Bishop's ring

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The ring observed round the Moon usually shows only a pale red fringe. The Bishop's ring is due to diffraction of the light by fine volcanic dust."; var fTitle="anneau de Bishop"; var fSyns=""; var fDef="Anneau blanch&acirc;tre, d'un rayon d'environ 22_, centr&eacute; sur le Soleil ou la Lune, pr&eacute;sentant une l&eacute;g&egrave;re teinte bleu&acirc;tre &agrave; l'int&eacute;rieur et brun rouge&acirc;tre &agrave; l'ext&eacute;rieur. L'anneau observ&eacute; autour de la Lune ne pr&eacute;sente g&eacute;n&eacute;ralement qu'une frange rouge p&acirc;le. L'anneau de Bishop est d&ucirc; &agrave; la diffraction de la lumi&egrave;re par de fines poussi&egrave;res volcaniques."; var gTitle="Bishop-Ring"; var gSyns=""; var gDef="Wei&szlig;licher Ring mit einem Radius von etwa 22_, um Sonne oder Mond zentriert, innen mit einer leicht bl&auml;ulichen F&auml;rbung und au&szlig;en mit einer rot-br&auml;unlichen F&auml;rbung. Der um den Mond beobachtete Ring zeigt meistens nur einen schwach roten Rand. Der Bishop-Ring entsteht dadurch, da&szlig; das Licht von feiner Vulkanasche gebeugt wird."; var sTitle="anillo de Bishop"; var sSyns=""; var sDef="Anillo blanquecino, con un radio de unos 22&#176;, centrado en el Sol o en la Luna. Tiene una d&eacute;bil coloraci&oacute;n azulada en su parte interior y casta&ntilde;o rojiza en su parte exterior. El anillo que se observa alrededor de la Luna posee s&oacute;lo una franja de color rojo p&aacute;lido. El anillo de Bishop se debe a la difracci&oacute;n de la luz por polvo volc&aacute;nico fino."; var paths; if (top.frames.length>0) {paths=parent.location.pathname.toLowerCase();} else {paths=opener.location.pathname.toLowerCase();} if (top.lang==null){ if (paths.indexOf("english")>-1){ top.lang='e';} else { if (paths.indexOf("french")>-1){ top.lang='f';} else { if (paths.indexOf("german")>-1){ top.lang='g';} else { if (paths.indexOf("spanish")>-1) top.lang='s'; } } }} //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var all="all"; // Set a variable copy to full; if this file is called from a text link // then copy = top.copy var copy="full"; var full="full"; if (top.lang==null) {top.lang=all;} function write_def(lg){ if (top.lang!=all){ document.write("<H2>&nbsp;<img src='../icons/pgtitle.gif' width=51 height=43>"); } if (lg=='e'){ if (top.lang==all) document.write("<H2>&nbsp;<img src='../icons/benglish.gif' width=26 height=26>&nbsp;"); document.write("<A name=e>"+eTitle+"</a></H2>"); document.write("<H4>"+eSyns+"</H4>"); document.write("<P>"+eDef+"</p>"); } if (lg=='f'){ if (top.lang==all) document.write("<H2>&nbsp;<img src='../icons/bfrench.gif' width=26 height=26>&nbsp;"); document.write("<A name=f>"+fTitle+"</a></H2>"); document.write("<H4>"+fSyns+"</H4>"); document.write("<P>"+fDef+"</p>"); } if (lg=='g'){ if (top.lang==all) document.write("<H2>&nbsp;<img src='../icons/bgerman.gif' width=26 height=26>&nbsp;"); document.write("<A name=g>"+gTitle+"</a></H2>"); document.write("<H4>"+gSyns+"</H4>"); document.write("<P>"+gDef+"</p>"); } if (lg=='s'){ if (top.lang==all) document.write("<H2>&nbsp;<img src='../icons/bspanish.gif' width=26 height=26>&nbsp;"); document.write("<A name=s>"+sTitle+"</a></H2>"); document.write("<H4>"+sSyns+"</H4>"); document.write("<P>"+sDef+"</p>"); } } //--> </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffeed7" onload="if (>0) top.globar.location.reload()"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- if (top.lang=='e'|| top.lang==all) { write_def('e'); } if (top.lang=='f'|| top.lang==all) { write_def('f'); } if (top.lang=='g'|| top.lang==all) { write_def('g'); } if (top.lang=='s'|| top.lang==all) { write_def('s'); } //--> </script> <p align="center"><img src="/web/20160303183924im_/"></p> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- // button to show copyright message if consultation via the glossary // button if (>0 && != full) { document.write('<table border=2><tr><td>'); document.write("<a href='; location.reload()'>"); if (paths.indexOf("english")>-1) { document.write("&copy; WMO"); } else if (paths.indexOf("french")>-1) { document.write("&copy; OMM"); } else if (paths.indexOf("german")>-1) { document.write("&copy; WMO"); } else if (paths.indexOf("spanish")>-1) { document.write("&copy; OMM"); } document.write("</a>"); document.write('</td></tr></table>'); } // full copyright message when selected or when no frames (consultation // from a link in a module) if (top.copy == full || top.frames.length<1) { if (paths.indexOf("english")>-1) { document.write("<font size=\"-1\">&copy; WMO. 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