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class="two-columns-item flex"> <div class="grey-card"> <h3>Want to get involved?</h3> <p>We’re a distributed community of 240 contributors strong, from all corners of the world and all walks of life united in our desire to build the best data management system on the internet. Come aboard!</p> <p>If you love <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">#data</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">#python</a> then join one of the weekly <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dev Meetings</a>. These are open to anyone so feel free to drop by and ask questions or just listen in. Maybe you can even help with issues marked as <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Good for Contribution</a> or tackle some of the project's Rockstar Tickets listed <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="link"> Chat to us on Gitter <svg width="14" height="20" viewBox="0 0 14 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 0H1.91947V12.6679H0V0ZM11.6699 3.07099H13.5893V12.6679H11.6699V3.07099ZM3.91557 3.07099H5.83489V20H3.91557V3.07099ZM7.75437 3.07099H9.67384V20H7.75437V3.07099Z" fill="#ED5248"/> </svg> </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="link"> Join Dev Meetings </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="two-columns-item flex"> <div class="grey-card"> <h3>Need help with CKAN?</h3> <p>If you’re stuck on anything, chances are the answers awaits you on Stackoverflow or in <a class="black" href="/">the docs</a>. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GitHub Discussions</a> is the place to connect with the community, share your projects and ask questions or support requests about CKAN.</p> <p>If you want to report a bug or an actual issue with the CKAN software or documentation, please post it on the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">issue tracker</a>. For security related issues please email <a href=""></a>.</p> <br> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="link"> GitHub Discussions </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Check Stackoverflow <svg width="16" height="20" viewBox="0 0 16 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.1568 12.8021L3.5 10.9451L3.87151 9.4137L11.5284 11.2707L11.1568 12.8021Z" fill="#ED5248"/> <path d="M11.6702 10.9702L4.6543 7.38517L5.37123 5.98181L12.3871 9.56699L11.6702 10.9702Z" fill="#ED5248"/> <path d="M12.7516 9.07241L6.81836 3.88851L7.85496 2.70203L13.7884 7.88558L12.7516 9.07223" fill="#ED5248"/> <path d="M14.3838 7.40399L9.95898 0.885143L11.2631 0L15.6877 6.5192L14.384 7.40417" fill="#ED5248"/> <path d="M11.0342 14.7175L3.16699 14.288L3.25286 12.7145L11.1201 13.144L11.0342 14.7175Z" fill="#ED5248"/> <path d="M12.6658 18.4241V11.8959H14.2402L14.2413 20H0L0.000352647 11.8892H1.57615V18.4241H12.6658Z" fill="#ED5248"/> <path d="M3.14551 15.2786H11.0779V16.8544H3.14551V15.2787V15.2786Z" fill="#ED5248"/> </svg> </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Create an issue on GitHub <svg width="21" height="20" viewBox="0 0 21 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0)"> <path d="M10.7409 0C5.13181 0 0.588867 4.54294 0.588867 10.1521C0.588867 14.9231 3.86258 18.8828 8.27938 19.9991C8.2284 19.8721 8.20335 19.6941 8.20335 19.517V17.7907H6.93412C6.24897 17.7907 5.61392 17.4866 5.33485 16.9276C5.0048 16.3185 4.95382 15.3793 4.1166 14.7952C3.86258 14.5922 4.06563 14.3891 4.3447 14.4142C4.87779 14.5663 5.30893 14.9222 5.71501 15.4545C6.12109 15.9876 6.29908 16.1146 7.06027 16.1146C7.41537 16.1146 7.97352 16.0895 8.48156 16.0126C8.76063 15.3015 9.24275 14.6674 9.82681 14.3632C6.42609 13.9571 4.80176 12.2818 4.80176 9.99741C4.80176 9.00726 5.2329 8.06808 5.94397 7.25592C5.71588 6.46881 5.41088 4.84448 6.04593 4.2103C7.56917 4.2103 8.48242 5.20045 8.71052 5.4536C9.47171 5.19959 10.3098 5.04752 11.1721 5.04752C12.0603 5.04752 12.8724 5.19959 13.6336 5.4536C13.8617 5.19959 14.7758 4.2103 16.2982 4.2103C16.9073 4.81942 16.6283 6.46881 16.3742 7.25592C17.0853 8.04303 17.4914 9.00726 17.4914 9.99741C17.4914 12.2818 15.8921 13.9571 12.5173 14.3123C13.4565 14.7944 14.1166 16.1647 14.1166 17.1799V19.492C14.1166 19.568 14.0915 19.644 14.0915 19.7201C18.0504 18.3497 20.893 14.5939 20.893 10.1521C20.893 4.54294 16.3501 0 10.7409 0Z" fill="#ED5248"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0"> <rect width="20.3041" height="20" fill="white" transform="translate(0.588867)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </a></li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Chat to us on Gitter <svg width="14" height="20" viewBox="0 0 14 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 0H1.91947V12.6679H0V0ZM11.6699 3.07099H13.5893V12.6679H11.6699V3.07099ZM3.91557 3.07099H5.83489V20H3.91557V3.07099ZM7.75437 3.07099H9.67384V20H7.75437V3.07099Z" fill="#ED5248"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-sm t-center"> <h2 class="h1">The Tech Team</h2> <p class="body_extra_large">The technical team are “official committers”. They are responsible for the technical vision, code quality and development of CKAN.</p> </div> <div class="container inner-indent developers"> <ul class="team-list"> <li> <div class="member"> <div class="member-ava"> <img src="/media/images/Ian.scale-100.jpg" alt="Ian.jpg"> </div> <div class="member-info"> <h3 class="h3">Ian Ward</h3> <p>CKAN Team lead / Senior Solutions Architect at Link Digital</p> <ul class="social"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="20" height="16" viewBox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.688 1.89405C18.9636 2.2153 18.1851 2.43243 17.3681 2.53008C18.2021 2.03016 18.8425 1.23857 19.1441 0.295403C18.3637 0.758239 17.4992 1.0944 16.5791 1.27559C15.8423 0.490562 14.7925 0 13.6308 0C11.4 0 9.59144 1.8085 9.59144 4.03914C9.59144 4.35571 9.62724 4.66401 9.69608 4.95963C6.33906 4.79119 3.36278 3.18311 1.37058 0.739371C1.02289 1.33594 0.8237 2.0298 0.8237 2.77003C0.8237 4.17136 1.53686 5.4077 2.62067 6.13202C1.9585 6.11106 1.33572 5.92937 0.791077 5.62684C0.790789 5.64369 0.790789 5.66061 0.790789 5.67761C0.790789 7.63467 2.18311 9.26724 4.03093 9.63825C3.69196 9.73058 3.33513 9.77991 2.9667 9.77991C2.70644 9.77991 2.45338 9.75463 2.20681 9.70746C2.72077 11.3122 4.21248 12.48 5.98 12.5126C4.59761 13.5959 2.85594 14.2417 0.963552 14.2417C0.637543 14.2417 0.315999 14.2226 0 14.1853C1.78754 15.3313 3.91074 16 6.19179 16C13.6214 16 17.6841 9.84515 17.6841 4.50752C17.6841 4.33238 17.6802 4.15818 17.6725 3.98499C18.4616 3.4155 19.1465 2.70407 19.688 1.89405Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.4954 14.4C16.4954 15.2828 15.7781 16 14.9046 16H2.27928C1.40572 16 0.688477 15.2828 0.688477 14.4V1.6C0.688477 0.717241 1.40572 0 2.27928 0H14.9046C15.7873 0 16.4954 0.717241 16.4954 1.6V14.4ZM5.82856 3.90806C5.82856 4.49656 5.39637 4.97472 4.67913 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5.67761C0.790789 7.63467 2.18311 9.26724 4.03093 9.63825C3.69196 9.73058 3.33513 9.77991 2.9667 9.77991C2.70644 9.77991 2.45338 9.75463 2.20681 9.70746C2.72077 11.3122 4.21248 12.48 5.98 12.5126C4.59761 13.5959 2.85594 14.2417 0.963552 14.2417C0.637543 14.2417 0.315999 14.2226 0 14.1853C1.78754 15.3313 3.91074 16 6.19179 16C13.6214 16 17.6841 9.84515 17.6841 4.50752C17.6841 4.33238 17.6802 4.15818 17.6725 3.98499C18.4616 3.4155 19.1465 2.70407 19.688 1.89405Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.4954 14.4C16.4954 15.2828 15.7781 16 14.9046 16H2.27928C1.40572 16 0.688477 15.2828 0.688477 14.4V1.6C0.688477 0.717241 1.40572 0 2.27928 0H14.9046C15.7873 0 16.4954 0.717241 16.4954 1.6V14.4ZM5.82856 3.90806C5.82856 4.49656 5.39637 4.97472 4.67913 4.97472C4.00787 4.97472 3.57568 4.49656 3.57568 3.90806C3.57568 3.31036 4.02626 2.85059 4.71591 2.85059C5.39637 2.85059 5.81936 3.31036 5.82856 3.90806ZM3.63086 12.6529V5.81151H5.75499V12.6529H3.63086ZM6.97797 5.82072C7.00556 6.43682 7.03314 7.14486 7.03314 8.00004V12.6621H9.15728V8.71728C9.15728 8.52418 9.17567 8.32188 9.23085 8.18394C9.38717 7.78854 9.73659 7.38394 10.3251 7.38394C11.0975 7.38394 11.401 7.98165 11.401 8.86441V12.6621H13.5251V8.61613C13.5251 6.60233 12.4768 5.6644 11.0791 5.6644C9.9297 5.6644 9.24004 6.31728 8.96418 6.76785H8.9274L8.82625 5.82072H6.97797Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.69747 0C4.16567 0 0.495117 3.67055 0.495117 8.20235C0.495117 11.8319 2.84304 14.8975 6.10347 15.9843C6.51359 16.0561 6.66739 15.81 6.66739 15.5947C6.66739 15.3999 6.65713 14.754 6.65713 14.067C4.59629 14.4464 4.06314 13.5646 3.89909 13.1033C3.80682 12.8674 3.40695 12.1395 3.05835 11.9447C2.77127 11.7909 2.36115 11.4115 3.0481 11.4013C3.69403 11.391 4.15542 11.9959 4.30921 12.242C5.04742 13.4826 6.22651 13.134 6.69814 12.9187C6.76992 12.3855 6.98523 12.0267 7.22104 11.8216C5.39602 11.6166 3.48898 10.9091 3.48898 7.77173C3.48898 6.87972 3.80682 6.14151 4.32972 5.56735C4.24769 5.36229 3.96061 4.52155 4.41174 3.39372C4.41174 3.39372 5.09869 3.17841 6.66739 4.23446C7.32357 4.04991 8.02077 3.95763 8.71797 3.95763C9.41517 3.95763 10.1124 4.04991 10.7686 4.23446C12.3373 3.16816 13.0242 3.39372 13.0242 3.39372C13.4753 4.52155 13.1883 5.36229 13.1062 5.56735C13.6291 6.14151 13.947 6.86947 13.947 7.77173C13.947 10.9194 12.0297 11.6166 10.2046 11.8216C10.502 12.078 10.7583 12.5701 10.7583 13.3391C10.7583 14.4361 10.7481 15.3179 10.7481 15.5947C10.7481 15.81 10.9018 16.0664 11.312 15.9843C12.9403 15.4346 14.3552 14.3881 15.3576 12.9921C16.36 11.5961 16.8994 9.92095 16.8998 8.20235C16.8998 3.67055 13.2293 0 8.69747 0Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="member"> <div class="member-ava"> <img src="/media/images/photo06.scale-100.jpg" alt="photo06.jpg"> </div> <div class="member-info"> <h3 class="h3">Sergey Motornyuk</h3> <p>Tech Lead at Link Digital</p> <ul class="social"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.69747 0C4.16567 0 0.495117 3.67055 0.495117 8.20235C0.495117 11.8319 2.84304 14.8975 6.10347 15.9843C6.51359 16.0561 6.66739 15.81 6.66739 15.5947C6.66739 15.3999 6.65713 14.754 6.65713 14.067C4.59629 14.4464 4.06314 13.5646 3.89909 13.1033C3.80682 12.8674 3.40695 12.1395 3.05835 11.9447C2.77127 11.7909 2.36115 11.4115 3.0481 11.4013C3.69403 11.391 4.15542 11.9959 4.30921 12.242C5.04742 13.4826 6.22651 13.134 6.69814 12.9187C6.76992 12.3855 6.98523 12.0267 7.22104 11.8216C5.39602 11.6166 3.48898 10.9091 3.48898 7.77173C3.48898 6.87972 3.80682 6.14151 4.32972 5.56735C4.24769 5.36229 3.96061 4.52155 4.41174 3.39372C4.41174 3.39372 5.09869 3.17841 6.66739 4.23446C7.32357 4.04991 8.02077 3.95763 8.71797 3.95763C9.41517 3.95763 10.1124 4.04991 10.7686 4.23446C12.3373 3.16816 13.0242 3.39372 13.0242 3.39372C13.4753 4.52155 13.1883 5.36229 13.1062 5.56735C13.6291 6.14151 13.947 6.86947 13.947 7.77173C13.947 10.9194 12.0297 11.6166 10.2046 11.8216C10.502 12.078 10.7583 12.5701 10.7583 13.3391C10.7583 14.4361 10.7481 15.3179 10.7481 15.5947C10.7481 15.81 10.9018 16.0664 11.312 15.9843C12.9403 15.4346 14.3552 14.3881 15.3576 12.9921C16.36 11.5961 16.8994 9.92095 16.8998 8.20235C16.8998 3.67055 13.2293 0 8.69747 0Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="member"> <div class="member-ava"> <img src="/media/images/photo01.scale-100.jpg" alt="photo01.jpg"> </div> <div class="member-info"> <h3 class="h3">Jari Voutilainen</h3> <p>Technical Project Manager at Gofore</p> <ul class="social"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.69747 0C4.16567 0 0.495117 3.67055 0.495117 8.20235C0.495117 11.8319 2.84304 14.8975 6.10347 15.9843C6.51359 16.0561 6.66739 15.81 6.66739 15.5947C6.66739 15.3999 6.65713 14.754 6.65713 14.067C4.59629 14.4464 4.06314 13.5646 3.89909 13.1033C3.80682 12.8674 3.40695 12.1395 3.05835 11.9447C2.77127 11.7909 2.36115 11.4115 3.0481 11.4013C3.69403 11.391 4.15542 11.9959 4.30921 12.242C5.04742 13.4826 6.22651 13.134 6.69814 12.9187C6.76992 12.3855 6.98523 12.0267 7.22104 11.8216C5.39602 11.6166 3.48898 10.9091 3.48898 7.77173C3.48898 6.87972 3.80682 6.14151 4.32972 5.56735C4.24769 5.36229 3.96061 4.52155 4.41174 3.39372C4.41174 3.39372 5.09869 3.17841 6.66739 4.23446C7.32357 4.04991 8.02077 3.95763 8.71797 3.95763C9.41517 3.95763 10.1124 4.04991 10.7686 4.23446C12.3373 3.16816 13.0242 3.39372 13.0242 3.39372C13.4753 4.52155 13.1883 5.36229 13.1062 5.56735C13.6291 6.14151 13.947 6.86947 13.947 7.77173C13.947 10.9194 12.0297 11.6166 10.2046 11.8216C10.502 12.078 10.7583 12.5701 10.7583 13.3391C10.7583 14.4361 10.7481 15.3179 10.7481 15.5947C10.7481 15.81 10.9018 16.0664 11.312 15.9843C12.9403 15.4346 14.3552 14.3881 15.3576 12.9921C16.36 11.5961 16.8994 9.92095 16.8998 8.20235C16.8998 3.67055 13.2293 0 8.69747 0Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="member"> <div class="member-ava"> <img src="/media/images/Konstantin.scale-100.jpg" alt="K.Sivakov"> </div> <div class="member-info"> <h3 class="h3">Konstantin Sivakov</h3> <p>Open Data Developer at datHere</p> <ul class="social"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.69747 0C4.16567 0 0.495117 3.67055 0.495117 8.20235C0.495117 11.8319 2.84304 14.8975 6.10347 15.9843C6.51359 16.0561 6.66739 15.81 6.66739 15.5947C6.66739 15.3999 6.65713 14.754 6.65713 14.067C4.59629 14.4464 4.06314 13.5646 3.89909 13.1033C3.80682 12.8674 3.40695 12.1395 3.05835 11.9447C2.77127 11.7909 2.36115 11.4115 3.0481 11.4013C3.69403 11.391 4.15542 11.9959 4.30921 12.242C5.04742 13.4826 6.22651 13.134 6.69814 12.9187C6.76992 12.3855 6.98523 12.0267 7.22104 11.8216C5.39602 11.6166 3.48898 10.9091 3.48898 7.77173C3.48898 6.87972 3.80682 6.14151 4.32972 5.56735C4.24769 5.36229 3.96061 4.52155 4.41174 3.39372C4.41174 3.39372 5.09869 3.17841 6.66739 4.23446C7.32357 4.04991 8.02077 3.95763 8.71797 3.95763C9.41517 3.95763 10.1124 4.04991 10.7686 4.23446C12.3373 3.16816 13.0242 3.39372 13.0242 3.39372C13.4753 4.52155 13.1883 5.36229 13.1062 5.56735C13.6291 6.14151 13.947 6.86947 13.947 7.77173C13.947 10.9194 12.0297 11.6166 10.2046 11.8216C10.502 12.078 10.7583 12.5701 10.7583 13.3391C10.7583 14.4361 10.7481 15.3179 10.7481 15.5947C10.7481 15.81 10.9018 16.0664 11.312 15.9843C12.9403 15.4346 14.3552 14.3881 15.3576 12.9921C16.36 11.5961 16.8994 9.92095 16.8998 8.20235C16.8998 3.67055 13.2293 0 8.69747 0Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="member"> <div class="member-ava"> <img src="/media/images/brett.scale-100.jpg" alt="Brett Jones"> </div> <div class="member-info"> <h3 class="h3">Brett Jones</h3> <p>DevOps Engineer / CKAN Contributor at Link Digital</p> <ul class="social"> <li> <a href="kowh-ai" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.69747 0C4.16567 0 0.495117 3.67055 0.495117 8.20235C0.495117 11.8319 2.84304 14.8975 6.10347 15.9843C6.51359 16.0561 6.66739 15.81 6.66739 15.5947C6.66739 15.3999 6.65713 14.754 6.65713 14.067C4.59629 14.4464 4.06314 13.5646 3.89909 13.1033C3.80682 12.8674 3.40695 12.1395 3.05835 11.9447C2.77127 11.7909 2.36115 11.4115 3.0481 11.4013C3.69403 11.391 4.15542 11.9959 4.30921 12.242C5.04742 13.4826 6.22651 13.134 6.69814 12.9187C6.76992 12.3855 6.98523 12.0267 7.22104 11.8216C5.39602 11.6166 3.48898 10.9091 3.48898 7.77173C3.48898 6.87972 3.80682 6.14151 4.32972 5.56735C4.24769 5.36229 3.96061 4.52155 4.41174 3.39372C4.41174 3.39372 5.09869 3.17841 6.66739 4.23446C7.32357 4.04991 8.02077 3.95763 8.71797 3.95763C9.41517 3.95763 10.1124 4.04991 10.7686 4.23446C12.3373 3.16816 13.0242 3.39372 13.0242 3.39372C13.4753 4.52155 13.1883 5.36229 13.1062 5.56735C13.6291 6.14151 13.947 6.86947 13.947 7.77173C13.947 10.9194 12.0297 11.6166 10.2046 11.8216C10.502 12.078 10.7583 12.5701 10.7583 13.3391C10.7583 14.4361 10.7481 15.3179 10.7481 15.5947C10.7481 15.81 10.9018 16.0664 11.312 15.9843C12.9403 15.4346 14.3552 14.3881 15.3576 12.9921C16.36 11.5961 16.8994 9.92095 16.8998 8.20235C16.8998 3.67055 13.2293 0 8.69747 0Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="member"> <div class="member-ava"> <img src="/media/images/patricio.scale-100.jpg" alt="Patricio del Boca"> </div> <div class="member-info"> <h3 class="h3">Patricio del Boca</h3> <p>Senior Software Developer at the Open Knowledge Foundation</p> <ul class="social"> <li> <a href="pdelboca" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.69747 0C4.16567 0 0.495117 3.67055 0.495117 8.20235C0.495117 11.8319 2.84304 14.8975 6.10347 15.9843C6.51359 16.0561 6.66739 15.81 6.66739 15.5947C6.66739 15.3999 6.65713 14.754 6.65713 14.067C4.59629 14.4464 4.06314 13.5646 3.89909 13.1033C3.80682 12.8674 3.40695 12.1395 3.05835 11.9447C2.77127 11.7909 2.36115 11.4115 3.0481 11.4013C3.69403 11.391 4.15542 11.9959 4.30921 12.242C5.04742 13.4826 6.22651 13.134 6.69814 12.9187C6.76992 12.3855 6.98523 12.0267 7.22104 11.8216C5.39602 11.6166 3.48898 10.9091 3.48898 7.77173C3.48898 6.87972 3.80682 6.14151 4.32972 5.56735C4.24769 5.36229 3.96061 4.52155 4.41174 3.39372C4.41174 3.39372 5.09869 3.17841 6.66739 4.23446C7.32357 4.04991 8.02077 3.95763 8.71797 3.95763C9.41517 3.95763 10.1124 4.04991 10.7686 4.23446C12.3373 3.16816 13.0242 3.39372 13.0242 3.39372C13.4753 4.52155 13.1883 5.36229 13.1062 5.56735C13.6291 6.14151 13.947 6.86947 13.947 7.77173C13.947 10.9194 12.0297 11.6166 10.2046 11.8216C10.502 12.078 10.7583 12.5701 10.7583 13.3391C10.7583 14.4361 10.7481 15.3179 10.7481 15.5947C10.7481 15.81 10.9018 16.0664 11.312 15.9843C12.9403 15.4346 14.3552 14.3881 15.3576 12.9921C16.36 11.5961 16.8994 9.92095 16.8998 8.20235C16.8998 3.67055 13.2293 0 8.69747 0Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="member"> <div class="member-ava"> <img src="/media/images/36156267.scale-100.png" alt="ericsoroos avatar"> </div> <div class="member-info"> <h3 class="h3">Eric Soroos</h3> <p>CTO at Derilinx</p> <ul class="social"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.69747 0C4.16567 0 0.495117 3.67055 0.495117 8.20235C0.495117 11.8319 2.84304 14.8975 6.10347 15.9843C6.51359 16.0561 6.66739 15.81 6.66739 15.5947C6.66739 15.3999 6.65713 14.754 6.65713 14.067C4.59629 14.4464 4.06314 13.5646 3.89909 13.1033C3.80682 12.8674 3.40695 12.1395 3.05835 11.9447C2.77127 11.7909 2.36115 11.4115 3.0481 11.4013C3.69403 11.391 4.15542 11.9959 4.30921 12.242C5.04742 13.4826 6.22651 13.134 6.69814 12.9187C6.76992 12.3855 6.98523 12.0267 7.22104 11.8216C5.39602 11.6166 3.48898 10.9091 3.48898 7.77173C3.48898 6.87972 3.80682 6.14151 4.32972 5.56735C4.24769 5.36229 3.96061 4.52155 4.41174 3.39372C4.41174 3.39372 5.09869 3.17841 6.66739 4.23446C7.32357 4.04991 8.02077 3.95763 8.71797 3.95763C9.41517 3.95763 10.1124 4.04991 10.7686 4.23446C12.3373 3.16816 13.0242 3.39372 13.0242 3.39372C13.4753 4.52155 13.1883 5.36229 13.1062 5.56735C13.6291 6.14151 13.947 6.86947 13.947 7.77173C13.947 10.9194 12.0297 11.6166 10.2046 11.8216C10.502 12.078 10.7583 12.5701 10.7583 13.3391C10.7583 14.4361 10.7481 15.3179 10.7481 15.5947C10.7481 15.81 10.9018 16.0664 11.312 15.9843C12.9403 15.4346 14.3552 14.3881 15.3576 12.9921C16.36 11.5961 16.8994 9.92095 16.8998 8.20235C16.8998 3.67055 13.2293 0 8.69747 0Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div align="center"> <a href="/ckan/former-members/" rel="noopener" class="btn btn-grey btn-lg"> Our former members </a> </div> <div id="stewards"></div> </div> <div class="container-sm t-center inner-indent"> <h2 class="h1">The CKAN Stewards</h2> <p class="body_extra_large">Datopian and Link Digital are co-stewards of the CKAN project and some of the longest standing contributors to CKAN. They both play key roles in ensuring the CKAN project thrives and delivers the best results for CKAN’s end users and stakeholders.</p> </div> <div class="container inner-indent"> <div class="two-columns"> <div class="two-columns-item"> <div class="member big"> <div class="member-ava"> <img src="/media/images/photo08.scale-100.jpg" alt="photo08.jpg"> </div> <div class="member-info"> <h3 class="h3">Link Digital</h3> <p id="about">Staffed by CKAN experts in Europe and Australia Link Digital provide managed CKAN hosting, support, extension development and theming to clients globally. Established 2001. Also trading as</p> <h4 class="h4" id="represented_by">Represented by Steven De Costa, Executive Director at Link Digital</h4> <ul class="social"> <li> <a id="link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="20" height="16" viewBox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.688 1.89405C18.9636 2.2153 18.1851 2.43243 17.3681 2.53008C18.2021 2.03016 18.8425 1.23857 19.1441 0.295403C18.3637 0.758239 17.4992 1.0944 16.5791 1.27559C15.8423 0.490562 14.7925 0 13.6308 0C11.4 0 9.59144 1.8085 9.59144 4.03914C9.59144 4.35571 9.62724 4.66401 9.69608 4.95963C6.33906 4.79119 3.36278 3.18311 1.37058 0.739371C1.02289 1.33594 0.8237 2.0298 0.8237 2.77003C0.8237 4.17136 1.53686 5.4077 2.62067 6.13202C1.9585 6.11106 1.33572 5.92937 0.791077 5.62684C0.790789 5.64369 0.790789 5.66061 0.790789 5.67761C0.790789 7.63467 2.18311 9.26724 4.03093 9.63825C3.69196 9.73058 3.33513 9.77991 2.9667 9.77991C2.70644 9.77991 2.45338 9.75463 2.20681 9.70746C2.72077 11.3122 4.21248 12.48 5.98 12.5126C4.59761 13.5959 2.85594 14.2417 0.963552 14.2417C0.637543 14.2417 0.315999 14.2226 0 14.1853C1.78754 15.3313 3.91074 16 6.19179 16C13.6214 16 17.6841 9.84515 17.6841 4.50752C17.6841 4.33238 17.6802 4.15818 17.6725 3.98499C18.4616 3.4155 19.1465 2.70407 19.688 1.89405Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.4954 14.4C16.4954 15.2828 15.7781 16 14.9046 16H2.27928C1.40572 16 0.688477 15.2828 0.688477 14.4V1.6C0.688477 0.717241 1.40572 0 2.27928 0H14.9046C15.7873 0 16.4954 0.717241 16.4954 1.6V14.4ZM5.82856 3.90806C5.82856 4.49656 5.39637 4.97472 4.67913 4.97472C4.00787 4.97472 3.57568 4.49656 3.57568 3.90806C3.57568 3.31036 4.02626 2.85059 4.71591 2.85059C5.39637 2.85059 5.81936 3.31036 5.82856 3.90806ZM3.63086 12.6529V5.81151H5.75499V12.6529H3.63086ZM6.97797 5.82072C7.00556 6.43682 7.03314 7.14486 7.03314 8.00004V12.6621H9.15728V8.71728C9.15728 8.52418 9.17567 8.32188 9.23085 8.18394C9.38717 7.78854 9.73659 7.38394 10.3251 7.38394C11.0975 7.38394 11.401 7.98165 11.401 8.86441V12.6621H13.5251V8.61613C13.5251 6.60233 12.4768 5.6644 11.0791 5.6644C9.9297 5.6644 9.24004 6.31728 8.96418 6.76785H8.9274L8.82625 5.82072H6.97797Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.69747 0C4.16567 0 0.495117 3.67055 0.495117 8.20235C0.495117 11.8319 2.84304 14.8975 6.10347 15.9843C6.51359 16.0561 6.66739 15.81 6.66739 15.5947C6.66739 15.3999 6.65713 14.754 6.65713 14.067C4.59629 14.4464 4.06314 13.5646 3.89909 13.1033C3.80682 12.8674 3.40695 12.1395 3.05835 11.9447C2.77127 11.7909 2.36115 11.4115 3.0481 11.4013C3.69403 11.391 4.15542 11.9959 4.30921 12.242C5.04742 13.4826 6.22651 13.134 6.69814 12.9187C6.76992 12.3855 6.98523 12.0267 7.22104 11.8216C5.39602 11.6166 3.48898 10.9091 3.48898 7.77173C3.48898 6.87972 3.80682 6.14151 4.32972 5.56735C4.24769 5.36229 3.96061 4.52155 4.41174 3.39372C4.41174 3.39372 5.09869 3.17841 6.66739 4.23446C7.32357 4.04991 8.02077 3.95763 8.71797 3.95763C9.41517 3.95763 10.1124 4.04991 10.7686 4.23446C12.3373 3.16816 13.0242 3.39372 13.0242 3.39372C13.4753 4.52155 13.1883 5.36229 13.1062 5.56735C13.6291 6.14151 13.947 6.86947 13.947 7.77173C13.947 10.9194 12.0297 11.6166 10.2046 11.8216C10.502 12.078 10.7583 12.5701 10.7583 13.3391C10.7583 14.4361 10.7481 15.3179 10.7481 15.5947C10.7481 15.81 10.9018 16.0664 11.312 15.9843C12.9403 15.4346 14.3552 14.3881 15.3576 12.9921C16.36 11.5961 16.8994 9.92095 16.8998 8.20235C16.8998 3.67055 13.2293 0 8.69747 0Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="two-columns-item"> <div class="member big"> <div class="member-ava"> <img src="/media/images/rufus.scale-100.jpg" alt="rufus.jpg"> </div> <div class="member-info"> <h3 class="h3">Datopian</h3> <p id="about">Datopian are the original creators of CKAN and built the world’s first portals for publishing open data. An international team with combined decades of CKAN expertise they work with organizations of all sizes to design, develop and scale solutions that unlock their data’s potential.</p> <h4 class="h4" id="represented_by">Represented by Rufus Pollock, President at Datopian</h4> <ul class="social"> <li> <a id="link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="20" height="16" viewBox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.688 1.89405C18.9636 2.2153 18.1851 2.43243 17.3681 2.53008C18.2021 2.03016 18.8425 1.23857 19.1441 0.295403C18.3637 0.758239 17.4992 1.0944 16.5791 1.27559C15.8423 0.490562 14.7925 0 13.6308 0C11.4 0 9.59144 1.8085 9.59144 4.03914C9.59144 4.35571 9.62724 4.66401 9.69608 4.95963C6.33906 4.79119 3.36278 3.18311 1.37058 0.739371C1.02289 1.33594 0.8237 2.0298 0.8237 2.77003C0.8237 4.17136 1.53686 5.4077 2.62067 6.13202C1.9585 6.11106 1.33572 5.92937 0.791077 5.62684C0.790789 5.64369 0.790789 5.66061 0.790789 5.67761C0.790789 7.63467 2.18311 9.26724 4.03093 9.63825C3.69196 9.73058 3.33513 9.77991 2.9667 9.77991C2.70644 9.77991 2.45338 9.75463 2.20681 9.70746C2.72077 11.3122 4.21248 12.48 5.98 12.5126C4.59761 13.5959 2.85594 14.2417 0.963552 14.2417C0.637543 14.2417 0.315999 14.2226 0 14.1853C1.78754 15.3313 3.91074 16 6.19179 16C13.6214 16 17.6841 9.84515 17.6841 4.50752C17.6841 4.33238 17.6802 4.15818 17.6725 3.98499C18.4616 3.4155 19.1465 2.70407 19.688 1.89405Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.4954 14.4C16.4954 15.2828 15.7781 16 14.9046 16H2.27928C1.40572 16 0.688477 15.2828 0.688477 14.4V1.6C0.688477 0.717241 1.40572 0 2.27928 0H14.9046C15.7873 0 16.4954 0.717241 16.4954 1.6V14.4ZM5.82856 3.90806C5.82856 4.49656 5.39637 4.97472 4.67913 4.97472C4.00787 4.97472 3.57568 4.49656 3.57568 3.90806C3.57568 3.31036 4.02626 2.85059 4.71591 2.85059C5.39637 2.85059 5.81936 3.31036 5.82856 3.90806ZM3.63086 12.6529V5.81151H5.75499V12.6529H3.63086ZM6.97797 5.82072C7.00556 6.43682 7.03314 7.14486 7.03314 8.00004V12.6621H9.15728V8.71728C9.15728 8.52418 9.17567 8.32188 9.23085 8.18394C9.38717 7.78854 9.73659 7.38394 10.3251 7.38394C11.0975 7.38394 11.401 7.98165 11.401 8.86441V12.6621H13.5251V8.61613C13.5251 6.60233 12.4768 5.6644 11.0791 5.6644C9.9297 5.6644 9.24004 6.31728 8.96418 6.76785H8.9274L8.82625 5.82072H6.97797Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.69747 0C4.16567 0 0.495117 3.67055 0.495117 8.20235C0.495117 11.8319 2.84304 14.8975 6.10347 15.9843C6.51359 16.0561 6.66739 15.81 6.66739 15.5947C6.66739 15.3999 6.65713 14.754 6.65713 14.067C4.59629 14.4464 4.06314 13.5646 3.89909 13.1033C3.80682 12.8674 3.40695 12.1395 3.05835 11.9447C2.77127 11.7909 2.36115 11.4115 3.0481 11.4013C3.69403 11.391 4.15542 11.9959 4.30921 12.242C5.04742 13.4826 6.22651 13.134 6.69814 12.9187C6.76992 12.3855 6.98523 12.0267 7.22104 11.8216C5.39602 11.6166 3.48898 10.9091 3.48898 7.77173C3.48898 6.87972 3.80682 6.14151 4.32972 5.56735C4.24769 5.36229 3.96061 4.52155 4.41174 3.39372C4.41174 3.39372 5.09869 3.17841 6.66739 4.23446C7.32357 4.04991 8.02077 3.95763 8.71797 3.95763C9.41517 3.95763 10.1124 4.04991 10.7686 4.23446C12.3373 3.16816 13.0242 3.39372 13.0242 3.39372C13.4753 4.52155 13.1883 5.36229 13.1062 5.56735C13.6291 6.14151 13.947 6.86947 13.947 7.77173C13.947 10.9194 12.0297 11.6166 10.2046 11.8216C10.502 12.078 10.7583 12.5701 10.7583 13.3391C10.7583 14.4361 10.7481 15.3179 10.7481 15.5947C10.7481 15.81 10.9018 16.0664 11.312 15.9843C12.9403 15.4346 14.3552 14.3881 15.3576 12.9921C16.36 11.5961 16.8994 9.92095 16.8998 8.20235C16.8998 3.67055 13.2293 0 8.69747 0Z" fill="#777777"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> 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