Top 17 things to do in Philadelphia - Lonely Planet
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text-right container lg:max-w-4xl">Philadelphia has tons of top things to do, including rich history and great food © f11photo / Shutterstock</p></div></div></div></header><div class="py-14 container xl:max-w-6xl xl:border-sand-300 xl:border xl:border-b-0 xl:border-t-0 xl:py-24"><div class="lg:px-24"><div><div class="lg:w-full styles_block__5n3XJ"><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Affectionately known as the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, <a href="">Philadelphia</a> has top things to do for sports fans, museum-goers and everyone in between.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The large, bustling city is known for its historical significance in cementing the country's democracy as much as it’s known for being the <a href="">land of Philly cheesesteaks</a> (and yes, you must try one). Catering to all the senses, Philly does not disappoint with its smorgasbord of top-notch dining and cocktail spots, open-air cafes, public art, shopping, culture and nightlife.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">To experience the city at its finest, the <a href="">best time to visit</a> is the mild and pleasant months of spring or fall, when outdoor attractions and walking tours are most enjoyable. In fact, a <a href="">perfect weekend in Philadelphia</a> can be enjoyed on foot, especially in the Historic District, where many key sites are clustered. </p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Still, for longer distances, the SEPTA transit system makes it easy to get around the city through its buses, subways and trolleys. You can also hop on a bike from one of the many rental stations throughout the city and utilize the city’s bike paths.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Whether you're here for a quick trip or an extended stay, find the best things to do in Philadelphia below.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12"></div><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><i>Find more <a href="">tips to know before you go to Philadelphia</a></i></p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">1. Get a history lesson at Independence Hall</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Whether or not you're a history buff, you have to check out the red-brick, Georgian-style structure of <a href="">Independence Hall</a>. As the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence (hence the name) and the US Constitution, there’s no denying the importance of this landmark.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Take a guided tour or watch live reenactments of the signing of the Declaration. If you’re visiting in summer, look for one of the storytelling benches just outside, where Historic Philadelphia’s storytellers give you a quick history lesson as part of the <a href="">Once Upon A Nation program</a>. Independence Hall sits on a 45-acre <a href="">National Historic Park</a>, which is also home to the <a href="">Liberty Bell</a> and the <a href="">Benjamin Franklin Museum</a>.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">You can also take a stroll down <a href="">Elfreth’s Alley</a>, the oldest continuously inhabited residential street in the country. Just a 10-minute walk from Independence Hall and dating to 1703, the cobblestone street is lined with 18th-century houses and features a small museum in one of the former homes.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Planning tip: </b>Independence Hall is free to visit, but you still need to secure a ticket ahead of time, which has a $1 handling fee. Tours are also limited, so <a href="">book tickets in advance</a>.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><i><a href="">Six neighborhoods to explore in Philadelphia</a></i></p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="People sitting and walking on the steps to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, made famous in the Rocky movie" loading="lazy" width="5560" height="3707" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">You might know the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum thanks to the Rocky movie © Samuel Borges Photography / Shutterstock</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">2. Find inspiration at the Philadelphia Museum of Art</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The <a href="">Philadelphia Museum of Art</a> is the city’s biggest cultural draw, home to more than 240,000 works of art from countries and cultures around the world. This impressive museum is made up of the main building, the <a href="">Rodin Museum</a>, the Ruth and Raymond G. Perelman Building, and Mount Pleasant and Cedar Grove Park Houses, which cover more than 1 million sq ft. The hours will fly by as you try to explore it all, from East Asian art and European sculpture to contemporary art and photography.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The museum’s 72 “Rocky Steps” were made famous by actor Sylvester Stallone in the movie Rocky. Tap into your inner boxer and race to the top – don’t worry, you won’t be the only one doing it.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><i><a href="">Making the most of Philadelphia's museums</a></i></p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">3. Root for local sports teams at Xfinity Live!</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Philly’s a sports lover’s paradise, given the city’s pro football, baseball, basketball and hockey teams, so find a good spot to catch the games with local fans while you're in town. <a href="">Xfinity Live!</a>, an arena-like sports bar, has five bars and three homegrown restaurants: <a href="">Chickie’s and Pete’s</a> (known for its Philly-famous crab fries), <a href="">Geno’s Steaks</a> (one of the two types of cheesesteaks you’ll need to try while in town) and <a href="">Lorenzo and Sons Pizza</a> (large thin-crust pizza slices).</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The complex is conveniently located between <a href="">Citizens Bank Park</a>, home to the Philadelphia Phillies MLB baseball team; <a href="">Lincoln Financial Field</a>, home to the Philadelphia Eagles NFL football team; and the <a href="">Wells Fargo Center</a>, home to the Philadelphia 76ers NBA basketball team and Philadelphia Flyers NHL hockey teams. It's the perfect location to watch all Philly sports teams on the big screen. Join in with fans as they cheer for their favorite teams. If you’re feeling adventurous, try riding the bull at PBR: A Coors Banquet Bar. How long do you think you can hold on before being tossed off?</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Detour: </b>Head over to <a href="">Live! Casino & Hotel</a>, a quick walk from Xfinity Live!, to try your luck at the tables or catch a comedy show.</p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="Customers shopping at stalls at the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia" loading="lazy" width="4500" height="3003" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Reading Terminal Market houses more than 80 vendors © Sean Pavone / Shutterstock</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">4. Grab lunch at Reading Terminal Market and Philly’s Italian Market</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Smell freshly baked cakes and breads from Beiler's Bakery, munch on Creole flavors from Beck's Cajun Cafe and sip locally roasted coffee at Old City Coffee – it’s all possible while wandering <a href="">Reading Terminal Market</a>, which offers an extensive variety of cuisines from more than 80 merchants.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Reading was originally made up of two markets, the Farmers Market and the Franklin Market. Today, more than 100,000 people visit the market weekly. In 2018, the market celebrated its 125th anniversary, making it one of the largest and oldest public markets in the country.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12"></div><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Detour:</b> Just over a mile from Reading Terminal Market is the <a href="">Italian Market along South 9th Street</a>. Celebrating its 120th year in 2024, it’s one of the largest open-air markets in the United States and showcases Philly’s strong Italian immigrant roots. Don’t miss iconic spots like <a href="">Di Bruno Bros.</a> for cheese, Isgro Pastries for delicious cannoli or <a href="">DiNic’s Roast Pork and Beef</a> for a roast pork sandwich. And don’t forget to bring cash, as some merchants are cash-only at both Reading Terminal and the Italian Market.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">5. Shop 'til you drop in the Fashion District </h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">If updating your wardrobe sounds like your dream vacation activity, the 1.1-million-sq-ft <a href="">Fashion District</a> will bring you pure shopping bliss. You’ll find national favorites, such as Sephora, Pandora, Columbia and Torrid.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Even if shopping isn’t for you, the renovated establishment also includes a movie theater, bowling alley and amusement center complete with billiards, karaoke, 250 arcade games, and <a href="">Wonderspaces</a>, a 24,000-sq-ft space of mesmerizing art installations that are suitable for all ages.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Detour: </b>For a fun night out, head to <a href="">City Winery</a>, located inside the Fashion District, to enjoy live music or comedy paired with great food and wine.</p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="A barber chair sits in a decaying prison cell at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia" loading="lazy" width="4256" height="2832" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Some of the most infamous American criminals have spent time at Eastern State Penitentiary © catnap72 / Getty Images</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">6. Visit the historic – and haunted – Eastern State Penitentiary</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The infamous <a href="">Eastern State Penitentiary</a> is known for having housed mobsters like Al Capone, William “Slick Willie” Sutton and Morris “The Rabbi” Bolber, but roughly 85,000 other people were also kept in solitary confinement.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">It’s a little easier to get in these days – and nowhere near as terrifying, unless you visit during the fall when it becomes a haunted house attraction. You have several options to view the historic prison: book a walk-through during the day, a virtual tour or, if you’re brave enough, a night tour. Eastern State Penitentiary is considered to be one of the most haunted sites in the country.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Planning tip: </b>A number of artists have installations on view at the penitentiary, so check them out on your visit.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">7. Immerse yourself in Black culture at the African American Museum in Philadelphia</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Four levels of interactive exhibits and objects commemorating the history of Black Americans and their ancestors make up the <a href="">African American Museum in Philadelphia</a>. In 1976, the Smithsonian created the museum for the bicentennial celebration, making it the first institution created for the purpose of preserving and showcasing African-American history and culture. It’s conveniently located two blocks from Independence Hall.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Check out <i>Audacious Freedom: African Americans in Philadelphia 1776–1876</i>, a permanent display that focuses on the contributions made by Philadelphians of African descent. You can view images, historical records and much more.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Planning tip: </b>You must choose a time to visit, and four time slots are available per day. The museum is open Thursday through Sunday from 10am to 5pm, with the last admission offered at 4pm. Check the calendar to see what other events, such as lectures, film screenings and workshops, are happening to decide the best day and time to visit.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><i><a href="">Explore Philadelphia's Black history at these 8 sites</a></i></p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">8. Explore science at The Franklin Institute</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Named after one of Philadelphia’s most famous residents, Benjamin Franklin, the <a href="">Franklin Institute</a> is a tribute to his curiosity and innovation. From technology to space and physics, the museum’s hands-on displays encourage exploration and discovery, just as Franklin did in his experiments.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">One of the museum’s highlights is Your Brain, an enormous model you can literally step inside to learn how our brains work. Other must-sees include the Benjamin Franklin National Memorial, which features a towering statue of Franklin in the museum’s rotunda and is surrounded by details of his many contributions to science. Don’t miss the Franklin Air Show exhibit, which highlights the science of flight.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">9. Discover world-class art at the Barnes Foundation</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Immerse yourself in one of the finest small museums in the country. What it lacks in size, it makes up for in an unparalleled collection of impressionist and modern art, featuring works from masters like Renoir, Cezanne and Picasso. </p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Originally housed in the personal residence of Dr. Albert C. Barnes in Merion, Pennsylvania, the <a href="">Barnes Foundation</a> museum now resides in a striking modern building near the <a href="">Philadelphia Museum of Art</a>. What sets “The Barnes” apart from other museums is that it is meticulously designed to reflect Dr. Barnes’ vision. Rather than arranging art by time period or artist, the collection is displayed according to his “ensembles,” which was Barnes’ way of grouping by aesthetic relationships, encouraging visitors to engage with the art in a new way.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12 shadow p-6"></div><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Planning tip: </b>Admission is free on the first Sunday of the month, so be sure to reserve your tickets in advance due to limited availability.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">10. Uncover medical marvels at the Mutter Museum</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Step into the fascinating world of medical history at the <a href="">Mutter Museum</a>, where the bizarre meets the brilliant. You’ll see oddities like the Soap Lady, a preserved human corpse from the 19th century, hair and clothing still intact. With an array of medical specimens and antique tools, this museum gives an eye-opening look at the evolution of medicine and the mysteries of the human body.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Planning tip:</b> Perfect for curious minds, the Mutter Museum is an unforgettable experience, but not for the squeamish.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">11. Stitch together history at the Betsy Ross House</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Discover the life of Betsy Ross, the woman said to have stitched the very first American flag, at her former home, now an interactive museum. The 18th-century <a href="">Betsy Ross House</a> is filled with period furnishings and live reenactors showcasing Betsy’s pivotal role in the nation’s history. You can decide for yourself if the famous tale of the first flag is fact or folklore.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">12. People-watch in Dilworth Park</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Dilworth Park is the perfect place to people-watch and plan your next Philly adventure (or simply give your feet a well-deserved rest). With 4 acres of renovated lush green lawns, a fountain, a cafe and an outdoor roller skating rink in the spring and summer months that morphs into an ice skating rink in the fall and winter, there’s always something (and someone) to observe.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Located on the doorstep of <a href="">City Hall</a>, Philly’s iconic National Historic Landmark featuring a statue of William Penn at its peak (<i>not</i> Benjamin Franklin), Dilworth Plaza hosts a variety of events, from yoga and outdoor musical concerts to dance performances and outdoor movie screenings. The park offers free wi-fi for you to stay connected on the go.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Detour:</b> Looking for a bird’s-eye view of the city or a fun spot for a selfie? Book a <a href="">City Hall Tower Tour</a>, which takes you 538ft up in the air to Philly’s highest open-air observation deck.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">13. Get a breath of fresh air at Fairmount Park</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Designed by the renowned landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted – the visionary behind Central Park – <a href="">Fairmount Park</a> is Philadelphia’s largest green space, offering over 2,000 acres. The urban oasis lets you unwind with scenic trails, historic landmarks and peaceful river views. The park is home to a number of seasonal festivals, including the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival, held near the <a href="">Shofuso Japanese House and Garden</a>.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">14. Find a little bit of everything on South Street</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Known for its bustling and lively atmosphere, South Street is a 14-block stretch of clothing boutiques, bars, restaurants, music venues, art galleries and other shops, and it has more opportunities to people watch, shop and experience local culture.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">You can indulge in gyros, cheesesteaks, and Caribbean, Indian and Mexican cuisine. <a href="">MilkBoy bar</a> offers creative cocktails and live musical performances from local bands. Catch a show at the <a href="">TLA</a> (Theater of Living Arts), a favorite local venue for 40 years. It's mostly standing room with a tiny VIP section.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">You can also lose yourself in the mosaics of <a href="">Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens</a>, an art installation by local artist Isaiah Zagar. The mix of mosaics made from mirrors, tiles and found objects is a colorful display of urban renewal. However, this exhibit charges a $15 entrance fee.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><b>Planning tip:</b> Take public transit or a ride-hailing service because parking can be a challenge.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">15. Snap pretty photos of Boathouse Row</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">If you appreciate architectural delights, check out <a href="">Boathouse Row</a>, west of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Fifteen houses make up the historic row of social and rowing clubs and even the Navy. Many of the area collegiate teams practice rowing on the Schuylkill River.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">You can take a walk, jog or rent a bike to take in the beauty of the 12-acre area of lush lawns and walking and bike trails. During the holiday season, the houses are decked out in colorful lights.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">16. Unleash your creativity at Cherry Street Pier</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Once a bustling shipping pier, <a href="">Cherry Street Pier</a> has been transformed into a creative space where art and community collide. This reimagined pier on the Delaware River waterfront now houses artist studios, galleries and pop-up markets, making it a hub for local talent and cultural events. You can explore the work of resident artists in their studios, check out rotating exhibitions or shop at artisan markets featuring handmade goods.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">In addition, Cherry Street Pier has stunning views of the Ben Franklin Bridge.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">17. Take a hike through the Wissahickon Valley Park </h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Escape the city’s streets and unwind in its 1,800-acre Wissahickon Valley Park, just minutes by car from downtown Philly. The green space features over 50 miles of trails that wind through scenic woods, streams, and gorges, and you’ll feel you are hundreds of miles from a bustling city. Take the Forbidden Drive trail for a leisurely walk along the Wissahickon Creek, or venture onto the rugged trails for a more challenging hike with rewarding views.</p></div></div></div><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 mt-24"></div></div><section class="relative py-12 md:py-20 border-t border-sand-300"><section class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb max-w-full mx-4 my-16 articles lg:my-24 md:mx-auto md:container"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb"><header class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex items-end justify-between mt-5 mb-10 lg:mt-8 lg:mb-14"><h2 class="text-2xl md:text-5xl md:leading-relaxed">Explore related stories</h2><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex-none hidden md:inline-block"><a href="/articles" class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb btn">Read more articles</a></div></header></div><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb relative z-0 lg:flex lg:gap-x-8"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb mb-8 lg:w-3/5 lg:shrink-0 lg:mb-auto"><div class="relative"><div class="relative lg:rounded 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Richardson/The Denver Post via Getty Images) 504798066" loading="lazy" width="140" height="140" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover w-full h-full aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=" 1x" src=""/></div><div class="flex-auto w-0"><div class="text-sm uppercase font-semibold tracking-wide relative z-10 mb-2 w-90 text-black-400 block">Architecture</div><a href="/articles/most-haunted-places-usa" class="lg:text-lg text-black hover:text-black font-semibold card-link mb-1 line-clamp-3">Get spooked this season at the 14 most haunted places in America </a><p class="text-sm text-black-400">Sep 9, 2024 • 5 min read</p></div></article></div><div class="relative"><article class="relative flex items-center rounded-md h-full p-4 hover:shadow-md focus:shadow-md md:my-6 bg-[#F0F7FC] border border-[#E0EEFA] md:my-auto lg:h-[160px]"><div class="flex-none mr-4 md:mr-6 rounded-md overflow-hidden w-1/5"><img alt="NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JULY 04: An American flag is hung as people celebrate the Fourth of July at Coney Island on July 4, 2021 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. This year’s celebrations including, the annual Nathan’s hot dog eating contest, and the Macy’s 4th of July fireworks display, are happening at full capacity following smaller or mostly virtual celebrations in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JULY 04: An American flag is hung as people celebrate the Fourth of July at Coney Island on July 4, 2021 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. This year’s celebrations including, the annual Nathan’s hot dog eating contest, and the Macy’s 4th of July fireworks display, are happening at full capacity following smaller or mostly virtual celebrations in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images) 1326986618 independence day- us holidays, 4th of july, bestof, topix" loading="lazy" width="140" height="140" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover w-full h-full aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=" 1x" src=""/></div><div class="flex-auto w-0"><div class="text-sm uppercase font-semibold tracking-wide relative z-10 mb-2 w-90 text-black-400 block">Festivals & Events</div><a href="/articles/best-fourth-of-july-celebrations-around-us" class="lg:text-lg text-black hover:text-black font-semibold card-link mb-1 line-clamp-3">Where to celebrate the 4th of July in the USA in 2024</a><p class="text-sm text-black-400">Jun 17, 2024 • 8 min read</p></div></article></div></div></li><li class="jsx-3406129628 carousel-item flex-shrink-0 px-4 pb-2 w-full md:w-full"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex flex-col gap-y-4 lg:h-full"><div class="relative"><article class="relative flex items-center rounded-md h-full p-4 hover:shadow-md focus:shadow-md md:my-6 bg-[#F0F7FC] border border-[#E0EEFA] md:my-auto lg:h-[160px]"><div class="flex-none mr-4 md:mr-6 rounded-md overflow-hidden w-1/5"><img alt="far aerial shot of Ouray, Colorado, includes hot springs 1330306436" loading="lazy" width="140" height="140" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover w-full h-full aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=" 1x" src=""/></div><div class="flex-auto w-0"><div class="text-sm uppercase font-semibold tracking-wide relative z-10 mb-2 w-90 text-black-400 block">Art and Culture</div><a href="/articles/destinations-usa-feel-like-europe" class="lg:text-lg text-black hover:text-black font-semibold card-link mb-1 line-clamp-3">9 European-style places to visit in the USA</a><p class="text-sm text-black-400">Mar 13, 2024 • 7 min read</p></div></article></div></div></li></ul><div class="jsx-3406129628 md:flex items-center mt-4 hidden md:justify-end"><div class="flex text-black-300"><button 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Here are the top things to do in the City of Brotherly Love.\",\"datePublished\":\"2024-11-27T15:25:00Z\",\"dateModified\":\"2024-11-27T15:25:00Z\",\"author\":[{\"type\":\"Person\",\"name\":\"Priscilla Blossom\",\"url\":\"\",\"image\":\"\"}],\"publisher\":{\"@type\":\"Organization\",\"name\":\"Lonely Planet\",\"logo\":{\"@type\":\"ImageObject\",\"url\":\"\",\"width\":106,\"height\":60}},\"image\":{\"@type\":\"ImageObject\",\"url\":\"\u0026fit=crop\u0026format=auto\u0026q=50\u0026w=1200\u0026h=800\",\"representativeOfPage\":true,\"height\":800,\"width\":1200}}","tags":[{"content":"15066760","name":"twitter:site:id","tag":"meta"},{"content":"The best 17 things to do in Philadelphia - Lonely Planet","name":"twitter:title","tag":"meta"},{"content":"@lonelyplanet","name":"twitter:site","tag":"meta"},{"content":"Affectionately known as the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, Philadelphia has top things to do for sports fans, museum-goers and everyone in…","name":"twitter:description","tag":"meta"},{"content":"summary_large_image","name":"twitter:card","tag":"meta"},{"content":"111537044496","property":"fb:app_id","tag":"meta"},{"content":"2024-11-27T12:38:47-06:00","property":"article:modified_time","tag":"meta"},{"content":"","property":"article:publisher","tag":"meta"},{"content":"2024-11-27T12:38:47-06:00","property":"og:updated_time","tag":"meta"},{"content":"From Independence Hall to Reading Terminal, Philadelphia caters to all tastes. Here's our list of the top things to do in the City of Brotherly love.","property":"og:description","tag":"meta"},{"content":"17 best things to do in Philadelphia","property":"og:title","tag":"meta"},{"content":"","property":"og:url","tag":"meta"},{"content":"article","property":"og:type","tag":"meta"},{"content":"Lonely Planet","property":"og:site_name","tag":"meta"},{"href":"","rel":"canonical","tag":"link"},{"content":"Explore the top 17 things to do in Philadelphia, from iconic landmarks to cultural hotspots.","name":"description","tag":"meta"},{"content":"Top 17 things to do in Philadelphia - Lonely Planet","name":"title","tag":"meta"}],"protected":false},"authors":[{"type":"Person","name":"Priscilla Blossom","url":"","image":""}],"readtime":12,"pubtime":"Nov 27, 2024","breadcrumbs":[{"title":"Travel Stories","slug":"/articles"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"usa","title":"USA"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"usa/pennsylvania","title":"Pennsylvania"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"usa/pennsylvania/philadelphia","title":"Philadelphia"}],"title":"The best 17 things to do in Philadelphia","featuredImage":{"__typename":"Image","alt":"Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.","caption":"Philadelphia has tons of top things to do, including rich history and great food © f11photo / Shutterstock","credit":"©f11photo/Shutterstock","height":3000,"name":"shutterstockRF_276721013.jpg","title":"shutterstockRF_276721013.jpg","url":"","width":4500},"contentBlocks":[{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Affectionately known as the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia\u003c/a\u003e has top things to do for sports fans, museum-goers and everyone in between."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The large, bustling city is known for its historical significance in cementing the country's democracy as much as it’s known for being the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eland of Philly cheesesteaks\u003c/a\u003e (and yes, you must try one). Catering to all the senses, Philly does not disappoint with its smorgasbord of top-notch dining and cocktail spots, open-air cafes, public art, shopping, culture and nightlife."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"To experience the city at its finest, the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ebest time to visit\u003c/a\u003e is the mild and pleasant months of spring or fall, when outdoor attractions and walking tours are most enjoyable. In fact, a \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eperfect weekend in Philadelphia\u003c/a\u003e can be enjoyed on foot, especially in the Historic District, where many key sites are clustered.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Still, for longer distances, the SEPTA transit system makes it easy to get around the city through its buses, subways and trolleys. You can also hop on a bike from one of the many rental stations throughout the city and utilize the city’s bike paths."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Whether you're here for a quick trip or an extended stay, find the best things to do in Philadelphia below."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-top","adPlacement":"fullWidth","native":false}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003ci\u003eFind more \u003ca href=\"\"\u003etips to know before you go to Philadelphia\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"1. Get a history lesson at Independence Hall"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Whether or not you're a history buff, you have to check out the red-brick, Georgian-style structure of \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eIndependence Hall\u003c/a\u003e. As the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence (hence the name) and the US Constitution, there’s no denying the importance of this landmark."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Take a guided tour or watch live reenactments of the signing of the Declaration. If you’re visiting in summer, look for one of the storytelling benches just outside, where Historic Philadelphia’s storytellers give you a quick history lesson as part of the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eOnce Upon A Nation program\u003c/a\u003e. Independence Hall sits on a 45-acre \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eNational Historic Park\u003c/a\u003e, which is also home to the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLiberty Bell\u003c/a\u003e and the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eBenjamin Franklin Museum\u003c/a\u003e."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"You can also take a stroll down \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eElfreth’s Alley\u003c/a\u003e, the oldest continuously inhabited residential street in the country. Just a 10-minute walk from Independence Hall and dating to 1703, the cobblestone street is lined with 18th-century houses and features a small museum in one of the former homes."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003ePlanning tip: \u003c/b\u003eIndependence Hall is free to visit, but you still need to secure a ticket ahead of time, which has a $1 handling fee. Tours are also limited, so \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ebook tickets in advance\u003c/a\u003e."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003ci\u003e\u003ca href=\"\"\u003eSix neighborhoods to explore in Philadelphia\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"People sitting and walking on the steps to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, made famous in the Rocky movie","caption":"You might know the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum thanks to the Rocky movie © Samuel Borges Photography / Shutterstock","contentId":"60fa6d30-26c4-47bf-8e89-1da72abe418e","credit":"©Samuel Borges Photography/Shutterstock","height":"3707","src":"","title":"shutterstockRF_218922640.jpg","width":"5560"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"2. Find inspiration at the Philadelphia Museum of Art"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia Museum of Art\u003c/a\u003e is the city’s biggest cultural draw, home to more than 240,000 works of art from countries and cultures around the world. This impressive museum is made up of the main building, the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eRodin Museum\u003c/a\u003e, the Ruth and Raymond G. Perelman Building, and Mount Pleasant and Cedar Grove Park Houses, which cover more than 1 million sq ft. The hours will fly by as you try to explore it all, from East Asian art and European sculpture to contemporary art and photography."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The museum’s 72 “Rocky Steps” were made famous by actor Sylvester Stallone in the movie Rocky. Tap into your inner boxer and race to the top – don’t worry, you won’t be the only one doing it."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003ci\u003e\u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMaking the most of Philadelphia's museums\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"3. Root for local sports teams at Xfinity Live!"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Philly’s a sports lover’s paradise, given the city’s pro football, baseball, basketball and hockey teams, so find a good spot to catch the games with local fans while you're in town. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eXfinity Live!\u003c/a\u003e, an arena-like sports bar, has five bars and three homegrown restaurants: \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eChickie’s and Pete’s\u003c/a\u003e (known for its Philly-famous crab fries), \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eGeno’s Steaks\u003c/a\u003e (one of the two types of cheesesteaks you’ll need to try while in town) and \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLorenzo and Sons Pizza\u003c/a\u003e (large thin-crust pizza slices)."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The complex is conveniently located between \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCitizens Bank Park\u003c/a\u003e, home to the Philadelphia Phillies MLB baseball team; \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLincoln Financial Field\u003c/a\u003e, home to the Philadelphia Eagles NFL football team; and the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eWells Fargo Center\u003c/a\u003e, home to the Philadelphia 76ers NBA basketball team and Philadelphia Flyers NHL hockey teams. It's the perfect location to watch all Philly sports teams on the big screen. Join in with fans as they cheer for their favorite teams. If you’re feeling adventurous, try riding the bull at PBR: A Coors Banquet Bar. How long do you think you can hold on before being tossed off?"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003eDetour: \u003c/b\u003eHead over to \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLive! Casino \u0026amp; Hotel\u003c/a\u003e, a quick walk from Xfinity Live!, to try your luck at the tables or catch a comedy show."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"Customers shopping at stalls at the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia","caption":"Reading Terminal Market houses more than 80 vendors © Sean Pavone / Shutterstock","contentId":"fa57fdfb-2fb5-4a4b-93b3-2cef8e6f121a","credit":"©Sean Pavone/Shutterstock","height":"3003","src":"","title":"shutterstockRF_1143691526.jpg","width":"4500"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"4. Grab lunch at Reading Terminal Market and Philly’s Italian Market"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Smell freshly baked cakes and breads from Beiler's Bakery, munch on Creole flavors from Beck's Cajun Cafe and sip locally roasted coffee at Old City Coffee – it’s all possible while wandering \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eReading Terminal Market\u003c/a\u003e, which offers an extensive variety of cuisines from more than 80 merchants."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Reading was originally made up of two markets, the Farmers Market and the Franklin Market. Today, more than 100,000 people visit the market weekly. In 2018, the market celebrated its 125th anniversary, making it one of the largest and oldest public markets in the country."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-middle","adPlacement":"fullWidth","native":false}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003eDetour:\u003c/b\u003e Just over a mile from Reading Terminal Market is the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eItalian Market along South 9th Street\u003c/a\u003e. Celebrating its 120th year in 2024, it’s one of the largest open-air markets in the United States and showcases Philly’s strong Italian immigrant roots. Don’t miss iconic spots like \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eDi Bruno Bros.\u003c/a\u003e for cheese, Isgro Pastries for delicious cannoli or \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eDiNic’s Roast Pork and Beef\u003c/a\u003e for a roast pork sandwich. And don’t forget to bring cash, as some merchants are cash-only at both Reading Terminal and the Italian Market."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"5. Shop 'til you drop in the Fashion District\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"If updating your wardrobe sounds like your dream vacation activity, the 1.1-million-sq-ft \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eFashion District\u003c/a\u003e will bring you pure shopping bliss. You’ll find national favorites, such as Sephora, Pandora, Columbia and Torrid."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Even if shopping isn’t for you, the renovated establishment also includes a movie theater, bowling alley and amusement center complete with billiards, karaoke, 250 arcade games, and \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eWonderspaces\u003c/a\u003e, a 24,000-sq-ft space of mesmerizing art installations that are suitable for all ages."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003eDetour: \u003c/b\u003eFor a fun night out, head to \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCity Winery\u003c/a\u003e, located inside the Fashion District, to enjoy live music or comedy paired with great food and wine."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"A barber chair sits in a decaying prison cell at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia","caption":"Some of the most infamous American criminals have spent time at Eastern State Penitentiary © catnap72 / Getty Images","contentId":"tp34vogugh6an6el5tpkn4bb1p","credit":"©catnap72/Getty Images","height":"2832","src":"","title":"media:canto_dam:a0e30e50-c8f0-4fd8-8fcf-82e5694a0a0c","width":"4256"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"6. Visit the historic – and haunted –\u0026nbsp; Eastern State Penitentiary"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The infamous \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eEastern State Penitentiary\u003c/a\u003e is known for having housed mobsters like Al Capone, William “Slick Willie” Sutton and Morris “The Rabbi” Bolber, but roughly 85,000 other people were also kept in solitary confinement."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"It’s a little easier to get in these days – and nowhere near as terrifying, unless you visit during the fall when it becomes a haunted house attraction. You have several options to view the historic prison: book a walk-through during the day, a virtual tour or, if you’re brave enough, a night tour. Eastern State Penitentiary is considered to be one of the most haunted sites in the country."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003ePlanning tip: \u003c/b\u003eA number of artists have installations on view at the penitentiary, so check them out on your visit."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"7. Immerse yourself in Black culture at the African American Museum in Philadelphia"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Four levels of interactive exhibits and objects commemorating the history of Black Americans and their ancestors make up the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eAfrican American Museum in Philadelphia\u003c/a\u003e. In 1976, the Smithsonian created the museum for the bicentennial celebration, making it the first institution created for the purpose of preserving and showcasing African-American history and culture. It’s conveniently located two blocks from Independence Hall."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Check out \u003ci\u003eAudacious Freedom: African Americans in Philadelphia 1776–1876\u003c/i\u003e, a permanent display that focuses on the contributions made by Philadelphians of African descent. You can view images, historical records and much more."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003ePlanning tip: \u003c/b\u003eYou must choose a time to visit, and four time slots are available per day. The museum is open Thursday through Sunday from 10am to 5pm, with the last admission offered at 4pm. Check the calendar to see what other events, such as lectures, film screenings and workshops, are happening to decide the best day and time to visit."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003ci\u003e\u003ca href=\"\"\u003eExplore Philadelphia's Black history at these 8 sites\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"8. Explore science at The Franklin Institute"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Named after one of Philadelphia’s most famous residents, Benjamin Franklin, the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eFranklin Institute\u003c/a\u003e is a tribute to his curiosity and innovation. From technology to space and physics, the museum’s hands-on displays encourage exploration and discovery, just as Franklin did in his experiments."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"One of the museum’s highlights is Your Brain, an enormous model you can literally step inside to learn how our brains work. Other must-sees include the Benjamin Franklin National Memorial, which features a towering statue of Franklin in the museum’s rotunda and is surrounded by details of his many contributions to science. Don’t miss the Franklin Air Show exhibit, which highlights the science of flight."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"9. Discover world-class art at the Barnes Foundation"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Immerse yourself in one of the finest small museums in the country. What it lacks in size, it makes up for in an unparalleled collection of impressionist and modern art, featuring works from masters like Renoir, Cezanne and Picasso.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Originally housed in the personal residence of Dr. Albert C. Barnes in Merion, Pennsylvania, the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eBarnes Foundation\u003c/a\u003e museum now resides in a striking modern building near the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia Museum of Art\u003c/a\u003e. What sets “The Barnes” apart from other museums is that it is meticulously designed to reflect Dr. Barnes’ vision. Rather than arranging art by time period or artist, the collection is displayed according to his “ensembles,” which was Barnes’ way of grouping by aesthetic relationships, encouraging visitors to engage with the art in a new way."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-native","adPlacement":"native","native":true}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003ePlanning tip: \u003c/b\u003eAdmission is free on the first Sunday of the month, so be sure to reserve your tickets in advance due to limited availability."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"10. Uncover medical marvels at the Mutter Museum"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Step into the fascinating world of medical history at the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMutter Museum\u003c/a\u003e, where the bizarre meets the brilliant. You’ll see oddities like the Soap Lady, a preserved human corpse from the 19th century, hair and clothing still intact. With an array of medical specimens and antique tools, this museum gives an eye-opening look at the evolution of medicine and the mysteries of the human body."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003ePlanning tip:\u003c/b\u003e Perfect for curious minds, the Mutter Museum is an unforgettable experience, but not for the squeamish."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"11. Stitch together history at the Betsy Ross House"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Discover the life of Betsy Ross, the woman said to have stitched the very first American flag, at her former home, now an interactive museum. The 18th-century \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eBetsy Ross House\u003c/a\u003e is filled with period furnishings and live reenactors showcasing Betsy’s pivotal role in the nation’s history. You can decide for yourself if the famous tale of the first flag is fact or folklore."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"12. People-watch in Dilworth Park"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Dilworth Park is the perfect place to people-watch and plan your next Philly adventure (or simply give your feet a well-deserved rest). With 4 acres of renovated lush green lawns, a fountain, a cafe and an outdoor roller skating rink in the spring and summer months that morphs into an ice skating rink in the fall and winter, there’s always something (and someone) to observe."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Located on the doorstep of \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCity Hall\u003c/a\u003e, Philly’s iconic National Historic Landmark featuring a statue of William Penn at its peak (\u003ci\u003enot\u003c/i\u003e Benjamin Franklin), Dilworth Plaza hosts a variety of events, from yoga and outdoor musical concerts to dance performances and outdoor movie screenings. The park offers free wi-fi for you to stay connected on the go."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003eDetour:\u003c/b\u003e Looking for a bird’s-eye view of the city or a fun spot for a selfie? Book a \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCity Hall Tower Tour\u003c/a\u003e, which takes you 538ft up in the air to Philly’s highest open-air observation deck."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"13. Get a breath of fresh air at Fairmount Park"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Designed by the renowned landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted – the visionary behind Central Park – \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eFairmount Park\u003c/a\u003e is Philadelphia’s largest green space, offering over 2,000 acres. The urban oasis lets you unwind with scenic trails, historic landmarks and peaceful river views. The park is home to a number of seasonal festivals, including the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival, held near the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eShofuso Japanese House and Garden\u003c/a\u003e."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"14. Find a little bit of everything on South Street"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Known for its bustling and lively atmosphere, South Street is a 14-block stretch of clothing boutiques, bars, restaurants, music venues, art galleries and other shops, and it has more opportunities to people watch, shop and experience local culture."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"You can indulge in gyros, cheesesteaks, and Caribbean, Indian and Mexican cuisine. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMilkBoy bar\u003c/a\u003e offers creative cocktails and live musical performances from local bands. Catch a show at the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eTLA\u003c/a\u003e (Theater of Living Arts), a favorite local venue for 40 years. It's mostly standing room with a tiny VIP section."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"You can also lose yourself in the mosaics of \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia’s Magic Gardens\u003c/a\u003e, an art installation by local artist Isaiah Zagar. The mix of mosaics made from mirrors, tiles and found objects is a colorful display of urban renewal. However, this exhibit charges a $15 entrance fee."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003cb\u003ePlanning tip:\u003c/b\u003e Take public transit or a ride-hailing service because parking can be a challenge."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"15. Snap pretty photos of Boathouse Row"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"If you appreciate architectural delights, check out \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eBoathouse Row\u003c/a\u003e, west of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Fifteen houses make up the historic row of social and rowing clubs and even the Navy. Many of the area collegiate teams practice rowing on the Schuylkill River."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"You can take a walk, jog or rent a bike to take in the beauty of the 12-acre area of lush lawns and walking and bike trails. During the holiday season, the houses are decked out in colorful lights."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"16. Unleash your creativity at Cherry Street Pier"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Once a bustling shipping pier, \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCherry Street Pier\u003c/a\u003e has been transformed into a creative space where art and community collide. This reimagined pier on the Delaware River waterfront now houses artist studios, galleries and pop-up markets, making it a hub for local talent and cultural events. You can explore the work of resident artists in their studios, check out rotating exhibitions or shop at artisan markets featuring handmade goods."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"In addition, Cherry Street Pier has stunning views of the Ben Franklin Bridge."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"17. Take a hike through the Wissahickon Valley Park\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Escape the city’s streets and unwind in its 1,800-acre Wissahickon Valley Park, just minutes by car from downtown Philly. The green space features over 50 miles of trails that wind through scenic woods, streams, and gorges, and you’ll feel you are hundreds of miles from a bustling city. Take the Forbidden Drive trail for a leisurely walk along the Wissahickon Creek, or venture onto the rugged trails for a more challenging hike with rewarding views."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"relatedBooks","data":{"context":{"tags":[{"title":"philadelphia","type":"place"}],"slug":"top-things-to-do-in-philadelphia"}}}],"hasNativeAds":true,"related":[{"tags":[{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"shopping","title":"Shopping"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"activities","title":"Activities"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"art","title":"Art"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"art-and-culture","title":"Art and Culture"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"food","title":"Food"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"food-and-drink","title":"Food and Drink"}],"excerpt":"Dive into vintage treasures, local foods and international artworks at Philadelphia's best independent shops.","image":{"url":"","caption":"Shop for local foods in Reading Market. 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Aleksandr Dyskin/Shutterstock","alt":"Manhattan, City of New York, New York - November 23, 2023: Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Parade on 6th Avenue. Major tourist attraction and kick off to Holiday Season 2023., License Type: media, Download Time: 2024-10-23T11:38:33.000Z, User: tasminwaby56, Editorial: true, purchase_order: 65050 - Digital Destinations and Articles , job: Online Editorial, client: Thanksgiving Parades USA, other: Tasmin Waby"},"esid":"f75e29f8-d265-4543-8d36-a6b6907a8d28","title":"America's best Thanksgiving parades in 2024","slug":"thanksgiving-day-parades","href":"/articles/thanksgiving-day-parades","__typename":"Article","subhead":"Oct 23, 2024 • 5 min read"},{"tags":[{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"architecture","title":"Architecture"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"art-and-culture","title":"Art and Culture"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"festivals-and-events","title":"Festivals \u0026 Events"}],"excerpt":"Some places draw visitors both human and supernatural. Here are eight places all over the USA where you might enjoy a...spirited encounter.","image":{"url":"","caption":"The iconic Stanley Hotel, Stephen King’s inspiration for “The Shining,” remains as eerie as ever © Helen H Richardson / The Denver Post via Getty Images","alt":"ESTES PARK, CO - JANUARY 12: Visitors Landen Jones, left, and Joshua Potter, who are staying at the hotel for the week, walk up the grand staircase in the Stanley Hotel on January 12, 2016 in Estes Park, Colorado. The Stanley Hotel, which first opened in 1909, and known for its architecture, magnificent setting, and famous visitors, may possibly be best known today for its inspirational role in the Stephen King's novel, \"The Shining.\" This Colorado hotel has been featured as one of America's most haunted hotels and with the numerous stories from visitors and staff. (Photo by Helen H. 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