Dallas Cowboys | Official Site of the Dallas Cowboys
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Introduction.\n\nWelcome to the Dallas Cowboys Official Site (“Dallas Cowboys,” “Site,” or “it”), a Web-based software toolset operated by Dallas Cowboys Football Club, Ltd and the National Football League (collectively, the “Providers”). This page explains the terms by which you may use the Site’s online and/or mobile services, website, software and/or any other content provided on or in connection with the service (collectively the “Service” or “Services”).\n\nBy accessing or using the Service, you signify that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this Terms of Use Agreement (“Agreement”), and to the collection and use of your information as set forth in the Site’s privacy policies, each of which shall be considered part of this Agreement, whether or not you are a registered user of the Service. The Site may modify these terms and will provide notice of such changes as described below. This Agreement applies to all visitors, users, and others who access the Service (“Users”).\n\nThe Site may acquire, merge, or create a parent or subsidiary company in the future (“New Site Entity”) before this Agreement is updated. If that occurs, you hereby agree that any New Site Entity is also covered by the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.\n\nProvider reserves the right to amend this Agreement at any time by posting an updated version. You should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then-current Agreement. Your use of the Services after our posting of amendments to this Agreement will constitute your acceptance of this Agreement, as modified. If, at any time, you do not wish to accept this Agreement, you may not use the Services.\n\nPLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY TO ENSURE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND EACH PROVISION. THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A MANDATORY INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION/JURY TRIAL WAIVER PROVISION THAT REQUIRES THE USE OF ARBITRATION ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS TO RESOLVE DISPUTES, RATHER THAN JURY TRIALS OR CLASS ACTIONS.\n\n2. Use of the Service.\n\n2A. Eligibility.\n\nThis is a contract between you and the Site. You must read and agree to these terms before using any of the Site Services. If you do not agree, you may not use the Service. You may use the Service only if you can form a binding contract with the Site, and only in compliance with this Agreement and all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations. Any use or access to the Service by anyone under 13 years of age is governed by the Site’s Children’s Privacy Policy (Users Under 13). The Service is not available to any Users previously removed from the Service by the Site.\n\nSubject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are hereby granted a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable, freely revocable license to use the Service for your personal use only and as permitted by the features of the Site Service. The Site reserves all rights not expressly granted herein in the Services and the Site Content (as defined below). The Site may terminate this license at any time for any reason or for no reason.\n\nThe Site may provide notifications, whether such notifications are required by law or are for marketing or other business related purposes, to you via email notice, written or hard copy notice, or through posting of such notice on the Site, as determined by the Site in its sole discretion. The Site reserves the right to determine the form and means of providing notifications to its’ Users, provided that you may opt out of certain means of notification as described in this Agreement. Provider is not responsible for any automatic filtering you or your network provider may apply to email notifications Provider sends to the email address you provide the Site. Provider may, in its sole discretion, modify or update this Agreement from time to time, and so you should review this page periodically. When Provider changes the Agreement in a material manner, Provider will provide you with reasonable notice and update the ‘last modified’ date at the top of this page. Your continued use of the Services after any such change constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms of Use. If you do not agree to any of these terms or any future Terms of Use, do not use or access (or continue to access) the Service.\n\n2B. User Accounts.\n\nYour Site account and/or profile (collectively, “Account”) gives you access to the Services and functionality that the Site may establish and maintain from time to time and in the Site’s sole discretion. The Site may maintain different types of accounts for different types of Users.\n\nIf you are a coach or employee of a university or other institution, you agree that you will only open a Site Account on behalf of such university, institution, company, organization, or other entity, and (a) “you” includes you and that entity, and (b) you represent and warrant that you are an authorized representative of the entity with the authority to bind the entity to this Agreement, and that you agree to this Agreement on the entity’s behalf. In the event the coach or employee with the foregoing authorization leaves the institution that (s)he created such account for, it shall be the institution’s responsibility to transfer control of such account to another coach or employee and the institution will have thirty (30) days to complete such transfer, including transfer of control of any data or User Content (as defined below) that has previously been created or uploaded by such User.\n\nYou may never use another User’s Account without permission. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information, and you must keep this information up to date. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your Account, and you must keep your Account password secure. The Site encourages you to use “strong” passwords (passwords that use a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols) with your Account. You must notify the Site immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your Account. The Site will not be liable for any losses caused by any unauthorized use of your Account.\n\nYou may control your User Account and how you interact within the Services by changing the settings on your settings page. By providing the Site your email address, you consent to the Site using the email address to send you Service-related notices, including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail. You may not opt-out of Service-related emails. The Site may also use your email address to send you other messages, such as special offers. If you do not want to receive such non-Service-related email messages, you may opt out. Opting out may prevent you from receiving email messages regarding special offers.\n\n2C. Service Rules.\n\nYou agree not to engage in any of the following prohibited activities: (i) copying, distributing, or disclosing any part of the Service in any medium, including without limitation by any automated or non-automated “scraping”; (ii) using any automated system, including without limitation “robots,” “spiders,” “offline readers,” etc., to access the Service in a manner that sends more request messages to the Site servers than a human can reasonably produce in the same period of time by using a conventional web browser (except that the Site grants the operators of public search engines revocable permission to use spiders to copy publicly available materials from the Site for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of such materials); (iii) transmitting spam, chain letters, or other unsolicited email; (iv) attempting to interfere with, compromise the system integrity or security or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Service; (v) taking any action that imposes, or may impose at the Site’s sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Site’s infrastructure; (vi) uploading invalid data, viruses, worms, or other software agents through the Service; (vii) collecting or harvesting any personally identifiable information, including account names, from the Service; (viii) using the Service for any commercial solicitation purposes; (ix) impersonating another person or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, conducting fraud, hiding or attempting to hide your identity; (x) interfering with the proper working of the Service; (xi) accessing any content on the Service through any technology or means other than those provided or authorized by the Service; or (xii) bypassing the measures the Site may use to prevent or restrict access to the Service, including without limitation features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or enforce limitations on use of the Service or the content therein.\n\n2D. Access to the Services.\n\nIn order to access the Services, you must have access to the World Wide Web, either directly or through devices that access Web-based content, and must pay any service fees associated with such access. Not all of the features available through the Services, including certain live streaming audio, video or access to high-quality video, will be available to you unless your computer or mobile device satisfies the minimum technical requirements that are presented when you first register for the Services. As Provider makes changes to the Services, the minimum technical requirements for access to the Services may change. You are responsible for determining whether your computer or device satisfies the minimum technical requirements before you register to access the Services. Moreover, if Provider changes the minimum technical requirements after you initially register to access the Services such that your computer or device no longer satisfies the requirements, your exclusive remedy will be to request termination of your access to the Services under the provisions of Section 25 of this Agreement.\n\n3. User Content.\n\n3A. Your Content Related Responsibilities.\n\nSome Site Services allow Users to post or provide content such as profile information, videos, images, music, comments, questions, User Data (as defined below) and other content or information (any such materials a User provides, submits, posts, displays, or otherwise makes available on the Service is referred to as “User Content”). The Site claims no ownership rights over User Content created by you. The User Content you create remains yours; however, by providing or sharing User Content through the Service, you agree to allow others to view, edit, and/or share your User Content in accordance with your settings and this Agreement. The Site has the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to remove any User Content that is shared via the Service.\n\nYou agree not to provide User Content that: (i) may create a risk of harm, loss, physical or mental injury, emotional distress, death, disability, disfigurement, or physical or mental illness to you, to any other person, or to any animal; (ii) may create a risk of any other loss or damage to any person or property; (iii) seeks to harm or exploit children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable details or otherwise; (iv) may constitute or contribute to a crime or tort; (v) contains any information or content that the Site deems to be unlawful, harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, harassing, humiliating to other people (publicly or otherwise), libelous, threatening, profane, obscene, or otherwise objectionable; (vi) contains any information or content that is illegal (including, without limitation, the disclosure of insider information under securities law or of another party’s trade secrets); (vii) contains any information or content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships; or (viii) contains any information or content that you know is not correct and current or (ix) violates any school, governing body or other applicable policy, including those related to cheating or ethics or recruiting. You agree that any User Content that you post does not and will not violate third-party rights of any kind, including without limitation any Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below) or rights of privacy. To the extent that your User Content contains music, you hereby represent that you are the owner of all the copyright rights, or otherwise have all rights necessary to use such music and grant the license to such music as anticipated below, including without limitation the performance, mechanical, and sound recordings rights, with respect to each and every musical composition (including lyrics) and sound recording contained in such User Content.\n\nThe Site reserves the right, but is not obligated, to reject and/or remove any User Content, including, without limitation, any User Content that the Site believes, in its sole discretion, violates any of these provisions, any User Content that the Site believes was obtained without the proper permissions and consents, as warranted by you below, or in response to a request by another User or third party or parent or guardian of another User or third party. You understand that publishing your User Content on or through the Site Service is not a substitute for registering it with the U.S. Copyright Office, the Writer’s Guild of America, or any other rights organization.\n\nFor the purposes of this Agreement, “Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all intellectual property and proprietary rights anywhere in the world, including all patent rights, copyright rights, mask work rights, moral rights, rights of publicity, trademark, trade dress and service mark rights, goodwill, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights as may now exist or hereafter come into existence, and all applications therefore and registrations, renewals and extensions thereof, under the laws of any state, country, territory or other jurisdiction.\n\nIn connection with your User Content, you affirm, represent and warrant that you have the consent of each and every identifiable natural person in the User Content, if any, to use such person’s name, information or likeness in the manner contemplated by the Services and this Agreement, and each such person has released you from any liability that may arise in relation to such use.\n\nYou have obtained and are solely responsible for obtaining all consents as may be required by law to provide any User Content relating to third parties. Your User Content, the Site’s and other Users’ use thereof as contemplated by this Agreement and the Services will not violate any law or infringe any rights of any third party, including but not limited to any Intellectual Property Rights and privacy rights.\n\nThe Site may exercise the rights to your User Content granted under this Agreement without liability for payment of any guild fees, residuals, payments, fees, or royalties payable under any collective bargaining agreement or otherwise.\n\nTo the best of your knowledge, all of your User Content and other information that you provide to the Site is truthful and accurate.\n\nThe Site takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any User Content that you or any other User or third party posts, sends, or otherwise makes available over the Services. You shall be solely responsible for your User Content and the consequences of providing it, publishing it, sharing it, or otherwise making it available on the Services, and you agree that the Site is only acting as a passive conduit for your online distribution and publication of your User Content. You understand and agree that you may be exposed to User Content that is inaccurate, objectionable, inappropriate for children, or otherwise unsuited to your purpose, and you agree that the Site shall not be liable for any damages you allege to incur as a result of or relating to any User Content.\n\n3B. License Grant to User Content.\n\nBy providing or otherwise making available any User Content on or through the Service, you expressly grant, and you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant, to the Site a royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, list information regarding, edit, translate, distribute, syndicate, publicly perform, publicly display, and make derivative works of all such User Content and your name, voice, and/or likeness as contained in your User Content, in whole or in part, and in any form, media or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, for use in connection with the Services, the Site’s (and its successors’ and affiliates’) businesses, and as otherwise permitted under this Agreement, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Services (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. You expressly acknowledge Provider’s broad rights and the rights of Provider’s partners to use your data as permitted under the Privacy Policy. You also hereby grant each User of the Services a non-exclusive license to access your User Content through the Services, and to use, reproduce, distribute, display and perform such User Content as permitted through the functionality of the Services and under this Agreement.\n\n4. User Data.\n\n4A. Your Data Related Responsibilities.\n\nCertain aspects of the Services allow Users to provide the Site with data or access to other data sources (whether online or otherwise) (“User Data”). In connection with User Data, as of the date you accepted this Agreement and throughout the term of this Agreement, you represent, warrant and agree that: (i) you have obtained such User Data lawfully, and such User Data does not and will not violate any applicable laws or a third party’s proprietary or intellectual property rights; (ii) you shall not provide any User Data or content that contains bank account information, credit or debit card information, personal information collected from children under 13 years of age without the parent’s consent, social security numbers, or health or medical information, except in designated areas of the Service which permit the receipt of such sensitive data elements. Such data may not be submitted or stored by the Site without the Site’s explicit consent, and the Site reserves the right to delete or anonymize such data if discovered stored in an unauthorized location within the Service. You are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with all privacy laws in all jurisdictions that may apply to your User Data that you share with the Site for the provision of Services under this Agreement. The Site may exercise the rights to your User Data granted under this Agreement without liability or cost to any third party.\n\n4B. License Grant to User Data.\n\nBy submitting such User Data, or providing the Site with access to such User Data, you expressly grant, and you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant, all right and licenses to the User Data required for the Site and the Site’s subcontractors and service providers to provide the Services and otherwise use User Data as permitted under this Agreement, including, without limitation, the Site’s consultative services such as the reconciliation of data from multiple sources. You acknowledge and agree that the Site may collect, analyze and use User Data, including data that has been anonymized, aggregated or derived from User Data, as well as data about your access and use of the Services, for the purpose of providing, operating, analyzing, and improving the Services.\n\n5. Mobile Software.\n\n5A. Generally.\n\nProvider may make available software to access the Services via a mobile device (“Mobile Software”). To use the Mobile Software, you must have a mobile device that is compatible with the Mobile Software. The Site does not warrant that the Mobile Software will be compatible with your mobile device. You may use mobile data in connection with the Mobile Software and may incur additional charges from your wireless provider for these services. You agree that you are solely responsible for any such charges. The Site hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use a compiled code copy of the Mobile Software for one Site Account on one mobile device owned or leased solely by you, for your personal use. You may not: (i) modify, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Mobile Software, except to the extent that such restriction is expressly prohibited by law; (ii) rent, lease, loan, resell, sublicense, distribute or otherwise transfer the Mobile Software to any third party or use the Mobile Software to provide time sharing or similar services for any third party; (iii) make any copies of the Mobile Software; (iv) remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Mobile Software, features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content accessible through the Mobile Software, or features that enforce limitations on use of the Mobile Software; or (v) delete the copyright and other proprietary rights notices on the Mobile Software.\n\nYou acknowledge that the Site may, from time to time, issue upgraded versions of the Mobile Software, and may automatically electronically upgrade the version of the Mobile Software that you are using on your mobile device. You consent to such automatic upgrading on your mobile device and agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement will apply to all such upgrades. Any third party code that may be incorporated in the Mobile Software is covered by the applicable open source or third-party license end user license agreement, if any, authorizing use of such code. The foregoing license grant is not a sale of the Mobile Software or any copy thereof, and the Site or its third party partners or suppliers retain all right, title, and interest in the Mobile Software (and any copy thereof). Any attempt by you to transfer any of the rights, duties or obligations hereunder, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement, is void. The Site reserves all rights not expressly granted under this Agreement.\n\n5B. Mobile Software Acquired on behalf of the United States Government.\n\nIf the Mobile Software is being acquired on behalf of the United States Government, then the following provision applies.\n\nThe Mobile Software will be deemed to be “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation,” respectively, pursuant to 48 C.F.R. § 227.7202-1 and 48 C.F.R. § 12.212, as applicable. Any use, reproduction, release, performance, display or disclosure of the Service and any accompanying documentation by the U.S. Government will be governed solely by these Terms of Service and is prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by these Terms of Service. The Mobile Software originates in the United States and is subject to United States export laws and regulations. The Mobile Software may not be exported or re-exported to certain countries or those persons or entities prohibited from receiving exports from the United States. In addition, the Mobile Software may be subject to the import and export laws of other countries. You agree to comply with all United States and foreign laws related to use of the Mobile Software and the Site Service.\n\n5C. Mobile Software from iTUNES.\n\nThe following applies to any Mobile Software you acquire from the iTunes Store (“iTunes-Sourced Software”):\n\n(i) You acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is solely between you and the Site, not Apple, and that Apple has no responsibility for the iTunes-Sourced Software or content thereof. Your use of the iTunes-Sourced Software must comply with the App Store Terms of Service. You acknowledge that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the iTunes-Sourced Software. In the event of any failure of the iTunes-Sourced Software to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the iTunes-Sourced Software to you; to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the iTunes-Sourced Software, and any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will be solely governed by this Agreement and any law applicable to the Site as provider of the software.\n\n(ii) You acknowledge that Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims of you or any third party relating to the iTunes-Sourced Software or your possession and/or use of the iTunes-Sourced Software, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the iTunes-Sourced Software fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation; and all such claims are governed solely by this Agreement and any law applicable to the Site as provider of the software. You acknowledge that, in the event of any third-party claim that the iTunes-Sourced Software or your possession and use of that iTunes-Sourced Software infringes that third party’s intellectual property rights, the Site, not Apple, will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim to the extent required by this Agreement. You and the Site acknowledge and agree that Apple, and Apple’s subsidiaries, are third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement as related to your license of the iTunes-Sourced Software, and that, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce this Agreement as related to your license of the iTunes-Sourced Software against you as a third-party beneficiary thereof.\n\n5D. Mobile Software from Google.\n\nThe following applies to any Mobile Software you acquire from the Google Play Store (“Google-Sourced Software”):\n\n(i) you acknowledge that the Agreement is between you and the Site only, and not with Google, Inc. (“Google”);\n\n(ii) your use of Google-Sourced Software must comply with Google’s then-current Google Play Store Terms of Service;\n\n(iii) Google is only a provider of the Google Play Store where you obtained the Google-Sourced Software;\n\n(iv) the Site, and not Google, is solely responsible for its Google-Sourced Software;\n\n(v) (v) Google has no obligation or liability to you with respect to Google-Sourced Software or the Agreement; and (vi) you acknowledge and agree that Google is a third-party beneficiary to the Agreement as it relates to the Site’s Google-Sourced Software.\n\n6. The Site’s Proprietary Rights.\n\n6A. Site Content.\n\nExcept for your User Content and your User Data, the Service and all materials therein or transferred thereby, including, without limitation, software, images, text, graphics, illustrations, logos, patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, photographs, audio, videos, music, and User Content belonging to other Users (“Site Content”), and all Intellectual Property Rights related thereto, are the exclusive property of the Site and its licensors (including other Users who provide User Content through the Services). Except as explicitly provided herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a license in or under any such Intellectual Property Rights, and you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit or create derivative works from any Site Content. Use of Site Content for any purpose not expressly permitted by this Agreement is strictly prohibited.\n\n6B. Site Property.\n\nThe Services contains additional data, information, and other content not owned by you, such as reputational or status indicators and/or fictional property representing virtual progress or achievements within the Services (“Site Property”). You understand and agree that, regardless of terminology used, Site Property represents a limited license right governed solely by the terms of this Agreement and available for distribution at the Site’s sole discretion. Site Property is not redeemable for any sum of money or monetary value from the Site at any time. You acknowledge that you do not own the Account you use to access the Services, nor you possess any rights of access or rights to data stored by or on behalf of the Site or on the Site’s servers, including without limitation any data representing or embodying any or all Site Property. You agree that the Site has the absolute right to manage, regulate, control, modify and/or eliminate Site Property as it sees fit in its sole discretion, in any general or specific case, and that the Site will have no liability to you based on its exercise of such right.\n\nAll data on the Site’s servers are subject to deletion, alteration, or transfer.\n\nNotwithstanding any value attributed to such data by you or any third party, you understand and agree that any data, Account history and Account content residing on the Site’s servers, may be deleted, altered, moved or transferred at any time for any reason in Provider’s sole discretion, with or without notice and with no liability of any kind. The Site does not provide or guarantee, and you expressly disclaim, any value, cash or otherwise, attributed to your user content and user data residing on the Site’s servers.\n\n7. Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions\n\nContests, sweepstakes and other similar promotions that you enter on the Site or in connection with the Site integrated with a third-party website, service, application, platform, and/or content (“Provider Promotions”) may be subject to official rules and/or conditions that are supplemental to this Agreement, and which may provide details governing the Provider Promotion such as eligibility requirements, entry instructions, deadlines, prize information and restrictions. If you wish to participate in any Provider Promotion, please first review the applicable Promotion official rules and/or conditions. If a Provider Promotion’s official rules and/or conditions conflict with this Agreement, the provisions contained in the official rules and/or conditions govern and control the Provider Promotion. Your entry in to a Provider Promotion constitutes User Content and is subject to all provisions of this Agreement that govern your submission and our use of your User Content.\n\n8. User Submissions.\n\n8A. Ideas about Services’ Improvements.\n\nYou may choose to, or the Site may invite you to, submit comments or ideas about the Services, including without limitation about how to improve the Services or products (“Ideas”). By submitting any Idea, you agree that your disclosure is gratuitous, unsolicited and without restriction and will not place the Site under any fiduciary or other obligation, and that the Site is free to use the Idea without any additional compensation to you, and/or to disclose the Idea on a non-confidential basis or otherwise to anyone. Please do not include any ideas that the Site’s Terms of Use will not permit it to accept or consider.\n\nYou further acknowledge that, by acceptance of your submission, the Site does not waive any rights to use similar or related ideas previously known to the Site, or developed by its employees, or obtained from sources other than you.\n\n8B. Unsolicited Submissions.\n\nNeither the Dallas Cowboys nor any of its affiliates or employees accept or consider unsolicited ideas for new creative, marketing, promotions, products or technologies through its member sites. Please do not submit any unsolicited ideas, original creative artwork, suggestions or other works (“Submissions”) in any form to the Site. This policy is not intended to serve as a barrier to receiving and responding to feedback from valued Dallas Cowboys fans. The sole purpose of this policy is to avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes when Dallas Cowboys or affiliates’ products, strategies or other materials might seem similar to ideas submitted to the Dallas Cowboys.\n\nIf, despite Provider’s request that you not send Provider your ideas, you still submit them, then regardless of what your letter says, you agree that: (i) your submissions and their contents will automatically become the property of the Dallas Cowboys and its affiliates, without any compensation to you; (ii) Dallas Cowboys may use or redistribute the submissions and their contents for any purpose and in any way; (iii) there is no obligation for the Dallas Cowboys and its affiliates to review the submission; and (iv) there is no obligation to keep any submissions confidential.\n\n9. Paid Services.\n\n9A. Subscription Based Billing Policies.\n\nCertain subscription-based Services may be provided for a fee or other charge (“Subscription”). If you elect to use these paid aspects of the Services, you agree to the pricing and payment terms as published on the websites, mobile devices or other digital methods, whatever the case may be. The Site may update certain pricing and payment terms from time to time based on the specific Service. The Site may also add new services for additional fees and charges, add or amend fees and charges for existing Services, at any time in its sole discretion. Any change to the Site’s pricing or payment terms shall become effective in the billing cycle following notice of such change to you as provided in this Agreement. This paragraph may not apply if the Service provided by the Site is based on a contract between you the Site. If those instances, then the contract will provide the terms and conditions for any changes to pricing and payment terms.\n\n9B. Subscription Cancellation; No Refunds.\n\nIt is your sole responsibility to terminate your paid Subscription. There are no refunds for cancellation. In the event that the Site suspends or terminates your Account or this Agreement, you understand and agree that you shall receive no refund or exchange for any Site Property, any unused time on a Subscription, any license or Subscription fees for any portion of the Service, any content or data associated with your account, or for anything else.\n\n9C. Payment Information; Taxes.\n\nAll information that you provide in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction for any Site Service must be accurate, complete, and current. You agree to pay all charges incurred by users of your credit card, debit card, or other payment method used in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with a Service at the prices in effect when such charges are incurred. You must provide current, complete and accurate information for your billing account and promptly update all information to keep such information current, and you must promptly notify the Site if your payment method is canceled (e.g., for loss, theft, or expiration) or if you become aware of a potential breach of security, such as the unauthorized disclosure or use of your username or password. You also agree to pay all applicable taxes, if any, relating to any such purchases, transactions or other monetary transaction interactions.\n\n10. No Professional Advice.\n\nIf a Service provides professional information (for example, legal, medical or compliance advice), such information is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice. No action should be taken based upon any information contained in the Services. You should seek independent professional advice from a person who is licensed and/or qualified in the applicable area.\n\n11. Termination.\n\nYou may terminate this Agreement at any time by taking the necessary steps to close your Account and discontinue all use of the Services. The Site may, without prior notice, take the following steps: (i) change the Service; (ii) stop providing the Service or features of the Service, to you or to Users generally; or (iii) create usage limits for the Service. The Site may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend your access to the Service without notice and liability for any reason, including if in the Site’s sole determination you violate any provision of this Agreement, or for no reason. You agree that the Site will not be liable to you or any other party for any termination of your access to the services or deletion of your account or your submission materials.\n\nIn the event of termination, however, those Sections in this Agreement which, by their nature, survive termination of the Agreement shall so survive. Specifically, and without limitation, the license you have granted to the Site and to third parties to use any User Content and User Data survives termination of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement for any reason shall not entitle you to a refund under any circumstances. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, you shall make no further use of the Services whatsoever.\n\n12. Privacy.\n\nThe Site cares about the privacy of its Users. You understand that by using the Services, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personally identifiable information and aggregate data as set forth in the Site’s Privacy Policy(ies), available at **[] and to have your personally identifiable information collected, used, transferred to and processed in the United States.\n\n13. Security.**\n\nThe Site cares about the integrity and security of your personal information. However, the Site cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat the Site’s security measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. You acknowledge that you provide your personal information at your own risk.\n\n14. Third-Party Links & Information.\n\nThe Services may contain links to third-party materials that are not owned or controlled by the Site. The Site does not endorse or assume any responsibility for any such third-party sites, information, materials, products, or services. If you access a third-party website or service from the Service or share your User Content on or through any third-party website or service, you do so at your own risk, and you understand that this Agreement, including the Site’s Privacy Policy(ies), do not apply to your use of such sites. You expressly relieve the Site from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website, service, or content, including, without limitation, User Content submitted by other Users. Additionally, your dealings with or participation in promotions of advertisers found through the Services, including payment and delivery of goods, and any other terms (such as warranties) are solely between you and such advertisers. You agree that the Site shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort relating to your dealings with such advertisers.\n\n15. Indemnity.\n\nYou agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Site and its subsidiaries, agents, licensors, managers, and other affiliated companies, and their employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees) arising from: (i) your use of and access to the Services, including any data or content transmitted or received by you; (ii) your violation of any term of this Agreement, including without limitation your breach of any of the representations and warranties above; (iii) your violation of any third-party right, including without limitation any right of privacy or Intellectual Property Rights; (iv) your violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation; (v) User Content or any content that is submitted via your account including without limitation misleading, false, or inaccurate information; (vi) your willful misconduct; or (vii) any other party’s access and use of the Service with your unique username, password or other appropriate security code. These obligations will survive any termination of this Agreement.\n\n16. No Warranty.\n\nThe Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Use of the Service is at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Service is provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from the Site or through the Service will create any warranty not expressly stated herein. Without limiting the foregoing, the Site, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, and its licensors do not warrant that the content is accurate, reliable or correct; that the Service will meet your requirements; that the Service will be available at any particular time or location, uninterrupted or secure; that any defects or errors will be corrected; or that the Service is free of viruses or other harmful components. Any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Service is downloaded at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or mobile device or loss of data that results from such download or your use of the Service.\n\nYou are responsible, at your sole cost and expense, for providing all equipment necessary to access the Internet and/or the Services. The Services may be unavailable from time to time for any reason including, without limitation, routine maintenance. In addition, various portions of the Service may operate slowly from time to time. You understand and acknowledge that due to circumstances both within and outside of the control of the Site, access to the Services may be interrupted, suspended or terminated from time to time. In particular, and not in limitation of the foregoing, the Site shall not be liable in any way for any delay in responding to an inquiry or question forwarded by you or the effects any delay or unavailability may have on you. You agree that the Site shall not be liable for any damages arising from any such interruption, suspension or termination of the Service and that you shall put in place contingency plans to account for such periodic interruptions or suspensions of the Service.\n\nThe Site does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any product or Service advertised or offered by a third party through the Site Services or any hyperlinked website or service, and the Site will not be a party to or in any way monitor any transaction between you and third-party providers of products or services.\n\nFederal law, some states, provinces and other jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion and limitations of certain implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. This agreement gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. The disclaimers and exclusions under this agreement will not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.\n\n17. Limitation of Liability.\n\nTo the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the Site, its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, suppliers or licensors be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including without limitation damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, arising out of or relating to the use of, or inability to use, this Service. Under no circumstances will the Site be responsible for any damage, loss or injury resulting from hacking, tampering or other unauthorized access or use of the Service or your account or the information contained therein.\n\nTo the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Site assumes no liability or responsibility for any: (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content; (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to or use of the Service; (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of the Site’s secure servers and/or any and all personal information stored therein; (iv) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Service; (v) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like that may be transmitted to or through the Service by any third party; (vi) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available through the Service; and/or (vii) user content or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party. In no event shall the Site, its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, suppliers, or licensors be liable to you for any claims, proceedings, liabilities, obligations, damages, losses or costs in an amount exceeding the amount you paid to the Site hereunder or $100.00, whichever is greater.\n\nThis limitation of liability section applies whether the alleged liability is based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or any other basis, even if the Site has been advised of the possibility of such damage. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction.\n\nSome states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This agreement gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. The disclaimers, exclusions, and limitations of liability under this agreement will not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.\n\n18. Governing Law, Arbitration, and Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver.\n\n18A. Governing Law.\n\nYou agree that: (i) the Services shall be deemed solely based in Texas; and (ii) the Services shall be deemed a passive one that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over the Site, either specific or general, in jurisdictions other than Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of Texas, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement evidences a transaction involving interstate commerce. Notwithstanding the preceding sentences with respect to the substantive law, any arbitration conducted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16). The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.\n\nYou agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in Dallas County, Texas for any actions for which the Site retains the right to seek injunctive or other equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction to prevent the actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation or violation of the Site’s copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, or other Intellectual Property Rights, as set forth in the Arbitration provision below, including any provisional relief required to prevent irreparable harm. You agree that Dallas, Dallas County, Texas is the proper forum for any appeals of an arbitration award or for trial court proceedings in the event that the arbitration provision below is found to be unenforceable.\n\n18B. Arbitration.\n\nREAD THIS SECTION CAREFULLY BECAUSE IT REQUIRES THE PARTIES TO ARBITRATE THEIR DISPUTES AND LIMITS THE MANNER IN WHICH YOU CAN SEEK RELIEF FROM THE SITE.\n\nFor any dispute with the Site, you agree to first contact the Site at and attempt to resolve the dispute with the Site informally. In the unlikely event that the Site is not been able to resolve a dispute it has with you after sixty (60) days, the parties each agree to resolve any claim, dispute, or controversy (excluding any claims for injunctive or other equitable relief as provided below) arising out of or in connection with or relating to this Agreement, or the breach or alleged breach thereof (collectively, “Claims”), by binding arbitration by JAMS, under the Optional Expedited Arbitration Procedures then in effect for JAMS, except as provided herein. JAMS may be contacted at The arbitration will be conducted in Dallas County, Texas, unless you and the Site agree otherwise.\n\nIf you are using the Service for commercial purposes, each party will be responsible for paying any JAMS filing, administrative and arbitrator fees in accordance with JAMS rules, and the award rendered by the arbitrator shall include costs of arbitration, reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses. If you are an individual using the Service for non-commercial purposes: (i) JAMS may require you to pay a fee for the initiation of your case, unless you apply for and successfully obtain a fee waiver from JAMS; (ii) the award rendered by the arbitrator may include your costs of arbitration, your reasonable attorney’s fees, and your reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses; and (iii) you may sue in a small claims court of competent jurisdiction without first engaging in arbitration, but this does not absolve you of your commitment to engage in the informal dispute resolution process. Any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Nothing in this Section shall be deemed as preventing the Site from seeking injunctive or other equitable relief from the courts as necessary to prevent the actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation, or violation of the Site’s data security, Intellectual Property Rights or other proprietary rights.\n\n18C. Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver.\n\nREAD THIS SECTION CAREFULLY BECAUSE IT REQUIRES THE PARTIES TO WAIVE THEIR RIGHTS TO CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS AND JURY TRIALS AND LIMITS THE MANNER IN WHICH YOU CAN SEEK RELIEF FROM THE SITE.\n\nWith respect to all persons and entities, regardless of whether they have obtained or used the Service for personal, commercial or other purposes, all claims must be brought in the parties’ individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action, collective action, private attorney general action or other representative proceeding. This waiver applies to class arbitration, and, unless the Site agrees otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims. You agree that, by entering into this agreement, you and the Site are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action, collective action, private attorney general action, or other representative proceeding of any kind.\n\n19. Assignment.\n\nThis Agreement, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by the Site without restriction. Any attempted transfer or assignment in violation hereof shall be null and void.\n\n20. Severability.\n\nThis Agreement and the Site Privacy Policy(ies), together with any amendments and any additional agreements you may enter into with the Site in connection with the Services, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and the Site concerning the Services. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect, except that in the event of unenforceability of the universal Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver, the entire arbitration agreement shall be unenforceable. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any separate agreement(s) you may enter into with the Site in connection with the Services, the terms of such separate agreement(s) shall govern.\n\n21. No Waiver.\n\nNo waiver of any term of this Agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and the Site’s failure to assert any right or provision under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.\n\n22. Contact.\n\nPlease contact the Site at with any questions regarding this Agreement.","url":"","headline":"Terms of Use","description":"Terms of Use","datePublished":"2018-12-25T00:16:40.836Z","dateModified":"2024-06-10T14:19:38.504Z","author":{"@type":"Organization","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject"},"@context":""},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject"},"@context":""},"keywords":[],"articleSection":"","@context":""}</script><article class="d3-l-section-row nfl-c-article "> <div class="d3-l-grid--outer"> <div class="nfl-c-article__body d3-l-grid--inner" data-require="modules/smoothScroller"> <div class="d3-l-col__col-8"> <div class="nfl-o-truste-seal"> <a href="//" target="_blank" aria-label="TRUSTe - Opens new window"> <img style="border: none" src="//" alt="TRUSTe" /> </a> </div> </div> <div class="d3-l-col__col-8" > <div class="nfl-c-article__container "> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p><strong>WEBSITE GENERAL TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT</strong></p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p><em>Last Updated: February 16, 2022</em></p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>1. Introduction.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Welcome to the Dallas Cowboys Official Site ("<strong>Dallas Cowboys</strong>," "<strong>Site</strong>," or "<strong>it</strong>"), a Web-based software toolset operated by Dallas Cowboys Football Club, Ltd and the National Football League (collectively, the "<strong>Providers</strong>"). This page explains the terms by which you may use the Site's online and/or mobile services, website, software and/or any other content provided on or in connection with the service (collectively the "<strong>Service</strong>" or "<strong>Services</strong>").</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>By accessing or using the Service, you signify that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this Terms of Use Agreement ("<strong>Agreement</strong>"), and to the collection and use of your information as set forth in the Site's privacy policies, each of which shall be considered part of this Agreement, whether or not you are a registered user of the Service. The Site may modify these terms and will provide notice of such changes as described below. This Agreement applies to all visitors, users, and others who access the Service ("<strong>Users</strong>").</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Site may acquire, merge, or create a parent or subsidiary company in the future ("<strong>New Site Entity</strong>") before this Agreement is updated. If that occurs, you hereby agree that any New Site Entity is also covered by the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Provider reserves the right to amend this Agreement at any time by posting an updated version. You should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then-current Agreement. Your use of the Services after our posting of amendments to this Agreement will constitute your acceptance of this Agreement, as modified. If, at any time, you do not wish to accept this Agreement, you may not use the Services.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY TO ENSURE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND EACH PROVISION. THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A MANDATORY INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION/JURY TRIAL WAIVER PROVISION THAT REQUIRES THE USE OF ARBITRATION ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS TO RESOLVE DISPUTES, RATHER THAN JURY TRIALS OR CLASS ACTIONS.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>2. Use of the Service.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>2A. Eligibility.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>This is a contract between you and the Site. You must read and agree to these terms before using any of the Site Services. If you do not agree, you may not use the Service. You may use the Service only if you can form a binding contract with the Site, and only in compliance with this Agreement and all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations. Any use or access to the Service by anyone under 13 years of age is governed by the Site's Children's Privacy Policy (Users Under 13). The Service is not available to any Users previously removed from the Service by the Site.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are hereby granted a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable, freely revocable license to use the Service for your personal use only and as permitted by the features of the Site Service. The Site reserves all rights not expressly granted herein in the Services and the Site Content (as defined below). The Site may terminate this license at any time for any reason or for no reason.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Site may provide notifications, whether such notifications are required by law or are for marketing or other business related purposes, to you via email notice, written or hard copy notice, or through posting of such notice on the Site, as determined by the Site in its sole discretion. The Site reserves the right to determine the form and means of providing notifications to its' Users, provided that you may opt out of certain means of notification as described in this Agreement. Provider is not responsible for any automatic filtering you or your network provider may apply to email notifications Provider sends to the email address you provide the Site. Provider may, in its sole discretion, modify or update this Agreement from time to time, and so you should review this page periodically. When Provider changes the Agreement in a material manner, Provider will provide you with reasonable notice and update the 'last modified' date at the top of this page. Your continued use of the Services after any such change constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms of Use. If you do not agree to any of these terms or any future Terms of Use, do not use or access (or continue to access) the Service.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>2B. User Accounts.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Your Site account and/or profile (collectively, "Account") gives you access to the Services and functionality that the Site may establish and maintain from time to time and in the Site's sole discretion. The Site may maintain different types of accounts for different types of Users.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>If you are a coach or employee of a university or other institution, you agree that you will only open a Site Account on behalf of such university, institution, company, organization, or other entity, and (a) "you" includes you and that entity, and (b) you represent and warrant that you are an authorized representative of the entity with the authority to bind the entity to this Agreement, and that you agree to this Agreement on the entity's behalf. In the event the coach or employee with the foregoing authorization leaves the institution that (s)he created such account for, it shall be the institution's responsibility to transfer control of such account to another coach or employee and the institution will have thirty (30) days to complete such transfer, including transfer of control of any data or User Content (as defined below) that has previously been created or uploaded by such User.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You may never use another User's Account without permission. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information, and you must keep this information up to date. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your Account, and you must keep your Account password secure. The Site encourages you to use "strong" passwords (passwords that use a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols) with your Account. You must notify the Site immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your Account. The Site will not be liable for any losses caused by any unauthorized use of your Account.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You may control your User Account and how you interact within the Services by changing the settings on your settings page. By providing the Site your email address, you consent to the Site using the email address to send you Service-related notices, including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail. You may not opt-out of Service-related emails. The Site may also use your email address to send you other messages, such as special offers. If you do not want to receive such non-Service-related email messages, you may opt out. Opting out may prevent you from receiving email messages regarding special offers.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>2C. Service Rules.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You agree not to engage in any of the following prohibited activities: (i) copying, distributing, or disclosing any part of the Service in any medium, including without limitation by any automated or non-automated "scraping"; (ii) using any automated system, including without limitation "robots," "spiders," "offline readers," etc., to access the Service in a manner that sends more request messages to the Site servers than a human can reasonably produce in the same period of time by using a conventional web browser (except that the Site grants the operators of public search engines revocable permission to use spiders to copy publicly available materials from the Site for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of such materials); (iii) transmitting spam, chain letters, or other unsolicited email; (iv) attempting to interfere with, compromise the system integrity or security or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Service; (v) taking any action that imposes, or may impose at the Site's sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Site's infrastructure; (vi) uploading invalid data, viruses, worms, or other software agents through the Service; (vii) collecting or harvesting any personally identifiable information, including account names, from the Service; (viii) using the Service for any commercial solicitation purposes; (ix) impersonating another person or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, conducting fraud, hiding or attempting to hide your identity; (x) interfering with the proper working of the Service; (xi) accessing any content on the Service through any technology or means other than those provided or authorized by the Service; or (xii) bypassing the measures the Site may use to prevent or restrict access to the Service, including without limitation features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or enforce limitations on use of the Service or the content therein.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>2D. Access to the Services.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>In order to access the Services, you must have access to the World Wide Web, either directly or through devices that access Web-based content, and must pay any service fees associated with such access. Not all of the features available through the Services, including certain live streaming audio, video or access to high-quality video, will be available to you unless your computer or mobile device satisfies the minimum technical requirements that are presented when you first register for the Services. As Provider makes changes to the Services, the minimum technical requirements for access to the Services may change. You are responsible for determining whether your computer or device satisfies the minimum technical requirements before you register to access the Services. Moreover, if Provider changes the minimum technical requirements after you initially register to access the Services such that your computer or device no longer satisfies the requirements, your exclusive remedy will be to request termination of your access to the Services under the provisions of Section 25 of this Agreement.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>3. User Content.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>3A. Your Content Related Responsibilities.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Some Site Services allow Users to post or provide content such as profile information, videos, images, music, comments, questions, User Data (as defined below) and other content or information (any such materials a User provides, submits, posts, displays, or otherwise makes available on the Service is referred to as "<strong>User Content</strong>"). The Site claims no ownership rights over User Content created by you. The User Content you create remains yours; however, by providing or sharing User Content through the Service, you agree to allow others to view, edit, and/or share your User Content in accordance with your settings and this Agreement. The Site has the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to remove any User Content that is shared via the Service.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You agree not to provide User Content that: (i) may create a risk of harm, loss, physical or mental injury, emotional distress, death, disability, disfigurement, or physical or mental illness to you, to any other person, or to any animal; (ii) may create a risk of any other loss or damage to any person or property; (iii) seeks to harm or exploit children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable details or otherwise; (iv) may constitute or contribute to a crime or tort; (v) contains any information or content that the Site deems to be unlawful, harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, harassing, humiliating to other people (publicly or otherwise), libelous, threatening, profane, obscene, or otherwise objectionable; (vi) contains any information or content that is illegal (including, without limitation, the disclosure of insider information under securities law or of another party's trade secrets); (vii) contains any information or content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships; or (viii) contains any information or content that you know is not correct and current or (ix) violates any school, governing body or other applicable policy, including those related to cheating or ethics or recruiting. You agree that any User Content that you post does not and will not violate third-party rights of any kind, including without limitation any Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below) or rights of privacy. To the extent that your User Content contains music, you hereby represent that you are the owner of all the copyright rights, or otherwise have all rights necessary to use such music and grant the license to such music as anticipated below, including without limitation the performance, mechanical, and sound recordings rights, with respect to each and every musical composition (including lyrics) and sound recording contained in such User Content.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Site reserves the right, but is not obligated, to reject and/or remove any User Content, including, without limitation, any User Content that the Site believes, in its sole discretion, violates any of these provisions, any User Content that the Site believes was obtained without the proper permissions and consents, as warranted by you below, or in response to a request by another User or third party or parent or guardian of another User or third party. You understand that publishing your User Content on or through the Site Service is not a substitute for registering it with the U.S. Copyright Office, the Writer's Guild of America, or any other rights organization.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>For the purposes of this Agreement, "<strong>Intellectual Property Rights</strong>" means any and all intellectual property and proprietary rights anywhere in the world, including all patent rights, copyright rights, mask work rights, moral rights, rights of publicity, trademark, trade dress and service mark rights, goodwill, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights as may now exist or hereafter come into existence, and all applications therefore and registrations, renewals and extensions thereof, under the laws of any state, country, territory or other jurisdiction.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>In connection with your User Content, you affirm, represent and warrant that you have the consent of each and every identifiable natural person in the User Content, if any, to use such person's name, information or likeness in the manner contemplated by the Services and this Agreement, and each such person has released you from any liability that may arise in relation to such use.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You have obtained and are solely responsible for obtaining all consents as may be required by law to provide any User Content relating to third parties. Your User Content, the Site's and other Users' use thereof as contemplated by this Agreement and the Services will not violate any law or infringe any rights of any third party, including but not limited to any Intellectual Property Rights and privacy rights.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Site may exercise the rights to your User Content granted under this Agreement without liability for payment of any guild fees, residuals, payments, fees, or royalties payable under any collective bargaining agreement or otherwise.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>To the best of your knowledge, all of your User Content and other information that you provide to the Site is truthful and accurate.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Site takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any User Content that you or any other User or third party posts, sends, or otherwise makes available over the Services. You shall be solely responsible for your User Content and the consequences of providing it, publishing it, sharing it, or otherwise making it available on the Services, and you agree that the Site is only acting as a passive conduit for your online distribution and publication of your User Content. You understand and agree that you may be exposed to User Content that is inaccurate, objectionable, inappropriate for children, or otherwise unsuited to your purpose, and you agree that the Site shall not be liable for any damages you allege to incur as a result of or relating to any User Content.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>3B. License Grant to User Content.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>By providing or otherwise making available any User Content on or through the Service, you expressly grant, and you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant, to the Site a royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, list information regarding, edit, translate, distribute, syndicate, publicly perform, publicly display, and make derivative works of all such User Content and your name, voice, and/or likeness as contained in your User Content, in whole or in part, and in any form, media or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, for use in connection with the Services, the Site's (and its successors' and affiliates') businesses, and as otherwise permitted under this Agreement, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Services (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. You expressly acknowledge Provider's broad rights and the rights of Provider's partners to use your data as permitted under the Privacy Policy. You also hereby grant each User of the Services a non-exclusive license to access your User Content through the Services, and to use, reproduce, distribute, display and perform such User Content as permitted through the functionality of the Services and under this Agreement.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>4. User Data.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>4A. Your Data Related Responsibilities.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Certain aspects of the Services allow Users to provide the Site with data or access to other data sources (whether online or otherwise) ("<strong>User Data</strong>"). In connection with User Data, as of the date you accepted this Agreement and throughout the term of this Agreement, you represent, warrant and agree that: (i) you have obtained such User Data lawfully, and such User Data does not and will not violate any applicable laws or a third party's proprietary or intellectual property rights; (ii) you shall not provide any User Data or content that contains bank account information, credit or debit card information, personal information collected from children under 13 years of age without the parent's consent, social security numbers, or health or medical information, except in designated areas of the Service which permit the receipt of such sensitive data elements. Such data may not be submitted or stored by the Site without the Site's explicit consent, and the Site reserves the right to delete or anonymize such data if discovered stored in an unauthorized location within the Service. You are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with all privacy laws in all jurisdictions that may apply to your User Data that you share with the Site for the provision of Services under this Agreement. The Site may exercise the rights to your User Data granted under this Agreement without liability or cost to any third party.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>4B. License Grant to User Data.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>By submitting such User Data, or providing the Site with access to such User Data, you expressly grant, and you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant, all right and licenses to the User Data required for the Site and the Site's subcontractors and service providers to provide the Services and otherwise use User Data as permitted under this Agreement, including, without limitation, the Site's consultative services such as the reconciliation of data from multiple sources. You acknowledge and agree that the Site may collect, analyze and use User Data, including data that has been anonymized, aggregated or derived from User Data, as well as data about your access and use of the Services, for the purpose of providing, operating, analyzing, and improving the Services.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h1><strong>5. Mobile Software.</strong></h1> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>5A. Generally.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Provider may make available software to access the Services via a mobile device ("<strong>Mobile Software</strong>"). To use the Mobile Software, you must have a mobile device that is compatible with the Mobile Software. The Site does not warrant that the Mobile Software will be compatible with your mobile device. You may use mobile data in connection with the Mobile Software and may incur additional charges from your wireless provider for these services. You agree that you are solely responsible for any such charges. The Site hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use a compiled code copy of the Mobile Software for one Site Account on one mobile device owned or leased solely by you, for your personal use. You may not: (i) modify, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Mobile Software, except to the extent that such restriction is expressly prohibited by law; (ii) rent, lease, loan, resell, sublicense, distribute or otherwise transfer the Mobile Software to any third party or use the Mobile Software to provide time sharing or similar services for any third party; (iii) make any copies of the Mobile Software; (iv) remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Mobile Software, features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content accessible through the Mobile Software, or features that enforce limitations on use of the Mobile Software; or (v) delete the copyright and other proprietary rights notices on the Mobile Software.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You acknowledge that the Site may, from time to time, issue upgraded versions of the Mobile Software, and may automatically electronically upgrade the version of the Mobile Software that you are using on your mobile device. You consent to such automatic upgrading on your mobile device and agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement will apply to all such upgrades. Any third party code that may be incorporated in the Mobile Software is covered by the applicable open source or third-party license end user license agreement, if any, authorizing use of such code. The foregoing license grant is not a sale of the Mobile Software or any copy thereof, and the Site or its third party partners or suppliers retain all right, title, and interest in the Mobile Software (and any copy thereof). Any attempt by you to transfer any of the rights, duties or obligations hereunder, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement, is void. The Site reserves all rights not expressly granted under this Agreement.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>5B. Mobile Software Acquired on behalf of the United States Government.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>If the Mobile Software is being acquired on behalf of the United States Government, then the following provision applies.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Mobile Software will be deemed to be "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation," respectively, pursuant to 48 C.F.R. § 227.7202-1 and 48 C.F.R. § 12.212, as applicable. Any use, reproduction, release, performance, display or disclosure of the Service and any accompanying documentation by the U.S. Government will be governed solely by these Terms of Service and is prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by these Terms of Service. The Mobile Software originates in the United States and is subject to United States export laws and regulations. The Mobile Software may not be exported or re-exported to certain countries or those persons or entities prohibited from receiving exports from the United States. In addition, the Mobile Software may be subject to the import and export laws of other countries. You agree to comply with all United States and foreign laws related to use of the Mobile Software and the Site Service.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>5C. Mobile Software from iTUNES.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The following applies to any Mobile Software you acquire from the iTunes Store ("<strong>iTunes-Sourced Software</strong>"):</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>(i) You acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is solely between you and the Site, not Apple, and that Apple has no responsibility for the iTunes-Sourced Software or content thereof. Your use of the iTunes-Sourced Software must comply with the App Store Terms of Service. You acknowledge that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the iTunes-Sourced Software. In the event of any failure of the iTunes-Sourced Software to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the iTunes-Sourced Software to you; to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the iTunes-Sourced Software, and any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will be solely governed by this Agreement and any law applicable to the Site as provider of the software.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>(ii) You acknowledge that Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims of you or any third party relating to the iTunes-Sourced Software or your possession and/or use of the iTunes-Sourced Software, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the iTunes-Sourced Software fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation; and all such claims are governed solely by this Agreement and any law applicable to the Site as provider of the software. You acknowledge that, in the event of any third-party claim that the iTunes-Sourced Software or your possession and use of that iTunes-Sourced Software infringes that third party's intellectual property rights, the Site, not Apple, will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim to the extent required by this Agreement. You and the Site acknowledge and agree that Apple, and Apple's subsidiaries, are third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement as related to your license of the iTunes-Sourced Software, and that, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce this Agreement as related to your license of the iTunes-Sourced Software against you as a third-party beneficiary thereof.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>5D. Mobile Software from Google.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The following applies to any Mobile Software you acquire from the Google Play Store ("<strong>Google-Sourced Software</strong>"):</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>(i) you acknowledge that the Agreement is between you and the Site only, and not with Google, Inc. ("<strong>Google</strong>");</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>(ii) your use of Google-Sourced Software must comply with Google's then-current Google Play Store Terms of Service;</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>(iii) Google is only a provider of the Google Play Store where you obtained the Google-Sourced Software;</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>(iv) the Site, and not Google, is solely responsible for its Google-Sourced Software;</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>(v) (v) Google has no obligation or liability to you with respect to Google-Sourced Software or the Agreement; and (vi) you acknowledge and agree that Google is a third-party beneficiary to the Agreement as it relates to the Site's Google-Sourced Software.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>6. The Site's Proprietary Rights.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>6A. Site Content.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Except for your User Content and your User Data, the Service and all materials therein or transferred thereby, including, without limitation, software, images, text, graphics, illustrations, logos, patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, photographs, audio, videos, music, and User Content belonging to other Users ("<strong>Site Content</strong>"), and all Intellectual Property Rights related thereto, are the exclusive property of the Site and its licensors (including other Users who provide User Content through the Services). Except as explicitly provided herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a license in or under any such Intellectual Property Rights, and you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit or create derivative works from any Site Content. Use of Site Content for any purpose not expressly permitted by this Agreement is strictly prohibited.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>6B. Site Property.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Services contains additional data, information, and other content not owned by you, such as reputational or status indicators and/or fictional property representing virtual progress or achievements within the Services ("<strong>Site Property</strong>"). You understand and agree that, regardless of terminology used, Site Property represents a limited license right governed solely by the terms of this Agreement and available for distribution at the Site's sole discretion. Site Property is not redeemable for any sum of money or monetary value from the Site at any time. You acknowledge that you do not own the Account you use to access the Services, nor you possess any rights of access or rights to data stored by or on behalf of the Site or on the Site's servers, including without limitation any data representing or embodying any or all Site Property. You agree that the Site has the absolute right to manage, regulate, control, modify and/or eliminate Site Property as it sees fit in its sole discretion, in any general or specific case, and that the Site will have no liability to you based on its exercise of such right.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>All data on the Site's servers are subject to deletion, alteration, or transfer.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Notwithstanding any value attributed to such data by you or any third party, you understand and agree that any data, Account history and Account content residing on the Site's servers, may be deleted, altered, moved or transferred at any time for any reason in Provider's sole discretion, with or without notice and with no liability of any kind. The Site does not provide or guarantee, and you expressly disclaim, any value, cash or otherwise, attributed to your user content and user data residing on the Site's servers.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>7. Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Contests, sweepstakes and other similar promotions that you enter on the Site or in connection with the Site integrated with a third-party website, service, application, platform, and/or content ("Provider Promotions") may be subject to official rules and/or conditions that are supplemental to this Agreement, and which may provide details governing the Provider Promotion such as eligibility requirements, entry instructions, deadlines, prize information and restrictions. If you wish to participate in any Provider Promotion, please first review the applicable Promotion official rules and/or conditions. If a Provider Promotion's official rules and/or conditions conflict with this Agreement, the provisions contained in the official rules and/or conditions govern and control the Provider Promotion. Your entry in to a Provider Promotion constitutes User Content and is subject to all provisions of this Agreement that govern your submission and our use of your User Content.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>8. User Submissions.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>8A. Ideas about Services' Improvements.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You may choose to, or the Site may invite you to, submit comments or ideas about the Services, including without limitation about how to improve the Services or products ("<strong>Ideas</strong>"). By submitting any Idea, you agree that your disclosure is gratuitous, unsolicited and without restriction and will not place the Site under any fiduciary or other obligation, and that the Site is free to use the Idea without any additional compensation to you, and/or to disclose the Idea on a non-confidential basis or otherwise to anyone. Please do not include any ideas that the Site's Terms of Use will not permit it to accept or consider.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You further acknowledge that, by acceptance of your submission, the Site does not waive any rights to use similar or related ideas previously known to the Site, or developed by its employees, or obtained from sources other than you.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>8B. Unsolicited Submissions.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Neither the Dallas Cowboys nor any of its affiliates or employees accept or consider unsolicited ideas for new creative, marketing, promotions, products or technologies through its member sites. Please do not submit any unsolicited ideas, original creative artwork, suggestions or other works ("<strong>Submissions</strong>") in any form to the Site. This policy is not intended to serve as a barrier to receiving and responding to feedback from valued Dallas Cowboys fans. The sole purpose of this policy is to avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes when Dallas Cowboys or affiliates' products, strategies or other materials might seem similar to ideas submitted to the Dallas Cowboys.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>If, despite Provider's request that you not send Provider your ideas, you still submit them, then regardless of what your letter says, you agree that: (i) your submissions and their contents will automatically become the property of the Dallas Cowboys and its affiliates, without any compensation to you; (ii) Dallas Cowboys may use or redistribute the submissions and their contents for any purpose and in any way; (iii) there is no obligation for the Dallas Cowboys and its affiliates to review the submission; and (iv) there is no obligation to keep any submissions confidential.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>9. Paid Services.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>9A. Subscription Based Billing Policies.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Certain subscription-based Services may be provided for a fee or other charge ("<strong>Subscription</strong>"). If you elect to use these paid aspects of the Services, you agree to the pricing and payment terms as published on the websites, mobile devices or other digital methods, whatever the case may be. The Site may update certain pricing and payment terms from time to time based on the specific Service. The Site may also add new services for additional fees and charges, add or amend fees and charges for existing Services, at any time in its sole discretion. Any change to the Site's pricing or payment terms shall become effective in the billing cycle following notice of such change to you as provided in this Agreement. This paragraph may not apply if the Service provided by the Site is based on a contract between you the Site. If those instances, then the contract will provide the terms and conditions for any changes to pricing and payment terms.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>9B. Subscription Cancellation; No Refunds.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>It is your sole responsibility to terminate your paid Subscription. There are no refunds for cancellation. In the event that the Site suspends or terminates your Account or this Agreement, you understand and agree that you shall receive no refund or exchange for any Site Property, any unused time on a Subscription, any license or Subscription fees for any portion of the Service, any content or data associated with your account, or for anything else.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>9C. Payment Information; Taxes.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>All information that you provide in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction for any Site Service must be accurate, complete, and current. You agree to pay all charges incurred by users of your credit card, debit card, or other payment method used in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with a Service at the prices in effect when such charges are incurred. You must provide current, complete and accurate information for your billing account and promptly update all information to keep such information current, and you must promptly notify the Site if your payment method is canceled (e.g., for loss, theft, or expiration) or if you become aware of a potential breach of security, such as the unauthorized disclosure or use of your username or password. You also agree to pay all applicable taxes, if any, relating to any such purchases, transactions or other monetary transaction interactions.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>10. No Professional Advice.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>If a Service provides professional information (for example, legal, medical or compliance advice), such information is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice. No action should be taken based upon any information contained in the Services. You should seek independent professional advice from a person who is licensed and/or qualified in the applicable area.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>11. Termination.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You may terminate this Agreement at any time by taking the necessary steps to close your Account and discontinue all use of the Services. The Site may, without prior notice, take the following steps: (i) change the Service; (ii) stop providing the Service or features of the Service, to you or to Users generally; or (iii) create usage limits for the Service. The Site may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend your access to the Service without notice and liability for any reason, including if in the Site's sole determination you violate any provision of this Agreement, or for no reason. You agree that the Site will not be liable to you or any other party for any termination of your access to the services or deletion of your account or your submission materials.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>In the event of termination, however, those Sections in this Agreement which, by their nature, survive termination of the Agreement shall so survive. Specifically, and without limitation, the license you have granted to the Site and to third parties to use any User Content and User Data survives termination of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement for any reason shall not entitle you to a refund under any circumstances. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, you shall make no further use of the Services whatsoever.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>12. Privacy.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Site cares about the privacy of its Users. You understand that by using the Services, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personally identifiable information and aggregate data as set forth in the Site's Privacy Policy(ies), available at [<strong><a class="nfl-o-cta--link nfl-o-cta--underline" href=""></a></strong>] and to have your personally identifiable information collected, used, transferred to and processed in the United States.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>13. Security.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Site cares about the integrity and security of your personal information. However, the Site cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat the Site's security measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. You acknowledge that you provide your personal information at your own risk.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>14. Third-Party Links & Information.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Services may contain links to third-party materials that are not owned or controlled by the Site. The Site does not endorse or assume any responsibility for any such third-party sites, information, materials, products, or services. If you access a third-party website or service from the Service or share your User Content on or through any third-party website or service, you do so at your own risk, and you understand that this Agreement, including the Site's Privacy Policy(ies), do not apply to your use of such sites. You expressly relieve the Site from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website, service, or content, including, without limitation, User Content submitted by other Users. Additionally, your dealings with or participation in promotions of advertisers found through the Services, including payment and delivery of goods, and any other terms (such as warranties) are solely between you and such advertisers. You agree that the Site shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort relating to your dealings with such advertisers.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>15. Indemnity.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Site and its subsidiaries, agents, licensors, managers, and other affiliated companies, and their employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from: (i) your use of and access to the Services, including any data or content transmitted or received by you; (ii) your violation of any term of this Agreement, including without limitation your breach of any of the representations and warranties above; (iii) your violation of any third-party right, including without limitation any right of privacy or Intellectual Property Rights; (iv) your violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation; (v) User Content or any content that is submitted via your account including without limitation misleading, false, or inaccurate information; (vi) your willful misconduct; or (vii) any other party's access and use of the Service with your unique username, password or other appropriate security code. These obligations will survive any termination of this Agreement.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>16. No Warranty.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Service is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Use of the Service is at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Service is provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from the Site or through the Service will create any warranty not expressly stated herein. Without limiting the foregoing, the Site, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, and its licensors do not warrant that the content is accurate, reliable or correct; that the Service will meet your requirements; that the Service will be available at any particular time or location, uninterrupted or secure; that any defects or errors will be corrected; or that the Service is free of viruses or other harmful components. Any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Service is downloaded at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or mobile device or loss of data that results from such download or your use of the Service.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You are responsible, at your sole cost and expense, for providing all equipment necessary to access the Internet and/or the Services. The Services may be unavailable from time to time for any reason including, without limitation, routine maintenance. In addition, various portions of the Service may operate slowly from time to time. You understand and acknowledge that due to circumstances both within and outside of the control of the Site, access to the Services may be interrupted, suspended or terminated from time to time. In particular, and not in limitation of the foregoing, the Site shall not be liable in any way for any delay in responding to an inquiry or question forwarded by you or the effects any delay or unavailability may have on you. You agree that the Site shall not be liable for any damages arising from any such interruption, suspension or termination of the Service and that you shall put in place contingency plans to account for such periodic interruptions or suspensions of the Service.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>The Site does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any product or Service advertised or offered by a third party through the Site Services or any hyperlinked website or service, and the Site will not be a party to or in any way monitor any transaction between you and third-party providers of products or services.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Federal law, some states, provinces and other jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion and limitations of certain implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. This agreement gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. The disclaimers and exclusions under this agreement will not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>17. Limitation of Liability.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the Site, its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, suppliers or licensors be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including without limitation damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, arising out of or relating to the use of, or inability to use, this Service. Under no circumstances will the Site be responsible for any damage, loss or injury resulting from hacking, tampering or other unauthorized access or use of the Service or your account or the information contained therein.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Site assumes no liability or responsibility for any: (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content; (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to or use of the Service; (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of the Site's secure servers and/or any and all personal information stored therein; (iv) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Service; (v) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like that may be transmitted to or through the Service by any third party; (vi) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available through the Service; and/or (vii) user content or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party. In no event shall the Site, its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, suppliers, or licensors be liable to you for any claims, proceedings, liabilities, obligations, damages, losses or costs in an amount exceeding the amount you paid to the Site hereunder or $100.00, whichever is greater.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>This limitation of liability section applies whether the alleged liability is based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or any other basis, even if the Site has been advised of the possibility of such damage. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This agreement gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. The disclaimers, exclusions, and limitations of liability under this agreement will not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>18. Governing Law, Arbitration, and Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>18A. Governing Law.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You agree that: (i) the Services shall be deemed solely based in Texas; and (ii) the Services shall be deemed a passive one that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over the Site, either specific or general, in jurisdictions other than Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of Texas, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement evidences a transaction involving interstate commerce. Notwithstanding the preceding sentences with respect to the substantive law, any arbitration conducted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16). The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in Dallas County, Texas for any actions for which the Site retains the right to seek injunctive or other equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction to prevent the actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation or violation of the Site's copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, or other Intellectual Property Rights, as set forth in the Arbitration provision below, including any provisional relief required to prevent irreparable harm. You agree that Dallas, Dallas County, Texas is the proper forum for any appeals of an arbitration award or for trial court proceedings in the event that the arbitration provision below is found to be unenforceable.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>18B. Arbitration.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY BECAUSE IT REQUIRES THE PARTIES TO ARBITRATE THEIR DISPUTES AND LIMITS THE MANNER IN WHICH YOU CAN SEEK RELIEF FROM THE SITE.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>For any dispute with the Site, you agree to first contact the Site at <strong><a class="nfl-o-cta--link nfl-o-cta--underline" href=""></a></strong> and attempt to resolve the dispute with the Site informally. In the unlikely event that the Site is not been able to resolve a dispute it has with you after sixty (60) days, the parties each agree to resolve any claim, dispute, or controversy (excluding any claims for injunctive or other equitable relief as provided below) arising out of or in connection with or relating to this Agreement, or the breach or alleged breach thereof (collectively, "<strong>Claims</strong>"), by binding arbitration by JAMS, under the Optional Expedited Arbitration Procedures then in effect for JAMS, except as provided herein. JAMS may be contacted at <strong><a class="nfl-o-cta--link nfl-o-cta--underline" href=""></a></strong>. The arbitration will be conducted in Dallas County, Texas, unless you and the Site agree otherwise.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>If you are using the Service for commercial purposes, each party will be responsible for paying any JAMS filing, administrative and arbitrator fees in accordance with JAMS rules, and the award rendered by the arbitrator shall include costs of arbitration, reasonable attorneys' fees and reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses. If you are an individual using the Service for non-commercial purposes: (i) JAMS may require you to pay a fee for the initiation of your case, unless you apply for and successfully obtain a fee waiver from JAMS; (ii) the award rendered by the arbitrator may include your costs of arbitration, your reasonable attorney's fees, and your reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses; and (iii) you may sue in a small claims court of competent jurisdiction without first engaging in arbitration, but this does not absolve you of your commitment to engage in the informal dispute resolution process. Any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Nothing in this Section shall be deemed as preventing the Site from seeking injunctive or other equitable relief from the courts as necessary to prevent the actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation, or violation of the Site's data security, Intellectual Property Rights or other proprietary rights.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>18C. Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY BECAUSE IT REQUIRES THE PARTIES TO WAIVE THEIR RIGHTS TO CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS AND JURY TRIALS AND LIMITS THE MANNER IN WHICH YOU CAN SEEK RELIEF FROM THE SITE.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>With respect to all persons and entities, regardless of whether they have obtained or used the Service for personal, commercial or other purposes, all claims must be brought in the parties' individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action, collective action, private attorney general action or other representative proceeding. This waiver applies to class arbitration, and, unless the Site agrees otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claims. You agree that, by entering into this agreement, you and the Site are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action, collective action, private attorney general action, or other representative proceeding of any kind.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>19. Assignment.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>This Agreement, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by the Site without restriction. Any attempted transfer or assignment in violation hereof shall be null and void.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>20. Severability.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>This Agreement and the Site Privacy Policy(ies), together with any amendments and any additional agreements you may enter into with the Site in connection with the Services, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and the Site concerning the Services. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect, except that in the event of unenforceability of the universal Class Action/Jury Trial Waiver, the entire arbitration agreement shall be unenforceable. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any separate agreement(s) you may enter into with the Site in connection with the Services, the terms of such separate agreement(s) shall govern.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>21. No Waiver.</strong></h2> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <p>No waiver of any term of this Agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and the Site's failure to assert any right or provision under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.</p> </div> <div class="nfl-c-body-part nfl-c-body-part--text"> <h2><strong>22. 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c-1.1,0.1-1.5,0.1-4.4,0.1c-2.9,0-3.3,0-4.4-0.1c-1.1,0-1.6-0.2-2-0.4c-0.5-0.2-0.9-0.4-1.3-0.8c-0.4-0.4-0.6-0.7-0.8-1.3 c-0.1-0.4-0.3-1-0.4-2c-0.1-1.1-0.1-1.5-0.1-4.4s0-3.3,0.1-4.4c0-1.1,0.2-1.6,0.4-2c0.2-0.5,0.4-0.9,0.8-1.3 c0.4-0.4,0.7-0.6,1.3-0.8c0.4-0.1,1-0.3,2-0.4c1.1-0.1,1.5-0.1,4.4-0.1s3.3,0,4.4,0.1c1.1,0,1.6,0.2,2,0.4c0.5,0.2,0.9,0.4,1.3,0.8 c0.4,0.4,0.6,0.7,0.8,1.3c0.1,0.4,0.3,1,0.4,2c0.1,1.1,0.1,1.5,0.1,4.4S32.9,27.3,32.9,28.4z" /><path class="instagramLens" d="M24,18.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5s5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5 C29.5,21,27,18.5,24,18.5z M24,27.5c-2,0-3.5-1.6-3.5-3.5c0-2,1.6-3.5,3.5-3.5s3.5,1.6,3.5,3.5C27.5,26,26,27.5,24,27.5z" /></symbol><symbol id='snapchat'><desc id='snapchatDesc'> Snapchat logo </desc><path class="snapchatBackground" d="M24,0C10.7,0,0,10.7,0,24s10.7,24,24,24s24-10.7,24-24S37.3,0,24,0z" /><path class="snapchatCircle" d="M24,0C10.7,0,0,10.7,0,24c0,13.3,10.7,24,24,24c13.3,0,24-10.7,24-24C48,10.7,37.3,0,24,0 z M24,45.8C12,45.8,2.2,36,2.2,24C2.2,12,12,2.2,24,2.2S45.8,12,45.8,24C45.8,36,36,45.8,24,45.8z" /><path class="snapchatGhost" d="M35.7,29.2c-3-0.7-4.2-2.8-4.7-3.9c-0.1-0.3,0-0.7,0.3-0.8l1.6-0.8c0.4-0.2,0.7-0.6,0.8-1 c0.1-0.4,0-0.9-0.2-1.3c-0.4-0.6-1.1-0.8-1.7-0.6l-1.1,0.3v-3c0,0,0,0,0,0c-0.3-5.3-5-6-6.5-6.1c0,0-0.1,0-0.1,0 c-1.5,0.1-6.2,0.8-6.5,6.1c0,0,0,0,0,0v3l-1.1-0.3c-0.6-0.2-1.3,0.1-1.7,0.6c-0.3,0.4-0.3,0.8-0.2,1.3c0.1,0.4,0.4,0.8,0.8,1 l1.6,0.8c0.3,0.1,0.4,0.5,0.3,0.8c-0.5,1.2-1.7,3.2-4.7,3.9c-0.3,0.1-0.5,0.4-0.4,0.6c0,0.1,0.4,2,3.2,2.1c0.1,0.5,0.3,1.2,0.6,1.5 c0.2,0.2,0.4,0.3,0.6,0.2c0,0,1.4-0.5,2.6-0.2c0,0,1.5,0.3,2.4,1.2c0.4,0.4,1,0.7,1.5,0.9c0.3,0.1,0.7,0.1,1.1,0.1s0.7,0,1.1-0.1 c0.6-0.1,1.1-0.4,1.5-0.9c0.9-0.9,2.4-1.2,2.4-1.2c1.3-0.2,2.6,0.2,2.6,0.2c0.2,0.1,0.5,0,0.6-0.2c0.2-0.3,0.4-0.9,0.6-1.5 c2.9-0.1,3.2-2,3.2-2.1C36.2,29.6,36,29.3,35.7,29.2z" /></symbol><symbol id='youtube'><desc id='youtubeDesc'> YouTube logo </desc><path class="youtubeBackground" 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L25.9990093,16.1083278 C25.9925697,16.7885333 25.9442727,19.4300152 25.5820455,20.7906818 C25.3520455,21.6567045 24.6744318,22.33875 23.8138636,22.5703409 C22.4027435,22.950855 17.1486961,22.9870944 16.1607245,22.9905458 L15.8392755,22.9905458 C14.8513039,22.9870944 9.59725649,22.950855 8.18613636,22.5703409 C7.32568182,22.33875 6.64795455,21.6567045 6.41795455,20.7906818 C6.04179545,19.3776818 6.00417955,16.5834477 6.00041795,16.0387309 L6.00041795,15.8521752 C6.00417955,15.307442 6.04179545,12.5131364 6.41795455,11.1003409 C6.64795455,10.2342045 7.32568182,9.55215909 8.18613636,9.32068182 C8.81742695,9.15040584 10.2178352,9.0490511 11.6613164,8.98872089 L12.1713866,8.96908589 C13.5300378,8.92102614 14.85118,8.90639926 15.5295049,8.9019476 L15.8392755,8.9003634 C15.8652748,8.90027255 15.8883197,8.90020441 15.9082624,8.90015331 Z M13.9545455,12.9717045 L13.9545455,18.9192045 L19.1818182,15.9455682 L13.9545455,12.9717045 Z" /></symbol><symbol id='tiktok'><desc id='tiktokDesc'> TikTok logo </desc><path class="tiktokBackground" d="M24,0C10.7,0,0,10.7,0,24s10.7,24,24,24s24-10.7,24-24S37.3,0,24,0z" /><path class="tiktokCircle" d="M24,0C10.7,0,0,10.7,0,24c0,13.3,10.7,24,24,24c13.3,0,24-10.7,24-24C48,10.7,37.3,0,24,0z M24,45.8C12,45.8,2.2,36,2.2,24C2.2,12,12,2.2,24,2.2S45.8,12,45.8,24C45.8,36,36,45.8,24,45.8z" /><path class="tiktokLogo" d="m 30.973001,19.236 v 0 A 4.7689932,4.769 0 0 1 29.913003,18.85 4.7599932,4.76 0 0 1 28.652005,17.889 l -0.008,-0.011 0.012,0.011 -0.668999,-0.989 c 0,0.011 0.013,0.022 0.018,0.033 l -0.022,-0.033 v 0 a 3.7259947,3.726 0 0 1 -0.422,-1.9 h -0.857999 v 0 0 h -2.261996 v 11.954 a 3.5819949,3.582 0 0 1 -0.139,1.230999 2.4679965,2.468 0 0 1 -1.357998,1.49 2.6589962,2.659 0 0 1 -3.217996,-0.818 h -0.006 a 2.8749959,2.875 0 0 1 -0.505999,-1.737 2.6259962,2.626 0 0 1 3.399995,-2.307999 v -3.137 a 5.0999927,5.1 0 0 0 -0.899998,-0.056 v 0 a 5.3069924,5.307 0 0 0 -1.971998,0.413 5.588992,5.589 0 0 0 -1.587997,0.938 6.1289912,6.129 0 0 0 -1.335998,1.628 5.6339919,5.634 0 0 0 -0.688,2.6 6.1449912,6.145 0 0 0 0.343,2.041 v 0 a 6.0999913,6.1 0 0 0 0.849999,1.538999 6.299991,6.3 0 0 0 0.447999,0.506 l 0.002,0.016 v 0 a 6.3349909,6.335 0 0 0 0.899999,0.752 A 5.8669916,5.867 0 0 0 21.860014,33 a 5.6689919,5.669 0 0 0 2.362997,-0.518001 5.7599918,5.76 0 0 0 2.964996,-3.152 6.3999909,6.4 0 0 0 0.375999,-1.969 V 21.018 c 0.038,0.023 0.541999,0.353 0.541999,0.353 a 7.2419897,7.242 0 0 0 1.858998,0.762 10.785985,10.786 0 0 0 1.907997,0.259 v -3.07 a 2.9189958,2.919 0 0 1 -0.899999,-0.086 z" /></symbol><symbol id='spotify'><desc id='spotifyDesc'> Spotify logo </desc><path class="spotifyBackground" d="M24,0C10.7,0,0,10.7,0,24s10.7,24,24,24s24-10.7,24-24S37.3,0,24,0z" /><path class="spotifyCircle" d="M24,0C10.7,0,0,10.7,0,24c0,13.3,10.7,24,24,24c13.3,0,24-10.7,24-24C48,10.7,37.3,0,24,0z M24,45.8C12,45.8,2.2,36,2.2,24C2.2,12,12,2.2,24,2.2S45.8,12,45.8,24C45.8,36,36,45.8,24,45.8z" /><path class="spotifyLogo" d="m 24,15 a 9,9 0 1 0 9,9 9,9 0 0 0 -9,-9 z m 4.127,12.981 a 0.561,0.561 0 0 1 -0.771,0.187 C 25.243,26.876 22.583,26.584 19.45,27.3 A 0.561,0.561 0 1 1 19.2,26.207 c 3.428,-0.784 6.369,-0.447 8.741,1 a 0.56,0.56 0 0 1 0.186,0.774 z m 1.1,-2.451 A 0.7,0.7 0 0 1 28.262,25.762 11.812,11.812 0 0 0 19.3,24.713 0.70165839,0.70165839 0 1 1 18.893,23.37 13.13,13.13 0 0 1 29,24.566 0.7,0.7 0 0 1 29.229,25.53 Z m 0.1,-2.551 C 26.423,21.256 21.637,21.1 18.868,21.938 a 0.842,0.842 0 1 1 -0.489,-1.611 c 3.179,-0.965 8.464,-0.779 11.8,1.2 a 0.842,0.842 0 0 1 -0.859,1.448 z" /></symbol><symbol id='linkedin'><desc id='linkedinDesc'> LinkedIn logo </desc><path class="linkedinBackground" d="M24,0C10.7,0,0,10.7,0,24s10.7,24,24,24s24-10.7,24-24S37.3,0,24,0z" /><path class="linkedinCircle" d="M24,0C10.7,0,0,10.7,0,24c0,13.3,10.7,24,24,24c13.3,0,24-10.7,24-24C48,10.7,37.3,0,24,0z M24,45.8C12,45.8,2.2,36,2.2,24C2.2,12,12,2.2,24,2.2S45.8,12,45.8,24C45.8,36,36,45.8,24,45.8z" /><path class="linkedinLogo" d="M 31.672001,15 H 16.329 A 1.329,1.329 0 0 0 15,16.329 V 31.671 A 1.329,1.329 0 0 0 16.329,33 H 31.672001 A 1.328,1.328 0 0 0 33,31.671 V 16.329 A 1.328,1.328 0 0 0 31.672001,15 Z M 20.365,30.334 h -2.706 v -8.6 h 2.706 z m -1.353,-9.787 a 1.554,1.554 0 1 1 1.56,-1.554 1.532,1.532 0 0 1 -1.56,1.554 z m 11.330001,9.794 h -2.707 v -4.695 c 0,-1.386 -0.588,-1.813 -1.348001,-1.813 A 1.645,1.645 0 0 0 24.7,25.68 v 4.661 h -2.709 v -8.6 h 2.6 v 1.191 h 0.035 A 2.951,2.951 0 0 1 27.2,21.5 c 1.510001,0 3.142001,0.895 3.142001,3.521 z" /></symbol><symbol id='grid'><desc id='gridDesc'> Grid icon </desc><rect id="gridSquare_8" y="14" width="4" height="4" /><rect id="gridSquare_7" y="7" width="4" height="4" /><rect id="gridSquare_6" width="4" height="4" /><rect id="gridSquare_5" x="7" y="14" width="4" height="4" /><rect id="gridSquare_4" x="7" y="7" width="4" height="4" /><rect id="gridSquare_3" x="7" width="4" height="4" /><rect id="gridSquare_2" x="14" y="14" width="4" height="4" /><rect id="gridSquare_1" x="14" y="7" 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d="M14.8,14.3c-0.7,0.7-1.4,1.1-2.4,1.1c-1.7,0-4-1.1-6.6-3.2c-2.6-2-5.5-5.1-5-8.7 C0.9,2.4,1.6,1,2.4,0.7l0,0c0.2,0,0.6,0.3,0.8,0.5l0.1,0.1c0.4,0.3,0.8,0.7,1.2,1.1l0.2,0.2C5,2.7,5.2,2.9,5.3,3.2 c0.3,0.4,0.2,0.6-0.3,1.4C4.9,4.8,4.4,5.3,4.1,5.6l0,0l0,0C3.8,6.1,4,6.6,4.5,7.2C4.7,7.6,4.9,8,5,8.1c0.4,0.6,0.9,1.1,1.4,1.6 c0.5,0.5,1.1,0.9,1.7,1.3c0.1,0.1,1.5,1.1,2,1.1c0.2,0,0.4-0.1,0.5-0.2l0.7-0.7c0.1-0.1,0.2-0.2,0.3-0.3c0.2-0.2,0.4-0.5,0.6-0.5 c0.3,0,1.1,0.7,1.4,0.9c0.2,0.1,0.3,0.3,0.4,0.3c0.6,0.4,1.3,1,1.3,1.6C15.3,13.4,15.3,13.7,14.8,14.3 M14.4,11.1 c-0.5-0.4-1.6-1.4-2.2-1.4c-0.6,0-1,0.6-1.3,1l-0.7,0.7c-0.1,0.1-1.5-0.8-1.7-0.9c-0.6-0.4-1.1-0.8-1.6-1.3c-0.5-0.5-0.9-1-1.3-1.5 c-0.1-0.2-1-1.5-0.9-1.6c0,0,0.8-0.8,1-1.2c0.5-0.7,0.8-1.3,0.3-2.1C5.7,2.5,5.5,2.3,5.2,2C4.7,1.5,4.3,1.1,3.7,0.7 C3.5,0.5,3,0.1,2.5,0C2.4,0,2.3,0,2.2,0C1,0.5,0.2,2.2,0.1,3.4c-0.6,3.8,2.5,7.1,5.2,9.3c2.5,1.9,7.2,5.1,10,2 c0.4-0.4,0.8-0.9,0.8-1.5C15.9,12.3,15.1,11.6,14.4,11.1" /></symbol><symbol id='play'><desc 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c0,1.657-1.343,3-3,3H6c-1.657,0-3-1.343-3-3V6c0-1.657,1.343-3,3-3h12C19.657,3,21,4.343,21,6z M17.538,17l-4.186-5.99L16.774,7 h-1.311l-2.704,3.16L10.552,7H6.702l3.941,5.633L6.906,17h1.333l3.001-3.516L13.698,17H17.538z"></path></symbol><symbol id='nfl-facebook'><desc id='nfl-facebookDesc'>Facebook</desc><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M14.86,12l.32-2.33H12.72V8.54c0-.72.2-1.21,1.23-1.21h1.32V5.1A17.59,17.59,0,0,0,13.35,5a3,3,0,0,0-3.2,3.29V9.67H8V12h2.15v7h2.57V12h2.14" /><rect fill="none" width="24" height="24" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-snapchat'><desc id='nfl-snapchatDesc'>Snapchat</desc><path 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id='nfl-arrow-upDesc'>Arrow Up</desc><polygon points="17.71 9.71 12 4 6.29 9.71 7.71 11.12 11 7.83 11 19 13 19 13 7.83 16.29 11.12 17.71 9.71" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-arrow-down'><desc id='nfl-arrow-downDesc'>Arrow Down</desc><polygon points="16.29 12.88 13 16.17 13 5 11 5 11 16.17 7.71 12.88 6.29 14.29 12 20 17.71 14.29 16.29 12.88" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-audio'><desc id='nfl-audioDesc'>Audio</desc><path d="M20,12A8,8,0,0,0,4,12a7.88,7.88,0,0,0,.83,3.53l-.24,0,.67,3.95,1.09-.19.16,1,2.92-.49-1-5.92-2,.34A5.84,5.84,0,0,1,6,12a6,6,0,0,1,12,0,5.84,5.84,0,0,1-.43,2.21l-2-.34-1,5.92,,,0A7.88,7.88,0,0,0,20,12Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-back-5s'><desc id='nfl-back-5sDesc'>Back 5s</desc><path d="M12.82,12.71c0-.49-.23-.62-.77-.62a1,1,0,0,0-.88.37l-1-.22V9.43h3.49v1.09H11.26v.87a1.69,1.69,0,0,1,1.15-.32,1.46,1.46,0,0,1,1.65,1.64v.22c0,1.18-.78,1.64-2.19,1.64a3.82,3.82,0,0,1-2-.48l.41-.92a3.07,3.07,0,0,0,1.49.4c.65,0,1-.11,1-.62Z" /><path 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y="11" width="7" height="5" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-done'><desc id='nfl-doneDesc'>Done</desc><polygon points="9 17.414 4.293 12.707 5.707 11.293 9 14.586 17.293 6.293 18.707 7.707 9 17.414" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-download'><desc id='nfl-downloadDesc'>Download</desc><polygon points="13 14 13 4 11 4 11 14 8 14 12 18 16 14 13 14" /><rect x="2" y="20" width="20" height="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-draft'><desc id='nfl-draftDesc'>Draft</desc><path d="M21,7a26.91,26.91,0,0,0-5.25-1.84V8H21Z" /><path d="M22,9H15.71a2.3,2.3,0,0,1-.41,1,2.64,2.64,0,0,1-1.81,1,.94.94,0,0,0-.51.2,2.28,2.28,0,0,0-.32.32l-.66,1-.61-1a2.42,2.42,0,0,0-.36-.32,1,1,0,0,0-.52-.21A2.67,2.67,0,0,1,8.7,10a2.3,2.3,0,0,1-.41-1H2v6H22Z" /><path d="M18,16H6a21.91,21.91,0,0,0,5.65,4.8L12,21l.35-.2C15.42,19,17.2,17.35,18,16Z" /><path d="M8.25,5.17A31.83,31.83,0,0,0,3,7V8H8.25Z" /><path d="M10.59,4.18A1.73,1.73,0,0,1,9.2,3.91H9v5a1,1,0,0,0,.24.62,2,2,0,0,0,1.3.58,2,2,0,0,1,1.09.45A2.48,2.48,0,0,1,12,11a2.94,2.94,0,0,1,.36-.47,1.93,1.93,0,0,1,1.09-.45,2,2,0,0,0,1.3-.59A1,1,0,0,0,15,8.86v-5h-.2a1.7,1.7,0,0,1-1.38.27A2,2,0,0,1,12,3,2,2,0,0,1,10.59,4.18Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-fantasy'><desc id='nfl-fantasyDesc'>Fantasy</desc><path d="M16.91,5,17,4H7l.09,1H3a9,9,0,0,0,4.81,8L8,15l3,1.5V19H9L7,21H17l-2-2H13V16.5L16,15l.19-2A9,9,0,0,0,21,5ZM5.29,7h2l.31,3.4A7,7,0,0,1,5.29,7Zm11.12,3.4L16.73,7h2A7,7,0,0,1,16.42,10.4Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-filter'><desc id='nfl-filterDesc'>Filter</desc><polygon points="13 6 13 4 11 4 11 6 9.5 6 9.5 8 14.5 8 14.5 6 13 6" /><polygon points="7 15 7 4 5 4 5 15 3.5 15 3.5 17 8.5 17 8.5 15 7 15" /><polygon points="19 11 19 4 17 4 17 11 15.5 11 15.5 13 20.5 13 20.5 11 19 11" /><rect x="11" y="9" width="2" height="11" /><rect x="5" y="18" width="2" height="2" /><rect x="17" y="14" width="2" height="6" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-forward-5s'><desc id='nfl-forward-5sDesc'>Forward 5s</desc><path d="M12.82,12.71c0-.49-.23-.62-.77-.62a1,1,0,0,0-.88.37l-1-.22V9.43h3.49v1.09H11.26v.87a1.69,1.69,0,0,1,1.15-.32,1.46,1.46,0,0,1,1.65,1.64v.22c0,1.18-.78,1.64-2.19,1.64a3.82,3.82,0,0,1-2-.48l.41-.92a3.07,3.07,0,0,0,1.49.4c.65,0,1-.11,1-.62Z" /><path d="M12,2a9.93,9.93,0,0,1,7.06,2.94L21,3V8H16l1.64-1.64a8,8,0,1,0,0,11.3l1.42,1.42A10,10,0,1,1,12,2Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-forward-10s'><desc id='nfl-forward-10sDesc'>Forward 10s</desc><path d="M10.47,14.56H9.2V10.43l-.82.06v-.8l1.23-.32h.85Z" /><path d="M15.49,11.44v1.11c0,1.49-.54,2.07-2,2.07s-2-.58-2-2.07V11.44c0-1.49.54-2.07,2-2.07S15.49,10,15.49,11.44Zm-2.74.16v.8c0,.84,0,1.18.73,1.18s.73-.34.73-1.18v-.8c0-.84,0-1.18-.73-1.18S12.75,10.76,12.75,11.6Z" /><path d="M12,2a9.93,9.93,0,0,1,7.06,2.94L21,3V8H16l1.64-1.64a8,8,0,1,0,0,11.3l1.42,1.42A10,10,0,1,1,12,2Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-forward-30s'><desc id='nfl-forward-30sDesc'>Forward 30s</desc><path d="M7.53,14.14l.41-.93a3.19,3.19,0,0,0,1.53.4c.69,0,1-.16,1-.58h0c0-.38-.17-.59-.76-.59H8.54v-1h1c.49,0,.65-.21.65-.52h0c0-.27-.12-.5-.7-.5a3.05,3.05,0,0,0-1.44.37l-.41-.93a3.79,3.79,0,0,1,2-.46c1.42,0,1.81.6,1.81,1.51v0a1.11,1.11,0,0,1-.64,1,1.13,1.13,0,0,1,.86,1.18h0c0,1-.73,1.54-2.19,1.54A3.84,3.84,0,0,1,7.53,14.14Z" /><path d="M16.29,11.44v1.11c0,1.49-.54,2.07-2,2.07s-2-.58-2-2.07V11.44c0-1.49.54-2.07,2-2.07S16.29,10,16.29,11.44Zm-2.74.16v.8c0,.84,0,1.18.73,1.18s.73-.34.73-1.18v-.8c0-.84,0-1.18-.73-1.18S13.55,10.76,13.55,11.6Z" /><path d="M12,2a9.93,9.93,0,0,1,7.06,2.94L21,3V8H16l1.64-1.64a8,8,0,1,0,0,11.3l1.42,1.42A10,10,0,1,1,12,2Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-full-screen-off'><desc id='nfl-full-screen-offDesc'>Full Screen Off</desc><polygon points="22 14 22 16 16 16 16 20 14 20 14 14 22 14" /><polygon points="14 10 22 10 22 8 16 8 16 4 14 4 14 10" /><polygon points="10 14 2 14 2 16 8 16 8 20 10 20 10 14" /><polygon points="2 8 2 10 10 10 10 4 8 4 8 8 2 8" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-full-screen-on'><desc id='nfl-full-screen-onDesc'>Full Screen On</desc><polygon points="10 4 10 6 4 6 4 10 2 10 2 4 10 4" /><polygon points="2 20 10 20 10 18 4 18 4 14 2 14 2 20" /><polygon points="22 4 14 4 14 6 20 6 20 10 22 10 22 4" /><polygon points="14 18 14 20 22 20 22 14 20 14 20 18 14 18" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-gamepass'><desc id='nfl-gamepassDesc'>Gamepass</desc><path d="M13.63,7.14H9.56v9.72h2.26V13.72h1.8c2.36,0,3.29-1.19,3.29-3.28v0C16.92,8.33,16,7.14,13.63,7.14Zm-.28,4.71H11.82V9h1.53c.93,0,1.24.42,1.24,1.4S14.28,11.85,13.35,11.85Z" /><path d="M5,13.14H6.7V14.5a3.89,3.89,0,0,1-2,.47c-1.53,0-1.78-.78-1.78-1.76V10.79c0-1,.25-1.76,2-1.76a6,6,0,0,1,3,.75L8.74,7.9A6.84,6.84,0,0,0,4.93,7C1.61,7,.66,8.37.66,10.61v2.78c0,2.24,1,3.61,3.82,3.61a3.88,3.88,0,0,0,2.42-.78v.64H8.78V11.4H5Z" /><polygon points="17.59 7.14 17.59 9.68 20.24 11.85 17.59 14.15 17.59 16.86 19.01 15.63 23.34 11.85 17.59 7.14" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-games'><desc id='nfl-gamesDesc'>Games</desc><path d="M10,15.5v-1h1.25v-2H10v-1h1.25v-2H10v-1h1.25V3.13C9.1,3.76,6,6.9,6,12s3.1,8.24,5.25,8.87V15.5Z" /><path d="M12.75,3.13V8.5H14v1H12.75v2H14v1H12.75v2H14v1H12.75v5.37C14.9,20.24,18,17.1,18,12S14.9,3.76,12.75,3.13Z" /><rect class="cls-1" x="10" y="11.5" width="1.25" height="1" /><rect class="cls-1" x="10" y="8.5" width="1.25" height="1" /><rect class="cls-1" x="12.75" y="14.5" width="1.25" height="1" /><rect class="cls-1" x="10" y="14.5" width="1.25" height="1" /><rect class="cls-1" x="12.75" y="11.5" width="1.25" height="1" /><rect class="cls-1" x="12.75" y="8.5" width="1.25" height="1" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-insights'><desc id='nfl-insightsDesc'>Insights</desc><path d="M13,9V4H6V20H18V9Zm3,4.5H14.36l-1.32,4-2.09-5.23-.64,1.28H8v-1H9.69l1.36-2.72L13,14.55l.68-2H16Z" /><polygon points="18 8 14 4 14 8 18 8" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-key'><desc id='nfl-keyDesc'>Key</desc><path d="M20,10H12.58a5,5,0,1,0,0,4H14l1-1,1,1h1l1-1,1,1h1l2-2ZM6.5,13.5A1.5,1.5,0,1,1,8,12,1.5,1.5,0,0,1,6.5,13.5Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-leave'><desc id='nfl-leaveDesc'>Leave</desc><polygon points="14 15 14 18 6 18 6 10 10 10 10 8 4 8 4 18 4 20 6 20 16 20 16 15 14 15" /><polygon points="12 4 12 6 16.59 6 9.29 13.29 10.71 14.71 18 7.41 18 12 20 12 20 4 12 4" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-live'><desc id='nfl-liveDesc'>Live</desc><path d="M2,6V18H22V6Zm5.75,8.5H5.25v-5h1v4h1.5Zm2.5,0h-1v-5h1Zm3.5,0h-1l-1.5-5h1l1,3.333,1-3.333h1Zm5-4h-1.5v1h1v1h-1v1h1.5v1h-2.5v-5h2.5Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-combine'><desc id='nfl-menu-combineDesc'>Combine</desc><path d="M15.23,7.8A6.983,6.983,0,0,0,13,7.079V5h2V3H9V5h2V7.08a6.97,6.97,0,1,0,4.23.716ZM12,18.5A4.5,4.5,0,1,1,16.5,14,4.5,4.5,0,0,1,12,18.5ZM16.273,7.252l1.561-1.561,2.475,2.475L18.733,9.742a7.9,7.9,0,0,0-.442-.67A8.015,8.015,0,0,0,16.273,7.252ZM13,14a1,1,0,0,1-2,0,1.013,1.013,0,0,1,.039-.277h0L12,10.84l.961,2.883h0A1.013,1.013,0,0,1,13,14Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-draft'><desc id='nfl-menu-draftDesc'>Draft</desc><path d="M5.5,21l1-2h11l1,2ZM21,3V5H3V3ZM5.5,6,7,18H17L18.5,6Zm9.25,7.875a.882.882,0,0,1-.223.569,1.846,1.846,0,0,1-1.2.541,1.77,1.77,0,0,0-1,.416,2.685,2.685,0,0,0-.328.432,2.256,2.256,0,0,0-.328-.432,1.808,1.808,0,0,0-1-.416,1.858,1.858,0,0,1-1.2-.535.884.884,0,0,1-.223-.57V9.331h.188a1.583,1.583,0,0,0,1.272.251,1.823,1.823,0,0,0,1.3-1.082,1.823,1.823,0,0,0,1.3,1.082,1.562,1.562,0,0,0,1.266-.251h.182Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-fantasy'><desc id='nfl-menu-fantasyDesc'>Fantasy</desc><path d="M16.909,5,17,4H7l.091,1H3a9.038,9.038,0,0,0,4.815,7.96L8,15l3,1.5V19H9L7,21H17l-2-2H13V16.5L16,15l.185-2.04A9.038,9.038,0,0,0,21,5ZM5.3,7H7.273l.309,3.4A7.01,7.01,0,0,1,5.3,7Zm11.123,3.4L16.727,7H18.7A7.01,7.01,0,0,1,16.418,10.4Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-games'><desc id='nfl-menu-gamesDesc'>Menu Games</desc><path d="M10,15.5v-1h1.25v-2H10v-1h1.25v-2H10v-1h1.25V3.131C9.1,3.763,6,6.9,6,12s3.1,8.237,5.25,8.869V15.5Z" /><path d="M12.75,3.131V8.5H14v1H12.75v2H14v1H12.75v2H14v1H12.75v5.369C14.9,20.237,18,17.1,18,12S14.9,3.763,12.75,3.131Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-network'><desc id='nfl-menu-networkDesc'>Menu Network</desc><path d="M3,4V16h8v2H6v2H18V18H13V16h8V4ZM20,15H4V5H20Z" /><rect x="5" y="6" width="14" height="8" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-news'><desc id='nfl-menu-newsDesc'>Menu News</desc><rect x="4" y="4" width="16" height="8" /><rect x="4" y="14" width="16" height="2" /><rect x="4" y="18" width="8" height="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-playoffs'><desc id='nfl-menu-playoffsDesc'>Menu Playoffs</desc><polygon points="22 6 22 4 17.5 4 17.5 6.25 13.5 6.25 13.5 11 10.5 11 10.5 6.25 6.5 6.25 6.5 4 2 4 2 6 4.5 6 4.5 8.5 2 8.5 2 10.5 6.5 10.5 6.5 8.25 8.5 8.25 8.5 15.75 6.5 15.75 6.5 13.5 2 13.5 2 15.5 4.5 15.5 4.5 18 2 18 2 20 6.5 20 6.5 17.75 10.5 17.75 10.5 13 13.5 13 13.5 17.75 17.5 17.75 17.5 20 22 20 22 18 19.5 18 19.5 15.5 22 15.5 22 13.5 17.5 13.5 17.5 15.75 15.5 15.75 15.5 8.25 17.5 8.25 17.5 10.5 22 10.5 22 8.5 19.5 8.5 19.5 6 22 6" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-probowl'><desc id='nfl-menu-probowlDesc'>Menu Pro Bowl</desc><path d="M6.924,8.2a7.451,7.451,0,0,0-.213.8,8.98,8.98,0,0,0,1.141,6.639c.076.114-.377.789-.377.789H6.721L6,18H18l-.721-1.579h-.754s-.453-.675-.377-.789a8.98,8.98,0,0,0,1.141-6.639,7.451,7.451,0,0,0-.213-.8A8.311,8.311,0,0,0,12,3,8.311,8.311,0,0,0,6.924,8.2ZM9.412,9.236a4.6,4.6,0,0,1,1.8-3.754A6.388,6.388,0,0,1,12,4.974a6.388,6.388,0,0,1,.786.508,4.6,4.6,0,0,1,1.8,3.754,4.471,4.471,0,0,1-2.048,4.1l-.54.323-.54-.323A4.471,4.471,0,0,1,9.412,9.236Z" /><rect x="4" y="19" width="16" height="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-shop'><desc id='nfl-menu-shopDesc'>Menu Shop</desc><path d="M12,6,9,4H6v6H7V20H17V10h1V4H15Zm0,1a.75.75,0,1,1-.75.75A.75.75,0,0,1,12,7Zm2,3.7a.328.328,0,0,1-.019.112l-2.023,5.106a.122.122,0,0,1-.131.084H10.656c-.056,0-.085-.037-.056-.1l2.023-5.1v-.028h-1.34a.05.05,0,0,0-.056.056v.665a.089.089,0,0,1-.094.094H10.094A.089.089,0,0,1,10,11.494V9.724a.088.088,0,0,1,.094-.094h3.812A.088.088,0,0,1,14,9.724Z" /><rect x="3" y="4" width="2" height="6" /><rect x="19" y="4" width="2" height="6" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-standings'><desc id='nfl-menu-standingsDesc'>Menu Standings</desc><rect x="10" y="5" width="10" height="2" /><rect x="10" y="11" width="10" height="2" /><rect x="10" y="17" width="10" height="2" /><rect x="4" y="4" width="4" height="4" /><rect x="4" y="10" width="4" height="4" /><rect x="4" y="16" width="4" height="4" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-stats'><desc id='nfl-menu-statsDesc'>Menu Stats</desc><rect x="15.5" y="8" width="3" height="12" /><rect x="10.5" y="4" width="3" height="16" /><rect x="5.5" y="12" width="3" height="8" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-superbowl'><desc id='nfl-menu-superbowlDesc'>Menu Super Bowl</desc><path d="M7.99,15.54l-.74,5.473a10.118,10.118,0,0,0,3.855,1.133V15.4a10.953,10.953,0,0,1-2.025.191C8.718,15.592,8.354,15.572,7.99,15.54Z" /><path d="M16.387,4.387A12.1,12.1,0,0,0,14.939,4.3a8.852,8.852,0,0,0-5.71,1.864,8.765,8.765,0,0,0-2.86,6.612A1.125,1.125,0,0,0,7.323,13.9a10.875,10.875,0,0,0,1.757.145,8.075,8.075,0,0,0,5.243-1.763,9.535,9.535,0,0,0,3.046-6.717A1.12,1.12,0,0,0,16.387,4.387Z" /><path d="M12.652,14.983v7.175a10.125,10.125,0,0,0,4.07-1.132L15.383,13.4c-.025.022-.044.047-.07.068A8.866,8.866,0,0,1,12.652,14.983Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-teams'><desc id='nfl-menu-teamsDesc'>Menu Teams</desc><path d="M15,10h6c0-2-2-7-9-7S3,9,3,13l2,5c2,0,3,2,5,2s2.854-1.146,3.854-2.146L16,20h5V13H13.875Zm-3.939,7.646a1.207,1.207,0,1,1,0-1.707A1.206,1.206,0,0,1,11.061,17.646ZM19,15v3H17l-3-3Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu-tickets'><desc id='nfl-menu-ticketsDesc'>Menu Tickets</desc><path d="M14,3a2,2,0,0,1-4,0H7V21h3a2,2,0,0,1,4,0h3V3Zm-.772,9.722.759,2.336L12,13.614l-1.987,1.444.759-2.336L8.784,11.278h2.457L12,8.942l.759,2.336h2.457Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-menu'><desc id='nfl-menuDesc'>Menu</desc><rect x="4" y="6" width="16" height="2" /><rect x="4" y="11" width="16" height="2" /><rect x="4" y="16" width="16" height="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-more-horizontal'><desc id='nfl-more-horizontalDesc'>More Horizontal</desc><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="2" /><circle cx="19" cy="12" r="2" /><circle cx="5" cy="12" r="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-more-vertical'><desc id='nfl-more-verticalDesc'>More Vertical</desc><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="2" /><circle cx="12" cy="19" r="2" /><circle cx="12" cy="5" r="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-my-location'><desc id='nfl-my-locationDesc'>My Location</desc><path d="M20,11H17.91A6,6,0,0,0,13,6.09V4H11V6.09A6,6,0,0,0,6.09,11H4v2H6.09A6,6,0,0,0,11,17.91V20h2V17.91A6,6,0,0,0,17.91,13H20Zm-8,5a4,4,0,1,1,4-4A4,4,0,0,1,12,16Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-network'><desc id='nfl-networkDesc'>Network</desc><path d="M3,4V16h8v2H6v2H18V18H13V16h8V4ZM20,15H4V5H20Z" /><rect x="5" y="6" width="14" height="8" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-news'><desc id='nfl-newsDesc'>News</desc><rect x="4" y="4" width="16" height="8" /><rect x="4" y="14" width="16" height="2" /><rect x="4" y="18" width="8" height="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-pause'><desc id='nfl-pauseDesc'>Pause</desc><rect x="6" y="4" width="4" height="16" /><rect x="14" y="4" width="4" height="16" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-play'><desc id='nfl-playDesc'>play</desc><polygon points="7 4 7 20 19 12 7 4" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-player-multi'><desc id='nfl-player-multiDesc'>Multiple Players</desc><path d="M9,8A1,1,0,0,0,8,7H5A1,1,0,0,0,4,8v4H5v4H8V9.91A1.9,1.9,0,0,1,9,8.24Z" /><path d="M19,7H16a1,1,0,0,0-1,1v.24a1.9,1.9,0,0,1,1,1.67V16h3V12h1V8A1,1,0,0,0,19,7Z" /><path d="M14,9H10a1,1,0,0,0-1,1v5h1v5h4V15h1V10A1,1,0,0,0,14,9Z" /><circle cx="12" cy="6" r="2" /><circle cx="17.5" cy="4.5" r="1.5" /><circle cx="6.5" cy="4.5" r="1.5" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-player-single'><desc id='nfl-player-singleDesc'>Single Player</desc><path d="M14,9H10a1,1,0,0,0-1,1v5h1v5h4V15h1V10A1,1,0,0,0,14,9Z" /><circle cx="12" cy="6" r="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-playlist'><desc id='nfl-playlistDesc'>Playlist</desc><path class="cls-2" d="M12,1A11,11,0,1,0,23,12,11,11,0,0,0,12,1ZM7.5,8.75l2,1-2,1Zm9,6.5h-9v-1h9Zm0-2.5h-9v-1h9Zm0-2.5h-6v-1h6Z" /><path class="cls-3" d="M16.5,9.25v1h-6v-1Zm-9,3.5h9v-1h-9Zm0,2.5h9v-1h-9Zm0-6.5v2l2-1Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-playoffs'><desc id='nfl-playoffsDesc'>Playoffs</desc><path d="M12.95,8.79A1.33,1.33,0,0,1,12,8a1.33,1.33,0,0,1-.94.79,1.15,1.15,0,0,1-.93-.18H10v3.31a.64.64,0,0,0,.16.41,1.35,1.35,0,0,0,.87.39,1.31,1.31,0,0,1,.73.3,1.65,1.65,0,0,1,.24.31,2,2,0,0,1,.24-.31,1.29,1.29,0,0,1,.73-.3,1.34,1.34,0,0,0,.87-.39.64.64,0,0,0,.16-.41V8.6h-.13A1.14,1.14,0,0,1,12.95,8.79Z" /><path d="M7.19,6.73C4.27,10.42,4.82,16.13,5.71,18h7.46a9.37,9.37,0,0,0,3.64-2.73C20.1,11.12,19,4.4,18,3.49S10.48,2.58,7.19,6.73Zm9.06,6.55c-1.52,2.63-4.63,3.68-7,2.34s-3-4.56-1.45-7.19,4.63-3.68,7-2.34S17.77,10.64,16.26,13.27Z" /><rect x="4" y="19" width="16" height="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-probowl'><desc id='nfl-probowlDesc'>Pro Bowl</desc><path d="M6.92,8.19a7.52,7.52,0,0,0-.21.8,9,9,0,0,0,1.14,6.64c.08.11-.38.79-.38.79H6.72L6,18H18l-.72-1.58h-.75s-.45-.68-.38-.79A9,9,0,0,0,17.29,9a7.52,7.52,0,0,0-.21-.8A8.31,8.31,0,0,0,12,3,8.31,8.31,0,0,0,6.92,8.19Zm2.49,1a4.6,4.6,0,0,1,1.8-3.75A6.34,6.34,0,0,1,12,5a6.34,6.34,0,0,1,.79.51,4.6,4.6,0,0,1,1.8,3.75,4.47,4.47,0,0,1-2,4.1l-.54.32-.54-.32A4.47,4.47,0,0,1,9.41,9.24Z" /><rect x="4" y="19" width="16" height="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-purge'><desc id='nfl-purgeDesc'>Purge</desc><polygon points="13.41 12 18.21 7.21 16.79 5.79 12 10.59 7.21 5.79 5.79 7.21 10.59 12 5.79 16.79 7.21 18.21 12 13.41 16.79 18.21 18.21 16.79 13.41 12" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-refresh'><desc id='nfl-refreshDesc'>Refresh</desc><path d="M12,2A9.93,9.93,0,0,0,4.94,4.94L3,3V8H8L6.36,6.36a8,8,0,1,1,0,11.3L4.93,19.07A10,10,0,1,0,12,2Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-remove'><desc id='nfl-removeDesc'>Remove</desc><rect x="5" y="11" width="14" height="2" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-replay'><desc id='nfl-replayDesc'></desc><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12.0007196,20.8752884 C17.1367196,20.8752884 21.1207196,16.8912884 21.1207196,11.9952884 C21.1207196,7.11968854 17.1695995,3.14840851 12.0645593,3.11600837 L12.06336,3.11648847 L12.06336,1.41680829 C12.06336,1.11608832 11.85,0.997528264 11.58864,1.14008832 L7.21992004,3.64760822 C6.95135999,3.80600837 6.95135999,4.04336835 7.21992004,4.2012884 L11.58864,6.7092884 C11.85,6.85184845 12.06336,6.7332884 12.06336,6.43232856 L12.06336,4.73336872 C16.23336,4.76528876 19.5024001,7.95992878 19.5024001,11.9955286 C19.5024001,16.0517685 16.2,19.2581686 12,19.2581686 C7.86335999,19.2581686 4.49735999,16.2425688 4.49735999,12.6147287 C4.49735999,12.2021686 4.26695984,11.9957685 3.87839978,11.9957685 L3.49967981,11.9957685 C3.11111975,11.9957685 2.88095984,12.2177685 2.88095984,12.6147283 C2.88095984,16.9757685 6.79055969,20.8752884 12.0007196,20.8752884 Z M10.1143195,16.0167287 L10.1143195,16.0160084 C12.2949595,14.9897685 14.3637594,13.7876086 16.3113593,12.4325684 C16.6843191,12.1630485 16.6843191,11.8294487 16.3113593,11.5594487 C14.3551194,10.2048886 12.2949595,9.00248847 10.1143195,7.97648847 C9.70199963,7.79456843 9.40799963,7.96112848 9.36839978,8.42912848 C9.19223987,10.8183286 9.19223987,13.1748886 9.36839978,15.5640887 C9.40799963,16.0320887 9.70199963,16.1986487 10.1143195,16.0167287 Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-search'><desc id='nfl-searchDesc'>Search</desc><path d="M19.71,18.29l-4-4a6.52,6.52,0,1,0-1.41,1.41l4,4ZM6,10.5A4.5,4.5,0,1,1,10.5,15,4.51,4.51,0,0,1,6,10.5Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-settings'><desc id='nfl-settingsDesc'>Settings</desc><path d="M18.94,12.89h0a6.33,6.33,0,0,0,0-1.78h0l1.86-1a8.94,8.94,0,0,0-1.23-3l-2,.6-.18-.23h0a7,7,0,0,0-.84-.84h0l-.23-.18h0l.6-2a8.94,8.94,0,0,0-3-1.23l-1,1.86a6.34,6.34,0,0,0-1.78,0l-1-1.86a8.94,8.94,0,0,0-3,1.23l.6,2h0l-.23.18h0a7,7,0,0,0-.84.84h0l-.18.23-2-.6a8.94,8.94,0,0,0-1.23,3l1.86,1h0a6.33,6.33,0,0,0,0,1.78h0l-1.86,1a8.94,8.94,0,0,0,1.23,3l2-.6.18.23h0a7,7,0,0,0,.84.84h0l.23.18h0l-.6,2a8.94,8.94,0,0,0,3,1.23l1-1.86a6.34,6.34,0,0,0,1.78,0l1,1.86a8.94,8.94,0,0,0,3-1.23l-.6-2h0l.23-.18h0a7.06,7.06,0,0,0,.84-.84h0l.18-.23,2,.6a8.94,8.94,0,0,0,1.23-3l-1.86-1ZM12,14a2,2,0,1,1,2-2A2,2,0,0,1,12,14Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-share-android'><desc id='nfl-share-androidDesc'>Share Android</desc><path d="M17,15a3,3,0,0,0-2.08.84l-6-3a2.69,2.69,0,0,0,0-1.64l6-3A3,3,0,1,0,14,6a3,3,0,0,0,0,.36L7.7,9.53a3,3,0,1,0,0,4.94L14,17.64A3,3,0,0,0,14,18a3,3,0,1,0,3-3Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-share-copy-url'><desc id='nfl-share-copy-urlDesc'>Share Copy URL</desc><path d="M8,4V16H20V4ZM18,14H10V6h8Z" /><polygon points="6 8 4 8 4 18 4 20 6 20 16 20 16 18 6 18 6 8" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-share-email'><desc id='nfl-share-emailDesc'>Share Email</desc><polygon points="19 9 19 7 5 7 5 9 12 13 19 9" /><polygon points="5 17 19 17 19 10 12 14 5 10 5 17" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-share-facebook'><desc id='nfl-share-facebookDesc'>Share Facebook</desc><path class="cls-2" d="M14.86,12l.32-2.33H12.72V8.54c0-.72.2-1.21,1.23-1.21h1.32V5.1A17.59,17.59,0,0,0,13.35,5a3,3,0,0,0-3.2,3.29V9.67H8V12h2.15v7h2.57V12h2.14" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-share-instagram'><desc id='nfl-share-instagramDesc'>Share Instagram</desc><path d="M12,7.77a4.24,4.24,0,0,1,3.46,1.79H19V7.19A2.19,2.19,0,0,0,16.84,5H7.19A2.19,2.19,0,0,0,5,7.19V9.57H8.55A4.24,4.24,0,0,1,12,7.77ZM16,6.53a.39.39,0,0,1,.39-.39h1.17a.39.39,0,0,1,.39.39V7.71a.39.39,0,0,1-.39.39H16.34A.39.39,0,0,1,16,7.71Z" /><path d="M16.26,12a4.24,4.24,0,1,1-8.4-.82H5v5.64A2.19,2.19,0,0,0,7.19,19h9.65A2.19,2.19,0,0,0,19,16.84V11.2H16.18A4.35,4.35,0,0,1,16.26,12Z" /><circle cx="12.02" cy="12.01" r="2.61" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-share-ios'><desc id='nfl-share-iosDesc'>Share iOS</desc><polygon points="11 14 13 14 13 5 16 5 12 1 8 5 11 5 11 14" /><polygon points="15 8 15 10 20 10 20 19 4 19 4 10 9 10 9 8 2 8 2 21 22 21 22 8 15 8" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-share-snapchat'><desc id='nfl-share-snapchatDesc'>Share Snapchat</desc><path d="M12.16,4.38h-.32A4.31,4.31,0,0,0,7.83,7a8.11,8.11,0,0,0-.2,3.28l0,.39a.65.65,0,0,1-.32.07,1.81,1.81,0,0,1-.75-.2.6.6,0,0,0-.26-.05.8.8,0,0,0-.79.54c0,.,0,0,1-.08.59v0a4.77,4.77,0,0,1-3.24,,0,0,0-.,0,0,0,0,.15c.,2.13.87a1.58,1.58,0,0,1,.11.38c0,.,0,0,0,.39.29A2,2,0,0,0,7,18.2a4.28,4.28,0,0,1,.86-.1,3.81,3.81,0,0,1,.62.05,2.94,2.94,0,0,1,1.16.6,3.66,3.66,0,0,0,2.23.87h.2a3.66,3.66,0,0,0,2.23-.87,2.94,2.94,0,0,1,1.16-.6,3.8,3.8,0,0,1,.62-.05,4.31,4.31,0,0,1,.86.09,2,2,0,0,0,.37,0h0a.37.37,0,0,0,.37-.28c0-.13.07-.25.09-.38a1.57,1.57,0,0,1,.11-.38c1.27-.2,2-.48,2.13-.87a.45.45,0,0,0,0-.15.34.34,0,0,0-.28-.35,4.77,4.77,0,0,1-3.24-2.72v0a.72.72,0,0,1-.08-.59c.13-.3.6-.45.91-.55l.24-.08c.55-.22.83-.48.82-.79a.66.66,0,0,0-.49-.57h0a.9.9,0,0,0-.34-.06.75.75,0,0,0-.31.06,1.89,1.89,0,0,1-.,0,0,1-.27-.07l0-.35v0A8.11,8.11,0,0,0,16.17,7a4.32,4.32,0,0,0-4-2.59Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-share-twitter'><desc id='nfl-share-twitterDesc'>Share Twitter</desc><path class="cls-2" d="M18.92,7.71a5.66,5.66,0,0,1-1.63.45,2.84,2.84,0,0,0,1.25-1.57,5.68,5.68,0,0,1-1.8.69,2.84,2.84,0,0,0-4.91,1.94,2.87,2.87,0,0,0,.07.65A8.06,8.06,0,0,1,6,6.89a2.84,2.84,0,0,0,.88,3.79,2.83,2.83,0,0,1-1.29-.36v0a2.84,2.84,0,0,0,2.28,2.78,2.82,2.82,0,0,1-1.28,0,2.84,2.84,0,0,0,2.65,2,5.7,5.7,0,0,1-3.53,1.22,5.84,5.84,0,0,1-.68,0A8.08,8.08,0,0,0,17.51,9.54c0-.12,0-.25,0-.37a5.78,5.78,0,0,0,1.42-1.47" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-skip-next'><desc id='nfl-skip-nextDesc'>Skip Next</desc><polygon points="14 4 14 10 5 4 5 20 14 14 14 20 18 20 18 4 14 4" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-skip-previous'><desc id='nfl-skip-previousDesc'>Skip Previous</desc><polygon points="19 4 10 10 10 4 6 4 6 20 10 20 10 14 19 20 19 4" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-standings'><desc id='nfl-standingsDesc'>Standings</desc><rect x="10" y="5" width="10" height="2" /><rect x="10" y="11" width="10" height="2" /><rect x="10" y="17" width="10" height="2" /><rect x="4" y="4" width="4" height="4" /><rect x="4" y="10" width="4" height="4" /><rect x="4" y="16" width="4" height="4" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-star'><desc id='nfl-starDesc'>Star</desc><polygon points="12 3 14.11 9.49 20.94 9.49 15.41 13.51 17.52 20 12 15.99 6.48 20 8.59 13.51 3.06 9.49 9.89 9.49 12 3" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-stats'><desc id='nfl-statsDesc'>Stats</desc><rect x="15.5" y="8" width="3" height="12" /><rect x="10.5" y="4" width="3" height="16" /><rect x="5.5" y="12" width="3" height="8" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-swap'><desc id='nfl-swapDesc'>Swap</desc><polygon points="19 8 7 8 7 6 4 9 7 12 7 10 19 10 19 8" /><polygon points="20 15 17 12 17 14 5 14 5 16 17 16 17 18 20 15" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-teams'><desc id='nfl-teamsDesc'>Teams</desc><path d="M15,10h6c0-2-2-7-9-7S3,9,3,13l2,5c2,0,3,2,5,2s2.85-1.15,3.85-2.15L16,20h5V13H13.88Zm-3.94,7.65a1.21,1.21,0,1,1,0-1.71A1.21,1.21,0,0,1,11.06,17.65ZM19,15v3H17l-3-3Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-tickets'><desc id='nfl-ticketsDesc'>Tickets</desc><path 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C2.51406931,11.5995601 1.82622923,12.8715601 2.16198936,14.3595601 L2.83998936,17.31828 C3.15918943,18.7782001 4.20414927,19.6002001 5.68830918,19.6002001 L7.66782908,19.6002001 Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-news-mini'><desc id='nfl-news-miniDesc'>News</desc><path d="M12.5 14.1C13.9 14.1 15 13 15 11.7L15 4.2C15 3.9 14.7 3.7 14.4 3.7L12.8 3.7C12.5 3.7 12.3 3.9 12.3 4.2L12.3 4.5C12.3 4.9 12.5 5.1 12.8 5.1L13.5 5.1 13.5 11.7C13.5 12.3 13.1 12.7 12.5 12.7 12 12.7 11.5 12.3 11.5 11.7L11.5 0.6C11.5 0.3 11.3 0.1 11 0.1L0.6 0.1C0.3 0.1 0 0.3 0 0.6L0 11.7C0 13 1.1 14.1 2.5 14.1L12.5 14.1ZM10.3 12.7L2.5 12.7C1.9 12.7 1.5 12.3 1.5 11.7L1.5 1.5 10.1 1.5 10.1 11.7C10.1 12.1 10.2 12.4 10.3 12.7ZM8.2 4.6C8.5 4.6 8.7 4.4 8.7 4L8.7 3.7C8.7 3.3 8.5 3.1 8.2 3.1L3.4 3.1C3.1 3.1 2.9 3.3 2.9 3.7L2.9 4C2.9 4.4 3.1 4.6 3.4 4.6L8.2 4.6ZM8.2 7.7C8.5 7.7 8.7 7.5 8.7 7.2L8.7 6.8C8.7 6.5 8.5 6.3 8.2 6.3L3.4 6.3C3.1 6.3 2.9 6.5 2.9 6.8L2.9 7.2C2.9 7.5 3.1 7.7 3.4 7.7L8.2 7.7ZM6.2 10.8C6.5 10.8 6.8 10.6 6.8 10.3L6.8 10C6.8 9.6 6.5 9.4 6.2 9.4L3.4 9.4C3.1 9.4 2.9 9.6 2.9 10L2.9 10.3C2.9 10.6 3.1 10.8 3.4 10.8L6.2 10.8Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-play-mini'><desc id='nfl-play-miniDesc'>Play</desc><path fill="none" d="M16 8.6C16 12.5 12.9 15.6 9 15.6 5.1 15.6 2 12.5 2 8.6 2 4.7 5.1 1.6 9 1.6 12.9 1.6 16 4.7 16 8.6" /><path d="M9 0.4C13.5 0.4 17.3 4.1 17.3 8.6 17.3 13.2 13.5 16.9 9 16.9 4.5 16.9 0.8 13.2 0.8 8.6 0.8 4.1 4.5 0.4 9 0.4ZM9 1.6C5.1 1.6 2 4.7 2 8.6 2 12.5 5.1 15.6 9 15.6 12.9 15.6 16 12.5 16 8.6 16 4.7 12.9 1.6 9 1.6ZM7.1 5.8C7.1 5.6 7.2 5.6 7.4 5.6 9.1 6.4 10.7 7.4 12.2 8.4 12.4 8.5 12.4 8.7 12.2 8.8 10.7 9.9 9.1 10.8 7.4 11.6 7.2 11.7 7.1 11.6 7.1 11.4 6.9 9.5 6.9 7.7 7.1 5.8Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-audio-mini'><desc id='nfl-audio-miniDesc'>Audio</desc><path d="M7.8 19.6C8.2 19.6 8.4 19.3 8.3 18.9 7.4 15.6 7.1 13.3 7.1 11.5 7.1 7.8 8.7 6 12 6 15.3 6 16.9 7.8 16.9 11.5 16.9 13.3 16.6 15.6 15.7 18.9 15.6 19.3 15.8 19.6 16.2 19.6L18.7 19.6C20.2 19.6 21.2 18.8 21.5 17.3L22.2 14.4C22.6 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13.584 1.13931 13.368L3.22731 12.144C3.56331 11.952 3.87531 11.976 4.21131 12.192C4.30731 12.264 4.40331 12.312 4.52331 12.384C5.02731 12.672 5.05131 13.056 4.54731 13.344L1.49931 15.12ZM1.49931 18.216C1.01931 18.504 0.635313 18.312 0.635313 17.76V17.352C0.635313 16.968 0.803313 16.68 1.13931 16.488L6.20331 13.56C6.51531 13.368 6.80331 13.368 7.16331 13.488C7.33131 13.536 7.52331 13.608 7.69131 13.656C8.33931 13.824 8.43531 14.208 7.85931 14.544L1.49931 18.216Z" /></symbol><symbol id='nfl-league-chevron-right'><desc id='nfl-league-chevron-rightDesc'> Chevron right </desc><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.18454302,19.2245843 L9.18454302,19.2255441 L15.9597431,12.434984 C16.2451031,12.1496241 16.2451031,11.8474641 15.9597431,11.5618643 L9.18454302,4.78714432 C8.89078288,4.49314432 8.59678288,4.50154447 8.3114229,4.78690445 L8.05150285,5.0468245 C7.75750285,5.32522464 7.75030278,5.63458463 8.03566277,5.91994462 L14.1295029,11.9979446 L8.03566277,18.0915445 C7.75030278,18.3771443 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