Spacious Spatiality

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We hope that this event will be a testament to the society’s goals: to foster rigorous research that transcends boundaries, and counterbalances academic hyperspecialization. <p> </div> <!--For some reason removing this makes the section slightly off-center--> <div class="col-12"> </div> <!--GO DOWN ICON--> <div class="row"> <a href="#about" class="go-down"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- end of intro section --> <main id="main"> <!--========================== SPEAKERS SECTION ============================--> <p id="sessionstop"></p> <section id="sessionspreview"> <div class="container"> <div class="section-header wow fadeInUp"> <h3><a href="">Plenary Sessions</a></h3> <p>Read more <a href="">here</a>.</p> </div> <div class="row sessionspreview-cols"> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Dillon.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Moira R. Dillon</h4> <span><b></br>Developmental Psychology</b></span> <span><b>Geometric Cognition</b></span> <span><b>Spatiality in Pictorial Art</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-google"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Moira R. Dillon</b> </div> <h2><a href="">Navigating</br>the Origins</br>of Art</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Gardenfors.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Peter Gärdenfors</h4> <span><b></br>Cognitive Science</b></span> <span><b>Semantics</b></span> <span><b>Conceptual Spaces</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-wikipedia-w"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-researchgate"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-google"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Peter Gärdenfors</b> </div> <h2><a href="">Conceptual Spaces</br>and the Geometry of</br>Word Meanings</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Tversky.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Barbara Tversky</h4> <span><b></br>Cognitive Psychology</b></span> <span><b>Spatial Cognition</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-wikipedia-w"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-google"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Barbara Tversky</b> </div> <h2><a href="">Spatial Thinking</br>is the Foundation</br>of Thought</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Cohn.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Anthony G. Cohn</h4> <span><b></br>Artificial Intelligence</b></span> <span><b>Spatial Representation</b></span> <span><b>Spatial Reasoning</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-google"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-researchgate"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Anthony G. Cohn</b> </div> <h2><a href="">Whither Spatial</br>Intelligence? Challenges</br>of the Spatial World</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Levin.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Michael Levin</h4> <span><b></br>Developmental Biology</b></span> <span><b>Synthetic Biology</b></span> <span><b>Morphogenesis</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-wikipedia-w"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-google"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Michael Levin</b> </div> <h2><a href="">Collective Intelligence of</br>Cells in Navigating</br>Biological Spaces</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Dolins.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Francine Dolins</h4> <span><b></br>Behavioral Primatology</b></span> <span><b>Animal Spatial Cognition</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><b style="font-family:Times Tew Roman; font-size:24px">A</b></a> </div> </div> </div> <b>Francine Dolins</b> </div> <h2><a href="">Nonhuman Primate</br> Spatial Cognition</br> in Virtual Reality</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Tymoczko.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Dmitri Tymoczko</h4> <span><b></br>Composition</b></span> <span><b>Music Theory</b></span> <span><b>Geometry of Music</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-wikipedia-w"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Dmitri Tymoczko</b> </div> <h2><a href="">Visualizing</br>Musical</br>Structure</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Overmann.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Karenleigh A. Overmann</h4> <span><b></br>Cognitive Archaeology</b></span> <span><b>Origin of Geometry</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-wikipedia-w"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-researchgate"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><b style="font-family:Times Tew Roman; font-size:24px">A</b></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-google"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Karenleigh A. Overmann</b> </div> <h2><a href="">The Stone Age:</br>Emergence of Modern</br>Spatial Thinking</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Schich.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Maximilian Schich</h4> <span><b></br>Cultural Analytics</b></span> <span><b>Data Science</b></span> <span><b>Complexity Science</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-google"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Maximilian Schich</b> </div> <h2><a href="">Meaning Spaces</br>in Cultural</br>Data Analytics</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Beynon.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Taliesin Beynon</h4> <span><b></br>Computer Science</b></span> <span><b>Discrete Geometry</b></span> <span><b>Artificial Intelligence</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-github"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Taliesin Beynon</b> </div> <h2><a href="">Geometry</br>of</br>Computation</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Wynn.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Tom Wynn</h4> <span><b></br>Cognitive Arcaheology</b></span> <span><b>Evolution of Spatial Cognition</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-university"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-wikipedia-w"></i></a> </div> </div></a> </div> <b>Tom Wynn</b> </div> <h2><a href="">The Stone Age:</br>Emergence of Modern</br>Spatial Thinking</a></br></br></h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="sessionspreview-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/speakers/Balasubramanian.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> <a href=""> <div class="member-info"> <div class="member-info-content"> <h4>Vijay Balasubramanian</h4> <span><b></br>Theoretical Physics</b></span> <span><b>Emergence of Space</b></span> <span><b>Biophysics</b></span> <div class="social"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-wikipedia-w"></i></a> <a href="" 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<!--DESCRIPTION--> <!--<p align="justify"> Although science is often communicated by means of the spoken word or written text, the evocative value of a well-designed visualization cannot be understated. At SEMF we believe in the explanatory power of the visual medium as well as the synergy between artistic exploration and fundamental research. </br></br> If you are interested in having your visualizations or art displayed in our Gallery as part of the Spacious Spatiality conference please complete this brief submission form: </br> </p>--> <!--SUBMISSION BUTTON--> <!--<a class="wks-btn" href="" target="_blank">Submit</a> <p align="justify"> </br></br> Submissions welcome until May 20.</br></br> </p>--> <div align="center"> <div class="row gallery-cols"> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <a href=""> <div class="gallery-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/gallery/spin.gif" class="img-fluid" alt=""> </div> <h2><a href="">Jason Hise</a></br></br></h2> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <a href=""> <div class="gallery-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/gallery/quantum.gif" class="img-fluid" alt=""> </div> <h2><a href="">Hamish Todd</a></br></br></h2> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <a href=""> <div class="gallery-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/gallery/piggies.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> </div> <h2><a href="">Irida Altman</br></br></a></h2> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <a href=""> <div class="gallery-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/gallery/hyperbolica.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> </div> <h2><a href="">CodeParade</a></br></br></h2> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <a href=""> <div class="gallery-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/gallery/teja1.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""> </div> <h2><a href="">Teja Krašek</a></br></br></h2> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <a href=""> <div class="gallery-col"> <div class="member"> <img src="img/gallery/citysquare.gif" class="img-fluid" alt=""> </div> <h2><a href="">Chigozie Nri</a></br></br></h2> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeInUp"> <a href=""> <div class="gallery-col"> <div class="member"> <a href=""><img src="img/gallery/hyperhorse.gif" class="img-fluid" alt=""></a> </div> <h2><a href="">micahscopes</br></br></a></h2> </a> </div> </div> <!--<div class="img-wrapper"> <!--<a href="" target="BLANK_"> <img class="middle-img" src="img/VisualizingSpaceWeb.jpg" height="370" width="650" style="border-radius:10px"></a> </div> --> <p align="justify"> </br>Although science is often communicated by means of the spoken word or written text, the evocative value of a well-designed visualization cannot be understated. At SEMF we believe in the explanatory power of the visual medium as well as the synergy between artistic exploration and fundamental research. </p> </div> </div> <!--end of section contents--> </section> <!--end of gallery section--> <!--========================== LOGISTICS SECTION ============================--> <section id="logistics" class="wow fadeIn"> <!--This paragraph is needed to properly show section title when landing here from outisde this page--> <p id="logisticstop"> </br> </p> <!--SECTION TITLE--> <header class="section-header"> <h3>LOGISTICS</h3> <p align="justify">This event takes place 23-27 May 2022</p> </header> <!--SECTION CONTENT--> <div class="container text-center"> <!-- TIMETABLE --> <p align="center" id="huso"></p> <!-- <p align="center"> <iframe src="" title="Calendar" width="900" height="1000"></iframe></p> --> <div class="container"> <div class="cd-schedule cd-schedule--loading margin-top-lg margin-bottom-lg js-cd-schedule"> <div class="cd-schedule__timeline"> <ul> <li><b style="color:white; font-size:1px">14:00</b><p></p><p id="slot6" style="font-size:16px"></p></li> <li><span>14:30</span></li> <li><b style="color:white; font-size:1px">15:00</b><p></p><p id="slot7" style="font-size:16px"></p></li> <li><span>15:30</span></li> <li><b style="color:white; font-size:1px">16:00</b><p></p><p id="slot8" style="font-size:16px"></p></li> <li><span>16:30</span></li> <li><b style="color:white; font-size:1px">17:00</b><p></p><p id="slot9" style="font-size:16px"></p></li> <li><span>17:30</span></li> <li><b style="color:white; font-size:1px">18:00</b><p></p><p id="slot10" style="font-size:16px"></p></li> <li><span>18:30</span></li> <li><b style="color:white; font-size:1px">19:00</b><p></p><p id="slot11" style="font-size:16px"></p></li> <li><span>19:30</span></li> <li><b style="color:white; font-size:1px">20:00</b><p></p><p id="slot12" style="font-size:16px"></p></li> <li><span>20:30</span></li> <li><b style="color:white; font-size:1px">21:00</b><p></p><p id="slot12" style="font-size:16px"></p></li> <li><span>21:30</span></li> <li><b style="color:white; font-size:1px">22:00</b><p></p><p id="slot12" style="font-size:16px"></p></li> <li><span>22:30</span></li> </ul> </div> <!-- .cd-schedule__timeline --> <script> /*GENERAL VARIABLES*/ var d = new Date(); var n = - 1 - d.getTimezoneOffset()/60; /*timezone offset (UTC+n)*/ var u = 1 /*local timezone (original schedule in UTC+u)* /*TIMEZONE-DEPENDENT HOUR MARKS*/ /*Timetable Hours Column*/ /* var h = 12 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot1").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot1").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 13 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot2").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else{ document.getElementById("slot2").innerHTML = h + ':00'; } h = 14 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot3").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot3").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 15 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot4").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot4").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 16 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot5").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot5").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 17 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot6").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot6").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 18 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot7").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot7").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 19 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot8").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot8").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 20 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot9").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot9").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 21 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot10").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot10").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 22 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot11").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot11").innerHTML = h + ':00'; h = 23 - u + n if (h>23) h = h - 24 if (h<0) h = h + 24 if (h<10) document.getElementById("slot12").innerHTML = '0' + h + ':00'; else document.getElementById("slot12").innerHTML = h + ':00'; */ /*Timezone Alert*/ var m = n +1 if (m<0) document.getElementById("huso").innerHTML = 'Showing schedule times for your detected* timezone (UTC ' + m + ')'; else document.getElementById("huso").innerHTML = 'Showing schedule times for your detected* timezone (UTC +' + m + ')'; </script> <div class="cd-schedule__events"> <ul> <li class="cd-schedule__group"> <!-- MONDAY SESSIONS --> <div class="cd-schedule__top-info"><span>Monday 23</span></div> <ul> <!-- SESSION 1 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="16:30" data-end="17:00" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-1" target="_blank"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session1"></b> &nbsp Opening </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 16 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 17 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session1").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session1").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session1").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session1").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session1").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session1").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session1").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session1").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 2 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="17:00" data-end="19:00" data-content="schedule-gardenfors" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session2"></b> &nbsp Gardenfors <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!--TITLE--> </p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 17 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '00' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 19 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session2").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session2").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session2").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session2").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session2").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session2").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session2").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session2").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 3 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="19:00" data-end="19:30" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session3"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 19 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '00' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 19 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session3").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session3").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session3").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session3").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session3").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session3").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session3").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session3").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION D --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="19:30" data-end="21:30" data-content="schedule-tversky" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="sessionD"></b> &nbsp Tversky <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --> </p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 19 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 21 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("sessionD").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("sessionD").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("sessionD").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("sessionD").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("sessionD").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("sessionD").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("sessionD").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("sessionD").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION S --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="21:30" data-end="22:00" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session-s"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 21 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 22 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session-s").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session-s").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session-s").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session-s").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session-s").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session-s").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session-s").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session-s").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> </ul> </li> <li class="cd-schedule__group"> <!-- TUESDAY SESSIONS --> <div class="cd-schedule__top-info"><span>Tuesday 24</span></div> <ul> <!-- SESSION 4 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="17:00" data-end="19:00" data-content="schedule-levin" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session4"></b> &nbsp Levin <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --> </p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 17 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '00' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 19 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session4").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session4").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session4").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session4").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session4").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session4").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session4").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session4").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 5 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="19:00" data-end="19:30" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session5"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 19 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '00' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 19 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session5").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session5").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session5").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session5").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session5").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session5").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session5").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session5").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 6 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="19:30" data-end="21:30" data-content="schedule-dillon" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session6"></b> &nbsp Dillon <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --> </p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 19 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 21 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session6").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session6").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session6").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session6").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session6").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session6").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session6").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session6").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 7 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="21:30" data-end="22:00" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session7"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 21 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 22 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session7").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session7").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session7").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session7").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session7").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session7").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session7").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session7").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> </ul> </li> <li class="cd-schedule__group"> <div class="cd-schedule__top-info"><span>Wednesday 25</span></div> <!-- WEDNESDAY SESSIONS --> <ul> <!-- SESSION T --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="14:30" data-end="16:30" data-content="schedule-beynon" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="sessionT" target="_blank"></b> &nbsp Beynon <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --></p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 14 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 16 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("sessionT").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("sessionT").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("sessionT").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("sessionT").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("sessionT").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("sessionT").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("sessionT").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("sessionT").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 85 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="16:30" data-end="17:00" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session85"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 16 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 17 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session85").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session85").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session85").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session85").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session85").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session85").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session85").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session85").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 8 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="17:00" data-end="19:00" data-content="schedule-balasubramanian" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session8" target="_blank"></b> &nbsp Balasubramanian <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --></p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 17 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '00' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 19 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session8").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session8").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session8").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session8").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session8").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session8").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session8").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session8").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 9 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="19:00" data-end="19:30" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session9"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 19 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '00' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 19 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session9").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session9").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session9").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session9").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session9").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session9").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session9").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session9").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 10 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="19:30" data-end="21:30" data-content="schedule-dolins" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session10"></b> &nbsp Dolins <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --> </p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 19 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 21 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session10").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session10").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session10").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session10").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session10").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session10").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session10").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session10").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 11 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="21:30" data-end="22:00" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session11"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 21 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 22 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session11").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session11").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session11").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session11").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session11").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session11").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session11").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session11").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> </ul> </li> <li class="cd-schedule__group"> <div class="cd-schedule__top-info"><span>Thursday 26</span></div> <!-- THURSDAY SESSIONS --> <ul> <!-- SESSION 12 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="15:30" data-end="16:30" data-content="schedule-visualizations-2" data-event="event-3" a href="" target="_blank"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="visualizations2"></b> &nbsp Visualizations <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --> </p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 15 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 16 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("visualizations2").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("visualizations2").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("visualizations2").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("visualizations2").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("visualizations2").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("visualizations2").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("visualizations2").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("visualizations2").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 12 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="17:00" data-end="19:00" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session16"></b> &nbsp Tymoczko <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --> </p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 17 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '00' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 19 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session16").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session16").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session16").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session16").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session16").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session16").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session16").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session16").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 13 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="19:00" data-end="19:30" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session17"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 19 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '00' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 19 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session17").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session17").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session17").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session17").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session17").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session17").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session17").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session17").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 14 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="19:30" data-end="21:30" data-content="schedule-overmann-wynn" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session18"></b> &nbsp Overmann + Wynn <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --> </p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 19 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 21 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session18").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session18").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session18").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session18").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session18").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session18").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session18").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session18").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 15 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="21:30" data-end="22:00" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session19"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 21 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 22 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session19").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session19").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session19").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session19").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session19").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session19").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session19").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session19").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> </ul> </li> <li class="cd-schedule__group"> <div class="cd-schedule__top-info"><span>Friday 27</span></div> <!-- FRIDAY SESSIONS --> <ul> <!-- SESSION 16 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="14:30" data-end="16:30" data-content="schedule-schich" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session20"></b> &nbsp Schich <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --> </p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 14 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 16 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '30' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session20").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session20").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session20").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session20").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session20").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session20").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session20").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session20").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 17 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="16:30" data-end="17:00" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session21"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 16 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '30' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 17 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session21").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session21").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session21").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session21").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session21").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session21").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session21").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session21").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 18 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="17:00" data-end="19:00" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-2" href=""> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session22"></b> &nbsp Cohn </br></br> RESCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY JUNE 2,</br> 3PM UTC <p style="font-size:13px" align="center"></br> <!-- TITLE --></p> </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 17 /*beggining hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m1 = '00' /*beginning minute (00-60)*/ var h2 = 19 /*ending hour (0-23) in local timezone*/ var m2 = '00' /*ending minute (00-60)*/ h1 = h1 - u + n /*event 02 beggining hour in relative timezone*/ h2 = h2 - u + n /*event 02 ending hour in relative timezone*/ /*24-hour format adjustments*/ if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session22").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session22").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session22").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session22").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session22").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session22").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session22").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session22").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> <!-- SESSION 23 --> <li class="cd-schedule__event"> <a data-start="19:00" data-end="19:30" data-content="schedule-content-placeholder" data-event="event-4"> <em class="cd-schedule__name"> <b style="font-size:13px" id="session23"></b> &nbsp Social Time </em> </a> </li> <script> var h1 = 19 var m1 = '00' var h2 = 19 var m2 = '30' h1 = h1 - u + n h2 = h2 - u + n if (h1>23) h1 = h1 - 24 if (h1<0) h1 = h1 + 24 if (h2>23) h2 = h2 - 24 if (h2<0) h2 = h2 + 24 if(m>1 && h1<12) { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session23").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2 +' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session23").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session23").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; else document.getElementById("session23").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2+' D+1'; } } else { if (h1<10) { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session23").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session23").innerHTML = '0' + h1 + ':30 - ' + h2 + ':' + m2; } else { if (h2<10) document.getElementById("session23").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - 0' + h2 + ':' + m2; else document.getElementById("session23").innerHTML = h1 + ':' + m1 + ' - ' + + h2 + ':' + m2; } } </script> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="cd-schedule-modal"> <header class="cd-schedule-modal__header"> <div class="cd-schedule-modal__content"> <span class="cd-schedule-modal__date"></span> <h3 class="cd-schedule-modal__name"></h3> </div> <div class="cd-schedule-modal__header-bg"></div> </header> <div class="cd-schedule-modal__body"> <div class="cd-schedule-modal__event-info"></div> <div class="cd-schedule-modal__body-bg"></div> </div> <a class="cd-schedule-modal__close text-replace">Close</a> </div> <div class="cd-schedule__cover-layer"></div> </div> <!-- .cd-schedule --> </div> <div class="container text-center"> <!-- <p align="justify" id="huso"></p> --> <p align="justify" id="huso"> *The schedule should show your timezone automatically. “D+1” (if shown) indicates the hours shown are on the next calendar day. <!--In case of doubt please follow the links to the YouTube livestreams by clicking on the timetable boxes.--></br></br> In case there are any render issues with the timetable, these are the UTC times:</br></br> <b>Monday 23</b></br> 14:30 - 15:00 Opening</br> 15:00 - 17:00 Gardenfors</br> 17:30 - 19:30 Tversky</br></br> <b>Tuesday 24</b></br> 15:00 - 17:00 Levin</br> 17:30 - 19:30 Dillon</br></br> <b>Wednesday 25</b></br> 12:30 - 14:30 Beynon</br> 15:00 - 17:00 Balasubramanian</br> 17:30 - 19:30 Dolins</br></br> <b>Thursday 26</b></br> 13:30 - 14:30 Visualizations</br> 15:00 - 17:00 Tymoczko</br> 17:30 - 19:30 Overmann + Wynn</br></br> <b>Friday 27</b></br> 12:30 - 14:30 Schich</br></br> <b>Thursday 2</b></br> 15:00 - 17:00 Cohn</br> <!--DESCRIPTION (1/2)--> <p align="justify"> Plenary sessions are allocated 2-hour slots during the days of the main event. Plenary speakers are given some freedom on how to manage their session. Generally, there will be a talk followed by a moderated discussion among the attendees. It is perfectly acceptable to finish a plenary session early and not exhaust the allocated 2 hours.</br></br> Visualization sessions are allocated 1-hour slots earlier in the days of the main events for short presentations by artists and designers who are displaying their work in the Spacious Spatiality Gallery. All attendees are welcome to join and there will be time for informal discussion following the short presentations. </br></br> Social breaks are allocated 30-minute slots. A virtual social space will be provided during the breaks for those willing to mingle and network informally with other participants. Tabarca is a small Mediterranean island off the coast of Spain where SEMF is planning a programme of scientific retreats. The social space (a Gather.Town room) is a virtual replica of the Tabarca island. Social breaks are allocated 30-minute slots. A virtual social space will be provided during the breaks for those willing to mingle and network informally with other participants. <a href="" target="_blank">Tabarca</a> </p> <!--end of description (1/2)--> <!--TABARCA "GIF"--> <div id="slideshow2"> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/1.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/2.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/3.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/4.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/5.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/6.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/7.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/8.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/9.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/10.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/11.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/12.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/13.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/14.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/14.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/tabarca/15.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> </div> <!--Paragraph required since slideshow is not in line, but in front of text)--> <p style="margin-bottom:39%;"></p> <!--end of tabarca "GIF"--> <!--DESCRIPTION (2/2)--> <p align="justify"> The event will be livestreamed on the <a href="" target="_blank">SEMF YouTube Channel</a>. </br></br> Those wishing to attend the online meetings and take part actively during the plenary sessions must complete a short online form by clicking the button below. Places in the online meetings are limited to ensure discussions after the talks run smoothly. All the information about the event logistics, including links to the virtual meetings, will be communicated via email to participants. </br></br> Registration open until 20 May. </p> <!--end of description (2/2)--> <!--ATTEND BUTTON--> <a class="lgs-btn" href="" target="_blank"> Attend </a> </br></br> </div> <!--end of section content--> </section> <!--end of logistics section--> <!--========================== FIELD GUIDE SECTION ============================--> <section id="fieldguide" class="wow fadeIn"> <!--SECTION TITLE--> <header class="section-header"> <!--<h4>FIELD GUIDE</h4>--> <h3><a href="">FIELD GUIDE</a></h3> </header> <!--SECTION CONTENT--> <div class="container text-center"> <!--COMING SOON--> <!--<p>- Coming Soon -</p>--> <!--DESCRIPTION--> <p align="justify">One of the great challenges faced when attempting genuine interdisciplinary discourse is to break the barriers imposed by technical conventions and specialized jargon. Here is an interactive glossary of terms, taken mostly from the abstracts and materials provided by the plenary speakers, to aid in focusing the conversation on the conceptual core of the questions across disciplines:</p> <!--FIELD GUIDE "GIF"--> <a href=""> <div id="slideshow"> <div> <img src="img/fieldguide/GIF/1.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/fieldguide/GIF/2.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/fieldguide/GIF/3.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> <div> <img src="img/fieldguide/GIF/4.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"> </div> </div> </a> <!--Paragraph required since slideshow is not in line, but in front of text)--> <p style="margin-bottom:35%;"></p> <!--end of field guide "GIF"--> <!--FIELD GUIDE BUTTON--> </br><a class="wks-btn" href="">See Field Guide</a> </div> <!--end of section content--> </section> <!--end of field guide section--> <!--========================== Participants ============================--> <section id="participants"> <div class="container"> <header class="section-header"> <h3><a href="" style="color:black">Participants</a></h3> </header> <div class="container text-center"> <p align="justify">Applicants to Spacious Spatiality were selected to participate in the live plenary sessions on the basis of the potential for scientific cross pollination. The final group of participants is diverse and intersectional, a good reflection of the conference subject matter itself. <a href="">Here</a> are some data visualizations of the participant statistics. </p> <!-- <div id="slideshow3"> <div> <a href=""><img src="img/participantsGIF/1.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"></a> </div> <div> <a href=""><img src="img/participantsGIF/2.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"></a> </div> <div> <a href=""></a><img src="img/participantsGIF/3.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"></a> </div> <div> <a href=""><img src="img/participantsGIF/4.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"></a> </div> <div> <a href=""><img src="img/participantsGIF/5.jpg" width="100%" style="border-radius:10px"></a> </div> </div> <p style="margin-bottom:39%;"></p>--> <!-- <p align="center"><a href=""><img src="img/Participants.gif" style="border-radius:10px" alt="See Paticipant Statistics" height="360" width="640"></a></p> --> <a class="lgs-btn" href="">See Participant Statistics</a> </br></br> </div> </section> <!--========================== WORKSHOP SECTION ============================--> <section id="workshop" class="wow fadeIn"> <!--SECTION TITLE--> <header class="section-header"> <h3 style="color:white">WORKSHOP</h3> </header> <!--SECTION CONTENTS--> <div class="container text-center"> <!--DESCRIPTION--> <p align="justify"> On June 1-2 a small-scale workshop will take place. The workshop will involve a small number of participants who will have the opportunity to share their research and ideas with peers coming from a broad spectrum of disciplines. Although all are welcome to apply, priority will be given to young researchers. Applicants will be selected based on the organizers' judgement on potential synergies and collaborations across scientific disciplines. The aim of this workshop is to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where scientific ideas can develop organically. </br></br> A schedule will be arranged so that each participant will have the opportunity to present a short talk on a topic related to some of the proposed questions (both original research and reviews of existing literature are welcome) with plenty of time for discussion and joint work in breakout groups. This event will be hosted online with a combination of Zoom meetings and a Gather.Town social space. </br></br> <!--Applications welcome until May 27.--> </p> <!--APPLY BUTTON--> <a class="wks-btn" href="" target="_blank">Apply</a> </div> <!--end of section contents--> </section> <!--end of workshop section--> <!--========================== QUESTIONS SECTION ============================--> <!--This paragraph is needed to properly show section title when landing here from outisde this page--> <p id="questionstop"> </br> </p> <section id="questions"> <div class="container"> <!--SECTION TITLE--> <header class="section-header"> <!--Title--> <h3> <a href=""> QUESTIONS AND DISCIPLINES </a> </h3> <!--Description--> <p>These are some of the fundamental questions and disciplines that will be touched upon during the event. Click <a href="">here</a> for a detailed list of proposed lines of enquiry.</p> </header> <!--end of section title--> <!--Three First Questions--> <div class="row questions-cols"> <!--QUESTION 1--> <div class="col-md-4 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.1s"> <div class="questions-col"> <div class="img"> <a href=""><img src="img/questions/World.jpg" alt="" class="img-fluid"> <div class="icon"><i class="fas fa-globe"></i></a></div> </div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">Is the world fundamentally spatial?</a></h2> <p align="center"> <nobr>Cosmology</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Philosophy of Science</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Computer Simulation</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Mathematical Physics</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Metaphysics</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Metrology</nobr> </p> </div> </div> <!--end of question 1--> <!--QUESTION 2--> <div class="col-md-4 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="questions-col"> <div class="img"> <a href=""><img src="img/questions/Art.jpg" alt="" class="img-fluid"> <div class="icon"><i class="fas fa-palette"></i></a></div> </div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">What is the role of space in art?</a></h2> <p align="center"> <nobr>3D Modelling</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Visual Arts</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>History of Art</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Aesthetics</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Architecture</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Creativity</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Cultural Analysis</nobr> </p> </div> </div> <!--end of question 2--> <!--QUESTION 3--> <div class="col-md-4 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.1s"> <div class="questions-col"> <div class="img"> <a href=""><img src="img/questions/Formal.jpg" alt="" class="img-fluid"> <div class="icon"><i class="fas fa-cube"></i></a></div> </div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">How formally special is our notion of space?</a></h2> <p align="center"> <nobr>Topology</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>History of Mathematics</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Differential Geometry</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Philosophy of Mathematics</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Category Theory</nobr> </p> </div> </div> <!--end of question 3--> </div> <!--end of three first questions--> <!--Last Two Questions--> <div class="row questions-cols"> <!--Empty column left to center the following questions--> <div class="col-md-2 wow fadeInUp"> </div> <!--QUESTION 4--> <div class="col-md-4 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.2s"> <div class="questions-col"> <div class="img"> <a href=""><img src="img/questions/Cognition.jpg" alt="" class="img-fluid"> <div class="icon"><i class="fas fa-brain"></i></a></div> </div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">What cognitive systems process spatial information?</a></h2> <p align="center"> <nobr>Spatial Cognition</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Artificial Neural Networks</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Animal Cognition</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Plant Cognition</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Information Theory</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Swarm Cognition</nobr> </p> </div> </div> <!--end of question 4--> <!--QUESTION 5--> <div class="col-md-4 wow fadeInUp"> <div class="questions-col"> <div class="img"> <a href=""><img src="img/questions/Concept.jpg" alt="" class="img-fluid"> <div class="icon"><i class="fas fa-lightbulb"></i></a></div> </div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">How can we abstract, extend or apply the concept of space? </a></h2> <p align="center"> <nobr>Foundations of Mathematics</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Metamathematics</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Philosophy of Geometry</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Science of Science</nobr> &nbsp&nbsp <nobr>Mathematical Modelling</nobr> </p> </div> </div> <!--end of question 5--> </div> <!--end of last two questions--> </div> </section> <!--end of questions section--> <!--========================== ABOUT SECTION ============================--> <!--This paragraph is needed to properly show section title when landing here from outisde this page--> <p id="abouttop"> </br> </p> <section id="about"> <div class="container"> <!--SECTION TITLE AND DESCRIPTION--> <header class="section-header"> <!--Title--> <h3>About</h3> <!--Description--> <p></p> </header> <!--end of section title--> <!--ABOUT ITEMS--> <div class="row"> <!--Item--> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 box wow bounceInUp" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div class="icon"><i class="ion-ios-calendar-outline"></i></div> <h4 class="title"><a href="#logisticstop">Plenary Sessions</a></h4> <p class="description">The main event will consist of a series of plenary talks by invited speakers followed by moderated discussion sessions.</p> </div> <!--end of item--> <!--Item--> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 box wow bounceInUp" data-wow-delay="0.1s" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div class="icon"><i class="ion-ios-chatboxes-outline"></i></div> <h4 class="title"><a href="#logisticstop">Informal Discussion</a></h4> <p class="description"> A social meeting space on Gather.Town will be available for informal discussion during breaks. Participants will be able to use it at their leisure during the event.</p> </div> <!--end of item--> <!--Item--> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 box wow bounceInUp" data-wow-delay="0.2s" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div class="icon"><i class="ion-ios-location-outline"></i></div> <h4 class="title"><a href="#logisticstop">Online</a></h4> <p class="description">This event will be hosted online. Details will be sent by email to registered participants. The plenary sessions and discussions will be livestreamed on <a href="" target="_blank">YouTube</a></p> </div> <!--end of item--> <!--Item--> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 box wow bounceInUp" data-wow-delay="0.3s" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div class="icon"><i class="ion-ios-people-outline"></i></div> <h4 class="title"><a href="#workshoptop">Follow-up Workshop</a></h4> <p class="description">The main event will be followed by a three-day workshop where young researchers will have the opportunity to engage in a friendly collaborative environment.</p> </div> <!--end of item--> <!--Item--> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 box wow bounceInUp" data-wow-delay="0.4s" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div class="icon"><i class="ion-ios-color-filter-outline"></i></div> <h4 class="title"><a href="#questionstop">Interdisciplinarity</a></h4> <p class="description">The aim of this event is to foster scientific cross-pollination by bringing together researchers from diverse areas of expertise.</p> </div> <!--end of item--> <!--Item--> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 box wow bounceInUp" data-wow-delay="0.5s" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div class="icon"><i class="ion-ios-checkmark-outline"></i></div> <h4 class="title"><a href="#logisticstop">Participate</a></h4> <p class="description"> This is a free event. <!--Those wishing to join the online event must register <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Those interested in the follow-up workshop must apply <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.-->Registration for the 2022 edition of Spacious Spatiality is now closed.</p> </div> <!--end of item--> </div> <!--end of about items--> </div> </section> <!-- end of about section --> </main> <!--========================== FOOTER ============================--> <footer id="footer"> <!--FOOTER TOP--> <div class="footer-top"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <!--CONFERENCE GENERAL INFO--> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 footer-info"> <!--CONFERENCE NAME--> <h3 align="left" style="font-size:150%; font-weight:100"> <a href="#intro" class="scrollto" style="font-size:100%; color:white"> <nobr> S P A C I O U S &nbsp </nobr> <nobr style="font-weight:800"> S P A T I A L I T Y </nobr> </a> </h3> <!--TAGLINE--> <p>An interdisciplinary meeting on the notions of space, shape and distance across art and science </br></br></p> </div> <!--end of conference general info--> <!--SPONSORS--> <!--<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 footer-links"> <h4>Sponsors</h4> <ul> <!--<li><i class="ion-ios-arrow-right"></i> <a href="">Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences</a></li> <li><i class="ion-ios-arrow-right"></i> <a href="">Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science</a></li> <li><i class="ion-ios-arrow-right"></i> <a href="">Society for Multidisciplinary and Fundamental Research</a></li> </ul> </div>--> <!--end of sponsors--> <!--ORGANIZERS--> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 footer-contact"> <h4>Organizers</h4> <p> Carlos Zapata Carratalá &nbsp <a href="" class="twitter"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> &nbsp <a href="" class="linkedin"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a> </br> Álvaro Moreno Vallori &nbsp <a href="" class="tree"><i class="fa fa-tree"></i></a> </br> Mundy Otto Reimer &nbsp <a href="" class="tree"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> &nbsp <a href="" class="tree"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></a> &nbsp <a href="" class="linkedin"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a> </p> </div> <!--end of organizers--> <!--CREDITS--> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 footer-contact"> <h4>Credits</h4> <p> Website by Álvaro Moreno Vallori &nbsp <a href="" class="tree"><i class="fa fa-tree"></i></a></br> (Template by <a href="">BootstrapMade</a>) </p> </div> <!--end of credits--> </div> </div> </div> <!--end of footer top--> <!--FOOTER BOTTOM--> <div class="container"> <div class="copyright"> <b>SEMF 2022</b> </div> <div class="credits"> <!-- All the links in the footer should remain intact. 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