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</style> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12"> <div class="ar-semi-article-header aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="st-semi-static-content section"> <section class="static-content"> <div class="sustainability_main"> <!-- kv --> <section> <div class="inner"> <h2 class="kv_title_down"> Key sustainability<br /> downloads and resources </h2> </div> </section> <!-- download popup --> <section class="sec_download"> <div class="inner"> <div> <h2>Reports and Document</h2> </div> <div class="cont download"> <ul class="tab_down center"> <li class="active"> <button type="button" data-an-tr="downloads" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="Sustainability Report" class="highContrastTarget"> Sustainability Report </button> </li> <li> <button type="button" data-an-tr="downloads" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="Global code of conduct" class="highContrastTarget"> Global code of conduct </button> </li> <li> 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data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="REACH_SVHC_241.pdf" class="highContrastTarget" >Download</a > </li> --> </ul> <div class="view_container" href="javascript:;" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="card popup" data-an-la="Environment, Health & Safety Policy"> <label>View all content</label> <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$"/> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <!-- Certificates --> <section class="sec_certificates" data-base=".inner|.inner" data-pos="0.2||0.2|" > <div class="inner"> <div class="motion_obj" data-motion="fade" data-speed="fast"> <div class="txt"> <h2 class="title ssb highContrastTarget">Certificates</h2> <div class="desc highContrastTarget"> <p> Our global manufacturing sites are certified by management systems based on global EHS standards. In order to retain these management systems certifications, <br class="pc_only" />we conduct an after-the-fact self-evaluation and a third-party renewal evaluation every three years. </p> </div> </div> <div class="cont"> <ul class="tab_country center"> <li class="active ssb"> <button type="button" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="kr" class="highContrastTarget"> Korea </button> </li> <li class="ssb"> <button type="button" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="en" class="highContrastTarget"> US </button> </li> <li class="ssb"> <button type="button" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="cn" class="highContrastTarget"> China </button> </li> </ul> <ul class="tab_cont"> <li class="kr active"> <ul class="center"> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[HQ] ISO 50001</strong> <p> Energy Management <br class="pc_only" />System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[HQ] ISO 45001</strong> <p> Occupational Health <br class="pc_only" />and Safety <br class="m_only" />Assessment <br class="pc_only" />Series </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[HQ] ISO 14001</strong> <p> Environmental <br class="pc_only" />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> </ul> </li> <li class="en"> <ul class="center"> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[SAS] ISO 50001</strong> <p> Energy Management <br class="pc_only" />System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li class="ohsas"> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[SAS] ISO 45001</strong> <p> Occupational Health <br class="pc_only" />and Safety <br class="m_only" />Management <br class="pc_only" />System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[SAS] ISO 14001</strong> <p> Environmental <br class="pc_only" />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> </ul> </li> <li class="cn"> <ul class="center"> <li class="scs"> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[SCS] ISO 50001</strong> <p> Energy Management <br class="pc_only" />System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li class="scs"> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[SCS] ISO 45001</strong> <p> Occupational Health <br class="pc_only" />and Safety <br />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li class="scs"> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[SCS] ISO 14001</strong> <p> Environmental <br class="pc_only" />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[SESS] ISO 50001</strong> <p> Energy Management <br class="pc_only" />System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[SESS] ISO 45001</strong> <p> Occupational Health <br class="pc_only" />and Safety <br />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[SESS] ISO 14001</strong> <p> Environmental <br class="pc_only" />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> <li class="tsled"> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[TSLED] ISO 50001</strong> <p> Energy Management <br class="pc_only" />System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download jpg" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download JPG</a > </li> <li class="tsled"> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[TSLED] ISO 45001</strong> <p> Occupational Health <br class="pc_only" />and Safety <br />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download jpg" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download JPG</a > </li> <li class="tsled"> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>[TSLED] ISO 14001</strong> <p> Environmental <br class="pc_only" />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download jpg" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download JPG</a > </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="txt bcms"> <div class="desc highContrastTarget"> <p> Samsung Electronics received ISO 22301 certification, an international standard for Business Continuity Management System (BCMS), for its Samsung Semiconductor plant in Hwaseong from the British Standards Institution (BSI), a global certification authority. </p> </div> </div> <div class="cont bcms"> <ul class="tab_country center"> <li class="active ssb"> <button type="button" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="kr" class="highContrastTarget"> Korea </button> </li> <li class="ssb"> <button type="button" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="en" class="highContrastTarget"> US </button> </li> </ul> <ul class="tab_cont"> <li class="kr active"> <ul class="center"> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>ISO 22301</strong> <p> Business Continuity <br class="pc_only" />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> </ul> </li> <li class="en"> <ul class="center"> <li> <div class="txt highContrastTarget"> <strong>ISO 22301</strong> <p> Business Continuity <br class="pc_only" />Management System </p> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="certificates" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download pdf" data-an-la="none" class="highContrastTarget">Download PDF</a > </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- Article Slider --> <div class="sustainability_article"> <section class="sec_article"></section> </div> </div> <!-- popup-wrap --> <div class="popup_wrap popup_report"> <div id="pop_info_1" class="pop_wrap" style="display: none"> <div class="popup_scroll"> <h3 class="title title_xsmall highContrastTarget"> Sustainability reports </h3> <div class="popup-text-wrap"> <div class="desc highContrastTarget"> <p> Integrating corporate management and sustainable development is an issue of increasing importance in the business world, amid increasing expectations for social and environmental responsibility. <br /> In response, we have been improving the process of collecting stakeholders' ideas and setting up a corporate-wide vision and strategies for sustainable development. <br /> We have designated economic, environmental and social responsibilities as the key elements of our sustainable management. <br /> We are committed to continuing to identify key stakeholders, build positive relationships with them and ultimately enhance our value for both the company and the stakeholders. </p> </div> <div class="table_wrap"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2024 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">3.7 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="Samsung_Electronics_Sustainability_Report_2024_ENG.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2023 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">9.2 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="Samsung_Electronics_Sustainability_Report_2023_ENG.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2022 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">14.76 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="2022_Sustainability_Report.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2021 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">17.02 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="2021_Sustainability_Report.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="pc_table_only"> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2021 Sustainability Report - Executive Summary </td> <td class="ssb">7.75 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="Samsung_Electronics_Sustainability_Report_2021_Executive_Summary.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2020 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">16.38 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="Sustainability_report_2020_en_new.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2019 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">21.25 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="SustainabilityReport2019v2-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2018 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">32.71 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="Sustainability_Report_2018v3.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2017 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">21.81 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2017-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2016 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">33.73 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2016-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2015 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">33.43 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2015-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2014 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">9.89 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2014-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2013 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">14.96 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2013-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2012 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">16.89 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2012-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2011 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">11.46 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2011-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2010 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">11.57 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2010-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2009 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">2.53 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2009-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> 2008 Sustainability Report </td> <td class="ssb">6.88 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="about-us-sustainability-report-and-policy-sustainability-report-2008-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="pop_info_2" class="pop_wrap" style="display: none"> <div class="popup_scroll"> <h3 class="title title_xsmall highContrastTarget"> Global code of conduct </h3> <div class="popup-text-wrap"> <h4 class="title sub_title_small highContrastTarget"> Preface </h4> <div class="desc highContrastTarget"> <p> Samsung Electronics aims to be a ‘world leading company’, devoting our human resources and technology to create superior products and services, thereby contributing to a better global society. </p> <br /> <p> To achieve this goal, we share and pursue Samsung Values of 『People, Excellence, Change, Integrity, Co-prosperity』, and the 7 Factors of a World Leading Company of 『Dream, Vision & Goal, Creativity & Challenge, Insight & Good Sense, Technology & Information, Trust & Credibility, Speed & Velocity, Change & Innovation』 within the organization. </p> <br /> <p> Furthermore, all Samsung Electronics employees should follow this 「Global Code of Conduct」 as well as the Samsung Business Principles in order to comply with laws and ethical practices as well as to express our concrete commitment to social responsibility. This 「Global Code of Conduct」 will be the guiding standard for everyone in Samsung Electronics, outlining standards of conduct in all business activities. </p> <br /> <p> <span class="hypen-box"> <strong>-</strong> <span>We endeavor, with a sense of urgent awareness that we cannot survive without innovation, to achieve future competitiveness by responding quickly to the changes in the business environment and customer demand, and to maintain a sustained commitment to Change & Innovation based on our Dream, Vision & Goal.</span > </span> <br /> <span class="hypen-box"> <strong>-</strong> <span>We cultivate Creativity & Challenge, acknowledging that future competitiveness depends on the development of Technology & Information ahead of competitors.</span > </span> <br /> <span class="hypen-box"> <strong>-</strong> <span>We aspire to become qualified experts in our field with Insight to foresee the future, and the Good Sense to identify and take advantage of opportunities.</span > </span> <br /> <span class="hypen-box"> <strong>-</strong ><span>We create an open culture where employees are encouraged to make decisions and act proactively with a sense of ownership, based on the mutual respect of individuality and Trust & Credibility.</span > </span> <br /> <span class="hypen-box"> <strong>-</strong> <span>We pursue co-prosperity by maintaining relationships of Trust with shareholders and business partners, and facilitating sound management through mutual cooperation.</span > </span> <br /> </p> <br /> <div id="icon-enter"> <div>※</div> <div> Code of Conduct Coverage : The Code of Conduct applies to all Samsung Electronics' employees (domestic/ overseas), suppliers, and all staff employed by the subsidiaries of Samsung Electronics. </div> </div> </div> <div class="foldable-wrap"> <h4 class="highContrastTarget">Principles</h4> <ul class="foldable-list"> <li class="list-item"> <a href="#" class="list-tit-item" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="principle 1 we comply with laws and ethical standards"> <h5 class="highContrastTarget"> Principle 1. We comply with laws and<br class="m_only" /> ethical standards </h5> <img src="//" alt=""/> </a> <div class="list-content"> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 1-1. We respect dignity and diversity of individuals </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will respect the basic human rights of all employees and will not discriminate against its officers, staff and other interested parties on the basis of race, nationality, gender, religion, regional background, physical disability, marital status, or any other characteristics protected by law </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will not employ underage persons, as commonly defined by international standards and relevant national laws. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The company will respect the rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining in accordance with the local labor laws where our worksites operate in order to maintain and develop our cooperative labor-management relations based on mutual trust and integrity. </span> <span> <strong>4 </strong>The Company will determine conditions of employment and compensation for personnel in a rational and just manner, taking into consideration relevant national, local or state laws, and international standards. </span> <span> <strong>5 </strong>The Company will ensure that working hours of personnel will be in accordance with the specific nature of their duties and national laws and regulations, and no extended working hours will be enforced without mutual agreement. </span> <span> <strong>6 </strong>The Company will endeavor to ensure that senior staff do not impose on junior staff any duties unrelated to Company affairs or duties that violate Company regulations and standard processes, or use any form of psychological or physical intimidation or coercion against employees in the performance of their regular duties. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 1-2. We compete in accordance with laws and business ethics </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will compete freely and fairly at all its business sites around the world, abiding by national laws and regulations and relevant international standards governing the conduct of business. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will not abuse a dominant market position nor use coercion to cause inclusion of unwanted items in any sales transactions (tying). </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will not enter with competitors into price fixing, bid collusion, market collusion or reduced production agreements, and will not discuss with competitors prices, bids, customers, sales territories and conditions including price confirmation. </span> <span> <strong>4 </strong>The Company will not permit the giving or acceptance of money, goods, entertainment or any economic benefits to or from customers or external interested parties, nor allow any improper activities that violate laws and fair trade principles. </span> <span> <strong>5 </strong>The Company shall refrain from illegally obtaining confidential information belonging to competitors. </span> <span> <strong>6 </strong>The Company shall not demand, or use coercion to obtain any advantage detrimental to the interest of customer or partner companies. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 1-3. We maintain transparency of accounts with accurate recording of transactions </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will accurately record and manage all transactions in compliance with international standards and national accounting regulations, and will be subject to accounting audits by outside parties at regular intervals. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will make every effort to refrain from entering into a business relationship with customers of uncertain identity, and will not participate nor cooperate with illegal, false, or irregular transactions. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 1-4. We do not get involved in politics and maintain neutrality </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will respect individual political rights and expression of opinion. However, it will not allow the conduct of political activities within the company that may be harmful to the organization. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company's resources, including financial resources, manpower, and facilities shall not be used for any political purpose. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will refrain from illegal donations and improper dealings with governments, and will respect individual country's related laws and regulations. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 1-5. We protect information on individuals and business partners </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will abide by the laws and regulations relating to protection of the privacy of its employees and confidential information, and each officer or employee of the Company shall acknowledge their primary responsibility for the protection of such information. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will use information relating to individuals, corporate customers, or business partners obtained through normal business process, only for business purposes, and shall not disclose such information to third parties. </span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="list-item"> <a href="#" class="list-tit-item" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="principle 2 we maintain a clean organizational culture"> <h5 class="highContrastTarget"> Principle 2. We maintain a clean<br class="m_only" /> organizational culture </h5> <img src="//" alt=""/> </a> <div class="list-content"> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 2-1. We make a strict distinction between public and private affairs in our duties </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will not permit any illicit activity for the pursuit of personal gain , such as irregular treatment of expenses, using one's position for private gain, or the embezzlement of corporate assets. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will not permit any activity that utilizes proprietary information of the Company for private gain, for example insider trading, irrespective of whether or not this activity was conducted directly by an employee or via third parties. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>In cases of conflicts of interest between the Company and an individual, the Company's legitimate interest will be considered preferentially. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 2-2. We protect and respect intellectual properties of the Company and others </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will endeavor to ensure that internal intellectual property and confidential information will not be disclosed to external parties by its employees without its prior permission and consent. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will ensure that any proprietary information acquired through its business activities shall be recorded and safely kept and managed as intellectual property. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will respect the intellectual property rights of third parties, such as patents, copyrights and trademarks, and shall not intentionally infringe or improperly use such intellectual property. </span> <span> <strong>4 </strong>The Company will ensure that due attention is paid to the security of its intellectual property during the course of telephone or other communication with external parties, and in the management of various data storage facilities. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 2-3. We create a sound organizational atmosphere </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company has zero tolerance for any type of behavior which may offend or cause unpleasantness to other employees, such as sexual harassment, physical assault or any personal request or action that would compromise or inconvenience another employee. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company recognizes its responsibility to provide a work place of equal opportunity to all employees, and will not permit the formation of any faction or private group within the Company that might endanger this commitment. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will endeavor to maintain and develop a mutually cooperative relationship between management and employees, based on the principle of mutually beneficial existence and prosperity. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 2-4. We maintain the dignity of Samsung Electronics in our external activities </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>During the term of employment at the Company, an employee is not permitted to simultaneously maintain employment with a third party or otherwise be engaged in outside business activities, unless otherwise agreed by prior consent. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company requires that all disclosures of company information at external lectures or interviews are subject to prior scrutiny and approval. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will not allow its officers and employees, while in office, to act as members of boards of companies with conflicts of interest or participate in competitive business activities. </span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="list-item"> <a href="#" class="list-tit-item" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="principle 3 we respect customers, shareholders and employees"> <h5 class="highContrastTarget"> Principle 3. We respect customers, shareholders and employees </h5> <img src="//" alt=""/> </a> <div class="list-content"> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 3-1. We put priority on customer satisfaction in management activities </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will endeavor to reflect and give priority to the requirements and recommendations of customers for the improvement of product design, distribution, and service. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will make every effort to engage with its customers in a polite and equitable manner based on its belief that "Samsung Electronics exists because of its customers". </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will respect the customer's right to choose by refraining from exaggerated advertisements or coercive sales techniques, which could mislead customers with regard to the quality, function and specifications of product or service. </span> <span> <strong>4 </strong>The Company will endeavor to reach just resolutions of customer-related disputes and will respond to the complaints of customers in a transparent, timely and effective manner. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 3-2. We pursue management focused on shareholder value </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will actively pursue increases in investment return for shareholders by maximizing profits through transparent and sound management. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will honor its responsibility to shareholders and interested parties by announcing major financial and corporate information in good faith and in a timely fashion. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will accept and sincerely consider legitimate petitions from external shareholders. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 3-3. We endeavor to improve our employees' quality of life </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will offer equal opportunities to all employees and treat them justly based on their ability and achievement. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will encourage continuous self-development of employees and actively support opportunities to improve their capabilities to execute their duties. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will provide a working environment in which personal initiative and creativity are encouraged. </span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="list-item"> <a href="#" class="list-tit-item" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="principle 4 we care for the environment, health and safety"> <h5 class="highContrastTarget"> Principle 4. We care for the environment, health and safety </h5> <img src="//" alt=""/> </a> <div class="list-content"> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 4-1. We pursue environment friendly management </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will make every effort to comply with international environmental standards, national laws and regulations relating to the environment and internal environmental regulations within all of its global business operations. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will actively attempt to minimize the generation of harmful materials, utilize resources efficiently and recycle waste products for the benefit of the environment. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will do its best to conduct environmental improvement activities throughout the whole process of product development, production, distribution, sales and disposal. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 4-2. We value the health and safety of human beings </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will comply with international standards, related laws and regulations, and internal regulations governing the safety and health of its employees by providing safety education and training at regular intervals. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will give priority consideration to the health and safety of customers in all business activities including product development, production, distribution, and sales. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will clearly inform customers regarding the safe usage and operation of its products or services. </span> <span> <strong>4 </strong>The Company will endeavor to deal promptly with the discovery of any fault in a product, which could pose a threat to the safety of customers. </span> <span> <strong>5 </strong>The Company will make every effort to identify and eliminate any safety hazard found at any of its business sites, and will maintain a clear and safe environment. </span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="list-item"> <a href="#" class="list-tit-item" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="content click" data-an-ac="tab menu" data-an-la="principle 5 we are a socially responsible corporate citizen"> <h5 class="highContrastTarget"> Principle 5. We are a socially responsible corporate citizen </h5> <img src="//" alt=""/> </a> <div class="list-content"> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 5-1. We sincerely execute our basic responsibilities as a corporate citizen </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will endeavor to create stable employment and to faithfully fulfill its tax obligations. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company shall instill in its employees its belief that their behavior directly affects the overall image of the Company, and shall endeavor to maintain the good name of the Company by ensuring proper dress, courteous behavior and dignified use of language. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>Employees are encouraged to endeavor to build trust within the local community by fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 5-2. We respect the social and cultural values of local communities and practice co-existence </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will respect the laws, culture and values of the local communities in which it operates, and shall contribute to the improvement of the quality of life, of local residents. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company, as a global corporate citizen, will contribute to the spiritual enrichment of society by promoting and supporting public-interest activities such as academic advancement, art, culture and sports. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will actively participate in social services such as voluteering activities and disaster relief. </span> </div> <p class="cont-tit highContrastTarget"> 5-3. We build up relationships of co-existence and co-prosperity with business partners </p> <div class="cont-answer highContrastTarget"> <span> <strong>1 </strong>The Company will acknowledge its business partners as strategic partners based on mutual trust, and will pursue the shared value of customer satisfaction. </span> <span> <strong>2 </strong>The Company will select business partners in accordance with business objectives by applying fair standards without discrimination. </span> <span> <strong>3 </strong>The Company will make efforts to support the growth of business partners' competitiveness and development. </span> <span> <strong>4 </strong>The Company will actively encourage business partners to fulfill their own social responsibilities with respect to safety within the workplace and the individual rights of their employees. </span> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="table_wrap"> <h4>Downloads</h4> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> Global Code of Conduct </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">285 KB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="SAMSUNG_globalcode_of_conduct_2020.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> Business Conduct Guidelines </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">111 KB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="SAMSUNG_business_conduct_guidelines_2016.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="pop_info_3" class="pop_wrap" style="display: none"> <div class="popup_scroll"> <h3 class="title title_xsmall highContrastTarget"> Environmental rules and guidelines </h3> <div class="popup-text-wrap"> <div class="table_wrap"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> [DS] Standards for Control of Substances Used in Products </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">716 KB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="DS_ERU_026_ver1_EN.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> Hazardous Substance Table </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">166 KB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="China RoHS & BSMI Hazardous Substance Table_v1.0_RoHS6.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> Environment, Health & Safety Policy </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">1.98 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="EHSPOLICY_240220_EN.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> Standards for Control of Substances Used in Products Summary </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">1.51 MB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="SEC_Standard(0QA-2049)_Rev26_EN.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> REACH SVHC Declaration </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">270 KB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="REACH_SVHC_224.pdf" class="highContrastTarget" > Download <img 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class="highContrastTarget"> Requirements for Recycling Service Partners </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">177 KB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="6requirements-for-recycling-service-partners-en.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> Ecodesign & Energy Label </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget"></td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="link click" data-an-ac="learn more" data-an-la="ecodesign_energy" class="highContrastTarget"> Learn More <img class="learn-more" src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget"> List of Regulated Substances </td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">225 KB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="//" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="List-of-RegulatedSubstances.pdf" class="highContrastTarget"> Download <img src="$ORIGIN_PNG$" alt=""/> </a> </td> </tr> <!-- 202408 --> <!-- <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget">EU RoHS</td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">243 KB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="EU_RoHS_Declaration_2024.pdf" class="highContrastTarget" > Download <img src="/content/dam/samsung/semiconductor/sustainability/highlight/downloads/icon-bold-action-download.png" alt="" /> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="highContrastTarget">EU REACH SVHC 241</td> <td class="ssb highContrastTarget">270 KB</td> <td class="ssb"> <a href="" target="_blank" data-an-tr="download report and policy" data-an-ca="outbound click" data-an-ac="download" data-an-la="REACH_SVHC_241.pdf" class="highContrastTarget" > Download <img 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(phase = getNextPhase(PHASE_MOVE)) : options.triggerOnTouchLeave && !inBounds && (phase = getNextPhase(PHASE_END)), (phase != PHASE_CANCEL && phase != PHASE_END) || triggerHandler(event, phase); } } else (phase = PHASE_CANCEL), triggerHandler(event, phase); ret === !1 && ((phase = PHASE_CANCEL), triggerHandler(event, phase)); } } function touchEnd(jqEvent) { var event = jqEvent.originalEvent ? jqEvent.originalEvent : jqEvent, touches = event.touches; if (touches) { if (touches.length && !inMultiFingerRelease()) return startMultiFingerRelease(event), !0; if (touches.length && inMultiFingerRelease()) return !0; } return ( inMultiFingerRelease() && (fingerCount = fingerCountAtRelease), (endTime = getTimeStamp()), (duration = calculateDuration()), didSwipeBackToCancel() || !validateSwipeDistance() ? ((phase = PHASE_CANCEL), triggerHandler(event, phase)) : options.triggerOnTouchEnd || (options.triggerOnTouchEnd === !1 && phase === PHASE_MOVE) ? (options.preventDefaultEvents !== !1 && jqEvent.preventDefault(), (phase = PHASE_END), triggerHandler(event, phase)) : !options.triggerOnTouchEnd && hasTap() ? ((phase = PHASE_END), triggerHandlerForGesture(event, phase, TAP)) : phase === PHASE_MOVE && ((phase = PHASE_CANCEL), triggerHandler(event, phase)), setTouchInProgress(!1), null ); } function touchCancel() { (fingerCount = 0), (endTime = 0), (startTime = 0), (startTouchesDistance = 0), (endTouchesDistance = 0), (pinchZoom = 1), cancelMultiFingerRelease(), setTouchInProgress(!1); } function touchLeave(jqEvent) { var event = jqEvent.originalEvent ? jqEvent.originalEvent : jqEvent; options.triggerOnTouchLeave && ((phase = getNextPhase(PHASE_END)), triggerHandler(event, phase)); } function removeListeners() { $element.unbind(START_EV, touchStart), $element.unbind(CANCEL_EV, touchCancel), $element.unbind(MOVE_EV, touchMove), $element.unbind(END_EV, touchEnd), LEAVE_EV && $element.unbind(LEAVE_EV, touchLeave), setTouchInProgress(!1); } function getNextPhase(currentPhase) { var nextPhase = currentPhase, validTime = validateSwipeTime(), validDistance = validateSwipeDistance(), didCancel = didSwipeBackToCancel(); return ( !validTime || didCancel ? (nextPhase = PHASE_CANCEL) : !validDistance || currentPhase != PHASE_MOVE || (options.triggerOnTouchEnd && !options.triggerOnTouchLeave) ? !validDistance && currentPhase == PHASE_END && options.triggerOnTouchLeave && (nextPhase = PHASE_CANCEL) : (nextPhase = PHASE_END), nextPhase ); } function triggerHandler(event, phase) { var ret, touches = event.touches; return ( (didSwipe() || hasSwipes()) && (ret = triggerHandlerForGesture(event, phase, SWIPE)), (didPinch() || hasPinches()) && ret !== !1 && (ret = triggerHandlerForGesture(event, phase, PINCH)), didDoubleTap() && ret !== !1 ? (ret = triggerHandlerForGesture(event, phase, DOUBLE_TAP)) : didLongTap() && ret !== !1 ? (ret = triggerHandlerForGesture(event, phase, LONG_TAP)) : didTap() && ret !== !1 && (ret = triggerHandlerForGesture(event, phase, TAP)), phase === PHASE_CANCEL && touchCancel(event), phase === PHASE_END && (touches ? touches.length || touchCancel(event) : touchCancel(event)), ret ); } function triggerHandlerForGesture(event, phase, gesture) { var ret; if (gesture == SWIPE) { if ( ($element.trigger("swipeStatus", [ phase, direction || null, distance || 0, duration || 0, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection, ]), options.swipeStatus && ((ret = $element, event, phase, direction || null, distance || 0, duration || 0, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection )), ret === !1)) ) return !1; if (phase == PHASE_END && validateSwipe()) { if ( (clearTimeout(singleTapTimeout), clearTimeout(holdTimeout), $element.trigger("swipe", [ direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection, ]), options.swipe && ((ret = $element, event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection )), ret === !1)) ) return !1; switch (direction) { case LEFT: $element.trigger("swipeLeft", [ direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection, ]), options.swipeLeft && (ret = $element, event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection )); break; case RIGHT: $element.trigger("swipeRight", [ direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection, ]), options.swipeRight && (ret = $element, event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection )); break; case UP: $element.trigger("swipeUp", [ direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection, ]), options.swipeUp && (ret = $element, event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection )); break; case DOWN: $element.trigger("swipeDown", [ direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection, ]), options.swipeDown && (ret = $element, event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData, currentDirection )); } } } if (gesture == PINCH) { if ( ($element.trigger("pinchStatus", [ phase, pinchDirection || null, pinchDistance || 0, duration || 0, fingerCount, pinchZoom, fingerData, ]), options.pinchStatus && ((ret = $element, event, phase, pinchDirection || null, pinchDistance || 0, duration || 0, fingerCount, pinchZoom, fingerData )), ret === !1)) ) return !1; if (phase == PHASE_END && validatePinch()) switch (pinchDirection) { case IN: $element.trigger("pinchIn", [ pinchDirection || null, pinchDistance || 0, duration || 0, fingerCount, pinchZoom, fingerData, ]), options.pinchIn && (ret = $element, event, pinchDirection || null, pinchDistance || 0, duration || 0, fingerCount, pinchZoom, fingerData )); break; case OUT: $element.trigger("pinchOut", [ pinchDirection || null, pinchDistance || 0, duration || 0, fingerCount, pinchZoom, fingerData, ]), options.pinchOut && (ret = $element, event, pinchDirection || null, pinchDistance || 0, duration || 0, fingerCount, pinchZoom, fingerData )); } } return ( gesture == TAP ? (phase !== PHASE_CANCEL && phase !== PHASE_END) || (clearTimeout(singleTapTimeout), clearTimeout(holdTimeout), hasDoubleTap() && !inDoubleTap() ? ((doubleTapStartTime = getTimeStamp()), (singleTapTimeout = setTimeout( $.proxy(function () { (doubleTapStartTime = null), $element.trigger("tap", []), options.tap && (ret = $element, event, )); }, this), options.doubleTapThreshold ))) : ((doubleTapStartTime = null), $element.trigger("tap", []), options.tap && (ret =$element, event, : gesture == DOUBLE_TAP ? (phase !== PHASE_CANCEL && phase !== PHASE_END) || (clearTimeout(singleTapTimeout), clearTimeout(holdTimeout), (doubleTapStartTime = null), $element.trigger("doubletap", []), options.doubleTap && (ret =$element, event, : gesture == LONG_TAP && ((phase !== PHASE_CANCEL && phase !== PHASE_END) || (clearTimeout(singleTapTimeout), (doubleTapStartTime = null), $element.trigger("longtap", []), options.longTap && (ret = $element, event, )))), ret ); } function validateSwipeDistance() { var valid = !0; return ( null !== options.threshold && (valid = distance >= options.threshold), valid ); } function didSwipeBackToCancel() { var cancelled = !1; return ( null !== options.cancelThreshold && null !== direction && (cancelled = getMaxDistance(direction) - distance >= options.cancelThreshold), cancelled ); } function validatePinchDistance() { return ( null === options.pinchThreshold || pinchDistance >= options.pinchThreshold ); } function validateSwipeTime() { var result; return (result = !options.maxTimeThreshold || !(duration >= options.maxTimeThreshold)); } function validateDefaultEvent(jqEvent, direction) { if (options.preventDefaultEvents !== !1) if (options.allowPageScroll === NONE) jqEvent.preventDefault(); else { var auto = options.allowPageScroll === AUTO; switch (direction) { case LEFT: ((options.swipeLeft && auto) || (!auto && options.allowPageScroll != HORIZONTAL)) && jqEvent.preventDefault(); break; case RIGHT: ((options.swipeRight && auto) || (!auto && options.allowPageScroll != HORIZONTAL)) && jqEvent.preventDefault(); break; case UP: ((options.swipeUp && auto) || (!auto && options.allowPageScroll != VERTICAL)) && jqEvent.preventDefault(); break; case DOWN: ((options.swipeDown && auto) || (!auto && options.allowPageScroll != VERTICAL)) && jqEvent.preventDefault(); break; case NONE: } } } function validatePinch() { var hasCorrectFingerCount = validateFingers(), hasEndPoint = validateEndPoint(), hasCorrectDistance = validatePinchDistance(); return hasCorrectFingerCount && hasEndPoint && hasCorrectDistance; } function hasPinches() { return !!(options.pinchStatus || options.pinchIn || options.pinchOut); } function didPinch() { return !(!validatePinch() || !hasPinches()); } function validateSwipe() { var hasValidTime = validateSwipeTime(), hasValidDistance = validateSwipeDistance(), hasCorrectFingerCount = validateFingers(), hasEndPoint = validateEndPoint(), didCancel = didSwipeBackToCancel(), valid = !didCancel && hasEndPoint && hasCorrectFingerCount && hasValidDistance && hasValidTime; return valid; } function hasSwipes() { return !!( options.swipe || options.swipeStatus || options.swipeLeft || options.swipeRight || options.swipeUp || options.swipeDown ); } function didSwipe() { return !(!validateSwipe() || !hasSwipes()); } function validateFingers() { return ( fingerCount === options.fingers || options.fingers === ALL_FINGERS || !SUPPORTS_TOUCH ); } function validateEndPoint() { return 0 !== fingerData[0].end.x; } function hasTap() { return !!options.tap; } function hasDoubleTap() { return !!options.doubleTap; } function hasLongTap() { return !!options.longTap; } function validateDoubleTap() { if (null == doubleTapStartTime) return !1; var now = getTimeStamp(); return ( hasDoubleTap() && now - doubleTapStartTime <= options.doubleTapThreshold ); } function inDoubleTap() { return validateDoubleTap(); } function validateTap() { return ( (1 === fingerCount || !SUPPORTS_TOUCH) && (isNaN(distance) || distance < options.threshold) ); } function validateLongTap() { return ( duration > options.longTapThreshold && distance < DOUBLE_TAP_THRESHOLD ); } function didTap() { return !(!validateTap() || !hasTap()); } function didDoubleTap() { return !(!validateDoubleTap() || !hasDoubleTap()); } function didLongTap() { return !(!validateLongTap() || !hasLongTap()); } function startMultiFingerRelease(event) { (previousTouchEndTime = getTimeStamp()), (fingerCountAtRelease = event.touches.length + 1); } function cancelMultiFingerRelease() { (previousTouchEndTime = 0), (fingerCountAtRelease = 0); } function inMultiFingerRelease() { var withinThreshold = !1; if (previousTouchEndTime) { var diff = getTimeStamp() - previousTouchEndTime; diff <= options.fingerReleaseThreshold && (withinThreshold = !0); } return withinThreshold; } function getTouchInProgress() { return !($ + "_intouch") !== !0); } function setTouchInProgress(val) { $element && (val === !0 ? ($element.bind(MOVE_EV, touchMove), $element.bind(END_EV, touchEnd), LEAVE_EV && $element.bind(LEAVE_EV, touchLeave)) : ($element.unbind(MOVE_EV, touchMove, !1), $element.unbind(END_EV, touchEnd, !1), LEAVE_EV && $element.unbind(LEAVE_EV, touchLeave, !1)), $ + "_intouch", val === !0)); } function createFingerData(id, evt) { var f = { start: { x: 0, y: 0, }, last: { x: 0, y: 0, }, end: { x: 0, y: 0, }, }; return ( (f.start.x = f.last.x = f.end.x = evt.pageX || evt.clientX), (f.start.y = f.last.y = f.end.y = evt.pageY || evt.clientY), (fingerData[id] = f), f ); } function updateFingerData(evt) { var id = void 0 !== evt.identifier ? evt.identifier : 0, f = getFingerData(id); return ( null === f && (f = createFingerData(id, evt)), (f.last.x = f.end.x), (f.last.y = f.end.y), (f.end.x = evt.pageX || evt.clientX), (f.end.y = evt.pageY || evt.clientY), f ); } function getFingerData(id) { return fingerData[id] || null; } function setMaxDistance(direction, distance) { direction != NONE && ((distance = Math.max(distance, getMaxDistance(direction))), (maximumsMap[direction].distance = distance)); } function getMaxDistance(direction) { if (maximumsMap[direction]) return maximumsMap[direction].distance; } function createMaximumsData() { var maxData = {}; return ( (maxData[LEFT] = createMaximumVO(LEFT)), (maxData[RIGHT] = createMaximumVO(RIGHT)), (maxData[UP] = createMaximumVO(UP)), (maxData[DOWN] = createMaximumVO(DOWN)), maxData ); } function createMaximumVO(dir) { return { direction: dir, distance: 0, }; } function calculateDuration() { return endTime - startTime; } function calculateTouchesDistance(startPoint, endPoint) { var diffX = Math.abs(startPoint.x - endPoint.x), diffY = Math.abs(startPoint.y - endPoint.y); return Math.round(Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY)); } function calculatePinchZoom(startDistance, endDistance) { var percent = (endDistance / startDistance) * 1; return percent.toFixed(2); } function calculatePinchDirection() { return pinchZoom < 1 ? OUT : IN; } function calculateDistance(startPoint, endPoint) { return Math.round( Math.sqrt( Math.pow(endPoint.x - startPoint.x, 2) + Math.pow(endPoint.y - startPoint.y, 2) ) ); } function calculateAngle(startPoint, endPoint) { var x = startPoint.x - endPoint.x, y = endPoint.y - startPoint.y, r = Math.atan2(y, x), angle = Math.round((180 * r) / Math.PI); return angle < 0 && (angle = 360 - Math.abs(angle)), angle; } function calculateDirection(startPoint, endPoint) { if (comparePoints(startPoint, endPoint)) return NONE; var angle = calculateAngle(startPoint, endPoint); return angle <= 45 && angle >= 0 ? LEFT : angle <= 360 && angle >= 315 ? LEFT : angle >= 135 && angle <= 225 ? RIGHT : angle > 45 && angle < 135 ? DOWN : UP; } function getTimeStamp() { var now = new Date(); return now.getTime(); } function getbounds(el) { el = $(el); var offset = el.offset(), bounds = { left: offset.left, right: offset.left + el.outerWidth(), top:, bottom: + el.outerHeight(), }; return bounds; } function isInBounds(point, bounds) { return ( point.x > bounds.left && point.x < bounds.right && point.y > && point.y < bounds.bottom ); } function comparePoints(pointA, pointB) { return pointA.x == pointB.x && pointA.y == pointB.y; } var options = $.extend({}, options), useTouchEvents = SUPPORTS_TOUCH || SUPPORTS_POINTER || !options.fallbackToMouseEvents, START_EV = useTouchEvents ? SUPPORTS_POINTER ? SUPPORTS_POINTER_IE10 ? "MSPointerDown" : "pointerdown" : "touchstart" : "mousedown", MOVE_EV = useTouchEvents ? SUPPORTS_POINTER ? SUPPORTS_POINTER_IE10 ? "MSPointerMove" : "pointermove" : "touchmove" : "mousemove", END_EV = useTouchEvents ? SUPPORTS_POINTER ? SUPPORTS_POINTER_IE10 ? "MSPointerUp" : "pointerup" : "touchend" : "mouseup", LEAVE_EV = useTouchEvents ? SUPPORTS_POINTER ? "mouseleave" : null : "mouseleave", CANCEL_EV = SUPPORTS_POINTER ? SUPPORTS_POINTER_IE10 ? "MSPointerCancel" : "pointercancel" : "touchcancel", distance = 0, direction = null, currentDirection = null, duration = 0, startTouchesDistance = 0, endTouchesDistance = 0, pinchZoom = 1, pinchDistance = 0, pinchDirection = 0, maximumsMap = null, $element = $(element), phase = "start", fingerCount = 0, fingerData = {}, startTime = 0, endTime = 0, previousTouchEndTime = 0, fingerCountAtRelease = 0, doubleTapStartTime = 0, singleTapTimeout = null, holdTimeout = null; try { $element.bind(START_EV, touchStart), $element.bind(CANCEL_EV, touchCancel); } catch (e) { $.error( "events not supported " + START_EV + "," + CANCEL_EV + " on jQuery.swipe" ); } (this.enable = function () { return ( this.disable(), $element.bind(START_EV, touchStart), $element.bind(CANCEL_EV, touchCancel), $element ); }), (this.disable = function () { return removeListeners(), $element; }), (this.destroy = function () { removeListeners(), $, null), ($element = null); }), (this.option = function (property, value) { if ("object" == typeof property) options = $.extend(options, property); else if (void 0 !== options[property]) { if (void 0 === value) return options[property]; options[property] = value; } else { if (!property) return options; $.error( "Option " + property + " does not exist on jQuery.swipe.options" ); } return null; }); } var VERSION = "1.6.18", LEFT = "left", RIGHT = "right", UP = "up", DOWN = "down", IN = "in", OUT = "out", NONE = "none", AUTO = "auto", SWIPE = "swipe", PINCH = "pinch", TAP = "tap", DOUBLE_TAP = "doubletap", LONG_TAP = "longtap", HORIZONTAL = "horizontal", VERTICAL = "vertical", ALL_FINGERS = "all", DOUBLE_TAP_THRESHOLD = 10, PHASE_START = "start", PHASE_MOVE = "move", PHASE_END = "end", PHASE_CANCEL = "cancel", SUPPORTS_TOUCH = "ontouchstart" in window, SUPPORTS_POINTER_IE10 = window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && !window.PointerEvent && !SUPPORTS_TOUCH, SUPPORTS_POINTER = (window.PointerEvent || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) && !SUPPORTS_TOUCH, PLUGIN_NS = "TouchSwipe", defaults = { fingers: 1, threshold: 75, cancelThreshold: null, pinchThreshold: 20, maxTimeThreshold: null, fingerReleaseThreshold: 250, longTapThreshold: 500, doubleTapThreshold: 200, swipe: null, swipeLeft: null, swipeRight: null, swipeUp: null, swipeDown: null, swipeStatus: null, pinchIn: null, pinchOut: null, pinchStatus: null, click: null, tap: null, doubleTap: null, longTap: null, hold: null, triggerOnTouchEnd: !0, triggerOnTouchLeave: !1, allowPageScroll: "auto", fallbackToMouseEvents: !0, excludedElements: ".noSwipe", preventDefaultEvents: !0, }; ($.fn.swipe = function (method) { var $this = $(this), plugin = $; if (plugin && "string" == typeof method) { if (plugin[method]) return plugin[method].apply( plugin,, 1) ); $.error("Method " + method + " does not exist on jQuery.swipe"); } else if (plugin && "object" == typeof method) plugin.option.apply(plugin, arguments); else if (!(plugin || ("object" != typeof method && method))) return init.apply(this, arguments); return $this; }), ($.fn.swipe.version = VERSION), ($.fn.swipe.defaults = defaults), ($.fn.swipe.phases = { PHASE_START: PHASE_START, PHASE_MOVE: PHASE_MOVE, PHASE_END: PHASE_END, PHASE_CANCEL: PHASE_CANCEL, }), ($.fn.swipe.directions = { LEFT: LEFT, RIGHT: RIGHT, UP: UP, DOWN: DOWN, IN: IN, OUT: OUT, }), ($.fn.swipe.pageScroll = { NONE: NONE, HORIZONTAL: HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL: VERTICAL, AUTO: AUTO, }), ($.fn.swipe.fingers = { ONE: 1, TWO: 2, THREE: 3, FOUR: 4, FIVE: 5, ALL: ALL_FINGERS, }); }); !(function () { "use strict"; (String.prototype.has = function (e) { return this.indexOf(e) > -1; }), void 0 === document.documentElement.classList && ((document.documentElement.classList = document.documentElement.className.split(" ")), 1 === document.documentElement.classList.length && 0 === document.documentElement.classList[0].length && (document.documentElement.classList = []), (document.documentElement.classList.add = function (e) { document.documentElement.classList.push(e), (document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.classList.join(" ")); })); (window.userAgent = new (function () { var e = this, t = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), s = [], n = []; t.has("chrome") ? 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i < cdnPathMatchArr.length; i++) { var match = cdnPathMatchArr[i]; if (match && originalPath.indexOf(match) == 0) { if (originalPathExtension != "js" || originalPathExtension != "css") { resultPath = cdnDomain + originalPath; } } } } // S7ImageDomain 및 S7ContentDomain은 현재 경로에 damRootPath가 있는 경우에만 적용 if (damRootPath && originalPath.indexOf(damRootPath) > -1) { // S7 images file extensions 에 맞을경우 CDN 을 붙여 준다. if (s7ImageExtensionMatch) { var s7ImageExtensionMatchArr = s7ImageExtensionMatch.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < s7ImageExtensionMatchArr.length; i++) { var match = s7ImageExtensionMatchArr[i]; if (match && originalPath.toLowerCase().indexOf("."+match) > -1) { // damRootPath를 s7ImageDomain으로 교체 var pattern = new RegExp('\('+damRootPath+'\)','gi'); resultPath = originalPath.replace(pattern, currentImageDomain); // 현재 경로에 preset이 이미 붙어있거나 imwidth, imheight가 있는 경우 origin 프리셋 처리하지 않음 var hasPreset = originalPath.match(/.*\?\$.*\$.*/) || originalPath.match(".*\?imwidth\=.*") || originalPath.match(".*\?imheight\=.*"); // 이미지 파일 중 preset이 붙어야 하는 이미지를 처리하는 부분 if (s7ImagePresetMatch && !hasPreset) { var preset = getPreset(match, s7ImagePresetMatch); // preset 파라미터 추가 resultPath += "?" + preset; } } } } // S7 content file extensions 에 맞을경우 CDN 을 붙여 준다. if (s7ContentExtensionMatch) { var s7ContentExtensionMatchArr = s7ContentExtensionMatch.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < s7ContentExtensionMatchArr.length; i++) { var match = s7ContentExtensionMatchArr[i]; if (match && originalPath.toLowerCase().indexOf("." +match) > -1) { // 위에서 변환되어 damRootPath가 사라진 경우를 체크하기 위한 방어 로직 if (resultPath.indexOf(damRootPath) > -1) { var pattern = new RegExp('\('+damRootPath+'\)','gi'); resultPath = originalPath.replace(pattern, currentContentDomain); } } } } } // CDN DAM file extensions 에 맞을경우 CDN 을 붙여 준다. if (cdnDamExtensionMatch) { var cdnDamExtensionMatchArr = cdnDamExtensionMatch.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < cdnDamExtensionMatchArr.length; i++) { var match = cdnDamExtensionMatchArr[i]; if (match && originalPath.toLowerCase.indexOf("."+ match) > -1) { resultPath = cdnDamDomain + originalPath; } } } return resultPath; } function getPreset(ext) { var preset = "$ORIGIN_IMG$"; var s7ImagePresetMatch = "jpg|$ORIGIN_JPG$,jpeg|$ORIGIN_JPG$,png|$ORIGIN_PNG$,gif|$ORIGIN_GIF$"; var s7ImagePresetMatchArr = s7ImagePresetMatch.split(","); // e.g) jpg|$ORIGIN_JPG$ / png|$ORIGIN_PNG$ for (var i = 0; i < s7ImagePresetMatchArr.length; i++) { var thisPreset = s7ImagePresetMatchArr[i]; if (thisPreset.indexOf("|") > -1) { var matchedExt = thisPreset.split("|")[0]; var matchedPreset = thisPreset.split("|")[1]; //preset mapping if (ext.toLowerCase() == matchedExt) { preset = matchedPreset; break; } } } return preset; } function convertCustomLink(originalPath) { if (!originalPath || "" == originalPath) { return originalPath; } const absoluteDomains = ","; const replacePatterns = "/content/semiconductor/global/:/,/content/semiconductor/:/"; const excludedExtensions = ""; const excludedPaths = "//,/content/dam/samsung"; const excludedCharacters = "#,?,=,."; let publishPath = originalPath; let isRewrite = true; let isAbsolute = false; let isInner = publishPath.indexOf("/") == 0; let isExcluded = false; // 경로 내 절대경로 포함여부 확인 (시작여부 x 포함여부) if (absoluteDomains) { let absoluteDomainArr = absoluteDomains.split(","); for (let i = 0; i < absoluteDomainArr.length; i++) { if (publishPath.indexOf(absoluteDomainArr[i]) >= 0) { isAbsolute = true; break; } } } // 경로 시작이 "/"가 아니면서 경로에 absoluteDomain이 없으면 isRewrite = false; if (!isAbsolute && !isInner) { isRewrite = false; } // 제외처리된 확장자 확인 if (excludedExtensions) { let excludedExtensionArr = excludedExtensions.split(","); for (let i = 0; i < excludedExtensionArr.length; i++) { let thisExt = "." + excludedExtensionArr[i]; if (isStringEndWith(publishPath, thisExt)) { isExcluded = true; break; } } } // 제외처리된 경로로 시작하는지 확인 if (!isExcluded && excludedPaths) { let excludedPathArr = excludedPaths.split(","); for (let i = 0; i < excludedPathArr.length; i++) { if (publishPath.indexOf(excludedPathArr[i]) == 0) { isExcluded = true; break; } } } // 다시쓰기 조건에 일치하고 제외 조건에 불일치한 경우 변환 if (isRewrite && !isExcluded) { // .html이 포함되어 있으면 /로 변환 if (publishPath.indexOf(".html") >= 0) { publishPath = publishPath.replace(".html", "/"); } // replacePatterns와 일치하면 변환 if (replacePatterns) { let replacePatternArr = replacePatterns.split(","); for (let i = 0; i < replacePatternArr.length; i++) { if (replacePatternArr[i].indexOf(":") > -1) { let patternSplit = replacePatternArr[i].split(":"); publishPath = publishPath.replace(patternSplit[0], patternSplit[1]); } } } // excludedCharacter 관련 처리 let isExcludedChars = false; if (excludedCharacters) { let excludedCharacterArr = excludedCharacters.split(","); let lastPath = publishPath.substr(publishPath.lastIndexOf("/")); for (let i = 0; i < excludedCharacterArr.length; i++) { if (lastPath.indexOf(excludedCharacterArr[i]) >= 0) { isExcludedChars = true; break; } } } // 예외처리 문자열이 포함되지 않은 경우 변환 if (!isExcludedChars) { // 마지막이 "/"로 끝나지 않는 경우 "/"를 추가 if (!isStringEndWith(publishPath, "/")) { publishPath += "/"; // 마지막이 "//"로 끝나는 경우 마지막 "/" 제거 } else if (isStringEndWith(publishPath, "//")) { publishPath = publishPath.substr(0, publishPath.length -1); } } } return publishPath; } // ie 대응을 위해 endswith 대신 사용할 유틸함수 function isStringEndWith(string, suffix) { if (string.length < suffix.length) { return false; } return string.lastIndexOf(suffix) + suffix.length == string.length; } </script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/semiconductor/components/global/content/search/sr-semi-search-popup/clientlibs/site.min.js"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/semiconductor/components/global/content/event/ev-semi-subscription/clientlibs/site.min.js"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/semiconductor/components/global/content/common/cm-semi-whats-new/clientlibs/site.min.js"></script> <script 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