whole-Costco-chocolate-cake" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Opossum eats whole Costco chocolate cake</a></h2> <div class="copy post">“I knew there was no way I could just leave a sick opossum there overnight.… <a href="">Obviously, it had too much of a good thing.</a>” (WaPo gift link) <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/26406" target="_self">kyleg</a> at 11:17 AM - <a href="/207659/Opossum-eats-whole-Costco-chocolate-cake" target="_self" class="more">27 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207658/The-Illuminations-Sessions" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">The Illuminations Sessions</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">The 1974 sessions for</a> <em>Illuminations</em>, the album by Alice Coltrane and Carlos Santana, have yielded a treasure trove of previously unreleased material, including "previously unknown compositions, stripped back tracking sessions, overdub reels, working tapes and a cache of alternate takes and mixes." <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207658/The-Illuminations-Sessions" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/23738" target="_self">the sobsister</a> at 10:24 AM - <a href="/207658/The-Illuminations-Sessions" target="_self" class="more">6 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207657/Bill-Cosby-Talks-To-Kids-About-Drugs" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Bill Cosby Talks To Kids About Drugs</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">Dope Pusher Song</a>. <a href="">I Know I Can Handle It Song</a>. <a href="">Captain Junkie Song</a> <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207657/Bill-Cosby-Talks-To-Kids-About-Drugs" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/342988" target="_self">Lemkin</a> at 6:26 AM - <a href="/207657/Bill-Cosby-Talks-To-Kids-About-Drugs" target="_self" class="more">16 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207656/Endangered-turtles-break-nesting-record-at-famous-Mon-Repos-beach" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Endangered turtles break nesting record at famous Mon Repos beach</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Endangered turtles break nesting record at famous Mon Repos beach. <a href="">Rangers at the turtle rookery on the Bundaberg coast say they have seen the biggest influx of nesting loggerhead turtles since the 1970s</a>. (Australia) <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207656/Endangered-turtles-break-nesting-record-at-famous-Mon-Repos-beach" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/324939" target="_self">chariot pulled by cassowaries</a> at 5:41 AM - <a href="/207656/Endangered-turtles-break-nesting-record-at-famous-Mon-Repos-beach" target="_self" class="more">6 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207655/Blood-soil-and-organic-veg" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Blood, soil, and organic veg</a></h2> <div class="copy post">In 1936, Viscount Gerard Wallop, the Earl of Portsmouth, founded the English Array - an <a href="">insane, neo-feudalist, wildly racist and anti-semitic organisation</a> that hoped to free the King from the constrictions of Parliament, take over the country and re-institute serfdom. Much like the Nazi Blood and Soil movement, Gerard Wallop and his colleagues were <a href="">particularly obsessed with the importance of organic farming</a>, leading to the formation of the then far-right <a href="">Soil Association</a>. The focus on purity at the expense of scientific rigour in agriculture <a href="">still affects mainstream ecological discourse</a> today... <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207655/Blood-soil-and-organic-veg" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/263330" target="_self">quacks like a duck</a> at 5:34 AM - <a href="/207655/Blood-soil-and-organic-veg" target="_self" class="more">16 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207654/The-hidden-away-UK-bill-charting-a-course-back-to-Europe" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">The hidden-away UK bill charting a course back to Europe</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Ian Dunt on Substack: <a href="">The hidden-away bill charting a course back to Europe</a> (<a href="">archive</a>). <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207654/The-hidden-away-UK-bill-charting-a-course-back-to-Europe" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/17217" target="_self">TheophileEscargot</a> at 4:13 AM - <a href="/207654/The-hidden-away-UK-bill-charting-a-course-back-to-Europe" target="_self" class="more">25 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207653/Out-of-the-whale" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Out of the whale</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">Just a fluke: whale spits out kayaker in incident captured on camera</a> [Grauniad] <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/96486" target="_self">chavenet</a> at 2:31 AM - <a href="/207653/Out-of-the-whale" target="_self" class="more">34 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207652/I-bonked-my-head-on-the-moon" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">I bonked my head on the moon</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">Hello! I'm SLIM!</a> Do you want the good news first, or the bad news? The good news is, I'm on the Moon. The bad news is, I landed on my head and can't get up. <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/97898" target="_self">autopilot</a> at 12:12 AM - <a href="/207652/I-bonked-my-head-on-the-moon" target="_self" class="more">17 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2>February 13</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207651/A-hotel-to-die-for" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">A hotel to die for</a></h2> <div class="copy post">For £332 you can get a room at the rather shabby Hôtel d’Alsace in Paris where Oscar Wilde died, <a href="">not of syphillis but meningitis</a>, on November 30, 1900. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207651/A-hotel-to-die-for" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/55274" target="_self">toycamera</a> at 9:48 PM - <a href="/207651/A-hotel-to-die-for" target="_self" class="more">6 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207650/Footage-shows-rare-deep-sea-black-seadevil-fish-near-ocean-surface" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Footage shows rare deep-sea black seadevil fish near ocean surface</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Footage shows rare deep-sea black seadevil fish near ocean surface. <a href="">The footage was captured on a shark research trip off the Canary Islands</a>. <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/324939" target="_self">chariot pulled by cassowaries</a> at 5:26 PM - <a href="/207650/Footage-shows-rare-deep-sea-black-seadevil-fish-near-ocean-surface" target="_self" class="more">19 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207649/Ishbel-Myerscough" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Ishbel Myerscough</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Inside the Artist's Studio with <a href="">Ishbel Myerscough</a> <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207649/Ishbel-Myerscough" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/342988" target="_self">Lemkin</a> at 5:12 PM - <a href="/207649/Ishbel-Myerscough" target="_self" class="more">2 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207648/Rattlesnakes-slithered-around-the-Texas-Capitol-this-week" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Rattlesnakes slithered around the Texas Capitol this week...</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Amid intermittent rain, clouds and spots of sun, the Sweetwater Jaycees visited the Texas Capitol this week with three boxes of <a href="">western diamondback rattlesnakes</a> in tow. For nearly 30 years, members of the Sweetwater Jaycees, a chapter of the Texas Junior Chamber, have been traveling to Austin to promote their World's Largest Rattlesnake Roundup event in Sweetwater, Texas. <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/78127" target="_self">jim in austin</a> at 4:35 PM - <a href="/207648/Rattlesnakes-slithered-around-the-Texas-Capitol-this-week" target="_self" class="more">12 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207647/We-do-the-doomscrolling-for-you" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">"We do the doomscrolling for you"</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">BuzzFeed Looks to Launch Its Own, More Positive Social Media Platform</a> <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/207647/We-do-the-doomscrolling-for-you" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/340687" target="_self">ginger.beef</a> at 4:17 PM - <a href="/207647/We-do-the-doomscrolling-for-you" target="_self" class="more">12 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207646/You-snus-you-lose" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">You snus, you lose</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">How Tucker Carlson’s Nicotine Pouch Became the Latest Front in the Culture War</a> [Politico] <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/96486" target="_self">chavenet</a> at 3:27 PM - <a href="/207646/You-snus-you-lose" target="_self" class="more">42 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207645/Chill-The-Lion-Resurrection" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">Chill The Lion: Resurrection</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I am pleased to report that after some amount of time as a dead link, it is again possible to <a href="">press and drag to make wind.</a> (The lion will surely appreciate.) <a href="">(Previously)</a> <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/170113" target="_self">Going To Maine</a> at 11:47 AM - <a href="/207645/Chill-The-Lion-Resurrection" target="_self" class="more">11 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/207644/The-hand-is-the-tool-of-tools" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none;">The hand is the tool of tools</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">FKA twigs and Imogen Heap</a> improvise with Heap's <a href="">MiMu gloves</a> (SLYT, 6 mins) <br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="/user/4354" target="_self">thatwhichfalls</a> at 8:58 AM - <a href="/207644/The-hand-is-the-tool-of-tools" target="_self" class="more">17 comments</a> </span></div> <br> <p class="copy">« <a href="/index.cfm?page=2" target="_self">Older posts</a> </p> </div> <div id="menu" style="width:175px;"> <div id="menufooter" class="sidebar" style="margin-top:10px;"> <div id="sidebar-funding"> <div class="funding"> <div class="funding-link"> <a href="">Help fund MeFi!</a> </div> <div class="funding-text"> We rely on reader and community funding to operate. 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Fastest to finish wins!</p><p class="sidebartext"><b>February 13</b><br>Grab some paper, your favorite beverage, and <a href="">let’s make some origami</a>! Faintdreams found a great website about that subject and it’s a fantastic guide, thank you! </p><p class="sidebartext"><b>February 12</b><br><a href="">The Week of Living Dangerously: Your FanFare Roundup</a>: Oscar contenders , new series and episodes and, of course, the Super Bowl. Bonus inside this week: a massive list of all of the A24 films posted on Fanfare.</p><p class="sidebartext"><br>Do you like dinosaurs? Then come ska punk/dad rock/indie folk out to an album 186 million years in the making! That’s right, Professor Goldstein & The Adjuncts, among the mightiest musicians to ever trod this earth, <a href="">have put out a new album, Songs about Dinosaurs</a>!</p><p class="sidebartext"><b>February 11</b><br>"<a href="">People tend to be horrified or intrigued</a>": Eyelash is looking for <a href="">weird food combos</a> that people enjoy, and Mefites do not disappoint.</p><p class="sidebartext"><b>February 10</b><br>[<small><strong>COMMUNITY</strong></small>] <a href="">Tell us something good!</a> It's your weekly Free Thread! Or you can let us meta-pet your Meta Pet in the <a href="">Metacritter Metatalk thread</a>! 🐶🐱</p><p class="sidebartext"><b>February 9</b><br><a href="">Sow</a>, <a href="">sew</a>, <a href="">so!</a>, <a href="">so-so</a>, <a href="">sough</a>, <a href="" title="Need a challenge? hey, Ask Me unanswered questions!">... so?</a></p><p class="sidebartext"><b>February 8</b><br>Hey, it's the <a href="">Belladonna Loop</a>! Belladonna <a href="">solves the knotty question</a> of <a href="">how this scarf was tied in this way?</a>, with helpful illustration!</p><p class="sidebartext"><br><a href="">The best Sims post ever built</a>. Flagged as fanatic.</p><p class="sidebartext"><b>February 7</b><br>Dobbs would really, really, really like their drawings of dogs to look like dogs, not alligators. So there's a request for apps, courses, videos, and/or instruction to get better at drawing. Please lend your advice if you have suggestions! Or <a href="">just come on in to check out the excellent advice that's being shared</a>!</p><p class="sidebartext"><b>February 6</b><br>Community member workingdankoch has created a fantastic <a href="">science fiction audio drama titled Metropolis</a>. It’s a murder mystery in neon utopia that may be slightly topical for US citizens or an excellent escape, you decide! An original science fiction audio drama!</p> <p class="sidebartext"><a href="//">Best Of archive</a></p> <p class="sidebartext">Subscribe via RSS:<br><a href="" target="_self">MeFi RSS Feed <i class="feedicon"></i></a></p> </div> <br> <br> </div> </div> </div> <br clear="all"> <div id="footer"> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Features</strong></p> - <a href="" target="_self">Login</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">New User</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Links</strong></p> - <a href="/" target="_self">Home</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Guidelines</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Content Policy</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Privacy Policy</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">BIPOC Board</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Steering Committee</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Mall</a><br> - <a href="/archive.mefi" target="_self">Archives</a><br> - <a href="/tags/" target="_self">Tags</a><br> - <a href="//" target="_self">About</a> <br>- <a href="">MeFi Wiki</a> <br>- <a href="//" target="_self">Modern Theme</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Sites</strong></p> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">MetaFilter</a><br> - <a href="" title="Ask MetaFilter RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">AskMeFi</a><br> - <a href="" title="FanFare RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">FanFare</a><br> - <a href="" title="Projects RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Projects</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter Music RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Music</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter Jobs RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Jobs</a><br> - <a href="" title="IRL RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">IRL</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaTalk RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">MetaTalk</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p style="margin-top:30px;">Join 8,306 readers in helping <a href="" target="_self">fund MetaFilter</a></p> <p style="margin-top:15px;"><a href="">Contact Us</a></p> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <form action="/search.mefi" id="cse-search-box" style="margin-top:15px;"><div><input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-8621957794194569:1154310032"><input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:10"><input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8"><input type="text" name="q" size="31" style="width:120px;"><input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" style="margin-left:3px;"></div></form><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <span class="fineprint">© 1999-2025 MetaFilter LLC<br> All posts are © their original authors.</span><br><br> <span class="fineprint"><a href="" target="_self">FAQ</a> | <a href="" target="_self">Contact</a> | ☃<br></span> </div></div> <br clear="all"> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </body> </html>