Robert Christgau: CG 70s: The Grades

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It is unlikely to be marred by more than one merely ordinary cut. <p> An <b>A</b> is a great record both of whose sides offer enduring pleasure and surprise. You should own it. <p> An <b>A-</b> is a very good record. If one of its sides doesn't provide intense and consistent satisfaction, then both include several cuts that do. <p> A <b>B+</b> is a good record, at least one of whose sides can be played with lasting interest and the other of which includes at least one enjoyable cut. <p> A <b>B</b> is an admirable effort that aficionados of the style or artist will probably find quite listenable. <p> A <b>B-</b> is a competent or mildly interesting record that will usually feature at least three worthwhile cuts. <p> A <b>C+</b> is a not disreputable performance, most likely a failed experiment or a pleasant piece of hackwork. <p> A <b>C</b> is a record of clear professionalism or barely discernible inspiration, but not both. <p> A <b>C-</b> is a regrettably successful exploitation or a basically honest but quite incompetent stab at something more. <p> A <b>D+</b> is an appalling piece of pimpwork or a thoroughly botched token of sincerity. <p> It is impossible to understand why anyone would buy a <b>D</b> record. <p> It is impossible to understand why anyone would release a <b>D-</b> record. <p> It is impossible to understand why anyone would cut an <b>E+</b> record. <p> <b>E</b> records are frequently cited as proof that there is no God. <p> An <b>E-</b> record is an organically conceived masterpiece that repays repeated listening with a sense of horror in the face of the void. It is unlikely to be marred by one listenable cut. <p> <p align=right><i>Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the '70s</i>, 1980</p> <hr> <table width="100%"><tr valign=center> <td><a href="criteria.php"><img src="/icon/prev.gif"></a></td> <td width="50%"><em class=hi>The Criteria</em></td> <td width="50%" align=right><em class=hi>A</em></td> <td><a href="/get_chap.php?k=A&bk=70"><img src="/icon/next.gif"></a></td> </tr></font></table> <!-- begin standard footer --> </td> </table> </body> </html>

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