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Hmm, looks like that page doesn't exist.</h3> <svg id="astronaut" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <style> .st0{fill:none;} .st1{fill:#504E55;} .st2{fill:#F39E72;} .st3{fill:#FFFFFF;} .st4{opacity:0.24;} .st5{fill:#77574E;} .st6{fill:#FBD68D;} .st7{fill:#ECECEC;} .st8{fill:#F4A89C;} .st9{fill:#CFC9E5;} .st10{opacity:0.28;} .st11{opacity:0.25;} .st12{fill:#6F635C;} .st13{fill:#DAE7BE;} .st14{fill:#FFE0A6;} .st15{fill:#5F5E60;} .st16{fill:#CFE1AF;} .st17{fill:#EBE9F5;} .st18{fill:#53515A;} .st19{opacity:0.42;} .st20{fill:#53515B;} </style> <circle cx="256.8" cy="255.3" r="247.9" class="st0"/> <path d="M346.4 475H164.9V244.8c0-14 11.4-25.4 25.4-25.4H321c14 0 25.4 11.4 25.4 25.4V475z" class="st2"/> <path d="M346.4 470H165l5 5V349.9v-80-21.4c0-10.3 3.9-20.3 15-23.3 6.4-1.8 14.2-.7 20.7-.7h112.4c3.3 0 6.5 0 9.7 1.1 8.3 2.9 13.5 10.7 13.7 19.3.1 4.1 0 8.3 0 12.5v217.7c0 6.4 10 6.4 10 0v-130-79.5-19.1c-.1-13.8-7.6-26-21-30.5-7.2-2.4-15.8-1.5-23.3-1.5H192.9c-14.8 0-28.7 8.4-32 23.6-1.1 5.2-.8 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11.8 33.2 24.9 2.9 6.1 4.3 12.7 4.3 19.4v6.1c0 2 .8 4.2-1.2 4.5-6.3.9-3.6 10.5 2.7 9.6 6.8-.9 8.5-6.9 8.5-12.8 0-5.1.1-10.2-.6-15.3-2-14.6-10.1-27.7-21.9-36.4-21.6-15.9-55.8-14.2-75.7 3.7-11.2 10.1-17.6 24.6-17.9 39.6-.2 8.4-1.6 20.7 10 21.3 15.1.8 30.4 0 45.5 0h50.7c6.7 0 6.7-10 .2-10z" class="st1"/> <path d="M358.2 478.1h-96.6c-2.6 0-4.7-2.1-4.7-4.7v-9.6c0-28 22.9-50.8 50.8-50.8h4.4c28 0 50.8 22.9 50.8 50.8v9.6c0 2.6-2.1 4.7-4.7 4.7z" class="st3"/> <path d="M358.2 473.1h-92.7c-.8 0-3.1.4-3.8 0 0 0 .2-6.4.2-7.6 0-5.2.5-10.1 2-15.1 7.3-24 32.6-36.2 56.4-31.7 14 2.7 26 11.7 32.6 24.3 3.2 6.2 4.9 13.1 5 20.1v5.5c0 2.1.8 4.4-1 4.7-6.3.9-3.6 10.5 2.7 9.6 6.6-.9 8.4-6.7 8.4-12.5 0-5.4.1-10.8-.8-16.2-2.4-14.4-10.8-27.2-22.5-35.8-22.3-16.2-56.2-13.8-75.9 5.4-10.5 10.3-16.6 24.5-16.9 39.2-.1 8.3-1.2 19.4 10 20 15.4.9 31.1 0 46.5 0h49.8c6.4.1 6.4-9.9 0-9.9z" class="st1"/> <path d="M297.8 366.4h-84.4c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-47c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h84.4c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v47c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12z" class="st3"/> <path d="M297.8 361.4h-62.4c-7.3 0-14.8.6-22 0-6.3-.5-7-5.6-7-10.6v-17.4-19.2c0-3.5-.8-8.4 1.6-11.3 2.4-2.8 5.8-2.5 9-2.5h53.6c8.8 0 17.7-.5 26.5 0 5.5.3 7.5 4.1 7.5 9.1v39.6c.2 5.2.6 11.9-6.8 12.3-6.4.3-6.4 10.3 0 10 9.7-.5 16.6-7.6 17-17.2.2-4.7 0-9.4 0-14v-22.8c0-4.1.4-8.5-.2-12.5-1.3-8.5-8.6-14.1-17-14.4-3.4-.1-6.8 0-10.3 0h-43c-10.1 0-20.2-.3-30.3 0-8 .3-15.1 5-17.1 13.1-1 4.1-.5 8.8-.5 13 0 12.5-.4 25 0 37.5.3 8.4 5.8 15.8 14.4 17.2 3.1.5 6.3.2 9.4.2h77.7c6.4-.1 6.4-10.1-.1-10.1z" class="st1"/> <circle cx="230.7" cy="316.7" r="10.4" class="st7"/> <path d="M236.2 316.7c-.4 7-10.9 7-10.9 0s10.5-7 10.9 0c.3 6.4 10.3 6.4 10 0-.5-8.4-6.7-15.4-15.4-15.4-8.4 0-15.4 7.1-15.4 15.4 0 8.2 6.7 15.1 14.9 15.4 8.9.4 15.6-6.9 16-15.4.2-6.4-9.8-6.4-10.1 0z" class="st1"/> <circle cx="230.7" cy="345.2" r="10.4" class="st8"/> <path d="M236.2 345.2c-.4 7-10.9 7-10.9 0s10.5-7 10.9 0c.3 6.4 10.3 6.4 10 0-.5-8.4-6.7-15.4-15.4-15.4-8.4 0-15.4 7.1-15.4 15.4 0 8.2 6.7 15.1 14.9 15.4 8.9.4 15.6-6.9 16-15.4.2-6.4-9.8-6.4-10.1 0z" class="st1"/> <path d="M371.7 160.3c-.2 47-28.6 87.5-69.2 106.2 21.1-26.3 34.4-60.1 34.4-98.5 0-49.8-21.3-91.8-54.5-118.6-1-.8-2.3-.5-3.3-1.3 15.7 3.5 30 10 42.7 19 30 21.4 50 54.7 49.9 93.2z" class="st4 st5"/> <path d="M243.8 87h26.1c6.4 0 6.4-10 0-10h-26.1c-6.4 0-6.5 10 0 10z" class="st1"/> <path d="M351 157.8c0 24.5-9.3 46.9-24.5 63.8-2.7 2.9-6.4 4.6-10.4 4.6l-120.4.4c-4 0-7.8-1.6-10.4-4.5-15.5-16.9-24.9-39.5-24.9-64.2 0-20.7 6.6-39.8 17.7-55.4 2.7-3.7 7-6 11.6-6h132c4.6 0 8.9 2.2 11.5 6 11.2 15.5 17.8 34.6 17.8 55.3z" class="st9"/> <path d="M346 157.8c-.1 14.7-3.5 29.2-10.4 42.2-3.9 7.4-10.6 20.9-20 21.2-10.5.3-21.1.1-31.6.1-28.8.1-57.7.5-86.5.3-8.6-.1-13.5-8.5-17.8-15.1-7.9-12.3-12.8-26.5-13.9-41.2-1.2-14.9 1.2-30 7.2-43.7 3.4-7.7 8.1-20 17.8-20.2 27.6-.6 55.2 0 82.7 0h41.2c2.3 0 4.8-.2 7.1 0 7 .5 10.2 7.5 13.2 13 3.6 6.5 6.3 13.4 8.2 20.6 1.8 7.5 2.7 15.1 2.8 22.8.1 6.4 10.1 6.4 10 0-.1-15.9-3.8-31.4-10.9-45.6-5.1-10.1-11.3-20.5-23.9-20.8-11.1-.2-22.3 0-33.4 0h-95.5c-7.1 0-13.5 2-18.1 7.9-9.5 12.5-15.5 28.1-17.7 43.6-2.3 15.6-1 31.8 4.1 46.7 2.4 7.2 5.6 14.1 9.6 20.5 3.7 6 8.2 12.9 13.8 17.3 4.8 3.8 10.3 4.1 16.1 4 5.9 0 11.9 0 17.8-.1 18.4-.1 36.9-.1 55.3-.2 13.5 0 27.1-.1 40.6-.1 8.6 0 14.4-3.5 19.8-10.2 9.4-11.7 16.3-25.3 19.7-40 1.8-7.6 2.6-15.4 2.7-23.2 0-6.2-10-6.2-10 .2z" class="st1"/> <path d="M181.6 111.8c-4.1 7.1-7.1 14.7-8.6 22.8-1.7 8.6 11.5 12.3 13.2 3.6 1.4-7 3.7-13.3 7.3-19.5 4.4-7.6-7.5-14.5-11.9-6.9zM182.4 166.4c-.4-3-.5-6.5-.4-9.8.1-3.7-3.2-6.9-6.9-6.9-3.8 0-6.7 3.1-6.9 6.9-.2 4.5.2 8.9.9 13.4.5 3.7 5.2 5.7 8.4 4.8 4-1.1 5.4-4.8 4.9-8.4z" class="st3"/> <path d="M357.9 465v1c.6 8.8 1.5 7.2-8.3 7.1h-7.8c1.5-1.9 1.8-2.4 1.8-5.1v-1.1c0-14.1-5.3-26.9-13.7-36.2-5.5-6-12.3-10.3-19.8-12.7.8 0 1.6.1 2.4.1 13.1.8 25.1 6 33.2 14.6 8.1 8.6 12.2 19.5 12.2 32.3z" class="st10 st5"/> <path d="M362.5 381.5h1.8c13.8 0 25.1-11.3 25.1-25.1v-92.1c0-13.8-11.3-25.1-25.1-25.1h-6.5c-6.3 0-11.4 5.1-11.4 11.4v114.8c0 8.9 7.2 16.1 16.1 16.1z" class="st3"/> <path d="M362.5 386.5c17.5 0 31.5-12.6 31.9-30.4.2-8.2 0-16.4 0-24.6 0-22.3.5-44.6 0-66.8-.3-17.1-13.6-30.3-30.8-30.4-7.6-.1-15.3.4-19.7 7.7-2.1 3.5-2.4 7.2-2.4 11v106.4c0 2-.1 4 0 6 .3 11.8 9.2 20.6 21 21.1 6.4.3 6.4-9.7 0-10-10.8-.5-11.1-10-11.1-18.1v-28.5-69c0-4.8-1.6-13.9 3.9-16.2 5-2.1 14.1-.4 18.5 2 6.6 3.6 10.4 10.4 10.5 17.8.4 18.6 0 37.2 0 55.8v32.6c0 3.5.1 6.8-1.1 10.2-3.2 9.1-11.6 13.5-20.7 13.5-6.5-.1-6.5 9.9 0 9.9z" class="st1"/> <path d="M346.4 343.9h42.9c6.4 0 6.4-10 0-10h-42.9c-6.4 0-6.5 10 0 10z" class="st1"/> <path d="M384.5 269.3v80.5c1.6 20.1-11.2 27.9-24.1 26.2-1.5-.2-3-.4-4.3-1.2 11.2-3.6 19.4-15.1 19.4-28.6v-73c0-13.5-8.2-25-19.4-28.6 2.3-.9 2.8-1.2 4.3-1.2 14.8.1 25.2 10.4 24.1 25.9z" class="st11 st12"/> <path d="M371.6 128.9l25.1-23.8" class="st13"/> <path d="M375.1 132.4c8.4-7.9 16.7-15.8 25.1-23.8 4.7-4.4-2.4-11.5-7.1-7.1-8.4 7.9-16.7 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