Become a Slidesgo Education Ambassador

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You will participate in our blog, social networks, events and much more."> <link rel="preload" as="style" href="" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="" data-navigate-track="reload" /><style> .below-the-fold { content-visibility: auto; contain-intrinsic-size: 377px; } </style> <meta name="robots" content="index,follow"> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="pt" href="/pt/ambassadors" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="/es/ambassadors" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="/ambassadors" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="/fr/ambassadors" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href="/de/ambassadors" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="ko" href="/ko/ambassadors" /> <link rel='alternate' hreflang='x-default' href='/ambassadors' /> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <script> window.customEvents = []; // short-lived, replaced on app.js window.trackCustom = function(eventName, data) { window.customEvents.push({eventName, data}); } </script> <script> if( window.innerWidth > 768 ) { const scrollPaginationActive = '' === 'search'; var ssmCodes = document.createElement('script'); ssmCodes.type = 'text/javascript'; ssmCodes.src = scrollPaginationActive ? 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By spreading the word about tools that increase learner engagement and bring out the visual storyteller in everyone, Slidesgo education ambassadors are leaders in classroom innovation. </h3> <a href="" target="_blank" class="bg-blue-500 py-3 px-6 mt-4 rounded text-center text-white text-lg font-bold hover:bg-blue-600 active:bg-blue-700" > Contact us! </a> </div> </section> <div class="mt-16 px-6 lg:px-8 w-full js-scroll"> <div class="sm:max-w-7xl mx-auto"> <h2 class="text-center text-gray-900 font-semibold font-title text-5xl mb-2"> Do you think you’re the chosen one? </h2> <h4 class="text-2xl text-gray-800 text-center"> Perhaps you are, indeed! </h4> <div class="mx-auto md:grid md:grid-cols-12 gap-4"> <div class="flex h-96 items-center justify-center relative md:col-span-6 lg:col-start-2 lg:col-span-5"> <img src="/images/illustrations/brush-purple.svg" class="absolute right-0 top:0 pointer-events-none sm:-top-14" alt="Brush"> <img src="/images/landing/ambassador-img.png" alt="Slidesgo ambassadors at their work" class="absolute rounded-lg collage-animation collage-animation-4 left-20 -bottom-4 sm:left-80 md:bottom-6 md:left-8 lg:left-32 xl:left-48"> <img src="/images/landing/ambassador-img2.png" alt="Slidesgo ambassadors at their work" class="absolute z-10 rounded-lg collage-animation collage-animation-2 w-60 -left-2 bottom-28 sm:left-24 sm:bottom-36 lg:-left-8 xl:left-8"> <img src="/images/landing/ambassador-img3.png" alt="Slidesgo ambassadors at their work" class="absolute top-8 right-4 rounded-lg collage-animation collage-animation-3 sm:top-4 sm:right-32 lg:right-12 lg:top-8 xl:right-20 xl:top-12"> </div> <div class="mt-16 text-base text-gray-800 leading-normal md:col-span-6 lg:col-span-5"> <h4 class="text-gray-900 font-bold font-xl"> What Slidesgo education ambassadors do </h4> <p class="mt-4"> Ambassadors enjoy recognition as a representative for a global brand: </p> <ul class="my-4"> <li class="flex items-start my-4"> <svg class="fill-current h-4 w-4 mr-3 shrink-0 mt-0.5 text-purple-500" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M4.89321 13.6582C4.64475 13.6582 4.39628 13.5635 4.20669 13.3739L0.284359 9.45155C-0.0947864 9.07241 -0.0947864 8.45765 0.284359 8.07854C0.663544 7.69936 1.27822 7.69936 1.65737 8.07854L4.89384 11.315L14.3433 1.88371C14.7227 1.50491 15.3375 1.50546 15.7163 1.88499C16.0951 2.26449 16.0945 2.87924 15.715 3.258L5.57908 13.3745C5.38956 13.5637 5.14133 13.6582 4.89321 13.6582Z"/></svg> Appear in Slidesgo’s social media and blog </li> <li class="flex items-start my-4"> <svg class="fill-current h-4 w-4 mr-3 shrink-0 mt-0.5 text-purple-500" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M4.89321 13.6582C4.64475 13.6582 4.39628 13.5635 4.20669 13.3739L0.284359 9.45155C-0.0947864 9.07241 -0.0947864 8.45765 0.284359 8.07854C0.663544 7.69936 1.27822 7.69936 1.65737 8.07854L4.89384 11.315L14.3433 1.88371C14.7227 1.50491 15.3375 1.50546 15.7163 1.88499C16.0951 2.26449 16.0945 2.87924 15.715 3.258L5.57908 13.3745C5.38956 13.5637 5.14133 13.6582 4.89321 13.6582Z"/></svg> Provide pre-launch feedback on Slidesgo’s newest features </li> <li class="flex items-start my-4"> <svg class="fill-current h-4 w-4 mr-3 shrink-0 mt-0.5 text-purple-500" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M4.89321 13.6582C4.64475 13.6582 4.39628 13.5635 4.20669 13.3739L0.284359 9.45155C-0.0947864 9.07241 -0.0947864 8.45765 0.284359 8.07854C0.663544 7.69936 1.27822 7.69936 1.65737 8.07854L4.89384 11.315L14.3433 1.88371C14.7227 1.50491 15.3375 1.50546 15.7163 1.88499C16.0951 2.26449 16.0945 2.87924 15.715 3.258L5.57908 13.3745C5.38956 13.5637 5.14133 13.6582 4.89321 13.6582Z"/></svg> Share Slidesgo’s news with your network </li> <li class="flex items-start my-4"> <svg class="fill-current h-4 w-4 mr-3 shrink-0 mt-0.5 text-purple-500" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M4.89321 13.6582C4.64475 13.6582 4.39628 13.5635 4.20669 13.3739L0.284359 9.45155C-0.0947864 9.07241 -0.0947864 8.45765 0.284359 8.07854C0.663544 7.69936 1.27822 7.69936 1.65737 8.07854L4.89384 11.315L14.3433 1.88371C14.7227 1.50491 15.3375 1.50546 15.7163 1.88499C16.0951 2.26449 16.0945 2.87924 15.715 3.258L5.57908 13.3745C5.38956 13.5637 5.14133 13.6582 4.89321 13.6582Z"/></svg> Attend events—locally and nationally—representing Slidesgo </li> <li class="flex items-start my-4"> <svg class="fill-current h-4 w-4 mr-3 shrink-0 mt-0.5 text-purple-500" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M4.89321 13.6582C4.64475 13.6582 4.39628 13.5635 4.20669 13.3739L0.284359 9.45155C-0.0947864 9.07241 -0.0947864 8.45765 0.284359 8.07854C0.663544 7.69936 1.27822 7.69936 1.65737 8.07854L4.89384 11.315L14.3433 1.88371C14.7227 1.50491 15.3375 1.50546 15.7163 1.88499C16.0951 2.26449 16.0945 2.87924 15.715 3.258L5.57908 13.3745C5.38956 13.5637 5.14133 13.6582 4.89321 13.6582Z"/></svg> And much more! We’re always on the lookout for new ways to partner with enthusiastic educators! </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-16 px-6 lg:px-8 w-full js-scroll"> <div class="sm:max-w-7xl mx-auto "> <h2 class="text-center text-gray-900 font-semibold font-title text-5xl mb-2"> How do I apply? </h2> <div class="gap-8 relative mt-8 leading-normal overflow-hidden text-gray-800 text-base text-center sm:grid sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-4 lg:mt-10"> <div class="flex flex-col items-center relative fade-animation"> <div class="absolute w-9/12 items-center hidden lg:flex lg:top-[47px] lg:left-1/2 bg-gray-200 rounded-full h-1.5 translate-x-[33px] fade-animation fade-animation-2 xl:w-10/12"></div> <div class="mb-2 mr-4"> <div class="w-[3.25rem] h-[3.25rem] flex items-center justify-center z-10 relative rounded-lg bg-red-100 bg-opacity-30 mx-auto lg:mx-0 sm:mt-6"> <svg class="fill-current w-6 h-6 text-red-500" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.13334 19.5126H5.65575C4.97672 19.5126 4.42624 18.9621 4.42624 18.2831V14.8055C4.42624 14.4794 4.55579 14.1667 4.78634 13.9361L17.7877 0.934783C19.0341 -0.311594 21.0621 -0.311594 22.3085 0.934783L23.0041 1.63029C24.2505 2.87672 24.2505 4.90477 23.0041 6.15114L10.0028 19.1525C9.77215 19.3831 9.45946 19.5126 9.13334 19.5126ZM6.88527 17.0536H8.62404L21.2653 4.41237C21.553 4.12477 21.553 3.65672 21.2653 3.36911L20.5697 2.6736C20.2821 2.38595 19.8141 2.38595 19.5265 2.6736L6.88527 15.3148V17.0536ZM20.2623 20.7422V11.675L22.7213 9.21596V20.7421C22.7213 22.5076 21.2901 23.9388 19.5246 23.9388H3.19672C1.4312 23.9388 0 22.5076 0 20.7421V4.41424C0 2.64872 1.4312 1.21752 3.19672 1.21752H14.7229L12.2639 3.67653H3.19672C2.78931 3.67653 2.45902 4.00683 2.45902 4.41424V13.4814V20.7422C2.45902 21.1496 2.78931 21.4799 3.19672 21.4799H19.5246C19.932 21.4799 20.2623 21.1496 20.2623 20.7422Z"/> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="pb-10 mt-4 lg:pb-0"> <p> We accept ambassador applications on a rolling basis, throughout the year. Apply now! </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-center relative fade-animation fade-animation-3"> <div class="absolute w-9/12 items-center hidden lg:flex lg:top-[47px] lg:left-1/2 bg-gray-200 rounded-full h-1.5 translate-x-[33px] fade-animation fade-animation-4 xl:w-10/12"></div> <div class="mb-2 mr-4"> <div class="w-[3.25rem] h-[3.25rem] flex items-center justify-center z-10 relative rounded-lg bg-blue-100 bg-opacity-30 mx-auto lg:mx-0 sm:mt-6"> <svg class="fill-current w-6 h-6 text-blue-500" width="25" height="24" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.3335 24C9.12818 24 6.11473 22.7518 3.84818 20.4853C1.58173 18.2188 0.333496 15.2053 0.333496 12C0.333496 8.79469 1.58173 5.78123 3.84818 3.51469C6.11473 1.24823 9.12818 0 12.3335 0C15.5388 0 18.5523 1.24823 20.8188 3.51469C23.0853 5.78123 24.3335 8.79469 24.3335 12C24.3335 15.2053 23.0853 18.2188 20.8188 20.4853C18.5523 22.7518 15.5388 24 12.3335 24ZM12.3335 2.34375C7.00901 2.34375 2.67725 6.67552 2.67725 12C2.67725 17.3245 7.00901 21.6562 12.3335 21.6562C17.658 21.6562 21.9897 17.3245 21.9897 12C21.9897 6.67552 17.658 2.34375 12.3335 2.34375ZM11.6364 7.28906C11.6364 6.64186 12.1611 6.11719 12.8083 6.11719C13.4555 6.11719 13.9801 6.64186 13.9801 7.28906V12.4922C13.9801 12.9248 13.7456 13.3023 13.397 13.5053L13.3942 13.507L8.88816 16.1086C8.33738 16.377 7.6987 16.3066 7.28738 15.6797C6.9323 15.1386 7.15575 14.4025 7.71628 14.0789L11.6364 11.8156V7.28906Z" fill="#2C8CF4"/> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="pb-10 mt-4 lg:pb-0"> <p> We carefully review the applications that we receive. This can take a few weeks, at times. </p> </div> </div> <div class="lg:flex flex-col items-center relative fade-animation fade-animation-5"> <div class="absolute w-9/12 items-center hidden lg:flex lg:top-[47px] lg:left-1/2 bg-gray-200 rounded-full h-1.5 translate-x-[33px] fade-animation fade-animation-6 xl:w-10/12"></div> <div class="mb-2 mr-4"> <div class="w-[3.25rem] h-[3.25rem] flex items-center justify-center z-10 relative rounded-lg bg-yellow-100 bg-opacity-30 mx-auto lg:mx-0 sm:mt-6"> <svg class="fill-current w-6 h-6 text-yellow-700" viewBox="0 0 25 24" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M21.4958 2.39999H3.83724C2.08889 2.39999 0.666504 3.82238 0.666504 5.57073V19.3268C0.666504 21.0752 2.08889 22.4976 3.83724 22.4976H21.4958C23.2441 22.4976 24.6665 21.0752 24.6665 19.3268V5.57073C24.6665 3.82238 23.2441 2.39999 21.4958 2.39999ZM20.5028 4.83902L13.1839 12.1579C12.8985 12.4432 12.4344 12.4433 12.1491 12.1579L4.83016 4.83902H20.5028ZM21.4958 20.0585H3.83723C3.43376 20.0585 3.10552 19.7303 3.10552 19.3268V6.5637L10.4244 13.8826C11.0426 14.5008 11.8545 14.8098 12.6665 14.8098C13.4785 14.8098 14.2904 14.5007 14.9085 13.8826L22.2275 6.56365V19.3268C22.2275 19.7303 21.8992 20.0585 21.4958 20.0585Z"/> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="pb-10 mt-4 lg:pb-0"> <p> If there’s a strong fit for the program, you’ll receive an email from us with the next steps. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-center fade-animation fade-animation-7"> <div class="mb-2 mr-4"> <div class="w-[3.25rem] h-[3.25rem] flex items-center justify-center z-10 relative rounded-lg bg-green-100 bg-opacity-30 mx-auto lg:mx-0 sm:mt-6"> <svg class="fill-current w-6 h-6 text-green-700" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M20.4844 1.17188H3.51562C1.8375 1.17188 0.46875 2.54063 0.46875 4.21875V16.2656C0.46875 17.9438 1.8375 19.3125 3.51562 19.3125H5.15625V21.6562C5.15625 22.0828 5.38594 22.4719 5.75625 22.6781C5.93438 22.7766 6.13125 22.8281 6.32812 22.8281C6.54375 22.8281 6.75469 22.7672 6.94687 22.65L12.3328 19.3125H20.4844C22.1625 19.3125 23.5312 17.9438 23.5312 16.2656V4.21875C23.5312 2.54063 22.1625 1.17188 20.4844 1.17188ZM21.1875 16.2656C21.1875 16.6547 20.8734 16.9688 20.4844 16.9688H12C11.7797 16.9688 11.5688 17.0297 11.3813 17.1469L7.5 19.5516V18.1406C7.5 17.4937 6.975 16.9688 6.32812 16.9688H3.51562C3.12656 16.9688 2.8125 16.6547 2.8125 16.2656V4.21875C2.8125 3.82969 3.12656 3.51562 3.51562 3.51562H20.4844C20.8734 3.51562 21.1875 3.82969 21.1875 4.21875V16.2656Z" fill="#00AF80"/> <path d="M15.0282 9.07031C15.0329 9.07031 15.0329 9.07031 15.0376 9.07031C15.5438 9.07031 15.9938 8.8125 16.247 8.38125C16.5048 7.93594 16.5048 7.3875 16.247 6.94687C15.9938 6.51562 15.5438 6.25781 15.0376 6.25781C15.0329 6.25781 15.0329 6.25781 15.0282 6.25781C14.522 6.25781 14.072 6.51562 13.8188 6.94687C13.561 7.39219 13.561 7.94063 13.8188 8.38125C14.072 8.8125 14.5267 9.07031 15.0282 9.07031Z" fill="#00AF80"/> <path d="M8.98135 9.07031C8.98604 9.07031 8.98604 9.07031 8.99072 9.07031C9.49697 9.07031 9.94697 8.8125 10.2001 8.38125C10.4579 7.93594 10.4579 7.3875 10.2001 6.94687C9.94697 6.51562 9.49697 6.25781 8.99072 6.25781C8.98604 6.25781 8.98604 6.25781 8.98135 6.25781C8.4751 6.25781 8.0251 6.51562 7.77197 6.94687C7.51416 7.39219 7.51416 7.94063 7.77197 8.38125C8.0251 8.8125 8.47979 9.07031 8.98135 9.07031Z" fill="#00AF80"/> <path d="M16.0829 10.7953C13.8564 12.886 10.3173 12.8719 7.85166 10.7578C7.35948 10.336 6.61885 10.3922 6.19698 10.8844C5.7751 11.3766 5.83135 12.1172 6.32354 12.5391C7.94541 13.9313 9.98916 14.6953 12.0751 14.6953C12.0845 14.6953 12.0985 14.6953 12.1079 14.6953C14.2079 14.6859 16.1907 13.9078 17.686 12.5063C18.1595 12.061 18.1829 11.3203 17.7376 10.8516C17.297 10.3735 16.5564 10.3547 16.0829 10.7953Z" fill="#00AF80"/> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="pb-10 mt-4 lg:pb-0"> <p> Once your application is approved, you’ll receive onboarding steps and tools to get you prepared for your new role! </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-16 px-6 lg:px-8 w-full js-scroll"> <div class="sm:max-w-7xl mx-auto"> <h2 class="text-center text-gray-900 font-semibold font-title text-5xl mb-2"> Slidesgo education ambassador benefits </h2> <div class="mx-auto flex flex-col sm:grid sm:grid-cols-12 gap-8 my-8 fade-animation fade-animation-2"> <div class="sm:col-span-6 lg:col-start-2 lg:col-span-5"> <div class="bg-purple-100 bg-opacity-25 p-5 rounded-lg"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between"> <div class="text-right mr-5"> <h4 class="text-gray-900 font-bold font-xl"> Access to Premium content </h4> <p class="text-gray-800 leading-normal text-base mt-4"> Slidesgo education ambassadors enjoy cost-free Premium account access while actively participating in the program. </p> </div> <svg alt="Premium Icon" class="fill-current w-10 h-10 shrink-0" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M1.5 10.8h11.2v2.6H1.5v-2.6z" fill="#FA8C00"/><path d="M1.4 8.7L7 .1l5.8 8.6H1.4z" fill="#FF8C00"/><path d="M12.7 10.1L14 2.5 2.8 9.8l9.9.3z" fill="#EDA500"/><path d="M1.3 10L.1 2.5l10.4 7.7H1.3z" fill="#FEC400"/></svg> </div> </div> <div class="bg-purple-100 bg-opacity-25 p-5 rounded-lg mt-8"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between"> <div class="text-left ml-5 order-last sm:text-right sm:order-first sm:mr-5 sm:ml-0"> <h4 class="text-gray-900 font-bold font-xl"> Recognition as an innovative educator </h4> <p class="text-gray-800 leading-normal text-base mt-4"> When you share your thoughts and achievements with your followers on social media and at events, we help to amplify your reach and influence. </p> </div> <svg alt="World icon" class="fill-current w-14 h-14 shrink-0" id="Capa_1" enable-background="new 0 0 512 512" height="512" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="512" xmlns=""><g><g><g fill="#384656"><path d="m256 40.916c-4.276 0-7.742 3.466-7.742 7.742v61.105c0 4.276 3.466 7.742 7.742 7.742s7.742-3.466 7.742-7.742v-61.105c0-4.276-3.466-7.742-7.742-7.742z"/><path d="m256 394.496c-4.276 0-7.742 3.466-7.742 7.742v61.105c0 4.276 3.466 7.742 7.742 7.742s7.742-3.466 7.742-7.742v-61.105c0-4.276-3.466-7.742-7.742-7.742z"/><path d="m360.057 159.685c1.981 0 3.963-.756 5.475-2.268l56.452-56.453c3.023-3.023 3.023-7.925 0-10.949-3.024-3.023-7.925-3.023-10.95 0l-56.452 56.453c-3.023 3.023-3.023 7.925 0 10.949 1.513 1.512 3.495 2.268 5.475 2.268z"/><path d="m367.56 356.611c-3.023-3.023-7.924-3.024-10.95 0-3.023 3.023-3.023 7.925 0 10.949l53.31 53.31c1.512 1.512 3.493 2.268 5.475 2.268 1.981 0 3.963-.756 5.475-2.268 3.023-3.023 3.023-7.925 0-10.949z"/><path d="m100.966 90.016c-3.024-3.023-7.925-3.023-10.95 0-3.023 3.023-3.023 7.925 0 10.949l56.453 56.453c1.512 1.512 3.494 2.268 5.475 2.268s3.963-.756 5.475-2.268c3.023-3.023 3.023-7.925 0-10.949z"/><path d="m144.441 356.611-55.942 55.941c-3.023 3.023-3.023 7.925 0 10.949 1.512 1.512 3.494 2.268 5.475 2.268s3.963-.756 5.475-2.268l55.942-55.941c3.023-3.023 3.023-7.925 0-10.949-3.025-3.023-7.926-3.023-10.95 0z"/><path d="m463.343 248.258h-61.106c-4.276 0-7.742 3.466-7.742 7.742s3.466 7.742 7.742 7.742h61.106c4.276 0 7.742-3.466 7.742-7.742s-3.466-7.742-7.742-7.742z"/><path d="m117.505 256c0-4.276-3.466-7.742-7.742-7.742h-61.106c-4.276 0-7.742 3.466-7.742 7.742s3.466 7.742 7.742 7.742h61.106c4.276 0 7.742-3.466 7.742-7.742z"/></g><path d="m28.974 275.393c12.751 0 27.443-11.651 27.443-28.684-3.873-11.443-14.692-19.684-27.443-19.684s-23.57 8.241-27.443 19.684c0 17.651 14.692 28.684 27.443 28.684z" fill="#e7a561"/><path d="m26.076 90.892c20.544 20.544 53.852 20.544 74.396 0 7.898-7.899 14.572-21.979 14.572-36.907-1.825-10.222-6.674-20.009-14.573-27.908-20.544-20.544-53.852-20.544-74.396 0-7.899 7.899-12.748 17.686-14.573 27.908.002 16.768 6.676 29.008 14.574 36.907z" fill="#ffe07d"/><path d="m256 48.367c12.751 0 27.443-14.963 27.443-28.684-3.873-11.442-14.692-19.683-27.443-19.683s-23.57 8.241-27.443 19.684c0 17.514 14.692 28.683 27.443 28.683z" fill="#b3e59f"/><path d="m411.527 90.892c20.544 20.544 53.852 20.544 74.396 0 7.899-7.899 14.573-22.572 14.573-36.907-1.825-10.222-6.674-20.009-14.572-27.908-20.544-20.544-53.852-20.544-74.396 0-7.899 7.899-12.748 17.686-14.573 27.908 0 16.708 6.674 29.008 14.572 36.907z" fill="#a2dafd"/><path d="m483.026 275.393c12.751 0 27.443-11.651 27.443-28.684-3.873-11.443-14.692-19.684-27.443-19.684s-23.57 8.241-27.443 19.684c0 21.55 14.692 28.684 27.443 28.684z" fill="#b3e59f"/><path d="m411.527 476.343c20.544 20.544 53.852 20.544 74.396 0 7.899-7.899 14.573-23.278 14.573-36.908-1.825-10.222-6.674-20.009-14.572-27.908-20.544-20.544-53.852-20.544-74.396 0-7.899 7.899-12.748 17.686-14.573 27.908 0 15.614 6.674 29.009 14.572 36.908z" fill="#ffe07d"/><path d="m228.557 473.736c0 16.571 14.692 28.684 27.443 28.684s27.443-12.508 27.443-28.684c-3.873-11.443-14.692-19.684-27.443-19.684s-23.57 8.241-27.443 19.684z" fill="#e7a561"/><path d="m26.076 476.343c20.544 20.544 53.852 20.544 74.396 0 7.898-7.899 14.572-22.749 14.572-36.908-1.825-10.222-6.674-20.009-14.573-27.908-20.544-20.544-53.852-20.544-74.396 0-7.899 7.899-12.748 17.686-14.573 27.908.002 16.677 6.676 29.009 14.574 36.908z" fill="#de5974"/><circle cx="256" cy="256" fill="#6e9ff0" r="155.528"/><path d="m365.974 347.394c-60.737 60.737-159.212 60.737-219.949 0-28.005-28.005-43.086-64.032-45.266-100.684-2.548 42.84 12.533 86.532 45.266 119.265 60.737 60.737 159.212 60.737 219.949 0 32.733-32.733 47.814-76.425 45.266-119.265-2.18 36.652-17.261 72.679-45.266 100.684z" fill="#5b90dc"/><path d="m295.738 173.496-86.956 36.119-9 24.171 9 24.172 43.663 27.136 43.293 8.983 9-60.29z" fill="#e5ecf7"/><path d="m208.782 276.539 86.956 36.119 9-10.469-9-8.112-86.956-36.119-9 9z" fill="#b9cbea"/><path d="m177.805 266.958h22.86l8.117-9v-48.343h-30.977c-8.637 0-15.639 6.451-15.639 14.41v19.526c.001 7.957 1.817 23.407 15.639 23.407z" fill="#de5974"/><path d="m176.413 295.119v37.136c0 8.938 7.246 16.185 16.184 16.185 8.939 0 16.185-7.246 16.185-16.185v-37.136l-16.184-9z" fill="#384656"/><path d="m176.413 276.539v18.58h32.369v-18.58l-16.184-9z" fill="#2f3b48"/><path d="m162.166 243.548v18.581c0 7.958 7.002 14.409 15.639 14.409h30.977v-18.581h-30.977c-8.637.001-15.639-6.45-15.639-14.409z" fill="#c7495d"/><path d="m362.018 233.786c-3.83-14.101-16.154-24.701-31.143-25.962l-9 25.962 9 25.962 17.667 2.463s13.476-13.89 13.476-28.425z" fill="#ffe07d"/><path d="m330.875 259.748-9 8.962 9 9.619c18.138-1.525 32.386-16.72 32.386-35.252 0-3.217-.438-6.329-1.243-9.29-3.829 14.101-16.153 24.701-31.143 25.961z" fill="#ffd064"/><path d="m295.738 294.756c0 9.703 1.918 26.568 17.568 26.568s17.569-16.865 17.569-26.568v-121.939c0-9.703-7.866-17.569-17.569-17.569s-17.568 7.866-17.568 17.569z" fill="#de5974"/><path d="m313.306 312.324c-9.703 0-17.568-7.865-17.568-17.568v18.581c0 9.703 7.865 17.568 17.568 17.568s17.568-7.865 17.568-17.568v-18.581c.001 9.703-7.865 17.568-17.568 17.568z" fill="#c7495d"/><path d="m100.473 467.343c-20.544 20.544-53.852 20.544-74.396 0-7.899-7.899-12.748-17.686-14.573-27.908-2.922 16.364 1.928 33.843 14.573 46.488 20.544 20.544 53.852 20.544 74.396 0 12.645-12.645 17.494-30.125 14.573-46.488-1.826 10.222-6.675 20.009-14.573 27.908z" fill="#c7495d"/><path d="m256 493.419c-12.751 0-23.57-8.241-27.443-19.684-.987 2.917-1.531 6.04-1.531 9.29 0 16.003 12.972 28.975 28.974 28.975s28.974-12.972 28.974-28.974c0-3.251-.543-6.373-1.531-9.29-3.873 11.443-14.692 19.683-27.443 19.683z" fill="#e49542"/><path d="m485.923 467.343c-20.544 20.544-53.852 20.544-74.396 0-7.899-7.899-12.748-17.686-14.573-27.908-2.922 16.364 1.928 33.843 14.573 46.488 20.544 20.544 53.852 20.544 74.396 0 12.645-12.645 17.494-30.125 14.573-46.488-1.825 10.222-6.674 20.009-14.573 27.908z" fill="#ffd064"/><path d="m28.974 266.393c-12.751 0-23.57-8.241-27.443-19.684-.988 2.918-1.531 6.04-1.531 9.291 0 16.002 12.972 28.974 28.974 28.974s28.974-12.972 28.974-28.974c0-3.251-.543-6.373-1.531-9.29-3.873 11.443-14.692 19.683-27.443 19.683z" fill="#e49542"/><path d="m483.026 266.393c-12.751 0-23.57-8.241-27.443-19.684-.987 2.917-1.531 6.04-1.531 9.29 0 16.002 12.972 28.974 28.974 28.974 16.002.001 28.974-12.971 28.974-28.973 0-3.251-.543-6.373-1.531-9.29-3.873 11.443-14.692 19.683-27.443 19.683z" fill="#95d6a4"/><path d="m485.923 81.892c-20.544 20.544-53.852 20.544-74.396 0-7.899-7.899-12.748-17.686-14.573-27.908-2.922 16.364 1.928 33.843 14.573 46.489 20.544 20.544 53.852 20.544 74.396 0 12.645-12.645 17.494-30.125 14.573-46.489-1.825 10.222-6.674 20.009-14.573 27.908z" fill="#83c8ea"/><path d="m256 39.367c-12.751 0-23.57-8.24-27.443-19.684-.987 2.917-1.531 6.04-1.531 9.29 0 16.002 12.972 28.974 28.974 28.974s28.974-12.972 28.974-28.974c0-3.251-.543-6.373-1.531-9.29-3.873 11.444-14.692 19.684-27.443 19.684z" fill="#95d6a4"/><path d="m100.473 81.892c-20.544 20.544-53.852 20.544-74.396 0-7.899-7.899-12.748-17.686-14.573-27.908-2.922 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