Working at CIT : Canberra Institute of Technology

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Ongoing updates are available at <a href="">CIT Student Notices</a>.</p> </div> <div class="banner-block version03"> <div class="container"> <strong>About CIT</strong> </div> </div> <div class="section-holder add"> <div class="container"> <div class="opener-box"> <a href="#" class="opener color-orange">Show sidebar</a> </div> <aside id="sidebar"> <div class="drop"> <ul> <li class="61113"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>About CIT</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>Corporate Governance</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>CIT Locations</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>CIT Solutions</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>News and events</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>Publications</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>Reconciliation at CIT</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>Gender equity at CIT</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>Stakeholder Engagement</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>Student and community member complaints</a></li> <li class="61113 60863"><a href=""><span class="icon icon-chevron-thin-right"></span>Train a Tradie</a></li> </ul> </div> </aside> <div id="content"> <ol class="breadcrumb hidden-print"> <li><a href="" class="home">Home <span class="icon icon-home-black"></span><span class="icon icon-home-transparent"></span></a></li> <li><a href="">About CIT</a></li> <li class="active"><span>Working at CIT</span></li> </ol> <article class="post"> <h1>Working at CIT</h1> <div id="new_content_container_79825_79825"> <p>For over 95 years, the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) has been providing contemporary, industry-relevant education and training to the ACT and surrounding region.</p><p>As the public provider of vocational education and training in the ACT, we provide students with invaluable skills and qualifications to prepare them for real-world opportunities through quality teaching and learning, and our connections with industry.</p><p>We are seeking:</p><ul><li>forward-thinking trainers and assessors experienced in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) landscape</li><li>innovative industry experts with a desire to pass on their knowledge; and</li><li>agile general staff with the ability to shift and adapt to an ever-changing sector.</li></ul><p>All CIT job vacancies, including permanent and temporary contract roles, are advertised on <a href="" target="_blank">ACT Government Jobs</a>.</p><p>If you are interested in working as a casual educator please register your interest on the <a href="" target="_blank">Casual Educator Register</a> by uploading a copy of your resume, qualifications and indicate the area you are interested in teaching. If you have any further questions, please email <a href=""></a>.</p><h3 style="padding: 27px 0px 0px"><strong>CIT Strategic Plan: The next 10 years, 2025-2035</strong></h3><p>Our strategy is the culmination of a highly collaborative consultation process with our people, students, partners, stakeholders, and the ACT community. It builds on our past achievements and signals a significant transformation in how we fulfill our charter as the cornerstone of the ACT skills and training system.</p><p>View the <a href="">CIT Strategic Plan</a> for more information.</p> </div> <div id="new_content_container_174505_174505"> <div class="accordion-block"> <ul class="accordion"> <li> <a class="open" href="#"> CIT as an employer <span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="slide"> <ul> <li>There are many fantastic benefits to working at CIT such as:<br><br> - working with professional and passionate educators, trainers and assessors who are focused on quality outcomes for their students<br><br> - a commitment to professional development both within CIT and ACT Government, and through internal and external providers<br><br> - wellbeing initiatives such as a Wellness Hub, discounted gym memberships with the CIT Fit & Well facilities and other providers across Canberra, Employee Assistance Programs and special offers within our massage, health, and beauty clinics<br><br> - flexible work options<br><br> - free parking (at most campuses)<br><br> - salary sacrificing, up to 13.5% superannuation, paid parental leave and Christmas shut down (for more information, please read the relevant Enterprise Agreement – found below)<br><br> - workforce diversity and an inclusive workplace. As part of this commitment, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with a disability, culturally diverse people and those who identify as LGBTIQ+ are encouraged to apply </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <a class="open" href="#"> How do I become a educator? <span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="slide"> <ul> <li>To become a trainer in VET you must meet the Australian Skills Quality Authority's standards.<br><br> This means you must hold:<br><br> - a nationally recognised qualification in the discipline in which you want to teach<br> - at least three years industry experience<br> - a relevant teaching/education qualification - or be working towards one. See below for more information.<br><br> 1. If you are looking to register/re-register your interest in becoming a casual educator please register your interest by submitting an application on our <a href="" class="link">Casual Teacher Register</a>.<br><br> 2. For Head of Departments - If you are looking to engage an educator that has previously been engaged by CIT or is wanting to be engaged at CIT, please encourage them to register on the <a href="" class="link">Casual Teacher Register</a>.<br><br> For more information, please contact <a href="" class="link"></a>. </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <a class="open" href="#"> I have the industry experience, but no training qualifications <span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="slide"> <ul> <li> There are a few options to consider when looking to become an Educator at CIT.<br><br> 1. To commence work as a VET Educator you will need to complete the Work Instructor Skill Set (TAESS00028). This is an 8 week course completed part time, and will allow you to commence your teaching journey. Please register your interest by emailing the email address, outlining your area of industry experience, and we will forward your application to the applicable area. When an opportunity arises, they will reach out and explain the enrolment process.<br><br> Once your Skill Set is complete we can look at engaging you as a Trainer Under Supervision, and you will have 12 months to complete your Cert IV in Training and Assessment whilst you are working as an Educator.<br><br> 2. Teach in the future<br><br> Commence your Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40116 while you remain in your current employment. Once you have completed the qualification you will be able to start teaching unsupervised. This option can be taken for either full-time, part-time, or casual teaching arrangements. </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <a class="open" href="#"> What does a 'day in the life' of a CIT trainer and assessor look like? <span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="slide"> <ul> <li>As a CIT trainer and assessor, you will be responsible for a range of functions such as:<br><br> - teaching students through face-to-face, blended and online modes<br> - issuing, marking and providing feedback on assessments<br> - completing general administration functions like marking rolls and recording results<br> - developing and maintaining up-to-date, engaging content and assessment tasks for your students<br> - staying current with industry practice by maintaining relationships with local industry professionals and employers.</li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <a class="open" href="#"> Other pathways to working at CIT <span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="slide"> <ul> <li>If you are not quite ready to face a classroom, or would prefer to work in a support area, we have a range of general and support roles at CIT.<br><br> General staff covers areas such as finance, human resources, IT, administrative support roles, marketing, gym, facilities, library and management.<br><br> Student support roles including working in customer service as part of our Student Support team, our libraries, and counsellors.<br><br> All CIT job vacancies, including permanent and temporary contract roles, are advertised on <a href="" class="link" target="_blank"> ACT Government Jobs</a>.<br><br> <strong><span style="font-weight: 700 !important;">How to register on the Casual Teacher Register</span></strong><br><br> The Casual Teacher Register is currently offline and we are working on re-launching the system. Updates will be provided here when the system is re-launched.<br><br> In the interim, please follow the procedure below to register your application on the CIT Casual Educator Register:<br><br> - Please email the CIT People Services team via <a href="" class="link"></a>, include your contact details, resume, and copies of your current qualifications and areas you are interested in teaching.<br> - People Services will email you the Interim Casual Registration Form to complete.<br> - Send your completed registration form back to be added to the Interim register. </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div><!--- end accordion-block //--> </div> <div id="content_container_237377"> <p>For further information contact CIT Human Resources <a href=""></a></p><hr /><h2>Enterprise Agreements</h2><p>Enterprise agreements are agreements made at an enterprise level between employers and employees about terms and conditions of employment for staff.</p><p>CIT's Agreements provide common terms and conditions that apply across the ACT Public Service (ACTPS) as well as terms and conditions specific to the operational requirements of CIT.</p><hr /><h3>Current Educators Enterprise Agreement</h3><ul><li><a href="">ACTPS CIT Educators Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026 (PDF 2.1Mb)</a></li></ul><h4>Associated Documentation</h4><ul><li><a href="">Explanatory Notes &ndash; ACTPS CIT Educators EA 2023-2026 (PDF 543Kb)</a></li><li><a href="">Material referenced ACTPS CIT Educators EA 2023-2026 (PDF 200Kb)</a></li></ul><hr /><h3>Current General Staff Enterprise Agreement</h3><ul><li><a href="">ACTPS Canberra Institute of Technology Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026 - General Staff (PDF 2.3Mb)</a></li></ul><h4>Associated Documentation</h4><ul><li><a href="">Explanatory Notes ACTPS Common Terms and Conditions and CIT Specific Conditions 2023-2026 (PDF 478Kb)</a></li><li><a href="">Material referenced ACTPS CIT EA 2023-2026 (PDF 179Kb)</a></li></ul> </div> </article> </div><!-- end content //--> </div><!-- end container //--> </div><!-- end section-holder add //--> </main> <!-- noindex --> <div class="alert text-center cookiealert hidden-print" role="alert"> <small>Our website uses cookies to enhance your experience and to show you more relevant content and adverts when browsing the web.<br>By continuing to use our website, you consent to cookies being used. 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