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Please use some care when ordering. Please only order covers that you are at least 50% certain of retaining. If you decide to return more than half of a selection, I cannot send any more covers.</strong></font></p> </li> <li> <p class="auto-style3"><strong>Covers must be returned in the original holders with the label intact. Do not cut, fold or trim the holder. Do not mark the label. If you receive covers with an invoice, a payment envelope will be included for you convenience. This payment envelope is not suitable for returns. You must use an envelope large enough to fit the cover. I will not accept the return of any cover with an altered holder.</strong></p> </li> <li> <p class="style34"> <font color="#660000" face="Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"> <strong>Partial returns are not allowed if the resulting purchase would be under $10.00. In this case, you must return the entire order for a refund.</strong></font></p> </li> </ul> <p class="style33"> <font face="Times New Roman, Times"> <a href="javascript:window.history.go(-1);"> <img src="images/Go_Back.jpg" value="go back" alt="Go Back" class="style32" /></a></font></p> <!-- #EndEditable --></div> <span class="style9"> <!-- End Content --></div> </span> <!-- End Footer --></div> <!-- End Container --> <span class="style9"> <div id="footer" class="style17"> <a class="style14" href="index_Old.htm">Home</a> | <a href="Worldwide/index.htm">Worldwide Covers</a> | <a href="United_States/index.htm">United States Covers</a> | <a href="State/index.htm">U.S. Covers By State</a> | <a href="Airmail/index.htm">Airmail Covers</a> | <a href="Military/index.htm">Military Covers</a> | <a href="Post_Offices/index.htm">U.S. Post Offices</a> | <a href="faq/faq.htm">FAQ</a> | <span class="style15"><a href="Shipping.htm">Shipping</a></span><font color="#ff0000" size="2"> </font>| <a href="Payment.htm">Payment</a> <span class="style9"> | <a href="Terms.htm">Terms</a> </span> </span> | <a href="Help.htm">Help</a> |<span class="style9"> <span class="style15"> <a href="Search_for_covers.htm">Search For Covers</a></span> |<a href="search_for_information.htm"> </a> <a href="">Search For Information</a> |<font color="#ff0000" face="Times New Roman, Times"><font class="style4"> <a href="US_and_Worldwide_Listings.htm">Understanding The Listings</a> </font></font>|<font color="#ff0000" face="Times New Roman, Times"><font class="style4"> </font><a href=""> <span class="style4">View Shopping Cart</span></a><span class="style4"> </span></font>|<font color="#ff0000" face="Times New Roman, Times"><span class="style4"> <span class="style15"><a href="">Save Cart</a></span><span class="style18"> | </span><span class="style15"> <a href="">Retrieve Cart</a></span><span class="style18"> | </span><a href="">Proceed To Checkout</a></span></font> |<font color="#ff0000" face="Times New Roman, Times"><font class="style4"> </font></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times"> <font class="style4" color="#ff0000"> <a href="">Change Your Account</a></font></font> | <font color="#ff0000" face="Times New Roman, Times"> <font class="style4"> <span class="style15"><a href="privacy.htm">Privacy</a></span></font></font> | <font color="#ff0000"> <a href="Contact_Information.htm">Contact Jim Forte</a></font><br /> </span> </div> </body> <!-- #EndTemplate --> </html>