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We provide <strong>AllAfrica, All the Time</strong>. </p> <p> Reporting the news, aggregating it, making it available to you and supporting participating publishers across Africa – it all costs money. No news organization can cover Africa without charging fees or collecting subsidies. If you do your part, we can do our job. </p> <p> AllAfrica's news and information <strong>archive</strong> is a large and growing collection <strong>containing over seven million articles and documents</strong> from <a href="/"></a>, the leading online Africa information resource. AllAfrica collects and aggregates selected articles from African news organizations, as well as documents and releases from several hundred governmental, nongovernmental and international institutions. Our news team produces original reporting, in-depth features and guest columns. </p> <p> The full archive, which dates from 1996, is available only on this site. Current news stories – up to two years old – remain free and accessible without subscription. <strong>Subscribers gain access the complete collection, while helping to preserve free access to current news for those for whom payment would be an impossible burden</strong>. </p> <p> <strong>One-year memberships are $125</strong>. We also offer short-term <strong>trials</strong> — <u>$35 for 30 days</u> or <u>$12 for seven days</u>. Either will allow you to explore the archive and sample the other benefits. If you decide to renew at the end of the trial period, we will offer you a credit towards a full year. You'll pay only $100 for an additional 12 months if your trial was for 30 days, or $115 if your trial was seven days. <em>These short-term options also serve the needs of those needing to access the archive to retrieve one or several articles</em>. </p> <p> Members receive the following: </p> <ul style="margin-left: 25px;"> <li> unlimited access to <strong>archived articles and documents</strong>; </li> <li> use of the <strong>AllAfrica Premium Search Engine</strong> for retrieval by keyword, publisher, country and/or topic, and by any date range, searching from one day up to the entire archive, dating from 1996. </li> <li> the option to choose from 20 categories of <strong>daily, customized email alerts</strong> containing the top-ranked stories from <u></u>. </li> </ul> <p> <a href="/commerce/user/subscribe/" style="color:green"><strong><u> Click here to join </u></strong></a> </p> <p> NOTE: Memberships are NOT automatically renewed, and we do not store credit card information. </p> <p> We also have <a href="/misc/info/subscribe/educational.html"> <strong>Educational</strong> </a> and <a href="/misc/info/subscribe/corporate.html"> <strong>Corporate</strong> </a> subscription options. </p> </div> <div class="section"> <h4> Contribute to support this work </h4> <p> The AllAfrica family includes the non-profit <strong>AllAfrica Foundation</strong>, which manages 'channels' that provide a digital commons for issues like sustainable development, peace building and HIV/Aids. The foundation seeks to support African journalists, particularly women; promote technology-for-development projects; and underwrite expert reporting by the award-winning AllAfrica news team. Contributions, which are tax-deductible for U.S. donors, help to underwrite this vital work. </p> <p> <a href="/commerce/contribute/" style="color:green"><strong><u> Click here to contribute </u></strong></a> </p> </div> <div class="section"> <h4> Want to know more? Read: </h4> <p> AllAfrica has become the source-of-record for African news and information, relied on in government offices, boardrooms, educational institutions and international organizations around the world, as well as by interested individuals. For two successive years, the site was nominated by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences as Best News Site for a prestigious 'Webby' award, alongside the news sites of the BBC, MSNBC and Google. In 2005, AllAfrica was one of 10 organizations chosen for an 'African Developer Award' on behalf of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (Nepad). </p> <p> And AllAfrica has given a global voice and revenue to over 110 African media organizations. Their work is read on our site and, in addition, distributed through such commercial services as LexisNexis, Comtex, Europ茅enne des Donn茅es, Factiva (Reuters and Dow Jones), Bloomberg and the Financial Times, which reach tens of millions of end users. </p> <p> Our increasing prominence is evidence of the needs we serve – but it poses challenges. Although AllAfrica Global Media has moved steadily towards being cash-positive – and therefore sustainable – we must increase revenues quickly to cope with unexpectedly rapid growth. </p> <p> Earnings from ads and content sales are rising but do not yet cover expenses. Nor do they sustain the steady flow of revenues that we aim to keep pumping into the coffers of the network of African newspapers who provide content. In addition, we want to keep the basic site free to all comers, so as not to widen the digital divide. The premium service is a way of closing the gap. </p> <p> Unlike most of your news sources, we provide <strong>All Africa, All the Time</strong>. But, like your public broadcaster, we can't do the job that needs to be done without your help. </p> <p> <a href="/commerce/user/subscribe/" style="color:green"><strong><u> Click here to join </u></strong></a> </p> <p> NOTE: Memberships are NOT automatically renewed, and we do not store credit card information. </p> </div> </div><!-- /.info --> </div><!--/.column.main--> </div><!--/.row--> </div><!--/.container.mid--> <div class="container bottom"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-tn-12"> <div class="notes"> <p class="note aggregation">AllAfrica publishes around 500 reports a day from more than <a href="/list/publisher/editorial/editorial/type/pub.html">110 news organizations</a> and over <a href="/list/publisher/editorial/editorial/type/reg.html">500 other institutions and individuals</a>, representing a diversity of positions on every topic. We publish news and views ranging from vigorous opponents of governments to government publications and spokespersons. Publishers named above each report are responsible for their own content, which AllAfrica does not have the legal right to edit or correct.</p> <p class="note original">Articles and commentaries that identify as the publisher are <a href="/inhouse/">produced or commissioned by AllAfrica</a>. To address comments or complaints, please <a href="/misc/forms/general.html">Contact us</a>.</p> </div><!--/.notes--> </div> </div> </div><!--/.container.bottom--> <div class="container footer" id="standard-footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-tn-12 col-xs-6 col-sm-7 colophon"> <p> AllAfrica is a voice of, by and about Africa - aggregating, producing and distributing 500 news and information items daily from over 110 African news organizations and our own reporters to an African and global public. 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