Journal of Information and Management

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class="searchlist-additional-info"> 2017 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 5-7 <br> Published: 2017<br> Released on J-STAGE: November 01, 2017 <br> </div> <div class="searchlist-doi"><span class="doi-lb">DOI</span><a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="JOURNAL">JOURNAL</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="OPEN ACCESS">OPEN ACCESS</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> </div> <div class="lft"> <span><a href="" class="bluelink-style">Download PDF</a> (2537K)</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class=""> <div class="searchlist-title"><a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="Community-Based Integrated Care and ICT" >Community-Based Integrated Care and ICT</a></div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="[in Japanese]">[in Japanese]</div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> 2017 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 8-24 <br> Published: 2017<br> Released on J-STAGE: November 01, 2017 <br> </div> <div class="searchlist-doi"><span class="doi-lb">DOI</span><a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="JOURNAL">JOURNAL</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="OPEN ACCESS">OPEN ACCESS</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <span class="show_abstract">Show abstract</span><span class="hide_abstract">Hide abstract</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract wrap-break-word" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> For the elderly receive the home care and long-term care, it is important to create home-healthcare services and to enhance the integrated community care system to support the independent living and dignity of the elderly. In this paper, we focus on the utilization of ICT on the community-based integrated care. First, we describe the health problems caused in 2025 that the baby boomers will be 75 years old. Second, we describe the role of the stakeholders and local governments. Third, we show the result of SWOT analysis on the community-based integrated care. Fourth, after having reviewed the utilization of ICT in the health sector, we describe the nature of the utilization of ICT on the community-based integrated care. Fifth, we explain the utilization of ICT advanced cases. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">View full abstract</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span><a href="" class="bluelink-style">Download PDF</a> (3402K)</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class=""> <div class="searchlist-title"><a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="Consideration of IT System supporting community based medicine" >Consideration of IT System supporting community based medicine</a></div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="Our experience of DASCH Pro creating">Our experience of DASCH Pro creating</div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="[in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japanese]">[in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japanese]</div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> 2017 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 25-31 <br> Published: 2017<br> Released on J-STAGE: November 01, 2017 <br> </div> <div class="searchlist-doi"><span class="doi-lb">DOI</span><a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="JOURNAL">JOURNAL</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="OPEN ACCESS">OPEN ACCESS</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <span class="show_abstract">Show abstract</span><span class="hide_abstract">Hide abstract</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract wrap-break-word" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> Problem that Japan has includes the declining birthrate and aging society. Japan is trying to cope with the aging of its population. The Integrated Community Care System is one of the policies for aging society in Japan. The purpose of the Integrated Community Care System is to support medical care, nursing, health and life for aged people. The system is consisted of various occupations and various organizations, and needs cooperation with these occupations and organizations. It is very important that the system works successfully. I consider two part of main success factors of this system. At first each person pull together in cooperating occupations and organizations. Next factor is that The Integrated Community Care System has to introduce suitable ICT system for sharing information and communication with cooperating occupations and organizations. I believe that the firm partnership will lead The Integrated Community Care System to success. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">View full abstract</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span><a href="" class="bluelink-style">Download PDF</a> (16028K)</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class=""> <div class="searchlist-title"><a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="Intra-hospital Network System to Share Patient Information for Community Medical Alliance" >Intra-hospital Network System to Share Patient Information for Community Medical Alliance</a></div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="Coexistent with Electronic Health Records (EHR)">Coexistent with Electronic Health Records (EHR)</div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="[in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japanese]">[in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japanese]</div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> 2017 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 32-41 <br> Published: 2017<br> Released on J-STAGE: November 01, 2017 <br> </div> <div class="searchlist-doi"><span class="doi-lb">DOI</span><a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="JOURNAL">JOURNAL</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="OPEN ACCESS">OPEN ACCESS</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <span class="show_abstract">Show abstract</span><span class="hide_abstract">Hide abstract</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract wrap-break-word" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> A lot of ICT systems for community medical alliance have been tried, but the patient information necessary to be shared have been unclear. The mechanism to use computerized information in the hospital should be established to make the cooperation efficient. However, it isnʼt good at picking out required data because of being recorded by description style in electronic health records (EHR). We have developed the intra-hospital network system originally to share patient information among nurses, rehabilitation therapists and social workers. It co-works with the EHR, and being also utilized for dissemination of the information to an alliance system between facilities, so itʼll be reported. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">View full abstract</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span><a href="" class="bluelink-style">Download PDF</a> (18231K)</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class=""> <div class="searchlist-title"><a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="Usage of Information Communication Technology for Visiting Care and Demand for Information" >Usage of Information Communication Technology for Visiting Care and Demand for Information</a></div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="An Analysis from the Questionnaire Survey for Care Management">An Analysis from the Questionnaire Survey for Care Management</div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="[in Japanese]">[in Japanese]</div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> 2017 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 42-49 <br> Published: 2017<br> Released on J-STAGE: November 01, 2017 <br> </div> <div class="searchlist-doi"><span class="doi-lb">DOI</span><a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="JOURNAL">JOURNAL</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="OPEN ACCESS">OPEN ACCESS</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <span class="show_abstract">Show abstract</span><span class="hide_abstract">Hide abstract</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract wrap-break-word" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> Care managers play an important role for public nursing insurance as a service planner. At the same time they are also key cog for caregivers in order to obtain a professional and objective advice. The way of participants in cooperation with care management is greatly affect the care of quality and satisfaction. ICT must be great support tools for their cooperation. Therefore, this study checks the discussion of the prior literature in terms of cooperation on nursing care. Then, it is surveyed and analyzed actual situation and the information demand of care managers with ICT by questionnaire survey. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">View full abstract</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span><a href="" class="bluelink-style">Download PDF</a> (2693K)</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class=""> <div class="searchlist-title"><a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="Agile Development Method: Where Is It Better Fit, and How Is It Related to a Project Success?" >Agile Development Method: Where Is It Better Fit, and How Is It Related to a Project Success?</a></div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="[in Japanese], [in Japanese]">[in Japanese], [in Japanese]</div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> 2017 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 50-62 <br> Published: 2017<br> Released on J-STAGE: November 01, 2017 <br> </div> <div class="searchlist-doi"><span class="doi-lb">DOI</span><a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="JOURNAL">JOURNAL</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="OPEN ACCESS">OPEN ACCESS</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <span class="show_abstract">Show abstract</span><span class="hide_abstract">Hide abstract</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract wrap-break-word" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> In IT software and system development projects, two main streams of management methods can be found. One is traditional method, which is the Plan-driven, and the second one is Agile method. This paper reports a quantitative investigation result on where the Agile development method has been used, and on how it is related with project success. The statistical analysis with over 120 projects in Japan will reveal that the Agile development has been applied in the project situations where novelty on market, system complexity as well as likelihood on largescale rework should be all higher. Further, our findings suggest that the stakeholder satisfaction level would be higher in the Agile development projects. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">View full abstract</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span><a href="" class="bluelink-style">Download PDF</a> (10136K)</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class=""> <div class="searchlist-title"><a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="Development of a New Process Model for Creating a New Product Concept" >Development of a New Process Model for Creating a New Product Concept</a></div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="A Case Study from a Researcher=Practitioner Perspective">A Case Study from a Researcher=Practitioner Perspective</div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="[in Japanese], [in Japanese]">[in Japanese], [in Japanese]</div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> 2017 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 63-75 <br> Published: 2017<br> Released on J-STAGE: November 01, 2017 <br> </div> <div class="searchlist-doi"><span class="doi-lb">DOI</span><a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="JOURNAL">JOURNAL</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="FREE ACCESS">FREE ACCESS</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <span class="show_abstract">Show abstract</span><span class="hide_abstract">Hide abstract</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract wrap-break-word" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> The purpose of this study is establishment of a conceptual model of new product concept development process. At first, we developed the conceptual model of new product concept development from two theoretical backgrounds about organizational learning. Next, in order to examine the effectiveness of the conceptual model in the business field, we applied the conceptual model to a development team and conducted research and analysis from a researcher=practitioner perspective. Consequently, a germ of ACDP cycle has been found, it was suggested that the conceptual model was possible to adapt to the development site. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">View full abstract</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span><a href="" class="bluelink-style">Download PDF</a> (1055K)</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class=""> <div class="searchlist-title"><a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="A Study about the Influence of Financial Information Systems Affecting the Corporate Strategy" >A Study about the Influence of Financial Information Systems Affecting the Corporate Strategy</a></div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="Competitive Cases Seen in the Online Security Industry">Competitive Cases Seen in the Online Security Industry</div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="[in Japanese], [in Japanese]">[in Japanese], [in Japanese]</div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> 2017 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 76-88 <br> Published: 2017<br> Released on J-STAGE: November 01, 2017 <br> </div> <div class="searchlist-doi"><span class="doi-lb">DOI</span><a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="JOURNAL">JOURNAL</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="OPEN ACCESS">OPEN ACCESS</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <span class="show_abstract">Show abstract</span><span class="hide_abstract">Hide abstract</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract wrap-break-word" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> How to affect the corporate strategy was discussed depending on the level of financial information system properties including IT strategy. As for above objectives, the examples of five online security majors in Japan were investigated as case studies, based on interviews implemented to executive officer in these security companies. Interviews were made from the 6 viewpoints (CORE-OQ), which was proposed by preceding author’s paper as the strategy for the risk management in financial information systems. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">View full abstract</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span><a href="" class="bluelink-style">Download PDF</a> (5014K)</span> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <!-- SEARCH RESULTS :: : END --> <!-- SEARCH PAGINATION :: START --> <div id="search-pagination-wrap-bottom"> <div class="inner colorscheme09-lighter print-non-disp"> <div class="search-pagination-left"> <ul class="search-pagination-list"> <div class="search-pagination-left"> <ul class="search-pagination-list"> <li class="inactive-page">|<</li><li class="inactive-page"><</li><li class="active-page">1</li><li class="inactive-page">></li><li class="inactive-page">>|</li></ul> </div> </ul> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <!-- SEARCH PAGINATION :: END --> <script> function downloadAll(){ if($("[name=dlmtradio]:checked").val() == 1) { window.location.href = ""; } else if ($("[name=dlmtradio]:checked").val() == 2) { window.location.href = ""; } else if ($("[name=dlmtradio]:checked").val() == 3) { var downloadTextURL = "" var index = downloadTextURL.indexOf('/-char'); downloadTextURL = downloadTextURL.slice(0, index) + '/download' + downloadTextURL.slice(index, downloadTextURL.length);; } } function fullsizeImage(url){; } function pagingDyna(from) { var url = ''; var index = 0; if(from != null){ index = from; } url += '?from=' + index; location.href = url; } </script> </div> </div> <!-- RIGHT SECTION :: END --> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <!-- Journal ISSUE :: END --> <div class="clearfix"></div> <!-- FOOTER :: START --> <span class="noprint"> <footer class="footer-style2"> <div id="footer-strip" class="colorscheme09-lighter"> <div class="container"> </div> </div> <div class="footer-wrap print-non-disp"> <a href="#0" class="take-on-top1">Top</a> <div class="container"> <div class="footer-link-section"> <div class="footer-link-heading">Browse</div> <ul class="footer-link-list"> <li><a href="/journal/list/-char/en">All titles</a></li> <li><a href="/journal/fields/-char/en">All subject areas</a></li> <li><a href="/journal/publisher/-char/en">All publishers</a></li> <li><a href="/search/global/_search/-char/en">Search articles</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Search J-STAGE Data <img src="/web/images/information-tab2/bg-arrow-white.png" width="13" height="10" alt=""></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer-link-section"> <div class="footer-link-heading">About J-STAGE</div> <ul class="footer-link-list"> <li><a href="">Overview</a></li> <li><a href="">Services and features</a></li> <li><a href="">Public data</a></li> <li><a href="">Terms and Policy</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer-link-section"> <div class="footer-link-heading">News and PR</div> <ul class="footer-link-list"> <li><a href="">News</a></li> <li><a href="">Maintenance information</a></li> <li><a href="">Special contents </a></li> <li><a href="">Media resources </a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer-link-section"> <div class="footer-link-heading">Support</div> <ul class="footer-link-list"> <li><a href="">User manuals</a></li> <li><a href="">Browser compatibility</a></li> <li><a href="">FAQ</a></li> <li><a href="">Contact </a></li> <li><a href="">Sitemap </a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </footer> </span> <!-- FOOTER :: END --> <!-- FEEDBACK BUTTON :: START --> <span class="noprint print-non-disp"> <div id="right-feedback-btn"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">feedback</a></div> </span> <!-- FEEDBACK BUTTON :: END --> <!-- TAKE ME TO TOP :: START --> <a href="#0" class="take-on-top" style="z-index:inherit">Top</a> <!-- TAKE ME TO TOP :: END --> <!-- STICKY REGISTER TO J-STAGE HERE :: START --> <div id="sticky-register-to-j-stage" class="sticky-register-to-j-stage print-non-disp" style="display:none;"> <span class="noprint"> <a href="javascript:;" class="sticky-register-to-j-stage-close" onclick="registerStickyClose();"><i class="fa fa-times-circle-o"></i></a> </span> <h3 class="register-for-free"><nobr>Register with J-STAGE for free!</nobr></h3> <a href="/myregister/-char/en" class="sticky-register-btn">Register</a> <p class="register-for-already">Already have an account? 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