Perl Weekly: A Free, Weekly Email Newsletter for the Perl Programming language

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"> <title>Perl Weekly: A Free, Weekly Email Newsletter for the Perl Programming language</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /> <meta name="description" content="Perl Weekly is a Free, Email Newsletter filled with hand picked articles and Perl-related news." /> <meta name="keywords" content="Perl, Perl 5, Perl 6, Rakudo, newsletter, news, articles" /> <link href="/perlweekly.rss" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title ="Perl Weekly" /> <link href="/index.rss" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title ="Perl Weekly Index" /> </head> <body id="home"> <div id="stripe">Perl Weekly</div> <div id="main"> <p> A free, once a week e-mail round-up of hand-picked news and articles about Perl. </p> <div class="selfquote"> <span class="emp">You</span> are busy churning out code or managing the developers. <span class="emp">You</span> care about Perl but don't have time to go through tens and hundreds of articles and blog posts every day. <span class="emp">You</span> want to keep an eye on the development of Perl without drowning in a sea of blog posts. <span class="emp">You</span> need someone to point out the most important news and articles in the Perl World. </div> <div class="selfquote"> Let me be your guide. </div> <div> <p> Join the 4390 people who received the previous issue! </p> </div> <div class="subform"> <!-- <form class="subscribe" action="" method="POST"> <span class="formlabel">Enter your e-mail:</span> <input class="emailinput" name="email" size="20" /> <input class="awesome_button" type="submit" value="and click to sign up!" /> </form> --> <!-- <form class="subscribe" action="" method="GET"> <input class="awesome_button" type="submit" value="Click to sign up!" /> </form> --> <form class="subscribe" action="/subscribe.html" method="GET"> <input class="awesome_button" type="submit" value="Click to sign up!" /> </form> <div class="onemail"> Just ONE e-mail each Monday. Easy to <a href="/unsubscribe.html">unsubscribe</a>. No spam. Your e-mail address is safe. </div> </div> <div> Next issue on 2025-03-17. </div> <p> Want a sneak peek? Check out the <a href="/latest.html">latest</a> issue (<a href="/archive/712.html">#712</a>),<br> or see <a href="/archive/">every earlier issue in the archive</a>. </p> <h2>How to submit an article?</h2> <div> If you'd like to submit an article to be included in the next edition of the newsletter, send an email to <b></b> where the currently active editors (Mohammad Sajid Anwar and Gabor Szabo) will receive it. Remember we usually publish the newsletter Monday morning-ish, Israel time. </div> <h2>Active Editors</h2> <div id="handpicked"> <img src="img/gabor_szabo.png" alt="Gabor Szabo" /> Established by <a href="">Gabor Szabo</a>, long time Perl developer; Rust, Python and Perl trainer. Author of the <a href="">Perl tutorial</a> on the Perl Maven site and of the <a href="">Code Maven</a> and <a href="">Rust Maven</a> sites. <a href="">White Camel</a> awardee. He develops the <a href="">CPAN Diger</a>, the <a href="">Rust Digger</a> and the <a href="">PyDigger</a> services. He teaches <a href="">training courses in Israel</a> and around the world. He has the hat of the chief editor. (388 issues) </div> <div id="handpicked"> <img src="img/mohammad_anwar.png" alt="Mohammad Sajid Anwar" /> <a href="">Mohammad Sajid Anwar</a> joined the team of editors in May 2018. He is <a href="">CPAN Author and Contributor</a>. He regularly blogs <a href="">here</a>. He enjoys submitting Pull Requests and speaking at Perl Conferences. He also loves spending time to help others to keep CPAN better source of information. Watch <a href="">this interview</a> with him. <a href="">White Camel</a> awardee. He runs <a href="">The Weekly Challenge</a>. (176 issues) </div> <h2>Previous Editors</h2> <div id="handpicked"> <img src="img/yanick_champoux.png" alt="Yanick Champoux" /> Since the beginning of 2013 <a href="">Yanick Champoux</a> is the co-editor of the newsletter. He used to write the bi-weekly <b>Shuck &amp; Awe: Hunting for Perl</b>, he is a <a href="">serious Perl programmer</a>, and a walking dictionary. Reading his <a href="">writings</a> is always a challenge. A very enjoyable challenge. (63 issues) </div> <div id="handpicked"> <img src="img/neil_bowers.png" alt="Neil Bowers" /> Starting from October 2014 <a href="">Neil Bowers</a> became the 3rd co-editor of the newsletter. He writes plenty of articles comparing CPAN modules to each other and then <a href="">taking over some of them</a>. He also runs <a href="">his own company</a>, . Watch <a href="">this interview</a> with him. (55 issues) </div> <div id="handpicked"> <img src="img/upasana_shukla.png" alt="Upasana Shukla" /> <a href="">Upasana Shukla</a> joined the team of editors in August 2016. She got involved in the Perl community by participating in <a href="">GNOME's Outreach Program for Women</a> and <a href="">freeing Moose from stringy exceptions</a>. Since then she is unstoppable. She also has <a href="">a number of modules on CPAN</a>. (11 issues) </div> <div id="handpicked"> <img src="img/ruth_bavousett.png" alt="D Ruth Holloway" /> <a href="">D Ruth Holloway</a> joined the team of editors in October 2016. She used to work on software managing libraries and now she works for cPanel. She writes for (19 issues) </div> <div id="handpicked"> If you'd like to <b>submit an article</b>, or get in touch with the editors, feel free to send an e-mail to the address </div> <!-- <div id="rssfeed"> You can even follow <a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">@PerlWeekly</a> on Twitter. </div> --> <div id="testimonials"> <h2 id="testimonial_title">What the Readers Say</h2> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/david_golden.png" alt="David Golden" /> <div class="quote">"I just wanted to mention again how much I enjoy your newsletter. I've nearly stopped following my Perl RSS feed because your curation is so good. Pulling all the 25th anniversary stories together was a great touch." </div> <div class="name">David Golden (dagolden)</div> <div class="desc"><a href="">Blog writer</a>, <a href="">entrepreneur</a>, and prolific <a href="">Perl developer</a> who has contributed to almost every aspect of the Perl code base and community. </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/olaf_alders.png" alt="Olaf Alders" /> <div class="quote">"The Perl Weekly is an excellent aggregation of all Perl things blog and newsworthy. I follow a lot of blog posts, but I find this weekly recap helps me find interesting stuff I may have missed."</div> <div class="name">Olaf Alders (oalders)</div> <div class="desc"><a href="">Perl developer</a>, Owner of <a href="">Wunder Counter</a>. Creator of <a href="">MetaCPAN</a>. </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/richard_dice.png" alt="Richard Dice" /> <div class="quote">"Thanks for putting together the newsletter. It's a helpful resource."</div> <div class="name">Richard Dice</div> <div class="desc"><a href="">@richarddice</a>, president of <a href="">The Perl Foundation</a> from Aug 2007 till 2009.</div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/andy_lester.png" alt="Andy Lester" /> <div class="quote">"I'm enjoying the article summaries in @szabgab's Perl Weekly. More Perl news = good news."</div> <div class="name">Andy Lester (petdance)</div> <div class="desc">Author of <a href="">WWW::Mechanize</a>, <a href="">ack</a>, <a href="">Land the Tech Job You Love</a> and the <a href="">Perl Buzz</a>. Just to name a few. </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/myf_white.png" alt="Myf White" /> <div class="quote">"PerlWeekly is an excellent round up of Perl news and blog posts, with excellent additional commentary. The email format suits me perfectly. Thank you so much." </div> <div class="name">Myf White</div> <div class="desc">Self described geek, quaker, lover of board games and also Perl developer at <a href="">Datacomit</a> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/plu.png" alt="Johannes Plunien" /> <div class="quote">"Your newsletter is really nice, thanks for it!"</div> <div class="name">Johannes Plunien (plu)</div> <div class="desc">The <a href="">creator</a> of <a href="">Github meets CPAN</a>. </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/job.png" alt="Job van Achterberg" /> <div class="quote">"Thanks very much! Excellent compilation and a great way to see what's going on."</div> <div class="name">Job van Achterberg</div> <div class="desc"><a href="">Perl developer</a>.</div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/richard_lippmann.png" alt="Richard Lippmann" /> <div class="quote">"This newsletter is great, not too much and usually an interesting thing to think about. Thank you for your efforts!"</div> <div class="name">Richard Lippmann</div> <div class="desc">Perl developer. Entrepreneur. Owner of <a href="">Findus</a> and regular sponsor of Perl events.</div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/mark_stosberg.png" alt="Mark Stosberg" /> <div class="quote">"Thanks again for Perl Weekly. I love it! It's a great service."</div> <div class="name">Mark Stosberg</div> <div class="desc"><a href="">CPAN author</a>. Perl developer. Co-Founder of <a href="">Summersault, web development company</a>.</div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="img/testimonials/buddy_burden.png" alt="Buddy Burden" /> <div class="quote">"Thanks for the excellent service you're providing. I've found it invaluable; I only wish I'd had it for the past 10 years as well. :-)"</div> <div class="name">Buddy Burden</div> <div class="desc">Barefootcoder, <a href="">CPAN author</a>, Perl developer, <a href="">Perl Blogger</a>.</div> </div> </div> <div class="subform"> <div class="onemail"> Don't miss the next issue! </div> <!-- <form class="subscribe" action="" method="POST"> <span class="formlabel">Enter your e-mail:</span> <input class="emailinput" name="email" size="20" /> <input class="awesome_button" type="submit" value="and click to sign up!" /> </form> --> <!-- <form class="subscribe" action="" method="GET"> <input class="awesome_button" type="submit" value="Click to sign up!" /> </form> --> <form class="subscribe" action="/subscribe.html" method="GET"> <input class="awesome_button" type="submit" value="Click to sign up!" /> </form> </div> <div id="footer"> <hr> <p> Are you the impatient type? Do you like to use social networks? The Perl news are published in the major social networks as I read them. To see that in action, you can follow the Perl Weekly on <a href="">Twitter</a>. </p> <hr> <div id="social_icons"> <a href=""><img src="/img/twitter32.png" alt="Perl Weekly on Twitter" /></a> <a href="/perlweekly.rss" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="/img/feed-icon32x32.png" alt="RSS Feed of the Perl Weekly. Updated once a week" /></a> </div> <hr> <p> Would you like to help <a href="/promotion.html">promote the Perl Weekly</a>? There are a number of buttons, banners and suggestions for textual links you could use. This site is about the Perl Programming language. </p> <hr> <p> <a href="/all.html">All</a> the articles on one page. List of <a href="/authors.html">authors</a>. List of <a href="/sources.html">sources</a>. </p> <hr> <p> Would you like to have a job-ad in the Perl Weekly and also support the creation of this newsletter? Check out our <a href="/sponsors.html">sponsors</a> page. </p> <hr> <p> The list of <a href="/events.html">Perl events</a> we know about. In <a href="">ICal format</a>. </p> <hr> <p> Proofreading help by <a href="">Shlomi Fish</a>, author of the <a href="">Perl Beginners' Site</a>. </p> <hr> Inspired by <a href="">JavaScript Weekly</a> of <a href="">Peter Cooper</a> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-12199211-8']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script> </body> </html>

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