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"default": false, "min_version": 6.0, "max_version": 7.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 5", "slug": "fx5", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 5.0, "max_version": 6.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 4", "slug": "fx4", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 4.0, "max_version": 5.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 117", "slug": "fx117", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": -1.0, "max_version": 1.0, "visible": false}]}, "platforms": {"firefox": [{"name": "Linux", "slug": "linux", "visible": true}, {"name": "Mac", "slug": "mac", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows XP", "slug": "winxp", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows 7/Vista", "slug": "win7", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows 8", "slug": "win8", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows 10", "slug": "win10", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows 11", "slug": "win11", "visible": true}]}} </script> <h3 class="sidebar-subheading force-top-margin">Customize this article</h3> 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Languages</a></li> <li><a href="">What's New</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h1 class="sumo-page-heading">Take screenshots in Firefox</h1> </div> </header> <article class="wiki-doc"> <div id="document_metadata" class="has-border-bottom"> <span class="product tooltip-container"> Firefox <span class="tooltip">Firefox</span> </span> <span class="last-updated"> <img class="pencil" src="" /> <strong>Last updated:</strong> <span class="time"> 10 hours ago </span> </span> </div> <section id="doc-content" class="document--content "> <p>You can take screenshots to capture visible parts of web pages, or even full web pages, and copy or save these images. </p> <div id="toc"><h2>Table of Contents</h2><ul><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_how-do-i-take-a-screenshot"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">How do I take a screenshot?</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_what-types-of-screenshots-can-i-capture"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">What types of screenshots can I capture?</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_how-do-i-use-a-screenshot"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">How do I use a screenshot?</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_keyboard-accessibility"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">Keyboard accessibility</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_what-data-does-firefox-screenshots-collect"><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">What data does Firefox Screenshots collect?</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_can-i-opt-out-of-data-collection"><span class="tocnumber">6</span> <span class="toctext">Can I opt out of data collection?</span></a></li></ul></div> <h1 id="w_how-do-i-take-a-screenshot">How do I take a screenshot?</h1> <p>To take a screenshot: </p> <ol><li><span class="for" data-for="win,linux">Right-click</span><span class="for" data-for="mac">Hold down the <span class="key">Control</span> key while you click</span> on an empty part of the page to open the context menu. </li><li>Select <span class="menu">Take Screenshot</span>. </li></ol> <p>Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut <span class="for" data-for="win,linux"><span class="key">Ctrl</span> + <span class="key">Shift</span> + <span class="key">S</span></span><span class="for" data-for="mac"><span class="key">command</span> + <span class="key">shift</span> + <span class="key">S</span></span>. </p> <div class="note"> <p><strong>Tip:</strong> You can also <a href="/en-US/kb/customize-firefox-controls-buttons-and-toolbars">customize your Firefox toolbar</a> to add a Screenshot button: </p> <ol><li>Click the menu button <img alt="Fx89menuButton" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title="">, click <span class="menu">More Tools</span> and choose <span class="menu">Customize Toolbar…</span> <ul><li>A special tab opens, where you can drag and drop items in or out of the overflow menu and the toolbar. </li></ul> </li><li>Drag the Screenshot <img alt="Fx88Customize-ScreenshotButton" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> item to wherever you like in the toolbar. </li><li>Click <span class="button">Done</span>. </li></ol> </div> <h1 id="w_what-types-of-screenshots-can-i-capture">What types of screenshots can I capture?</h1> <p>There are several options for capturing screenshots: </p> <ul><li><strong>Select a region of the page:</strong> Click and drag on the page to select a custom region of the page that you wish to capture. After selecting a region, you can still change the size and area to be captured using the marker points on the edge of the area. </li><li><strong>Select a part of the page automatically:</strong> When you move the mouse cursor over the page, different parts of the page will be automatically highlighted. Click on the one you want to capture. After choosing a part, you can also change the size and area to be captured using the marker points around the area. </li><li><strong>Capture the full page:</strong> Select <span class="button">Save full page</span> in the upper right corner. </li><li><strong>Capture the visible part of the page:</strong> Select <span class="button">Save visible</span> in the upper right corner to capture the currently visible area of the web page. </li></ul> <h1 id="w_how-do-i-use-a-screenshot">How do I use a screenshot?</h1> <p>After selecting what to capture, you will have the following options: </p> <dl><dt><img alt="Fx108-Screenshot-DownloadCopyCancel" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </dt></dl> <ul><li><strong>Download as image file:</strong> Click the <span class="button">Download</span> button to save the screenshot as an image file, named <span class="pref"><code>Screenshot <em>year</em>-<em>month</em>-<em>day</em> at <em>hour</em>-<em>minute</em>-<em>second</em> <em>Page title</em>.png</code></span>. The file will be saved in the same folder you use as <a href="/en-US/kb/where-find-and-manage-downloaded-files-firefox">Firefox's default download location</a>. </li></ul> <dl><dt>You can also use the keyboard shortcut <span class="button">Cmd</span> + <span class="button">S</span> for macOS and <span class="button">Ctrl</span> + <span class="button">S</span> Windows and Linux to save the screenshot as an image file. </dt></dl> <ul><li><strong>Copy to clipboard:</strong> Click the <span class="button">Copy</span> button to copy the image on your clipboard and paste it into any application later. </li></ul> <dl><dt>You can also use the keyboard shortcut <span class="button">Cmd</span> + <span class="button">C</span> for macOS and <span class="button">Ctrl</span> + <span class="button">C</span> for Windows and Linux to copy the image on your clipboard. </dt></dl> <ul><li><strong>Cancel:</strong> Click the <span class="button">X</span> button to discard the screenshot. You can also use the <span class="key">Esc</span> key to cancel. </li></ul> <h1 id="w_keyboard-accessibility">Keyboard accessibility</h1> <div class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> moving the crosshair does not work on Wayland.</div> <p><strong>When the screenshots UI opens, the crosshairs can be moved with the arrow keys:</strong> </p> <ul><li>Move crosshair left 1 pixel - left arrow </li><li>Move crosshair up 1 pixel - up arrow </li><li>Move crosshair right 1 pixel - right arrow </li><li>Move crosshair down 1 pixel - down arrow </li></ul> <p><strong>Using arrow keys with shift</strong> </p> <ul><li>Move crosshair left 10 pixel - shift + left arrow </li><li>Move crosshair up 10 pixel - shift + up arrow </li><li>Move crosshair right 10 pixel - shift + right arrow </li><li>Move crosshair down 10 pixel - shift + down arrow </li></ul> <p><strong>Start/stop a selection</strong> </p> <ul><li>Start/end selecting a region - space bar </li><li>Select the current hovered region - Enter *if there is no hovered region, Enter will behave like space bar </li></ul> <p><strong>To resize the selection region, the corners of the selected region and the selected region itself can be focused and moved via the keyboard:</strong> </p> <ul><li>Move corner/region left 1 pixel - left arrow </li><li>Move corner/region up 1 pixel - up arrow </li><li>Move corner/region right 1 pixel - right arrow </li><li>Move corner/region down 1 pixel - down arrow </li></ul> <p><strong>Using arrow keys with shift:</strong> </p> <ul><li>Move corner/region left 10 pixel - shift + left arrow </li><li>Move corner/region up 10 pixel - shift + up arrow </li><li>Move corner/region right 10 pixel - shift + right arrow </li><li>Move corner/region down 10 pixel - shift + down arrow </li></ul> <p><strong>Using arrow keys with ctrl/cmd</strong> </p> <ul><li>Move corner/region to left edge of viewport - ctrl/cmd + left arrow </li><li>Move corner/region to top edge of viewport - ctrl/cmd + up arrow </li><li>Move corner/region to right edge of viewport - ctrl/cmd + right arrow </li><li>Move corner/region to bottom edge of viewport - ctrl/cmd + down arrow </li></ul> <h1 id="w_what-data-does-firefox-screenshots-collect">What data does Firefox Screenshots collect?</h1> <p>Firefox Screenshots collects event data in a manner consistent with the <a href="">Firefox Browser Privacy Notice</a>. We collect this data to learn how people use Screenshots so that we can make it better for everyone. We only collect interaction data such as using the “Copy” button or using the “Save full page” button. We never collect data such as the url or details of the image captured. You can view all the events that we capture in <a href="">the telemetry portal here</a>. </p> <h1 id="w_can-i-opt-out-of-data-collection">Can I opt out of data collection?</h1> <p>Definitely. Screenshots consists of a web-based component and a browser-based component. Firefox’s Settings are undergoing a remodel, so disabling metrics works slightly differently depending on which version of Firefox you’re using. </p><p><strong>Disabling add-on data collection</strong> </p> <ol><li><span class="for" data-for="mac">In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click <span class="menu">Firefox</span> and then select <span class="menu">Preferences</span> or <span class="menu">Settings</span>, depending on your macOS version.</span><span class="for" data-for="win,linux">Click the menu button <img alt="Fx89menuButton" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> and select <span class="menu">Settings</span>.</span> </li><li>Click the <span class="menu">Privacy & Security</span> panel. </li><li>Go to the <em>Firefox Data Collection and Use</em> section. </li><li>Uncheck the <strong>Allow Firefox to send technical and interaction data to Mozilla</strong> checkbox. </li></ol> <p><strong>Disabling website data collection</strong> </p><p>Screenshots respects your browser’s <em>Do Not Track</em> setting to determine whether or not to collect website data. This applies to Firefox as well as other browsers that support Do Not Track. </p> <ol><li><span class="for" data-for="mac">In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click <span class="menu">Firefox</span> and then select <span class="menu">Preferences</span> or <span class="menu">Settings</span>, depending on your macOS version.</span><span class="for" data-for="win,linux">Click the menu button <img alt="Fx89menuButton" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> and select <span class="menu">Settings</span>.</span> </li><li>Select the <span class="menu">Privacy & Security</span> panel. </li><li>Set the <strong>Send websites a “Do Not Track” signal that you don’t want to be tracked</strong> toggle to <strong>Always</strong>. </li></ol> </section> <p class="share-link"> <br/> Share this article: <a href=""></a> </p> </article> <section class="sumo-page-section hide-on-large"> <div class="document-vote elevation-01 text-center"> <form class="document-vote--form helpful" action="/en-US/kb/take-screenshots-firefox/vote" method="post"> <input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='pGrMIQcdTnH6vI1pjNEx3OdSMjxXYx0FG2uqDCNO9cYQMwlmzZkx9kVeclaS0ZcN' /> <h4 class="document-vote--heading">Was this article helpful?</h4> <div class="document-vote--buttons"> <input type="hidden" name="revision_id" value="289018" /> <input type="hidden" name="source" value="footer" /> <button type="submit" class="btn helpful-button" name="helpful"><span class="hidden-text">Yes</span>👍</button> <button type="submit" class="btn not-helpful-button" name="not-helpful"><span class="hidden-text">No</span>👎</button> <img class="wait" src="" alt="Please wait..." /> </div> </form> </div> </section> <section id="doc-contributors" class="document--contributors sumo-page-section"> <p class="help-title text-body-md">These fine people helped write this article:</p> <div class="document--contributors-list text-body-xs"><a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/AliceWyman/">AliceWyman</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/philipp/">philipp</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/underpass/">Underpass</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Tonnes/">Tonnes</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/michro/">Michele Rodaro</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Goofy_BZ/">Goofy</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Tanner/">tanner</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Noah_SUMO/">NoahSUMO</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/TyDraniu/">TyDraniu</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/soucet/">soucet</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Mozinet/">Mozinet</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/ComputerWhiz/">Wesley Branton</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/heyjoni/">Joni</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Artist/">Artist</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/plwt/">Paul</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/marcelo.ghelman/">Marcelo Ghelman</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Lamont287/">Lamont Gardenhire</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/peregrin.hendley/">PGGWriter</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/ruihildt/">rui</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Fabi.L/">Fabi</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/dgalindo/">Dayani Lucia G.F.</a></div> </section> <section class="sumo-page-section"> <div class="card card--callout is-full-width has-moz-headings"> <div class="card--callout-wrap-narrow"> <img class="card--feature-img" src="" alt="Illustration of hands" /> <div class="card--details"> <h3 class="card--title">Volunteer</h3> <p class="card--desc">Grow and share your expertise with others. 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